The Demon's Gift

Story by Gnarus on SoFurry

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The Demon's Gift

By Gnarus Krag

The ringing in Adam's ears would not stop as he rolled from his back to his side. He squirmed a little in pain, his body aching all over despite the lack of any noticeable injuries. The room seemed to spin as he stared up at the ceiling drowned in red-orange light as shadows danced across it.

Adam was on his back, staring up at the ceiling as he tried to remember what had just happened. He could remember coming home that night after a few drinks with some of his friends from class, he opened a book he had on the coffee table and then - what?

Candles. He had lit candles for some reason. The glow around him gave him a start as he rose to sit up. He turned quickly to see if he had caused a fire, but the candles were still there in place. They were anchored to each point of the diagram he had drawn on the tiled floor using chalk. But the candles were no longer the only thing that stood in that circle. There was a figure in the middle standing tall and proud. Why there would be a man in his apartment was beyond him.

It was no man who stood in the center of the summoning circle, though, it was something else. He was big, head and shoulders taller than Adam. He was wide too. Yet there did not seem to be a single ounce of fat on his body. Most notably, his skin was crimson red. It stretched over muscles, veins pushing up to help give him a sinewy look.

Thin, dark hair covered the beast's arms, chest and legs, it even made a thin trail down his rippling abdomen and to his crotch. There hung an impressive slab of man meat. Red, like the rest of his body, the cock hung low and fat, despite being fully flaccid at the moment.

A loose foreskin hung over the thick glans concealed within. The foreskin gathered below the glans, obscuring them from site. Underneath his cock hung an impressive pair of balls. They hung like weighted, oversized golf balls and rested against his thighs. They were the only part of the beast's body to be completely smooth.

The attribute Adam noticed most were the horns that grew out of what was obviously a demon. Much like a ram's, they curled backwards then forwards, ending in tips that pointed towards Adam. They were segmented and bumpy, and glossy, jet black to boot. They mounted to the demon's head which was shaved clean of hair.

The demon had a perpetual smirk on his face, his teeth bright white and sharp. Every single one of them were. His ears were pointed at the ends like an elf's would be, each lobe pierced with a thick, black tooth from some unknown beast.

The demon's face was angular and masculine with not a trace of hair to be found. His eyes were inhuman though. There was no iris, no pupil either. They were just white and glowed in the dim light. Despite having no color, those eyes still drilled into Adam as he scrambled to get to his feet.

He found his muscles did not work properly.

"W...who...what are you!?" He cried out at last, not noticing until know just how fast his heart was beating.

The demon just laughed though. "I'm your guardian angel." He said in a sarcastic tone. His voice was deep and rich, almost melodic to Adam's ears. Dare he say, almost welcoming.

Adam realized how stupid his question had been. Of course he knew what this thing was. Though he still did not know who. He had simply been too surprised the summoning ritual had worked. At last, he picked himself up and stood with his arms crossed over his chest, admiring what he had just accomplished.

"I can't believe it worked." He said to himself and felt his lips curl into a small smile. Now he just had to think of something to do with this demon. If the book was any indication, he had complete control over him. He placed his palms together, his hands raised to his mouth as he thought.

"Raise your right hand." He said with a firm voice and was surprised when the demon complied. "Now your left." The demon shot his left arm up as well, both of his pits covered in a dense forest of soft, black hairs.

Paul felt giddy and powerful at the same time. He had never truly been in control of anything before, let alone of another being. He told himself to remain calm though, there was no use letting this kind of power get to one's head.

"Lower your arms." He said and the demon dropped them to his side. Adam slowly approached the circle and walked around it, examining the demon front to back. The creature looked like he was made of all muscle and bone. Like he could hold up well in a fight if anybody ever tried to mess with Adam.

He stopped in front of the demon and stared into those eyes again. He could feel them staring right back at him, or maybe they were staring through him. They looked to be an endless sea of white that could even pierce through lead.

"Step forward." It was not Adam that gave the order this time. It was the demon.

Somehow though, Adam felt compelled to follow. As though he had lost all control of his legs, he stepped forward into the circle and remained there, frozen. A part of his mind screamed for him to look away, to step back and regain control of his creation. Another part of his mind caused him to grin stupidly as he lost himself in those eyes.

He could feel the demon's hands on his chest, stroking down as a sharp claw drug along his button up shirt, snapping off each of the buttons. Adam's smooth chest was exposed to the demon now, who pushed the shirt back off his shoulder and watched it fall to the floor.

Adam was nowhere near the muscular god this demon was. He had very little tone to his muscles and his stomach was flat. His skin was even pasty, but it was just the beginning of spring after all. His chest rose and fell with each breath, breathing in through his nose, then out through his mouth. He could smell the lust in the demon before him.

His mind still fought though. He managed to blink after a moment, he even managed to look away before being compelled to look back. He had to regain control before the demon did whatever he was trying to do. It frustrated him to no end that so much of his body had already given in completely.

The demon snapped button on Adam's jeans and as soon as the zipper was pulled down, they fell into a pile at his ankles. He was left in only a pair of dark green underwear - tighter and skimpier than a pair of boxer briefs, but not quite as small as briefs.

The demon's hand pressed against the bulge the underwear made. They were cut in such a way as to accent that bulge, make it look bigger than it really was. Adam had not known he was already half hard until his cock grew against the fabric and pressed into the demon's palm. He let out a whimper, one eye watering as a tear dripped down his cheek.

The demon just kept that smug grin on his face, his mouth hanging open enough to let a long, thin tongue hang out just slightly. It was not forked like most pictures had shown, but it was pointed at the end and the way it move seemed prehensile. A bit of drool ran down the tip and dripped somewhere unseen by Adam as he gulped.

He heard his underwear tear and felt little pressure on his skin as they were ripped away, exposing him to the cool air of his apartment. That part of his mind now grew louder, screaming for him to run as far and as fast as he could. He even managed to get a foot to slide back, almost out of the circle before the demon shook his head.

"Now now, Master." He said that title in a mocking tone. "You can't leave the summoning circle just yet. I still have plans for a cute boy like yourself." The demon laughed, grabbing at Adams hips and placing him only inches away from his muscular form.

Adam moved his lips, soundlessly mouthing a protest and a plea before he felt the demon's hand on his cock. His hand was far warmer than any human's would ever be and it felt so soft. He clenched his teeth and stifled a moan as he felt his cock jump back to life. All five and a half inches standing proudly before him.

The demon drew his tongue across Adams face and he tried to winced. But as the tongue slid across his lips, they opened up and allowed the appendage in. The flavor was indescribable. It was not unpleasant, it tasted almost musky and heady. Adam found himself sucking on the slimy, wet tongue as his eyes drifted shut.

He leaned in as the tongue retreated and slipped back out from his lips, giving a whimper. Occupied by that heavenly - or hellish, rather - tongue, he did not noticed the demon grabbing his own, still flaccid dick in his hand and holding the base.

He lifted it up and pressed the tip of the foreskin to Adam's smaller cock. A warmth enveloped the man's glans as the foreskin fit around them, somehow tightening against his flesh. The inside was wet and slick, precum dripping out from around his cock as he inched his way into that foreskin.

Adam was surprised how far he went, and yet he still felt no pressure back against him from the demon's cock head. It was not long before his entire penis was engulfed inside the demon's prepuce.

When Adam looked back up, he was only inches away from the demon's face, his lips practically touching the other male's. He leaned in the rest of the way, giving in to his lust as he pressed his lips against the demon's and kissed him passionately.

The demon held his sides, his sharp claws digging into the human's skin as held the man's dick inside his foreskin. His tongue snaked back out, wiggling inside of his captive's mouth as he let the human taste even more of his intoxicating silva.

Adam proved to be stronger willed than the demon had thought though. Even though his hips were thrusting back and forth as he fucked into the demon's foreskin, he was still fighting the battle raging inside of his mind. With one last burst of defiance, he willed himself to break free.

Adam pushed himself back, out of the circle as the demon tried to grab ahold of him once again. He managed to step just out of reach of those clawed hands and was surprised when the demon walked no further than the edge of the circle.

"Such a strong human you are." The demon said, his grin turned into an ugly snarl. "The strongest one I've encountered yet. But if you don't give yourself to me, you will live to regret it." The demon clenched his fists and tried his best to stare down his escaped captive.

Adam chuckled in defiance and shook his head. "I don't think so, Demon, you are mine. I brought you to this world and I can send you straight back to hell!" He took a step forward to emphasis he was no longer afraid when he felt something wet slap against his thigh.

Adam looked down with surprise as he saw his member dangling between his balls. They looked puny down compared to the size of his dick. It was something he had always been ashamed about, the size of his penis, but now he was bigger. Much bigger. The size of the demon himself!

Adam tentatively reached down to touch his new cock, stroking it from the base to the tip which was now covered in a loose foreskin. It made the touch so much more exhilarating. Adam even shivered as he ran his finger around the new skin.

A sharp feeling coursed through his body and it took Adam several seconds to realize it was pleasure. His hand clasped around his member which seem to go from limp and soft to steely hard in an instant. He lost all control of his body long enough to fall to his knees, holding himself up with on hand as the other wildly stroked his cock.

Precum sprayed from the tip onto the floor like a ribbon of cum would shoot out when he had not masturbated for several days. He lifted up his head and let out a cry of pure, unadulterated lust as he looked up to the demon in front of him.

"What. Did. You. Do?" He said very slowly between whimpers and moans. Why did it feel so good to stroke his cock? He swore he could feel the pleasure in every inch of his body.

"I gave you a lust only I can satiate." The demon replied with a sinister laugh. He was still playing with his own member, running his fingers along the stretchy prepuce as he dipped each one in one after the other.

Adam watched, mesmerized by the scene. He wanted to stand up, to present himself to that demon. The foreskin looked so inviting, so tight, so warm. The more he thought about it, the harder his dick seemed to get.

He gripped his member hard enough to slide the foreskin back, then forward over his glans again. The feeling made him shiver. He tried his hardest to stop this act of lust. He tried to stand up and walk away from the demon. He wanted to be free of this situation altogether. He wanted shove his dick as far into that foreskin as he possibly could.

With lustful abandon, he stood up and grabbed the demon's cock, slapping away his hand before he pressed the foreskin against his own and slid in. Despite the new girth and length of his member, he still fit his cock all the way into the foreskin without ever hitting the demon's cockhead. It was only a brief, curious thought before his mind was lost to lust.

Those lips met his again and pressed against the demon, somehow feeling the most comfortable he had ever been. He could taste the demon's silva as the tongue pressed into his awaiting mouth and he suckled gently on it. He hardly noticed the demon taking slow steps backward into the center of the circle, he was only concerned with pleasure now.

What a pleasure it was too.

His hips rolled back and forth, pulling his new cock out then pushing it back into that hungry foreskin. He could feel the demon's hands around him, rubbing up and down his shirt as a wave of heat washed over him. He could feel something building inside of him, a pressure that urged him to act out his lust.

The walls of the demon's foreskin were smooth and hot, it even rippled with unseen muscles as it pulled him in with each thrust. It was like a thousand tiny hands massaging his thick cock, urging him to cum. His precum slicked the walls of the demon's foreskin, allowing Adam to thrust wildly.

His balls ached with the need to cum, his body shuddered and shivered while simultaneously he sweated. His moans of pleasure were muffled by the demon's mouth as he felt that long, slick tongue tickling the back of his throat.

Adam opened his eyes, staring into the white eyes of the demon before him. He was no longer afraid, no longer unwilling to submit to this god of a creature. The demon reached his hand down to his cock, squeezing Adam's maleness through the foreskin, adding just that much more tightness.

Adam broke the kiss and lifted his head up, screaming to the ceiling in pleasure. He thrust his hips forward, burring his cock into the demon's prepuce down to the root. The heat around them erupted in intensity, encircling flame sparking from the floor. They enveloped the demon and the human as Adam orgasmed.

He could feel his cock swelling, throbbing against those hot, slick walls. His seed sprayed in thick, hot ribbons and flowed steadily out of his cock. More cum than he had ever released in his life sprayed from that new cock of his; more cum than should even be possible. He was lifted up to the high of sexual intercourse and kept there.

It was agonizing, thrilling and pleasureful. Adam did not want it to end. The flames around them swirled in a tight circle, closing in on them as Adam felt the rest of his clothing being burned away. He could feel the heat on his skin, but there was no pain. In fact, the hotter the flames became, the more comfortable he felt.

His skin was turning a bright red before it slowly dimmed in color. He could feel the nails on his fingers and toes growing as they thickened and turned glossy black. Still, his orgasm continue on and on. He barely noticed any of the changes in his body.

Muscles bulged under his new crimson skin. Each flex adding another layer of musculature over the last. His bones cracked and reformed, pushing him taller than he had been, though not as tall as the demon before him. Even his balls seemed to be weightier as they grew to soft-ball sized, his heavy nuts dangling inside.

The seconds turned to minutes as he felt his orgasm slowly starting to ebb. It was then he felt a pressure at his temples. The skin split and Adam clenched his teeth as he let out a yelp of pain. Two horns grew out the side of his skull, both horns short and curved, ending in sharp points. They were white at the tip and faded into a jet black by the midpoint, the color continuing down to the root of his horns.

His orgasm stopped and he fell against the demon, resting his head on that red, hairy chest. He panted softly, the raging inferno around them still intensifying. Not that he cared, he was happy to be near the demon, to be held by him.

With a sudden burst of heat, the flames dispersed. Adam lifted his head up to look around what had been his apartment. Now, it was stone structure with wide, octagonal columns that held the roof aloft. The two of them stood on the dais of some sort of temple. It was dark inside, only a few torches lighting along the main aisle.

"Welcome home, my son." The demon said at last and Adam's limp member slid out of the demon's prepuce.

Adam looked around, still a little confused at the ever shrinking portion of his old mind tried to cope with the new surroundings. As the memories of his old life faded, though, the new memories filled in the holes.

Soon, he was looking up at the demon before him with a grin on his face, showing off a lovely set of sharp teeth.

"Thank you, Dad." The Adam said as he rubbed one hand against his father's chest. He stepped in, raising up on his toes as he gave his dad another, passionate kiss. He could vaguely remember something about a short, skinny kid who seemed frightened beyond belief. The thought evaporated away as Adam settled into his new life.