In Love and in Lust, Chapter two: Together Tonight

Story by Willace Diamond on SoFurry

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Author's note: Wow, it took me forever to write this! I kept going through changing so many things, re-arrangeing sceens and omitting some altogether. Truth be told I had a section here the two boys went swimming but it was SOOOOO long! It might make the next chapter though =/ Who knows.? As always, don't like the tags... Blah Blah Blah... Enjoy!

-Willace Diamond


~In love and In Lust~

Chapter Two: Together Tonight



Taurn looked over the sea of shocked and surprised faces. Their reactions were as to be expected and he repeated himself. "This is Jieraco, and we're boyfriends. We have been for a while." The utter shock of the announcement soon worn off and was replaced by a mixture of disappointment and disgust. It almost made the young wolf regret ever saying it, regret ever showing his true feelings to his family.

"Maybe we should go, Jieraco" Taurn whispered into the fox's ear. Bravely Jieraco tightened his grip and and led his boyfriend out onto the patio. The feeling of a thousand eyes weighed down on his back and Taurn took lead of the awkward march, ending at the far end of a picnic table. He sat and Jieraco joined him, releasing his paw and placing it upon his own lap. It was all he could do to play down the situation, the strange vibes and long stares that were given. Despite the added attention, they remained side by side throughout supper. Occasionally some one would stir up light chatter with Taurn but hardly a soul talked to Jieraco. After the entire ordeal was over Taurn politely excused himself and left the group with Jieraco, making their way back into the house.

"That could've gone better," Taurn remarked dishearten, closing the sliding door and waving goodbye through the glass. Jieraco put his arms around Taurn's shoulders from behind as the blind fell and draped his paws down the wolf's chest. "Relax," he soothed the tired teenager, "They had to find out some time. Besides, I think everyone took the news pretty well. All in all, they hate me and probably think it's my fault you like boys." A tender yet humorous tone in his lover's voice, Taurn couldn't help but to laugh. "Anyway, what do ya' wanna' do now?" The idea of cuddling was out of question, his family would be on high alert and Taurn didn't feel like dealing with that controversy. "How about some Tv.?" he suggested as they walked into the living room.

Jieraco collapsed on the sofa and Taurn scanned for the remote. Abandoning his search after a minute of fruitless looking he simply walked over to the television and pressed the on button. Manually going through the channels he searched for anything that seemed appealing while Jieraco reclined further into the chair.

"Do you care if I just put a movie in, there's nothing on right now?" Taurn asked looking away from the screen and over to his lover who was nearly sinking into the grayish cushions of the couch. "How about something funny, you know like a comedy or something." The fox requested, resting his weary eyes. The 'family dinner' had really taken his spirits out of him. "I could use a good laugh right about now." After a nod and careful consideration Taurn shuffled through a stack of movies and held one out towards Jieraco.

"How about this one?" displaying his first pick, he asked for Jieraco's approval. It was a basic comedy movie. Guy goes to a party, gets drunk, wakes up in a different state and has to find a way home, the end. Fortunately it was good enough to get a thumbs up and Taurn popped it in. As the opening credits started, he walked over beside Jieraco and smiled. "Want to give me some room to sit down too?" He asked adjusting his glassed and grinning. Jieraco smiled back up at him and Taurn could already see the comment that was forming in his boyfriend's 'witty' mind. He opened his maw to stop him but it was too late.

"I'll give you something to sit on, don't you worry." Jieraco remarked and Taurn blushed as usual, folding his ears downward slightly and perking his tail. A lazy moan came from Jieraco as he shifted his weight to his side. Laying full length on the couch he patted the open space infront of him and encouraged Taurn to join him there. "Come here babe, in all seriousness I would really like to hold you right now." Touched by the sweet sentiment, Taurn smoothed the fur his head and sat on the middle cushion. It wasn't what Jieraco had intended, still he wrapped an arm around Taurn's waist and snuggled closer. In low pitch whispers they said 'I love you' then shifted their attention towards the move. Both knowing that at any moment a family member could walk in and see the display of affection, they would only be mildly discomforted by what they might see. Still Jieraco really meant what he had said, Taurn's frail embrace was left him wanting more.


* * *


Ending credits scrolled across the screen and the telling signs of nightfall were showing through the far window. "Wake up boo, movie's over." Taurn yawned, nudging the fox on the shoulder. The tired little fox had passed out about way through the flick, apparently it wasn't as funny as he thought it would be. "I am awake, Taurn; just resting my eyes." he retorted, leaning up on his arm.

"If you say so, but you snore pretty loud for someone who's awake. Anyway, I think it's a little past seven thirty. You wanna' call it a night?" The cream-cycled coloured fox sat up, using Taurn for leverage. He did have to get home soon, but the nap had relieved any feelings of fatigue. Visions of burgers filled his head and Jieraco's stomach gurgled. "I dunno' babe, hoped we could spend a little more time together. Think it'd be okay if we stepped out-side for a quick bite to eat?" He asked standing up from the couch and stretching his arms in a 'Y' shaped fashion. Taurn stood up as well and put his glasses back on his face. He had to take them off whenever he watched anything in the dark. "I guess we can boo," Taurn smiled, and adjusted the metal frames again. He hadn't ever had the chance to see it before but Jieraco's smile seemed extremely handsome in the dark. "Shall we?" he asked extending a paw out towards his boyfriend.

He happily grabbed hold. "You're so weird Taurn, but ya' know I love you for it." They emerged a second time time out onto the patio, the sun now below the horizon and thousands of dim stars beginning to glow stronger. It made for a pretty picture as the boys surveyed for a nice secluded spot to grab a quick snack.

Across the yard, a small distance from the table where the remaining family members had reassembled was tall oak tree. It was wide enough to shelter the two of them. As the snuck over to it, their thought process seemingly linked by unfathomable bonds. On the way over unseen by the guests, Taurn managed to swipe some concessions from the unwatched food display. "Here you are my love," He chimed while sitting next to the fox in the darkening night and presenting a small feast. "Not exactly the finest eats in the world but I figured it was better tha..." In the middle of his rant, Jieraco reached over and kissed the little wolf on his nose, rendering him absolutly speechless. A second passed with his maw gaped open because of it and then a burst of giggling.

"Was that really necessary?" he asked opening a crinkly bag of chips, a look of amusement filling his face. "Maybe not, but you sure seemed to enjoyed it. So besides chips what did you grab?" Jieraco asked, his stomach rumbling again. The fox sat with a stare of satisfaction as Taurn passed him a sloppy sandwich dripping with mustard and mayo, a generous lump of various other ingredients stuffed inside. "Wow, that looks amazing babe! Wait where's yours?"

A wave of a paw and Taurn sighed. "I had plenty at lunch, just going to stick with the chips for right now Boo. Eat to your hearts content." Jieraco needed no more encouragement than that and set to work at devouring the tasty treat in seconds. After he was finished Jieraco let out a loud belch. Giggling Taurn smacked his lover's leg. "SHUSH! they'll hear us!" Taurn's light laughter grew louder as Jieraco let out another belch. "Whatever babe," He leaned over and they kissed, pieces of food on the edges of his muzzle rubbed onto Taurn's. As there lips parted they noticed the face of a nephew staring their way. Knowing that the two lovers saw him, the little wolf cub ran off in the direction of the picnic table. "I hate to say it, but I think I should be going now."

Sadly Jieraco was right. Nine o'clock was approaching quickly and they had school tomorrow. So with a sigh they shared one last kiss and then stood up to return inside their respective homes. Taurn could simply go back inside but for Jieraco that was a different story. It wasn't like he lived that far away, about a twenty minute walk, but still he would have to do it stealth-fully. Slipping through the yard un-noticed wasn't going to be easy.

"One the count of three," Taurn mumbled to himself working out the best route home for Jieraco. Grabbing the wolf by his arm, Jieraco tugged on Taurn's shirtsleeve. "Don't be silly Taurn. You came out to your family so we didn't have to do all this sneaking around. Let's just walk slowly for the front door and not look back."

"Okay, but promise me you'll text me later tonight, after everybody has left and went to bed." Smiles of mirth filled his face and he murred softly "Of course, my little wolfie. Let's go." Nodding his head, the two of them walked across the dark field of grass and towards the glass door that would leave them apart, if only for the night.

Goodbyes were said the entire way through the house as the boys walked bumping shoulders together as the went. At the front door the light from street lamps tricked through while they said one last goodnight, kissed deeply, and parted for the evening. "Miss you boo!" Taurn called out, momentary disregarding his own puppy-like shyness. "You too babe!" called a fox in reply as he strolled down the gravel walkway and onto the sidewalk. Sleep won't be easy tonight, Taurn thought closing the door. At least there'll be tomorrow at school.

With his lover gone it was time for sleep. Taurn crept quietly up the carpeted stairs and down the hallway to his room. The sanctity of his single sized bed was just within reach as his mobile phone began to sound off. "CRAP CRAP CRAP!!!" He cursed silently beneath his breath desperately trying to dig it out of his pocket to quiet it. Making it inside his bedroom the phone finally stoped ringing. The text message form his sweet lover brought a smile back to his face and Taurn closed the door behind him. -Hey babe, b missin u alrdy- "Awe, how sweet of you," Taurn said stripping himself of his clothes. He tossed the shirt onto the computer chair and sat down at the edge of the bed to remove his pants. Before he did, Taurn sent a reply to his lover's message. -u 2 boo. sad we gotta wait til tmrw 2 c each other- He pulled the jeans off with his free paw and threw them next to his shirt.

Comfortable with just sleeping in his boxers, Taurn crawled his way under the heavy blanket and rested his phone on a spare pillow next to his head. It was his alarm clock afterall. Drifting to a dream slowly he shut his eyes and let his body warmth sooth him to sleep. Just before Taurn slipped fully into a dreamworld he felt the vibration of his cell-phone followed by a familiar musical tune indicating a new message. Tiredly he reached a paw from underneath the big blue blanket and hit the 'okay' button. Another message from his boyfriend. Except this one wasn't expected. Jieraco only ever sent one message at night before they went to sleep. Intrigued by what could prompt the fox to send another one, Taurn clicked it open and read it slowly through blurry eyes. -myb we dnt have 2 wait that long.-

Disbelief set in as Taurn read the message again out loud. Was he dreaming? -babe dnt knw what do u mean? its alrdy 930- Eagerly Taurn awaited the reply, not knowing what his lover was implying. Surly he couldn't be thinking of sneaking out to come over again, Taurn's parents would flip out if they knew.

For the fourth time that night his phone sounded it's little theme music ushering in a reply form the one Taurn cared for most. Tension was running deep as he clicked the green button one more time and began to read. -I want u. plz com over 2 c me. parents r gone n i wanna hold u into the nite- Taurn nearly burst into tears. All rational thought screamed at him that what was about to happen was defiantly a BAD idea. Still, cuddled under the warmth of the sheets, Taurn longed for it too. He had to slow his breathing, his heart beating clean out of his chest, Taurn swallowed dryly. What would he do? Simply let this opportunity go? Let his chance to be held by his deepest love in the world just fly out the window? It wasn't that Jieraco's feeling would be crushed if he should decline or that the fox only wanted to get laid. No, sincerity of passion was the driving force behind the request.

Opening a fresh message, Taurn grinned at his own deviance and began to type. -J, I love u so dam much. 4 u i risk the world. how n when?- The screen flashed an icon of a sealed envelope and then returned to the main display. "Tonight," Taurn said to himself with unrivaled satisfaction at his actions. "Tonight, I am yours."

Another message, details of a place to meet and the time 10:45. His heart raced once more. Carefully, Taurn tuned his ears to listen for indications of movement throughout his house. Not a single sound and he sat up. "Wait, what should I wear?" He pounderd as he sat in the darkness of his room. Surly he wanted to pick something other than what he just had on. Maybe an outfit that he could simply walk right out of, should the occasion call for it. Grinning, Taurn thought about all the skimpy clothes he had buried inside his closet and looked at the time on his phone. 10:13 Well he'd have a half-hour to decide.

Carefully he swung his legs to the floor and stood. The thought to ask Jieraco crossed his mind but was quickly disregarded. Innuendo about not wearing anything but a smile was surely the response he'd get. Not that it wouldn't be a fun gesture, but Taurn had already used up most of his free text messages arranging this little fun fair. Instead maybe he'd just put on something casual, keeping the possibility of being seen in consideration. Digging through his dresser he found a freshly laundered pair of brown pants. They were pretty baggy but looked rather nice with a belt. Setting them on the edge of the bed Taurn continued now in search for a shirt. He found a crimson red tee and placed it next to the pants. Perhaps a change in skives was in order, the wolf thought with a smile.

Opening the top droor he looked inside at the mess of under wear and socks. Wait a second, this wasn't how he left it. "Oh SHIT!" he nearly screamed realizing this was his hiding place for a certain vibrating toy that the public shouldn't be aware of. "Calm down, calm down, maybe they didn't see it," he tried reassuring himself. Still he knew better. Being grounded for a very long time was sure to be the result of the nights events. A little disheartened he began to shuffle through the droor in hopes of finding something inciting to wear. Choosing an elegant pair of black silk shorts Taurn started to makes the switch.

Easing the pair of cloth boxers down his thigh and to his ankles Taurn bent over, his paws near the base of his legs, his rump in the air. Toying with the idea of repeating this position in the company of his boyfriend made him a little excited. "If tonight turns out to be like that I really wouldn't mind it" he thought continuing dressing himself. Taurn put the black shorts on followed by the baggy pants. Tightening them across his waist with a belt the wolf picked up the red shirt and pulled it over his head after reaching his arms through. "There" he said admiring his choice. Casual but attractive to Jieraco's taste.

Another glance at his phone to see how long he had. In the top right corner the numbers 10:36 blinked into 10:37 and Taurn smiled. Sure Jieraco's house was twenty minute walk but fortunately Taurn was on the track team and could out-run damn near anyone. Remembering the temperature drop Taurn snagged a black hoodie and pulled it on, making his way for the living room. A quiet trek across the empty hall way and then silently descending the stairs. As he turned towards the front door his worst fears were realized. A light from the kitchen show and gave sight to the outline of a female wolf.

With a heavy gulp Taurn prepared his best excuse "I..." He paused and a wave of relief washed over him. It wasn't his mother standing there in the kitchen arch-way, it was just his sister. Much more manageable. "Kline what are you doing down here?" he asked trying to think of how to win her trust. Rolling here eyes, Kline huffed. "Midnight snack, Let's pretend this never happen got it?" Only all the more happy to avoid a fight, Taurn nodded. "I won't tell if you don't." he said and slunk out the front door leaving his sister alone, trusting her to keep her word.

Warm gusts of air rushed Taurn as he jogged down the sidewalk. The frequent movement began to make him feel uncomfortable and he rolled up the sleeves to his hoodie and began to pant, but only lightly. He had good control of his breath because of his excellent physical shape and the constant jogging needed for being on the track team. His destination in sight, he slowed his dash and hopped the fence to the side of the building. This is so unlike me he thought, creeping his way past some bushes and around to the hind side of the house where he could see Jieraco's window. Inside a light was on and the faint sounds of music could be heard, though the song was too muffled to be determined. Taking out his phone Taurn pressed the redial.

Not bothering to answer Jieraco simply looked out the back window and waved down at the wolf. After a series of enthusiastic greeting he went down and opened a door in the back of the house. "Hey, Taurn, I'm glad you decided to show. I don't think I could have fell asleep without you tonight." Taurn folded his paws infront of him and walked inside. "I don't know what to say, boo. It all seems kinda' unplanned. But I think that's what made me come over." Jieraco shut the door behind his boyfriend and then took him by the paw. "Come on" Jieraco pleaded, giving a gentle pull "I want us to share a bed tonight."

Giggles and blushed faces were the produced due to Jieraco's overtly sexual statement but it made the wolf tingle with enticement all the same. They had waited nearly eight long months without even the slightest sexual contact beyond spooning and a sparse couple of blowjobs, but tonight was going to be the big leap. Maybe he had always known that Taurn preferred to wait, maybe it was because they both still had their virginity. Whatever the reason the idea of finally acting on the urge sent the two into a full blown heat.

What started as slow stroll through the empty house soon turned into a full sprint towards the teenager's bed room. As the dashed proceeded across the tiny den into a small stairwell, Taurn took the corner a little too loosely and nearly fell. Catching himself with his front paws he pushed himself up before Jieraco could even offer assistance and then raced up the flight of steps. At the top he swung open a bedroom door and mere seconds later the weight of pursuer crashed into him tumbling the two boys to the floor. "Gotcha' again!" Jieraco called out triumphantly and Taurn rolled onto his back.

Looking up from where he laid, he felt his pants become tighter. "Well well well, Taurn. Somebody's a little excite, aren't we?" Laughing with his eyes shut, Taurn nodded and licked his tongue across Jieraco's frizzy maw. "Not the only one boo. I think you like pushing me up against hard surfaces."

"Damn right I do. Climb into bed and I'll really push you against something hard." Jieraco murred, eyeing up the little wolf he had trapped beneath his arms. "First of all you have to let me stand up and undress into something a little more comfortable, I don't have the advantage of being in my pajamas." Letting his 'prey' stand back up Jieraco finally took a moment to really access the situation he had put Taurn into. The only thing he could think was he hope it didn't seemed to demanding.

Low held ears and eyes to to the floor gave Taurn a glance into what the fox was thinking. "What's wrong, boo? I thought you wanted to lay with me?" the soil coloured wolf joked dusting off his hoodie. "Yeah I do, it's just I want to know that you want this too." Tenderly he reached out and brushed Taurn's bangs back out of his eyes. "I just want you to be comfortable here."

"I know what you mean boo, but trust me, I want to be here with you more than anywhere else in the world. So... we have all night to ourselves, you know." Enticement ringing in his voice, Taurn gave a soft smile at his love. Thousands of thoughts raced through his young mind and Jieraco walked the two of them inside the cozy little bedroom. Inside, a small wooded stand with a tv ontop, a closet to the far end, and small bed pushed up against the left wall. The cover wrinkled even more as Taurn sat down upon it. "You know Taurn, we don't have to have sex, if... if you're still not ready yet."

Taking a moment to remove his hoodie, the shy little wolf grinned politely. "This... this isn't anything that I wouldn't want either..." he began and Jieraco joined him on the bed sitting to his right and wrapping his legs around the corner that wasn't against a wall. "We've been together for the longest time. You and I both know it'll feel right. It'll be more than just sex, it'll be... it will be... special." His eyes glued to the cobalt coloured carpeting underneath his paws. He was numerous, but yes, he did want this. More than just the release of a life time, Taurn wanted to feel like he belonged to his boyfriend.

Glancing over at his lover's bare chest Taurn felt Jieraco place a paw sympathetically into his lap. A kiss was shared and Jieraco tucked his legs underneath him ontop of the covers and faced his body towards Taurn's. Arm's wrapped around the wolf's side and Taurn guided them to his waist. "Lay with me." He whispered repeating Jieraco's request and helped him remove his shirt. Thin waist and hunched shoulders leaned against the white chest of his soon-to-be-mate. Slowly he moved his entire body to meet the frail embrace and was left perched in Jieraco's lap, his muzzle drooped over the fox's broad shoulder. The wall behind them soon became the support as thier positions changed to a less provocative stance. "Want to get comfortable under the covers?" Jieraco asked, breaking the silence that encompassed the room.

Shaking his head and placing a paw on Jieraco's gray sweatpants he tilted his ears ever-so slightly. "Nope, I want to really comfortable on top of them." He pulled at the draw-string and the elastic waist line sagged. In response to this leading display Jieraco tugged at Taurn's ear. "No fair, you can't take my pant's off yet or else I'll be damn near close to naked. Why don't I just take yours off first?" Like Taurn would really mind that. Laughing at the notion he shook his head. "Only if you promise not to be gentle."

What a leading statement Jieraco thought smugly eyeing up the baggy pants Taurn's was wearing. "Gladly" he murred almost as a low growl and undid the flie, his fingers stumbling across the large belt and button. With his pants open Taurn let his lover pull them to the floor and then the returned to an embrace. For as heated as it was was there was still tension thick in the air around the two boys.

"So... are you as nervous about... this as I am?" Jieraco asked his eyes dancing up and down. "Yeah, I guess. just wish my arms would stop shaking..." slightly uncomfortable laughter came from under the wolf's breath and looked down at sheets infront of knees. "We don't have to do this... if you don't want." Jieraco reminded the teenager with a soft whisper considering a kiss. Taurn looked up while blushed faces faded to more serious appearances. "I want to though. I really want to." Their eyes met as Jieraco raised his muzzle, gazes locked, and lips softly panting. Placing his paw below the tip of Taurn's muzzle, gentle fingers cradled it after another kiss. "I know I must have asked you a thousand times tonight but are you sure about this? I mean it's gonna' hurt a lot at first; I think at least." Tension made him quiver as Jieraco's voice broke. "No, I'm not sure about it" Taurn replied softly while giving a flashing look at where Jieraco's paw is then back into his eyes. "But that's what makes it so great. Scotching up to a light but sensual kiss, Taurn purposely letting Jieraco's paw end up resting against his tented shorts. A single tear rolled quickly down the side of Taurn's face unseen by Jieraco; his eyes closed while the kiss was shared.

"Ah, what have we here?" Jieraco murred out as he realized where his paw was touching. Drawing body back for a brief moment, Jieraco started to slide in closer, assuming the 'lead position. "Taurn..." He said, adjusting the wolf's bangs before another kiss. Advancing his position further until his creamy white chest rose to Taurn's shoulders He started to stare intensely at the two yellow jewels infront of him. There was a slight incline in the fox's posture as the two boy's bodies met intimately. "I feel like we're both ready..." Jieraco said his bushy tail high in the air behind him. "And I feel that you're body's ready too." Taurn gave his usual blushing face but still remained smiling. "May I please..." he asked his love, very lightly tugging downward on Taurn's underwear with his left paw, the other angled between the wolf's legs.

"Umm-uhh-huh," muttered a nervous wolf as he lost a bit of his arousal. Once Jieraco starts to remove the underwear-shorts Taurn's anatomy returned to its excited state. " love you..." He stuttered out as Jieraco finished stripping him, boxers around his knees. Tenderly he brushed the side of Taurn's cheek with the back of his paw and removed his glasses setting them next to a pillow. "You too."

Taking his paw from it's cloth perch, a look of wonder filled his eyes. Clearly held captive by the idea but unsure of how to approach, hesitation plagued his thoughts. "Babe, this is a new thing for us both so... umm, how?" Amused by the strikingly revealing question, the wolf smiled a little on the inside. Here he thought his lover would have had this all worked out and planned ahead of time. "Well, I kinda' always hope that you would press me against the bed your chest against mine and with me in your arms.

Giggling at the mental picture Jieraco kissed Taurn on the forehead. "Like this?" he asked and reach a pair of semi-muscular arms under Taurn's, laying him down slowly. Pushing up and pressed their bodies as one two near the headboard of the bed Taurn follows Jieraco's felt his lover lifts leg up around him. "I just gotta' do one thing." Jieraco slid his pajama pants down and reached for a near by condom laying on the pillow. "Can you gave me some help Turry, my paws are a little full at the moment..." He asked holding Taurn's one leg up with an arm.

"Okay..." Taurn tore the condom open in his left paw and looked down between their chests. He giggled and attempted to place the condom on Jieraco's throbbing appendage. "Jieracoooo, stay still. I can't put it there if you keep moving, besides..." After drawing in a long breath and exhaling slowly he paused, looking Jieraco in the eyes. "I didn't really think we needed one, right?"

"...Ra...really Taurn? You want me to... without?" Taurn grinned happily and hopefully begging with a pair of blinking eyes that pleaded his wishes. "I love you Jieraco and I trust you. If we're going to be serious about this we shouldn't have to act like we need one." Taurn licked the side of the fox's face and the kiss was returned. "Let's make it memorable. Now, give it to me like you want to." He instructed in the bravest voice he could muster, paws shaking, heart in his throat, and his blood boiling.

Full of adrenalin, Jieraco made good of the opportunity his lovely wolf had given him. The first few thrusts, simply out of uncontrolled excitement, found there mark but only made it in shallow depth. Still it was enough to make the wolf's body come alive with an endorphin rush. Gritting his teeth, Taurn felt as if he couldn't possibly take even more. "Fuuuuuccckkk!" he moaned as even more of his mate made its way inside his clenching hole. The only thoughts in his head was he hoped Jieraco would blow; this sensation was a lot different than his vibrator. Looking at his beloved's face through squinted eyes, the fox continued to pump his weight further into Taurn. Clearly he was relishing every single slid and shift their bodies were making, yet still far from the end. While things continued to progress like this, the pain Taurn felt faded into a more familiar sensation of pleasure. Soon the aching had disappeared almost altogether and he met his lover's thrust with heavy breaths of entertainment. "Bah... Babe," He winced out, his one eye shut and tongue hanging to the side. ""

Jieraco found his lover's inability to form full sentences adorable and gave a throaty murr in a gesture of appreciation. "Don't worry my lil' wolfie, It's not over yet." He announced and slowly pulled his messy shaft from inside Taurn. Fighting with his contracting muscle-walls, Taurn simple laid upon the bed patting with his head turned to the left.

Feeling Jieraco's weight leave the bed Taurn sat up a little and looked around the dimly lite room. Leaning against the tv stand the fox meet Taurn's glance with a smile. "This Tv stand, it's a nice height, don't ya' think?" He asked with a mischievous smile. Instantly he knew what Jieraco was implying and flashed a look of amusement in return. "yeah it is," Taurn murred picking his glasses off of the fluffy pillow and putting them back on. "Might make a good seat for somebody like me, huh?"

Slowly raising, the wolf held his stomach, his breathing not hindered but slightly altered. With the strange weight slowly fading from his chest Taurn took a few short steps towards his mate and winced a smile. "What is it Babe?" Jieraco befuddled by the look on his face."Kind of have to, you know... Where's your bathroom?" The young wolf asked his body going through the natural reactions to loosing his virginity in such a way. "Down the hall, third door. Maybe you'd like if I came with to hold it for you?" the fox joked slicking his ears back and wagging a fruffy tail. Taurn grimaced feeling a little ashamed by his own reaction. It wasn't the first time he had something stuffed inside him but it was the first time it was actually someone else doing the pushing.

"I think I'll be okay." he said with a laugh and excused himself from the room. Waiting patiently, his mate stood stark naked beside the television. The notion to turn it on crossed his mind for a second but then the wolf returned holding his paws infront of him. "Kind of went soft again, Boo. Want to just make-out for a while?"

Jieraco knew he had two choices here. One, get frisky during kisses or two; offer a blow-job. Who could resist the second offer but maybe it wasn't the best game-plan. So instead of risking sounding too horny Jieraco decided to wait it out, hoping Taurn's paws would become adventurous while kissing. "Spooning's always been top of my list, babe." The fox answered with a tedious grin and started to make his way to the bed before a better notion crossed his mind. "Hey cutie, how about you and I make out standing? Come on, it'll be fun." he urged with a leading finger.

Hints of hesitation showed in a thin smile as the wolf approach the open area where his love stood. Trying his best to romanticize the timid canine who so slowly approached Jieraco blew a kiss on a breathy whisper. "I'll help keep that skinny tummy of yours feeling better," He promised as Taurn stood shuffling his bottom paw in a swinging motion. "A kiss for good health?" offered Jieraco hoping to elude his lover's suspicion.

Arms reached out and the two wrapped the other inside a loving grip. As was the normal, Taurn rested his muzzle across his lover's shoulder, starring but not really focusing upon anything. The hug last the better part of a minute and then took to break, leaving the a pair of yellow eyes fixed to the fox's. "Damn Taurn, weird me out when you giv..." Jieraco's 'commical' remark cut short by the pressure of Taurn's lips pressing against his maw. Aside from muffling the rest of the sentence down his lover's throat by accident, he did little to fight it; allowing the wolf to lead.

Eagerly a flat tongue traveled around Jieraco's and over his teeth. Further pushes lead to heads tilting and Taurn smothered his mouth without regard for the normal shyness that usually defined him. One last traverse towards the fox's throat left the boy gasping for air when the mirthful act was finished. In the midst of the mischievous moments of passion, Taurn had managed to guide a astonished kitsune backward with his rump against the furniture.

Silently he returned the favor and locked his mouth around Taurn's in the a similar manor. Paws drove the length of the his back and trailed off the wolf's brown tail as it held rigidly upwards towards the off-white ceiling. As the thrust continued he nearly stumbled backwards, loosing his balance and tugged firmly at Jieraco's fur. They rushed nearly in a fall to the edge of the bed once more.

From there Taurn felt his body remind him of what the night had promised and a red tip nudged against his mate's. Letting the the kissing end Jieraco wore a smile on his face and between his legs as well. "Ready to inspect that tv stand now babe?" A nod from Taurn and Jieraco turned to walk to it. Taking the opportunity Taurn slung his arm loosly around his lover's neck and closed the space between their bodies. "I'm ready to babe, but I wanna' see you sitting on it. Don't worry, I think I can support your legs if you'll lay them in my arms."

You little devil, Jieraco thought realizing that Taurn wanted to be the one penetrating this time. "Is that so my little Turry? Well I think your a little bit horny; so yeah, let go of my neck and we'll take care of that." Loosening his grip Taurn took his paw down the fox's shoulder and rested it inside Jieraco's. "Come on," he enticed and the pair slowly approached the wooded stand side by side. With there 'love seat' infront of him Jieraco turned to his mate. "Just to let you know Taurn, that birthday gift that i got you..." he paused a moment with an uneasy glace to the wall and then continued "the one you keep in your undies droor, well I don't have one of those. Hell I don't even finger myself like you did in my shower. So kinda be expecting that Thing's will be loud and short. And I stress short meaning that I'm gonna' go soft. I'm not such a fan of taking it where I sit, no offense."

Smiling Taurn nuzzled his lover's face. "Well, I guess I'll just have to be quick about it then." he said with a timid glint in his eyes while Jieraco cleared the the television stand and ready himself upon it. Taurn watched overjoyed at the fox's devotion, seeing him do his best to spread his legs open and lift them into the air, all the while his bushy tail messed against the wallpaper. Less room than I thought but it'll work for us, Jieraco said in a mellow tone. "Now umm, hehehe, come claim your prize for having me as your boyfriend." An ecstatic set of fingers work his over his sheath and Taurn approached, supporting Jieraco's left leg with an arm. with his fingers still around his shaft, the young timber wolf lined the tip to the tiny opening that sat mere inches away. "Jieraco, he said trying to find the courage to push forward, "It does hurt, but you know that. I do love you so very much. tell me to stop if it get's to be too much; okay?" for a moment in their lives their personalities seemed to have switched. Now Taurn would be the one who got most of the pleasure and Jieraco would just sit and look pretty. At least that's how it seemed to be.

"AAAAHHHHHH SHIT!!! SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!" scream a suffering fox as his mate pressed his penis inside. He threw his head backward against the wall and panted through his teeth as Taurn slowly pressed himself deeper into Jieraco's clenching hole. "don't have to stop babe. Just... fuck, this hurts..." he muttered through ruff panting. Taurn sighed. "It's like swimming, you just have to jump all the way in so I'm going to, umm you know 'jump all the way in' okay?" he forewarned and Jieraco bobbed his head, his eyes tightly shut. Knowing he had the 'go ahead' Taurn slammed his hips into the kitsune's rump and shot his rod as deeply inside as possible. " GOD FUCKIN DAMMIT!" he shouted while struggling to subdue the urge to flail about. As gently as possible Taurn withdrew half his length, watching the eyes infront of his glaze over. "That has to be the strangest goddam thing to feel," he huffed out to Taurn and the wolf forced himself deeper once more. It was easier to refrain from shouting for Jieraco yet it still didn't stop him from wincing. "Go ahead, Babe, I can ride this out..." he consented and Taurn obliged, gently pumping in and out of his tender friend's tail-hole.

As the mating came to a climax Taurn felt the inevitable urge, the natural need to knot the tiny opening he was sliding in and out of. "Don't you even dare..." Jieraco warned with a grin feeling the swelling gland brush near now wide hole. "Wasn't planning on it boo." Taurn promised while he pulled out one last time. Instead he clamped his paw around his knot and shot a load in to the air. It splattered against the base of his lover's fluffy tail and Taurn giggled girlishly. "Whoops, my bad boo." he empathetically apologized and whipped the spot. It only worked a little and Jieraco motioned for the wolf to back so he could stand. "I'll get it when I shower. So what you wanna' do now?" he asked standing back on to his hindpaws. Taurn slicked his bangs back and the shrugged his shoulders. "A nap?"

Jieraco laughed heartily. "Awww, poor little wolfie all tired out after sex? Tell you what, I'll get a shower and we can curl up infront of the television. you wouldn't think it by the look of this place but I have a flat-screen in the den. Couch is pretty comfortable too." defiantly a promising idea to the teenager, being all warm and snuggly under a blanket. As he pictured it a sudden realization came to him, explaining away why his mate wasn't as tired as he was.

"Hey boo, I just remembered, you haven't blown yet." no sooner had the words left his mouth did Taurn's face blush. What a thing for him to say. still it was the truth that Jieraco hadn't gotten the same mind-shattering pleasure his mate had. "It's all cool babe, I actually enjoyed the rush tonight gave me. Oh and yeah, now I know why you ran off to the bathroom so quickly. Don't worry it can wait. Tell you what though, if you give me one last lick I'll be good for the evening. Sound good to to?"

An intriguing proposal and a hard one to say no to. So with gentle drop to his knees Taurn nuzzled his mate between his thighs, his nose taking in small sniffs of the area. carefully he provided a tender flick of his moist tongue, traveling from base to tip. Expected murrs came from above his head and Taurn decided try to take it further. Taking his lovers sheathed member into his muzzle he push it as far into his mouth as anatomy would allow and the drew back up, trying to free the shaft from it's hiding place.

A set of discouraging paws lift the wolf's head away and Jieraco looked into his mate's eyes. Hey I just needed you to get a taste, don't have to be bobbing up and down like that." Taurn rose off of his knees, his ears dropped low in embarrassment. "Don't have to worry about finishing me off tonight babe." he took the young canine's paw and pulled, lightly running his thumb over the top. "Come and we'll share a bed tonight." happily Taurn was lead along out of the room.

Jieraco parted his lover's side for obvious reasons as the two neared the bathroom and Taurn waited patiently outside, feeling exposed. The evening was great but here he was, completely naked in someone else's house.

"Boo, I wanna go get dressed really quick," he called out holding his paws infront of himself, shielding his exposed body. A mumble of approval and the young wolf dashed off to the bedroom to clothe himself once more. When he returned Jieraco stepped out from inside the bathroom. The sly little fox had also taken the time to find some gym shorts to wear. "Ready to cuddle now?"

With the question still fresh in his mind Taurn walked next to his mate, making their way down the fleet of stairs and turning sharply at the bottom. Lights still on from before they found there way to the couch and sat there grinning. "So... how was it?" Jieraco asked pridefully breaking the silence.

Struggling to find the right comparison Taurn strummed his fingers against his knees. "Better than... than... than any food or music or movie or mall or..." With a subtle kiss he was cut off mid sentence and his face became flushed. "Yeah, I kinda thought so myself." he announced to the wolf, pulling him closer with both arms. Reclined against the toasty orange fur he felt sleep start to sink in.

After the hour had passed into midnight, Taurn felt a heavy paw rubbing him from the otherside of a dream. "Hey wake up silly.' Jieraco murred and danced his fingers amongst the wolf's bangs. Yawning Taurn looked up, his eyes thick with the blur of tiredness. "I probably have to get you home soon. Your folks wouldn't take it so well if you're not there come sunrise. Saddening as it was his lover was right. So he stood from his comfortable spot and rubbed his face. "Where are my glasses boo?" Getting up, Jieraco passed the pair to his mate and explained. "I knew you were gonna' pass right out of it the second you starrted closing your eyes so I put them on the armrest. Sorry if that bugs ya' but I thought it'd be better if you didn't wear them well you slept in my lap."

Once last tender and longing hug was shared, Taurn feeling his lover's heart pound through his chest. "Tonight, tonight really was something... well special." Jieraco sighed with unmatched satisfaction watching Taurn on his way to the door. "Don't worry boo, Tomorrow will be even better."