Tales of Nine 2

Story by arkangel on SoFurry

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My life sucks

I ran through the forest going as fast as I could try to keep track of Shimmers scent. Then suddenly I stopped dead in my tracks. Her scent, it was no where, I back tracked but couldn't find it. I panicked and returned to Areia's den, I hid in the bush and watched him pulling himself into his den, after he got inside I searched everywhere for her scent but it was no where. I walked slowly in the forest sniffing at every smell I could find, I tired to think of where she would go but this would be the first time she ran off and I had to find her. I eventually found a river that joined to make a cross with a rather nice looking rock to lie down on. I went to it and curled up on it and fell asleep after a few hours of worrying if Shimmer was alright.

"Helloooooo... Mr. Ninetails" I herd a voice in the morning, my ears twitched and I did a little moan. "WAKE UP!" I then herd the same voice scream into my ear, my head shot up and I looked around "shimmer you here" I said hoping it was her. "Who is Shimmer" a Bayleaf asked me with a large smile on his face. The voice that had screamed in my ear had worn off and I was felling slightly drowsy "she's another Ninetails... my mate" I said with a yawn. "oh, you lost her that's kind of bad, you know losing her and all... how did you" the Bayleaf said in a cheerful tone, "another Ninetails called Areia attacked her and we had to split up while I fought him" I explained as I had a bit of a stretch. At the sound of Areias name a harsh look went onto the Bayleafs face "can you show me where he is" he asked me. "Yeah sure" I agreed since I was planning on going back there hoping to find Shimmer.

As we walked along he introduced himself as Viney, apparently Areia had be causing no end of trouble and was meant to be banished. As we got to his den he used Vine Whip into the den and pulled out a freaking out Ninetails "hello Areia" he said as his leaves around his neck begun to glow "what the... no... please" he yelled as Viney released a Solar Beam throwing him past the tree and far out of site. "Thank you for the tip... why are you sniffing around so much" Viney said with a smile then puzzled look. "I have to find Shimmer" I told him as I preyed in my head. "Can I help sound like fun" Viney said picking me up with Vine Whip and bringing me to his face. "Put me down I have to find her scent, I find that I find her" I snapped at him. "oh you'll never find that, see we have a lot of pokemon her who give of spores and stuff, her scent will only be strong where she hangs out a lot" Viney said still in a cheerful tone, he then put me down. I stood there and begun to cry, I slowly trotted into the den crying, few moments later vines grabbed me and pulled me out "leave me alone to die" I said while crying. "Hmm, tempting but I think I'll let you live and help find this mate Shimmer. Ok" Viney said holding me close to his face. I stopped crying and let out a sigh "fine" I said going limp in his vines "you have to carry me, I can't be bothered moving" I then said with a highly depressed voice. He walked for a while talking to me but I just couldn't be bothered listening or responding "I know an easy way to find her... well it could work" Viney said acting like he just remembered a half hour after searching. I instantly perked up a bit "how, lets do it" I said with renewed hope in my voice, "ok, tell the Pidgeys to come down to Viney" he then said lowering me. "Ok... but wh-" I begun to say as I was thrown into the air past some trees, I was screaming as I passed two pidgeys but I stopped screaming when I herd there conversation, "and then the trainer used a Maji... was that a Ninetails flying past us Edger"... "I believe it was Charles how very odd" they said in a posh voice. "Viney wants you to see him" I yelled as I went down past them. "There he goes again"... "Yes I wonder what Viney wants" they said poshly again following me down. As I fell I saw the ground but I didn't feel fear I just accepted that was how I'll die and I was fine with it until "ha got ya" Viney said catching me where a extra large gin was plasterd on his face, he put me on the ground and I stood there breathing fast and deep. "Hello there Viney" both Pidgey said flying down. "Hello my friends I need a favor" he said placing a vine out as a perch. "And that is" Charles asked. "You seen any Ninetails around, girl ones" Viney asked. "Hmm" Charles said looking at me "he's obviously a boy and a Hoot-hoot was going on about how she saw a pretty little Ninetails and that he was sure she looked real sad" Charles explained hinting it was a girl. He then gave direction Viney thanked them and left "well lets go" Viney said as he picked me up. "Let me go" I demanded struggling. "No because you'll use Agility, I'll let go when I know you won't" Viney said with a chuckle and walking slowly.

It was about ten minutes later and we were halfway there "ok I think you'll be a good boy now" Viney said smiling again. He put me down and continued walking, I had every intention on using Agility to get away, but I decided not to for safety reasons like his Solar Beam and me meeting it with my face. When we got to the rock I noticed that this was the same river and the same rock I was on, I also saw a Hoot hoot "you retarded bird, I'm a boy" I yelled out in anger. The Hoot hoot just slept "Calm down Angel, look on the bright side, we now know she's not here" Viney said poking me in the front leg. I went back to the rock "I'm living here now Viney, I'm going to sleep" I said curling up on the rock into a ball and placing my tail over myself as a blanket falling asleep.

A month passed and I got use to my life in the forest, I learnt that the river and the forest edges were four different sanctuaries each with a guardian pokemon, Viney was the guardian here but I was instructed I should never go to the other guardians, because they we dangerous to pokemon my size. I made several friends like three young Poochyenna, Viney and a lot of the other pokemon, but all I ever did was search for Shimmer, because this forest was huge and the river was to wild to cross even If I wanted to. But in the last week Viney taught me Ember if I assisted him in the protection of his territory. But today was going to be a hard day the three Pocheyna sisters took me to what they called there secret place, they were all giggling and I new they had something planed "Tee hee hee hee... Angel were all dogs' right" the oldest one Cindy asked me. "Yeah pretty much" I said just sitting there Mindy and Lindy sat there giggling "well we want to have sex... with you... please" Cindy said with big puppy dog eyes. "WHAT!" I said in pure shock. "Well we love you" Mindy said blushing, "and we really really want it" Lindy said giggling. "You do know I have a mate" I said still in shock. "Yeah but you need some company while she's gone" Lindy said seductively and slowly blinking at me. "NO... I'm not going to" I then said finally coming to my senses, I turned around and ran through a bush with all these berries bursting around me. "Not through there" Cindy yelled but it was too late I was long gone. As I got through the bush I noticed those berries had made my coat night black. The Pocheyan sisters went the long way around "wait Angel don't run" Cindy yelled to me. "Look girls it's flattering, really but I'm not going to" I was cut off. "No were sorry, we won't force you to. But if you ever want to please let us know" Cindey then said again blushing. I walked off thinking how am I going to go back to being my beautiful goodish white. I wondered for a while just mumbling allot

"Hay you, welcome to my forest" Viney said running up to me all happy that he found a new face, until he found it was me. He bust out laughing "you... you went through... through the bush... the black berry one... didn't... didn't you" he managed to say in between laughs. "Yes and I'm not going to tell you why" I said in a bad mood. "Nope not good enough" Viney said picking me up with his vines. "Fine I'll tell you. I woke up on the rock by the river" I begun to say but Viney interrupted me "like you do everyday" giving me a hint to hurry up. "Ok like I was saying I woke up went for a drink, and a Dratini bit my tongue, then I went to go catch breakfast, a tasty looking Ratattata, but I got swarmed by like fifty using Bite so I had no food and a few bite marks. Then some bird pooped on me and finally the Poochy sisters wanted me to mate with them and I tried to get out by running through that bush" I said making myself angrier. Vinies grin melted off his face and not seeing him smile made me chuckle "that is a bad day" Viney said carrying me to my rock. He placed me on it and I just slumped on it looking across the river when I saw her, my ears picked up my eyes widened and all my tails waged "SHIMMER OVER HERE" I screamed as loud as I could. She was getting a drink when I called out she lifted her head up and looked at me "how do you know my name" she called back but not as loud. I looked at my self, I was black "it's me Angel" I called back. She stood there in what I believe was shock. Her head then spun and she released a fire attack into the bushes, I was instantly worried and Viney was looking with curiosity. An Arbok came out the bush and snapped at her. Shimmer used her Agility and ran off. I used mine as well to keep up, as we ran across the river I felt a joy I hadn't felt since I lost her, but she didn't feel the same Ekans and Arbok's were jumping out of the bushes and trees trying to catch her. She ended up being surrounded by them, fighting them to keep there distance with her fire attacks, I used Ember to try and help, this was the narrowest part of the river "Shimmer jump you'll makes it" I yelled in confidence, she nodded and jumped. I knew she wouldn't make it without help so I pounced across as well "now Shimmer use me to clear the rest" I said hoping she'd do it. She did "thank you Angel, I'm so sorry" she said as she bounced off me and onto the safety of my... I mean Vinies forest.

I got swept down the river I felt like I was burning but it was because it was so cold, I could see the water turning into steam around me, I was splashing about in pain trying to keep afloat when I got taken out the water and brought straight to Vinies face "what did I say about using Agility" he said with a concerned yet happy face. "Only do it in emergency" I said really weak and shivering. "That's right so I'll let you go" Viney said putting me on the ground, I collapsed still shivering. That was when Viney knew something was really wrong, Shimmer showed up "back off or be extra crispy" she growled at him. "No Shimmer... he's a... friend" I said as I passed out. "So your Angels friend" Shimmer asked calming down. "Well there's me, three girl pups and a few others, the Ratattats hate him though" Viney said smiling as all ways. "Why them" Shimmer asked as she begun to try and pick me up. "Well we made a deal, he can live here if he eats the vermin pokemon and not the real residence" Viney explained as he picked me up and started walking to the rock I sleep on. "Ok well I'll promise as well, but how do I tell the vermin apart" Shimmer said with a thankful smile. As they walked to the rock Viney explained about the boundaries and the history of this forest like he did to me but when he got me on the rock he placed me down and left. Shimmer stayed by my side trying to warm me up.

In the morning I woke but what I saw was very odd. I saw no tree or water or anything but a goldish fur and some other things. I was still freezing so I assumed I was hallucinating but then it moved, around me it got up "your awake Angel, how do you feel" Shimmer said relived I regained conciseness. "I... am sooooo ACHO... cold" I said and sneezed. "here my mum taught me this before... before I met you" She said in a sad voice as she revisited old memories, then a Flamethrower attack came out but it came slowly and when it hit me it broke like a gentle trickle of water, it felt warm and I breathed in deeply, the fire covering everything but my head so I sighed at the felling the warmth and laid my head down and started to go to sleep. "LEAVE OUR BOY FRIEND ALONE" was the next thing I hear and Shimmer went flying over me, she landed on the ground on her feet. "Leave him alone or perish" Shimmer said growling in retaliation, this commotion woke me up entirely and I saw the three Poochy sister standing in front of me "Cindy what are you doing to Shimmer" I said in shock as I sat up and started to shiver again. When they herd the word Shimmer there ears went flat on there head and turned around to look at me with apologetic faces. "Um Angel, who are these girls? Because I never thought of you to be the un-faithful kind. I had to think for a second before responding "ok I'm not there boy friend they are just infected with puppy love, they probably thought you were trying to hurt me and can we all please be friends" I said in a single breath before inhaling and shivering again. "You cold Angel" Lindy asked. "Freezing" I responded feeling this awful cool breeze. The three girls crowded around me sharing there body heat and I stared at Shimmer with a blush over my muzzle, I mouthed the words sorry to her. She came and huddled around me as well and moments later we were in a big huddled ball of warmth and I was at the bottom fast asleep.

Few hours later I awoke being pulled out the pile by a Viney "awe Viney its warm in there" I said starting to wake, he turned me around shoved a berry in my mouth and held my mouth closed. "Eat it then go back to that..." a huge grin went on his face "you sly fox, you were in the middle of that" he then said staring at me. I swallowed the berry and gasped for air "what why" I asked thinking it was nothing special. "There all girls, I'd kill to have that happen to me" he said gently shaking me. I started to smile "yeah I know but hay the ladies like the quality stuff" I said as I looked over and noticed about six more girls had joined the huddle and you could barley see the rock. Shimmer woke up noticing her pillow that was me was no longer there, she got out the pile without waking anyone, "feeling better" she asked me. "I will, once I get to use my feet" I said looking at Viney and for the first time I ever knew, he put me down when I wanted to be put down. As he put me down the black gunk in my fir started to melt off "oh good the berry worked fast" Viney said with a proud look and I noticed he just didn't want any on of the black gunk on him. "The berry, what you mean" I said looking at him, as Shimmer sat down with an inpatient look on her face. "The berry I gave you. It's meant to get rid of stuff in your coat" he explained to me. "So you cram it down my throat" I replied with an odd look on my face. "Yep" Viney said looking even prouder. "Well thanks... I think. I'm going to show Shimmer our home" I said as both her and I ran off together.

We wandered around the forest for what seemed like hours and sheared stories of what we did. My stories were basically moping around, watch over the Poochy sisters and help Viney. Herr's were basically find a place to hide, be found, find new place. I eventually started a conversation about us "so Shimmer how close is your... heat" I said in lack of better words. "Oh that, it passed two weeks ago, and it was hell" she said overly dramatic. "Oh... that sucks" I said then noticing I did say it "I mean the fact I wanted pups" I said in my defense but thinking I was burying myself deeper in trouble. "Well you got three and by what you've told me they love you so much" Shimmer said in a baby voice. "Plus we pokemon mate for pleasure a lot as well not just reproduction" she said as she started to cares my tails with her. I gave her a look that was returned by a seductive one of her own.

I stopped where I stood and she walked in front of me "sit boy" she said to me as I quickly complied. She lay down in front of me and lent in between my legs. I sat there as she be gun to lick my sheath, I tired not to moan but couldn't help it, the feeling of her smooth tongue rubbing from my balls to the top of my sheath, then as my member started to come out she leans her head to the side and wraps her tongue around it pulling it towards her. I sat there feeling this and moaning trying not to move. Five minutes later and I was trying as hard as I can to hold back, but now she had my member in her whole mouth rubbing it with her tongue, several times her tongue came out and rubbed my knot till it was to much. "Shimmer... this... Its its to MUCH" I ended up yelling as I came in her mouth fast, the first blast went right down her throat as the rest coated her mouth and face as she tried to breath and cough, she got up in front of me licking her lips and rubbing her face. "I have wanted that for so long, but I think my turn will have to wait" she said smiling as she ran off. A few moments later the Poochy sister came and saw me sitting there. I warped my tails around myself so it looked like I was in a blanket. "What's wrong Angel" Mindy asked me. "Nothing Shimmer just wanted to have a bit of a feast, and gave me a nudged to the ground" I explained making it all up. "Oh ok then" Cindey said rubbing against my side and a little more cum spurt out so my tails wrapped tighter. "Well we got to go, bye Angel" the three said as they ran off and I sighed in relief.

Author's notes: well there back together and we go some friends for them, also a possible foe. What will happen next, not even I know