The Furry Farm - Melissa's Fate #2

Story by ForbiddentoSay on SoFurry

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[Okay, like the tags say, there is bukkake and gang-rape in this, so, if you don't like either(and for some reason are still here), or if you have a weak stomach as far as large amounts of cum goes, skip chapter 4. Yes, there is probably much worse written on this site, but what I have done is as far as I am willing to go, I myself dislike gang-rape(I like bukkake though...), so it was not easy for me to write. But it fits the story and that's what you sickos like XD There is only two chapters in this, 3&4. It's not a hugely long story by any means, I tried to stretch the detail as far as I could without getting dull, and I hope I have done so to your approval. So, with all that in mind, should you read I hope that you enjoy it greatly and, hopefully, get that nice warm fuzzy feeling in your pants, and then sticky... unless you don't have pants on in which case watch your keyboard(if your female reading this and pant-less, please tell me? :D). Enjoy ^.^]

Chapter #3

It was an hour or so after the cow had left that they brought her and the other slaves breakfast. It was delivered by an untagged cat of some kind, probably a mixed breed of some sort, brown and black fur, and a small nick out of his left ear. He took little interest in the slaves as he dropped of their meals, which consisted of thick porridge with milk and brown sugar, an apple, orange, and a glass of milk and another of orange juice. For the next few minutes the only sounds from within the barn were soft sobs, but those were constant, and clicking of spoons.

Setting her dish aside it was in time to hear a door open and small gasps as who or whatever it was came in. A shadow stopped in front of Melissa's door and gasped and scooted back. "No, please..." She begged, eyed wide and horrified.

Her stall door opened and the rhino walked in, the huge grey furry looked down at the small human in front of him, horn threatening on the end of his nose. He smiled down to her and then stepped in further as Melissa curled into a ball again. "Don't worry, darlin', I'm here to make sure he doesn't hurt you like he did the last one." Paul's voice rang as he stepped into the stall behind the rhino, mask on as always, and now he was wearing normal farm work clothing. "I heard that you met our resident hermaphrodite cow this morning? She had good things to say about you, well, mostly your tight cunt. Though, she did express concern about your lack of taking instruction, as far sucking her clean. You have to understand, darlin', you're here to service them, make them cum, it's not about you anymore." Paul explained. "Now, I'll over look it this time, but she'll probably be back in the morning to get another round out of you."

"I want to see Rook and Knight, I want to know that they are safe." Melissa said suddenly and instantly regretted speaking.

Paul sighed. "Those two boys have been causing nothing but trouble since they got here, we barely managed to get their tags on. We keep trying to control them but they won't listen, threatening them doesn't work either, you're lucky they care so much for you, my dear. Hm, still..." He thought for a moment then nodded. "Tell ya what; you play nice with Oleg here and I'll take you to see your stallions. Maybe if they heard it right from you they'll calm down before we have to put them down, be a shame too, they cost me a good bit. Don't worry about Oleg, you place nice with him and he'll play... well, he'll play with you in his own way. I'm only here to make sure he doesn't accidentally do permanent damage since Ven's busy." Paul turned and grabbed a chair from outside the stall and took a seat at the door to watch.

Finally, with the talking over, Oleg the rhino moved forward to Melissa. Between his legs his cock was starting to slip out of the sheath quickly. It was pink and long, but not overly thick. At full length it would be around seventeen inches, while at the tip about half an inch thick and thickening to just about three inches at the base. So while Melissa realized it would fill her deeply, it wouldn't stretch her out like a stallion.

But that didn't take away from the fact that she didn't want this and that he would likely be rough with her, even with Paul there. Melissa shrunk back as the rhino approached her, rubbing himself before holding it out for her to suck. Melissa, used to sucking off thicker horse cock, crawled forward and took Oleg's long slick shaft into her hands and started to stroke him. She would behave this time; she wanted to see Rook and Knight, to make sure they were okay.

The big beast moaned as the human stroked him with a tight grip, up and down the full length of his long pink shaft. She licked at it teasingly now and then, running her tongue along the full length and licking at the tip. The next time she licked at it Ogel thrust forward so Melissa obeyed and sucked him into her mouth as much as she could. He stopped for the moment and the human started to suck the cock nice and hard, getting as much into her as she could.

But a few moments of this and Ogel grabbed her hair and started to thrust, fucking her mouth, and causing her to gag. He thrust hard once down her throat past her gag reflex so she couldn't gag properly and could barely breath, he snorted and held her there. "Ogel!" Paul said in a stern voice behind the rhino and the big beast pulled his member out of Melissa's throat and she dropped coughing and gasping for breath.

She didn't have much time before Ogel dropped to his own knees behind her as he stroked himself and stuffed his shaft into her cunny. Melissa gasped again as he didn't stop until he reached her cervix and pushed even a little harder still, getting nearly his entire length into her. He started to hump her quickly and hard while licking at her breasts, his hands, balled into fists, on either side of her head for support. Melissa cried as she felt his tip reaching so far into her and he wasn't gentle about it, ramming into her as hard as he could. If his goal was to make it feel good for himself and not her then he was doing a very good job at it.

Melissa caught movement beside her as Paul came around to look at her, his own pants bulging. "Enjoying yourself, darlin'? Ogel is, and he's got stamina to spare to." Paul said as he sat on her bed and pulled his own cock out from his pants, Melissa was relieved, at least he wasn't huge. Ogel didn't need to be told as he virtually lifted Melissa up with his cock stuck in her cunt and moved her over to Paul and between his legs.

Melissa moaned as Ogel continued to ram her cunny with that long cock of his, thankfully it wasn't thick the whole way up, just the last five inches or so were thick. While he did that, Paul took hold of Melissa's hair and pulled her to his own cock and she wrapped her lips around it firmly and started so suck. Paul moaned and released his grip on her hair to allow her to suck while Ogel fucked her.

Taking it from both sides, Melissa's body was reacting accordingly and she started to cum despite her great dislike of this situation, her body betraying her. Paul was only human and lasted accordingly as he emptied himself into Melissa's mouth in short order. Paul, being finished for now, allowed Melissa to clean him off before putting his cock away and just watched.

Ogel, for his part, tired of the doggy style position, pulled out long enough to get Melissa on her back in the hay and drove himself back in again. Melissa gasped and screamed, he hadn't stuffed himself back into her cunny but her ass and all the way in to. The human gasped and cried as the long slick member was pulled out and replaced again within her tight ass, the rhino snorted and groaned in pleasure. It could have felt good, it wasn't an overly thick shaft compared to the stallions, but he hadn't been slow enough for Melissa's ass to get stretched some before driving in. So it was a little more then painful at the moment and the human found her entire body being shoved back as Ogel reached his end and pushed that little but more.

Melissa cried again, her body betraying her as a sudden orgasm ran through her, coating Ogel's thighs in some of her juices. The rhino smiled as her body reacted to his actions even though her mind and eyes showed otherwise. Ogel looked at something and then grabbed Melissa's sides as he rolled onto his back, spinning her as he did so her back was on his chest. He never slipped out of her not stopped fucking her ass in this time, while a freshly erected Paul came over between Melissa's legs and pushed into her cunny.

Melissa moaned despite herself, she had been filled much more, but this was still too much for her, more so on an emotional level. She despised both of these males for taking advantage of her, raping her, buying her, using her as a fuck toy and that was the worst of it all. Not only that they were probably harming her stallions because they would not behave, she had to get through this to see them and tell them to behave so they would not get hurt, or she get hurt because of them.

"That's it, Melissa, just allow us to do what we please, that's your job now, you're a cumrag, a chew toy and a fuck toy." Paul said as he continued to thrust into her, Ogel filling her ass with his long slick cock. Melissa's eyes watered but a moment later she came to another orgasm and right after that Paul emptied himself into her and pulled out and sat back again on his chair. She couldn't see his face for the mask, but she knew he was smiling.

With Paul out of his way, Ogel was free to do what he wanted without interruption. The rhino sat up with Melissa in his lap and then dropped her on all four again and him on his knees. Ogel pulled out of her ass and flopped his cock on her back, grunting, Melissa understood the message and grimaced as she turned around and took his cock in her hands again. She disliked sucking a cock that had been in her ass, she had tolerated it with Rook and Knight because she had cleaned herself out well before hand, but she hadn't the chance now. The rhino snorted and thrust forward, hitting her in the cheek and making a long strand of pre stretch back from her cheek to his tip.

Taking a deep breath, Melissa sucked his cock back into her mouth, wincing at the taste and gagging as she shoved it down her throat for a moment. A moment that lasted a little too long and when he finally did pull out Melissa found herself gagging again and coughing once again. Oleg made a motion and Melissa turned around again and presented herself to him and again the rhino, like his feral kin, rammed himself back into her, this time her cunny.

Melissa came hard again against his long shaft as it pushed against her cervix and then some. The human's eyes were tightly shut as the rhino gored her pussy wide open with long, deep reaching thrusts. After the second orgasm she gave in to it and started to push back against him, his pre sticky on her back now.

Glancing back she saw Paul was speaking into a cell phone, how long she had no idea. He nodded and hung up and then continued to watch, Melissa shuddered whatever that had been about, it was about her, with the way that mask was looking at her.

She didn't get much more time to think as Ogel pulled out and stood, grabbing her shoulder and pulling her up to her shaking legs. Paul moved out of the way as Ogel sat on the edge of Melissa's bed, which groaned unhappily under his weight, but held out. Showing how strong he was, Ogel picked Melissa up like nothing and sat her on his shaft again, using her own weight again her to impale her all the way.

He slid down so that his ass was hanging over the edge and put Melissa's knees on the bed. Melissa had a millisecond to register was he was going to do before he dropped his thigh, pulling himself almost all the way and driving back up into her. She cried out and would have been pushed off of him if his strong hands weren't grabbing her breasts. His pace was slow for a few moments but soon he found his rhythm and his speed was picking up fast, bouncing the poor human woman up and down on his long shaft. She felt that if he was even in inch longer he would have broken something with in her with how hard her was pounding her.

After another three orgasms Melissa stopped counting, her cunny was getting sore and she was starting to feel tired. Ogel kept going for another good twenty minutes straight of fucking up inside of her, when he [i]finally[/i] snorted and groaned. As quickly as he could without pulling out, the rhino spun Melissa onto her back in time for him to start cumming into her cunny, she could feel his warm seed sticking inside of her. Before he was finished and between spurts, he pulled his cock out, but rammed a finger in, and aimed the rest at her face, and the human opened her mouth to swallow what she could. Even with the large amount she managed to drink, her face, hair and breasts were messy and covered in cum.

Ogel reached over and grabbed the dish her breakfast had been in and placed it under her cunny, pulling his finger out. In a gush his seed spilled out into the bowl while Melissa could only lay there and try and catch a breath. The rhino used his finger to work as much out of her as he could before placing the bowl on the floor and then handed her the spoon she had used. She looked at him for a moment before heading to the bowl, but he stopped her and pointed to her chest, and she looked to Pual. "It's what he wants you to do, I suggest you get used to it."

Using the spoon, Melissa scooped the cum from her breasts and face and fed it to herself one spoon at a time. The rhino cum was thick and strong of musk, and it was sticking in her throat as well. But she forced herself on, making herself think it was Rook and Knight's cum instead helped her through it. But that only lasted so long until she was finished and Ogel got her to lean down and lap at the bowl of cum like a dog. It wasn't easy, but it was clear that Ogel liked what she was doing as he stroked himself while watching.

When the bowl was empty Melissa coughed and sat back on her bum and waited to see what would happen next. Ogel looked to Paul who shook his head and the rhino looked disappointed. "Oh, come no, Ogel, you'll get her again soon. Besides, a promise is a promise, and those two stallions are causing shit again. Come along, darlin', we'll go see your boys." Paul said and opened the stall door for her.

"But, I'm still covered in his cum..." Mostly she was, she was still really sticky from the residue.

"You'll get cleaned later, for now, you have to get your stallions to understand exactly what's going on here and what will happen you them, and you, if they don't behave. I think smelling Ogel on your might help drive that point home, that there is nothing they can do to help you now. Now, come on." He grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the stall while Ogel followed.

The three of them walked through the grounds, Melissa naked as the day she was born with cum still stuck in her hair. Humans and furries were walking all around, tagged and untagged. A human couple walked past and glanced over Melissa for a moment, Paul nodded and greeted them, they were clients heading to their reserved furry for their session. "They are a nice couple really, but really, really kinky at times, and rich. Today they have two cats, a tiger and a panther, and a couple of does reserved, where they are going now. Likely they'll have the furries put a show on for a bit before getting involved themselves and then they'll get messy." Paul explained casually.

As they approached a building loud banging noises and cries could be heard from inside and the occasional angry whinny and snort. Paul led her inside and the sight within brought tears to Melissa's eyes. Both Rook and Knight were chained to the floor, but still had enough room to move around, and it was enough movement to allow them to bring their strength to bear. One of Rook's legs wasn't chained and that he was using to his advantage with flailing kicks at the others inside, the elephant, another stallion all jet black, and Ven and the Doctor.

Pual pushed Melissa forward and she looked back at him before looking to the stallions. "Rook, Knight..." She started and they both stopped and stared at her for a long moment before catching the rhino's scent all over her and looked to him. "No! Wait, stop, please, you two need to settle down." Melissa begged and moved right up to them and then kneeled down as she placed a hand on each of their noses and petted them gently. "Please, for your own sake, just obey them and do what they say, or they'll kill." Knight snorted. "Don't be like that, Knight, if they kill you they'll do worse to me, remember what Paul said in the truck? If any one of us acts up the other two get the punishment, think about that, be damned thankful they haven't decided to punish you yet." Which, of course, meant her, and by the look in their eyes as they looked to each other, they understood. "Do you understand? We can't win, not with those two around..." She gestured to Ogel who was finally softening some, and the elephant. "Please, for your own sake and mine, I'm sorry but you have to do what they tell you to before they do permanent harm to you. I don't think you want to be... geldings." Their eyes went wide and they shook their manes. "I didn't think so, please, just behave, can you do that for me?" She asked and they nodded, gently nuzzling her and she gave them each a kiss on the snout.

Paul seemed happy with that and pulled Melissa back from them. "Good, now that you two understand, allow my employees to do their jobs. Or, like your lady said, you'll be geldings and she'll, well, I think it's better if you don't know about it." He looked to the panther. "Ven, take her to get cleaned please and then back to her stall to rest, she'll have a busy evening once all the guests have gone home."

Ven nodded and ushered Melissa out the door. On the way out, two things happened, she Paul asked the doctor is everything was ready for that night, and Ogel slapped her on the ass. She eeped at the sting and glared at the now smiling rhino, while Rook and Knight hung their heads and allowed the doctor to work on them.

Ven got Melissa to the same cleaning room in the main building as before and followed her inside. "Get clean." He said, shutting the door behind him and leaning back on it. "Well... get on with it." He growled.

"Are you going to grab me and fuck me again or force me to suck you off? Might as well get it done if you are." Melissa replied heading for the shower stall while keeping an eye on the feline.

Ven smiled, showing his fangs. "Good, you learn quick, but, no, I'm not going to right now, later though, we'll have fun again."

She didn't buy it but when she finished showering he was still waiting for her, he hadn't touched her or come any closer, leaving her alone. "What's going on?" She asked and he laughed and shook his head, and brought her back to her stall again.

"Rest, you need it, no one will bother you for now either." The cat said, locked the stall and left.

Melissa watched him go and went to sit on her bed, but it still had some of Ogel's cum on it so instead she laid down on the hay pile. Her body was starting to recover from Ogel's treatment and tears filled her eyes when she thought about her stallions and how they were being treated now. Such proud beasts brought so low all because they cared for her so much when they did not have to. Melissa added her own soft sobbing to that of what she could make out from her fellow captives around her and closed her eyes. Ven had said to rest, which would not be easy, but, he would not have said it lightly.

Chapter #4

She had no idea how long she had been sleeping, but when Melissa woke up it was to the sound of her stall being opened. She stretched and looked over to the door to see Paul standing there. "Come on, let's go, darlin'." He said and waited for her.

Melissa got to her feet and walked over to him. "What's going on?" She asked.

"You'll see, come." Paul ushered her out of the stall and out into the yard, it was early evening, no one was around, not even clients. "You've been invited to a party." Paul said, his voice holding sick humour as she was led into a small building, a small one three room outfit. It was the private quarters for one of the employee furries, one of the higher up ones who got a private place instead of having to share with the others.

Much noise was coming from the place and shapes moved past the windows and when the door opened, Melissa saw that all of the employees of the place, near thirty in all, human and furry alike, were there. Paul pushed her in and everyone turned to look at her, cheering as they did, Melissa started to shiver, her mind playing out very bad scenarios now.

Out of them all one came over to her, the doe she had seen that morning forcing the woman to eat her out. The deer smiled to her and reached out to stroke the human's cheek and looked to Paul with a nod. "Good. Melissa, Petal here is celebrating her birthday today and she's chosen you to be the entertainment for the evening. So, off you go, you two have fun."

Petal smiled and grabbed Melissa by the wrist and pulled her into the bedroom and tossed her on the bed. Melissa had had time to notice what looked like a small wading pool, empty, on the floor, but the shape had been different. She didn't get much time to think as the doe was right on top of her suddenly licking at her face and neck while the others filed in to watch.

Melissa instinctively struggled against the deer's paws keeping her arms pinned but that only got the doe worked up more and she started licking at Melissa's breasts instead. As Petal continued her fun, Melissa finally felt what was under her, plastic? There was a plastic covering on the bed they were on, which probably was not a good sign....

The human moaned as the doe stuck her nose into Melissa's cunny and started to lick and finger, and fingering her ass at the same time while Melissa squirmed. The others around them were starting to cheer the doe on with her tonguing of the human's pussy. Melissa couldn't help it, the deer knew what she was doing and with a cry Melissa came and squirted all over the deer's face, getting an excited cheer from the onlookers in the room.

The deer smiled and sat up licking her muzzle to taste Melissa's juices looking over to everyone for a moment. She laid down and Melissa figured quickly she had better do what she was told, there were too many people in here that could hurt her. She sat up and leaned over to start licking at Petal's tart cunny, getting a few fingers in as well. Petal made happy sounds at this and rubbed her breasts, poking one finger back into Melissa's pussy to tease.

While the human was doing her job, to her horror, she looked up and saw that every single male, female and herm in the room, human and furry, were pawing themselves while watching. Melissa shivered then yelped when the doe nipped at her ass cheek to make her keep going and Melissa was forced to put all her attention on the doe's pussy. After a while the doe bucked her hips up and came, covering Melissa's face now in her female cum, making the small crowd cheer again.

Petal murred to herself and sat up again, getting Melissa on all fours on the bed. Melissa was shaking with fear as she felt Petal moved around and then saw what the doe was getting; two toys. Two huge toys. One was a replica horse cock, two feet long and flared at the head and 3 inches thick. The other was modeled after a wolf, or at least some kind canine, but it was oversized, ten inches long, two thick with a three inch knot.

Petal was defiantly one to like showing off as she produced a small bottle of lube, placed some in her hands and mocked stroking off the horse cock. Melissa clamped her eyes shut, they were all pawing at themselves and watching. She jumped when she felt the head at the opening of her lips before Petal pushed the long shaft all the way, making Melissa cry out and the onlookers whoot and call in excitement. Melissa moaned, that toy was even larger then Rook or Knight were, she had never been so filled! But it was not over as a few moments later the doe started to slowly push the other toy into Melissa's ass, making the human's eyes water with some pain until her tight hole could get stretched and used to it. She gasped loudly when the was forced and sobbed as new pain ran through her and he arms gave, dropping her head to a pillow and putting her backside on full display.

Melissa was still sobbing as Petal finished and the crowd loved it. Petal smiled and got Melissa to sit up on her knees, every movement made awkward by the two large toys stuck in her, she could feel them moving as she did. The doe forced Melissa to stand and then step into the small wading pool on her knees that had been seen before, and Melissa had been right, it was oddly shaped. Instead of completely round, at one side there were two indents, and it was quickly known what they were used for as someone stepped up to them.

Melissa looked up to a young man looked down at her, his cock hanging out of his pants, his feet placed in the indents on the pool so that his member was into the pool. He was stroking himself like everyone else was, and Melissa felt more tears in her eyes, now knowing what was going to happen to her. He grabbed her hair to make her face him in time for him to blow his load in her opened mouth and on her face. He squeezed everything out before putting it away and stepping aside.

So, this was the real party then? Petal and Melissa's time together had been to get everyone excited? Paul had said that Petal had chosen Melissa as the entertainment, so that must have meant she had also chosen this to the night's activities?

Next up was a woman Melissa hadn't seen before, rubbing her cunny as Melissa got into position, not having to be asked. The woman let out a moan and squirted over Melissa before taking a few deep breaths and stepping side. After he was another female human who made Melissa lick her cunny until she orgasmed, but she wasn't a squirter. A fox stepped up next, stroking himself but before he could go off, Melissa cried out as the toys in her holes suddenly started to vibrate. These things were made for furries, not humans and it felt like her insides would melt.

The fox laughed and leaned forward, blowing his load all over Melissa's face. This pattered would continue, and the small pool she was kneeling in had a nice layer to it of mixed cum. Dr. Susan came over with a large smile, she had a small vibrator stuck in her pussy and Melissa spotted a plug in her bum as well. "Open wide, Melissa." Susan said and Melissa, now in automatic, did so as Susan filled her mouth with lady cum and Melissa swallowed what she could.

Another ten minutes passed and by now ten of the thirty or so people had cummed on their cumrag, the furries outlasting the humans for the most part. A mouse came over while stroking himself, and Ogel was nice enough to lift the small mouse up some so that he could cum into Melissa's mouth. After the mouse Paul stepped up and blasted his own load onto her face, cum was dripping down her front, stuck in her hair and soaking her throat.

Paul stepped back and the herm cow from before stepped up, stroking her cock and fingering her pussy. Melissa actually smiled up at the cow as the bovine shot her cum load from her cock and a moment later brought her cunny to squirt as well, making Melissa's face drip even more. She stepped back and the jet black stallion Melissa had saw with Rook and Knight stepped up, his eighteen inch shaft hard as steel and Melissa teasingly flicked her tongue along his tip. The stallion snorted and whinnied as he blasted Melsisa's face like a cannon, she flinched at the first spray but then got her mouth opened to accept what she could into her mouth. Swallowing as much of the cum seed as she could, and it would have tasted similar to her own stallions if not for all the other cum types in her mouth.

As the stallion moved aside, Melissa stiffened as she felt someone behind her and glanced to see it was Petal. The doe smiled and bent down and Melissa cried out again, arching her back, as the deer moved the toys around in circles in the human's filled holes. Petal giggled and pushed against the bases of the toys making Melissa cry out again, much to everyone else's delight.

Petal eventually let go and as Melissa recovered Ogel stepped over, his long cock slick with pre as he quickly stroke himself. The human cumrag barely had time to react as he started to go coat her in a new layer, his thick cum sticky her to skin more easily then even the stallions. As he finished he squeezed out the last few drops and smiled, stepping aside as Ven took his place now. The panther was purring loudly as he smiled to Melissa before cumming on her face, some of it missed and dropping onto her breasts but it only added to what was already there.

Finished, the feline stepped aside and was replaced by a mare who didn't last much longer once she got into place and sprayed Melissa with more female juices, and plenty of it. The mare stepped aside and a muscled wolf took her place, stroking quickly and plugging his cock into Melissa's mouth up to his knot before unloading therein. Melissa was forced to swallow nearly all of it until she gagged around the shaft and come came out, allowing her to breath again.

Time meant nothing to Melissa now, she was beyond caring any more, allowing them to win. Six more came up for their turn to make a further mess of their cum slut for the evening, they were drinking and having a grand time, occasionally someone would come up for another turn to unload on her. Off to one side the stallion had his long shaft buried deep into the mare's cunny, they were a mated pair and she was trying to get pregnant, so they took whatever opportunity they could to rut.

Melissa had lost track a long time ago of how many had finished themselves on her and her only time of actual thought was when Petal worked the toys that were still stuck in her. Obviously they weren't making Melissa cum, or she would have a few times by now, no, her body had little idea what was going on at the moment and didn't know how to react and it wasn't getting any good tips from the mind either. Melissa was in autopilot again, as they came up she opened her mouth wide to allow them to cum there, or licked and teased, or ate them out.

The next up was a rare breed seen in this part of the world, a lion , rarer still was a lioness, which was behind him, another mated pair. The male was purring even louder then Ven had been as he started to cum on the human on her knees, three times in succession before he was satisfied. Right after him, his mate stepped up. She rubbed at her clit and cunny and got Melissa to give light teasing licks until she came, but, the lioness was not a squirter either, so no added juices for the pool and the two inches of cum Melissa was kneeling.

After the lioness a white tail deer, a buck, walked up, his long thin cock shining with his pre. Melissa opened wide for him but he snorted and shook his head and she closed her mouth, taking his full load all over her face, head held back to catch more of the sticky goo. As the buck moved aside a brown furred rabbit came over, his hand a near blur as she stroked himself until he came into Melissa's mouth, his fast recovering allowing him second go in only a few seconds.

As he stepped aside the room seemed to get quieter as they watched the huge elephant furry, who could barely stand in the room he was so tall, walk over to Melissa and her wading pool. He looked down at her and she looked up at him and that monster of a cock he was stroking between his legs. It was a few inches longer then Ogel's, a hefty nineteen inches and a pussy tearing three and a half inches at the thickest.

All eyes were on him as he aimed for the back of Melissa's throat, the human cumrag opening her mouth willingly for the huge beast. He trumpeted loudly from his trunk as the first stream nearly knocked Melissa back on her ass, which of course would have pleased every as she rammed the toys in further. Instead her back hit the foot of the bed and there she was pinned for the next near minute as the elephant emptied his seed all over her.

They all cheered at the site and Melissa collapsed into her pool, laying in the thick, sticky cum to try and catch her breath again and get her mind to work. Her eyes were hollow and she didn't notice as Petal came over and removed the two large toys from her ass and cunny. She just laid there in that mess as they all filed out of the room and back into the main room to continue Petal's birthday party.

Melissa was unmoving, she had no idea how long she had been there or anything, she was aware enough to know when someone came into the room. The main entertainment was over with the gathering of everyone for a bukkake party on her, Petal's choice. But since the party itself wasn't over for her birthday, everyone was free to come back into the room and cum on Melissa some more. Thankfully few of them forced her to get up and help, instead just allowed her to lay there and cummed on her.

Dr. Susan was one of them to come in and finger herself to squirt over her again. When she was finished the doctor kneeled down beside the pool and looked to Melissa's blank eyes, a small on her face. "Well, the good thing is you don't look like you're going to be sick, and I suggest that you don't, would ruin Petal's party and the pool girl might take it out on you. She can be a kind girl if you obey her, Melissa and do I suggest that you do, unless you like punishment. Good night, dear." Susan smiled and walked back to the party.

Time passed, more cum was splattered onto her until night came and everyone was gone aside from the birthday doe. Petal smiled and came back into her bedroom with her cum soaked guest still lying in the small wading pool. Melissa's eyes moved to the deer as she came and sat in the pool with the human, watching her. Petal pressed forward and licked Melissa's sticky cheek and smiled, and the cumrag managed to speak in a whispered voice. "Do you really like it that much?" Petal cocked her head to one side then nodded and licked Melissa again. "I've never seen anyone that loving of cum before... you are sick." Melissa said but without much conviction.

Petal only smiled and giggled and showed how much she really loved the sticky goo by forcing Melissa to roll in it, coating her body. Melissa stood as instructed and then watched in shock was Petal did the same thing. Once her own fur was nicely coated, Petal stood and crawled onto her bed, showing why it was covered in plastic. She looked to Melissa and patted the pillow next to her and the human crawled up with the doe and immediately found the deer's weight on her. Petal pressed her muzzled to Mellisa's mouth in a long, sticky kiss.

Melissa could do nothing but give in and play at Petal's game until the doe had felt she had had enough. Pulling Melissa right up against her, so their sticky bodies were tight and oozing cum between them, Petal nuzzled to Melissa and shut her eyes to sleep. The human sighed, apparently she was going to be this slutty deer's cumrag/teddy... human, for the night. Petal quickly fell asleep(and she was kind of drunk) and cuddled up closer to Melissa who sighed and closed her own eyes.

Melissa moaned as she was lightly shaken awake by Petal, she sat up, dried cum all over her body and Petal's body to. "Morning?" Melissa said without thinking and then blinked when she saw Ven standing there with a grin in his face.

Petal looked to Ven and made some noises before looking back to Melissa, Ven translated. "Petal wants to thank you for last night, you were a well behaved cumrag for everyone. You were good enough that Petal will help you clean up instead of making you do it by yourself." He paused long enough to show that he wasn't translating anymore. "Paul said that once you get cleaned you go back to your stall and get good meal, can't have you weak or sick, costs too much to make you feel better. It is noon, lunch time soon, you won't have to worry about anyone else coming for you." He looked to Petal who shook her head, having nothing more to add, and with that Ven left without another word.

Together, Melissa and Petal got things cleaned up, the pool of course was the hardest and they carefully dragged it outside and stood it against the wall of the building at the back. Petal found a hose and Melissa sprayed the pool clean, the deer must have been really good at whatever she did since she had this place to herself and those toys.

"Morning, laides." Paul said and Melissa nearly jumped out of her skin in surprise. "Oh, sorry, didn't mean to scare ya, darlin'. You enjoy your party, Petal, was she a good girl?" Petal smiled and nodded happily. "Good, I take it Ven was already here to speak with you. Enjoy your rest, you've actually had it rather easy since you got here."

Melissa blinked and dared a question. "P... Master, if I may ask, what is Petal's job around here?"

Paul smiled, as did Petal. "She does a few things for me. I have a friend who owns an adult toy factory, Petal helps get the castes of the males and females employees here for toy making. Those two you enjoyed last night we specially made for her as a thank you gift from us for all her hard work. She also helps out with the office work when needed and other small jobs here and there, she does a lot actually, and she's been here for, wow, it has to be upwards of five year, right dear?" Petal thought for a moment then nodded. "She's earned what she has here, because she works hard for it, she even worked yesterday up to her own birthday part and is helping you clean up. So you should consider yourself lucky, she's about the only one here who would help you. Anyway, I don't want to hold you up on your day off, Petal, enjoy." He turned and left.

Paul gone, the two females finished up cleaning before heading back into the main building and down to the showering room. With hot water running, they jumped in together, Melissa washing down the doe's smooth fur and body with soapy hands, getting all of the sticky, dried on cum out of Petal's fur, from every part of her body. When she was don she used the personal shower head to rinse down Petal before it was her turn and Petal was kind enough to wash down Melissa as Melissa had done to her.

Towelling each other off, Petal led Melissa back to her stall and locked her in, the human sighed, back to hell again it seemed, at least someone had cleaned her stall in the mean time. Petal came back a few minutes later with a large tray of food, not crappy food either, hearty food to get Melissa's strength back. "Thank you, Petal." Melissa said and the doe smiled and winked at her before leaving.

Alone, Melissa started to eat slowly, oh, she knew all that cum in her would have to come out sometime. The first time she had guzzled all of Rook and Knight's cum from a container she had gotten sick from it, surprisingly she wasn't sick right now, at least not yet. That could change so she ate while close to her toilet, her body could just be in shock or something, or Susan had injected her with something to make sure she didn't get sick from all that jizz.

Either way, Melissa ate slowly, if she had the rest of the day to relax and rest, she might as well take it while she could. According to them, she had had it easy, as if Ogel had been easy! If that was easy she was dreading what hard would be, oh, she hadn't forgotten that elephant and that massive shaft he was toting around between his legs. Melissa's cunny shivered just at the thought, but not in anticipation for it, in fear of it.

Pushing those thoughts aside, she focused on eating her meal and put her thoughts on the good times he had had with Rook and Knight... while weeping over the fact that from now on she would only have those memories. No new ones.

(this may or may not be the end of the Melissa seriers, I don't know yet, depends on how much time I have and I do want to get back to the main Furry Farm story line as well :P)