Always Cry Wolf (Part V)

Story by Durexia on SoFurry

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Trevor tossed in his sleep as dark dreams haunted his mind; visions of a shadow falling over two fox tails as they disappeared into the darkness just out of reach. The wolf ran as fast as he could around the corner hoping to catch them, to warn of the encroaching dark menace, but rounding the corner he found himself face to face with a towering black horse. It was Vince, holding that knife, glistening even in darkness as shrouds of black ink engulfed the world around them. The stallion pawed the ground and rose up into the air. Trevor turned to flee but as he tried to escape the stabbing blade of the knife sunk into his back and he fell under the weight of the draft horse. The taste of blood filled his muzzle and he began to choke. In his ear the nightmare whispered, "Watch your back."

The wolf sat up in bed in a sweat. He looked around him, still in shock. Kendal was nestled on his right and Jenny dosed to his left. The three had crammed into the double bed together in the early hours of mourning. Now, the harsh rays of afternoon spilled in around the window curtains. Trevor looked at the clock. 2:00 blinked back at him in red numbers that began to blur as tears welled up in the animals eyes. He brushed them away quickly with his paw and slowly climbed out of bed without disturbing his companions.

In the bathroom he studied himself in the mirror. The short haired wolf looking back at him seemed so foreign. He felt his head again; checking to make sure the hair was really gone. Glancing down at the counter he saw his brush. A few long strands of hair still clung to its bristles. He opened a drawer and swept the comb into it. Then, pulling off his boxers, he turned on the shower and prepared to bathe. The steam fogged the glass of the shower door as Trevor stepped in. The hot water sent a shiver through the wolf's body as his skin adjusted to the sudden change in temperature. Time was lost in the falling water as it ran over every inch of his body. He began tracing the glass absent mindedly as his muscles relaxed. Unconsciously, the young wolf traced out the letters K-E-N, then he swept a paw across the glass and the name fell onto his tongue.


Trevor started as a form emerged in the glass door. The red blur of a body approached the shower. The wolf braced himself as the door opened, letting the cool air from beyond in while the draft of heat fell around the entering figure.

Jenny instantly saw the bewildered look in Trevor's eyes and rested a paw on his arm.

"Trevor, are you ok?"

The wolf shook his head and returned.

"Jenny, yes, I'm just a little groggy."

The vixen smiled and moved to stand under the water. Trevor moved to give her more space and stiffened suddenly as his ass brushed the cold tile wall behind them.

"Sorry about that." She said as her head dipped back under the faucet.

Trevor watched her fur dampen and turn a darker mahogany. Her white chest suddenly brightened against the almost brown color of her outer coat and as the water channeled between her breasts Trevor suddenly blurted out.

"Tell me what upset Kendal."

He was surprised at his own words and wanted to kick himself as the vixens head pulled out of the water, almost smacking into his own face.

"What?" she spattered.

"What upset Kendal, the other mourning, what was he dreaming about that made him smack me in his sleep?"

Jenny reached for the soap slowly, pausing for a moment before lathering it in her paws.

"He was having a bad dream."

"I know that Jenny, but what did you two talk about after he woke up? You knew what had upset him."

She set the soap back in it's shelf along the wall and ran her hands through her dark fur, meshing the white suds with mahogany ink.

"He should have told you. I don't know if it's my place to bring this up without his..."

"I need to know Jenny, what happened to him?"

The fox stepped back under the water and was lost for a moment as she rinsed herself. Trevor did the same and then reached for the handle, but Jenny caught his hand.

"He was Raped Trevor, at the club last year."

The wolf's heart sank and he fell back against the wall, this time embracing the cold shock as her words hit home. It was so obvious. Kendal had recoiled from his touch so suddenly that day. The painful new understanding of his lover's struggle hurt and he suddenly threw a fist into the wall. The spray of water startled Jenny and she backed away for a moment. Trevor turned to her and his arm softened.

"Jenny, I need to know. Tell me the whole story, or at least what he's told you."

The vixen nodded and turned off the water. They stepped out together and found clean towels. The fox wrapped herself up and slid to the floor near the sink. Trevor moved to sit opposite her on a soft blue mat and waited.

"He won't like me telling you this, but I think you have a right to know. I know you love him Trevor, I know he loves you. Try to understand that he's scared, scared that you'll hate him for what happened, scared you'll leave."

The wolf moved to speak but Jenny continued.

"Last year when he turned eighteen I started taking him to the club with me on the weekends. We had a blast dancing and hanging out with my friends. They loved him, his looks, his forward action. He seemed so at ease. Only..."

She trailed off for a moment.

"You know he has a smart mouth. It gets him into so much trouble at school. He didn't hold back at the club either. You know Jack, the guy I asked you to help me avoid at CC? Well, Kendal was arguing with him about a song one night and this drafty Vince stepped in all tough and pushy and told Kendal to stop hassling the DJ. Kendal gave the horse the finger and mouthed off. Vince looked like he was going to pummel my brother but Jack stepped in and told them to cool off. You see, Jack is not just the DJ. His older brother Gareth owns the club. Yeah, your boss, the head honcho, Gareth. Vince couldn't go against his employer's son so he backed off and disappeared for the rest of the night. I kept an eye on Kendal for a while and when he looked calm I went back to dancing.

At the end of the night I couldn't find Kendal any where in the main room. Things were starting to close down and my friends wanted to go. They headed out while I searched the back rooms. When I found him I thought he had fallen asleep. He was all curled up and not moving. I was worried that he might have gotten sick and tried to find a quiet place to lie down. Then I saw the blood."

She stopped for a moment. Trevor watched as a tear fell from her cheek. He moved to comfort her but she put up a hand.

"No, let me finish."

Again she gathered herself, dabbing her eyes with the towel before continuing.

"He was beaten quite badly; shivering on the floor and in pieces. I didn't know what to think. When I knelt down beside him he flinched and covered his head. I threw my arms around him as he struggled to escape me. I begged him to tell me who had done this to him but he said nothing. One of the bouncers came in and ordered us to leave. The guy helped me with Kendal and I managed to get him out the front door. He refused to go to a hospital and even told me to leave him on the side walk. It took every inch of my sanity not to break down right there. Some how I managed to get him to the diner. My friends always met up there after club to eat and come down or sober up. A friend, Angela, was outside smoking and saw us. She helped me get him into her car and drove us home. I put Kendal to bed and slept on the floor next to him until dawn. I told Mom and Dad he had gotten into a bad fight defending me and they left it alone. It was not the first time they had seen Kendal beat up in a fight. All the while I waited for him to break down but he recovered quickly. I still didn't know what had happened. It took months for him to finally talk. I had played though all sorts of scenarios in my head. At one point I actually convinced myself that it had just been a stupid fight. But I could see the light was gone from his eyes. He had been violated, if not physically, emotionally. What he did say came in bits and pieces. First it was a fight, then forced submission and brutal beating. He seemed to be reliving it every time he spoke so I stopped pushing him.

It all came out one afternoon while we were watching TV. He told me about Vince, the way he had forced him down. Gareth and another horse watched and then took their turns with him. I wanted to kill them. I told him I would, but he freaked and said not to say a word to anyone. He was so scared; afraid they would find out and come find him for another round. Can you imagine? He said we had to pretend nothing had happened. He told me he wanted to go back to the club so they wouldn't see him defeated. He said they wouldn't touch him again, that he was used goods now. He was right. They never came near us. Jack didn't know. I hated him for that. I still do. He has no idea and I can't tell him. I can't tell anyone... till now. God, I don't know what he'll think."

Trevor reached out and pulled the vixen into him.

"Jenny, it's ok. I love you both and I'll do everything I can to make this right. I'm not going to leave. I'm not going to say anything. I understand now."

The fox sobbed into his chest and they cried together on the floor of the bathroom. Trevor wasn't going to say what was going though his mind. The images of slitting Vince's throat would only upset the female in his arms. He cringed at the thought of working for such fucking bastards. The only think keeping him from walking out at that moment was the intimacy it allowed him. Being so close to them, watching, and waiting for the right moment. It was so clear to him now. He comforted Jenny as a dark scowl fell on his face.

"Jenny, I'm going to keep working at the club. I have to get in with these guys, get close so I can tear them apart form the inside."

She caught her breath and looked up at the wolf with pleading eyes.

"No, I don't want you getting hurt."

He smiled as his lip curled to reveal a muzzle full of sharp k-nines.

"You forget we're the predators. They initiated this return to unchecked animal behavior. I'm merely going to put things in proper perspective."

He moved to rise and Jenny watched as the male wolf stood and cracked his knuckles. Trevor had a gleam in his eye, the look of a predator as he catches the scent of fear. His ears perked up and he smiled again.

"Jenny I'm going to stalk our heard of forgetful beasts and find the weakest link. We'll hunt as a pack and drag them down one at a time."

The vixen could feel the static energy filling the room and her hackled began to twitch. She flexed her legs and stood to join the wolf as he gazed into the mirror. Together they saw their animal reflection and became lost in its primal call. The hunt was on.

Kendal stretched and rolled over. Suddenly realizing he was alone, the fox sat up and looked around him. Jenny and Trevor were gone. It had to be late afternoon. Why had no one bothered to wake him? The male grabbed his pants and shirt from the floor and walked into the bathroom. The wet towels on the floor gave him some clues. Perhaps the others had already had a quick mourning fuck and were down stairs eating something. The fox relived himself quickly and headed down stairs.

"Hey, why did no one come up to get me?"

The house was quiet. Kendal wandered from room to room but the place was deserted. He looked out the front window and frowned at the empty driveway. The left him and took the car? He scanned the house again and in the kitchen found the note.


Sorry we didn't wake you. We're running a few errands.

Thought we'd let you sleep a little to recover your strength

before we return for another round.


Jenny and Trevor

The fox folded the note in his paws and shook his head. It was dammed stupid of them to leave him behind like this, but what could be do now?

Jenny shorted though a box in her room. Trevor paced rapidly back and forth near the bed.

"Ah, found it."

The vixen held up a large knife tucked away in a leather sheath. The wolf smiled and took it from her. He pulled the blade out and admired its light weight in his paw.

"This is great. All we need now is an opportunity."

Jenny looked confused for a moment so Trevor expounded.

"We have to corner him some how. Find the right moment to catch him off guard."

"Oh, right." The vixen smiled and put the box back in her closet.

"You know," she continued, "I could call Jack."

The wolf looked up from the blade.

"You could do that?"

"Well yeah, I do have his number. He could tell us where Vince and Gareth are right now."

Trevor nodded and the vixen reached for the phone. She picked up what looked like a random slip of paper from the floor and dialed.

"Hello? Yes, is Jack there? Hello Jack, this is Jenny. No, I'm not calling about a date. No, actually I was wondering where your brother and Vince are right now. Oh, Trevor's working there now and has a question about his shift. He thought Gareth or Vince might know... what's that? They're at the club? Ok, thanks. What's that? No, no I don't think I can make time to go on a date today; maybe tomorrow."

She slammed down the phone quickly. Trevor chuckled for a moment and then his smile dropped back into a scowl.

"Let's go."

The two friends drove to the club and parked a block away. Trevor tucked the sheathed weapon in the back of his jeans and they slipped into the back ally behind the club. He tried the door.

"Fuck, it's locked."

Jenny smiled and pulled out her purse.

"Nothing I can't handle."

The vixen pulled some wire out of her bag and began fiddling with the door handle. She twisted and picked until they both heard the *click*. She smiled and opened the door.

Trevor's eyes widened. "I'm not even going to ask."

"Oh come on, I was a cub scout once and totally earned by lock picking badge."

Then she hushed him and crept though the door. The wolf followed and they disappeared into total darkness.

Inside they let their eyes adjust. It was handy being nocturnal animals who could see easily in darkness. They would have the advantage in a dimly lit encounter and Trevor wanted it that way. He stalked along the hallway and perked up his ears as they passed each door. Jenny did the same; her soft foot falls were almost undetectable along side the wolf's. They paused at the office. There was no light under the door and Trevor was worried they had come for nothing when the sounds of clopping hooves echoed from the other end of the hall. A horse was coming in from the main room. Trevor sniffed the air and caught the familiar scent of stallion, a black stallion to be more specific. He signaled Jenny to wait as he crept forward to meet the oncoming form. Suddenly the horse stopped.

A dim light from the main room poured in around his figure and Trevor could see the equine's ears alerted to his presence. He ducked deeper into the shadows and crouched motionless. Jenny also froze and the two predators waited. Vince tossed his head and shifted uneasily. He snorted and then opened a side door unexpectedly. At that moment something in Trevor's instincts triggered and the wolf moved on adrenaline. The horse seemed to have expected something and as the two collided, the drafty glanced off his attacker's blow and the two forms fell through the open doorway.

Jenny heard the struggle ensue and rushed forward to aid her friend. The horse was thrashing with his hoofed feet while Trevor struggled to pin him. The vixen rummaged through her purse again and pulled out a taser. She stood over the two and stabbed the weapon into Vince's side. The electric shock coursed through both males and they flew apart. She gave the horse another good dose of voltage and he collapsed on his knees, falling over onto his side. Trevor staggered to his feet and pulled out the knife. Vince cursed and tried to scramble away on all fours but the wolf kicked him in the side and pushed him back down.

"You think you're tough now fucker? It's different when the tables turn huh?"

He kicked the draft again and heard him groan. Jenny stood back and watched uneasily. Trevor stood over Vince and raised the knife.

"Trevor don't..."

He turned in surprise. "Jenny, I'm not going to stab him. Just..."

It was too late, the horse had recovered his bearings and knocked the knife from the wolf's paw. Trevor jumped back to avoid thrashing hooves. The horse rose to his feet and faced his attackers.

"Fucking dogs! You think I'll let you get away with this? I'm going to..."

Jenny fired the taser and two bolts stuck in the horse's chest. He began convulsing and fell forward, his knees buckled and the animal folded to the floor again.

Vince was unconscious. Jenny had put the taser away and now held the knife.

"We're not going stab him Trevor. I've got another idea, one that won't get us arrested."

She bent over the sleeping drafty and picked up one of his thick braids. Her paw worked fast with the blade cutting and shaving until the mane lay all over the floor. Then she moved to the tail, making sure to butcher it completely unevenly down to the root near the flesh. She tucked the braids into her bag and sheathed the blade. Trevor watched without a word. He wanted to slit the animal's throat, but Jenny was right. Killing the horse would bring the law down on them and physical violence would only put them on his level. Still, he had left some impressive claw marks on the horse that wouldn't go away any time soon. Jenny slipped her paw into his and whispered.

"Let's go."

Trevor took one last look at Vince and then he and Jenny walked out the door. It was a small victory, but a victory none the less. The two k-nines ran back to the car and drove all the way back to the house without a word.

Kendal was waiting inside the front door with arms crossed.

"Errands? Don't give me that crap. What were you two doing?"

Trevor gave his lover a sheepish grin and shrugged. Jenny fell against her brother and curled her tail around his muzzle.

"Aww, little brother feels left out of the cuddle puddle."

Trevor picked them both up in a heavy hug and carried them into the house. Kendal attempted to squirm free but his sister held on to his scruff and the three fell to the floor in a pile of laughing. Suddenly the front door opened again and there stood Trevor's parents. The wolf couple looked quite surprised at the cuddle puddle. Jeffry set down his briefcase and crossed his arms in dismay.

"I see the whole gang is here."

Dian smiled and looked down at her son.

"Oh Trevor, you finally cut your hair, oh darling, doesn't he look so grown up now?"

As the wolf stood to greet his parents the female threw her arms around him.

"Yes mother, I cut my hair. Jenny did a great job didn't she?"

Jeffrey eyes his son's head and then nodded.

"Yes, yes I think it'll do for now. How did your first night of work go?"

"Oh, I've got the job; seven to one Tuesday thru Saturday at $12.00 an hour. That's twice minimum wage Dad."

The older wolf thought to himself for a moment and then nodded again.

"Yes, seems you did well son. Now, your mother and I have some work to do here at home so we're heading upstairs, please keep it down."

The parents took their bags and disappeared up the stairs to their room. Trevor watched as the door closed and then turned with a sigh.

"Few, that was interesting. Glad we weren't all naked down here or something."

Jenny chimed in, "Or something?"

Kendal continued, "Yeah, why don't we all head to my house for something before you head off to work."

The wolf looked at the two foxes and shook his head.

"Naw, I really need to get some stuff done here before I head to the club. I'll drop you two off."

Jenny gave him a worried look but the k-nine male seemed not to care. He hugged his friends and smiled. Kendal looked a little cross.

"Well, I guess we should go then. I missed practice again for you and you both stood me up. Coach is going to skin me alive for nothing."

"Nothing? Asked the wolf, "I'll show you nothing."

He swept the fox up in his arms and ascended the stairs two at a time. Kendal looked after his sister. She shook her head and stayed downstairs.

Trevor dropped the fox on his bed with a thump and threw a paw over his muzzle.

"Shhh, don't want to clue in the folks on what's happening next door."

Kendal struggled in the wolf's grasp but Trevor was bigger. He held his lover down until he relented, then let go and ran a paw through the fox's blue tipped hair.

"Hey, you know I love you right?"

The fox nodded and whispered back, "I love you too."

They kissed and held each other for a moment and then the wolf sat up and pulled off his shirt.

"We'll have to make this a quickie, your sister's waiting."

Kendal was admiring his lover's stomach muscles.

"What? Oh yeah, but are you ready?"

The wolf grabbed his partner's hand and pressed it against the hardness in his pants.

"I've been thinking about you all day. What do you think?"

The fox smiled and took off his own shirt. Then they both unzipped their jeans and pulled off their boxers. Standing naked in front of one another they paused. Kendal's body was sleek and athletic from playing lacrosse. He tossed his hair back behind his shoulders and looked down in slight embarrassment at his nakedness. Trevor was equally fit, but bigger and more filled out. The wolf looked much older now that his hair was cut. Then the fox noticed a bad bruise forming on his friend's chest. The outline of a hoof was unmistakable.

"What happened to your chest Trevor? Who kicked you?"

The wolf shrugged and came forward to embrace his lover but the fox backed up.

"No, who did this to you Trevor? When?"

"Does it matter Kendal? I'm fine."

The fox shook his head. "No, it's not fine. I come home with bruises from playing sports. This is from a fight Trevor. You were fighting with a horse. Who?"

He was getting upset now and Trevor knew why. Telling the truth without letting his lover know what Jenny had told him was impossible. He searched his mind for an answer, but the fox continued to press him.

"Was it at the club? Did someone hurt you last night?"

Kendal began to shake, noticeably, and sat down on the bed. He was imploring. Trevor came over to sit down next to the fox, to try to calm him, but Kendal stood up again and faced him.

"I don't want you to lie to me Trevor. Who did this to you?"

The wolf could not find his tongue. He had no answer that would satisfy the fox so he sat in silence. Kendal buried his head in his paws for a moment and then looked up with tears in his eyes.

"Don't go back there Trevor. Never go there again. Get another job and..."

Trevor stood up, "No, you don't understand."

"What is there for me to understand?" The fox's words were tinted with frustration.

"Nothing, I'm fine." Trevor was getting angry now.

Kendal turned to go to the door; picking up his shirt and throwing it over his head as he walked.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Home Trevor, I don't want to play games with you right now."

The wolf followed his lover to the door and put out a paw.

"Wait, I don't want to you leave upset."

"Then tell me what happened."

"I can't, I don't want to hurt you."

The fox opened the door. Jenny was standing at the top of the stairs. Her brother pushed passed her and headed down to the front door. Trevor followed him and Jenny came after at a distance. The fox got into the back seat and waited. Trevor pulled open the driver side door and climbed in. Jenny quickly jumped into the passenger side as the car started and the three sped away.

"You know you don't have a shirt on Trevor?"

The wolf looked at the road and said nothing. Kendal was silent too and the vixen felt the tenseness descending over the vehicle like a thick dark cloud. The wolf turned on the radio and blasted music to the foxes' house.

In the driveway Jenny turned off the radio and looked at her friends with frustration.

"No one leaves this car till you two work it out. I'm tired of this!" She locked the doors and crossed her arms.

Kendal kicked her seat and glared. They all sat and said nothing. It seemed like forever before Trevor hung his head and whispered.

"Jenny told me about everything Kendal."

The vixen caught her breath and her ears drooped in anticipation of her brother's explosion.

"I was wondering when she would."

His response shocked everyone. The male fox shook his head and unlocked his door to get out. The others looked at each other in shock for a moment, then Trevor sprung from the car to follow Kendal into the house. The two boys walked side by side up the stairs. At the door to his room the fox paused and turned to his lover.

"Look, shit happens. Sometimes it's really bad shit that takes a while to get over. I'm still working through a lot of things in my life Trevor, but I know one thing; I love you."

The fox's eyes welled up as he spoke.

"I... I don't want to ever relive that night at the club again. I don't want to talk about it, think about it..."

He choked up with emotion and could not finish. Trevor threw his arms around the fox and held him tight. Kendal's tough exterior was breaking down; he heaved in his lovers arms and began crying. The wolf pushed open the door and picked up the fox, carrying him to the bed. They held each other in silence, letting the tears fall.