Dairyman2 Joe Thunderstick

Story by The Iron Basilisk on SoFurry

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The Dairyman... Chapter two... "Change"

The making of Joe Thunder Stick.

This story contains adult themes, adult situations like love and affection and anthropomorphic animals doing what comes naturally. If this offends you then please do not read this story as involves very large cows engaging in sexual practices. Please do not read if you are too young or it is illegal to read about cows having sex in your area....

Last time we had left Joe in the barn, laying on the floor after being group molested by his very friendly, and very horny, cowgirls. The next morning, Joe had managed to get up and stumble to the door before he had fallen over, his body wracked with fever, his skin parched and sore. He was sick, very sick. The girls packed him up in the truck and whisked him away to Dr. Forsus. The usual doctor that both he and the girls used in times like this. Well, Joe didn't remember any of it. The whole time after he fell down going to the door was a complete blank. It wasn't until two weeks later that he came to himself in the small hospital that served there rural community. He sat up suddenly, gasping. In his mind he had this image of his flesh moving, shaping, reforming, into something... else. He closed his eyes and sighed. It had all been a dream. He felt fine, better than fine, great, as a matter of fact. He slid a foot out and put it on the floor, he just needed to get up. His foot clopped when it his the floor, an odd, and yet very familiar sound. He looked down at the foot and gave a snort like a gunshot. He was surprised at the snort, but not as surprised as by what caused it. There, at the end of his leg, was a huge round hoof, the sise of a medium pizza and as black as iron, attached to a huge fluffy white furred ankle who's hair was so long that it covered the back half of the hoof. Above that was a massive muscular shin that bent oddly, coated in the same coppery colored fur as the rest, and above that, a thigh that looked like you could smash cinder blocks over. His eyes kept traveling up until they reached his groin. He spasmed as if shocked with a half million volts, the rail of the bed squealing in protest as he crushed it like clay under his unknowing hand. He blinked and then looked again, it was the same. He had the hugest penis he had ever seen! Even unerect, it was immense! Easily capable of matching the diameter of his favorite coffee mug. A sheath that looked like it could hold an entire shotgun and a bucket full of shells to go with it was slung against his torso, below it, was a massive sack that held balls the sise of grapefruit. He tilted his head in uncomprehending disbelief and put his hands to his face. It was a long, broad face that felt soft and yet muscular. He reached up and his hands ran into two long velvet soft ears. He looked around and saw the window and his reflection faintly given there. Oh.... That explained it. He was a Clydesdale....

"WHAT IN THE SAM HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" he shouted, his voice half bellow and half stallion at bay. The glass containers on the shelves rattled, the windows shook. His voice was so powerful that the sheer volume and pitch of it were shaking everything fragile to bits! A light bulb shattered and then some glass jars, the window nearest him crazed and then shattered into a million pieces, falling like ice over the carpet. The door opened and in walked Doctor, Forsus. The good doctor was an ursine, (a bear for those who slept in school.) He had taken care of Joe's girls for years, and had become his doctor as well. He was... well, a big furry bear and a damn good doctor. His big plump roundness and kind, concerned demeanor made you comfortable and relaxed, even if you had a broken arm. (A thing that Joe knew from experience.)

"I see you are awake." he said, surveying the damage to the room with the calm eye that only an ursine could possess. "Lungs seem to be fine." he noted on his clipboard. "Good, you are well on your way to a full recovery, Joe."

"I hate to burst your bubble doc," Joe answered, "But I walked in here a one hundred and seventy five pound man, AND NOW I'M A ONE TON HORSE!" A few more pieces of glass shattered and the doctor simply sighed and ran a claw into his ear, wriggling it to dissipate the temporary deafness caused by Joe's bellow.

"Sorry." said Joe.

"No, no. your anxiety is perfectly understandable, and more like half a ton, actually." he explained as he pulled up a chair and sat in it. "Let me just tell you what it is that has happened to you. You know about the green fog that created we furries, don't you?"

Joe' nodded.

"Well, that gas did a few other things as well, besides tuning us into what we are today. It also affected a few minor life forms that were associated with us. One of these was a simple one celled organism that lived peaceably in the body, our white blood cells. The gas altered these cells to a rather astounding degree, and is the reason why our kind do not suffer from disease or sickness very much." he said.

"But what does this have to do with me?" Joe asked.

"Well, you see, Joe. It was obvious to me when you were brought in that you and the ladies who work at your farm and engaged in a bout of group sex." he waved a hand at Joe as he was about to say something. "Joe! Joe, I don't care about how or why, it seemed inevitably that they would try and seduce you from all I've seen. You are a good man and they love you a great deal. I would have even offered some helpful suggestions on how to go about it, if you had asked me. But the point is, that many of those girls were in there heat phase. Now, we furries do not depend on heats anymore to determine when to breed, but the original signals are still in place. When those girls had sex with you, some, if not all, were in heat. Females in groups normally begin to synchronize there heat cycle. This means that there vaginal linings were swimming in these hyper-white blood cells. Now ordinarily, this would never be a problem, even a full nights sex, or even a lifetime of sex with a single female would do nothing. But if, as in your case, a large group of females attempts to do so with one human, the cells cause a radical infection who's end result is the same sort of physical change that created we furries in the first place. As you can imagine, this is quite rare. The right circumstances and the right amount of female juices at the right time are hard to accomplish." he explained.

"But if that's the case. Why in the hell am I a horse if they were cows?" Joe asked.

The big grizzly sighed. "Well Joe. We still haven't figured out what the gas was exactly, or how it works. All we know is that in cases like this, the only real feature passed on to the infected human is the relative sise of the bodies. In other words. If you had been molested by a bunch of squirrels, you would have come out somewhere near there same sise but there is relatively few times that you would become the same species. You could have become anything around a bovines same body mass. A bull, however, was extremely unlikely. They believe that this is due to the fact that now any female in our race can become pregnant by anything that could comfortably have a baby that fit in her body. One of your girls, for example, could successfully be impregnated by a rabbit, give birth to rabbit offspring, while only producing one or two bovines no matter how many times she mated successfully. But a bull could never do the same with a doe. You see? That, and the fact that a different species than the female has a much higher rate of conception than with males of her own species. Somehow our genetics prefers to go outward rather than inward. Liking a different type rather than the same. So when you were "Born" as it were, you took on something that was nearly the same sise as the beings that infected you but not the same species. As for how the genetics of a very rare horse breed came to get there in order to make your new form, that we have not a clue." he licked his lips in an ursine display of uncertainty, putting his great paws on his knees and sat down in a chair across from him. " Now Joe. I have to ask you this, and it is very important that you answer me as best you can." he said, looking at him in abject seriousness.

"Ok, go ahead." he said, hesitantly.

"Do you believe that those girls had planned to infect you? That they did this to you on purpose?" he asked

Joe looked at the ursine and felt his insides turn to frost. He knew what that type of question led to, charges, jail, maybe prison. The doctor was basically asking him if his change was the result of a planned twist on rape. The penalty for rape was horribly brutal, although also very rare. He imagined his girls being sent to a penal island where they would suffer for the rest of there lives and answered without a moments hesitation, lying like he never lied before. "No, of course not." he said. "I... well I just have an attraction to them... and things got out of hand and we ended up in the barn half drunk and horny. If anything, I started it."

The bear smiled at him gently. "You... started it?" he asked.

"Like I said, I..um, got a thing for cowgirls. And so I ... you know, asked them if they wanted too, and they said that if I wanted to, that it was all right with them." he said.

"And you then proceeded to have sex with every girl in your dairy?" the doctor asked, his smile as gentle as ever, his eyes twinkling with bright humor.

"Well, alright, so I had em two, sometimes three at a time." said joe, blushing like a ripe apple, the tips of his ears radiating heat enough to warm the arctic, his pink lips turning the shade of a red rose. "I... um, I... used my arms and my...feet, and ....stuff. Look, how I did it doesn't matter. The fact is that I did it, they only went along with it because they knew I wanted it and they wanted to show me a good time if that's what I wanted.. they like me and so they let me do it with them. There good girls and wouldn't hurt a fly if it bit them on the ass! That answer your question?"

"Most succinctly, yes" said the doctor. He pulled out of his vest a tiny holo-recorder. With a big smile, he turned it off and then sighed.

"Now that is out of the way." he said. "I would like to have a more informal talk with you, my friend. Care for some lunch?"

The two of them entered the tavern, it was a furry local spot where the towns working furries took time to get a decent meal. Joe had to bend a bit to get his damn head thru the door, still managing to whack it solidly against the top anyway. He turned in to the room after getting his head free and stopped cold. Every furry in the room was starting at him like he was the last jelly doughnut in existence and they desperately needed a sugar fix. It became so apparent that Joe looked down at himself to see if his fly was open or something. He had, unfortunately, no clothes for his new form, but the good doctor had managed to scrounge him up some black spandex athletic shorts that sort of failed to give his "Parts" the room he felt they needed. Jo didn't really understand, not having a giant set of draft stallion genitals before, that his "Parts" were very well outlined by the thin, stretchy material the shorts were made from. As a matter of fact, they looked like he had decided to simply use a can of black spray paint rather than get dressed this morning. Joe simply never would have thought that his groin might be of interest to anyone before. Especially not a furry. But it was, in fact, exactly what they were looking at. That, and his big, muscular frame covered in fur that shone like copper silk, his big, soulful dark brown eyes, and velvet soft pink lips. The flowing white mane that hung to his rear. Long, flowing tail that whisked around his gigantic hooves that themselves were coated in long strands that floated like snow around his ankles. Joe had simply no idea that he was beautiful, attractive and down right sexy. He looked back to see them still starting at him and realized that he was rather exposed. But why should they care about that? They were furries. They ran around naked all the time. Hell, some of the people at the bar were sitting there with nothing but there traditional vest and nothing else but there fur on. He just could not figure out why they were all looking at him. And who could blame him? By his recollection, yesterday he was an average and basically plain human. So one can understand when he decided to become annoyed by there stares. A hoof the sise of a large frisbee pawed the floor with the sound of steel on stone and he snorted like a blown tire. "What?" he said, his voice half stallion giving challenge, half human speech. The patrons of the tavern quickly looked away from the annoyed stallion and went back to what they were doing before, many, if not most leaning to whisper something to whomever they were with.

Joe and the doctor went to sit down at a booth. When they were settled in, a very pretty Appaloosa mare walked up to the table and leaned over it. "What can I get you?" she asked. Looking straight at Joe, her long mane hanging down from one shoulder braided with a silken black cord, her fur as soft looking as velvet. Huge, round breasts jutting out at him like twin missile launchers, her thick eyelashes held at half mast, creating a sultry gaze that made his upper lip twitch for some reason, lifting it up as he pulled in a breath. She smelled good, really good. It was clear that she was coming on to him, every inch of her was saying "look, see, I'm looking at you, look at me."

There was a meaty thud under the table that rattled the dishes.

"Oh crap!" said Joe, bending over the table in panicked abject humiliation, his hooves sliding around as he attempted to hide himself.

Both the waitress and the good doctor leaned over and took a look, as well as any near by who could.

Yes, you guessed it. Joe's equine draft horse penis had tried to become erect in record time, and because he was sitting, had wormed it's way free of his new shorts, they being so stretchy, and now was hanging down out of one of the holes for his legs. Joe, never before having to deal with being so long that he could violate someone's personal space a good meter from his body with both hands tied behind his back, could not really be blamed for his inevitable groin flex that stallions are famous for, and slamming his rapidly expanding penis into the bottom of the table with the sound like a mackerel landing on a kettle drum. Joe's attempts at trying to get the thing back in his pants only seemed to be making him wince when it bound him up, or made his organ happy and desire to stick around.

They both looked at the huge organ and the Appaloosa mare blinked and stood up.

"Joe..." she said. "That's quite a... "thunder stick" you got there. Um..." she reached for her check pad and scrawled her number, her house address, and a few, short, X-rated notes to keep her in his mind. She then pulled the check off and reached down to stuff it in his shorts, taking the time to reach deeper and grasp the base of his shaft, as if to verify what she had seen. Joe froze like a startled rabbit at her grasp, looking at her with his big eyes, blushing and shy as a fawn. She smiled, obviously pleased with what she saw in his face. "Call me, any time." she said. "I get off in a few hours, then if you want. You can get me off... you sweet stud."

The bear stifled a laugh behind his hand and then cleared his throat. "Ah, Miss? Um, I am his doctor and I have to tell you that Joe here is not quite ready for this yet. He's been.... rather ill lately and...."

The waitress looked him up and down. "Your nuts, right?" She asked the bear.

"No, Joe here has recently suffered a rather unpleasant emotional trauma. He needs time to recover. But I'm sure that he will be fine in a while and no doubt will be visiting here again in the future. So please, my dear." he said, putting a paw over her hand. "Could you just give him some time?"

She looked at the bear and sighed. "Why is it Doc, that you always have to pull out the big guns and use those soft eyes of yours on the rest of us furries? Yeah, I'll leave him alone... for now..." she took there orders and then, stopped... staring at first one and then the other. She pointed at Joe. "Wait a minute! Are you Joe? The dairy man from the Stony farm?" she asked.

"Um.. Yes. That's me... uh... I think." he answered.

"I always wanted to meet you Joe." she said. "I've heard all about you. I was kind of hoping we could have gone on a date or two and had some fun together. I heard on the grape vine that you had gotten infected somehow, and this is your new form? Wow! That is some luck you got there, Thunderstick!"

"Um.. Why?" he asked her.

"Anybody as famous for being a nice guy like you, Joe. Deserves my attention." she said. "Besides, I always wondered what it would be like to get all sweaty with someone that had no fur. And I kind of heard that you were willing. Although now I'm very, very interested. So either get together with me some night soon or I'll be forced to chase you down and put a saddle on you... Thunderstick." she said. "I'll get your food." she turned and as she passed, she reached over and pulled Joe's head into her front and gave him a seriously lusty hug. "Sorry Doc, couldn't help myself." she said as she walked away. "There aught to be a law against furries being that creamy."

Joe turned back to the doc after he had watched the mare disappear into the kitchen.

Joe finally managed to get his parts under control, fitting himself back in his shorts.

"That was the most embarrassing thing I've ever had happen to me" moped Joe.

"Oh nonsense!" said Forsus. "Did it look to you as if she were offended?"

"Well, uh... no." he answered.

"Joe, you must understand that it is not uncommon for a male like yourself to have a reaction around those who you are attracted to. No one really minds such things. Stallions themselves are legendary for there sudden erections, especially young males who have had little experience in controlling themselves. Which, by the way, you technically are among. With time and practice, your...Thunderstick..." He smiled in good humor. "Will obey your desire not to appear unless you need it."

Joe sighed. "At least there's hope that I wont die of constant embarrassment." He said sarcastically. "And knock off that damn "Thunderstick". I got enough problems as it is."

"Oh, I doubt you have many problems, my friend. Not many at all." he said.

"Oh? And why is that?" Joe asked.

"Because you've got friends, Joe. This town is a small one and people around there know pretty much exactly what is going on with everybody in it. Now you and your farm might be a small ways from here, but you do all your shopping and such here and therefor are considered a part of this community. Practically everybody here knows who Joe of Stony farm is, such as the lovely waitress that gave you such a friendly greeting.. You've got quite a reputation around here for being a damn fine person. Hell, you're an icon around these parts. What, with the fact that half the people around here have been helped by you in some small way."

There meals chose that moment to arrive, interrupting them.

The waitress gave joe the wink and a tail flirt as she turned to go, Joe helplessly held watching her flowing tail and round hind end as she made her way to another table.

"Now Joe." interrupted the doctor. "There are going to be some rather drastic changes in you that you will almost certainly notice as time goes on, things that would prove to be just as embarrassing as the "Thunder stick" incident, was to you."

"Like what?" he asked.

"Like your sex drive." he replied. "You no doubt noticed that you reacted rather redly to the presence of a female. Well, I hate to tell you this Joe, knowing as I do how uncomfortable you humans are at this sort of thing. But I must inform you as a doctor. The simple fact of the matter is, you are now a stallion, a young and virile example of the breed. Stallions in general are known for being quite capable of immense sexual activity... and are rather legendary for it" he stated matter of factly. "You will almost certainly find yourself far more interested in females than you were before this change in you..."

"You sure?" he asked. "I ... um... I was rather ... interested before this."

The bear smiled and nodded. "Then I would say that you are rather lucky in the fact that you are a dairy farmer ... my friend. Perhaps after our meal you should return home and see how things have gone in your absence?" he asked.

"Yes.." considered Joe. "I should get back to the farm and see that things are all right." he said. They finished there meal. Doctor Forsus asking Joe various questions about how he felt and such... Soon it was over and Joe asked Forsus if he knew were his truck was. His trusty but beaten old heap that he used for everything from transport to hauling...

The doc smiled and shook his head. "Joe, you never could have driven it as you are now." he said. "We had to get rid of it so you wouldn't try and drive it and get yourself killed.

"But... " stammered Joe. "It"s my only truck!"

The doc smiled and put a furry arm on Joe's shoulder, guiding him out of the restaurant and down the sidewalk. "Come with me, Joe." was all he said.

They walked to the end of the street and found themselves at the local garage. Strode's place. The shop that pretty much handled all of the auto mechanics around these parts.

Strode himself walked out to greet them, wiping his greasy hands off on a rag and tucking it away before taking Joe's hand in his own and shaking it. Strode was a mouse... about just short of five feet in height and covered in silky blond and silver fur. He was, in Joe's opinion, cute as one could get. And always made him smile. Mice excelled at mechanical tasks due to there delicate hands and small sizes, they could get right in with an engine and see what the problem was with there excellent vision, and then reach it with there delicate and incredibly dextreritus hands and fix it. Strode smiled up at Joe and gave him the once over and then smiled broadly showing his big pearly buck teeth that mice where famous for.

"Hey Joe. Nice bod." he said in his light boyish voice. "You feeling okay?" he asked.

"Yeah Strode. I'm fine I guess, just a little confused and disoriented." he replied. "You got my truck in there by any chance?"

The mouse smiled and shook his head. "Nope. Sold it a few days ago." he stated flatly

"But I need my truck!" Joe protested.

"Oh calm down joe, you couldn't even fit behind the wheel now that you're a big old fur!" the mouse replied. "But don't you worry, old Strode has got you covered." he said with a wink. "We got another truck for you, Joe. But it ain't ready yet. So I got something else for the moment to move your new furry tail around."

The mouse led them into the shop and out into the back lot.

"You told me that you once rode a motorbike, right Joe?" He asked.

"Yeah... some years ago, why?" he replied.

"Well. Seeing as you need something right now and all, I called my cousin who runs the dismantlers yard next county over and asked him what he had for me and came up with this." he said, pulling off a tarp that lay over some huge odd shaped thing.

Joe gasped and stared... it was a bike all right. A HUGE bike... probably almost a ton plus of chrome and steel, painted black and looking like it could smash thru a house and keep going. It was a Thunderbolt. One of the latest bikes to come from the new Harley Davidson factory, now retooled and redesigned. They still made legendary bikes, but now had new customers, furs. Big ones. Bears and bulls and such loves them for there weight carrying power and looks as well as there incredible performance. The company had designed there new and better bikes using the latest technology. They used the new fusion technology to build small hyper reactive energy cells that created the necessary power for the wheels of the thing, the device, patented by them, became the new V-Twin. The bikes frame it self was made of a polychromize alloy of incredible strength that could take being hit by a train without damaging the paint. It was laid out like the choppers of old... low, long front forked, long saddled and with a large flaring tank that sat between the legs of the rider that contained, not fuel like previous bikes, but an onboard navigation computer, video-phone, stereo, and the tiny tank of hydrogen fuel needed for the fuel cell. It was a modern marvel. Though many missed the deep throbbing sound of the original type, the new one sounded more like a jet than a throaty twin. Still, old fossil fuels were unavailable and hydrogen trans reaction engines were the new way to get power. The thing had more horsepower than many earlier race cars and a top end around an astounding four hundred and sixty k.p.h.

Joe just stared at the thing, and at the custom paint job... of old time four leg horses running in the mists that graces every body part from forks to the tank... it was beautiful and raw and graceful like a ... well, like a horse.

"There is no way in hell that you got that from a junk yard." Joe stated flatly. "Sorry Strode, but I cant afford it. Its beautiful, but it has to at least cost twenty or so thousand U's. (Universal exchange units.) And I just don't have it.

Strode smiled and winked at him. "No charge Joe." he said briskly. "She's yours."

Joe just stared at him for a moment before getting his act together enough to ask him with his usual grasp of the situation.... "Huh?"

Strode smiled wider and sat down on a spare engine block. "You remember Joe when there was that big flood a few years back? And it knocked out the power and drowned that generator in the basement of Two Rivers hospital?"

"Yeah." replied Joe. "I remember."

Strode nodded. "You should, because you showed up with your own big generator not half an hour after there generator got drowned, they were a little hospital and didn't have much in the way of big connections, but they needed tons of power and the whole grid was off line and nobody had a generator capable of running the hospital just lying around anyplace in the whole county. Except for yours, the same one you used to power your whole farm. They put out a call for help from anybody who could, and you brought that thing out, who knows how... and then used it to power your big irrigation pump to keep the water out of the basement while you powered the whole hospital at the same time, going for fuel everyday and bringing it back to keep things running. Well, things were awful hectic with the river flooding and the damage and the rescue operations an all that few people even knew you had done it, and when you finished you just packed up and went like nothing had happened at all, even though it had cost you a lot of time and effort. And you never asked for anything for the whole thing, like it was just your job or something. Well, I knew Joe. And I'll tell you why. My wife was in that hospital, and was going into labor. She hemorrhaged Joe. She was bleeding to death, and without power there was nothing they could do about it... but here you come with your generator and get everything back on line in record time. They saved my wife and my daughter because they had power, Joe. Power that you brought to them. And as far as I'm concerned, I owe you. Big time." said the mouse, his face earnest and sincere. "And this bike did come form a junk yard, I just used my connections and skill to fix it up for you, and it ain't anything compared to what I owe you Joe. It ain't nothing at all. So you take it and you ride the hell out of it and if it ever breaks down I'll fix it and if you wreck it I'll make it run again. Like I said, its nothing."

Joe blinked and shook his head. "I wasn't... I didn't do anything special, Strode. I was just doing what had to be done... I don't want anything for it. Anybody would have done the same if they had a thirty kilowatt generator in there barn. I just happened to have one and heard about the power failure on the emergency radio. That's all..." he said, looking away from the mouse's earnest gaze, blushing to the tips of his ears.

Strode smiled at the sight of a ton of shy bashful stallion. "Yeap, that's Joe all right." he said with a laugh. "Always uncomfortable being singled out even when he's being praised, and absolutely uncomfortable being in front of anybody for anything. You're one great human... I mean fur!" he smiled, showing off his pearly white buckteeth. "Let me know if you ever want a playmate sometime. I'd be happy to oblige you, no matter how big you are."

Joe looked at him and then opened his mouth to ask him what he was talking about when he felt a furry paw on his shoulder.

"Never mind that, Joe. Do you remember how to ride one of these things?" Forsus asked.

"Well, I rode, but nothing like this. This is a monster!" he answered.

"Still, im sure it will be all right. Give it a try joe." Said Forsus calmly.

Joe slid onto the huge bike and felt a sense of dread as he realized just how big it was, it had about the same amount of steel that would be used to make a car. What if he couldn't even get the thing up off of its kickstand? But Joe really had no clue as to just how strong and powerful his new body was. He set a huge hoof on the ground and then heaved up, flexing his massive thighs to push the bike upright, and almost over the other side. Causing the gathered furs to yell as the sight of the bike almost going over. Joe caught it with he opposite hoof and straightened it out, breathing a sight of relief as he sat the bike up and straight.

"Well," said Strode. "Go on, start it."

Joe took a deep breath and then kicked it over. It rumbled to life, a thrum that was almost subsonic in pitch, that went beyond the human rage of hearing, but which Joe could easily pick up now. The classic bikes of old were loud and nosy, and there fans liked it that way, but that ended when the fusion power cell came into existence. The thing was totally silent, except for a deep resonant thrumming like the sound of the earth moving, something you felt rather than heard. Strode smiled and nodded his approval as Forsus stepped forward and said to him. "Just take it easy and go slowly at first, Joe and everything will be fine. You had best get to your farm now and see about settling in, im sure the girls are worried about you and would love to get to know your new self. Call me if you have any problems Joe, you know my number."

Joe nodded and turned to Strode, opening his mouth to ask one last time if he truly wanted to give him the bike and saw strode shake his head with a smile.

"You get on home, Joe." he said. "Your herd will be missing you."

Joe wanted to ask him what that meant, but Strode was walking away and he found himself suddenly alone, Doc Forsus having left and strode closing the door to his shop...

Joe looked around and sighed... there was little he could do but go home.

He pulled the throttle a tiny bit and held on as the bike moved with the restrained power of a freight train... he leapt onto the road and powered off... he had to reduce his throttle as he saw that he was going in excess of one hundred KPH in a few seconds... he soon had the beast under control and found that he was enjoying this incredibly, the wind blowing his long mane back to flutter in the breeze, toying with his tail as he rode along, the power of the machine throbbing between his legs almost sexual in its pitch... he tossed his head and snorted in pride as the machine flew down the road like a bullet at his command...

He almost missed the turn off for his farm but managed to brake and make the turn just in time.. The advanced computer controlled gyroscopic stabilizers making his hasty exit look skilled. He pulled up to the front of his house that was off to the side of the main barn complex and strode to the door after he parked his bike... he opened the door and stared at the inside of his home...

There was nothing there... the floors were bare... he walked thru his house and saw that everything he owned was gone... He had been robbed? Only if the robbers hand cleaned the house before they left... What had happen while he was in the hospital? He walked back out of the house and saw in the fading light of the day the barn where the girls lived was full of lights and could make out noises of tools and spoken voices... he walked towards it, pausing to take in the site of his farm in the glowing crimson sunset... everything was so beautiful now as fall came slowly to this part of the world... For some reason even the disappearance of his things could not rattle him now... he closed his eyes and felt the cool winds brushing his fur, fluttering his mane and toying with the wisps of white that lay around his ankles... He could not believe how good he felt, how perfect and right... he smiled then as he came to the realization that this... this was the greatest moment in his life, that he had become what he always wanted to be, become that which he had admired and respected his whole life... and he was happy... he strode then to the door of the barn and knocked... who knew what they were doing in there? Best to be polite...

The whole place was silent and then he picked up the sound of cloven hooves walking to the door and soon enough the door opened.. Standing there was Rita, the woman who had started all this mess with her invitation to come down to the barn... she blinked her big brown eyes at him and just stood there for a moment looking at him.

"... Joe?" she asked in a small voice.

"What? Don't recognize your own Dairyman Rita?" he asked with a small smile.

She took a small step towards him, uncertain if he were mad at her or not, and then rushing to him and embracing him in her arms, pulling his head down to her breasts as she kissed his head over and over. Joe lifted his arms and held her to him like he never had before, closer and more intimately than he had ever dared in the past... for now it was alright.. Now he could love her as one of her own... and for that he was grateful.

He lifted his head and touched her lips with his own for the very first time, kissing her as he had wanted to so very badly all these years... she watched him, only giving the kiss as much as he gave it, not wishing to push Joe too far. But Joe was not of a mind to waist this moment and kissed her passionately and lustily as his soft strong hands wandered over her body... her own wandering in return as they explored each other...

She took his hand and led him away from the house down into the grassy fields that surrounded the main house and there to the massive oak that lay next to the small stream that shimmered in the fading light of day...

He followed her. His hand in hers, his heart lost to her as is had always been... she sat on the soft mossy ground under the great tree and pulled him down to lay beside her...

"I love you Joe." she whispered softly to him, for him and him alone... her warm breath brushing his face, its scent tasting of wildflower an fresh grasses. "I've always loved you, and I've always wanted you, that's why I got the girls to do what they did, for me... for you. And im sorry if you are angry with me, but I knew that it was the right thing to do, no matter the cost..." she looked away then and sighed. "Even if... even if you don't want me because of what I've done... I know deep down that you will be happier this way." she turned back to gaze into his eyes, hers huge and soft, the glistening of tears shining on her face... she pulled his hand into her's and then placed it upon her warm and soft breast "And... and if you do find it in your heart.. To forgive me... Then let me be your first, Joe.... make love to me and let me give you all the joy I can."

He leaned forward and kissed her soft and warm lips... "You have already given me all the joy that I could ever want." he said softly, his eyes shining in the fading light. "You have given me a gift that I can never repay, and whatever you want from me to repay that gift I will give it, for the rest of my life... I have never been more happy than I am right now... I love you Rita. And deep down I always wanted this... I always wanted to be one of you..."

She smiled gently, her eyes filled with emotion as she pulled him down on top of her body, he embraced her and felt as he had never done before the sheer softness of her body, the warmth of it, kissed the great expanse of a single silken breast, sliding his lips along to taste her broad and fat nipple, a few drops of her sweet cream freely given to her lover laid upon his tongue... the sweet taste filling him with loving contentment... she lay back and let him explore, let him know her form inch by inch, learning her every curve with gentle hands and soft kisses... she pushed against his shoulder and lay him upon the soft loam, sliding atop him, pressing her great feminine mounds to embrace both sides of his head... she looked down at him, his face jutting up from between her awesome breasts and smiled... "I always wanted to cover you joe" she whispered. "To smother you with my body, to feel you with every inch of my fur as we made love." she reached down and guided his shaft, now throbbing and hard up to press against her almost burning hot entrance, its dripping lips twitching and greedily sucking at the head... he groaned as she pushed back against it and he entered her... his large equine shaft sliding deeply into her body, deeper and deeper still until her rear rested upon his groin. She rose then and sat on him, eliciting a half whinny of sheer pleasure from her lover. "My joe, you are a big boy, aren't you?" she said as she smiled gently, her eyes far away as she dealt with the feeling of his huge equine shaft buried within her throbbing sex... gasping as she felt it swell and rub softly against her inner secrets... with a groan she lifted herself off of him with her powerful hips and then slid back down on his shaft... he grunted as he felt her wide rear fall upon him, its soft expanse like a great warm pillow that gave the feeling that his entire groin was being made love to all at once, she drove his shaft into her as deep as it could go and he watched in rapt fascination as her great breasts swelled noticeably, dropping her milk, as they called it, letting the fruit of her body flow to fill her breasts and swell her teats until they were stiff and pointed... she rose again with a sigh of pleasure and then fell once more, giving short slight passionate sighs and gasps as she took him in once more.. She shuddered then and raised her arms, crossing them behind her head, her eyes closed in rapture, her mammoth cleavage jutting forward in proud and erotic display before him as her breasts gave a twitch of there now pulled taunt skin and he watched in glorious delight as they let loose there burden there nipples letting out streams of white cream that covered his chest and face with shining snowy dew as she gave her lover the bovine females trademark gift, the bounty of her sex... She rose then slowly, his shaft lovingly stroked, held and embraced by her dripping vaginal lips, a deep melodic low of contentment and fulfillment coming from her as she felt his shaft stroke her warm welcoming depths as she began to stroke him in and out of her... she leaned forward and put her hands upon the ground beside him and gazed into his eyes, shining as they were with the joy of there lovemaking... her great hips rocking enfolding and caressing his groin with every movement, the wetness of her sex spurting around his mammoth shaft as she rode her beloved stud.. She lifted a hand to stroke his face, already slick and wet from her almost constantly spurting breasts... she lifted his head to greet her swollen dripping teat and touched his lips with her pearly white love as the silken soft nipple caressed them. His lips parted and he tasted the wonder of her sweetness, taking the gift of her love with all the respect and thanks that it deserved... she gasped and moved far the faster, loving as all bovines did the feeling of there bodies granting there gifts to another they loved, the warm sensation of his pulling upon her teat filling her with contentment and pleasure that she wanted with all her heart to return... she moved back and forth, sliding him in and out of her soft crimson depths again and again as she rode him, there bodies slick and wet from her endless spurting cream as she slid back and forth over him faster and faster, groaning, gasping, crying out in ever increasing ecstacy, the wet sounds of there lubricated bodies thrusting against one another filling the glade as they performed the billion year old dance of renewal and love...

Joe was floating in a sea of pleasure, his greatest dreams fulfilled, he had heard of this, the great quantities of milk produced in huge jetting sprays by an aroused cow, and had desired more than anything to experience it, to see as he now was seeing her huge turgid teats shuddering and then flinging forth there thickest cream in sheer celebration of there sexual pleasure, gushing forth to cover his body in the rich scent and taste of a healthy cow in the throws of near orgasm, the scent of her raging desire flooding the air, covering his skin, soaking every pore of his body with her potent sexual cocktail...

"I want to feel it, Joe..." she moaned. "I want to fell you flare in me... I want to feel you stretch my as wide as I can go... cum in me Joe. Make that giant horse cock of yours cum in me!"she cried out as she slammed down on him, humping him as fast as she could, her huge breasts spurting almost constantly upon him as they flung about, her vaginal walls squeezing hard upon his shaft as she felt the first of her orgasms hit.

The shuddering bucking rear of her upon his shaft, the huge breasts spraying him with there warm love was all to much for him and he could not hold back another moment and came for the first time as a fur... his huge shaft's head suddenly swelling to three times its normal sise and ramming deep within her as it flooded her womb with his gushing burning seed.... they cried out together in ecstacy as she reached another orgasm and then another and another while Joe simply carried on with his own, writhing in the roaring wash of his pleasure, he had no clue that an equid like himself did not just explode and fade like a human when it came to orgasm, but instead just kept going for a good long while and recuperated and was ready for more way faster as well...

She finally stopped shaking, great flinging shining streams of cream flying from her teats in a final appreciation for her love and then slowed to a trickle upon his chest as she sat gasping atop him... she looked down at him, her great warm eyes gentle and loving, she touched her breast and coated her fingers in her shining milky love and touched his lips with her dripping fingers... he kissed them and tasted her satisfaction written clear within the scent of her milk... she lay down atop him and kissed him, sharing the taste of her own cream from his tongue as she pressed her soaking body to his, rubbing against him in satisfaction...

She sat up and with a groan pulled off of him, reaching down to touched and stroke his now softer shaft as it slid from her, her vagina clenching it in fond remembrance as he slid out finally, a gout of his seed falling with it, coating her fingers which she lifted to her lips and tasted, her eyes close in sheer bliss, her broad nostrils expanding as she inhaled the scent of his gift to her... she reached down with her other hand and cupped her dripping sex and then stroked its shimmering load up from her groin to soak her belly fur as she rubbed it in... it was one of the most erotic things Joe had ever seen and he was astonished to find himself throbbingly hard once more... He reached for her, wanting to do it all over again but with more feeling... she danced away with a giggle.

"No you don't you horny beast!" she said with a smile. "The herd would kill me if I spent the night out here with you alone, no matter how much I would like to!" she took his hand and used her well hidden bovine strength that he was all to familiar with to pull him to his feet. With a "Whup!" He slipped on the soaked moss, literally running with spent milk, sweat and sex juices. He fell with a splat to sit in the now cooling mess and shook his head as he realized that there must be eight or nine gallons of it!" he shook his head and looked up at her. "Is it always like this?" he said, getting carefully to his feet this time on the slippery moss.

She laughed. "No, Joe. Its not usually like this. But I wanted to give you something special, give you a real cow shower and so I went without milking for a week until I could barley walk. I used the lactation cream and everything I could think of so I would be ready for you, I wanted to just cover you with my love, get you all wet and sticky every second and the only way to do that was to overdo it a bit."

He smiled. "I thought your tits looked quite a bit bigger since the last time I saw you Rita. But then again, I've never looked at em from this high before" he leaned over and kissed the top of her left on and then her right. "And I thank you, and them for it. that was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me."

She giggled and kissed his lips. "Oh! You're so sexy and still the ultimate charmer Joe! You could talk any fur in the land out of everything they had just by being you." she turned and pulled him along back to the main house, a smile of anticipation on her lips. "Come on, the girls want to meet the new you!"

She reached the door and pulled it open, pulling him inside just as she had that first night seemingly so long ago when all of this first started... he stepped into the warmly lit room, his eyes quickly accustoming himself to the light as he looked around. It was as it always had been, the girls all sitting around, mutually close, enjoying just being together in the quiet, there voices low and gentle as they talked to each other, open, bearing themselves without reservation to there sisters... two kissed gently as they lay side by side right there in the middle of them all and not a one stared or even seemed to notice except to smile fondly at what they saw... one knitted a shirt blanket for her newborn already long asleep, beaming with a mothers inner light as she worked, sharing little things about her baby with her sister who listened with a smile as she held the yarn. It was a cow heard, as pure and friendly as one could get, and it shone with comfort and affection, even with Corrie sitting on her side gently stroking a huge knobby dildo into the relaxed and smiling cow next to her who had her butt facing Corry in all its glory, her dripping sex bare to the whole herd and no one gave a damn as she molested her herd sister. The cow giving off long low groans of satisfaction as Corrie turned the knob and left it buzzing and wriggling in her sex.

Joe rolled his eyes. Ever since the lost vibrator incident where he had to fish it out, the girls all loved to use sex toys and Corrie was the acknowledged expert in the field of anything that buzzed and made you cum. It was then that they saw him standing there, one by one they looked up to see him and then reached for him, pulling him into there warm circle, pulling him down to lay upon there great pillows and touch them, be with them in there sacred place as one of them... he found himself laying down beside them as hands and eyes wandered over every inch f him, his erect shaft was considered in length, touched, tasted and felt. His balls were weighed in gentle hands, his thighs stroked his chest petted, but he was unashamed to have himself played with so for they did it freely and without jibes, just admiring his form, appreciating him and all he was. The first to mount him was Rose, a big black Angus, smaller in breast than the others but mammoth none the less and the strongest of them by a long shot... she had the silkiest ebon fur with highlights of deep copper than shown beautifully upon her luscious curves. Her bright pink sex stark against her ebon beauty.. She lowered himself onto his shaft and groaned as he slid within, her sisters smiled and asked her frankly what it was like to have his cannon within her and she smiled and told them everything as she moved up and down faster and faster until she was lost in her own sexual world... a second cow, Leila, spotted white and black Holstein and well known for her immense breasts and round, plump body that many males perused her for slid up behind Rose and reached out to stroke her his and kiss her neck, reaching down to toy with her clit as she rose and fell atop Joe. Cupping her breasts and toying with the dripping nipples as she lowed and gasped ... all too soon it was an very group affair, with all of the herd either toying with Joe or making love to each other as they watched the two lovers ride there stud... soon Rose came and spurted all over him, kissing Joe on the lips even as her cow lover Leila reached down and stroked some of the mixed sex juices from her love and there stud, bringing it up to taste it from the tip of dripping fingers... the two then switched positions as the plump Holstein slid down on his amazingly erect shaft and began to pump down onto it even as her ebon Angus lover made love to her huge breasts... gentle hands guided his head back to meet soft warm lips and then a dripping vagina was lovingly pressed to his face... its soft lips twitching in loving greeting around the front of his nose and he plunged his broad tongue into her as she sighed and ground her sex into his lips... he felt his hands guided to caress breasts and the slick wetness of vaginas as the herd played with there stud... he came again and again, more than he could ever imagine having done before as he was immersed in a world of soft bodies, round behinds, sweet vaginas and immense dripping spurting breasts that shook in welcome and pleasure as they hung above him, pressed against him or spurted all over him again and again...

He remembered little after that... he was lost in a sea of love and lust and was finally exhausted, laying as he was covered in sex just like the first time that had brought this miraculous change upon him, his head resting on a soft warm belly while and idle hand stroked and toyed with his mane... arms were about him, bodies pressed against him and his shaft was inside his last lover of the night... he managed to summon the strength to smile... it had been a great day...

Well, that's it fellow furs. The second chapter is finally out, yes its long and over the top and not quite as pr0n as many would like it to be, but I wanted to do a big story, so there. Ill try and work on some shorter ones that are more smutty. But come on, you really believe these nice cows are just going to rape somebody just to make the story more interesting?

I was thinking of going somewhere else on the next bit, somewhere more risque... so let me know if you have any ideas!

Hears a few to spark your imagination...

(Joe goes thru another mutation and comes out a hermaphrodite!)

(Joe goes bi and finds himself falling for a huge black Angus bull who wants Joe more than anything and is willing to prove it!)

(Joe finds out he's bankrupt and the girls bail him out on the condition that he become there pet pony sex slave!)

(The girls convince him to build a brothel and sell sex right along side of the milk and wonders why everybody keeps asking "How much for the sexy Clydesdale?")

Well, that's it, I hope you had fun, it was a labor to write. Let me know what you thought and your ideas, you can reach me at

[email protected]
