Gym Buddies II: Part Six

Story by SpeakingWolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Gym Buddies II

Gym Buddies II: Part Six

I'd never tried bottoming, and there were certain limits I had which some might consider quite low. But I'd always wondered how my little brother tasted, and now seemed as good a time as any to return the favour. I gently squeezed my knot to let out another hot shot, which fell to the floor between Dan's knees. The husky licked his lips eagerly, not wanting a drop to be wasted. I brought him to his feet and pulled him into a kiss, helping to clean his maw of my juices.

"I taste good... but I wanna know how good you are," I said, working my paw into his boxers and my fingers around his shaft. Dan closed his eyes and tilted his head back - I knew this wouldn't take long at all. I walked into him, causing him to step back. It was almost as if we tangoed into the bedroom, where I sat him down on the bed and nuzzled passionately into his thighs.

"Oh, Luke," Dan whimpered as his length throbbed under the boxers and he slid his paw back to it. I slapped it away and looked up at his hurt face.

"Paws over your head, pup," I instructed. He nodded and panted heavily as he rested into the bed and his member tensed. Slowly, my paws dragged his pants down and revealed him to me, fully unsheathed and a knot building at his base. I pushed my nose into it and took in his musk - as brilliant as his covers had led me to believe when he left them every morning. I opened my maw and let my tongue slide out, slowly licking him like a lollipop. Every stroke of my wet tongue made him moan and writhe under me. "You like that?" I asked before taking his tip into my maw.

"Mm-hm," was the best response he could give, so I murred into his sex as it slid further into me. I could taste Dan's pre being milked from him, and the flavour of the substance was breath-taking. It pulsed in my mouth and large dribble of pre fell into me. I swallowed it as my tongue moved around my brother and found his slit. My paw wrapped around his knot and gave him a rhythmic squeezing. "Oh, stop it, Luke!" the husky pleaded. I knew it wouldn't be long until he peaked, and as much fun as I was having, I was too eager to taste him. I squeezed his knot firmly, making him yip and buck his hips into the air.

"Come on, pup," I encouraged him. I felt his paw rub against the back of my head and wondered if he would try to push me onto him. Part of me hoped he would - being this submissive was new and exciting. Before he could get the chance to push, I threw my paws around his hips and pulled him into me, bobbing my head up and down against him. I sucked greatly on the red meat, each pull of my lips easing out another run of pre.

"Luke, I... AH!" His hips bucked into me one final time as his pre was replaced by something thicker, creamier and altogether sweeter. I let his hot juices roll around in my mouth, my hunger for him growing stronger and stronger. Once he had shot four great ropes into me, I took my maw from him and gasped for air. His seed rested in my mouth, and some dribbled from my lips to the covers when I looked down at him. I lowered my head to his, and he instantly opened his maw for me. I kissed him deeply and murred as we snowballed, each equally passionate to drink.

I pulled away and Dan was licking his lips. When I felt my tongue sliding around the outskirts of my maw, I realised he wasn't the only one. "Fucking Hell, pup," I whimpered, "you taste fucking good!" Dan shot a quick glance at his member.

"I'm not finished," he chuckled. A look down confirmed that he was still pumping. I smiled and lowered myself down his body.

"Good," I said, "neither am I." He drew another breath of air as I lapped up what remained of him.


The next morning, Dan was still rubbing at his burn, using his claws a little.

"Dan, if you rip that off, it'll take longer to heal. Put another bandage over it!"

"We don't have any left," he moaned. I could hear his scratching from the opposite side of the room. He was really trying to break the skin, and the tears he was holding back made me wonder why he did it.

"Funny how you didn't check until you took the old one off, right?" He ignored me and whimpered. I ran over to him and pulled his paws apart, looking over the wound instantly. "There, it's bleeding! Are you happy now?" It wasn't gushing in torrents, but it was enough to turn his fur a dark purple-brown. He shook his head as if I was going to hit him, and I could hear him stifling tears again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout," I explained as I pulled him into a hug, "I just want you to get better, okay?"

"I know. It just itches," he complained, now trying to shake his paw better.

"That just means it's healing, pup," I said while kissing his forehead and rubbing his shoulder. "So how about we go to the pharmacy before we get to the gym, pick up some bandages and we'll have this fixed up? Okay?" He smiled and looked into my eyes. I took it to mean yes, picked up some alcohol from the first aid kit and walked him out of the door.

I had to take a detour to get to the medical centre, which was on a much quieter road. I made a mental note that this would be a safer route to take in future. The husky wanted to stay in the car and wait for me, but his lack of scratching was far too controlled for my liking. I was sure the second my back was turned he'd pounce, so insisted he come with me. On the way, he seemed thoroughly agitated and restless, which confirmed my suspicions. I smiled and shook my head at him.

Before heading to the checkout to buy the bandages, Dan picked up a tub of 'Sore Paw? No More!' and smirked at me. "What?"

"We'll need one of these, too," he explained, "I think you need a proper lesson in how this stuff is used." Ever since I handed him a little power in the bedroom last night, he seemed to be taking it for granted. If he thought I was going to let him play master every night, he was sorely mistaken. "I'll teach you tonight," he finished with a knowing look in his eyes.

"I'll look forward to it," I said, fully aware that he wasn't going to be teaching me anything apart from how to sulk. We bought the items and I wrapped his paw in fresh bandages after spraying some of the alcohol on it. Dan winced at the vapour and bit his lip. "Does it sting?"

"No, it's fine," he said, refusing to make eye contact with me. We hid the lotion in the glove compartment and promised each other we'd be using it tonight. Dan wagged his tail and had an extra skip in his step, obviously looking forward to the thought of my tail. He had no idea that he would be bottoming tonight. We entered the gym and started in our usual spot - the rarely occupied corner. I joined the husky in his stretches, leading him on to believe he would be getting a treat tonight. The only downside to this was that he kept getting a bulge at the front of his joggers. After thirty minutes, we were ready to move on.

"Martin!" We snapped our heads and looked over at Tom. He was standing a few feet from his office. "Not you," he sneered at me, "Dan," he said, pointing his finger at my brother.

"I really don't like that guy," Dan said. I'd mentioned my reservations about Tom, which he'd already picked up on. One the bright side, I wasn't crazy or paranoid. However, my chances of getting this job were looking slimmer and slimmer with each passing second. "What does he want?"

"Pup, I saw him calling some of the trainers in before. He probably wants to talk to you about how you're finding the gym, how working with me as an instructor is, that sort of thing."

"Okay," he said. "I'll tell him how good you are."

"Okay, but don't go overboard," I warned him, before pulling his ear to my muzzle. "When I want your tongue in my ass, I'll tell you," I whispered before patting him on the back. He gave a slight nervous chuckle at the thought and wandered into Tom's office.

I spent fifteen minutes on one of the exercise cycles and turned to look at the room Dan and Tom were occupying. What could they possibly have been talking about for so long? When I saw the other trainers go in and out, they only took a few minutes each. I figured that with Dan being a test subject, there would be more questioning for him. As I dismounted the bike, I was greeted by a panther.

"Hey, you're Luke, right?" His whiskers reflected the neon lights, making them shine brightly.

"Yeah," I said, wondering how he knew me.

"I thought so! Ryan," he introduced himself. "We're both in line for being an instructor."

"Yes, I remember you now!" The panther smiled at this, and seemed altogether pleasant.

"So, how are you doing with your partner?" Ryan asked. I shrugged and nodded in response. "Sucks about his paw, though. What actually happened?"

"Oven," I mimed with one paw and "paw," with the other. I brought the two together to demonstrate what happened and added a hissing sound. The panther winced at the action.

"Christ, I bet that hurt," he said sympathetically.

"Luke Martin!" I recognised the voice and sighed as I turned around. Tom was standing outside the office, but I couldn't see Dan inside it. "In here, if you don't mind." I looked at Ryan, who wordlessly understood that I had to go. On my way towards the office, I saw that Dan had been cornered by Pippa, who looked like she was trying to start up a conversation with him. I made my way into Tom's office and waited for him to offer me a seat. From what I'd seen of him, I expected he would want respect as a boss. "Sit."

"Thank you," I said as I pulled up the chair in front of his desk and sat on it. The red canvas wasn't comfortable, but was still warm from Dan's rump.

"So," the tiger started as he found his way to his chair, "how are you finding the gym?"

"I like it," I said. Even if I didn't, I would have been sure to tell him this. I had the feeling that anything bad I said would be taken as a personal attack.

"No problems, then?" I shook my head. "And how are you finding the training side of things?" This was the side of questioning I'd prepared myself for.

"I'm really enjoying it," I replied in a rehearsed way, "it's a lot of fun working here."

"And, er, Dan?" I didn't like the pause between the words 'and' and 'Dan', so looked at him questioningly. "How are you two getting on?"

"Like a house on fire," I said simply. Tom leaned over his desk with a heavy sigh.

"Listen, Luke," he said, a hint of secrecy clouding his voice, "I was talking to Pippa Fitt - you know, the leopardess?" I nodded and looked at the floor. "She told me something about you. Now I don't have a problem with it," he quickly added, "I just thought I should let you know."

"O-okay," I responded.

"However, I get the feeling that there's a little more to you and Dan than you've led me to believe." The tiger looked at me suspiciously, and my claws digging into the metal frame of the chair didn't help matters. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

_'Not really,'_would have been my first reaction, but I decided to hold my tongue for a moment. His questioning look finally got the better of me. "Okay, fine. You know that we moved up from the same place together?" Tom nodded. "Well, that's because he's... we're... he's my boyfriend."

The tiger leaned back into his chair, his round eyes wide with shock. "Oh, I see. Well, that's interesting."

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, obviously you just saw that I was talking with Dan," he started. "And he didn't tell me that you two were seeing each other."

"He didn't?" Tom shook his head and glared at me.

"Dan told me he's your brother."