A Wolven Tail (Part 4)

Story by Fenra on SoFurry

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#5 of A Wolven Tail

They said it couldn't be done, they called me a mad man but I showed them all mwa hahahahaha..... Erm ok maybe not, crazy rant over. Still I know it has been forever and a day since I ended part 3 and I'm pretty sure a lot of you never thought it was coming back, well I hope this is a pleasant surprise for you all. Part 4 here at last for you reading (and potentially pawing) pleasure. Oh and all characters © to me etc. etc. got to put it in somewhere. Anyway hope you all enjoy it and I will start part 5 as soon as life gives me 5 mins to myself again ^^. Peace

Part 4 - An uncomfortable return

The soft bleeping of a heart monitor, the feel of warm bed sheets, the cool breeze through an open window, the sterile smell of hospital corridors. For the first time in he didn't know how long, Fenra's senses had begun to return to him.

Fenra lay, eyes clasped shut, on his hospital bed, confused and barely conscious. He couldn't move a muscle, not even open his eyes. As he lay in darkness he heard voices talking, familiar voices and one which brought happiness as it entered his ears.

"Larka you must head home, you're not doing yourself any good here" he heard Lina's recognisable voice, although it sounded uncharacteristically serious.

"No... no I'm fine" came Larka's voice, it sounded weary, exhausted and strained as if choked by emotion.

"But you have been here for three days" said Lina "you need to take care of yourself, this isn't healthy"

"I'm not leaving his side until he is awake" said Larka, Fenra felt Larka's paw grab hold of his own.

"With all due respect miss" came an unfamiliar, masculine voice "there has been no change in his condition in three days, we have no idea how long it will be until he wakes and your only hurting yourself by being here"

"Thank you for your concern doctor but I will stay here" said Larka.

"Why are you doing this Larka?" said Lina "you know this isn't good for you, you've barely eaten since you got here... I'm worried about you"

"You are certainly harming your health" said the doctor.

"Why am I here... why haven't I left his side in three days... why do I continue to sit here even though I have no idea when he will awaken" said Larka, her voice distant as Fenra felt her paw run over his head "because I love him"

Larka's voice broke off and she began to cry softly.

As these words reached Fenra's ears he felt something stir deep inside him, emotions, joy beyond measure. She loves me he thought. This thought... this fact coursed through his body, he felt rejuvenated by it. He focused this new energy and with a vast amount of effort he forced his eyes open.

As his eyes eased open the only thing he could see was Larka. She was sitting on a chair beside his bed, leaning over him, her face in her paws sobbing quietly. Seeing her once again brought joy to his heart. With a small grunt he slowly, arm shaking and muscles aching, reached up and placed a paw on her cheek. She twitched slightly at his touch, took her paws away from her face and looked into his eyes, her face conveying a look of surprise.

"I love you to" Fenra whispered, staring back into her eyes, smiling weakly.

"Fenra" she said, a look of pure happiness appearing on her face "FENRA!!!"

She flung her arms around him and hugged him tightly, Fenra winced slightly, his body still aching, her embrace hurting slightly.

"Ah, be gentle" he whispered.

"I'm sorry" she said, releasing her embrace, tears of joy streaming from her face. She kissed him briefly before the doctor came running to the side of the bed, having left to check on other patients but returning after hearing Larka's cries of joy.

Larka backed away as the doctor leant in and began to examine Fenra, asking him questions to determine his mental state, testing for feeling in various parts of his body, listening to his heartbeat.

"Please, could you sit me up?" asked Fenra in a struggled whisper.

"Of course" the doctor replied and, pressing a button on a small controller attached by a wire to the side of his bed, the back of the hospital bed whirred and lifted.

As the bed lifted him into a seated position Fenra took in the room around him. It was a small, one person hospital room with a single door with a glass window in it on the wall to his left and a half opened window on the wall to his right.

He looked down at his body and saw the remains of what had transpired in the alleyway. Healing cuts, raised swellings, a small bandage around his left shoulder and upper arm, various other wrappings over parts of his body. Small, sensitive pads placed on his skin connected to machines which were measuring his heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure and so on. A clear tube with a needle in the end inserted beneath a bandage on his right arm, linked to an IV drip suspended from a metal pole beside the bed. He noticed Lina standing at the foot of his bed, smiling, her face damp with tears.

"Hey Lina" Fenra said hoarsely, his throat dry and voice low.

"Hey" Lina struggled, her voice breaking, choked with emotion.

Fenra coughed, his throat sore, "water..." he struggled.

"Here" said the doctor passing him a small glass of water which he hastily gulped down, he had never felt his throat this dry or felt as thirsty in his whole life.

"Much better, thank you" he said, his voice sounding less hoarse and speaking above a whisper for the first time.

The doctor took the glass from him and went to leave the room "I will leave you alone for a few moments" he said standing in the doorway, looking from him to Larka "In the meantime I will fetch you some more water."

Lina leaned gently on the end of the bed, smiling softly at Fenra as Larka pulled up a chair at the bedside and took his paws in her own.

"Has it really been three days?" asked Fenra running a paw over his head.

"Yes, yes it has" said Larka squeezing his hands a little "Fenra, what on earth happened to you"

Fenra went silent for a moment, his eyes distant as the memory of the event in the alleyway flowed through his mind.

"Fenra?" asked Larka curiously.

"Sorry... sorry I spaced out there a little" said Fenra.

"That's ok but please, what happened?" asked Larka with a deeper sense of urgency in her voice.

Fenra looked at her, then to Lina and back again, sighed deeply and recounted the tale of what had transpired in the alleyway. As he described the events he received mixed gasps and comments from both Larka and Lina. Larka grasped his hand tighter and her eyes began to mist up with his every word. He had just finished recounting the tale when the doctor came back in and passed him a glass of water and rested a jug on a small table next to the bed. Fenra gulped the water down once again and sighed contentedly as his throat felt much better.

Larka rested her soft paw on his forehead and kissed his cheek "oh my poor Fenra..."

Fenra smiled weakly back at her "I'll pull through, don't worry about me, I'm tougher than I look"

The pair smiled and Larka backed away from the bed a little as the doctor moved in to examine Fenra's wounds once again.

"So, ah..." Fenra winced a little as the doctor removed one of the bandages, tugging at his sore skin a little "so have you really been here for three days?"

"Of course I have, they couldn't keep me from you, I couldn't bear the thought of you alone here" said Larka gently holding Fenra's paw

"Its true, we tried but she wouldn't leave" said Lina "I have never seen a more determined wolf in all my life"

Fenra chuckled softly "you can certainly be insistent" Larka simply smiled in return, "but three days? I wouldn't want you to put yourself at risk just for me"

"I know, I know" Larka replied "its just that... I love you Fenra"

Fenra ran a paw over Larka's soft cheek "Promise me you'll take care of yourself too, I don't want anything to happen to you, please get some rest, get something to eat otherwise I'm just going to worry myself sick about you" He glanced at his battered body before adding lightly with a smile "which in my condition could be fatal"

Larka smiled softly in return "At least your sense of humour isn't bruised"

Fenra ran a paw over Larka's head before yawning and resting heavily in the pillows.

"Fenra? what's wrong?" Larka asked rather urgently.

"Nothing... nothing, I'm just exhausted" said Fenra dozily.

"But..." Larka started and then glanced over at the doctor "wait did you?"

"Please miss do not be alarmed its standard procedure" He said removing a needle from Fenra's arm.

"Standard procedure to tranquilise a patient" said Larka her voice raising.

"It is only a sedative to help his body adjust to the stress of regaining consciousness" replied the Doctor calmly.

"Only a sedative?" said Larka, her voice raised.

"Please Larka calm down" said Lina pleadingly.

"But I..." started Larka before she felt something on her arm, she looked down and saw Fenra gripping her wrist.

"Larka please, for me" said Fenra quietly.

Larka looked into her wolves eyes, her face softening instantly at his gaze. She simply smiled and kissed his forehead.

"So how..." began Lina

"Long does it last?" finished the Doctor "depends on the patient, he will fall to sleep within five minutes, and will remain so for at least a few hours"

"But he only just woke up and your sending him back to sleep?" asked Larka in a calmer voice.

"The return to consciousness can put a great strain on the body, so as to prevent further damage and psychological effects it is standard procedure to induce rest a few times over the next twenty four hours" answered the Doctor.

Fenra beckoned Larka closer to his head as sleep began to take hold "promise me you will head home and take care of yourself, if only for a little while"

"Ok..." said Larka her eyes misting up a little "I will for you, I'll be back as soon as I can though"

"Thank you" Fenra said softly as Larka stood up and Lina came to her side, taking her hand "I love you"

"I love you too" Larka said, giving Fenra a soft kiss as he drifted off into sleep.

And so Larka left for the first time, though not for long. Over the next few days she visited every few hours she could spare and with each day Fenra began to become himself again and could do more, he was even able to get out of the bed and sit in a chair by the window. He would spend many a moment staring out at the city through the murky glass, his mind wandering from thought to thought.

When the announcement came on Wednesday that Fenra could head home on Saturday both he and Larka were overjoyed. It was also on this day that Larka brought more news for Fenra on her last visit of the day.

"... seriously, you've cleaned and rearranged my apartment?" said Fenra

"Well yes, I know I shouldn't have but I wanted to do something for you when you got back" said Larka smiling "and besides that place was filthy, brooms aren't evil you know"

"I know that" said Fenra chuckling softly "I just get so caught up in things that cleaning takes a back seat"

"Its ok, I can understand that, you've had a hell of a time these last few weeks" said Larka sweetly.

"Still thanks, I don't know what I can do for you" he said

"Just get better" she said, nuzzling him gently.

"I'll do my best" he said smiling.

"Ah..." she said hesitantly "there is one other thing..."

"Hmm?" he asked curiously

"Well, when I was round there, your phone rang and I answered it without thinking" she said "it was automatic, sorry"

"That's ok" he said softly "was it anyone important?"

"Well I guess you could say that, it was your mother" she said.

"My... my mother?" he said, the memory of her message all that time ago playing in his head clearly again.

"Yes, she was certainly surprised when I answered the phone" she said "but I explained everything to her and she accepted it, she's a very nice wolf"

"She is... one of the best..." he said absently, his mind running over his mothers message.

"Fenra? Are you ok, you've got that distant look in your eye again?" she asked.

"Oh sorry" he said, stirring from his thoughts "so what did she say?"

"Well she said she had something important to discuss with you and when I told her you were in the hospital she went very quiet all of a sudden" she said.

"Something important?" he said confused.

"Apparently something she has to tell you in person, that's why she is coming here by train tomorrow" she said.

"She's coming here?!" said Fenra in alarm.

"Yes, I'm going to meet her at the station then bring her down" said Larka "that's ok right? She did seem very concerned"

"Its... its fine" Fenra lied, glancing out the window at the setting sun.

Larka looked at him, sure there was something he was not telling her but decided not to pursue it, knowing how family matters effected him and how there must be a less than perfect history between them.

"Shoot, I was meeting Lina ten minutes ago" said Larka catching the time in a wall clock "we are picking up... something"

"Something eh?" asked Fenra playfully.

"You're just going to have to wait and see like a good little pup" said Larka giving Fenra a warm kiss as she stood up to leave.

"Ok, ok..." said Fenra, returning the kiss softly "I love you"

"I love you too Fenra" said Larka smiling "I'll see you tomorrow"

"See you then" said Fenra licking Larka's cheek softly as she turned and left.

He turned and stared out the window again as the crimson rays of the setting sun bounced between the windows of tall buildings "tomorrow..." he thought solemnly.

The early afternoon sun shone through the murky window onto Fenra as he sat absent minded, looking out across the city as the world moved on by. The morning had passed quickly, so much so that Fenra wondered if it had happened at all but with Larka not making her usual visit, instead preparing for the arrival of Fenra's mother, he had simply slept it away and now sat awaiting the inevitable...

"We have two visitors here to see you sir" said a cheetah, peering his head around the door "two women, I..."

"Come now" said Larka smiling at the cheetah "I'm in here everyday and you still have to be so formal about things"

"s... sorry ma'am" he said bashfully before making a rapid exit.

"Larka" said Fenra, getting up from his chair and giving her a warm hug.

Larka returned the hug softly and gave him a kiss on the cheek "how are you feeling today?"

"Pretty good I guess, I just really want to get out of here now..." he replied a little solemnly

"Aw you poor thing, well don't worry Saturday will come sooner than you think" Larka told him softly, nuzzling his cheek.

"Still impatient as always?" came a voice from the doorway "you did always hate doctors visits growing up"

Fenra and Larka turned to face the doorway, in it stood an elderly looking wolf, a timber shade of fur coving her body, wearing a long skirt, a simple button up blouse and a cardigan. Her face and eyes portrayed her age but also compassion, the look of an experienced mother. Larka took a step back and watched curiously as Fenra stepped by and approached his mother, The pair stood for a brief moment in silence before exchanging a tentative hug.

"Hello mother" Fenra said as he released the hug.

"Its nice to see you again after all this time" she replied, but after glancing at his body added "I just wish I wasn't greeted by such a sight, it's a hard thing for a mother to see"

Fenra looked down at his feet, sighing heavily "I know, I'm sorry"

"It's ok son" she said "I'm just glad your recovering"

"Mrs Gray certainly had a lot of questions when I answered the phone, its as if you hadn't spoken in years" Larka added, standing by the window.

Fenra's mother smiled sweetly at her, chuckling gently "I told you dear on the way over, there's no need to keep calling me Mrs Gray, Braska is fine"

Larka shuffled a little, blushing slightly with embarrassment "sorry.. Old habit"

Fenra walked back over to Larka and gave her a soft peck on the cheek "silly thing"

Larka took his paws in hers and kissed him gently on the lips before heading for the doorway "I'll leave the pair of you alone for a while, I know Mrs Gra.... erm Braska has something to talk with you"

Fenra watched Larka as she left, slightly confused, thinking she knew something he didn't, then turned to his mother.

"I told her what it was and why I needed time alone with you on the way over here" Braska said softly "I thought it would be easier that way"

"Ah I see" said Fenra, slumping down on the bed.

"She's very nice, pretty too" said Braska casually "your father and I always wondered if you were going to find someone and...."

"Why are you here?" Fenra said coldly

"Fenra please, I'm just trying to be civil..." she said hastily

"Civil? We don't talk for over a year, then you leave messages on my machine, even come here and pretend to talk to me as if nothing happened..."

"Stop right there" she interrupted "yes we haven't spoken in a while but whose fault is that? I've tried to contact you over and over yet you cut yourself off from us, I never stopped caring, loving or worrying about you and you know it!"

"I..." Fenra started before sighing heavily and just staring at his paws.

"Now with both the men in the family in hospital... things just seem to be taking a turn for the worse..." Braska said, a forlorn expression appearing on her normally soft and caring face

"W... what?" asked Fenra, slightly taken aback by this comment, looking up from his paws to the unusual look on his mothers face

Braska sat down on the bed next to him, sighing gently "that's what I'm here for Fenra, its about your father"

Fenra's face curled a little at the mention of his father but he maintained his composure "what about him?"

"He is in hospital, just like you" Braska said, looking distantly out of the window, her mind consumed with thoughts of her husband "It's his condition, its deteriorating"

"His condition? But I thought the heart medication was controlling that" Fenra said, a sound of slight concern in his voice "no he's lived with it for years, it can't just change"

"Yes it can Fenra, we all knew the medication was just a hope, a chance" said Braska with slight anger on her tongue "but now its as the doctors feared, the drugs have ceased being effective and as such he is under full time care until... until..."

Braska trailed off, her voice breaking and a hint of tears in her eyes, Fenra took her into his arms in a brief hug "don't talk like that, he is a strong man... far stronger than me"

Braska looked into his sons eyes and smiled gently "you remind me of him you know, even down to the stubborn nature"

At this Fenra stood up and walked to the window, staring out of it through the buildings to the horizon.

"You know a lot of people would take that as a compliment" Braska said, slightly frustrated at Fenra's reaction.

The pair remained in silence for a moment before Braska spoke up, realising Fenra was not going to make a comment "I'm sure I know what your reaction is going to be but, I'd like for you to come and visit him, at least once, who knows...."

"No" interrupted Fenra

"Excuse me?" said Braska

"I said no, I cant go back there, I cant see him..." he said

"Fenra! He's your father" she said, her voice raising slightly

"Exactly my point... I can't I..." he said

"I'm not forcing this on you son and if this is how you want to react fine" she said, gathering herself up from the bed and heading to the doorway "all I ask is that you think about it"

Fenra began to speak again but Braska cut him off quickly "I'll not argue this with you anymore, if you have a heart you will know the right thing to do"

And with that she left, Larka peered her head around the door, about to speak but Fenra simply nodded, knowing she was about to tell him she was going to take his mother back to the station.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Larka said, blowing him a kiss and following his mother down the hall.

Fenra slumped on the bed, lying back and staring at the fluorescent light that buzzed gently above him. His thought flicking back and forth in a tormenting ballet over what he had heard. It was not entirely unsurprising that his father's condition had got worse but its something he had prayed would never happen. What was he to do now he thought, he couldn't head back, not after everything that had happened yet his mothers last words bared heavy on his conscience "if you have a heart"... I have a heart, he thought, its just torn...

Saturday finally came and with it Fenra's spirits rose like the early morning sun that greeted him through the small hospital window.

It was just beyond dawn and the warmth of the soft light refracted through the glass stirred him from his sleep. He rose from bed gently, making sure to take in every moment of what would be his last morning in this place. His paws touched the cool floor and he walked tentatively over to the window, opening it and breathing deep the sweet morning air, scents filled his nostrils as a cool breeze blew in, yet the wind carried something else with it, a feeling of freedom. This feeling echoed the same joy Fenra felt within him and with that, he turned, a wide smile on his face, to change one last time from the hospital gown that had encased him throughout his stay here. Pulling from a hanger a familiar shirt and jeans he was about to put them on when he noticed, hung behind them something else.

Hung up, still within plastic wrapping was a clean pressed white, button up shirt and a pair of expensive looking black trousers. Taking them off the hanger he noticed a note attached to it simply reading "I'll see you soon, Love Larka"

He smiled softly, his heart warmed by her gesture and he chuckled softly

"So that's why you were looking in here the yesterday, checking my clothes were there my left paw!" he said to himself as he removed them from the plastic admiring the crafting that had gone into them, glancing at the labels, wondering just how much this must have cost her, "Oh Larka you really shouldn't spoil me like this" he thought.

He put the clothes on and smiled as he looked at his reflection in the window as he did up the last button. Looking down at his watch he realised it was a few hours till Larka stopped by, he had promised to wait for her rather than walk home alone, so he made a decision, he decided to head outside into the hospital gardens to bask in the early morning sun until she came.

Stepping out of his room for the first time his heart leapt with joy, the freedom he felt, released from that sterile cage, it was invigorating, he felt like a pup again and simply wanted to sprint as fast as his legs could carry him. He took a breath to restrain himself and made his way out to the gardens.

Outside the air was warm against his fur, a gently breeze blew past and he drew in a deep breath of the scents it carried. The claws of his toes scratched eagerly at the soft soil, his heart began to beat a little faster and he glanced around to make sure no one could see, the pup in him longing to run at his new freedom.

And so he set himself free, sprinting across the grounds his paws collided softly against grass, he ran as if the wind itself were guiding his feet. Reaching the top of a small incline he turned his muzzle to the sky, letting the soft sun beat down on him, it was all he could do to resist letting out a great howl of delight. He set himself down on the grass and watched the clear blue sky above him roll past, gentle clouds wisped by gentle winds moved across his sight, sighing contentedly he closed his eyes.

"There you are?! Had to make me worry didn't you" came a voice which stirred Fenra from his gentle trance under the now mid morning sun.

"Larka, god I'm sorry" he said sitting up and seeing Larka walk across the grass over to him. She was wearing what appeared to be a new dress, a small blue strapless top that flowed into a high skirt, loosely woven around her legs and blowing gently in the breeze.

Larka sat herself down on the grass next to him, kissing him softly "don't worry about it my handsome wolf, I just got a little concerned when I went to your room and you weren't there, I had to ask every doctor around if they had seen you"

"I just had to get out here, you would not believe how good it feels to be outside again" he replied licking her cheek, his eyes filled with the joy of a happy pup.

Larka's face softened at the mere sight of his eyes "You certainly seem happy, and I can see you found my little gift"

Fenra looked at his clothes and smiled "I certainly did, thank you so much" he licked her cheek and stood up, giving her a, distinctly ungraceful, little twirl "what do you think?"

"Never try to become a model" Larka chuckled softly "that little move wouldn't hold up well on the catwalk"

"Meanie" Fenra said smiling, nuzzling her gently

"Seriously though you look handsome" Larka said, standing up and placing her arms around him "sexy, sophisticated... and all mine"

She kissed him gently then after a moment looked into his deep yellow eyes, feigning hurt and playfully tracing circles in the soil with her paw "no comment on my new dress?"

Fenra simply smiled back at her softly "I would say something, but words simply cant describe such beauty"

Larka blushed a deep red in her cheeks and hid her face making Fenra chuckle gently. He took her paw in his and the pair headed off the hospital grounds for the last time. Fenra glanced back as they walked through the gate, glad to be leaving it behind and heading home at last.

Despite the pleasant start to the day the weather seemed to be turning as they passed the familiar streets and headed through the park on the way home. Clouds had been on the horizon and a gentle yet steady breeze had been blowing all day, drawing them steadily across the sky.

"Ironic isn't it?" said Fenra, taking a deep breath, sensing the change in the air

"What is?" asked Larka curiously

"The first day I met you it was raining, do you remember?" he said

"Of course I do" she said, smiling gently at him "how could I forget"

"And here I am, returning home again to you and looks like its going to rain, life's little cycles eh?" he said, smiling gently

"Aw well don't think of it that way" she said licking his cheek "some people like the rain, its like the earth washing the past away and starting a fresh"

Fenra smiled, gently giving her a kiss on the nose "What did I ever do to deserve you"

Larka simply smiled sweetly in return and the pair continued, paw in paw, round the corner and to the old apartment.

Pausing at the entrance for a moment Fenra glanced up at the familiar sight, the tall building with its worn brick walls, steel gates, familiar lobby and rattling elevator. He sighed gently at the sight, chuckling a little.

"What's wrong?" Larka asked, pondering why he had stopped so suddenly

"Nothing... its just, its funny how this place used to loom over me, I used to hate the sight of it but now, it was one of the only things keeping me going in that hospital, it actually looks like home"

"Your in a weird mood today" said Larka, eying him curiously but amused by her lovers ramblings

"Sorry, guess I just had too much time to think in that hospital you know" he said, running a paw through his hair "shall we?" he gestured towards the elevator.

Larka nodded and the pair entered the elevator which creaked into life once more. When it reached there floor and Fenra went to open the door Larka stopped him and pressed the button for the top floor.

"I have a little surprise for you first" she said with a wink.

The elevator reached the top floor and Larka lead Fenra down the hall way and out on to the familiar rooftop where they had first met. Fenra's eyes widened at the sight before him, a small rug laid out, glasses, plates, a small hamper and a single burning candle.

"Larka what is all this?"

"I wanted to do something special for you coming home" she said smiling, walking over to the hamper "so I've got a few little things in here and... now where is it, ah, some wine"

She handed him the bottle and a corkscrew "would you do the honours?"

He smiled and took them from her, gently removing the top and pouring them each a glass "Larka this is all... its amazing"

"Its just a little something..." she said

"No really, I don't know how to thank you" he said "how did you think of this?"

"Well lets just say your not the only one who had time to think while you were in hospital" she said, looking at the candle on the ground.

Fenra took her paws in his and licked her cheek

"I came up here everyday" she continued, a small drop of rain landing on her shoulder as the sky began to drip gently on the pair "its always meant a lot to me, this rooftop, but never so much as it does now, it where I met you"

Fenra spotted a tear in her eye and wrapped her in his arms gently, kissing her forehead.

"Everyday I came up here, I lit that candle for you and watched the sun set, I prayed the time would pass, longing for you to be back here again" she broke off a little, her voice breaking slightly "I never want you to leave again... I couldn't stand it, I..."

Fenra tilted her head up gently and gave her a deep kiss, his tongue gently parting her lips and massaging her own. He broke it after a moment and looked deep into her eyes "I'm not going anywhere"

She stared into his eyes, her own glinting like jewels. Placing her paws on the back of his head she drew him into another kiss. Softly she sighed, their breath mixing in the cool air, her heart racing a little, how she had waited for the day he came back, to feel him this close to her again.

Their bodies pressed close, he felt his fur on hers again, the soft feel of her chest, the beat of her heart, his own pounding in his chest. Absence they say makes the heart grow fonder and his heart beat for her more than it ever had before.

He held her close, feeling her every part against him, wanting, longing. She broke the kiss first and looked at him with unspoken lust in her eyes. Gently she pulled him down onto the rug, her breath quick and shallow as he lay gently on top of her. Sun glinting through the broken clouds as rain fell softly on their bodies, making their fur shine with a thousand tiny jewels.

With quivering, tentative paws Larka reached out and slowly undid the buttons on his shirt. It fell open revealing his chest, a few scars remained, tell tale signs of what had happened. She slid her paws over his shoulders and down his arms, sliding the shirt from his body and tossing it aside. Running a soft paw across his chest drew a deep grown within his throat. She could feel his heat and his hearth through the thick fur on his chest.

Placing his paws on her hips he gently raised them, sliding Larka's small top up to her shoulders, pulling back for a moment as she lifted it over her head. It fell to the hard surface beside them. Fenra glanced at her exposed before him, her chest rising and falling, he leant down and placed a kiss on her breasts, tracing his tongue in a small circle over her nipple, making her shudder in delight. He followed the contours of her body, over her chest, to her neck and finally to her eager waiting muzzle, breathing heavily, her breath sweet in his nostrils.

He kissed her deeply as her paws moved down her sides, searching for the heat that swelled from his body against her hips. Her paws finding the buckle of his trousers she gently flicked them open, feeling his member fall against her chest, firm and hot against her fur.

Taking her paws in his and slowly running them down his legs he slid off his trousers, laying on her, fully exposed, their muzzles intertwined. Their paws together, moving as one they stopped at her hips and slit her skirt and pants over her thighs. A warmth emanated from her, he could feel her willingness, smell her lust, gently shining, becoming him.

He placed his paws around her, pulled her close and ever so slowly drew himself into her, savouring the moment, her every shudder, movement and suppressed growl of pleasure flowing through him. Reaching his hilt he moaned and broke the kiss, Larka lay her head back on the rug, tongue lolling from her mouth, breath shallow and rapid. Her paws on his rump she held him in tightly, clinging to the feeling of him deep inside. Relaxing slightly as pleasure overtook her, melting in his embrace she lay before him.

She was his, he knew that now and he began to move inside her, drawing yelps of pleasure from her eager maw. Rhythmically he moved and her body responded in kind, her sweet jewel clasping around his firm wolf hood, longing for everything it had and more. The pair moved as one, a great heat encompassing them even in the chill falling rain.

The fire burned as their hips moved in time, growing, swelling. Steadily both felt what they had longed to feel for so long. A pleasure deep inside them that was for each other alone.

His muscles tensing, his body hot, he placed a kiss upon her neck, stirring her from her trance. She looked deep into his eyes and he stared straight back. Pleading with unspoken words his eyes betrayed his feeling to her. With a gentle nod she knew what he felt, she felt it to.

The pair kissed deeply as he drew from her one last time. With a moments pause to savour the feeling he thrust deep inside her once more. Tensing, clinging to her he felt raw passion over take him. With a great burst he felt himself let go deep within her. A feeling so bright burned within him, a pleasure so intense that only she could have brought him. He dared not break the kiss or let her go, he wanted this moment to last forever.

Muffled into the kiss she moaned heavily, her thighs clenching, her hips buckling. She felt herself reach climax, a great pleasure swelled from deep inside her, spreading through her body in waves, over her head to the tip of her ears, down to the last hair in her tail. She had longed for this and now it came, greater than she had ever imagined.

Slowly the feeling faded, both felt themselves ease and with a heavy sigh Fenra withdrew himself. The steady rain now heavy in their fur, washing the fluid that clung to their groins.. Steadily he stood up, giving her his paw and taking her into one last kiss. The heat fading from their bodies but the fire still burning bright within them.

"That was..." Fenra started

"Shh, don't speak" Larka interrupted, placing a finger on his muzzle "lets just get dressed and head inside before we catch a cold"

Fenra smiled and licker her cheek as they gathered themselves up, slipping their clothes back on, collecting the rug and placing the various items back in the hamper. Stepping inside from the roof they both shook the rain water from their bodies sending large droplets across the floor, and making their way back to the elevator and down to their floor.

The elevator ground to a halt and the doors opened, outside Fenra's door stood two familiar figures, his heart leapt at the sight of them.

"Lina? Leo?"

"Fenra, Larka, you are here" called Lina in her excitable tone "see I told you Leo"

"Good to see you again Fenra" Leo said, shaking his paw and Lina gave him a hug.

"Its good to see you too, what are you guys doing here?" Fenra asked

"Isn't it obvious, we came to see you silly" Lina said after giving Larka a hug

"Larka there told us you were out of the hospital today so Lina..." Leo started but Lina gave him a stern look to which he chuckled and put an arm around her "we decided to stop by to see how you were doing"

"Well thank you guys, I cant tell you how touched I am by this" he said

"Yes its quite the reunion" came a familiar voice from the elevator

The group turned round to see Carl standing just outside the elevator, alone.

"Honestly, some manners you have wolf, not inviting me to your big welcome back" he said, the sinister grin on his face

"You've got some nerve showing up here" Larka said, her face flushing

"Temper temper, we wouldn't want to cause any trouble now would we" said Carl

"What do you want Carl" said Fenra, putting a protective arm around Larka

"I just wanted to see if what I had heard was true" he said smiling, bearing a few sharp teeth "I must admit the news of your return was somewhat disappointing"

"I'm a stubborn wolf that's for sure" Fenra said, baring his teeth "now are you going to leave"

Carl laughed and unsheathed his claws "right after I finish what I started"

"Don't even think about it" Fenra growled

"You should have stayed down wolf" Carl said, charging for him

Fenra braced himself but a strike never came, instead he simply heard a yelp and a struggled voice. He turned to where the noise was coming from and saw Carl suspended a foot in the air, a vast arm around his neck.

"B... Blake?!" Fenra gasped

Sure enough there stood Blake, his vast stallion arm wrapped around Carl's throat. The next thing Fenra saw was Leo charge past him, slamming a huge fist directly into Carl's chest. The panther yelped in pain and wheezed, Blake releasing him and he fell to his knees. Leo pulled him up again and pinned him to the wall, delivering another chain of blows to his chest before letting him fall.

"If you ever take a step near Fenra again..."

"Leo, that's enough" said Fenra, walking over to Carl

"Well wolf, are you going to finish it?" said Carl, on his knees before Fenra, hand over his chest, blood dripping from his muzzle

"No Carl, I'm not like you" he said bending down and unsheathing a claw "I'm a wolf"

"I knew it, I knew you were to soft to kill I... ahhhh"

Fenra scraped a line across Carl's cheek, leaving a deep, bleeding, gash.

"What the fuck is that" Carl said in panic

"It's the mark of the wolf" Fenra said with a grin "It's a scar you shall bear always to remind you of today"

"Am I supposed to be intimidated by you?" said Carl in a hurried voice

Fenra stuck a claw into the wound on Carl's cheek, drawing a moan of pain from his mouth, leaning close and whispering in his ear "No, I just want you to remember, that from this day forth, your every breath, is a gift from me"

Fenra withdrew the claw and licked the blood from his paw, stepping away from Carl. Leo picked Carl up by the neck and threw him into the elevator. The worried look in his eyes the last Fenra saw before it descended beyond his view"

"Fenra that was amazing" Larka squealed, throwing her arms around him, kissing him softly

Fenra kissed her back before turning to the one person he had would never have imagined being there "Blake, why?"

"Don't think to hard about it wolf, I'm not going soft on you" Blake said gruffly "but you've been keeping up with rent recently and, well a man has to protect his business"

Fenra smiled, although the look on Blake's face remained unchanged he could have sworn he saw and almost gentle look in his eyes. The elevator creaked back up to a stop, empty.

"What are you smiling about, you've had your little victory" Blake said as he got into the elevator and it sped him away

"Thank you" muttered Fenra under his breath

"Shall we?" asked Larka, gesturing to her door

"Of course" said Leo and the four of them entered Larka's apartment

The group talked for hours, sharing the wine Larka had brought. They talked about the hospital, told Leo all about what Carl had done and even talked a bit about Fenra's home after Larka mentioned his mothers visit.

"Meeting the parents already eh?" Lina said with a cheery giggle

"What? Its nothing like that!" Fenra stammered to which they all just laughed

Lina stood up and gave Leo a kiss on the cheek, catching Fenra by surprise. He looked over at Larka and she nodded, knowing what he was going to ask and before he could talk she simply mouthed the words "another time" to him. Fenra nodded and gave her a kiss.

"I'm going to get some more wine, anyone else want any?" Lina asked as she walked past to which they all gave mixed affirmative grunts

Fenra's mind wandered a while over the next hour, occasionally adding to the conversation but mainly staring out of the window, at the city around them, his mothers words echoing in his mind.

This city it was his home but could he ever really live here? He wanted Larka more than anything yet the very streets seemed to work against him. He dwelled here but his heart lived elsewhere. Life may get better but he would never truly be a part of it. He didn't want to live that kind of life nor endanger Larka with it. Nor as much as he would try could he get the thought of his father from his mind. Hate may have separated them but the blood tie remained strong. He had a heart as his mother had said, and it knew what to do now.

Another thought burned in his mind as it wandered "If she came perhaps... just perhaps..."

With a heavy sigh he finished of his glass of wine and spoke "I've made a decision"

The others stopped mid conversation and turned to him.

"I'm heading home"