My knight in Shinning Armour ch5

Story by Sindal on SoFurry

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#5 of My knight in shining armor

Disclaimer: Ya know the drill; this story contains gay sexual activity and is not suitable for peoples under 18. If you find this offensive or don't like it, please leave before you get into trouble for being tati.

My knight in Shinning Armour

Chapter 5: Secret Revealed

David woke up with a little yawn. He looked down and smiled seeing his mouse, sleeping soundly and peacefully with a bright smile on his face, in his arms. David made no attempt to move in case he stirred or woke up sleeping beauty. All he did was pull his body closer to the mouse's since space was created over the night and rested his head on the shoulder, letting himself fall back into sleep slowly...


Alex's eyes fluttered open with a little start. He blinked and quickly scanned his surroundings. There was the wall, his bad, his computer, his bookcase, the floor and the posters and of course there was his mate behind him, keeping him nice and warm. He smiled, wondering how this fur was always so warm, it's like he's some kind of walking heater...but Alex didn't mind at all, he liked it a lot. Alex just shifted a little in the bed and wanted to go back to sleep but his eye's crossed over his alarm, which now read 8:00.He went into a little panic, thinking he was school and leaped out of his bed.

David's eyes shot open, yawning groggily he asked, "Whoa, what's with the energy burst mouse?"

Alex was darting around his room, still in light panic "Its 8:00, we are SO late for school..." rummaging through his closet rapidly.

David chuckled "Alex, its Saturday..."

Alex's body froze immediately and after a few seconds of sending that message to his brain he span around, scratching the back of his head with a deep blush on his face. "Um...oops..."

David smirked and then laughed again "Oops indeed, last night knock your memory out too?"

Alex put a paw on his cheeks and muttered "Maybe"

David patted the spot where Alex was laying a few seconds ago "So how about you come back to bed honey?"

Alex smiled at being called 'honey' and slid back under the covers with his back facing David. David grinned and rewrapped his arms around Alex and muttered "You got any plans for today?" rubbing gently at his mouse's belly area.

Alex blinks and murrrs at the rubbings "Not that I know of...mmmm...Davy"

David grins wider and gently nuzzles against his mate's neck "Then I guess we would have to find something to do then"

Alex shivers from pleasure and manages to mutter through his murring and breaths "Your you know my weak spot"

David rubs his paws all over the shivering Alex's frontal upper torso while kissing the neck "Is that really a bad thing...would it make you feel better if you knew mine?"

Alex considers this and nods slowly, moving his neck back into the muzzle attacking it with affection "Not really...and yes I would like to know."

David stops nuzzling long enough to raises his muzzle close to Alex's ear to whisper very softly "Its behind my ears..."

Alex winces at the bat's breath filling his ears and sighs happily "That's even more unfair, yours is harder to reach than mine"

David snickers and goes back to lapping gently at the neck, his paws still sliding over the mouse's soft black and white belly fur "That just means I can make your horny better than you can"

Alex giggles and murrrs out "But I want you to be horny too"

David spins the mouse around so they are facing each other, smiling grimly "Then kiss me mousy" giving a look that seemed to send a challenge.

Alex giggles again and leans forward, pushing his muzzle against the bat's own and locking them together in a passionate kiss. David open up his muzzle fully for exploration and darts his tongue in Alex's muzzle, making it dance around inside They made out like this under the covers for quite a while, grinding their bodies against each other. Just when David had gotten on top of Alex, his cell rang, causing him to groan. David just smirked and got off while Alex pushed off the covers and grabbed for his phone"

"Hello?" Alex answered in a very annoyed tone

"Hey dude, you sound like you've just been interrupted from having sex...Did I?" It was Sam

Alex blushed, glancing back at the naked David on his bed, smirking at him "Of course you didn' what's up?"

"Why'd you ditch us last night?"

"Something came up at the last moment with my family, I tried to get out but no was not an answer for them"

"Oh...well anyway, Jeff 'n me are going to the mall today, you want to come?"

"Um...sure, when?"

"Just be there at 1:00...hey, maybe David will be around there"

Alex rolled his eyes "Riiiight, see you then" hanging up and diverting his attention back to his bat.

David's smirk was still on his face "Can I come too?" a bit of a whining tone is his voice.

Alex returned the smirk "Sure, but you need some clothes first" stroking the bare chest so gently it was more like a brush.

David murrred gently and sat up, heading for the bag he had brought with and taking out some undergarments and clothes, slipping them on. Alex was a little sad the body was being covered up but went to his closet to find some clothes of his own, pulling them on fast and when both were finished they headed down to the kitchen.

When they got there, Alex parents were not. This was normal as his parents tended to sleep in on the weekend. David simply asked, "You want some pancakes?"

Alex nodded enthusiastically "If you would make em I would" Alex had a thing for pancakes or flapjacks. They just tasted so good to him and made him happy in the morning.

David grinned, liked he'd just been asked one of those questions that you already know the answer to "Course I would, where's the pans and stuff?"

Alex pointed out everything he would need and David started making breakfast. Alex for some reason felt the need to ask, "Hey, do you think my parents heard us last night?"

David shook his head facing the stove "Nope, they were sleeping and your room is sound resistant"

Alex blinks "It do you know?"

David smiles "I'm a bat hun,I can be blind and still be able to see, my sonic echos can tell how thick something is, and your room's wall is thick enough to almost be sound proof " he paused and twisted his head around, flashing a smile, to say "That can come in handy eh?"

Alex blinks again, this was very new news and it would explain why his parent didn't complain when he played music a bit too loud for most people.... He pondered this with a giggle and smiled when he received breakfast.

David sat down next to him with some pancakes of his own and began eating. Alex was surprised that the pancakes were particularly good, even better than his mother's "Wow, these are really good!" swallowing a mouthful gleefully.

David smiled "Aw thanks hun."

Alex smiled back and finished his breakfasted in silence.

The two spent the rest of the morning together. They greeted Alex's parents and then basically every thing they did, they did with each other. They played some games, talked a bit, watched TV and even did a little more tutoring for David. Most people would find this kind of thing boring but Alex felt like it was the most important things he could do in his life, as long as David was doing them with him. David seemed to feel the same way and before they left for the mall they spent some time huddled up to each other on one of the couches. Alex enjoyed this the most, simply being held by the bat made him feel both ways and after a while it was time to go. His parents noticed this from the kitchen and his father made the comment just as the door closed behind them "They make such a cute couple don't they dear?"

Driving there was no problem and David came up with the idea to create a gap in between their walking spaces so it would look like David was not with Alex, simply just walking in. Alex giggled, "Still teasing the dogs are we?"

David nods with an evil grin "Its fun"

Alex laughed and walked inside alone, immediately seeing Sam and Jeff waiting for him. They both said hello in there own happy little mood and they talked a while before David was seen by them walking in.

Jeff sounded a little excited "Hey Alex, don't look now but your future boyfriend is coming up behind you"

Alex did his best to confused and looked around to see David approaching with a smile. David was right though; teasing the double dog duo was really fun. He wanted to say "But he already is..." but instead muttered out in the most annoyed voice he could muster up "Just stop it ok?"

David looked casual, and after a little while he noticed them and smiled, walking over "Hey guys, fancy seeing you here"

Sam smiled back "Its nice to see you too want to hang out with us?"

David shrugged and nodded at the same time "Sure, why not..." shooting a quick glance at Alex. Alex grinned back on the corner of his lips, he had to admit that leaving the dogs in the dark was fun. Those two always knew everything about relationships happening at their school and were the first ones to know when two furs, especially the gay kind, got together. And yet they had failed to find out about the relationship between their best friend and their newest friend.

Sam and Jeff dragged both of them around the mall, mostly stopping at clothes shops. Time pasted by and both Alex and David became bored, so they managed to escape from the duo and ended up just walking around together.

David broke the silence with "Hey, has this place got an arcade?"

Alex nodded "You wanna got there?"

David grins playfully "Always loved the arcade" following Alex's lead

They eventually got there and David took out some money for tokens. Alex's eyes scanned the quite empty arcade slowly, his eyes stopping at the DDR station with a grin. David followed his eyesight and grinned himself "Lets have a go at it." Dragging Alex over to the machine.

Alex was actually pretty good at DDR, being able to do the hard levels with not too much trouble. The only problem was that he didn't like doing it when there were a lot of furs around, him being shy and timid, because it made him nervous. Today it was fairly abandoned, so he didn't have to worry and David's presence made him a little more confident. As they got on the platform and paid in the tokens the machine sprang to action, giving them all the option for the players and song and so on.

David let Alex pick, which he did, picking a easy song to start with and they both got ready, one thing that Alex noticed was that David had closes his eyes and wonder why, obviously then he wouldn't be able to see what to step on, but shrugged it off as the music started and he began playing, scoring a perfect on each step. David was scoring the same but Alex couldn't help noticing how fluidly he moved. Each move he made just flowed into the next one. He made it so look effortless and even with his eyes closed he managed to hit each step perfectly. Alex was almost striped of his combo watching him but recuperated quickly. By the time the song finished, it was a tie because neither of them had made a single mistake.

David opened his eyes and smiled "You ready to amp it up a bit?"

Alex smiled back and nodded, he didn't care if he made mistakes anymore and he just wanted to have fun "Bring it on!"

David laughed a bit at the mouse's enthusiasm and chose song he liked; it was hard but not the impossible kind, and closed his eyes again. Alex got ready and began playing, scoring a perfect on each. Alex once again let his eyes linger to the right of him slightly. David kept his perfect motions, it might have even looked like he was dancing, and by the end they scored a tie again, not making a single flaw between the two. David opened his eyes again and lifted an eyebrow "Your really good aren't cha?"

Alex giggled and grinned with a nod "Could say the same for you"

David chuckles and returns the grin "You've had enough haven't you?"

Alex blinked, and slightly wondered how he did that. He always seemed to know just what the mouse wanted or needed. Right now Alex's legs hard started to pain a bit from the constant stepping and just nodded, muttering out "Yea...I think we should find the spot patrol right about now"

David nods and they proceed outside the arcade holding paws and heading for the food court.

Before they got there Alex felt the need to ask "Hey, how come you close your eyes when you play, how can you see what to step on?"

David sighed a bit "It's ...really complicated...I'll tell you later ok?"

Alex nodded with a smile "Sure, anytime you want"

Sam and Jeff were sitting by a table, dogs apparently and chattering away like they always did, kissing a few times before noticing Alex and David. David pulled the paw detachment trick before Sam or Jeff could get a view of it, making both of them walk to them looking very casual.

Sam spoke up first as the two sat down next to them "Where have you two been?"

"David wanted me to show him around the mall, he doesn't know his way around and all being new around here" Alex replied with David giving an affirmative nod.

"Oh really now, well-" Sam's was cut off by something catching his eye.

"Hey guys......."

Everyone turned their attention to the voices direction. It was Daren.

Alex blinked "Daren?"

Daren give a smile "Yea, its me.... so what you and your boyfriend up to?"

Alex flushed, and David answered in a single tone "He's not my boyfriend"

Daren smirked "Oh? Then why are you always with him, and why did you cuddle together in the movies and why did you kiss in Mac Donald's?"

Sam and Jeff's face both lit up and gave Alex a judgemental look. Alex's blush was beyond red. 'Dammit!!!' he thinks and gives David a look of pleading for help. David just shrugged and smiled "Well, they were going to find out sooner or later hun"

Sam and Jeff's emit gleeful snickers and almost shouted out together "You two are together? Why were we not informed on this!?"

David smirked "It was fun...why did you have to go blow our cover dude?" looking at Daren.

Daren grinned, "It was fun..."

Sam suddenly asked " Hey, where you two in the middle of...ya know...this morning"

Alex wanted to answer but David cut him to it "Well, we were going to, but you called before we started" Alex gave him a shocked look, making David smirk "What? We would use lying now"

Alex sighed, he was right, facing his friends with an face that looked in between annoyance and given up "OK fine, I have a boyfriend, are you too happy now?

They both replied, "Yes"

Alex sighed again...his secret was out...

Comments, constructive criticism, anything please
