Part 6: Love or Lust?

Story by DarkstartheDragon on SoFurry

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#6 of Through the eyes of the Midnight Blue Dragon

Hope to see a spin off series soon, Tim.

Hana the dragoness is copyright © Tim

Sir Tim is copyright © Tim

Part 6: Love or Lust?

I blinked in the bright light and looked around. I was standing in the middle of another circular room. There were many benches on a platform that ringed the area where I was standing. Some of the benches were occupied by large dragons. They all had sombre expressions and were staring at me intently.

'Do you know why we have called you?' The one closest to me asked.

'No, I do not truly know why. All I know is that it has something to do with the Black Guardians.' I replied.

'Yes, it seems that the leaders of that syndicate want to get their hands on you, badly. We want to know why, so we are going to offer you a place in our organization. You will be expected to go on any mission we send you on, with whomever we send with you. It will not be easy, but the rewards are great and easily outweigh the risks. You do not have to answer us right now, but we shall send someone to see you in three days time.' Another told me.

I thought about it for a minute.

I don't even know who any of these dragons are. Is it worth getting involved in a war for the city right now? What will I be expected to do? Will I be allowed to stay with the Kermani family? Will I be allowed to see Rasani ever again? Questions raced through my head, and I managed to find the courage to ask a few.

'What would my first mission most likely be?' I asked carefully.

'A very simple mission with moderate risks. We want you to go into the heart of the Guardians territory and see the leaders to find out what they want with you. You will be going alone as we cannot risk them finding out that you have allied yourself with us right now.' Said a dragon in the back row of benches.

'Will I be allowed any freedom? Will I be allowed to stay with my family?' I inquired.

'Yes and yes. You will be allowed to stay with the Kermani family and you will only be required to come here when we send for you. We know your true identity, Darkstar, and we know that Bertain and Cynda have no ties to your family. We will endeavor to protect your identity from outsiders and, most importantly, from Bloodshadow. He must never find you as it would result not only in your death, but the victory of the Black Guardians of the Inner Sanctum.' Said the one who had greeted me.

'Alright, I can agree with those things. Who exactly are the Black Guardians?'

'They believe themselves to be the protectors of what they call "The Inner Sanctum". They were formed shortly after the death of Stormsun the Evil. They await the return of their true leader, Stormsun the Evil. They are most likely hunting you because you are one of the two possible hosts for Stormsun's soul. The other dragon we cannot find. He eludes us and we can only hope that the Guardians have not yet caught him.'

I nodded. It seemed to me that they were telling the truth and had no reason to lie to me.

'I shall consider your offer and wait the three days.' I told them.

'We shall send someone to see you in three days time then. Farewell Darkstar and try not to get captured.' Joked one of the dragons.

I walked out of the room and Tim led me back to the surface.

Once out of the old tavern, I spread my wings and headed back to the Kermani mansion.

I landed in the courtyard and walked towards the door. I was standing in front of it when it was shoved open. I cried out in pain as the door slammed into my muzzle. Rasani jumped out of the room and wrapped her arms around me.

'I thought that we, that I, had lost you.' She said before stroking my muzzle and kissing me.

'That really hurt you know. You should be more careful when opening doors.' I laughed. I healed my muzzle with my powers and kissed Rasani deeply.

'It looks like you two are busy. Shall I come back later then?' Said Cynda. She was standing in the doorway, grinning.

Rasani blushed slightly and lowered her head. I looked at Cynda and smiled. She obviously knew about us and did not seem to mind.

Bertain walked out the door and stood next to Cynda.

'What happened to you? Where have you been?' He asked me.

'After we got separated, I was surrounded by a crowd of dragons. They all were members of the Black Guardians. I was majorly outnumbered, but I was rescued by two dragons named Hana and Tim. They took me underground, to see the leaders of their organization. They claim that the organization's sole purpose is the destruction of the Black Guardians, but I do not believe that. They have an ulterior motive or purpose and I intend to discover it. The leaders offered me a position in their organization and promises that they will keep me safe and my identity secret. They have given me three days to come up with an answer.' I said.

Bertain drew in a sharp breath. 'I do not think that it is a good idea for you to get too involved with the clan war.'

'Clan war?' I asked.

'The Black Guardians of the Inner Sanctum have been at war with the organisation known as the Crusaders for many, many years. They were both formed after the death of Stormsun the Evil and both want different things. The Black Guardians want control of everything, but no one knows what the Crusaders truly want.' He explained.

'These Crusaders must be the ones who approached me today. This situation is starting to get out of hand. If the Silver Dragon is found by the Black Guardians and they manage to reawaken the soul of Stormsun, then I feel that I will be the only one who can combat him. It must be between me and the other potential host. I can not allow Stormsun to reawaken. I have seen the evil that he is capable of and I shall not let it happen again for as long as I have a strong will and a breath in my body.' I declared.

Rasani stared at me with a look of dread in her eyes.

She probably thinks that I have sentenced myself to my own death. Well, we shall see about that. I thought to myself.

That night I was tossing and turning in my bed, unable to get to sleep, when I heard the door open. I stiffened, thinking that the Black Guardians were once again attacking me at night. I heard light footsteps and felt someone crawl onto the bed next to me. I was just about to yell out, when I felt two soft claws on my lips.

'Rasani.' I said softly, wondering why she was here.

'Shhh, my dragon. I shall not hurt you. Quite the opposite actually.' I could clearly hear the amusement in her quiet voice. I looked deeply into her eyes and saw the lust burning brightly there. I knew that I had to be really careful here. One wrong comment could have Rasani finding out about Avyn and then I would probably lose them both. I loved Rasani beyond comparison, but I did not want to lose the support and friendship that Avyn offered.

Rasani sensed my hesitation and grinned evilly.

'I shall have you, my love, whether you agree or not.' She said. I knew that it was inevitable, so I quickly grabbed her and lay on top of her, kissing her passionately. Rasani sighed contentedly into the kiss and started running her soft claws over my body. I was getting more and more aroused as her hands moved lower and lower.

Tell me, does she truly love me or only lust after me? I asked myself. I then shook my head, growled lowly, pushed those

thoughts from my head and focused on the beautiful dragoness below me.

Rasani gasped with pleasure and pain as I slowly took her virginity from her. She began rocking herself back against my thrusts, making it all the more pleasurable for the both of us. I wanted to go slow and easy, as this was her first time, but Rasani had other things in mind. She suddenly rolled over and got on top of me.

I grinned to myself. It seemed like she wanted to be the dominant one for the moment.

Rasani guided my hard cock into the waiting lips of her pussy and began bouncing up and down on my chest, her ass constantly slapping me. I reached forward and stroked her shoulders and wings, arousing her even more.

Rasani gasped and cried out as the walls of her pussy closed around my cock and she orgasmed. She began to move faster and faster, wanting me to cum inside her, wanting to feel me filling her up, wanting me all to herself. I was happy to oblige, but I was going to make her work for it.

I rolled her off my cock and stuck my face in her pussy. Her juices were sweet, yet slightly fiery and they slid easily down my throat. Rasani groaned in pleasure as I lightly flicked my tongue over her pussy, before leaping in and tasting the inside of her. I knew that I was teasing her, but it was enjoyable for her, so she did not complain. I felt her tail wrap itself around my cock and I moaned into her pussy. She cried out again as she reached another orgasm and her juices went all over my face.

Rasani grabbed me and dragged me forwards. She licked my face clean, sampling her own juices, before jumping on top of me again. This time I was not going to fight back and tease her.

I was reaching the height of my pleasure, when Rasani gasped and orgasmed. This pushed me over the edge and I had no choice but to give her depths the cum it needed and my body the release that it wanted.

I thrust hard up into Rasani and my thick cum spurted deep into her body. Rasani moaned with pleasure as she felt the hot cum enter her womb. She collapsed on top of me, juices leaking out and over our bodies.

'I love you.' She whispered in my ear before falling asleep.

I sighed contentedly, wrapped my arms and wings around her body, and dozed peacefully.

I slowly opened my eyes, stretched my wings and yawned. I looked at the sleeping dragoness that was lying on me and thought about asking her to move. I did not want to wake her, so I just decided to lay there for a while longer.

Rasani was still sleeping peacefully, when the door opened and Aris walked in.

'Oh, excuse me. I did not know that there was anyone else in here. Err, I will come back later.' He said and left hurriedly.

Rasani blinked and raised her head.

'Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?' I asked her.

'Very well, knowing that you were here, protecting me.' She whispered lovingly into my ear.

She rolled off of me and I sat up slowly. She then moved next to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

'Looks like it will have to be formalized now.' She said.

I just stared at her.

'Oh, come now! You did not think that we were not going to get married?' She asked.

I opened my mouth to speak, but no sound came out.

Rasani just laughed at me, hopped off the bed and moved towards the door, shaking her hips seductively.

We went down the stairs and over towards the large table to get something to eat. Cynda and Bertain stared at us as we walked over. Rasani had a secretive smile on her face and I began to realize that Cynda and Bertain already knew about Rasani wanting to get married.

'So when is the ceremony?' Bertain laughed. My heart sank, they did already know. I thought that they would be outraged by the fact that Rasani wanted me, but strangely they weren't. It was as if everyone was planning my future without even discussing it with me!

'Well, if he survives this afternoon, then it will be tomorrow morning.' Said Rasani happily.

I groaned inwardly. I had completely forgotten about my fight today.

I quickly finished eating then made up an excuse about needing to train.

I walked outside and sat on a bench, gathering my thoughts.

I frowned slightly. There was something dark in the back of my mind. I tried to reach out to it but I could not get it. It was as if it was protected by something. I swore that I could hear a ghostly chuckle in the background. I made a few slashes and thrusts at the training dummy, but I did not really feel like fighting this morning. I sheathed my sword and decided to go for a walk.

I ended up in the library, where I sat down and did some more research on Stormsun the Evil and his relics that were in the museum.

I must have been reading for ages, because I had just picked up a book titled The Travels of Stormsun, when Bertain came in and told me that I was going to be late for my arena match if I did not hurry.

I ran outside, leapt into the air, spread my wings, and took off into the sky. I flew as fast as my wings would allow, heading towards the arena. I quickly landed out the front and headed towards the Gladiator's Entrance. There, I was greeted by the red dragon that had signed me up.

'It is about time you showed up. We were just about to start without you.' He said as he ushered me inside.

I walked through the door and came face-to-face with thirty evil looking dragons. I assumed that these were the ones that I was going to be facing in today's arena battle. We were each taken to a separate cell, where we were told to wait until the gate opened.

I sat on the ground of my cell, focusing and preparing myself for the battle ahead. I could not afford to get into another bloodrage again. This battle was for experienced fighters, not amateurs with a bloodlust problem.

I felt the calm wash over my body and I slowly opened my eyes, stood up and drew my Dragonblade. I was ready.

There was a loud roar from the crowds, and the large metal gate in my cell slowly opened up. I blinked in the sunlight, and surveyed the battles that were already taking place before my eyes. I took one step out of the cell and spun about, blocking the slash that came from a brown dragon who was wielding two swords. An idea suddenly formed itself in my mind. I quickly slid my blade down the length of one of his. The tip of the blade reached the hilt and I slapped the sword out of his hand. The dragon cried out in pain and dropped the blade. It was obvious that this dragon had had little combat training and was overconfident. I kicked his blade into my other hand using my foot and began a series of attacks using both blades. The dragon was retreating step by step and I kept on pushing forwards. I knew that I was toying with him and I laughed silently. I felt a small amount of pity for this dragon and decided to end his embarrassment. I rolled to the left, slashed at his leg, came up behind him and knocked him across the head with the flat of the blade that I stole from him. He fell to the sandy floor, unconscious. I growled at his still form, bowed slightly and walked off to find another opponent.

I came across a blue dragon standing over the body of a yellow one. I walked up to him and raised my swords in readiness. He lunged at me with an ax and I quickly sidestepped, dodging the blow. He quickly recovered and slashed at my arms. I protected my arms from the ax with one sword and stabbed at him with the other. The blue dragon howled out in pain as the sword went through his side, almost touching his organs. He placed one hand on his heavily bleeding side and raised the ax with the other. The blood loss was taking its toll and he dropped the ax as all the strength left his arm. He fell to the ground, whimpering slightly. I studied him, saw that the wound would leave him weak, but alive, and turned my back on him. By now, more than half of the dragons were either dead or disabled. I spotted a large black one in the middle of the arena.

Tim! What is he doing here? I can't fight a dragon like him! He is too strong! I thought to myself.

I walked over to where Tim was standing, a grim determination gripping my heart. I did not want to kill Tim, but I did want to pit myself against him and see how strong he was. As I stalked closer, he glanced at me and I saw his eyes widen in surprise, then narrow to mere slits. He raised his weapon, a large black sword, and walked towards me. I faced him, bowed, and stood ready, my swords crossed over my chest. Tim returned my bow and made a slight move to my right. I thought that he was about to attack so I instinctively moved one of my swords into a defensive position. Tim chuckled and quickly made a slash at my left leg. I winced as I felt the blade pierce my scales, but I did not retreat. I took a step forwards and attacked Tim using the same method that I used against Tyrin. I sliced, ducked, thrust, dodged, blocked, rolled and jumped. Tim seemed to be able to anticipate all my moves and counter them without taking as much as a scratch. Battles raged around us as the dragons fought each other. I paid little heed to them, concentrating totally on the black dragon in front of me.

Our battle raged on for what seemed like hours. Two evenly matched warriors, unable to land the strike that would end it all.

My side was burning due to my exertion and my wounded leg was beginning to slow me down. Tim quickly took advantage of that and started pushing his attacks. I retreated step by step as Tim gained more ground. Suddenly, in a move that caught me off guard, Tim hit my legs with the flat of his sword. My wounded leg finally gave out and I had to use both swords to stop me from falling completely over. The swords were lodged in the sand and I was about to get off my knees and back on my feet, when I felt the cold touch of steel against my neck. The crowds roared with excitement and encouragement. I risked a quick glance around. There was me, Tim and one other dragon left standing on the field. The battles were over and we were the victorious ones. Tim took his sword off my neck and helped me to my feet.

Since the battles were over, I was able to heal my injured leg with my magic. My palm glowed as I healed the wound and I stopped leaning on Tim. We walked over towards the platform where the Councilor Lords of Kiralan were seated. I spotted Bertain, Cynda and Rasani seated in the group and I smiled. Once we stood in front of the platform, we bowed and awaited further instructions. One of the Councilors stood up.

'Dragons of Kiralan! Have we not seen a great display of courage and prowess here today?' She paused as the crowd's voices slowly died down. 'We have witnessed a great arena match and such matches deserve rewards. To all the combatants, we award three hundred gold pieces! To the three victorious dragons standing before me, we award the three hundred plus another nine hundred! You shall each receive a total of one thousand two hundred gold pieces each. Spend them wisely.'

The crowds went mad with cheers as me, Tim and the other dragon made our way out of the arena. As we exited the building, I saw a flash of red and my vision went black as Rasani leapt into my arms and hugged me.