Within The Lab: Preparation

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#6 of The Lab

It was night the next time that the 'good doctor' woke the wolf up while she tried to sleep fitfully in her cage. She'd found that no matter how she tried to sleep the burning inside of her kept her restlessly awake and when she wasn't thinking about it she'd instinctively tried to clean herself. The first time she hadn't realized she was doing it until her long soft tongue had stroked over her swollen Y shaped folds and even then she hadn't been able to do more then jerk away. The taste of herself lingered on her tongue despite her attempts to drink great gulps of water to clear her taste buds. Even her scent was another prison she found herself locked inside, a prison made up of her heat and the sound of the male wolves calling to her from the cage across the room.

The sound of them was like some evil lullaby that made her drift restlessly into dreams, but her dreams weren't of anything comforting. They were a wolf's dreams of the males calling and catching her. How exquisite it would feel to have their tongues soothing away the aching burn inside of her and how their teeth could reach even the most sensitive spots. But most of all she dreamed of the hot fire they would stab inside of her and it was then that she would awaken with a shudder and whine to herself. She was male, she wasn't meant to be female, she was really a male. She didn't want to think about what the wolves would do to her or what they wanted when they fought in short mock battles to show off for her.

So it wasn't surprising when in the wee hours of the morning the lights came on that she was still awake and pacing in her cage. They were the restless movements that she had used the last few hours to try and wear herself out so her thoughts would stop troubling her. When the door opened she froze and curled her lips back in a fearful snarl at the familiar short curved form that walked in. She could smell the sweet perfume on the air and shrank back against the corner of the cage. Dr. McNickle's heels clicked brusquely on the ground as she walked directly towards her cage carrying a pillow case that looked as if it were weighed down. What now? Was she going to be beaten? That was a far more enjoyable prospect then the idea of the wolves taking her.

"Well, still awake then, Steve?" The voice was friendly and the same tone she had often used when she had come into work. "That's just fine, I was hoping to not disturb you."

The pillow case was placed on a metal table while she crouched down next to the door and picked up the snare pole. Panic welled up inside the wolf as her eyes flashed back and forth to try and find a way to bolt. The cage door swung open and suddenly the metal cable pushed in so that she almost crashed into it. She snarled and tried to snap at the loop so she could evade it, but it deftly slipped over her head so that she shoved chest first into the pole. It hit against her hard enough to bruise while she snarled and twisted. Ann was stronger then she looked as she was tugged and pulled out of the enclosed cage. Her ears went back against her head as she tried vainly to go back into the cage and away from the sadistic doctor.

"Now, now, let's behave ourselves hmm? You're going to be introduced to someone you thought you knew." The smile on the doctor's face made her wilt and shrink in on herself.

The doctor had more than enough experience dealing with large animals to handle Steve's struggles, even as she tried to claw and bite the snare pole kept her in check. She was forced over to one side of the room and Ann deftly tripped her so that she landed with a sharp cry on her side. Her legs flailed and paws scrabbled against the ground, but she wasn't allowed to get up again. Instead her former employer used the distraction to slip the damnable muzzle back on over her jaws and clip a heavy leather collar around her neck. She splayed her ears as the collar was affixed to a chain that forced her head down low.

Next she was moved and her body contorted so that she was forced to half sit and curve her back. She realized with a sudden rush of blood to her face that she was positioned as if she were about to lick herself. Her nose hovered just a few inches away from her blood gorged sex and she could see the slight sheen of wetness that was patterned over it. She closed her eyes in refusal to look as leather restraints were pulled over her lower back and along her haunches. One of them kept her hind leg raised up in the air so that she was completely exposed to the room. A stinging thought hit her and she closed her eyes against it. She was like a dog that didn't know any better, a dog about to clean herself in public.


Ann had gone home when her interns had left for the day, what better way to ensure no one became suspicious? She had managed to go home and slip into the shower, though it hadn't been because she wanted to get clean. Instead she had leaned back against the shower wall and closed her eyes to relive her day. The sight of the bound wolf in front of her as she was shocked and penetrated had stayed in her mind the entire drive home. Her fingers had found her own passage and started to work steadily as she savored her triumph. The feel of them sinking deep inside of her had only taken a few moments before she'd reached her peak.

The feel of her fingers shifting and moving inside of her had started to give her an idea. Her walls clenched and squeezed as she pulled in and out steadily, the wetness forced out around her finger tips. Perhaps she should give Steve a warm up before she introduced her to her new mates. She wouldn't turn a virgin bitch loose on the pair of males, and it would be good for Greg as well. Who else would know what the former male was going through? The more she thought about it the more appealing it became until she had hurriedly left the shower and wrapped a towel around herself before she'd gone out to her computer.

It hadn't taken long for Jonathan to agree with much enthusiasm about her idea, in fact he had given her a few suggestions to help out with it. She had spent several moments with him learning how to post up the notice on the website and sent out a mass e-mail to those that subscribed on where they should go and what time to view the feed. She hadn't told them anything else besides it promised to be something they had never seen before, that would be enough to make sure that they logged on to see what she would deliver. After that it had been easy to throw on some clothes and head back out towards the lab now that it was empty.

She stared down at the wolf that she'd captured and started to bind him against one of the walls, the restraints that she had weren't meant for this, but she'd been able to modify them. It had help that she'd looked up online about working with various leather mediums and how to put them to various uses. She made sure that the position was the most degrading possible, a pose that most dogs would have been yelled at for. The head pushed right between the hind legs and one leg lifted up and held there so that her puffy sex was forced into plain view. The wetness that was spilled along the edges glittered to her eyes and she knew the camera would pick it up perfectly.


Greg had spent the last year and a half trapped in his ex's sadistic grip until she thought she would go mad. The experiments that were done using her body made her cringe. The males had become an endless cycle in her life as sometimes twos and threes or more had taken her. It all ended the same way, with ever growing clutches that she was forced to lay. She never had any privacy, her tank was in the room most of the interns did their work so that she was forced to lay her eggs where others could see. She had tried to hold them in, but in the end the contractions forced her to push the orbs out while they commented and studied her.

She wished she were dead several times, but she was never offered that chance. She was left as an experiment that anyone could use. Handled and probed by the newer interns, video taped when new experiments were going on and stuck in an eternal season that gave her no relief or hope. She had finally laid the last clutch just yesterday and had almost looked forward to being able to do nothing else but coil around them and recover. She didn't get the chance, her ex had come in the middle of the night and caught her behind the head before pulling her out of the tank. The snake had writhed and hissed in protest before she was dropped into a cloth back and the world had gone dark. Even the sounds outside were muffled enough she had trouble making them out.

Light was returned to her when the top of the bag was open and the hand she had come to know and fear dropped down to catch her up again. Her coils twisted and writhed as she tried to protest the handling and finally was reduced to wrapping herself the doctor's free hand. Her eyes took a few moments to adjust to the brightness of the lights and found herself in a different part of the building and being held above a wolf that was bound against one of the walls. The miserable creature was obviously trying to get her way free by pulling and straining. What was she doing here? She wasn't expected to let a wolf take her was she?! Fear flooded her at the idea of something so large being slammed inside of her.


Steve rolled his eyes up to see the bag being emptied and for a moment felt only confusion as the snake was brought out. He recognized the python easily enough, it was Ann's favorite snake in the building and her first big success. She'd named it Greg after her ex had run off with another woman and left her a while back. It was a common joke in the lab. The snake twisted itself about while the doctor gave a smile that made her fur stand up along her shoulders. The writhing snake was brought closer towards her as she tried to jerk her muzzle away from her loins. It came in closer and closer until she saw the snakes head in sharp detail, the pattern of the familiar scales, the flickering of the dark red tongue as it tasted the air.

"Steve, I'm sure you know Greg here. Greg, meet Steve." Ann's voice held almost laughter, "Greg thought he could black mail me so he could fool around with other women and not work, he learned his lesson just as you're going to Steve."

The wolf managed a muffled whine before the meaning of the words hit her and she widened her eyes in pure horror of what it meant. Greg had learned his lesson. Greg the snake. Greg was actually a human. Her eyes flicked towards the snake that was being gripped by the doctor and revulsion went through her. She had actually probed the snake a few times and held her lay her eggs! That couldn't be a human man trapped in a female's body, it couldn't! If that was actually her ex, then what hope did she have of turning back into a man? The snake looked at her with that alien eye and she let out a whimper and tried to pull away.

"Don't be so upset, Greg here is happy with her life. In fact, she's going to help you today. You're going to be bred tonight, but first we're going to let Greg get you used to something between your legs."


The doctor kept her grip firmly on the snake while it twisted and curled along the edges of her wrist, the powerful coils weren't enough to make her release her former ex. She was too bent on what she was doing as she brought the snake down towards the center of her body. It took a few minutes before she could pick up the bottle of lubricant and even longer before she started to roll the tube upwards to spill out a rush of wetness. It rolled over the scales while she kept her eyes more on the wolf who was watching with fearful horror growing in the pale amber orbs. She knew somewhere what was going to happen to her, and the thought made Ann shift in place.

She had never experienced the growing arousal that she felt except in small bursts when she'd worked with Greg in the past. Now it had grown to the point she could feel the soft silk of her underwear growing damp as they clung against her mound. Even her nipples had started to harden so that she could see them as rises against the shirt that clung against them. She was already thinking about what was going to happen when Greg had her first taste of a female for the first time in over a year. Her first taste of a female that wasn't even a true female, that was changed male just as she was. Would she still enjoy it or would she find it horrifying and embarrassing.

Once she'd worked the lubricant right along the scaled muzzle until it flowed almost over the eyes to blur the vision she wiped her fingers clean from the slippery mixture. Once they were clean enough to not damage the machine she pulled out the portable web cam and set it down on a little tripod. She only gripped the snake long enough that she could lean over and bring up the website so she could connect from it to the camera. She looked at the view and let out a shivering breath of pleasure as she saw the swollen folds close up on the camera. They were perfectly centered in the midst of picture.

She shifted her attention back towards the snake that she held in her hands and brought the snakes in closer to the folds. She murmured her promise quietly just soft enough for the snake to hear her clearly but not the camera. She carefully kept herself out of sight except for her hand as the blunt muzzle was introduced to the swollen outer lips. A look of panic fluttered over the wolf's features as she half yelped out a protest while the scaled muzzle rubbed up and down along her folds. They teased and stroked along the edges of them until she could watch the shudders of unwilling pleasure start up. The first small sliver of the muzzle that she pushed into the passage spread the outer lips wider before the head started to be swallowed deeper.


Greg recoiled at those words, but there was also confusion on what she meant. Was she going to be turned back into a human? After all these months was she finally going to be a man again? She should have known that that wouldn't be the case, she should have known the doctor wouldn't let her get away so easily. Even as she thought about those words she felt the sudden splatter of cool gel being squeezed out over her head. Thick globs of it drooled over her muzzle and down along her head and neck so that she felt a sudden chill from it. It spilled past her lips and made her lash her tail back and forth wildly as she inhaled some of it. It tasted thick with chemicals so that she flicked her tongue out to try and rid herself of the taste.

She sensed movement and then her tongue tasted something thick and musky on the air as Ann moved her down. Her eyes were clouded from the lubricant, but her tongue fluttered out to taste something hot and slick. The warmth bathed against her cold snout and she tried to writhe away from the sensation but the hand wouldn't let her. Her muzzle was forced up against the swollen folds until they started to wrap open around the curve of blunt muzzle. Her tongue fluttered out again instinctively as the outer lips started to spread around her scales and she realized with a panic that the doctor planned on using her like a toy!

"Don't struggle, Greg, if you prove useful in this, perhaps I'll let you have a few weeks between now and your next clutch." She wanted to sob out, partly in relief at knowing she would get a break and the other part in humiliation on what she'd have to do to earn her break.

The snake twisted and then started to push forward, she could feel the walls as they spread along her muzzle and the heat enveloped her. It chased away the chill from the lubricant as she went and she felt the doctor's hands release their grip on the back of her neck. She was able to use her stomach scales to pull herself forward as the passage widened and slipped along either side of her muzzle. The heat spilled over her scales while the slickened lubricant that had been squeezed out onto her did its work. She was able to writhe and pull herself along the silken passage while the walls squeezed and clenched around her spade shaped head. The tightness made it all the harder to burrow in deeper as she tried not to think about what she was doing. She tried not to think about how low she had finally sunk.


Steve shuddered as the snake started to pull and push inside of her, her eyes showed a rim of white as the wedge shaped head pushed against her swollen folds. With the state of her heat it was a torment she didn't need as it pulled and writhed and started to penetrate her inch by steady inch. She vocalized with short yelps and whines as the doctor released the snakes head and let it work its own way inside. She wanted to scream and fight back, but all she could do was watch the scaled head spread her passage open in a lewd circle until the flesh snapped tightly shut just behind her neck. She could feel each scale digging inside of her until she shuddered with unwilling pleasure. Her walls milked and pulled around it.

The wolf had felt like it had been an eternity since she had been forced into heat, even if it had been only hours prior. Her body ached for this sensation, but it ached for the sharp hard stab of a wolf's cock, not the writhing body of the serpent that twisted and rubbed along her passage. She tried to clench her muscles to push it out as she watched more of it start to edge into her. Her own inner passage started to lubricate around the python. She could see the slickness being pushed out around the scaled body and along her folds while she curled her toes. Her breathing started to come in rapid pants driven on by the feeling of pleasure that refused to go away. She wanted to paw and yank the snake out of her, the very sight distressed her more than the humiliation.

She felt the scales as they scraped over her g-spot and her entire body went tense as her walls started to help pull the snake in deeper until the thickness of the body started to stretch her out further. She could feel the inner walls straining and the spasms that made her rock her hips against the restraints. It was made worse at the breathy laugh of the doctor from where she crouched down close by. It was then that he realized that she was holding a small camera on them and her ears flushed a hot red. She pulled them back and choked out a sound like a sob as the snake pushed deeper and the head started to writhe and twist inside of her increasing her body's urgency. She wanted release, she wanted to be able to cum, she wanted something that made her stomach clench and body tense up.


Greg rolled and twisted inside of the tight passage that started to clench and pull around her body. The wetness started to grow and she could feel the arousal that was spilling along her scales so that she had an easier time forcing a few more inches inside of the wolf. She could hear the noise dimly and could only imagine what the other former male felt while being taken like this. Her long tongue flicked out as her muzzle bumped up roughly against the cervix and she could feel the dimpled opening. She halted for a moment as the walls massaged and contracted around her before she started to try and move again. She pushed her coils upwards to roll roughly right along the roof of the passage.

Her tail lashed and twisted behind her while she tried to tease the passage and make the wolf cum. She didn't want to be mated again, that was worth almost any degradation, even being used as a sex toy for the former intern. She felt the g-spot rasping against her scales while the wolf's body jerked and jostled her around and she began to twist her body in slow circles forcing another inch into the so tight channel. She could feel the opening yawn wider and wider, it struggled to keep her out, but she just kept using her belly scales to shove herself forward. The wetness spilled down her scales and cooled against them as her world narrowed down to the heat of the lupine's arousal.

It was with a shock that the walls suddenly clamped down around her and she heard a snarling cry even from the depths of the wolf's body. The pulsing convulsions ran around her body while she felt a sudden rush of slickness spill down along the line of her body. The powerful muscles almost cut off her breathing as she twisted and started to struggle in the hot grip. She tried to yank her head backwards only to feel her muzzle shoved roughly up against the opening of the cervix and bumped along the edges. Her tongue flickered out and started to tickle right along the edges before she felt a hand gripping the thickest part of her body and started to help pull her backwards. The wetness from the wolf's orgasm glistened along her scales.


Steve wanted to curl up in a miserable ball as she felt the scales scraping and pulling along a place inside of her that sent new feelings of pleasure running through her. Her walls clamped down tightly and started to try and milk the strangely shaped shaft, the snakes head was burrowed right against her cervix! She wanted to tear her way free but she felt her own pleasure building even as she franticly tried to stave it off. Her mind flew through thoughts that she hoped would help, but it didn't change the fact the snake twisted and roiled through her body. It never ceased the demanding scrapes and pulls along her overly sensitive passage.

She finally reached her climax with a muted cry, her jaws parted and her back arched as she suddenly felt the rush of pleasure spill over the edges of her body. It came in a wave that made her stomach clench and humiliatingly her walls started to pulse steadily around the violating serpent. Her paws scrabbled as she tried to tear herself free of the restraints, but that didn't stop the humiliating feel of her orgasm. Her heart beat thundered in her own ears as she started to rock her hips in short motions as if trying to shove the snake deeper inside of her. Her eyes rolled up and she saw the gleaming lens of the camera watching her.

Her shame, her orgasm, her humiliation had been "lovingly' captured for the camera as if it sought to add even more pain to her. She closed her eyes and choked out a sobbing sound as the snake writhed and struggled inside of her body. The wolf only sensed movement before there was a sudden yanking sensation. Her eyes snapped open wide to see Ann gripping the snake and pulling the thick body from her passage so that it scraped and stroked through her and caused her walls to give a clenching squeeze after its passage. Her outer folds were slightly exposed and gaped open from the snake's penetration as she was left panting and shaking.

The former human was forced to look up to see the snake's head and the first six inches coated in slippery viscous wetness. It wasn't lubricant from the doctor, it was her own arousal that stickily coated over the creature. The snakes eyes were looking at her and she forced her gaze away as they seemed to silently plead for help or perhaps she simply felt as sorry for the wolf as he felt for her. How had he ever held that snake or watched her being taken by three to four males at a time? A tremor rocked through her body as she felt the wetness slide down the curve of her thigh to splatter against the fur found there. +++

Ann gripped the serpent tightly in one hand as the snake tried to twist away, the wetness from Steve had coated the head and scales until it dripped from the spade shaped head. It glittered along the edges of the hard lips and she drew in a breath before shivering it out again. The wolf looked at her with martyred eyes before she moved her hand down to pull off the muzzle. She moved her hand back just in time before the wolf snapped her jaws at her hand and clucked her tongue against the roof of her mouth mockingly. She let go of Greg's head so that the snake swayed slightly in her grip as a slick roll of the wolf's arousal drooled down the scales.

"Better manners, or I'll let the males out now. Given how you're tied up they might not breed you properly and wouldn't it be a shame if they took....other options?" She drawled out and watched the broad ears splay. "Now if you'd like me to not do that, I think you need to clean poor Greg up. You got her all messy."

She moved the snakes head closer towards the wolf's slender muzzle, the lips curled backwards a little to show the curved fangs as if warning her. The terror in her eyes weren't feigned, she knew what would happen if she didn't obey. Ann held Greg's head close to her muzzle and made a soft clicking noise on the roof of her mouth as if encouraging. For a moment she thought she'd have to stand up and go to the male wolves' cage to threaten her but then the dark red tongue spilled out to lick over the scaled face as she held the python in place.


Greg found herself staring at the wolf through slightly blurred vision from the wetness that still webbed over her head. She could feel the slippery wetness cling against her lips so that each time her tongue fluttered out she could taste the musky sweetness of the wolf's arousal that lingered there. She wanted to wipe it off, the animalistic taste was worse than the taste of the males that often found a use for her muzzle when her other passage was occupied. She didn't really listen to Ann until she was pushed so close that the wolf could have snapped her jaws around her head and swallowed her down. She tried to pull backwards and get away from the predator when the tongue curled out and under her chin.

The soft appendage started to lap over her head so that she could feel it gathering off the wolf's own arousal from her scales. The grip of the doctor's hands kept her in place as time and again the slippery tongue moved out and pulled along her body. It slipped down under her belly scales and then swept up and over the curve of her back before there was a gagging noise as the wolf spread her jaws. There was a choked noise and she saw the wolf coughing as if the taste sickened her and her long red tongue curved up in her disgust. Instead of getting relief from the attentions she was pushed in closer towards the jaws.

"Don't give up so soon, Steve. After all there are two wolves that want you and I doubt for the first time one of them will be content to wait for his turn." Ann slid her grip right up along the curve of the jaw line and started to edge her towards the jaws that gaped open. "We'll practice I think, let's see you suck her clean."


Steve glared up at Ann with rage and despair both warring inside of her as she was told to start to clean the snake with her tongue. She shrank back a little before the threat spilled out of the psychotic bitch's mouth. She splayed her ears to either side and shifted her gaze towards the caged male wolves that were sprawled out at the bottom of their cage. Their eyes locked on her like magnets and she finally uncurled her tongue to run upwards along the edges of the snakes head. She wrinkled her nose back at the salty-sweet taste of her own orgasm before she worked her tongue out again. The scales were smooth and hard as she worked in long strokes.

She forced her eyes closed and tried not to think about what she was doing, what she was licking and taste of it. It spread over her tongue and when it slipped back into her mouth she swallowed and the slick sticky cum rolled down her throat before she lapped out again. The next brush caught a thick tongue full of her own taste and she let out a short gagging sound. She gaped her jaws open wide as she started to cough and choke around the taste. Her tongue dropped out of her mouth while she tried to arch her back but the movements only brought her closer to her still exposed folds. Her eyes snapped open and were greeted with the slick outer lips and the trickle that ran along them.

The wolf flicked her ears up at the sound of the doctor's voice and she snarled angrily at the implication. She wouldn't be doing anything with those wolves if she had her way about it, how dare that crazy doctor even suggest it! She didn't get a chance to do much more then that when the snakes head was forced along her tongue and between her lips. She gave a jerk of her head in shock as she tasted her own arousal and the snakes own strange musk. Her first instinct was to snap her jaws down, but had a moment of realization that she'd be forced to eat it that made her stop. She felt a hot tear form in her eyes as the writhing snakes head was forced deeper into her muzzle


Greg felt the tongue cup just under the curve of her chin a moment before she was pushed deeper into the muzzle of the wolf. A wave of disgust and panic filled her as she tried to pull her way backwards but then the muzzle closed down. The lips wrapped just around her neck and the teeth grazed against the smaller scales. The entire world went dark as the wolf shifted her tongue and she half hoped the jaws would come down, at least that would put an end to her humiliation! Instead the jaws pulled and then suckled around her. The only indication of the changed intern's thoughts came in a gagging noise from deep in her throat.

She was pulled by the suckling motions and felt herself slipping deeper into the wolf's throat and only the hand that held up the bulk of her body gave her any indication of the outside world. The indication didn't prove comforting as she was pulled deeper into the long muzzle she felt her tail gripped and then curled into a loop. She only had a moment to question what was going on when she felt her own tail bent over and pushing between her scaled folds. She suddenly burst into movement in the wolf's muzzle as the slender tip of her tail spread open the scaled folds and started to sink into her body. She tried to yank her head free but the wolf tightened her jaws until she felt the teeth gripping against the back of her neck.

The grip didn't let up, if anything it grew tighter while she was forced to feel the wet suckling mouth pull the slippery wetness from around her body. She wanted to scream or sob as the entire time her tail started to sink into her own sex. She had barely recovered from birthing the eggs and now she felt the walls spreading open again. The way her scales ran she felt the ridges of each one being raised to scrape painfully over her sensitive body. She strained and tried to pull her tail out but the doctor's hand pushed in harder until she gave a hard sudden stab that sent a flash of pain through her. Her entire channel bloated with her own tail and she had to stop thrashing. The movements caused her tail tip to jerk about within her.


Steve forced his mouth closed along the thick meat of the snake that writhed along her tongue, the struggled movements only made her tighten her jaws that much more. She forced herself to suck down around the scales and pulled some of the slippery wetness from her. Her teeth even scraped it off so that she started to gag around the former man. The entire time the doctor watched with fever bright eyes and a smile on her face that seemed to let her ex-intern that she was enjoying the show very much. The scent of her even showed that she was roused by the sights in front of her and she moved a hand down to start to pet along the snake's tail.

She finally shut her eyes to block out the sight as some part of her wondered if she was going to use the snake's tail to work herself with. She didn't want to know that, she wanted out of here. She wanted to be a man again and she most of all wanted to be able to get away from her crazed boss. A sudden burst of movement in her jaws made her clamp them down tighter to try and keep a hold of the beast. Her eyes opened with a snap and she saw that Ann had taken the python's tail and curled it in on itself until the tip started to push into the vent that rested on the underside. She saw a flash of smooth folds that looked red and painful before the tail obscured her view.

"Keep a good hold on her, Steve. Or perhaps you'd like a taste of her tail?" The doctor's voice was almost a purr, thick with hints of her arousal as she started to force the tail inwards steadily. The wolf whined and clenched her jaws tight further while the snakes head bumped and pushed against the back of her throat. Her teeth dimpled in over the scales as she was forced to watch the steady insertion of the tail as it thickened and the snakes struggles grew less the deeper it went. Her breath burst out of her nose in soft pants as she suckled and tried to stop her drool from sliding down around the scaled form. Was this her future? To be held captured like the doctors ex? Surely she'd be let go! She hadn't done anything that bad!


Greg suffered through the first few thrusts of her tail under the doctor's careful movements, each time it sank in it pulled and scraped the scales along her aching passage. The pull out was smooth and sent a tremor running down over form. It forced her nerves to react and clench down around it while the doctor kept up the steady thrusts deep inside of her body. Each push forward made her struggle and push against the teeth that gripped her body and pulled up just under her belly scales so that they were tugged. Another thrust pushed the tail so deep it wedged up against the opening of her egg chamber and started to wedge into the tight opening.

The tongue rolled and pulled as the wolf started to suckle and swallow around her. She could feel the drool running around her as Ann started to work her tail in faster thrusts that rocked through her body. Each thrust forward started to make her writhe so that her tail tip moved back and forth inside of her. It rubbed and stroked until she could feel herself growing slick, but her ex wouldn't stop, the tip battered right at the opening of her sore egg chamber and she gaped her jaws in a silent scream as the next thrust pierced through it. Her belly scales tightened and she knocked her head against the wolf's mouth desperately trying to writhe her way free of the tight wet hold around her.

The steady movements forced her to experience something like pleasure, the smooth thrusts in rubbed and teased over her folds until she started to pant shallowly. Each breath was slightly ragged as she gasped it in and then shivered it back out. The walls started to clench around her own tail as her own wetness spilled out along her belly and stained her scales. She wanted it to stop, but at the same time she couldn't help but want more. Her body tensed as the wolf's jaws tightened and then relaxed and for a heart stopping moment she felt herself almost swallowed down the dark slick passage. She struggled backwards franticly to escape.

Her ex started to use her tail at a pace that blurred the lines between pleasure and pain. She tried to ignore it, tried to stop it but each plunge through her sore folds and withdraw made her tremble and writhe. Her body tensed and clutched tightly around her scaled tail as it started to sink so deeply that she could feel it lewdly piercing into her womb before it slipped back out. The purposeful manipulation of her body soon pushed her over the edge and her coils bunched together into a tight ball as the sensation built up until it threatened to spill over. The next thrust sent her over the edge just as it started to withdraw and the first rush of her orgasm rolled through her.

She twisted her tail as it started to push back in again and her own folds tried to milk it futilely for the fertile seed she had come to expect. It never came, the thick spill of seed didn't flood her womb instead her own wetness spilled out around the shaft until she was trembling all over. The wolf's maw suddenly relaxed and she spilled out of the wet mouth so that she saw the amber eyes watching her. Even the former intern watched her shame as she came around her own tail, the muscle spasms soon fading leaving her slightly limp. She tried to look away from both of them, but that offered no comfort as she stared into the gleaming glass of the video camera.


Ann watched as the serpent writhed through her orgasm, the muscles tensed around her hand as she forced the tail in as far as it would go. She savored the flexibility of the creature in her hands and licked her lips. Already she wondered what it would have been like in the wolf's place, surely her ex could still provide her with some satisfaction. She found the snake far more attractive then she had ever found the man. She let the snake rest for a moment before moving Greg into the pillow case with her tail slipping free wetly. She would make sure that the scent of her arousal didn't go unwasted. She had only promised the former human not another clutch, but there were other options.

But for now the doctor's attention was on the wolf who rolled her eyes up to stare at her from her cramped position. She moved to her feet and let out a soft laugh that spilled past her throat and purred on the air. She padded over towards the middle of the room and the canvas covered object held there. She made a show of pulling it free to reveal the freshly cut wood that made up a breeding stand, three different poles set into the heavy base with restraints meant to force a bitch to hold still while she was taken. Already a teasing feel of anticipation washed through her as she looked over towards the bound wolf and the frantic eyes that seemed to plead for help and escape.

"I think it's time we introduced you to your new mates...."

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