Day to Love

Story by FalconMage on SoFurry

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This is a continuation story from Night to Love. Well, Speedy wanted another story with Falcon being buff and whatnot. Soo... here's the final product. Sorry, my professional exams have been killing me and I've been in active with writing lately. So, yeah... anyways, read and enjoy!

Day to love

I looked into the mirror, staring at myself absentmindedly. A splitting image of a muscled snow leopard followed the doppelganger. Each movement that I made, it was followed by the shadow. Sighing a little, I braved the waters and flexed my arms. Eyes closed as tightly as I could but continued to make poses. I wasn't even watching myself! It felt like I was doing some muscle poses for an invisible audience; I don't mind actually.

Truth be told, I was afraid to look at myself. It has been about a year or so that I've been Speedy's mate and I have no regrets about it. When he first offered me to stay at his place, I never decline and ever since then, I've been here; living, eating, sleeping, hanging and crapping, all in this dorm. Of course, there were a few awkward moments with the initial roommate but all in all, we got along well enough.

Since I was living under Speedy's roof, that massive tiger has been dragging me all the way to the gym constantly, without fail. I'm not for one to actually condone going to the gym but it has been taking away some 'me' time. Truth be told, being in the gym was considered as a 'me' time. Every time I'm in the gym, I would get a better glimpse of how Speedy turned into such a sexy hunk. Each time he raised a dumbbell, more iron was pumped into his battered body, earning an extra bulge of muscle. Not to mention getting to know him better.

There were a few stuff that I'm still new to Speedy but as time pass by, a little point of fact about the tiger was revealed to me but I could care less about his flaws. As long as I love him, I couldn't be bothered with his weaknesses. What's more, the tiger actually made me into quite a muscular hunk too. W-ell... not so much as a body builder but much to go by.

As I stood there in front of the mirror, I finally had the much needed courage to flex away. There I stood, both biceps flexed, spreading my leg out a little to stabilize myself. It's not as big as Speedy but what would you expect from one year training? Quickly changing to another pose, I got a better view from the side. I purred with contentment at how large I've become. Sighing to myself, I relaxed my body, cracking a few knuckles and cranking my neck to a comfortable position.

Just when I was about to pack my stuff and head on over for lunch, two large paw wrapped itself around my chest, hugging tightly. My body stifled momentarily as my paws grab hold on to the intruder. Those grips were hard... really hard... and... it actually felt familiar. Those touches reminded me of someone and... Speedy!

I was over the moon when the tiger spoke to confirm his presence in the room, "Hey sweety." A soft kiss landed on top of my head, eliciting a few purrs of happiness. Looks like someone is back from his classes and I was just about to head on over for lunch by myself. As his arms were coiled around my body, I felt secure and protected from all elements. I've never felt this way for so long before. Throughout this year of being together as mates, I never left his side for anything else. Well, that's beside the point of going to classes and meeting off with friends. Regardless, he always came back to me and I'm forever grateful for that.

Sighing to myself, I nuzzled under his muzzle with my head, purring even louder. Every time he did this to me, I felt significant in his life, like I have a meaning to his existence. Actually, both of us were important to each other and no one could ever split us apart. Speedy closed his eyes and hugged across my chest even tighter, giving death like grip.

It was comfortable for a moment but soon, it was too much. "Speedy! Too hard! Mew! Speedy!

"Oh! Oh! Uh... I'm sorry!" The tiger apologized hastily.

His grip loosened up a little and I finally got the breath. Giving off another round of sigh, I was content with my position. His arms around me, pulling close in a lover's embrace, cuddling and enjoying each other's comfort... His callous paw travelling southwards...

Wait... south...?

My senses were jolted up from its slumber when a hard grope was pressed on to my underwear. I yipped loudly but that didn't stop Speedy from making another advance move, which I'm more than happy to receive because his other paw had left my shoulder and was slowly caressing along my butt cheeks. If I had eyes behind my back, I would say that this tiger was far too horny for comfort, not to mention growling lust for meat.

"Honey... let's get lunch... I'm hungry..." I purred absent mindedly, "And I'm sure that you're hun...hung...hunGRY!" The last syllable of my words were spluttered out when Speedy had his grubby paws in my pants, man handling my cock like it's a slab of meat for sale.

"Shush... you're hungry... you're hungry for tiger meat, aren't ya'?"

"Mew..." I meowed softly, "Does the tiger meat comes with a few side dish?"

Speedy chuckled and licked on my ears, flattening the fur out. His tongue was rough and he's an excellent groomer. Since most felines generally groom themselves, it was just natural for the larger feline to do so. However, in Speedy's case, this wasn't any normal grooming but rather, a show of dominance. I've known this move for quite a while now ever since the first few weeks of mating. Oh, he would do it so often. Nibbling and nomming harmlessly against my flesh while his tongue worked all over my neck, portraying a sense of dominance towards his bitch, towards his female but in this case, to a male.

As his tongue lashes obscenely, his hot breath fumed all over my back like an enraged dragon, ready to pounce on its prey. My fur began to stand on end but not from the chill, rather, from the anticipation of what's gonna come up next. I've been yearning for his passionate love throughout the whole day since he had a morning class; he was the first to get off from bed. Chuckling to myself, my thoughts began to wonder off to recent events of our journey.

"So, does the widdle kitty want some side dishes along his tiger meat?"

"Mm... do I ever. You do know that you've been leaving me all alone this morning, right?"

"Aww... me sowwy..." He cooed like a little baby, "Let me make it up to you."

"And how are you going to do that?" I interjected quickly.

"With a little of this," his paw grabbed hold of my cock, giving few strokes of pleasure, "and probably some of this," this time, other paw groped and molest against my butt cheeks, "How about it?"

I nearly screamed and went into hyper drive as his paws were touching at places that obviously turned me on without fail. Eyes dilated over and my body slumped back, falling lifelessly on to the tiger. As the larger feline gently caressed against my hard earned body, I began to slowly flex a little from side to side, trying to do my part in seduction. Apparently, it worked like a charm. Speedy turned me around and I was facing right in front of him. I finally saw his face and smiled right at him. He was handsome... how do I put it... um... he's just handsome. Yeah, that's the best way to describe him; period.

"Let's say we skip lunch and do something else?"

I looked at him with a goofy grin, "Oh? Like what?"

"How about... doing something that involves the bed? Doesn't that sound nice?"

"Like fucking?" An eyebrow went up.

"Yeah, fucking."

Oh my... direct and precise... right to the point.

"But I'm hungwy..." I took his paw and pets on my muscled abs, "Can't you hear is growl in need for food?"

"Nope but I do hear the growl of need in your cock." Speedy had his fingers against my cock tip, brushing lightly on the head, "This or food?"

Holy fuck... he knows how to push my buttons. Every time we mated and fucked, he would do something that's unexpected and new to me. Even now, he was playing with my cock like a little toy. By this time around, it was as hard as a rock and I highly doubt that it had any intention to go down any time soon. I raised my paw up and caressed against his chest, purring lightly, playing with his hard nubs. "Alright, you win. Me wants to get fucked."

"Good answer cause... I was thinking of using... this." Speedy took a few steps away from me, heading over to his bag and fished out an object that was foreign to me. Actually, it's not that foreign since I've seen it in stores and on the internet but this has definitely brought up a whole new level of sexual stimulation.

"Is that what I think it is?" I spluttered out.

"Yes, it's what you think it is," the tiger took the object and uses the tip of it to gently caress against my cock, going down slightly till it met my balls, "I got this from the store at a good price. I've had my eyes on it for quite a while now."

"You've had eyes on a dildo for quite some time?"

The said item pulled off from my ball sac and Speedy licked at it, sniffing and enjoying the scent of rubber. It wasn't big or anything but substantial. It looked like any ordinary cock dildo but it seems that I was wrong. Just when Speedy was about to suck on it, he clicked on hidden and lo and behold, that fucking dildo was vibrating! It was practically shaking and buzzing as the device was brought to life.

My heart squealed with joy at the purchase. Looks like I'm going to get some hard fucking today, by a fucking vibrator. "I think I fell in love with it already." I swooned.

"Hey hey, this is just for special kinks and this is nothing compared to the real thing." The large tiger patted my rump like it was a big teddy bear.

"Aww... but that's what I'm gonna use when you're not around to fuck me."

"Definitely. This'll loosen you up in more ways than one but don't you forget which one is better. For all I know," Speedy pushed me over to the bed, looming right above me, handling that dildo right up to my nose, "You're my best fuck mate ever."

I blushed hotly at his comment. For all the hours and days that I've spent with him, Speedy is one heck of a lover. The level of lust and passion that was built in him satisfies anyone with a high sex drive. Problem: I'm not too sure if I'm able to handle that much virility. However, I've gone through a grueling process of building up my body and by now, its more than able to handle his passionate lust. His barreled chest was placed perfectly against mine and as he continues to tease my whole body.

The tiger looked at his wonderful purchase of sex toy and turned it on with a push of a button, bringing it to life. It shook and hummed silently under his paw and from my perspective; Speedy had that horny grin plastered all over his face again. I gulped my own saliva down before licking lips, showing my eagerness and lust for what was to come. I was definitely more than eager to give that fake cock a test drive and from the looks of it, Speedy had the same thought too. Staring at that lookalike cock, it wasn't that large as I expected it to be but rather, on the average size. Nothing unusual about it since it was just an ordinary vibrator. I'm not too sure if Speedy was in to different kinks of cock sizes since different species has different kind of shapes and pleasure points.

Soon, the tiger placed the tip of that vibrating toy on to my chest. I moaned desperately as it touches my hot fur, muscles flexing underneath my body, squirming like fish in distress. Shit! What the fuck just happened or rather... the feeling... I've never experienced or actually played with any sex toys before and this would be a first for me. As it rumbled and shook across my body, my fur began to stand on end, eliciting wonderful purrs of ecstasy. Both of my paws were clawing the air like a little kitten, rolling and squirming on my back.

No amount of words could describe the wonderful pleasure of getting teased up by this little contraption. I don't know what's so great about it but it's doing one heck of a job to my body. Speedy continued to rub and molest against my chest, moving down slowly with ease, vibrator in paw. Soft little quakes rippled through my fur and skin underneath, pushing my hormones up to another level. Moaning in bliss and ecstasy, my paws began to fondle over to my fully erected cock. It was jutting out in an obscene manner but who would care about it, right?

I know that Speedy's not complaining. In fact, he was encouraging it even more. His eyes were fixated upon my shaft while he continued to travel all over my rippled body. As I shuddered and moan like a bitch in heat, I tried my best to stay calm and collected. It was a hard challenge though because the massive tiger below me had something else planned out. Since my cock began to throb silently under Speedy's breath, the striped feline couldn't take it anymore. He opened his mouth and took my cock whole. His lips pursed tightly along the head before enveloping the rest of it.

My vision was blasted with thousands of fireworks as the shaft was taken in. The tiger's sand papery tongue had just the right amount of pleasure that could make me cum within minutes but I was more in control compared to last time. He bobbed his head up and down, suckling like a little cub but Speedy wasn't just any cub, he was mine.... Head was thrown back on to the pillow, claws digging in deep into the bed; all these happened at once but you know what could make this even better? A fucking vibrator humming underneath your tail hole.

My eyes bolted right up and I screamed out loud. I didn't care if my voice woke every fucking fur within the vicinity but all I know right now is the immeasurable amount that I was receiving from the other end. "Fuck! Speedy! Oh god! You're fucking me so good!"

My voice croaked incoherently. Looking to the side, my digital clock had displayed an all too familiar kind of number: 2:15PM. Oh fuck! It's two in the afternoon! No wonder I'm hungry!

"Sweety! As much as I love to keep this going but I'm hungry... and... the stall is going to close in half an hour..." I whined with ears splayed behind my head.

"Fuck food..." He cussed vehemently, "I'm going to fuck you and that's that..." The tiger licked at the underside of my cock before suckling on to my ball sac. His mouth opened up and began to fondle all over them like some candy that's up for sale for Christmas. Each of my orbs was taken into his precious little mouth but that wasn't the main criteria that made me squirm involuntarily.

There was a slight pressure on my pucker and I knew all too well who or what that belonged to. The tiger was more than eager to just stick it up in to my ass. As the said item prods and probed against my hole, it tickled on areas that I've never felt ticklish before. There are certain parts of my body that makes me giggle like a little school girl but fuck... underneath my tail hole? I've been a tail raiser for this tiger for months on end and I've never felt like this before. Pleasurable moan bounced from the four walls, echoing through its surroundings.

If I didn't know any better, Speedy was appreciative of that moan. It always has been this way. Whenever I moaned or crooned like a mockingbird, he knew that whatever he was doing, he's doing it right and when it's right, he doesn't just stop at that point but rather, continued to pursue further. The tip oscillated between the entrance but missing on purpose. Dammit... this tiger is evil, not to mention a fuck of a tease too. As the muscled feline continued to play with my rump, his paw travelled upwards to my mouth and prods in. I was forced to suckle on his finger but I wasn't complaining. No, definitely not complaining. In fact, I took it in steed.

Murring like a little kitten, I'd imagined it to his cock. The vivid image of it was highly arousing in many ways and as my tongue continued to lavish on it hungrily, Speedy took it off before I could finish it up. I was about to protest but he stared back at me with those lovely eyes. My ears fell on to the back of my head again and I let him do whatever he wanted to me. Spreading my ass wide enough, Speedy stuck his half lubed up finger in to my pucker. Stars flashed before my very eyes but the familiar colours slowly faded away. I was kinda getting used to him fingering and fucking my ass already that it wasn't any surprise at all. Of course, there were times when he got way too rough and fucked the life out of me but god... you have no idea who good it felt during and after the fuck.

Speedy growled in heated lust as he continues to finger my abused hole, making sure to bury it way down to the base while wiggling deep in my confines. It gave life to my cock for a moment as another spurt of pre landed against my pubes, glistening along the head till it shines from the sunlight. His talented fingers were pushing me right up to the edge but he had other things in mind.

"Hey... kitty, what's long, thick and shakes all over?" The tiger asked.

I moaned and gasped before replying back to him, "I... I have no idea... oh fuck..." a pause in between, trying to think straight but how the fuck do you even do that. He's got his fucking finger in me and to add salt to the wound, or rather, pleasure, that sex toy is placed dangerously across my hole. "Oh no... you're kidding me..."

"And the answer is?"

"That new item that you bought?" Head tilted to the side.

"And you win your prize. Now close your eyes, stay still while I abuse you." The tiger grinned maliciously. Looking over, I knew what he was planning already. Every time he had that signature grin, he was definitely up to no good but in this case, it wasn't going to be so bad after all.

My half slick hole opened and close like a living breathing cavern, agape and ready for penetration. Licking his lips for a moment, Speedy turned the vibrator up to the highest level and quickly prods right in. Inner walls tried to clench automatically from the unknown intruder but I willed myself to do otherwise. Just as soon as it was embedded right in me, my whole ass shook and shuddered violently.

The hell with it! This is so good!

It was only half way through and my body was beginning to shake uncontrollably. Claws quickly dug itself on to the bed sheets, head thrown back to the edge of the bed, arching back a little bit but all my actions were stimulating the sensation even further. Whines and growls mixed with passionate moans emanated while I gasped loudly. After a few more thrust from that very thing, Speedy had it down to the hilt.

"Why didn't you buy this earlier!" I screamed but immediately silenced myself, afraid that someone might hear me. Just as he was about to say anything else, a roar broke through the room and soon enough, there wasn't any point of hiding it any longer. Small little whimpers cried out from my vocal chords as my body humped itself down, yearning for more. I just couldn't believe how amazing and awesome this feels. I'm definitely gonna keep this fake cock to myself when Speedy's not around.

Seriously, each time my prostrate was stimulated, another wave of pleasure washed through my senses like a splash of cold water. Looking down below, Speedy was suckling on to my cock again, licking and slurping deeply as he purred with love. Another lick and he got off from my shaft, pre drooling like a river. The more he pushed it back in, the harder my body tried to register to it. I have no idea how long we've been on this but it seems like hours has passed by but in reality, it's only been a few minutes.

Speedy was clearly getting bored of fucking my ass with just a plain vibrator and now, all he wanted was to take and ravage my ass like a brute would do. Sure, I love sex to be slow and gentle but today, I was feeling kinda raunchy and randy. Don't know why but just the thought of having my tiger back into my tail hole was pushing me over to the edge. He was a great lover, there's no doubt about that and he proved himself even more as he took the toy out from my fragile tail hole. A few more inches and with a soft slurp, it was off. I gasped a sigh of relief before swishing my tail back and forth. By now, if I'm not mistaken, my man hole should be open and waiting for a cock to enter in to it. It was not suggestive but inviting and knowing my sweet tiger, he wouldn't even let this opportunity go.

Speedy went down and sniffed at my tail, growling hotly as his slithering tongue prods and poked right in. "Just like that... mmm... how about it, stud? Would you want to have a piece of kitty meat?"

The tiger's tongue gave another pleasurable lick before pulling off but Speedy didn't take his eyes off from my warm orifice. "Are you teasing me?"

"Oh no," I quickly shot in, "I'm not teasing. More like... wanting you to fuck me."

He chuckled and spread my ass even wider, gaining better access, "C'mon, I thought you were hungry. Didn't you wanted lunch?"

"Fuck lunch!"

"Didn't I just say the very same thing?" Another lick but this time, not directly in to the hole but at the brim.

I think I just lost myself completely and gave it up to god cause if this isn't heaven, I don't know what is. I've got my tiger here, his unconditional love and by far, my first and never going to be my last boyfriend. Just as I was about to request for a fuck rather than a lick, that tiger was way ahead of me. Hoisting my leg back up again, Speedy had placed his protruding cock over to that tight cavern. Simple strokes and grind could really work up an appetite for sex cause my cock was leaking away. The more he teased at my bottom, the harder it was to stay conscious and begged him to fuck me like a savage beast.

Whining away, I wiggled all over as my ass moved in closer to his wet cock. It was definitely slick, slick to the brim and I wasn't going to stop myself from moving in till I have it deep in me. Not to mention the awesome feeling of getting fucked quickly crawling back to my senses. I was craving for his cock, craving and yearning to be bred like a bitch but Speedy had better things in mind. As my gazed fixated upon sparkling eyes, my heart and soul melted into a puddle of water. Ears laying back, my body turned into total submission and I stopped moving back towards his cock. Instead, I was just letting him take charge upon the situation.

However, my heart was pounding against my chest like a fucking hammer. Each and every tip of my fingers was itching for something to grab on hold to and it did. All ten fingers clenched upon the tiger's broad shoulder and pulled him in to a deep passionate kiss. Both of our eyes were shut tight as we enjoyed our closed proximity. Chest grinded back on chest, paws travelled along those powerful biceps and we ended up holding each other's paw.

A purr, followed by murrs, evidently, continued with some moans and grunts; those were the only words that I could ever even make out of. As we shared our feelings for each other, Speedy's cock was dangerously placed directly in front of my tail hole. I couldn't exactly see if I was right or wrong but from the way his hips thrust upwards against my ass crack, I knew that it won't be long before we made love all over again. After all, Speedy actually volunteered to take care of my ass as long as he's my boyfriend. Oh... believe you me, when he said that he'll take care of my ass, he means business.

My ass is practically marked by Speedy alone. So much so that his musk reeks from my ass. If you looked closer, various events of dried cum still clung on to the very walls. How could I refuse! He's so hot... I nearly died when he proposed to me the other day. Right now, he's reliving our kindled love for each other as he stared right back at me. He was definitely reassuring my stance and I gave him a mischievous grin, giving the signal that he was free to enter in.

Speedy didn't hesitate for even one beat because in one second, my ass was well fitted against his cock. Oh... fuck... it was good... it fits perfectly like a glove around his paw pads and nothing could have changed that. I swear, my ass practically molded itself so that it could fully accommodate that feline meat. Speedy was probably the biggest that I've ever had. Actually... he's the only cock that I ever had in my ass. After all, I am a virgin before Speedy took me in and I have no regrets about it. My heart leaped for joy at the thought of giving my ass over to him. He was so loving whenever we fucked with each other. Albeit, he went on some rough plowing once or a few times but that's what makes our sex life better.

I never complained about the way he fucks my ass and why should that change now? It's just dumb to even think about it. Right now, all I can think of is getting that fucking tiger meat up till its brim. No matter how thick he is, I'm definitely gonna dominate that member. My growls escalated in time with his and we were up to our necks with some 'growl competition'. His eyes raged with lust as he started pumping right in me but I wasn't far behind with his rhythm. My ass fucks backwards as he gets in forward, our tails coiled around each other, tugging playfully. Meanwhile, my paws were too occupied with balancing my body that I didn't even have the chance tease my tiger.

"Fuck you're still tight like the first time I fucked ya'." He hissed.

"This goes to show that you need to fuck me more!" I moaned with eyes dilated over.

"It would be my pleasure to fuck that ass constantly. You name it; morning, afternoon, evening, night, midnight, whatever makes you hot," his was beginning to pant through clenched teeth, "I'll never let it go. You hear me!"

"Hell yes I heard you!" My screamed reverberated through the air, "Fuck me every day and you'll have a loose kitty by then."

He humps suddenly slowed from that savage point as he leaned front, muzzle sides against my ears, feeling those hot breaths caressing upon my fur. I shuddered as his weight was shifted on to me, paws glided across my biceps, tickling at some point but ended up to my lingering fingers. They clamped on to his paw hard and we were clenching upon each other like it was our last day together. The sudden change of pace felt odd for a moment but Speedy was starting to make me feel... wanted.

"If I fuck you every day," that sand papery tongue licked on my ears now, his graveled voice echoed through my ear drums, "You'll be very loose and where's the fun in that, hrm?" Another lick but this time, nibbling at the tip.

I cried out softly and followed by a little whine of submission. He always made me feel like a fucking beta and could never dominate his wildly instinct. I'm not saying that it's not possible, it's possible but his method of taking over my body was just... exhilarating. His voice was sexy and whenever he whispered soft words of love in to my ear, my body went on autopilot and was lost to the world.

Moving slightly forward, Speedy was beginning thrust back up again, gently fucking my raw ass. Our paws were held on to each other and I would no other ways want otherwise. It wasn't some mindless fuck like we had last time but today, he was feeling unusually loving. I don't know what just happened or who spiked his drink but I'm not complaining one single bit. My purrs of loving pleasure turned into small moans, earning its way up to longer and louder ones.

"Where is the fun of fucking a loose tail hole?" Speedy continued his voyage of humping my ass, "Where is the fun when it's not tight anymore? Tell me, my sweet loving kitty."

"T-There wouldn't be any fun in it a-any longer..." My voice stammered.

"Mmm... there you go. Why do you think I stop fucking your ass for one or two days? Just so it could heal back up and close in and when I'm back and randy to go again, you're just a tight as I remembered it to be. Isn't that fun?"

He's such a fucking tease!! His words were sharp and strong, so true, down to every last word, who am I to disagree with it. Tongue continued to flick all around my ears like it's some kind of playground and there were occasional biting and nibbling but nothing too harmful. I've got a confession to make... the most intimate area that makes me squirm and shudder all over, making me squeal and beg for more, would be taking control of my ears.

Yeah... that's just it... play with your kitty....

Those words kept running through my mind and playing back and forth like a broken tape recorder. It's kinda cliché but that's how it is. Speedy's thrust were getting rougher by the minute as his balls began to slap and smack on my sweet ass. Jeez, he's big and strong. I know that I'm nearly as big as him with muscles just about the same size but gods of the heaven, how does he keep himself sexy all the time? A little harder and he was stuck till the brim, filling that tight ass with tiger meat.

I moaned with tongue draped by the side of my cheek, drooling all over the bed but I didn't care. Eyes were filled with wonderful passion of love, cock delightfully throbbing in much needed attention as it dripped copious amount of pre. Looking downwards, I swore, if my eyes were actually deceiving, we were actually stuck together. His hips felt like its jointed up to my ass and that cock belonged rightfully in its place. Speedy growled and wiggled his hips a little, pressing up against my prostrate as pleasure surges right up to my body.

Moans after moans of intense heat bounces against the room walls and if I may add, our scent too. Heck! The room already reeked of our musk but this added an extra smell to it. Sweaty bodies grinded on each other, chest on chest as our nipples started feeling quite sensitive from our passionate love making. Abs rubbed with one another while Speedy steadied himself as his cock was embedded right in to my tail hole. He wasn't moving much at this point on. I don't know why but he must have something else in mind.

His breath continued to wash against my neck but what struck a chord was how his tongue managed to slither and play around at such a small area. He kept suckling on one part and gave soft licks around it. After all while, Speedy was ready to fuck me back again. I don't know what he was planning but if I'm not mistaken, he was trying to give me a love bite. Don't really know how that works but it felt good.... So very good...

Just as his hips began to pound right up my ass again, his gaze was planted right in front of me. I was a little scared at first but as he carried on, they were fueled with not just lust but a tinge of predator like. The fires of lust were burning within his very soul. I could see it in his eyes, his sexy iris of love...

Fuck dammit! I'm such a sap!

"Ungh... will you fuck me faster!" I demanded.

"Shh... slow and steady my love." He kissed on my forehead.

"But you usually like it rough and fucking it right up my ass was your main reason for distracting me."

Speedy groaned as more pre began to coat around those ass muscles, making it slicker than before. He didn't reply back to me though. All he wanted was some snow leopard ass and he's got more than he bargained for, at least, to me. I knew he wasn't going to last long enough because we've been at this for about half an hour and he's yet to show any signs of cumming. However, there were a few dropping hints from his facial expression. Sweat drips from his side burn, his body glistened naturally, showing off more of those heavy duty muscles.

Getting back up, Speedy had both his paws against my chest. I wasn't expected that and he didn't falter in fucking either way. Those wayward paws were playing and pinching against my nipples and I was back to my submissive state. Groaning with head thrown back on to the bed, I just let it all happen. Slight pressure was giving on to my chest but it didn't bother me much. All I wanted was to keep him happy. As he continued fucking my raw ass, there were a few telltale signs of cumming.

His growls were getting louder and louder, hips savagely breeding my ass, cock throbbed like a living being inside of me; I was ready. No, I was born ready to take his seed. Pulling my paws off from the bed, paw pads glided on to his barreled chest, making its way up to his head and before I had second thoughts about it, I slammed my lips against his. Speedy was slightly taken aback by my actions but he was too busy fucking to actually realize what just happened. His body melted like goo but that wonderful pole has yet to diminish.

in out, in out, in out... smack smack smack...

A knock on the door broke our man-love temporarily, Speedy hissing through clenched teeth, "Who the fuck is it!"

"Could both of you keep it down!! We're trying to study here! We've got a quiz tomorrow and we'd like to have some peace and quiet. It's hard to concentrate with all those fap fap and smack smack..."

Apparently, our enthusiastic love making could be heard from outside and it's kinda distracting. Heck, I'd be distracted by these noises too if I were in their shoes.

"We're gonna... ungh... finish... grargh... in...oh that's it sweety, pinch those nipples of mine... finish in a few minutes... give us a few more..."

Was it that hard to say something in between sex? Apparently so.

"Fuck!" I screamed but was quickly silenced with the tiger's moist lips around mine. Let's just say.... I'm completely lost with what's happening between both of us. His fucking was getting better and better with every single thrust and he's never a bore. When he fucks, he fucks and let me tell ya', he doesn't take it slow when he's about to cum though.

There were so many signs of cumming that I could practically write a book about it. Speedy clenched his teeth tighter, growling as his hips smacked as hard as he could against my back, both paws groping and slapping on my large chest, earning far more than just a moan of pleasure. I was about to paw my own cock and release my pent up tension but it seems that Speedy had other things in mind.

His rough paws wrapped itself around my cock and started jerking up and down, moving in a blur but enough to keep in rhythm with his fucking. I looked back at him and he was beginning to lick his chop. He's definitely in need of something but all I could offer right now would be a simple kiss of joy; that was what he wanted all along. Taking it up in arms, Speedy got down and started kissing me with pure love, purring like a little kitten as his hips didn't falter one bit in fucking my raw ass, paws continued to paw me off, what more could I want?

My body began to shake and shudder uncontrollably and let me tell you this, with all three sensations, it wasn't long before I just let it... just let it go. Throat threatened to roar but was muffled with the tiger's delectable maw, keeping me in place as his kisses were planted deep into my very soul. Cock strained at the much needed pressure and it was all I need to let my body go.

Obeying to the needs of my own body, I just came without a care of the world. Deep lustral broke off through the room, eyes rolled behind, ears splayed back to head, paws gripping and clenching on to my mate's shoulders and chest, whining and groaning away. Shots after shots after shots of male seed painted against his paw and our fronts, he wasn't worried about that though. He, however, was more worried with the end result of him fucking my ass.

Just as my cock came with passionate need, my ass muscles were affected all the way. Walls clenched up tightly around that beautiful tiger cock, gaining a bearish moan, short thrust this time but it was all he needed to make a direct masterpiece to my tail hole. The gates of the dam burst open and started to flood my ass like it was the only way out (or rather, in). Torrents of potent male cream motley covered every nook and cranny of my tight and moist cavern.

Meanwhile, Speedy didn't let up one single bit when he kissed right back at me. He was practically holding me as tightly as he could while painting my ass with man cream, paws tickling and pinching along each other's sexy nubs. A few more thrust and soon enough, he had done claiming his mate. That tiger purred gently, practically feeling a deep tremble against that massive chest. His eyes were closed tightly and that sand papery tongue slithered out as it started to lick around my cheek, smoothing my fur with love.

I turned my head to the side and elicit a soft giggle, wiggling my ass with his cock embedded deeply in me. It was more than just a feeling of love; it was a feeling of being fulfilled and wanted, so much want and need that I couldn't fathom how wonderful it felt. Here I was, having my ass filled yet again by my sexy tiger, getting his cock buried deep within my bowels. Turning to the side, I could feel Speedy's hot breath running down my neck as his licks had stopped.

"Don't tell me you're sleeping, honey."

"Mm... what if I am...?" A soft whisper came along.

"I would be so glad to have you sleep right next to me but right now, can we please get something to eat?"

"I thought you didn't want to eat."

I sighed openly. "C'mon honey. Fuck was fuck, eat is now. Pweaaasseee?"

With his strong arms, he hugged me like a big teddy bear, scratching along my belly fur, feeling up those muscled abs, "Get John to make a sandwich. We'll make it up to him."

"Not a bad idea!" Without thinking, I was screaming out his name.

He definitely heard my call and burst right in, eyes exposed to the view that's right in front of him. My tiger and I were locked into a passionate hug while a cock was still buried in my ass, my own went limp by that time around and from the looks of it, few evidence of cum were splattered on to the bed.

"Holy jeez! Get a room!" He shielded up.

I just rolled my eyes, "We are in a room. Could you get us some sandwich? Pleassseeee? Make it four, two for each. Um... ham and cheese would suffice, please?"

"Can I wear some kind of filter when I deliver them?"

"John, fuck it. It's not like this is your first time seeing us fuck." I growled.

The orange lion slammed the door hard and burst out laughing, howling like a wolf in distress. "You know... I thought the other guy was weird but I think John is even worse."

"Mmm... hmmm..." Speedy continued to lick my neck and cheek, occasionally nomming on my ears like it was a treat.

"He's quite eccentric."

"Very..." It seems like the stripped feline was ignoring what I was saying.

"He's gay." I purred.

"Mm...hmmm..." Another lick, smoldering my body with love.

"He's gonna die tomorrow."

"If you say so..."

"You're ignoring me, aren't you?" I asked.

"John is eccentric, he's bi and he's not gonna die tomorrow, and I'm not ignoring you." An assured hug, paw scratching back on my belly whiles the other on my chest, sniffing around my neck, "Now let's keep quiet till he comes back with the sandwich. Meanwhile, start humping on my cock."

Many big thanks to all who read this story! I'm done with it and moving on to another project which will... oh, I don't know... another month or so. XD. Rate, comment, fave, cum! Whatever! Give me something nice to hold on to, especially comments! Me wantz them! *hiss*