To Save the One you Love

Story by GryphonWings on SoFurry

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This story contains consenting vore and sexual relationships between a feral gryphon and a human

This story contains consenting vore and sexual relationships between a feral gryphon and a human. If this isn't your thing, then please leave. If it is, then enjoy. Please don't comment if it's only to say that it's stange that I've written this kind of vore, because I know it is, it was just an experiment. A commission for Raave This was a bit of an experiment for me to see if I could in fact write vore whilst still being mature in the theme. Hence, this story is not like any of my other work, and is simply a one-off test of my abilities to write different stuff. This was a quick commission while I work on my next, very very big story. Contains soft vore and digestion


Jason stumbled through the forest blindly, pushing branches aside as he ran frantically from his pursuers. He hadn't expected them to catch up to him so soon; the day's lead he expected was no longer a viable period of time for his escape. There was no going back now, escaped slaves were sentenced to death out here for their crimes, and he had no intention of giving his ex-masters the satisfaction of ending his life.

As he dashed through thick foliage and muddy terrain he thought about his past life, the years spent slaving away for his captors. He wasn't cut out for this kind of work, his body not used to being subjected to hard labour, yet he had endured nonetheless. Now, he had found his chance for freedom, and he had taken it, hoping to be rid of his life of torture and work under the intense, relentless sun.

He had believed he had a day; Jason having slipped out under the cover of darkness with the help of a fellow slave. Yet, somehow, they had noticed his absence and were already only a mile away. He had to do something, or he would be worse than dead in a few hours. He could hear the sounds of men shouting faintly, the only sounds in the eerily quiet rainforest that stretched for countless miles in every direction.

Escape had always been futile; he had known that his chance of success was infinitesimally small, yet he tried anyway. Even death was preferable to such cruel slavery, and he wouldn't ever do it again. Small branches cracked underfoot as he leapt through the thick growth as best he could, dreading the occasional sound from behind him, each time wondering if the next would bring the click of a rifle.

After running for what seemed like hours, Jason was beat. He didn't think his legs would hold him for much longer; even before his capture he had never been very fit, and now it was coming back to haunt him. The sounds of his pursuers grew louder, and Jason suddenly realised that he had somehow backed himself into a cliff-face, cursing with the fact that there was other way out but back the way he had come.

The voices grew louder, something which worried him greatly; this was it, there was no alternative now. He slumped against the rocky cliff wall, panting heavily as he fought his exhaustion. Every second brought his old masters closer to him, the sounds of their footsteps now audible as well. Jason sighed, he had hoped for a better outcome, but to be honest with himself, he hadn't expected anything different.

He looked up to see the bushes part, three men revealing themselves to his weary form, guns in hand and pointed directly at his chest. He looked at them with a satisfied smile; at least he had experience a few moments of freedom before his demise. "We've got you now, slave," one of the men taunted gruffly, approaching him with rifle raised.

Jason spat on the ground in front of him, retorting, "Go to hell, you bastards." The man snarled and lashed out with his foot, connecting with Jason's chest and forcing the air from his lungs. Jason coughed painfully on the ground, not sure if his ribs were broken or just extremely sore. He was used to this kind of treatment; it was a usual occurrence back at the slave camp that he had endured for so long.

"How dare you speak to me that way," the man continued, trying to assert his ego, "you have no right, scum." Jason laughed, despite himself. Hell, what else did he have to lose? The man growled angrily at the lack of 'respect' and pulled his large boot back for another damaging blow when a sudden screech pierced the sky. The men looked around wildly; it was not unheard of for gryphons and dragons to patrol the area hunting for food.

A grin pasted across Jason's face as he saw a flash of bright wings slice across the sky, the trademark sign of a gryphon on the hunt. The slavers looked fearful; gryphons had a tendency to attack if humans got too close to their nests, and the results were usually fatal. "Let's go," one of the slavers yelled, and the other one agreed, turning their backs and running towards their camp in the hopes of avoiding the creature.

Jason's attacker, however, raised his rifle to finish off his escaped slave, not wanting to let him have any chance of escape. Suddenly, a flash of talons curved through the sky, tearing straight through the man's torso and leaving him a bloody, lifeless corpse before he even hit the muddy ground. Jason cringed in terror; he had been so close to those dangerous claws that he could feel the wind from their passing brush his face.

He looked around the area in a slight panic, unsure as to whether the gryphon was returning to attack him as well. His eyes scanned the trees for any sign of that powerful beast flying nearby. Suddenly, a loud noise to his right made him turn his head, unable to move his injured body. It was the gryphon, landing a mere stones-throw away from his resting place, eyeing him with a curious expression.

He froze, looking up at the creature before him. He was surprised by the size; they were a lot bigger than the stories gave them credit for. The gryphon sat motionlessly, staring, contemplating as Jason admired its beauty. A dark brown fur slowly blended into streaks of gold, coating the gryphon's feathers with a brilliant combination of metallic colour. He noted the sharp claws; they looked quite intimidating, and it was what he feared most.

Their stare lasted for an eternity; man and hybrid inspecting each other with curious expressions. Slowly, the gryphon approached, closing the distance between them. Jason noted it was almost twice as big as him, even standing, which made for an impressive sight. He was unable to move; perhaps the creature would finish him off quick and be done with it. It was to his surprise, however, when he felt a furry body scoop him up in one swift movement.

In any other circumstance he would have kicked and struggled, but in his current state he could barely even breathe. The felt his body becoming airborne, hanging limply across the large beast's back as it turned and leapt into the sky, the ground rushing away from Jason suddenly. It was all too much: his body was done, his mind exhausted, and he slipped into unconsciousness as he was taken to wherever the gryphon pleased.


Light slowly entered Jason's eyes and he yawned as he awoke from his slumber. A sudden reminder of what had happed brought him back to reality, his eyes quickly scanning his surroundings and realising the he was inside a cave somewhere. The faint glow of green in the distance told him that he had not left the confines of the rainforest, but at least he was alive and safe for now. But... where had the gryphon gone?

His question was answered when a sudden blockage of the distant light revealed the gryphon's body standing mere meters away, having flown back into the cave. He slowly tried to get to his knees but failed, his body still too weak to support itself. "What do you want?" he asked the gryphon, feeling a little foolish, but he was desperate.

He wasn't sure if the gryphon had understood him, or if it was luck, but the might creature slowly moved towards him and placed a claw on his chest. Jason froze; he didn't really want to anger the gryphon, after all, it was more than strong enough to make quick work of him with those glistening claws. However, the creature didn't harm him in the slightest. He was more surprised when licked softly across his cheek.

Jason looked rather surprised as the large hybrid slowly curled up around his injured form, pulling him into its embrace tightly. He was quite confused; what the hell was going on and why was this creature trying to cuddle him? Yet, he couldn't complain, the soft bed of fur and feathers making for a much nicer surface than the cave floor for his head to rest on. He could feel his pain overtaking him once more, his head pounding in the throes of a large migraine.

Deciding to simply go with it, the young man placed his head against the gryphon's side and curled up against its large chest, sleep taking him in mere minutes.


Many hours later, Jason awoke for a second time, immediately registering the level of comfort and warmth he was experiencing. He looked at the massive claw draped over his chest and realise the gryphon must have protected him from the harsh night air, sharing its body-heat with him. His first thought was one of questioning: why would this creature protect him when it could just as easily kill him?

Deciding it must be a good omen; thoughts of escape entered his mind. Now would be the perfect time to make a break for freedom... but... his body was still in no condition to make any sort of dash for the hills. As he lay back against the warm body of his rescuer, he suddenly realised he wasn't alone in being awake. He looked up and saw two large eyes staring into his own, with an expression he couldn't possibly read.

"Hello," he said, feeling very crazy, but in a way he hoped it could understand. The large eyes blinked. "Thank you for saving me," he continued, and he was met with another blink of those deep blue eyes. He decided it was futile, and refrained from speaking thereafter, instead choosing to look at his saviour a bit better.

The beautiful colouring was evident here: gold and brown were the two dominant hues which covered the gryphon's body. Its front claws were beautiful and lethal, and its hind paws were likewise constructed. Fur covered most of its body, except for its spine and wings, which were coated in soft, velvety feathers designed for the utmost aerodynamic perfection. And the mane... it was such an amazing mane, smooth and bushy fur surrounding its neck.

The gryphon slowly removed its paw from his chest, allowing him the freedom to move if he so wished. Jason thought about it, but then sighed and remained where he was. Hell, he had nowhere else to go, nobody else who cared. For all he knew, the gryphon had mistaken him for its young or something; living with a gryphon couldn't be worse than whatever awaited him out in the harsh, unforgiving forest.

With a smile, he nestled his head back against the gryphon's chest and rested peacefully, feeling less afraid of the powerful beast than he had before.


Three hours later, Jason scratched at the cave wall with his nails, a little bored but still enjoying every second of his newfound freedom. The gryphon had left him alone in the cave, knowing his escape chances were low considering that the cave mouth was over twenty meters off the rainforest floor. Thoughts of his past, and his future now had time to assault his mind, leaving him feeling overwhelmed as he considered his options.

The only logical solution he came up with was to remain with the gryphon. From what he could tell, inexplicably, the creature liked him. He had though gryphons were simply vicious predators, but now that he had been alone with one... those eyes... how could they be so bad? Or at least, this one wasn't. Perhaps he could live with it, learn to live as it did and then it may protect him from all of the dangers of the forest.

A sudden noise alerted him to the return of his rescuer, big wings blocking out the light momentarily before folding up beside the gryphon's large body. He still couldn't believe how big it was, at least twice his standing height. A small rabbit was clasped between the gryphon's claws and this appeared rather strange to Jason. Why hadn't it gone after something bigger? His question was answered when the creature deposited the rabbit at his feet.

Jason wasn't really disgusted, hell, the slavers had forces them to eat despicable things at some stage when their moods were bad, which was often. He looked up at the gryphon and thanked it, knowing that it somehow was looking after him. He beckoned for the hybrid to come closer, and at first the beast looked hesitant, but then approached cautiously. Jason got down onto his hands and knees, still quite sore, and placed a hand on the gryphon's paw.

The gryphon pulled back for a second, but then relaxed, realising he meant no harm. Jason slowly directed the razor sharp claw to slice up the rabbit, obtaining what little meat he could from the small creature. He ate in silence, noting the increased winds outside of the cave. A storm was coming; he was good at predicting the weather after sleeping in it for so long. It wouldn't be wise to leave the cave now, that was for sure.

Once he had finished his meal, Jason sat back and looked at the gryphon. The large hybrid analysed him slowly, as if deciding what to do with him. Here he was, a lone human inside the cave of a massive predator, yet he was still alive. It could only make Jason wonder if the gryphon cared for him, but that would be silly, wouldn't it. How could he repay this creature for its kindness though, he really had nothing to give.

Looking like it had come to a decision, the gryphon approached him. Jason was against a wall, at the mercy of the impressive beast. He was surprised when the gryphon slowly pushed him onto the ground and wrapped its body around him, like a canine would curl up on a chair. He felt the soft, furry body cover him and he instantly felt warmer, making him realise just how cold he had been in the first place.

Suddenly, a warm tongue lapped against his ear, and then his neck, and he realised the gryphon was actually trying to clean him. The action seemed so absurd he simply remained still and allowed the warm organ to work its way over his face. Satisfied with its work, the gryphon looked down at him and Jason patted its chest appreciatively. He wasn't used to anyone caring for him in any way, shape or form.

Content, the gryphon slowly lowered its head and curled up completely around Jason, covering him with its wing to completely seal him off from the bitter air of the storm, which was beginning to whip violently outside of the cave. This was one of those days where he would have been fighting for his life back at the slave camp, trying to find what little shelter there was from the frightening and sometimes lethal elements.

He snuggled into the gryphon's large mane, inhaling the powerful scent of his rescuer; it was quite pleasant, and very relaxing. He felt safe for the first time in his life, and happy. He knew now that he most likely would never leave this forest, and even more likely, this cave. With this thought in mind, he closed his eyes and made an attempt at sleeping like his gryphon friend already appeared to be doing rather well.

With the silence around him, all sound of the storm cut off by the gryphon's soundproof enclosure, he could feel and hear a soft vibration around him. He couldn't see, so he slowly ran his hands along the gryphon's body and realised where the sound was coming from. He focused his ears on the sound of the gryphon's gut, quietly grumbling and churning gently. It was then Jason realised the gryphon must've had his own rabbit.

It wasn't much food, but he could still hear it being processed by the creature's large stomach. His fingers pressed against the soft belly fur, Jason could feel the powerful gut working away at its contents, slowly digesting whatever lay inside. He didn't know why, but it was fascinating to him; feeling the power of this gentle predator as it converted its food into energy for its large, powerful body.

With a sigh, Jason pressed himself as close to the gryphon as he could, closing his eyes and listening to the sounds of the gryphon's stomach, slowly falling into a deep slumber as the vibrations and noises filled his mind and followed him into the world of dreams.


The days slipped by slowly, each bringing another round of the thunderous storm. The gryphon was forced to remain inside of the cave, and hence spent quite a lot of time with Jason. They passed the hours with trivial activities, each sharing in the company of the other. Many hours Jason allowed the gryphon to 'preen' him, enjoying the feeling of that warm, massive tongue caressing his face.

A bond of love slowly developed between the pair, born of hours spent lying against the other, enjoying the peace that it provided. Whatever small amount of food they could find within the small area of the cave they could explore safely, the gryphon offered it to him instead of claiming it for itself. Jason tried to share, but the gryphon was insistent, and hence he ate the food gratefully.

Although gryphons did not need to feed often, the rabbit had long since diminished, and slowly, Jason could tell it was starving. Each night he spent under the gryphon allowed him time to slowly rub that soft belly fur, enjoying the thoughts he had. His dreams were ones of submission, his imaginings of the different ways in which he was that rabbit from the first night, slowly becoming one with the gryphon's body.

He didn't know why the idea appealed to him so much, but each night the gryphon's gut was silent, and it didn't seem right. The third night came, and Jason one again found himself with a large, furry and feathery mass surrounding his body. He was sure the gryphon was asleep, and a sudden curious thought popped into his mind. He had never even bothered to consider what gender his hybrid protector belonged to.

Looking up at his furry friend, Jason made sure that it was sleeping soundly before looking down between its legs. In the side position the gryphon was lying in, he couldn't see anything; what was there was hidden between those large hind legs. Deciding to take a risk, he slowly, carefully placed his hand under that large furry leg and lifted it, his eyes quickly drawn to what was stored beneath.

Well, Jason thought, he's certainly male. Underneath the bushy fur lay a pair of large, tennis-ball sized orbs, no doubt filled with a generous amount of fertile hybrid reproductive fluids. In front of the impressive package lay the gryphon's sheath, evidently hiding an equally-impressive maleness which lay dormant inside. Jason blushed, removing his hands from the gryphon's leg in an attempt to lower it gently, but he could feel a searing embarrassment when the gryphon's leg remained airborne.

The young human looked up slowly to see two large eyes staring back into his own, his expression one of a man who had been well caught-out. "I... uh..." Jason began, but then realised he was better being honest and said, "I was just curious, I'm sorry; I didn't mean to invade your privacy." The gryphon continued to stare at him for a few moments before nudging him gently with its beak.

Jason didn't quite understand what the gryphon was trying to tell him, until it gripped his hand with its claws and moved his palm until it came to a rest on the creature's thigh. Jason looked down and suddenly understood; the gryphon was inviting him to... well, what was it inviting him to do? The young man's mind suddenly went into a spin, filled with a hundred thoughts at the same space of time.

His mind tumbled about wildly; coming to the realisation that the gryphon wanted him to pleasure it. The idea seemed absurd, and his first obvious answer was to refuse. But... he had seen males with other males satisfying their sexual urges at the slave came, the only real pleasure in a life of pain. He had called them desperate, even while he secretly envied their moans of pleasure during the brief, yet satisfactory peak of orgasm.

Was it so bad in this situation, he reasoned? The gryphon had been kind to him, and it didn't look like it had mated in years... a simple hand relief couldn't hurt, surely? The more he thought about it, the more one thing became clear: he was lying to himself. With a sigh, he looked back to the gryphon and nodded, before turning around and looking back down at its crotch, a small smile of his abandon crossing his face.

"Hell," he said to himself, "he'd better appreciate this." But deep down he was only kidding himself, he wanted to do it, to please the creature that had saved his life. Now he had a way of repaying the debt of gratitude owed to the mighty creature, even if it was one he may enjoy as well. At least, he hoped it would be enjoyable; a gryphon was bound to be different than a human anatomically, anyway.

Jason looked back down at the gryphon's large, furry balls, his cheeks flushing with nervousness as he slowly slid his fingers up from the gryphon's thigh. He could feel his body tingling with nervous excitement as his fingers caressed the soft, fleshy sack that contained the gryphon's testicles, his doubts slowly washing away. He carefully cupped one of the massive orbs in his hand, carefully rubbing it with his gentle palm.

The gryphon purred happily as his human friend slowly massaged his package, finding the sensation immensely enjoyable. Having never experienced anything quite like it, the large hybrid felt his body stirring pleasantly. Jason watched in wonder as the gryphon's sheath began to fill out, a deep red tip emerging from its protective confines. He continued to rub those huge, sperm-filled spheres as the gryphon's erection emerged into the air.

He wasn't sure whether to be mightily impressed, or highly humbled; as the hybrid's shaft filled with pulsing blood he could tell that it was going to be more than twice the size of his own member. His hands continued to rub away as his eyes looked at the gryphon's breeding organ, impressed and aroused at the same time. He didn't know why, but something about it appealed to his deepest, most lust-filled desires.

Perhaps I've just been pent-up for too long, he reasoned with himself, knowing full well that that wasn't the reason. Some part of him wanted to admit he wasn't turned on by this lewd act, but the rest of him wanted to please his furry and feathery friend in any way possible. Removing his fingers reluctantly from the furry scrotum, Jason brought his hand a few inches forward until it was hovering over that stunning shaft.

A quick look flashed to the gryphon's eyes for approval; the silent nod told him everything he needed to. Nervously, yet eagerly, Jason placed his hand against the warm, masculine rod of flesh, feeling it twitch under his touch. A small breath of approval escape the gryphon's lips and the young man slowly curled his hand around the pulsing length, his eyes opening wide when he realised he only could reach halfway around it with his lone hand.

Jason could feel the majesty of what he held in his hand, a true reminder of the power and respect that the gryphons held. He watched for his furry friend's reaction as he gently began to slide his hand along the slick length, already lubricated by the gryphon's own natural emissions. Seeing that he appeared to enjoy it greatly, Jason slowly felt his inhibitions slide away as he slowly pleasured his four-legged companion by hand.

Many minutes passed silently, the only audible sounds in the cave being the gryphon's soft chirps and purrs of contentment as the human beneath him stroked his stiff maleness lovingly, enjoying the closeness that such contact brought. Jason had lost track of time, simply relaxing and inhaling the powerful, addictive odour that the gryphon produced, no doubt a sexual scent triggered to increase the lust in a potential mate.

An unknown period of time later, Jason noticed that his friend was trembling slightly, as if holding back a certain urge. He was about to ask what was wrong, when suddenly a spurt of thick, heated liquid burst from the tip of his it's cock, splattering across his chest. It was followed immediately by multiple ropes of sticky, pungent gryphon semen, splashing across his face, chest and any part of his body surrounding them.

Jason didn't know whether to be disgusted or thrilled, so instead he waited until the hybrid's large testicles had emptied themselves, mostly on him. Once the gryphon's incredible orgasm had tapered off, Jason was well coated in the thick, pungent substance, dripping from his chest and face. "That was... impressive," he noted to himself, and the gryphon purred happily, its desires sated and its balls drained.

Slowly he looked over his own body, analysing the amount of mess that had been made. Without even thinking, he brought his hand to his mouth and licked it before remembering that it was the hand he had jerked the gryphon off with. His tongue was instantly covered with warm, gloopy gryphon sperm and he froze in surprise; it actually didn't taste bad. Quite strong, perhaps, but not at all unpleasant.

The hybrid watched him curiously as he scooped a little from his chest and placed it in his mouth, allowing the heated spunk to coat his mouth before swallowing. Sadly, Jason admitted to himself, he was quite hungry, and this tasted amazing. He began to lick himself clean, any bit that his tongue couldn't reach his hand wiped clean, depositing the thick, viscous reproductive fluids into his stomach.

Once he had his fill, the gryphon approached him and began to lick him also, cleaning every bit that he had missed. Jason smiled as the warm tongue danced across his body, and scratched behind his friend's ear affectionately. His eyes followed the majestic breeding organ as it retreated back into its sheath, and eventually the hybrid decided he was clean enough and ceased its cleaning, sitting back with a happy expression.

As the night fell, and they curled up together once more - this time snuggled a bit closer than usual - Jason couldn't help but think that next time he got the chance, he'd make sure he used his mouth instead of his hands.


The next day came, and the day after, each bringing a new stage in their relationship. Each day the gryphon and human enjoyed hours of physical contact, often sexual, and they became as close as any lovers could be even despite their species difference. After the third day since his first hand relief, Jason and his hybrid lover mated for the first time, sharing their bodies completely with the other.

Having a gryphon's stamina, they mated seven times that day, each time making a complete mess of themselves. An addiction for the warm semen of his friend developed inside Jason, swallowing litres every day of the delicious liquid. It kept him healthy and strong, yet unfortunately, it did not help his friend in any way. It took its time, over a period of four weeks of relentless storms, but the gryphon was slowly dying.

One day, after a particularly wonderful mating, Jason noticed his lover stumble and lean against the wall of the cave. He rushed over with concern, realising exactly what was happening; the gryphon was becoming weak from a lack of food. This send Jason into a panic: he wouldn't be able to live without his friend; there was no way he could let him die. He slowly inspected the body, feeling the large stomach and how empty that it was.

He walked over to the mouth of the cave, and the gryphon joined him, both staring into the violent storm that raged outside. The ground was flooded for miles: such intense rain had swept away most of the forest, and Jason was at a loss to explain such insane weather. For a minute it crossed his mind that it was the end of the world, but he dismissed it: sometimes at the slave camp it had rained for weeks on end.

Looking back at his friend he sighed, unsure what to do. There would be no food to hunt now, not for a few weeks. The gryphon would surely die, and he along with it without any source of food. Hell, by all rights he should have been dead long ago, back at the slave camp. It was down to pure chance that he had survived this long, and he owed it all to the creature that had saved his life.

The gryphon sadly retreated back into the cave, away from the flooding forest below and curled up on the ground, conserving energy. Jason took one last glance out at the lightning-fraught skies before turning back himself, slowly sitting down on the cave floor. He sighed lengthily, using every ounce of brainpower he had to think of a solution that would save them both, but he came up blank; it simply wasn't to be.

He glanced over at the gryphon, looking at its majestic, yet subdued form. The furry creature looked up into his eyes, and Jason looked a little taken aback. He looked closer and thought he must have been imagining what he had just seen, but he could've sworn that the gryphon was looking at him with a ravenous expression. Then, he saw it again, a sideways glance by his lover which told him everything he needed to know.

He's craving food, Jason thought to himself, realising; and I do fit as part of his diet. Slowly, cautiously, he got to his feet; he trusted his avian lover, but didn't trust him if he wasn't in control. "How are you feeling?" Jason asked, and the hybrid pawed the ground anxiously, sensing its impending fate. Keeping wary, he approached his feather-coated friend and sat down beside him.

With a loving touch, the young human slowly ran his fingers through his lover's fur, trying to console him. The gryphon gently licked his cheek, and he smiled, knowing the he would never intentionally hurt him. It made Jason feel an even stronger surge of love to know that his friend would rather choose to die than follow its basic predatory instincts and devour Jason as most other hungry creatures in the forest would no doubt attempt.

Together they lay in silence for an hour, every possibly outcome playing through in his mind. No matter how he thought of it, the gryphon would die, and so would he soon after. Even if the storm passed, he would be unskilled enough to stay alive in the forest unarmed. Dozens of variations came up in his head, but the same principle remained the same; they were both doomed to perish in the cave.

A lengthy sigh escape the human's lips, what on earth was he to do? It seemed hopeless, and for the first time since he had been rescued, he felt defenceless once again. He slowly snuggled up to the gryphon for support, fearing his own sanity would begin to drain if he couldn't feel the comfort of his mate against his skin. Without even thinking, Jason's hands pressed against the gryphon's belly, almost as if he was trying to feel in there was any food left, but he already knew the answer to that.

Then, it hit him. The single most insane thought of his life, yet one which grew rapidly, spreading like a wildfire through his mind. If he was going to perish anyway... perhaps he could ensure the survival of at least one of them? It was then that the human decided his final act: to save his lover, he would take his rightful place on the food chain, a meal for his lover to consume, and grow strong by.

At first he passed it off as absurd; foolish, but something nagged at him. He remembered that first night, feeling the gryphon's gut working away at the rabbit it had eaten, and suddenly he found himself filled with desires he hadn't ever considered in reality. He imagined how it would feel, wrapped up tight in his lover's body, becoming a part of his magnificent being as he helped save the hybrid's life.

Nothing could be a more honourable way to pass than by saving the one you love, he told himself. Sure, he was afraid of death; but it would be a worse fate than death to know that he could have saved his mate but didn't through simple cowardice. But... how to convince the gryphon that it was the only way? It would be tough for both of them, but it was the right thing to do; he only hoped it would be as enjoyable as his fantasies.

He gently used his fingers to rub the gryphon's soft belly fur, looking up into his eyes. The avian looked at him with a ravenous expression, but it contained itself; something which Jason didn't want anymore. Slowly he got to his feet, and looked at his hybrid lover, trying to impress upon him his willingness to save him. "Please," Jason whispered lovingly, "I want you to live, I want you to survive."

He wasn't sure if the gryphon understood, so he stripped off his clothes until he was stark naked before his friend. The gryphon looked at him hungrily, and Jason wasn't sure if it would simply pounce on him there. Still, the furry beast remained still, unwilling to devour its' only friend. "Don't worry," Jason tried to explain, "I want this, and I will always be with you."

Jason looked into its eyes, and somehow, he knew that it could understand his intentions. Approaching him slowly, the long tongue slowly licked across his face; a loving touch which he welcomed with all his heart. "I love you too," he said, never having spoken truer words in his life, "you know it has to be this way."

The gryphon looked sad, but little did Jason know it understood everything. It had no desire to end his life, yet the idea that his lover would soon be in his belly thrilled his predatorial side to no end. Jason breathed into his bushy mane, inhaling that scent he loved so much for the last time, enjoying everything that the gryphon had given him. Still, he knew that if he didn't act soon, then it would be too late.

The long tongue lapped at his body, tasting him and caressing him at the same time. With long, wet strokes the avian cloaked his body in saliva, making Jason painfully hard as he was treated to the wonderful tongue bath. The knowledge it would be his last made everything sharp as nails; each small detail seemed amplified into a sensation a thousand times stronger than he would have previously thought possible.

Jason lay down against the wall of the cave, allowing his mate to take things at his own pace. After all, it was the predator who was in control, not the prey. He moaned as the long tongue slid around his erection, making his shaft moist with saliva. This treatment continued for a few minutes, making him extremely aroused as he was played with by his lover, reminding him that the hybrid still loved him.

His eyes closed, Jason didn't notice until he felt the warmth that the gryphon had moved down to his feet. His eyes opened suddenly as he felt the heat radiating from the gryphon's beak, the slick fluids in its mouth dripping onto his toes. It was then that Jason felt a shiver run through his body; this was it, he was really about to be eaten. For better or for worse, this was now his fate... unchangeable, final.

He could feel the gryphon's breath against his thighs as the large beak opened to admit his worn feet, tasting them all the while. The sensation was pleasant, relaxing - a massage of sorts, keeping him calm and collected. He wanted to rub his friend, to tell him it was alright, but he couldn't reach, instead opting to allow the avian to do with him as it pleased. That way, he would get to experience the true journey of the prey.

With small advances the gryphon's maw slowly worked its way along his body, taking him in inch by inch. Jason watched, thrilled and terrified, as his calves disappeared into the hungry opening, beginning the final trip from which they would never return. He had lived his life in fear and pain; now that he was facing the biggest challenge of his life he somehow felt at peace with the world. Perhaps it was merely his hormones?

Small globs of drool dripped onto his knees, reminding him of the progress being made. He had given everything to this creature: his trust, his love, and now ultimately, his life. He only hoped that it would make the gryphon strong enough to forge a good life, even without him. His eyes slowly wandered down to the smooth, fur-covered belly of his predator, both beautiful and deadly simultaneously, taking in its appearance.

It didn't cross Jason's mind that he wouldn't fit; he was sure that there was enough space for him to be held inside, even if he did have to contort a little. No doubt it would not be pleasant, but he didn't want to go in dead; he needed to experience how it felt, to know what that rabbit had experienced in his final hours on that first night together. His smiled grimly as he continued to look at the fur-coated flesh.

It all seemed a little anticlimactic; the stomach appeared so stoic, so... invisible, that he wondered if it would be as exciting as he had dreamed. He had pictured a huge, warm coating of flesh around his body, and a large struggle for survival inside of the powerful gut, but he wasn't sure. Perhaps he would end up as a small bulge, nothing more than another meal for a hungry beast of the forest.

No, he had too much faith in the gryphon's love for that. He would be sure to make it as grand as possible, to make it an occasion to remember. The warm tongue caressing his thighs certainly seemed special; he doubted any other prey had gotten this treatment. He could feel the texture on that oral organ as it brushed his legs, teasing him pleasurably as it savoured his human flavour, licking every last bit of his skin.

Now past his inhibitions, Jason suspected that the gryphon was enjoying this. The large eyes sparkled as the hybrid tasted him eagerly, keeping them both on edge as they satisfied the other's desires. Jason believed that it was simply a matter of choices: the gryphon could either devour him and be sad about it, or enjoy it and show Jason that his sacrifice meant everything to him, and that he appreciated it.

Not that Jason was complaining, he rather enjoyed the domination and submission roles, revelling in his part as the prey. The thick tongue around his thigh made him even more eager, despite the ending he would face. He didn't really have any wish for his life to end, not now that he had found happiness, but he knew that without this, there would be nothing. He looked down at his lower legs, already being pulled into the tight flesh of the gryphon's throat.

His upper legs were soon to join, becoming slick with the gryphon's mouth juices. With juices in mind, Jason could feel the gryphon's semen still inside of his anal passage, leaking out a little from their mating beforehand. How he wished they could mate forever, but he was sure that they would meet again in the afterlife. At least he had had this chance; without his saviour he would have been dead long ago.

For now, he simply wished to enjoy his fate, to be ingested and digested, devoured by the one he had shared so much with. It didn't help him feel much better about it, knowing that he would eventually come to regret his choice when the acids burned at his flesh, but for at least a few minutes, he could dream. Yet, he knew what awaited him: the pungent smells, the unceasing darkness, the powerful digestive fluids; all the trademark features of a predator's stomach.

All of this behind such a beautiful, caring body, Jason mused idly to himself. That such soft, silky fur could coat such a dangerous place still amazed him. Yet, something in him wanted it, craved it, tearing his mind into two distinct parts which feuded over his emotions. The moisture and warmth now surrounding his legs was pleasant, relaxing, like a warm bath and a loving embrace wrapped into one beautiful, lethal package.

He realised that it wasn't going to be a loose fit; he would certainly need the lubrication that the saliva provided, making him an easier snack to swallow for the gryphon. It was just like all those hours that the hybrid had spent grooming him, only much messier, and for a different purpose. The saliva was rather thick and viscous, and would make a perfect lubricant for prey his size.

Still, was it worth the outcome to enjoy such a wondrous sensation? Probably not, he thought, but what choice did he have, especially now that he had come so far? It was getting harder for the gryphon to swallow him, each movement drawing him in deeper with a soft slurping sound. With each sucking, gripping motion of the throat, the tongue matched it, pushing him closer to the dark, greedy throat.

It was then that he felt it; the avian's tongue flicking against his testicles, wrapping around his shaft once more. Jason bucked his hips instinctively, revelling in the oral pleasure that was provided by his lover one last time. He was sure he must have tasted great; the warm organ lapping every inch of his exposed genitalia, savouring his sexual fluids like a fine wine as Jason thrust into the heated tongue.

As before, the intense sexual arousal he felt only further strengthened his emotive state; his sense felt heightened, his fears and joys amplified. His entire lower body was slowly drawn deeper, covered in pre-cum, saliva and sweat. He felt rather strange; here he was, about to become nothing more than a thick soup within a gryphon's belly, and he somehow found it arousing, stimulating? With a small chuckle he questioned his sanity, before realising it had been gone for many, many long years.

Each time he pushed his erection into that soft flesh he sighed with contentment, hoping that his friend was enjoying himself too. The hot, strong breath from the avian seemed more pungent now, wafting over his belly and into his nose. The dark, fatal smell filled his mind, no doubt a hundred times stronger within the gryphon's belly, yet his arousal could not be contained, even despite the off-putting scent.

Satisfied it had tasted enough of his shaft and balls, the gryphon continued its meal, taking another large gulp as it pulled him off the ground and into a standing position, so it could allow gravity to assist its motions. Jason smiled, allowing himself to enjoy the feelings while they lasted. After all, he wouldn't be experiencing anything for quite a long period of time once the gryphon's body was finished with him.

Looking down he realised he was already up to his waist. This progress surprised him; he had lost track of time completely. It crossed his mind that in his current position he would enter the gryphon with his arms in the air, not the most comfortable of positions. He wanted to make the journey as easy on the both of them as was possible. With this in mind, he slipped his hands down next to his sides, feeling the warm, gloopy saliva beckon them inside.

The wall of the beak sealed his arms beside him, holding him tightly like a cocoon. It was much easier for the gryphon now; able to let the saliva and gravity do their work for him. He could feel the tongue at his back; caressing his body as even more of those relaxing fluids were slathered onto his back, lubricating him for easier entry. He could see that there was a decent amount of the muck around his waist, and he wondered if he would be able to breathe if submerged.

Another series of small swallows followed, this time sliding him down to his upper torso. The swiftness of his descent surprised him now that there was nothing to resist his entry. He could feel the rippling throat muscles coaxing him deeper, drawing him ever closer to his final home deep within that temporarily benign gut. He could feel his cock sliding against the walls of the gryphon's throat, and he enjoyed the warm sensation that it brought to him.

With his chest sliding ever so deeper into the tight throat, Jason began to wonder. His destiny accepted, he now began to wonder how it would end. Would it be extremely painful, or a rapid death? Would he be alive for it all, or would there be no supply of stomach air awaiting him within? Yet, one though made him even more aroused; picturing the bulge he would make inside the stomach, hoping that he would be noticeable from the outside.

When it got down to it, Jason only cared that the gryphon enjoyed this as much as it could; how he felt personally was superfluous. He was the prey, the meal; what right did he have to complain? He would be eaten, swallowed down into that effective factory that would turn him from a young, lusty male into nothing more than a slop of enzymes to fuel this mighty avian, to keep him alive through the vicious storm.

The scents were strong now, Jason inhaling the gryphon's breath closely; it smelt strongly, yet he knew it would get much, much worse. The warm gullet caressed his stiff manhood with a soothing pressure, pleasuring him in his descent. He tried to thrust into the tight passage, yet found himself bound tightly by the moist tongue. All in all, it felt so relaxing, so pleasuresome, that Jason almost managed to forget he was in any danger at all.

Another rippling motion pulled him even deeper into the gryphon's beak, his shoulders slipping into the constricting throat with ease. Now only his head remained exposed to the air, allowing him his last, final glimpses of his previous life; the world outside the stomach. Thick globs of sticky gryphon saliva filled his mouth as he opened in in surprise at the sudden drop, making him cough and splutter at the overwhelming taste.

It comforted Jason in a strange way, swallowing the avian's saliva reminded him of the time spent with the mighty beast, allowing it to preen and lick him all over. The fluids served two different purposes, and he was quickly discovering the second as he began to slide into the awaiting oesophagus. His eyes focused upwards, he stared through the thick goo to glimpse the cave roof, one last time, before the soft tongue pushed him down.

"I love you," Jason spoke to the air as the tight ring pulled his head through, the last of his body to enter the tight, gripping passage of darkness. Immediately Jason felt a change, the gryphon no longer in control of his actions. It was now up to involuntary bodily functions; the young human was at the mercy of his powerful digestive system. The warmth was incredible, having first comfortably surrounded his legs, now felt intense.

His could feel his shaft being squeezed tightly, making him shudder in pleasure with each ripple of peristalsis in the hot, silky maw which contained him. He could feel his body being forced downwards, no longer knowing if gravity or pressure was the instigator. His first thought was one of shock: how the hell can I breathe? Yet somehow, inexplicably, he was able to inhale through the tight flesh surrounding his body.

He didn't know whether to be grateful or dismayed. He had counted somewhat on the lack of oxygen removing him from the conscious world to save him the pains of his body being consumed; however it seemed to have not been so. The pulsing gullet wrapped around him tightly, allowing his arms and legs no purchase, prohibiting any movement but the slow and steady descent to his final resting place within the wondrous creature of the sky.

The powerful folds of inner skin pushed him further down into the predators' body, now halfway through his journey to the belly of the beast. He was blind now, unable to see anything but darkness, his only guide his other senses as he was pushed down the tight tube. He could begin to hear things now; the strong, steady beating of the gryphon's heart, and the deep rumbles from his lover's body.

Inside of the avian's body, time seemed irrelevant. He couldn't even think about how long the hybrid had taken to eat him, but a sudden feeling against his toes brought him back to reality. As the moist, velvety oesophagus massaged him deeper, he could feel his feet pressing against a blockage in the throat. A sudden realisation brought him around to the fact that it was the entrance to his final home: the stomach of his mate.

It occurred slowly, the tight ring beneath his feet spreading around him and admitting him entry into whatever lay below, waiting for his arrival. Jason could do nothing as his tightly-packaged body was forced, inch by inch, through that ring of muscle. First his legs, then his waist followed through into the area below. A soft, fleshy surface pressed against his feet, and he realised he was standing on the gryphon's stomach.

Eager to be out of his lover's rather tight throat, he used his finger to leverage himself further down, into the unknown fate waiting just below. He paid no heed to this, however, just wishing to be able to finish his journey so that he may feed his friend. Slowly but surely, his body entered the stomach, the rippling oesophagus assisting him further with a constant peristalsis.

The stomach welcomed him in an almost friendly fashion, despite its murderous intentions. Jason struggled to slide his head free from the tight ring that marked the entrance to his new home, but the eager gut stretched a little around his feet, allowing him the last bit of room to push himself free. With one last motion, he was pushed from the gryphon's oesophagus and into the bag of flesh, curled into a ball as space was rather lacking within.

Jason inhaled sharply, and immediately coughed; the air was horrific, the dark scent he had first smelt from the gryphon's breath was magnified a hundred-fold, a pungent odour of past meals and digestive juices that instantly shocked the young man back to reality. He panicked a little, pressing his arms and legs against his lover's stomach walls, but they offered little give; he was well and truly captive now.

Yet, for some reason he felt safe, most probably due to the fact he trusted his predator entirely. Unfortunately for him, the gryphon was no longer in control of what would happen next. The walls around him were damp with fluids, yet not at all unpleasant for now. With the lack of immediate pain, he wondered if the gryphon's digestive system had begun its work. This sparked a shot of exhilarated fear; if not, he would face a very, very long demise.

With the foul air around him, Jason felt a little light-headed, but the pulsing around him and the beating of the gryphon's majestic heart made him feel aroused to some degree. He was unsure of why, but being here in this place was thrilling; he was being completely dominated by his lover, completely at his mercy. It rose deep desires of submissiveness inside of Jason, eager to become one with his mighty friend.

Slowly, yet surely, Jason's reluctance and doubts were slipping away. He slowly grew used to the stench, allowing it to grow on him; it was now his life, all he would ever know from this point on. The complete darkness, the thudding heartbeat, the moist flesh... this was everything now, every one of his senses reminding him of his place, nothing more than a meal, simple meat to be processed within this hidden factory.

As he began to adjust to the new sensation, he ran his fingers along the surface of the stomach, a trail of fluids gathering on his hand as he did so. It occurred to him that these were the pre-digestive fluids, but he didn't mind; he was already as good as dead. The thick walls around him squeezed him lightly and then relaxed, creative a sort of rhythm within the beast, making Jason feel quite eager to try one last thing.

His hand slowly wrapped around his aching shaft, wanting to pleasure himself one last time. He was unsure if the gryphon would be able to tell, but he hoped that it would. From the outside, he was nothing more than a bulge now; the large avian slowly relaxing against the cave wall, watching its slightly squirming belly shift and wobble. With a loving chirp, the gryphon settled in to watch the process, hoping to savour every last moment with his human lover.

With a steady pace, Jason masturbated enthusiastically, his body responding sexually to the constant stimuli surrounding him. The pulsing heart, the deep rumbles; each served as an aphrodisiac for the young male as his hand slid along his needy manhood. It was already slick and sticky with pre-cum and the gryphon's stomach fluids, and he relaxed as best he could into the soft, yet firm walls of his new home.

For minutes Jason enjoyed the simple pleasures of self-stimulation, stroking his hard length whilst his mind wandered. What would happen next? How long did he have left? Was the gryphon enjoying it? That was the biggest one; Jason hoped that the gryphon had gained pleasure from feeding on him. The hybrid was indeed pleased, its stomach grumbling contently with the new, live prey which would re-energise its body.

"I am food," Jason whispered to himself, feeling his peak building slowly, the idea sounding so pleasant, so submissive off his tongue, "I am prey." He played with the idea in his mind, fuelling his submissive desires, before finally increasing his pace with his hand, feeling his balls tingling with release. It would be his final orgasm, and he wanted to make it a good one to follow him into the void.

He didn't disappoint himself, the pleasure becoming too much as he spurted his seed across his stomach, a few warm, sticky ropes of semen that were quickly smeared by the stomach walls which pressed against him. A smile escaped him; that had been immensely satisfying. He could feel the fertile liquid on his skin, and he gently loosened his muscles and lay back as best he could, despite his ball-like posture.

Time seemed to pass slowly, Jason could feel ever second tick by. Approximately a full hour passed within his lover, to his best estimate, before he began to notice anything different. Having fallen into a sort of submissively relaxed state, Jason was surprised when he could feel a tingling in his back. He felt disconcerted as he realised that there was a liquid slowly rubbing into his skin, and he had no doubt that it was the beginning of the end.

It was then he realised: I can't feel anything! He pinched his skin hard to be sure, and he was certain; somehow his body had been numbed. A second realisation made him consider the strong stomach air, having inhaled so much, had acted like an aesthetic on his body, but without putting him to sleep. It wasn't perfect, however; a light burning sensation began to creep through his back, legs and rear as the gryphon's digestive process began to proceed.

The gryphon himself was watching contently, eyes wide with both sadness and joy as he watched his mate squirm inside of him, his body reacting to the promise of fresh food to revitalise his starving body. Jason could do very little now, the walls of the stomach slowly contracting around him. Now that his lust had been sated, Jason felt twinges of fear; for all his brave words and dedication, he still feared death.

His choices limited, Jason felt uncomfortably compressed. He supposed he should have expected it; it wasn't going to be relaxing forever. He was in the belly of one of the most brutally effective predators alive; he would begin to understand its true power very, very soon. He tried to reposition himself but was unable, and he gritted his teeth as the burning began to signify his body being broken down, little by little.

It was not a quick demise for the young human. Minutes passed in discomfort as the human was slowly processed inside the mass of tissue, flesh and organs. The previously loose cocoon which had surrounded him had begun to squeeze and push his comparatively fragile body into a tight ball, the viscous juices spreading across his skin, slowly eating at his skin as he was prepared for his ultimate end.

This continued for countless minutes, the young man's body efficiently tenderised by the gryphon's gut, preparing to digest him entirely. The large avian watched with mixed emotions as the bulge in its gut wobbled, his energy being slowly returned to him as the process continued. Soon he would be well enough to fly again, and this made him happy and proud of the human's sacrifice for him.

Jason, on the other hand, was at the stage of regretting his actions. Despite knowing that it had been his choice, and that it would be over soon, he took no pleasure in his body being effectively destroyed within this dark, hidden place. The acids had turned his skin raw, and despite his inability to feel pain directly, the tingling was more than enough to have him wriggling in fear.

The stomach gripped him tightly, his nose filling with the smell of his own flesh being dissolved into the horrid mixture of fluids around him. He could hear the churning sounds of the potent digestive system as it converted his once proud body into nothing more than a thick soup to be absorbed. This was the part which intrigued him the most; it meant nothing down here, what he used to be - he was only meat.

The process appeared gentle, and slow, which in reality was quite true. Jason had been inside now for two and a half hours, his body brought to the mercy of the gryphon's gut. Jason had lost track of reality, his mind slowly succumbing to the intense sensation of being prey. Yet, he remained alive for another two hours while he was broken down, turned from a living, sentient being into nothing more than pure energy.

Now he knew how that rabbit had felt, listening to it being digested on that first night. After another few minutes, Jason embraced his end, feeling the powerful gut compress him beyond his limits, sensing his weakened state and crushing him tightly. He could feel a few joints dislocate and his bone in certain places, but it was almost like he was feeling it in third-person; a spectator to his own demise, disconnected from any pain.

It came in ever-increasing waves; compression and relaxing in short bursts of digestive fervour. Through all of this, Jason couldn't help but wonder what he looked like from the exterior of this majestic predator. This served to remind him that only a few inches of skin and blood separated him from the cool outside air and this horrific, dark end buried deep inside the merciless churning gut of his lover.

The tight gut churned and grumbled as it digested its contents, ignorant to his gasps of pain and somehow, pleasure, as Jason's body was converted to life-giving nutrients for his mate. The gryphon sighed contently as its stomach slowly receded, showing him that his lover was being destroyed within him. Despite his great love for the human, he found great pleasure in watching his prey becoming one with his body.

The merciless pounding had become too much now, the thick stomach acids surrounding the young man from all sides. He couldn't stop himself from swallowing, the acrid liquid sliding into his stomach and lungs, causing an intense sensation, although severely dulled by the anaesthetic air he had breathed. His skin had mostly dissolved, and the once empty stomach had become a pool of acids, blood and digesting flesh.

With his last breath, Jason whispered, "I love you, my mate... I am yours." The stomach compressed tightly, crushing his body into an unrecognisable mess, ending his life in one last powerful grip. The avian sighed, feeling the last feeble struggle fade from within him, deeply saddened by his friend's sacrifice, but honoured by it. He would be sure to use every last bit of him wisely, and would not waste this opportunity.

Twenty minutes later, if anyone were to walk into that cave in the forest, all that could be seen would be a well-fed gryphon. Only that gryphon would know that deep within its predatorial gut lay a thick, horrific soup of nutrients. This churning mass of digested flesh and organs were the remains of a young escapee who had defied his end at the hands of his captors, and had chosen his own fate.

As the gryphon lay down to sleep, it listened to the sounds of its gut rumbling contently, proud to have known the human that was now joining his majestic form. Falling into a deep slumber, the gryphon slept peacefully.

Outside the cave, the storm ceased.