Kept Back II - A Tale of Two Kitties

Story by Dikran_O on SoFurry

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Kept Back II - A Tale of Two Kitties

A sequel to Kept Back ( While it is not strictly necessary to read it first, why not give it a try?

Jacob Jones walked the halls of his high school with his head down and shoulders slumped. Like most of the graduating class the Maine coon cat had recently turned eighteen. But unlike the majority of his fellow students, who were looking forward to beginning their 'real life' as adults, Jacob believed that, for him, life was basically over.

Coon cats are tall, and Jacob was no exception. Their colourful, luxuriant coats are also considerably thick, making them look overweight, which Jacob was not. "I'm just poofy" he would say defensively to anyone that listened long enough. And if his looks and weak conversational skills were not enough to delegate him to the bottom rung of the high school social ladder, his ill-fitting, bargain-bin wardrobe surely was. That his struggling single-parent mother had to work extra shifts and take in boarders to be able to afford even such basics did not help.

The worst part was that for a few weeks earlier in the year he had actually had a measure of celebrity amongst the student population, and infamy in the rest of the town.

He and his oldest friend, Joseph, an Arctic wolf, and Coyotek, a Polish coyote exchange student boarding at Jacob's house, had gone on a Banksy-esque graffiti spree in autumn. The murals mocking the Town's establishment had angered the adults and thrilled their fellow students. Word had eventually gotten around the senior class that the perpetrators of the outrageous and entertaining works of art signed "JCJ" were three of their fellow, formerly nondescript, classmates.

The rest of the student population started to notice them, and they basked in the glow of something that resembling respect. Jacob, Joseph and Coyotek had planned to parlay that initial flicker of fame into actual awe by planning a series of even bigger, bolder and somewhat risqué events with a view to getting invited to parties and maybe, just maybe, getting laid before the end of the school year. But they had been caught before they could resume their campaign of satirical mayhem.

Strangely enough, they had been caught, but not exposed.

Mister O'Neil, the German shepherd who served as Vice-Principal and chief disciplinarian at the high school, had surprised them and confiscated proof that they were the graffiti bandits. He had intended to use it to have the three expelled, which would have resulted in Jacob and Joseph being kept back a year and in Coyotek probably being deported. But the same day, before O'Neil could talk to Jacob's mother or the police, something strange happened; Jacob lost his virginity, and not in a good way.

Jacob had been trying to forget that day, but visions of the school librarian, her small grey mousey form clad in tight, revealing black leather and the dungeon she had built in the old abandoned shooting range behind her office kept creeping back. It turned out that O'Neil was one of her submissive slaves, but he could be pretty dominant when he had the chance, Jacob knew. The coon cat unconsciously rubbed at a phantom pain just under his tail as the memories he was trying to suppress threatened to come rushing back.

Ever since then he and O'Neil had maintained a silent truce. O'Neil did not report them to the authorities, and Jacob did not report O'Neil to the child molestation unit. But the group had drifted apart and any chance of reaping some real benefit from their acts had disappeared.

Joseph began training hard, hanging out with that lesbian gym teacher, Bernadette Benz. Jacob was sure that Joseph had deliberately flubbed his math and English finals so he could be kept back a year to compete on the track and field team, play football and give him time to get noticed by the university scouts. That meant the end to their plans of attending college together.

Coyotek, who had been boarding at their home, had been deported anyway, for some act that had occurred after that fateful day. School Board and Police officials had come to question Jacob's mother and search through the coyote's sketch books. His mother had refused to speak to Jacob about it, treating him like he was 12 or something, but from bits of overhead conversation he gathered that it was some kind of scandal involving Gina Ferrari, the sexy Italian mink that taught French at the school, and someone named Eugene. Jacob didn't know anyone named Eugene, and he was sure that Coyotek had never mentioned the name either. Whoever he was, Coyotek had probably been caught with a drawing of the two doing the nasty, like the one of Joseph's mother that had gotten them into this mess in the first place.

Thinking of those events made Jacob's head ache. He stopped on the stairs, with one paw on the wall to steady him while he rubbed his temples with the other. Students on their way to final exams flowed around him, occasionally bumping into him in their rush to get to the examination rooms before the doors were locked. The flow had reduced to a trickle by the time the pain began to abate, and Jacob took his paw off the wall just as a heavy paw thumped him between the shoulder blades.

Jacob spun his arms wildly to keep from falling down the stairs, but his centre of gravity had already passed the tipping point. Someone grabbed his shirt from behind and hauled him back, a considerable feat given Jacob's size. Although he was not fat, he was solid and tall, and all that fur weighed quite a bit. His collar came up around his ears, leaving him peeking out of the vee above the first button.

"Hey Jake!" The booming voice came from a huge bulldog he recognized as a defensive tackle on the Varsity football team. "How's the Graffiti thing goin'? Haven't seen anything new lately."

"It's Jacob, not Jake." He muttered as he straightened his shirt, but the jock did not seem to hear him.

"You shouldda done something for the final game, the one we whumped Richmond in. That wouldda been cool." The canine continued. "We was gonna invite you to the kegger after if you had. But you didn't, so you missed a good party, with the cheerleaders and all." The dog frowned, as if Jacob had failed him. Then he smiled, a gruesome sight with those thick jowls and all those missing teeth. "But maybe you're plannin' somethin' for tonight? We'll see you at the Formal, eh?"

The jock winked and elbowed him in the chest, almost hard enough to send him down the stairs again, but Jacob's thick chest fur absorbed the worst of it. Being poofy wasn't always a disadvantage.

"Yeah, right. See you there." Jacob said half heartedly as the bulldog disappeared down the stairs. The graduation ceremony for the school, held in May a week before school was officially over, was that night. It was to be held in the auditorium in the early evening, and would be followed by a formal dance in the school gymnasium. The dance was dry, no alcohol, and was scheduled to end by ten. It was the after parties were where the real action would be, or so he had heard. He had not been invited to any, and if some amazingly satirical and outrageous piece of graffiti did not appear on the gym wall before seven o'clock his chances of being invited to any were slim to none.

Without his former friends Jacob did not have the means or the heart to attempt anything. He had nothing more planned for after the Grad than to go home and sort through his Doctor Who action figures. He had to decide which to put away in storage and which to take with him to college. Important stuff.

Jacob heard giggling from behind him; familiar giggling. He turned and looked up.

There at the top of the stairs stood a pair of perfectly matched Siamese cats, April and May Purfit; otherwise know as "the Perfect Twins".

Their father was the richest person in town. Mister Purfit owned the Blue Mango chain of Thai restaurants and frozen food products. Half the town, including Jacob's mother, worked in one of his food processing plants.

The matching female felines were chocolate point Siamese, with lean, tawny bodies and dark brown, almost black, extremities. Other than being rich, they were by far the best looking and most exotic girls in the school. Like most children of immigrants, growing up on a high-protein western diet had made them taller then their parents, and given them considerably larger breasts than your average Siamese female, Jacob had discovered through hours of Internet 'research' on the subject. The two had been in the same school as Jacob since being ejected from the town's only private school for unknown disciplinary reasons. Their blue eyes laughed down at him.

"You aren't going to the Formal." The one on the left said. Jacob could not tell if it was April or May.

"You never go to the dances or parties." The other added.

"Because you never get invited." The first concluded, and they giggled again as one.

April and May tended to talk like a single creature, in one unbroken stream. They also liked to dress the same, making it even more difficult to tell them apart. Today they were dressed in identical cheerleader outfits: white sneakers, low-cut red pullovers and short, very short, white skirts. From his vantage point on the stairs below them Jacob could see that they were also wearing matching red thongs. The blood left his head and he had to grab the railing before he keeled over.

The Perfect twins had been his sexual fantasy of choice for months now. Watching them practice their cheerleading routines off to one side of the gym was responsible for many a pair of shorts being hidden at the bottom of the laundry basket when he got home. It was the splits; he simply couldn't hold back when they slowly lowered themselves, their skirts lifting over their strong thighs to reveal the tiny perfect mounds of their sex under straining cotton as they kissed the shiny hardwood floor.

And those bright blue eyes. Were they china blue, robin's egg blue, or sky blue? Jacob did not know, nor did he care. He just wanted those eyes to be gazing longingly into his, preferably from crotch level while they took turns sucking on his ....

Jacob had to think of something else. He had a soft spot for these particular felines but it was becoming harder by the second.

Parties, he thought, and his failure to attend any. That was sure to depress him enough to reduce the swelling. Of course the twins went to all the good parties, and threw the best ones. They had turned eighteen a week after Jacob and had celebrated by inviting almost the whole graduating class to the Purfit mansion. He recalled how hard that week had been, waiting for an invitation while trying not to fantasize about the seventeen year olds for their last week as minors. Now that he was legally an adult he didn't want to be considered a paedophile. Despite a number of cold showers and high hopes that his graffiti fame had lingered Jacob got a number of erections but no invitation.

"We're not going either." The one on the left said, shocking Jacob out of his fugue. The Perfect Twins not going to the Grad Formal? She might as well have announced that she and her sister were becoming nuns, it was just as likely.

"Not because we don't want to." The other frowned, reading the look on Jacob's face correctly.

"We're grounded."

"For doing bad on the math and English exams."

"Bad enough to have to go to finishing school instead of directly into university. Uck."

Jacob's eyes were getting tired from switch back and forth between them. "Gee, that's ... uh ... too bad." He didn't know whether he should feel sad for them or not. Their problem had zero impact on his life. He started to turn and continue his journey down the stairs.

"But we still have to pass the entrance exam to go there." One of them called after him. He did not see which one, not that he would have known which one it was in any event.

"Yeah, they even have standards for rich people it seems." They sighed in unison.

"And the exam is tomorrow afternoon." Came from the one on the left.

"We have sample questions." From the right.

"But we can't figure them out." Left.

"We need a tutor." Right.

"And we heard that you were the best in school in those subjects." Right, I mean left, I mean ...what?

The same girl continued after a slight pause. "And since you're probably not doing anything after the Grad anyways." There was another pause that stretched into an awkward silence as Jacob strained to process the data. They couldn't be asking him to ... spend time with them ... could they?

The rightmost ended the suspense. "So, do you want the job? We can all take the limo back to the mansion after the Grad to cram until dawn."

"We were going to pull an all-nighter tonight anyway."

"We've been sleeping during the day to prepare."

"But now we're grounded."

"Confined to our rooms."

"So we might as well actually study for this thing and get it over with."

They continued talking, but Jacob could no longer hear them. A buzzing had filled his ears because he had forgotten to breathe while the implications raced through his mind. The Perfect twins were going to spend Grad night in their mansion, alone, with him. In their bedrooms. Until dawn.

If he got no more than a glimpse of a curvy thigh or some shadowy cleavage even the mere fact that he had been alone with them on this, the most important night of every adolescent's life, was sure to get him bonus cool points when the rest of the nerds heard of it. And he would be certain to make sure that they did. A casual mention on the bus, or as they cleaned out the chess club room. One of the female in-crowd wannabes, maybe the marmot Sally Riddle, who was chubby but in a voluptuous sort of way, might even be impressed enough to join him somewhere private and, uh, pump him for information about them. Sally would slip her ginormous breasts out of her blouse and ask if he didn't prefer females with a little more meat on them. Then he would purse his lips, lean forward, and ...

"Jones!" Jacob snapped back to reality, half expecting the Vice-Principal to be bearing down on him for a repeat of that horrible day behind the library. He looked around defensively.

"Jones, focus." It was one of the Perfect Twins calling him. Jacob went limp with relief.

"Sorry." He said. "Distracted."

"You looked kind of ... feral ... there for an instant." The one on the right said, biting her lip in an interesting manner that Jacob could not interpret. Then she shrugged and the bored look returned to her face. "The money good enough for you?"

Had they said something about money that he didn't catch while his mind was wandering? It didn't matter to him whether they paid him or not. "Sure, I'll do it. Where do want to meet after the Grad."

"The limo will pick us up in front of the school right after the class picture. Bring anything you think you need to the Grad and get in the limo with us."

In front of the whole graduating class, Jacob thought. Perfect

* * * * * * * * * *

Jacob showed up at the Grad dressed far better than he had intended.

Originally he had turned down his mother's offer to rent him a tux for the event. Since he was not going to the dance after he didn't want her to waste the money, but he did not want to tell her that he was not going either. He told her that instead, he would use the money he had saved up to buy a suit that he could also wear when he went job interviews, since he would have to work to pay his way through college. She was on night shift and would be none the wiser when he came straight home instead. She had agreed that that was a wise plan, and slipped him a hundred dollars she had saved up so he could get a really nice one.

Jacob had not bought the suit yet, but after the twins' offer he rushed to the mall to buy the coolest one he could afford, and from a real tailor at that. It was cobalt blue, and done in the latest style. A little too fancy to wear to job interviews, he supposed, unless you were applying to be a pimp, and he had to pay extra to have it adjusted on the spot. It drained his bank account, but he could live on the college meal plan alone for a few months to make up for it. Although it was very expensive for something he would probably wear only once, he had to admit, as he looked at himself in the tailor's full-length mirror, that he finally had an outfit that tamed his natural poofiness and turned it into an asset.

Of course it would be covered by a robe for much of the ceremony, but the other kids would see it when he arrived at the last minute to don the robes and after, when they took the group pictures. And they would all be watching as he climbed nonchalantly into the limo behind the behinds of the two most desirable females in town; he was certain of that. And when they had finished studying he would grab a taxi and go to Danny's Downtown Diner where everyone who ever graduated in this town went for breakfast after the parties broke up at dawn. He could undo a few buttons on his shirt, mess up his fur, and smear a little lipstick on his collar, ear and cheek. He had swiped a tube of his mother's most vibrant red lipstick to aid the subterfuge, feeling some mild sexual confusion with the act, but determined to go through with it.

At the school, things went as well as he had hoped. The other nerds, geeks and losers were suitably impressed by his attire, and even some of the popular kids admitted that he was looking good. When the group assembled for photos afterward Jacob was regulated to the back row, as always, but he made a point of standing behind the Purfit girls and greeting by name as everyone jostled into position.

Seeing Sally Riddle watching him from the front row nearby he interrupted the Siamese girl's chatter to enquire as to whether the limo was picking them up on the street or in the school bus zone. He was rewarded by seeing Sally's eyes go wide as one of the cats replied: "In the School bus Zone" before ignoring him again. Perfect.

The limo pulled up while they we still posing. The driver, a tall, fit doberman in a black suit and cap got out and opened the rear doors. He stood there, eyes shrouded by dark glasses, waiting patiently.

After the photographer was done with them they split up into smaller groups for family photos painfully posed and pictures with BFF taken on smart phones. Jacob retrieved the bag with his Math and English notes from where he had stashed it.

A small crowd had formed around April and May, but the limo driver leaned into the front and sounded the horn to signal the beginning of their confinement. The twins made feeble excuses as they worked their way through the crowd toward the long black Cadillac. Just as they broke free they stopped and turned to survey the horde.

"Jones! You coming or what?" One of them called on spotting Jacob.

"Be right there ladies." He managed to say, loud enough for the whole group to hear, with his voice only breaking a little. He was sure that no one noticed his nervous tone amid the hubbub of comments that her invitation caused. He pushed his way through the last layers of stunned students and fell into step behind the cats as they strode to the limo.

Jacob stood tall and tried to match their stride, concentrating on their swaying tails and praying not to trip in front of everybody. Before he realized it they had closed the distance and the first of the girls was bending to climb into the limo. That's when a massive paw shot out and impeded any further forward movement on Jacob's part.

"Who's this?" The driver growled, lifting the sunglasses off his face with his other paw to squint at Jacob with angry red eyes. Jacob fought to control his bladder.

"Father said to find a tutor." The lead cat said as she entered the car.

"So we found a tutor." The second one concluded as she disappeared inside.

The doberman kept his paw on Jacob's chest for a moment while he surveyed the trembling coon cat. Jacob noticed something hanging from one of his barred fangs; a bit of fur. Whose fur?

Jacob was sure that he would faint before the massive canine got the chance to toss him back into the crowd, but he managed to hold on to consciousness. The dog grunted, dropped his paw from Jacob to the handle of the door and simply said "Sir, watch your head". Jacob almost kissed his knees doubling over to get in before the carnivore changed his mind.

* * * * * * * * * *

The limo ride was disappointing for Jacob. The girls took out their smart phones and started chatting, texting and sharing with several dozen of the admirers they had left behind at the school, all the while chattering back and forth in fragmented sentences.

"Julie likes Dan's comment."

"Booby disagrees."

"Freddy's heartbroken."

"Wouldn't have gone anyway."

"Poser, agreed."

"Melody says 'What's up with coon boy'?"

"Told her. Tutor."

"Doubts it. Boy toy?"

"Ugh, creepy." They both glanced at Jacob and giggled.

"Tell her he's like her Camaro."

"Yellow with black stripes?"

"No, slow but gets you there eventually." The giggles turned into actual laughter. Jacob's could feel the blood rushing to his face. He must look like a pumpkin, he thought, but the crowd they were making fun of him with didn't communicate with his friends and acquaintances, and the insults wouldn't kill him.

The electronic and verbal chatter continued. Jacob tried to tune it out. He didn't realize that they had arrived until the door was opened by the driver.

"Remember what your Father said." The big dog reminded them as they pulled Jacob from the car and headed for the mansion.

"Yeah, yeah."

"We know."

"No phone."

"No TV."

"No Internet."

"No Friends."

"No life."


Jacob followed them into the mansion, marvelling at the high ceilings, sweeping staircase, and towering columns. There was more space in the entryway than in his entire house. The twins carried on up the stairs and down a short hallway to the left. The lead cat opened an ornate door with a key she pulled from between her breasts and gestured for him to enter.

It was another huge room, but decidedly more casual than the foyer. Besides a couple of desks with the latest model of ultra-slim computer there was a flat-screen television that must have been 100 inches across, several game consoles, a shelf with hundreds of DVDs and Blue ray discs, and a full-sized, functional, soft drink machine. The floor was covered in some thick soft white material that looked like Alpaca wool, which Jacob did not think was synthetic. There were no chairs or couches, however, just a number of oversized stuffed cushions made of equally soft materials that were dyed pink, yellow and baby blue; like giant fluffy Easter eggs. Doors leading deeper into the building presumably connected to bedrooms and bathrooms.

"This is our play room." One of the girls told him as she picked up a remote control and pressed the buttons to no effect. "Cut off." She commented and threw it in a corner in disgust.

"Father has everything in the house connected to the security system." The other said as she tried to access the Internet on one of the computers. The screen kept telling her that there was no Internet connection available. "And when he wants to punish us he has the guards turn everything off."

"Even the cell phones." The first showed him the screen of her touch phone, and Jacob could see the red 'X' where the signal strength bars should be. "Signal suppressor." She informed him.

The two went about the room trying every electronic device to no avail. The power to the television was cut off so the games were useless. The computers could only be used for retrieving stored data, and the stereo was locked on an elevator music station that advertised retirement living and adult incontinence products.

"Who's Barry Manilow?" One of the twins asked when the host announced the next song. Jacob noted the concert posters on the walls, originals by the look of them. One from a recent tour by that Canadian kid, Justin Beaver, stood out. It was signed by the adolescent rodent.

"Nobody you would be interested in." Jacob informed them, wondering if they were really 'Beaver Babies' or just had bought the poster for the attention it garnered.

"At least the Pop machine still works." The other informed her sibling from where she stood regarding the selection.

"Thank God, I'm dying over here. Hit me with a cold one."

The one in front of the machine did not deposit any cash, she just pushed the large illuminated button for a popular brand of clear, bubbly lemon-lime soda and stood back. In seconds a green bottle clattered into the tray. She retrieved it, opened it on the bottle opener mounted on the machine and passed it to her sister, who drained half of it in one gulp. While she drank another bottle was dispensed, a clear one this time, and the first feline drank from it with equal relish.

Jacob saw a black bat design on the clear bottle. He checked out the one in the paw of the cat nearest to him. Instead of the familiar number and ret dot logo it had a picture of a lemon and a warning about drinking and driving. A Bacardi Cooler and a hard lemonade. He realized that the soda dispenser was full of booze.

"Father has not figured this out yet." Bacardi girl said, saluting with the bottle.

"And hopefully he won't, at least until we make the legal drinking age." Lemonade girl added. "Then it won't matter. Want one?" She turned and asked suddenly.

"Uh, sure. Got a ... a beer?" Jacob tried to sound like he was a seasoned drinker, but he couldn't remember what those fruit juice and wine drinks were called, and the only thing alcoholic that he had tried was some Bud Light Joseph had swiped from his Dad's cooler.

The Girls rolled their eyes in unison. "Not likely." From the Bacardi drinker.

"Hardly." From the hard lemonade advocate.

"Try this." A squarish bottle was dispensed and passed to him. It was covered with foreign words and had an image of bright red cherries on the label.

"What is it?" He asked as he removed the cap.


"Cherry Schnapps."

"From Germany."

"The coolest drink."

Jacob took a mouthful and swallowed. At first the faint taste of cherries was pleasant, but when the liquid hit his stomach it erupted in a column of fire that threatened to leap from his mouth, taking his supper with it. He clamped his paws over his mouth and nose. The cherry demon tried to escape by pushing his eyes out of their sockets.

The two were laughing at him again. "It's a little strong." They giggled.

Jacob checked the label as soon as his eyes stopped watering. The number eighty followed by a percent sign swam into focus. "Holy crap!" He gulped. "I thought that it was illegal to sell stuff this strong."

"Here sure, but not in Germany."

"Spring break. We visited a bunch of castles, Heidelberg, Neuschwanstein that kind of thing."


"Mother loves castles. Last year it was France, this year Germany."

"They sell liquor in grocery stores over there."

"And they don't check ID if you look grown up."

"We just slipped a few bottles into Mother's bag and filled out her declaration card while she was napping."

"She bought so much stuff she didn't even ask why she had to pay extra duty."

The need to explode was abating, and an agreeable warmth was spreading through him. But Jacob did not dare take another drink, not even a tiny sip, just yet. Not if he wanted to last until dawn for part two of his plan.

"So." He asked looking from one to the other. "Should we start with Math or English?"

* * * * * * * * * *

The sample tests they had received from the finishing school contained fairly basic stuff, Jacob found. They should be able to handle them with no trouble once he showed them a few tricks he had learned while volunteering as teaching assistant for the Special Ed class. Getting through the special kid's learning disabilities required patience and inspiration; getting through the Perfect Twins' attitude disability was almost as hard.

"So whatever you do on this side of the equation you have to do on the other side too?"

"Yes, exactly."

"That makes no sense to me."

"Me neither."

"Let me show you again, uh April." He guessed.

"I'm May. She's April."

"It would help if you dressed differently." He muttered. The twins were wearing matching black dresses that hugged heir breasts and outlined their butts and thighs deliciously. After showing them how to solve a problem Jacob would study their anatomy while they struggled to solve the next example on their own. He could not find a single point of difference anywhere on them. And they were changing brands with every drink, they were on their third each, so he couldn't keep track of them that way either.

"Even Father and Mother have trouble telling us apart." The one that was possibly May said.

"And the staff have given up even trying." Probably April added.

"But these dresses do get uncomfortable after a few hours." Whichever it was ran her paws down her sides seductively.

"So we'll go get into something comfy."

"Take your shoes and jacket off, why don't you?"

Before he could reply the two jumped lightly to their feet and scampered to the doors in the back of the room. They each went through a different one, on each side of what Jacob had been told was the shared bathroom. He wondered if they would mind him using the toilet while they were changing, but decided to wait until they returned. He took a tiny sip of schnapps instead, just enough to bring back the warm glow from his first oversized drink.

There was the sound of flushing from the centre door and an instant later the girls returned to the play room trough it. Good thing he had not gone to the bathroom, he thought. He would have died of embarrassment if they had walked in on him while he was trying to pee. But he forgot all about that when he registered what they were wearing.

They had changed into identical outfits again, and he had to wonder if it was by plan or just one of those twins thinking alike things. Each wore a red plaid schoolgirl skirt that came halfway down their thighs, like the ones they wore at the Catholic High School on the other side of town, but much shorter. This kind had no tail hole, because good girls kept their tails down. But the twins had not heard of that rule, and the skirts rode up in back on their raised tails, exposing pure white cotton panties that also looked at least one size too small. In contrast their white button-up blouses were a couple of sizes too big, but they had fixed that by leaving the top three buttons undone and tying the shirttails under their breasts. There was no sign of a bra under either of the thin, translucent tops. Black patent leather shoes and white ankle socks completed the school girl look. But they had accessorized.

Each had donned a jewelled collar. One was black leather with the letter 'A' drawn in what must have been real diamonds judging by the way the sparkle. The other was a flexible gold band with four green stones forming the letter 'M' on a central plaque. For April and May, of course. Then Jacob remembered that their birthday bash had been an overnight affair, beginning on the evening of the last day of April and ending in the morning of the first of May. He also recalled that the birthstones for those months were diamonds and emeralds, respectively.

"April." He addressed the one with the diamond collar. "Are you the oldest?"

"Yes." She smiled. "I was born at eleven fifty-five on the thirtieth of April."

"And I was born at twelve oh-five on the first of May." May continued.

"How clever of you to figure it out." April concluded.

The two worked the soda machine again before they sat down on a pair of oversized cushions opposite Jacob, cutting off his view of their underwear, but giving him a direct line of sight down their cleavage. The tops of their breasts, and the insides, were covered by fine, wispy fur that was so pale it was almost white. Jacob spied an arc of dark brown deeper down. Was it the edge of a nipple? He didn't want to stare but he was having trouble pulling his eyes away. He took another sip of the cherry liquor to calm his nerves and reached for the sample English test.

He was interrupted by a soft paw on his wrist.

"Time for a break." April told him as she guided his paw back to rest on his thigh. Somehow she had managed to move closer to him, as had May. Their knees were almost touching. "Why don't you take off your jacket and tie and relax a little?"

"Yeah, you are way too serious, most of the time." May commented.

"Except for when you were doing the murals." April injected.

"That was you, wasn't it?" May asked with brows raised.

"Uh, yes ... yeah. Me and a couple of friends." Jacob admitted as he looked around for someplace to hang his jacket.

"Bring it here." April jumped up and pulled him by the wrist toward the desks. "There is something I want to show you."

She indicated that he should drape the jacket over the back of the chair. While he did April opened the photo folder on one of the computers and scrolled to a collection of Banksy's graffiti culled from his website. She stopped on the image of a rat painted on the wall of a run-down apartment building in New York City.

"I've seen that image." Jacob said excitedly, surprised to find something in common with the rich felines. "But it disappeared a few months ago. The owner probably had it painted over."

"No, he didn't." May called form the side of the room. Jacob looked over to see that she had rolled the Justin Beaver poster up to reveal a section of brick embedded in the drywall behind it. There was a figure stencilled on the brick. It was the rat from New York.

"Mother bough us the poster." April said.

"She loves 'The Beave'." May explained.

"And she thinks we do too."

"It came in useful though."

"Raul, the limo driver, arranged for this section of wall to be ... acquired." April confided.

"In exchange for a favour or two." May giggled, but did not elaborate further.

"We're big fans." April clicked on another folder and Jacob saw the screen fill with thumbnails of familiar images. They had photos of all the murals that he, Joseph and Coyotek had painted in their short spree of criminal defacement. They were taken from several angles, including some that must have been done from the basket of a cherry picker, and they were very good shots. His brow wrinkled as he tried to figure out how they came by them.

"We bribed the police photographer." Somehow they always know what I'm thinking, Jacob thought, then realized that May's voice had came from close behind him. Very close.

Then he felt something. It took him a second to realize what it was. The soft warmth of breasts against his back and the light touch of paws scampering over his shoulders and down his chest. He was filled with momentary confusion. The last time he had felt that combination, the only time, had been when his mother taught him how to tie a necktie in front of the bathroom mirror. Then the sensation of her leaning against him and adjusting the knot had been comfortable, being tucked in you bed and safe from the monsters in the closet comfortable. But now his body was telling him that there was another way to interpret this sensation.

"Loosen your tie and stay awhile." May breathed in his ear as she pulled the silk knot apart expertly.

April stepped between Jacob and the computer and raised her paws to undo the top buttons on Jacob's shirt. "Yeah, relax, and tell us how you managed to do those pictures way up on the walls like that." Jacob couldn't stand to be touched unexpectedly, not since the day that the librarian and O'Neil had ... his paws came up automatically to grab April's wrists, harder than he had intended. He stared down at her. She was looking back, her eyes shiny and bright, with her teeth barred slightly. "There's that feral look again. She said, and ran the tip of her tongue across her lips. "What's wrong Jacob? What are you afraid of?" she crooned.

It was the first time either of them had called him by his first name. He had not been sure if they even knew it. Its use, and her soft tone, made him relax, a bit. He decided to answer.

"I'm poofy." He whispered. He was expecting them both to brake out in laughter, but they didn't even giggle.

"And they say that teenaged females worry about their body image too much." April said, but not unkindly, as she rotated her wrists free of his grip and continued with the buttons. "You are not poofy. You are just .... well padded.

"If you want poofy you should our cousins." May told him from behind. She was pulling his shirttails out from his pants.

"Our cousins are Burmese." April explained.

"The offspring of Persian traders mating with Siamese females."

"They have the long Persian fur."

"And those flat noses. Ugh."

"And they are much poofier than you." April had undone on his cuffs and folded it back to expose the long fur around his wrists. She squeezed them and flattened the fur against muscle and bone. More muscle than bone lately thanks to all the painting and scaffold construction for the past year's events. Another pair of paws came around his waist and traced the lines of his abdomen where the fur was sparse. Jacob realized for the first time that the lack of lack of junk food he couldn't afford and the extra work had actually given him something resembling six-pack abs.

"Yes, much poofier." May agreed.

"So poofy it's hard to tell what sex they are." April revealed. She had the loose end of Jacob's belt in one paw and the other on the buckle.

"One time, we started making out with one of them." May confided. She was undoing the rest of his shirt buttons as she talked.

"They made it to third base before we found out 'He' was a 'She'." April pulled the belt free from the buckle.

"We were shocked and surprised." May pulled the shirt back and over Jacob's shoulders.

"But by then we were having too much fun to quit." April shrugged. With one deft movement she undid the button at the top of his fly and pulled the zipper down as far as it would go. She slipped her right paw inside and down, cupping the appendage that had suddenly come to life. Behind him, May undid the tab of material over his tail. His pants dropped and pooled around his ankles.

"Wha ... wha ... wha ..." Jacob's mouth contorted but he could not form a complete word.

"You did those murals." April almost snarled. Her eyes were glassy, intent. He mouth was watering. She looked angry, or ... excited. "You climbed up those buildings and mocked the jerks that run the town. You put your mark on their prized edifices. You stencilled and sprayed and coloured knowing that any second the cops could cruise up and bust your ass." She gripped the fur of his chest with one paw and the thick cotton of his shorts with the other and pulled him hard toward her. "Tell me what it was like!"

A chocolate arm slid between him and April. May pulled him back against her chest. Two hard points dug into his back. "Tell us both." She sighed, and bit his ear, licking the inside simultaneously.

Jacob had fantasized himself and the Perfect Twins in many situations. Some startlingly similar to this, but in his fantasies he was in charge, leading the conversation, directing the action. Never having had his ear bitten before, he had never imagined it. Never could have imagined it, he now knew, because the sensation blew him away like nothing he had ever felt while abusing himself in from of a glowing screen full of porn. Who could guess that God would hide an erogenous zone there? Jacob melted against the two girls; most of him did in any event. One portion became very solid by way of compensation.

"If felt great." Jacob said, referring to the events the three of them had pulled off earlier in the year. "Every time we did it, it was like being alive for the first time."

"Tell us how you did the first one, the one on the school." Jacob did not know which of the two had asked, because he was still staring into space. He began to describe how the three had gotten together for the first event.

He felt paws at his waist. The two were pulling at his shorts but they were hung up, tangled in the biggest erection he could ever recall having. April reached inside through the flap on the front and made a quick adjustment. The tip of his swollen and reddened member appeared above the waistband. The shorts soon joined his pants around his feet. There was a pause, and a moment where no paws were touching him.

"So you see, it was Coyotek coming here that made it all gel." He explained. Glancing down to see what the twins were doing.

May had joined April, and they were both kneeling on the floor in front of him, seeming unaware of the stiff cock bobbing between their heads. He could look straight down between their breasts as they loosened the knots below them and shrugged out of the white blouses. He stopped talking, fascinated. Their nipples were just as dark as the chocolate points of their ears, arms and legs; and they stuck out like pencil erasers above the downy fur of their breasts. He could not help but reach down and caress them. The fur of their breasts felt as soft as it looked, and the flesh beneath was firm, yet supple, just as he had imagined it. He traced a thumb across a nipple of each and was thrilled to feel them go rigid against the pad of his paw.

The two were looking up at him. Eyes wide, mouths parted. "Tell us how you got up on the wall." April said as she raised her right paw to encircle his shaft.

"Was it dangerous?" May asked, lifter her left paw to grip his cock just under the head.

"That was where Joseph came in." Jacob began. While he described the special pulleys, scaffolds and swings that Joseph had designed and built so that they could reach seeming inaccessible places the small, soft paws moved toward each other until they were separated only by the bunched up skin of his shaft, and then they retreated to opposite ends. Slowly they joined and parted. Squeezing his cock and stretching it until a trickle of milky fluid dripped from the slit in the tip.

"What do you think?" May addressed her sister. The two put all four of their paws around his prick so that only the head and a bit more stuck out.

"Five paws worth." April gauged.

"I had heard that coon cats were naturally long." May commented.

"And thick as it turns out." April observed, and then looked up at Jacob. "But not in a poofy way." She giggled.

"You're no doberman, but you'll do." May told him and then surrounded the last portion of exposed cock with her mouth. It felt warm, wet and so, so alive.

"How was it up there? Did anyone see you?" April asked as she released his shaft to fondle his balls.

"We were working just by the light from the street lamps, keeping in the shadows." Jacob told her as May's head began to move on him. He described how he had coded the different colours of spray paint with glow-in-the-dark stickers from the Dollar Store. "Everything was orchestrated, the order of the stencils, the colours, who stood where. But halfway through the job, a cop car cruised by."

"Tell me." April breathed hot air on his sac. Jacob tried to express the mixed feeling of fear and excitement he had felt as they froze in the shadows over the school's entrance, waiting to see if the cop would turn his spotlight on them. It was much like the sensation he was feeling now as April took one of his balls in her mouth and suckled it, her sharp little teeth gently picking at the thin skin of his scrotum. A few inches away, her sister took more and more of his shaft in with each swallow, her fangs tracing the veins as she rocked her head on him. Jacob reached down to fondle her ears and continued with his story.

By the time he got to their escape and another close call with the local patrol car, the two were on each side of his cock, running their lips back and forth on either side. One paw was stroking his shaft and another was rubbing his balls. Pressure was building up. Just watching those two salivating over his cock like corn on the cob made him want to come. Jacob stopped talking, tilted his head back and stared at the ceiling. It did no good; there was a mirror up there. He looked down again.

April was in front of him now, sucking on the head of his penis while her paws moved furiously along the shaft. Her eyes were closed and her cheeks were hollowed by the force of the suction. May kneeled beside her and crooned words of encouragement.

"Take it Sis, take it all. Come on Jacob, give it to her. Come all over her. Come on boy." She squeezed one of Jacob's buttocks and pushed him deeper into her sister's mouth.

Jacob could not hold back anymore. He felt the first load of spooge force its way though his shaft like a golf ball going through a garden hose. April felt it too and she pulled back, crying in triumph as the thick white cum shot across the gap to splash on her face. Wad after wad blasted out to paint her dark features. She looked like a frosted chocolate cupcake by the time the flow had reduced to a trickle, a laughing, blue-eyed cupcake.

April took the head back into her mouth, wrapped her paws around the base of his cock and pulled them toward her. The last bit of spooge was forced out and she sucked at it greedily until she had every last drop. Jacob's hips jerked as each twist and slide of her lips on his super-sensitive shaft sent bolts of lightning through him.

While she rotated her head around, polishing his knob, May began to lick the thick spooge off her sister's fur. "Vintage." She commented, licking a stray gob off April's ear. "That bottle hasn't been uncorked for a while."

Jacob watched, fascinated. His prick was still erect but softer and more flexible than before. It was shiny with salvia and cum, as was the fur around April's mouth. She planted a final kiss on the tip, and leaned back on the over-sized cushion behind her.

"Now that your tongue is warmed up, let's see what else you can do with it." She said seductively, lifting her skirt with one paw to expose her already damp panties. She placed her other paw on the wet spot and rubbed until the cotton was all but transparent.

Jacob stepped out from the pile of clothes and kicked them backwards. He dropped to his knees between her legs and reached out hesitantly for her. The panties were the type with a scoop cut out of the waistband to go under the tail without encircling it. They slid easily down her legs. Jacob could not help but sniff them before he tossed them away. The smell was thick, musky, and it made his nose, as well as other parts of him, twitch.

He looked down. April's thighs, belly and hips were light tan and her sex was marked by a dark triangle above a pink slit. One dark paw slid between the protruding lips of her vagina and two digits disappeared inside her. She pulled them out slowly, spreading the lips at the same time to expose a button of flesh at their apex. The elusive clitoris, Jacob thought. So that's where it was.

Jacob wondered where to begin. Coyotek, who claimed to have some experience in this matter, had offered some advice before being deported.

"Think of those ice cream treats with the toy embedded inside." He had said. "Just keep licking until you find something hard and then try to suck all the cream of it."

"How will I know if I'm doing it right?" Jacob had asked.

"You'll know."

Jacob dropped to the floor and pulled himself into her. The smell was stronger up close, and it awoke instincts that guided his tongue. He went from the first tentative lick to having his muzzle embedded in her in seconds, and an instant later made contact with her clit.

April's hips squirmed beneath him and her paws pulled at his ears. Her legs came up and squeezed his head for an instant and then she spread them until her thighs were flat on the floor. Jacob felt the hard soles of her shoes against his neck and he reared back for an instant to look. It was an incredibly erotic sight. Her legs formed a diamond with her tail whipping angrily inside and tipped by the open slash of her pussy. The plaid skirt was bunched up under her breasts, the dark brown nipples so erect that every gland in them stood out. Her head rolled back and forth as she strained to pull him back. Her eyes were just slits of electric blue.

"Back to work, Jacob. You're not done yet." She hissed.

"And neither are you." May informed her sister as she dropped her skirt and peeled off her own sodden panties. She squatted over April's head, facing Jacob, and lowered her gapping twat until April could reach it wither her tongue. "Oh yeah." The emerald clad kitty crooned as her sister's mouth closed over her sex. "That feels soooo good."

Jacob got back to business, but kept his head tilted back and his eyes open. The view was an interesting one. He could see straight up between the globes of April's chocolate-tipped breasts to where her pink tongue lapped at the equally pink pussy lips of her sister. By now his erection had regained its former hardness, and it ached to get in on the action. But when he tried to move forward April pushed him back.

"Soon my pretty." She assured him. "Do this for me first."

April began to writhe and moan. Jacob took that as an indication that he was on the right track. He renewed his efforts to suck all the moisture away from around her clit, but she was producing the musky sap faster than he could lap it up. Then he remembered something he had heard about a spot inside the vagina that could be tickled to induce orgasm and he slid his middle digit inside as far as it would go her and felt around.

"Oh God yes." April gasped, pushing her sister aside so she could breathe. "That's the spot. Rub it Jacob, rub it." He did. He continued to suck at her clit also even though it was getting hard to keep between his lips with her moving so much.

An instant later her legs sprang closed around his head, protecting his ears from the feline wail that filled the play room. She squeezed his head with her paws and jammed him down onto her so hard that he had to suck in air from the corners of his mouth. As difficult as it was to breathe in that position, it soon became impossible as a flood of fiery liquid gushed out of her, filling his mouth and nose. He drank it down least he drown on it, and marvelled at the taste. It was like liquid copper, copper and oysters. He tightened his grip on her thighs and slurped greedily.

Her wail diminished into a series of cries and jerks each time his tongue or chin came in contact with her swollen clit. She lifted Jacob's head and looked down between her breasts at him.

"Slip in now, while it's still hot." She panted. Jacob scrambled to his knees and shuffled forward.

Her legs were still up, with her thighs resting on her abdomen, so he put a knee on each side of her butt and inched closer until the tip of his member hovered over her. He was dry and sticky now, so he rubbed it along the opening to moisten it. April liked that, by every indication. When it was slick again he lowered the tip, unsure as to what the best way to enter her was. He pushed it down too far and it slipped below her vagina to brush her tail hole. April reached down and brought it back on target with a laugh.

"You are not ready for that yet, big fellah." She told him as she slipped the tip of his throbbing cock into the warm, wet cavern between her legs. She was right, it was still hot, and wet, and silky smooth. His member slid easily in and out as he rocked his hips. Paws around her waist, he pulled her to him as he drove in, and she pushed back against him with her legs when he retreated.

Her sister abandoned her position near April's head and swung a leg over to lie face to face with her sibling. The two traded deep kisses while May's tail swayed in Jacob's face and her ass pressed against his abdomen.

"I want some of that too." May demanded, looking over her shoulder between kisses. She had lowered her butt until the dark triangle of fur above her sex rested on that of April. Her twat was open and welcoming. Jacob pulled back a little farther than before and the tip of his cock popped out of April, and right into May. A gentle push and he was inside the equally inviting pussy. He pumped her with long, slow strokes.

April asked him to return after a minute, and Jacob obliged, but May would not be ignored. With his paws on May's perfect ass he settled on giving them ten stokes each. Ten fast ones, followed by ten slow ones. Then ten clit-tickling shallow ones followed by ten so deep that his balls slapped April's butt with each stroke. The girls continued to satisfy each other by trading tongues and tweaking breasts.

Jacob felt that he could keep up forever but eventually April wiggled away from him. She rolled around under her sister until her head was between Jacob's legs and his balls rested on her chin. Further away, May's head was buried in her sister's crotch, and the slurping sounds told Jacob that April was not going without. He concentrated on bringing her slightly younger sister to her first orgasm of the evening. He kept his pattern of ten and ten, altering the combinations of deep and slow with fast and shallow. After forty continuous strokes she began to moan deep in her throat and push hard against him urgently. Jacob sped up the pace, rising up slightly to make the tip slide against the spot he had discovered in her sister. Down between his legs April was snacking on his balls again and simultaneously rubbing May's clit.

May was close, he could tell. She had abandoned her sister's twat and had thrown her head back. Her back was arched and her tail stood straight up and stiff. Jacob was felling an urgency of his own, but was sure that he could finish her off before he came, and maybe even April. But it turned out that April had other plans.

She continued to finger her sister and suck his balls, but as May began to tremble uncontrollably April spat a wad of salvia onto one digit of her other paw and rubbed Jacob's tailhole with it until it good and wet. He tightened instinctively, a sudden memory of Mister O'Neil rearing up inside him, but the pain he expected never came. Instead, a wave of pleasure rolled through him. He relaxed, and just in time; as soon as she felt the spray of May's liquid shooting out from around Jacob's fat cock April stuck the digit into his anus, up to the second knuckle.

The sensation of hot cum on his cock along with the sudden shock of intense pleasure was too much for him. Like a prize breeding bull shocked into ejaculation his cum forced its way past the grip of May's vagina around the base of his shaft and cannoned out to splash against her insides. May, still shaking from her orgasm, came again when she felt the heat from his cum.

Jacob and May were locked together, tight as bow strings. Down below, April lapped up their mingled juices where they leaked from the spot where his cock entered her sister. Slowly, the tension drained from the two, and May slid off his deflating pole to curl up on the cushion contentedly.

April, satisfied with her clean up job, took Jacob's balls in one paw and studied them.

"I bet we could make him come say, four more times." She informed her sister.

"Five." May upped the ante.

"Bet a bracelet from Cartier?" April challenged.


"You're on."

* * * * * * * * * *

What would eventually turn out to be the second-best night of Jacob's life continued with May coming up with new outfits and seductive scenarios to raise his flagging spirits while April tried to distract him by posing difficult math and grammar questions at delicate moments. They also reviewed the math and English work while he regained his strength between bouts.

Jacob never did make it to Danny's Downtown Diner, but they dressed and ordered breakfast from there as the sun rose unseen outside. The delivery boy was a junior from their school that Jacob knew slightly. The sight of the playroom strewn with skirts, nylons, wigs, damp panties and rubber toys, along with the smell, made his jaw drop. Half naked, April took the steaming box of eggs and bacon from the stunned lad while May stuffed money into his shirt pocket. Jacob wondered what wild rumours he would start when he got back to the diner, but found that he no longer cared what the other kids thought.

Hunger sated, May stripped off her housecoat, reminded him that he still owed her two more orgasms, and suggested that he join her in the shower. April followed, just to confirm the count, she claimed.

By noon Jacob was exhausted. The twins, however, were still awake and full of energy. After cleaning up the room and themselves the three wedged themselves into the Mercedes convertible their parents had given the girls on their eighteenth birthday and they dropped him at his house on their way to write the entrance exams. His mother, still on nights, was already asleep so Jacob crawled off to his own bed. He slept the rest of the day and halfway through Sunday.

* * * * * * * * * *

Jacob was back at the school on Monday. It was one of those useless administrative days for waiting in line to pick up transcripts and cleaning out lockers. A few of the students, those who had already heard the delivery boy's story, stole shy glances at the cat that was rumoured to be a secret porn star, hired by the heiresses for a private party on Grad night. As he was waiting his turn in front of the office the twins strode up the hall and boldly embraced him.

"We passed."

We're in."

"Off to the big city come September."

"Look us up when you get settled into college."

"Maybe we'll need some more tutoring." And with that they were off as suddenly as they had appeared.

As the Perfect Twins sashayed down the hallway the females waiting in line regarded their long, slim figures with envy, and eyed Jacob speculatively. The males nearby admired the way the twin's buttocks rolled against each other, and wondered if the tutoring business might not be for them.

And everybody admired May's new emerald bracelet.

* * * * * * * * * *

Jacob © Marcus_X_Light

Joseph © Commander_Eagle

Coyotek © Coyotek