Summer Camp: Chapter 2

Story by Westley on SoFurry

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Ok, so this is my second story, and since they don't get posted until I write two, here it is.

As said in the last story comments will be much appreciated.

Oh yeah, this is where it gets good, so all you pups shoo!


"Hey Sam!" Katy said

Sam turned around and spoke "What?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

Sam paused for a moment and said "Yeah, but I broke it off, we weren't meant for each other." Sam felt uncomfortable lying to Katy. She was gorgeous, and extremely well shaped. Sam looked over Katy again and realized what he had seen.

"Oh," said Katy, "Well she lost a bundle." Katy smirked

"Oh really? Would you want to pick up this bundle" Sam said coyly

"What?" Katy asked.

"I mean, would you like to go out with me?" Sam said. He hoped she would say yes, he wouldn't want to look stupid on the bus before he got there.

"Sure, Sammy" and she winked at him. She quickly sat in an empty seat and called Sam over. "Sam, come here"

Sam walked over there, and they talked for the next three hours.

Sam and Katy had a lot in common. They both watched the same TV shows and they both cheered on the same sports teams, and they even both exercised the same way.

Soon the bus came to a stop and the camp councilor yelled "ALRIGHT EVERYONE, GRAB YOUR STUFF FROM THE TRAILER AND GO INTO YOUR ASSIGNED CABIN"

"Well, I guess Ill see you at dinner Katy" Sam said as they hugged.

"Alright Sammy" Katy said as she pecked him on the cheek with a kiss.

Sam blushed slightly but it was unnoticed as he hurried off the bus. Sam grabbed his stuff and went to his cabin.

"Cabin three" said thought aloud.

"Hey Fruity" Tyler said as he walked passed him. "I guess we have the same cabin. It's us two and Scott, he's the German Sheppard over by the bus still. There is another but I'm not sure who he is."

"Cool," Sam spoke "didn't I already tell you I wasn't gay?"

"Whatever. I couldn't help but overhear that you exercise. You want to go running with me in the morning?"

"Sure, I'm just wondering, what do you do for workouts? You are very buff, I've tried but got just sore, no results."

"Sure, I'll show you in the morning" Tyler said. "I'm going to unpack"

Sam nodded as he put his stuff down and sat on the bench outside of the cabin. "Hey" said who Sam thought was Scott.

"Hey, I'm Sam"

"I'm Scott, nice to meet you" and Scott perked up a little, and offered his paw.

Sam took it and Shook it eagerly, figuring he may make himself a new friend.


Sam walked toward the mess hall as he got jumped on by Katy. "Hey Cutie"

"And hello to you too" Sam spoke. He carried her for a little while and then he put her down as they walked in together.

"The food here is really good. I think you'd like it"

They both walked up in line and as Katy grabbed her tray she brushed her tail in between his legs. She giggled and Sam murred lightly in the back of his throat. Sam realized it had been about two days since he had cum. He could feel his shaft begin to come out of his sheath. He changed his stance so he could hide his ever growing erection. Katy stepped back and brushed his crotch again, and giggled a little.

Is he horny? Does he want to fuck me? Yes! I so hope we can do it this summer.

Katy looked back at him and smiled, wishing for the best summer ever.


Sam and Katy both talked a mouthful all night until it was curfew and the counselor rang the bell.

"I guess I have to leave you. I really don't want to" said Sam.

"Neither do I, my sexy Sammy."

"Oh, so now I'm sexy?" Sam said teasingly

"You've always been sexy to me Sam" Katy spoke and passionately kisses him on the lips.

"You taste so sweet" Sam chuckled

Katy laughed and they walked to their separate cabins.

"So, am I gay now?" Sam asked Tyler.

"Only a gay person questions their own orientation." Tyler said.

Sam blew it off and said "Remember to wake me up"

"Alright, night guys" Tyler said.


"Hey fruity, get up, time to exercise." Tyler said.

"Alright.....I'm up."

Sam stood, and stretched then quickly dragged out his shorts and changed into them. Sam turned around ready as Tyler was there waiting for him.

"Alright let's go."

Sam and Tyler went running for about thirty minutes and then they walked over to the showers, sweaty and dripping with their scents, and Sam had caught a whiff and liked it, but it didn't seem normal, something peculiar about it. Sam turned around with a weak smile on his face and opened the door for Sam.

"That was a good run" said Tyler

"Yeah" Sam replied, and removed his clothing. Tyler stared at Sam, and then he removed his clothing.

"I want to wash you" Tyler said. Tyler was breathing heavily.

"OK, are you sure YOU aren't gay?"

"No I'm sure I am gay, and I want you." Sam stared at Tyler in thought. He did think that Tyler was attractive. Sam's eyes traced Tyler's muscular body down to his penis. It was already completely erect. Sam gave in to Tyler's intentions, and spoke "Take it slow"

"Don't worry, ill be gentle"

Tyler got behind Sam and started to massage his sheath. Slowly, Sam's eight inch member came into full view. Tyler was amazed at his length,

"And they say horses are the biggest," Tyler ogled.

Sam chuckled and turned to face Tyler. Tyler bent down on his knees and groped Sam's balls. Tyler slowly took Sam's full length into his mouth. Sam moaned with pleasure as Tyler massaged his cock with his tongue. Tyler started to pump on Sam's cock and lick his shaft, and Sam moaned even louder. Tyler started to play with Sam's balls and stroke himself.

Sam wasn't used to this amount of sensation at once, and was already driven to the edge. "Woah," Sam grunted "slow down, I'm almost there."

Tyler looked up and took his mouth off of his shaft. "Sorry, dude, it must be your first time. Well, as you calm down, you suck me."

Sam complied and went down to Tyler's shaft .Tyler grabbed Sam's mane and pulled him to his crotch. Sam felt even more turned on and started to like the tip of Tyler's penis. Tyler moaned with the pleasure and leaned against the wall. Sam tried to go further down his shaft, but caught himself choking on him.

"Hey, Sam." Tyler said "Thanks for being a good sport. Oh I do have one rule. We always swallow."

Sam took Tylers member out of his mouth and said "Sure". Sam turned on the shower and was soon covered in water. Sam grabbed the soap and lathered up his hands and put Tyler's shaft back into his mouth.

Tyler was nearing there, but was pushed even further as Sam started to finger Tyler's asshole.

"Oh, Fuck you're good" Tyler moaned loudly "Katy's really lucky."

Sam Tried again to stick Tyler's massive member down his throat and had succeeded without gagging. Sam thrust his fingers deeper into his ass and tried to swallow. Sam gagged ad Tyler moaned even louder.

"OH GOD, IM CUMMING!" Tyler exclaimed. Sam quickly took him in his mouth and was filled with Tyler's hot seed. Tyler's orgasm came to an end and Sam tried to swallow his creaminess. "Wow you are good, for a first timer."

Sam swallowed and said "Thanks, and you taste awesome."

Tyler laughed and said "Now you get to ride the pony." Tyler grabbed the soap and lubed up sam's cock. Then Tyler bent down on all fours and raised his tail as an invitation.

"You want to go?" Tyler asked

"Hell Yeah" Sam spoke. Sam crawled over on his knees and got near Tyler's ass.

"I would say 'be gentle' but there is no need" Tyler said to entice Sam.

Sam quickly directed his throbbing member into Tyler's asshole and pumped slowly.

"Faster" Tyler grunted "Harder"

Sam took his word and furiously pumped into Tyler. His balls were slapping against Tyler's ass.

Sam could feel himself getting close again and didn't pause to stop, he just kept pumping. Sam gave Tyler three hard thrusts then Sam gave an ear-splitting roar as his orgasm came over him. Tyler felt his hot seed being pushed in and he squeezed his muscles together, trapping Sam inside him. Sam roared at every time his cock pulsed inside Tyler's rump. Sam quieted down and lay limp on top of Tyler, who was braced on the wall.

Sam waited to regain his strength and pulled out. And Tyler spoke "A lot better than jerking off right?"

Sam looked at him and nodded panting lightly. Sam stood wobbling a bit from his powerful orgasm and rinsed his fur. Tyler shared the shower with him and actually did clean themselves, and they heard the Bell for wake up.

"Well" Tyler said, "Same time tomorrow?" and Sam nodded pulling into his shorts and into his clean t-shirt.

*To be continued*


Please Remember to comment and rate, and leave suggestion. Thanks to all and I will get the next installment out as soon as I write it!