I Think I Goofed!

Story by Doc Icenogle on SoFurry

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Goof:Well Garsh it sure is good to see you Debbie. It sure has been a long time.

Debbie:Thanks Uncle Goofy.

Goof:Awe Shucks! Call me Goof like every one else does. Debbie:Well it is sure nice of you letting me stay with you for the Summer. Goof:Well with old Max gone to camp it's sure is lonely now and it will be nice to have the company.

You can use Ol' Maxie's room for right now. Debbie:Cool! Goofy: Make your self at home. Debbie:Thanks I will.

Debbie walks in to the kitchen.

Debbie:So have you got any snacks Goof?

I am so hungry I would eat any thing you would put in my face right now. I been riding my Ass off oops! Sorry my Butt off for the last 3 days on my bike to get here.

As Goof walked in to the kitchen he is confronted with a wonderful site. Debbie was bent over in the front of one of the lower cabinets rummaging around.

Goofy: Do you see anything you like Debbie?

Goofs eyes almost shot from his head.

Debbie's worn out old fated jeans were tattered in all the right places. Her pants were split almost half the way down her ass to the crotch at the seam.

The panties under them did not seam to fair that much better. In fact they could only be called panties in the academic since. True they were made of cloth and were originally made to conceal ones shame. But this was lost several wearing ago now they did little to conceal In fact they did more to flaunt and suggest nudity. Much in the same way a stripper uses a G string. Well used and torn they were once to be guessed to have been pink. But from long wear and now covered in road dust and sweat it was hard to tell.

Never removing his eyes from her bottom Goof leaned on to a counter. Goofy: Can I help you with any thing Debbie? Debbie: Call me Deb. No I can handle it. Is there something you want me to get out for you while I am down here for you to eat?

Goofy: Oh Gosh! A-heck! No thanks.

I'll just watch you.

Eat that is.

Debbie: What ever turns you on is cool with me.

Deb laughs.

As he watched her dig here hip's worked from side to side and her Ass cheeks clinched and unclinched.

Goof picked up a large wooden spoon from the counter and held it in both white gloved hands in front of himself and twisted it back and forth in nervous anticipation.

Never even realizing he was doing it.

Goofy: Its been so long since There was a woman in the house I almost

forgot how nice it was.

Goof now stood admired her ass as he studded it closely. It was a very full bottom.

Some might even call it a little fat but to him it looked just right he thought.

It had a nice peachy shape to it and just the right amount of Jiggle with it.

The Jiggle is the key to a perfect bottom Goof thought. Debbie: So what do you do for fun round here? Goofy: Oh me? I read a lot and listen to my old records on my Victrola. Oh and I go bowling on Saturday nights. Debbie: Sounds like a hoot. Deb turns and sets the food on to the table. Debbie: Don't you have a girlfriend or go out. Goofy : No I have not done that for years. No one wants a old Dog like me.

Debbie: Years how many?

Goofy: Well Max is 17 and well you know bout his mom.

Debbie: Yah! I know I m sorry.

Ran off with Donald.

Goofy: So it's been lets see 14 years now.

Debbie: 14 years since you were married right.

Goofy: No that long since I did anything.

Debbie: Anything?

Goofy: Yep!

Oh well when I was a Pup I dated a lot.

There was Clarabelle my first love then there was Glory-Bee. Debbie: What ever happen to them? Goofy: Clarabelle and Glory-Bee ran off together. Lesbians you know. But oh well I have Max to tend to and the house and my reading and.... Debbie: Gee you need to get out more Goof old boy. Your a good looking guy.

Lot's of women would like you.

As she walked over to him and goosed him in the belly with a finger. Debbie: Can I use it if you are not going to. She stood in front of him holding out her hand to him.

Goofy: He looked at her stupidly Use my wh.... wh.... what?

Debbie: Spoon! Goof looked down and seen the spoon.

Goofy: Oh Garsh! Here you go sorry.

Debbie: Thanks.

Debbie: You got any pickles?

Goofy: Sure there in the cabinet.

Debbie: I did not see them.

Goofy: There in the bottom shelf.

Way in the back.

Debbie: OK!

Debbie then got down on all 4's and looked. Debbie: Are you sure there here. Goofy: Keep looking. all the way to the back. As she then scooted in further with her head down lower and her ass up higher Goof got the real treat.

In this position her ass cheeks were flared open as wide as they could ever get.

And the one tare in her panties was right next to her Asshole and when they were now under the strain that they were in her little pooper peeked out at him.

It was about the size of a dime pink and hairless. As she dug for the pickles it puckered with her movements.

It looked to be winking at him and saying Hello! Well Hello to you he wisped under his breath. Debbie: There not here. Goofy: Huh! Oh heck I am sorry here they are. He reached behind him self an handed her the pickles. Debbie: No problem. After she ate he showed her to Max's room. As Debbie walked in front of him caring her bags. Goof stared hard at her wiggling little butt.

And as Debbie walked up to the 2nd floor of the house her bags in hand Goof followed.

Her cheeks jiggled and wiggled in front of him. Goof could not help himself still thinking of what he was treated to in the kitchen. He leaned forward and sniffed at her sensuous cheeks. They were musky with sweat and other sent's that had been to long since he had smelled. It all spelled lust and sex with a capital S to him. Oh it has been so long.

Debbie: Ahhhh! like what are you doing Goofy?

He looked to se her looking back at him. Goofy: Well Ahhhh! Garsh. When I was a Pup that's how we all said Howdy! Back then when we had not seen each other in a while. Was the first thing we would do as a matter of fact.

Then he said sheepishly

Goofy: would you like to smell mine?

Debbie:Garsh Like no way?

Goofy: Oh! I guess it's not cool any more to do that.

Debbie: Like uncle Goof it was never cool to do that.

Goofy: Here you go.

Debbie: This is perfect.

Goofy: Well like I said make your self at home.

Debbie was trying to pull her arm from her leather coat with some trouble and Goof offer to help.

Goofy: Can I help you with your breast?

ERRR! I mean coat?

Debbie laughed

Debbie: no thanks I can Handle them both just fine.

Goofy: Well I better get you some extra pillows. Yep you can never have

to many pillows.

And anther blanket it is going to be a bit nipplely Nippy tonight. Debbie: Ahhhh! thanks Goof that would be nice. Poor old Goof needs a woman in his life bad.

As she got undressed she looked and seen her pants and panties. Debbie: Oh gosh no wonder he was acting that way. I ripped the fuck out of them on that darn loose spring on my bikes seat and forgot to change them. Poor old Goof.

I am one hot babe as it is but with these on I must be a killer. She admired her body in the mirror then laughed. Oh well I doubt he could see that much.

Latter that night as she fell to sleep to the the music coming from Goof's room she laughed to herself at a few of the Songs. I got a girl named Ran-a-lam-a-lam-a-lam-a- lam-a Ding Dong. Debbie: Yah! I bet you do. Latter that night she was woke by the squeaking of the door as it opened.

She tried to see who it was with what little light came in from the Hall way.

Debbie: Who is there?

There was no answer.

As her eyes adjusted she seen a very well known form. Debbie: Oh it is you uncle goofy. Whats up?

He did not respond.

She looked harder his eyes were closed tight. Debbie: Oh so you are a sleep walker are you? She snickers.

Debbie: I better get you to bed.

As she scooted closer she could see he was nude from the wast down. Debbie: Oh my Gosh! Her eyes were like diner plates. She popped in to a sweat.

Look at the size of that bone.

It was red as a pepper and some what shaped like one. But this was a 7 inch pepper with knot in the center throbbing and getting bigger by the second as well as the pepper was growing even more longer. Debbie: Wow goof that is really a nice one. Are you sure you are asleep? She snickers.

She looked at his face and studded it closely. What the heck let me get a closer look at that thing. What can it hurt. She scooted down to the bottom of the bed. There she was only inches away. As she looed it over very closely from every side and even peeked at it from the underside to look at his huge hanging balls in there black sack. She looked up at him and said.

Debbie: Goofy old boy you are a stud.

As he stood in place not moving a inch.

Them girls did not leave you they Ran way from you. She poked it with her finger tip and it sprang up and down like it was on a spring. She did it several more times.

and laughed.

It was still growing and was now 12 inches and the knot was bigger around then her arm.

Debbie: I bet you got this from thinking about me today.

looking at my ass in the kitchen.

Debbie: What did you see?

Could you see my Hot Pussy or my Asshole as i was on the floor on all 4s?

I bet you wanted to jump on it to.

After 14 years with no pussy.

Yah you wanted to fuck me with this

monster of a dick.

She gave it a poke.

Debbie: Or did you want to eat it?

You did sniff my ass on the stares.

Huh did it smell good.

Did you want to eat my hot sweaty dirty Pussy or was it my Asshole you wanted to eat?

Well you got to sniff my ass so you owe me now. I am going to sniff your dick.

She leaned in and sniffed it.

Sniffled it from the base to piss hole.

She sat back and looked at him.

Debbie: MMMM! that some good smelling dick.

Yah! Good enough to eat.

To bad were related or I might just do that. Well as long as I am here might as well smell them balls to.

She leaned in and sniffed deep of them.

The sack in fact did touch her nose as she did it at times. She sat back again.

So how big can this thing get with the proper attention she wondered? Debbie: Oh shit! This is crazy. I better get you to bed.

Debbie then started to get up and move him back to his bed. But her curiosity was still getting the better of her. Debbie: Oh what the fuck. Like all I'll do is just see how big it will get that's all. Look and see. Then put him back in his room. What is the big deal with that. It's not like I have not even seen it and stuff. After all he is asleep. Debbie then sat on the end of the bed in front of him. Debbie: Ok! Ok! now lets see. This is not sex this is more like a science project. Just like I am playing Doctor.

Playing Doctor with my Uncle Goofy.

Debbie laughed.

She was now sweating very badly.

Rubbing her hands on to her night gown.

Debbie: Well now I guess I have to touch it to see what she will do.

She then coughed and cleared her thought several times. As she took the tip in between her thumb and for finger and gave it a little pinch. A huge drop of cum formed from the pee hole.

Debbie: Oh man you poor old Dog you are about to explode. She put her

hand between his thighs and cupped his balls and hefted them. Debbie: Gosh they fill like they must be loaded. Debbie: Now cough! As she held them they started to be a stirring in his balls. And a steady stream of pre Cum started to now form from his piss hole as the Balls started to bounce up and down like they were alive. Debbie took the dick behind the big old knot and gave it a few jerks. As she looked into the piss hole at the way the Cum ran from it. Debbie could see the way the hole opened and closed as she jerked it and it made little smacking noises. She had in only a inches away from her so she could see it all as well as posable now.

In doing so pre Cum was dripping all over her shear nightgowns front as she jacked it.

Shit she thought as she looked down what a mess. Debbie: Well looks like its as big as it gets. Time to call it wraps. She gave it one more squeeze and was about to let it go when it dropped yet still another hard 2 inches.

Sliding between her fingers with a


And landed smack dab it to her mouth.

Debbie pooped her head back.

Debbie: Hay now none of that she said.

And the spit on to the Carpet.

Then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Debbie: So you were holding out on me were you it can get bigger. Now then maybe I should just keep at it and see if you got any more of this thing tucked away? In science class they always said to never pull all of your conclusions till you have all the facts.

And I was a A student.

And I would hate for you to give me a F. She sneakers again. Debbie:Beside it is my fault you are in this shape and I should help you out. It's the only thing I could do.

But what a mess.

She still had the taste of the pre cum in her mouth. True she had spit it out but the flavor did seam to cling to her taste buds rather well. There were lot's of girls at her class who would talk about sucking off there Boyfriends to keep them under control. And that most all of them did not spit it out. In fact they said they loved it. It was almost addictive to them.

Well it dose taste good a little salty but what kid does not like to eat salty foods?

Beside she was taking French this term so this would give her a head start on the Class.

Deb snickered.

Beside it may be what she needed to help her see what all ol' Goof was Packing.

Then Deb began to hold his prick at the base. As she pointed it right at her mouth and then began to flick her tongue like a fluttering Butterfly all over the tip and in to the pisser. Then she held it out of the way to better have at his hanging balls. She popped each one in her muzzle and gave it a good suck then she licked and nipped at the sack. Then ran her lusting tongue from right at the bottom of the sheath to the very tip and tickled it with her tongue. What a fucking Prick a full 14 inches of a fuck monster. She was not a virgin she had done it a couple of times. But she had never seen any thing like it before. Yah! 7 inches but this was 2 times its size and even more so thick. She opened wide and took a muzzle full of it and began to suck hard. As her cheeks bloated and hollowed as she drank his dripping pre cum. All the time letting out little nasal giggles of her approval of its taste. After 10 minutes of this oral foreplay.

Goof lurched an Yelled.


Debbie her self would have screamed as well from shock if her mouth was not so full.

She jumped back on to the bed scared half to death. Debbie: Oh shit Goof I am sorry don't get mad at me. I was only playing I mean you came in and and.


Goofy: Clarabelle I am so happy to see you.

I missed you so bad.

Come on Clarabelle your parents are not home lets do it now you know you want it as much as I do.

Debbie:Hey what the fuck?

Well shit you are still out of it aren't you? You fucker you had me fucking about to shit the bed. Ok buster thinking about another woman is the last staw when I am blowing you.

It is back to your room with your ass.

Goofy: Oh Clarabelle.

At that second Goof gabbed her and they both fell on to the bed. He started grabbing at her panties and pulling them down. Debbie:Hay Hay funs fun but this has got to stop now. I don't care if we were not even relatives you are not sticking that thing in my snatch. He flipped her on to all 4s then tossed her on to the pillows Butt up. And mounted her. Debbie did her best to get some traction and free her self and get of the bed but Goof had her locked it to place. Goofy: Don't worry Clarabelle I remember that you are saving your self for marriage. We can do like we always did so don't you fret none. Debbie: What the fuck are you talking about? Hay you get off me. But she was soon to find out.

The Goof planted the head of his dick to her pooper and started to push the head in.

Debbie: Hold it right there that hole is for Blow and show only cowboy!

That's it.

No way you are going to fuck me in my shit hole. But she was wrong. As the head popped in her Eyes bulged and her mouth drooped. Debbie: UNNNGGGGGHHHH! Hay that fucking hurts you know. But with the lube of his pre cum and her own nasty spit it was slipping in at a very fast rate.

Debbie soon found the knot at rest on her hole. And that was she knew the 1/2 way area of his dick.

That meant that 5 or so were in and there were at least 8 or 9 more to go.

These last were going to be the worse to boot. But there was no way her ass hole could take that fucking knot. No way at all. Or was there? She gasped as he started to push even harder. Debbie was sure it would never go.

But it would seam he was determined to do so. Goofy: Clarabelle come on now girl take it like a cow. He then gave her ass a hard smack and his dick a little more pressure. She thought fuck this I cant be ass up on this bed like this all night I have to get out of here. She sprang for it and goof pulled her back and she did it again and he pulled her back this when on for several more time's. Then this erotic tug of war came to a stop when goof pined her down to the bed by pining down her shoulders.




He pushed her face down in to the bedding. Goofy: Work with me Clarabelle and stop you talking. Debbie thought to her self. Well now Debbie you can not seam fight him off. You cant talk him out of it this way.

You cant wake him up this way.

So there is only one thing a girl can do. SHIT HIM OUT! And with this she started to flex her strong ass muscles to try to work him out like as if he were a Huge fucking turd. Goofy: Yah garsh Clarabelle you have never forgot a trick. That's it girl work that ass.

He then gave a push.

Debbie took a deep breath puffed out her cheeks and sweat popped out on her forehead as she then pushed hard with her other cheeks. Theist started yet another erotic tug of war between them. Debbie would bear down and grunt in to the shaking bed and try her best to try and Shit Goof's Meat monster out from of her tight asshole. Debbie:MMMMUUUUPPPPHHHH!

As she did she would manage to push out Ol Goof a inch or even two. But as soon as she would stop to rest he would ram it back to the knot and she could fill the pooter starting to give in to his fucking dick. After about the about fourth turn every time she tried to do it she would let out nasty little farts.

This went on for about 15 minutes.

Debbie was really starting to lose steam now. Debbie was about to lose all hope.

See mustard up all she had for one

last hard push.


She yelled in to the shaking bed as she clinched the bedding in her fist and beat them in to the bed.

The dick was slipping out _ slipping out _ slipping out _ Almost to the head now.

Debbie was thinking.

If i do get you out I am going to shit all over you. Then her asshole gave its best and that was it. Goof came ramming back in like a bull in a china house.

Debbie's dicked pooper had no defense left in it and he came in fast and hard there was no stopping it this time.

Debbie's eyes flew open and watered.

Debbies exhausted fartter stretched and kept on stretching. If he gets that knot in me I can never get him out unless he cum's. And if he doesn't I will be like this till he wakes up. And so she began to fight him again.

No cant take all of that fucker.

I cant let him in have to hold him out.

And as her fart funnel was stretched around the thickest part of the knot.

Goof stopped and enjoyed the tight feeling of it as it started once more began to pucker and fight.

Then Debbie realized that she had been wrong all the time if she had never tried and to put up this fight he never would have gotten in it. It was her own fault.

All the fighting had in fact made her hole become even more elastic and willing to him then keeping him out.

Yes she could have held him out like she had been doing if she had just not started

fighting him.

And she would have never been in this state now. And now it was to late. She did just what Goofy wanted her to do. She played right into his game plan.

And for that mistake she was about to be Ass Fucked by that monster. And as it did dawn on her Goof slipped it in the rest of the way. Debbie: NOOOOOOoooooo! Debbie yelled in to the shaking bed and beat her fist out of anger even more possibly then pain.

The next instant Debbie felt her asshole puckering against the sheath at the base if his dick like she were kissing it. Goofy: That's it girl. Goof then slapped her ass hard and made her jump on the bed and fart. Goofy: Yep that's my old Clarabelle. Goofy: Now its time for our favorite dance my dear Clarabelle. Duelling Bed Springs followed by the Turd Tango.

And then he started pumping her hard.

Fucking her as well as the knot would then allow. Goofy: Smells like some one is backing brownies. As the bed springs creaked and she farted with every pump she Grunting and Sobbing to her self. Debbie: Ouch! What the fuck have I got my self Argh! In to here?

Ummph! Squeak! Umpph! Squeak!

Goofy: Yep! that's our song all right.

Goofy: Garsh this is mighty fun clarabelle.

We should do this all the time.

Four hours had now passed since he had slipped the knot it. And the bed had never stopped creaking and the springs a squeaking for a second. Nor the steady Ploob! Ploob! Ploob! Ploob! sound of Debbies butt. Debbies Crap hole was so full of Goofs pre Cum it was falling on to the bedding between her parted legs.

And had formed a huge Puddle there.

With every out thrust he would pull back to were almost a 1/4 of the knot would slip from the pooper then pop back in making the Ploobing sound.

Debbie had gave up the fight long ago and just layed there and took it fingering her self in to a sexual daze.

Almost as if the rhythm of the pumping had placed her in to a hypnotic state.

Goof: But I think it is about time to bring this here to a end.

And with this Goof started to pump faster and faster. Ploob! Ploob! Ploob! Ploob!

Debbie was shook from her state and began to respond. Goofy was shaking her like a rag doll.

Faster and faster he pumped in to her.

Ploob! Ploob! Ploob! Ploob! Ploob! Ploob! Ploob! Ploob! Here we go! Then he came in her like a fucking fire hose. It was hot and burned her fucked raw shitter.

It pored from her ass none stop for almost 5 minutes. So fucking huge a load it coated the bed corner and covered the floor between his feet. Goofy! Well Aaah! thanks a lot Clarabelle. He then yanked his prod from for Poor fucked ass hole with loud.


And walked out the same way he came in.

Debbie stayed the watching him all the time with the most stupid look on her face.

Debbie: Did that just happen?

She started to get up.

Debbie: Ouch yah shit it sure did happen.

Then a sudden urge hit her and she jumped up. Holding her ass clamped tight and ran to the toilet.

Coming back from the toilet.

Debbie: Oh man was that the biggest shit I ever took in my life. And he

filled me so full of cum my turds were white washed looked like powder doughnuts.

She seen his door was open and peeked in there he was snoring away. She went back to her room and cleaned her bed and floor and put on new bedding.

Debbie: Well I guess it was my fault as much as his. But as she then got

in to bed she farted and said.

Debbie: But why is it he got to have all the fun.

Well that was not all true towards the end she was having as much fun as him fingering her pussy the the rhythm of his ass fucking. Debbie decided to stay.

Goof never seamed to know what had even happen. And there was no way she would ever tell him.

Besides she was busted it took all of her cash to get here. And she figured it was a one time shot and it was over with and would never happen again.

And she had to admit it was a wild time. And she liked the wild life now and then. And she did enjoy it her self at the end. And there was probably no way she would ever have a chance at sex like that again. Uncle Goof was a one of a kind that was for sure. It was just who she had done it with that was the broken spoke in the wheel. Gee if it was not for that I would not say No to taking another crack at the bolognie pony again sometime.

Well her chance came again that night with a replay of last nights sex game.

The next morning she when out and bought a huge jar of Vaseline. You never know just in case it was to happen some other time. As she put the Petroleum Jelly in to her stand. Debbie: Ouch Goof was not as free flowing last night and with me not even getting a chance to slobber on it a little. He all most ripped my asshole off on to that knot. Well I'll know better next time.

that is if there is a next time.

I doubt it but better off to plat it safe. But as the weeks when by she found him at her door every night. Some times there were different dreams

of Goof's.

Like the ones of Glory-Bee.

With them he would put her onto the bed and eat her pussy all night long.

She really liked that one.

And then there was the ones with Penny.

These dreams at first were a great problem when they started. They would have normal sex.

Not only did it take her poor little pussy a long time to get use to his vast penis.

There were other problems as well.

But a trip to the drug store took care of that. As for the dream most played out with her and the ol' Horn dog was still the one of Clarabelle.

And after a time it did become Debbie all time favorite act. As the months passed by she would lay on the pile of pillows in sexual delight and utter contentment as goof plowed at Deb's most inviting and willing shitter.

Of coarse this was always helped along with about a half a jar of Vaseline.

It was now in to the forth month that she had been with Goof when Debbie

heard the bedroom door open.

She was well greased perched on her

pillows and ready for her nightly ass reaming. The hole winked as she smiled her nude body shining in the hall light. Debbie: Come and get you hot fucking Stud I am waiting on you. She Snickers. Oh gosh Debbie I did not mean to.

Debbie: Max!

Deb screamed and bug eyed she Slipped her self down off the pillows sheepishly.

And held a pillow in front of her.

Debbie: What are you doing here?

Max: Well Camp is over and I live here.

Pop is still out Bowling and I just came in. I would have never dreamed you were in here like this. Woo hooo! You looked hot. Debbie: Stop it Pip-Squeak. That is not funny.

Max: Hows joking?

AHHH! I see you got the pillow treatment. Debbie: What how did you know? I mean what has this been a trick all this time with him. What with his Sleep Walking?

More like Sleep Fucking.

Max:No he is asleep.

It must be something in the back of his mind in his Subconscious that knows what it plans to do, and tell's him to do it without him knowing why he is doing it when he is still awake. But he only gets that way if he gets worked up about something while he is awake. Did you do something to get him all worked up that started it all? Debbie: Well geesh no I cant think of any thing off hand. But he has been in here every night for the last 4 month though. Max: Well heck who can blame him. But I would guess that his Subconscious knows you are in here and it just takes over every night.

Debbie: How come you know so much about this?

Max: Well lets put it this way.

Every time he watches Lassie i would have to nail my door shut. Debbie: Oh my Gosh you mean? Max: Well put it this way. You know were every camp is suppose to have one boy who sneaks in contraband in his ass? Well this time I snuck in a whole carton of cigarettes still on the box. Debbie: No! Max: Well no it was more like a half carton. He snickers. Debbie: Well I guess since you are back I will have to move on and try to get a place to stay.

Max: Why?

You can stay here and you and I can share this room. If you like Debbie there is a spaer bed out in the Garage out back. Debbie: Really you would do that for me?

Max: Sure what sort of Cousin would I be if I did not offer.

That's what family is for.

Debbie: What about Uncle goof?

Max: Are you kidding he would love for you to keep on staying here.

And not just when he is sleeping either. Snickers. Debbie: Funny well I better get Dressed. We can get out the old bed in the Garage. Max: Cool! Max: Oh there might be one problem? Debbie: Whats that. Max: I think Sleep Fucking runs in the family. Debbie: Really? Max: Well I don't know for sure but I think it is about to strike me any time.

Debbie: Well we will just have to deal with it when ever it may come up.

As Debbie bent over to pull on her pants she felt something bump in to her out thrust butt cheeks.

She turned around and looked down.

Max: I think it is already happening and I am not even asleep yet.

Max was sporting a bulge in his lose fitting pants about eight inches long and throbbing.

Debbie: My Gosh Max.

I would say you are sure a chip off the old block. She grabbed it like a stick shift and yanked it. Verrrroommmm!

Debbie: Lets forget about the spare bed tonight and do it in the


We can both sleep on here tonight.

Max: You sure there will be room for the both of us?

Debbie: Listen if ol' Goofy can get on me and fit I am sure it can

handle the both of us.

Debbie: Now hurry up and get ready for bed it is time for you to get to


Max: Right but one thing first.

Debbie: What?

Max: I have to get a can of nails and a hammer.

I don't want to wake up on no pile of pillows in the Morning. Either! The End


Renamon's Super naughty Fun Time Happy Sex Adventure!

Renamon's Super Naughty Fun Time Happy Sex Adventure! By Doc Icenogle Renamon: Gosh I can not belive that Ruki is having me stay with you. While She is gone to camp for next 2 months. She always said you were such pervert. U: Oh she was just...

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Renamon Bad Scat Puppy

As renamon walks in to the bathroom of a friend's. She finds White Wolf in the tub taking a bath. Renamon: Oh! I'm sorry White Wolf. I did not know you where in here. White Wolf: Hey! It's no problem. What did you need? ...

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