
Story by Lannius Drasec on SoFurry

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#10 of Lann

Sorry bout the delay to this cahpter, I've been working on my other most recent series soo much that this one was hard to get the story going again, but I have, so ya'll enjoy.

Hatchlings, Cubs, and Human Lovers, outies.


Lannius Drasec

I walk down the streets of Hollywood, feeling good about today. I had a feeling that something good was going to happen today, I loved these feelings, I had a constant smile on my face. What should I do? I rounded the corner and saw my favorite store. Why not? I walk through the doors and instantly I'm greeted by my favorite saleswoman, a sexy little raccoon by the name of Candace.

"Hey Lanny, how are you doing?" Lanny, my new nickname to all the woman in this city, somehow they all spread it out. "Can I help you with anything?"

"Yea, I just quit my job yesterday, what do you have for cheap?" I look around at all the clothing and funny, whity T-shirts.

"How much you have to spare?"

I laugh mockingly to myself and pull my pockets out, retrieving a five dollar bill. Candace laughs and takes the five dollars. "I got the perfect thing for just this."

"That's why I love ya Candace." She walks into the back room and smirks over her shoulder. She was a good girl, fun to joke around with. She had one of those personalities that would land her a quality guy one day, but in no way was she a virgin, heh. She's just one of those rare girls you find in a big city, I'm glad I met her. She's way out of my league though, and I'm not looking for a relationship until my career gets off the launching pad. She calls me back into the storage room and I walk into the slightly undersized room full of boxes.

"So, what does this place possibly have that five bucks can afford?"

"Absolutely nothing, that's why we have to be quick about this." She grabs a box from one of the top shelves and tosses it to me. I look at it for a while, wondering what it is. Candace sees my bewilderment, she just giggles. "Go out the back, the front will set off the theft alarm."

"You're the best Candace."

"You don't have to tell me."

She gives me a hug and a kiss on my scaly cheek. If there were a possible way for me to blush, I would have right there. I return the hug and rush out the back door. I look back at the door and I see Candace wave before silently closing it. I go back to my apartment and there are a couple messages on my machine. I push the button and they start to play. One of them is from Tide.

"Hey, it's Tide, me and Mark are going to just stay out all night, and I'm crashing at his place tonight, so just letting ya know where I am, I'll talk to you when I next see you."

Match made in heaven. After I introduced Tide to the band, we included him in our...activities after the parties. He and Mark then fell deeply in love, been dating for the past three months. They still include me in their own private parties every now and then. The next message came on and it was Kevin, my agent.

"Hey, Lannius, get your scaly Irish ass down here, I've got something that'll make you redder than you already are. Hurry it up too, don't make me come pull your dick out of whatever species your fucking today either." Hmmm, big news? Always a great sign, I just knew this day would be good. I jump out my window, always one for theatrics. I spread my wing and catch an updraft, soaring into the city air, not quite as fresh, but I loved it anyway.

I let the air drift me to my destination, finally arriving to the roof of Kevin's office. He wasn't the highest ranking agent, but he was up there. I walked down to his office, and he was sitting at his desk.

"Kevin, what's the big news?"

Kevin tosses me the keys of what looked to be a car. I look at the keys and look at him.

"Uhhhh...Kevin what's the big news?"

He smiles at me and motions for me to follow him. I look out his office and look after him, calling for him. "Kevin, what's the big news!?"

I follow him all the way through his office building and out the front door, constantly repeating myself, but he never answers. We walk out the double doors, looking back on my life, I think I'd only ever entered or exited the front doors of a building three times in my life, heh. "Kevin, what's the...holy shit." I look at the beautiful Jet Black 1969 Pontiac GTO (I highly recommend looking this car up on Google Image Search).

I let out a long excited sigh and go up to the beautiful machine. "What...the...FUCK Kevin!"

"Well, I remember that you have a deep love for cars with a bad ass style to them, though you don't drive, I thought this would be a cool little souvenir for your first job." My heart stops as I turn to look at him.

"Wh...what? Job?"

"This is the main protagonists cruiser car in Burnout, the production company wanted you to have first dibs on it."

I'm at a loss for words.

"Congrats you winged son of a bitch, you're officially a Director!"

"YES!!" I run over and grab him into a big dragon hug, for those lost to that kind of hug, basically I wrap both arms and both wings around him while lifting him off the ground. "I knew it...I Fucking KNEW it!"

"You start in three weeks, assemble your cast, review the story board, and start picturing cause you're gonna be behind the camera's of this masterpiece." Kevin was like a coach, he knew exactly what to say to get me pumped up. "Go on home and have a good time."

"Yeah...uuhh, wait, how the hell do I get this thing to our garage?"

"I won't tell if you won't." I smirk at him and hop in the passengers seat. Snug fit, and it was comfy too. I start her up and she roars at me, not some sissy purr or high pitch hum, a roar. I take off and head to my garage. The whole way there I had no problems. I park her and cover her over with a protective tarp. I then jump out the window and the first thing I think of is going to see Tide. I soar into the air and head over to The Band's apartment. When I get there, I can't help but laugh, Tide and Mark forgot to close the shades and they were really going at it. I open the window from outside and land inside, startling them. Tide was under Mark with his tail in the air and his back to the ceiling as Mark had his cock in Tide's ass.

"What the....hell are you doing?" Tide said in between moans.

"We're in!"

"What are you talking about?"

"We're doing an actual movie, everything's happening. I can assemble my own crew and cast, that action movie I found a while back, it's ours, we're going to work!"

Mark smiles and leans down to the now very excited Tide. "Congratulations sweetie, would you like Lann to join us in celebrating?" Tide lets out a loud moan at his lovers words, responding with a very distorted yes. Mark then looks back at me. "Well, c'mon over, I'm nothing but ready."

Just his stare gave me a raging hard on and I dropped my pants and took off my shirt. I climbed over him and planted my juiced up cock right into his ass hole. I start thrusting inside him and he continues on Tide. I lean my body down on his, now supported by only my arms, letting my scaly body press against his own. I feel him shudder on my cock and tense up, obviously they had been at this for a while. Tide moans as Mark cums inside him very violently, now being as penetrated as he is by my throbbing dragonmeat. I keep my rhythm, trying to make this as brief as possible to let them get back to what they wanted to do in privacy.

Just the feeling of finally achieving my dream put me at ease and I felt myself rising to climax. The shudders of Mark's body under me was so cute and sexy that I had no more power over myself anymore. I sped up and blasted my load deep into his willing tail, he clenched and took it all in, none of it leaking out, though I gave him enough for both him and his brother. I calmed down after a while and pulled out, letting Tide and Mark continue with their little fuck fest. I walk out of the bedroom to see that Chad and Mike were hard at work themselves. I look over at the cute fox, getting his dick massaged inside the drummer dragons ass. I walk over to them and lean down to Chad's ear. "Hey, could you give me a quick cleaning?" He then nods and lifts my cock right into his maw, sucking it clean. I scratch under his chin in just the place he loves it and walk into the kitchen.

I grab some things to make me a sandwich and look around me. Two couples of gay furs going at it right in front of me and me in the kitchen eating a sandwich. I just had to laugh at the comedic surrounding. I finish up my sandwich, I hadn't eaten all day. I then walk out of the apartment, I'm not sure why I walked out the front door, I just kinda did. I walked out onto the street and looked around at all the individual furs, scales, and avians walking around. I had fun just thinking of how many of them were going to enjoy my movie. Amongst the furs I just happen to see one, one that looked strangely familiar. She was a fox fur with a little girl by her side, the little girl had fox fur, but not the normal fox build, she had...wings, huh.

I've never seen a furred dragon before. Oh well, you learn something new every day. The girl turned around and seemed to be pregnant, well, good for her, but who was she? I feel a twitch in my arm and look down at it, seeing the scars from when I injured my arm at the grand...oh my god.

"Lina." I said to myself in horror. If that was the same nurse that I had sex with that one day and also years ago with, than that would make that little furred...oh god, my child. And she was pregnant, which, no, no way. I gotta get out of here. I almost flew away by reflex, but I stopped myself and ran into the apartment building instead. I ran to the back exit and kept running. What was she doing here, how did she know...well, it's obvious how she knew, but still. Why would she be here, is she looking for child support, or marriage, or money? God, why did I do that. I'm wearing a condom from now on. I jump out into the back alley and take off, avoiding the part where I thought she had headed off to.