Metamorphosis Chapter 3 [Doctor's Trenchcoat]

Story by Project6x on SoFurry

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[As promised and with little delay I propose to you chapter 3 of metamorphosis. I'd appreciate if anyone tells me if this name has been taken for comics and the like because I may eventually with enough pages go for a comic/book version of the story.]

A lucky day for Dr. Hodgepodge. Truely its not everyday you get to wake up to the tussle of a boy with a werewolf. It was wonderful truely amazing to see the werewolf. The scientist would watch out his window as the boy fought with his might crossing his fingers. "Let the boy die come on.... come on... you can do it you furred mat, make me a million." He would cheer underneath his breath. He reached with his other hand trying to find a camera but there was none close to the window, and he wasn't going to let the lycan out of his sight till it left.

He hums to himself, "That boy sure has some spunk... look at him fighting evenly with it... oh... oh..." he hears the sirens of a cop car. "Oh Damnit..." he coughs as he sees the werewolf instantly take flight. He clenches his fist but then realizes something... that boy is a neighborhood boy, as the medics pick him up they could only be taking him to a hospital. "Oh boy I still have a lead" he says.

The doctor ran light there was no tommorrow getting an investigation kit, putting his scientist atire on, calling up a friend. "Doctor Viper...., Hodgepodge... no I am not a pervert... wake up i have a lead... really and we need to procure it before the trail goes cold... the hospital at Timberwood... theres a boy trust me... I watched it with my own eyes." He yelled on the phone as he ran through his house.

The scientist thought... 'if i go out there like a scientist... i should pretend as if I am one of theirs'. This thought lead him to dress up as one of the dna specialists for the police. "My lucky day has come" he mumbled to himself as he took the long way around to the house, eventually mixing with the crowd.

A built hound named Rock said, "Just who are you and what are you doing?" his canine nose picking up a new scent. "I want some identification and who sent you." He was the alpha dog on the scene till things escalated or government officals came. "Just hold up a second" the doctor says as he flips out his doctored expired badge from when he worked on the forces. It looked just like the real thing. "I am with the specialists... we need to know exactly what happened" he said playing his new role.

Rock hadn't ever seen this guy... but a badge was a badge. He pulled out his pad and wrote down the doctor's name just incase. "Try to keep yourself dry from having so much fun" he would tease smelling the adrenaline pumping from the doctor. The doctor would scoff as he dances off to work. The whole house was his playing field for his own personal research. If there was something he would have to clean any traces of the supernatural and hog it for himself.

"Man there is nothing here... how the hell?" he says, all he finds is mess, hair and blood. "Not once trace... besides these footsteps" he says even as he takes a small sample of what is there. Sure he can find the camera when nothing besides werewolf paws are in the dirt, not when the thing is right there. He grits his teeth... and as he does his brain grinds away..., "the boy!" he esclaims to himself. "If he was attacked by a werewolf and I hold stock to any legends then HE should either be one of them or will become one of them."

Still in role he would grumble to Rock, "I'll take these away for examination." As he bullies one of the less senior of cops to bring him back to town. The trail was not cold... not just yet.

The next morning news had reached the school where Sixx went. His house was attacked by a robber who fled the scene after killing his parents and hearing the cop cars. There were reports of an anthro possibly doing this as a hate crime however their DNA testing came up with no leads.

Kite sat in class his hands folded over each other. His rival wasn't here today how could he possibly pay attention. The fennec fox was only 5 feet tall but just as Sixx was a genius he could keep up with hard work. "What has happened to you?" the fox thinks, wearing a dress suit as he sat at the desk. The best way to learn is to sucker the teachers with your best outfit right? Everyday his parents made him wear one even if he decided to go to public schooling.

He nods as he grits his teeth, "And ignoring his homework, thats just not like him, I will bring it over." he huffs as he makes plans for the afternoon to visit the Timberwood hospital. Sixx with his lax behavior pissed him off, the kid was cool no doubt but he shunned the popularity because it was 'his father's'. Such disrespect for people and their feelings made him take up the quest to put him in his place. The only place he had Sixx was that he had mastered martial arts and Sixx hadn't yet.

Both of them basically were alone, and their determination to piss each other off made them friends. Who could eat their lunch the fastest, score the most points, get the best grades, get more recommendations from the teachers, join the most clubs, participate in the most sports, and they were both only in middle school. Kite wanted to work hard to convince the middle school that he was a genius to so he could get into high school with Sixx as he did homework for his class and the homework of other students years later than him

Sixx did the same though only two more years than where he was. He always said something about the 10th year being all that was neccessary. Kite's paws delicately flicker as they fill out a test sheet and as he turns it in before all the other students. He couldn't wait any longer as he asks, "May I be excused?" his fox tail wagging behind him impatiently. "You may." the substitue teacher said as Kite bolted out the door without a hall pass.

"Mother I have to visit my friend in the hospital can you fill out an early release... I did this weeks homework last weeeeek maaa... pleease?... he is at the Timberwood hospital.... didn't you hear?... A robber came to his house... Alriiight... love ya ma." He sighs as he clicks the phone, he was glad everyone else was in class. He sat in class patiently tail batting behind him as his ears perked when he heard the call from the office.

Unbeknowst to Kite someone else wanted to visit Sixx. Hodgepodge had spent all night trying to figure out when the boy had been admitted. What room, what floor, what building. It was because he was in the emergancy room all night that Hodgepodge couldn't get him. He was tired and even though he had to share some of the credit he figured he could dispense of the woman later. "Room 17 in the intensive care unit. Red hair, pale brown skin, age 13, boy. Send one of the stupid ones to kidnap him, I am exhausted." he says and without waiting for a response he just hangs up the phone.

"Its off to bed with nothing but dollar bills under my head" he says, by then he had ditched the cops and managed to get his own car so he could resume his own activities. He drives off to home with a smile on his face. Ten minutes after the doctor's exit a kodo drove up in a car. "Trent, retrieve the target extraction point is 3 blocks away at the southern garage be there within an hour." Trent wasn't even a citizen of the planet. This is why we are worried. But his story is for another time and place.