Death Site Chapter 1

Story by Project Atlas on SoFurry

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July 10 2019:

In the late afternoon I walked on the deck of the ship. Me and my three best friends had all been playing another game of volley ball down at what was once used as the parking lot. We had put several tents up and the place looked a lot like some kind of shanty town, but after a couple of months we cleaned things up and more people showed up with RV's so it did not look quite as bad. I helped out with the cleaning of the nearby houses.

"First thing I would take from my house would be toilet paper too. You can't find that in too many places, huh?" , Kryptos said pointing out to the empty cityscape.

"True", I told him. "Houses kind of suck to find anything. Everyone just takes their stuff. They leave TV's and couches and tables but you can't really survive with that."

Elzerin then Joined in the conversation. "Well there was the one time that one house had like about 10 canned soups"

"For what. 200 plus people?" I looked at her.

"Well every bit counts, Quantum." For the most part she was right. Lots of the good food had been taken from looting passersby evacuating so we had to count our blessings. "True", I said. "Hey do you guys know if Archer came back with more gas yet?"

"Last I heard the stations that had any left were up in Bellflower or someplace", said Kryptos.

Archer had left a short while after our game. He recently became one of the Pacifica Marshals. Closest thing to any law enforcement these days.

It was good to be in a community. I felt bad for those left wandering out there. In the middle of nowhere, and not just on the side of the road with a flat tire like before, when you could just call for a tow truck with your cell. The world is dead. If you are on some stretch of highway chances are you won't find anyone for days. Maybe weeks. Chances are the towns you come across, even an entire city will be dead. I sometimes think of those living in the poorest countries. Like if someone was immune in a slum in an African city. Are there furs in third-world places? Truth could be they might have lost their minds living isolated from human contact for so long. We all get rumors here and there about that sealed UN building out in Sweden, the U.S. militaryoperating in Alaska. The most far-fetched of all I think is the one about Iceland being untouched by the pandemic. Regular people got reduced to living in cold areas where the spread of the virus tends to slow down. But it never really stops. If they are still alive up there in the freezing parts of the world, I wish them luck. I can't believe they never took notice. Not until it was too late. I survived but saw what was going on while I ran down the freeway. In The infected people just looked at me. Nothing but a blank stare. But even that made me want to piss my pants becuase I saw what they were doing to everyone. State Troopers and National Guardsmen didn't look like they knew who to shoot at. There is no obvious sign a person has gone hostile. They just look like anybody and can do what we do. It was all that driving and shooting they did, the fact that swarms of them ran around biting and hitting, and that in many cases it took too long to make out who was sane or not. Bitting made it spread faster like some Danny Boyle shit.

The point is we got out of that mess and I'm glad. Saviors? They were more like Nazi's. I decided it would be best to write this down and write a bit about what happened. It's going to be a long way from here to Japan.

So anyway, while we were having dinner by the stern, (fish again) I heard everybody down by the RV's making a fuss over something. I looked around and eventually noticed what looked like a trail of smoke gradually descending. It was to the east. Above the city.

"Jesus. guys!" I pointed up. "What...who's flying it?"

"I don't think anybody can right now." Elzerin answered me.

A section of the left wing flying off was all that distracted me from the smoke. It fell farther east. At the point we heard the distant crash everyone went silent.

"Yeah. Damn. Looks like it went down kind of by the 405." said Kryptos. "Its gonna get dark. Maybe in the morning we can hear what happened."

"So what? We just stay sitting here? I think I can volunteer to go out." I told the two of them.

Elzerin pointed out to the parking lot. "How about we just wait for Archer to get back and we can go with him?"

"Allright, Kryptos are you going to wait here?"

"Even with a Marshal, we can't be to careful going near a downed aircraft. I don't know if it is civilian or military but we should watch ourselves." Kryptos passed Elzerin and me a 12 gauge.

Archer came back when it was dark. They successfully got more gasoline.

"Was it all in Bellflower?" I asked

"Nope", he responded unloading a box of gallon gas containers. "Paramount dude. I'm guessing you guys saw that plane?"

I nodded.

"Im willing to go back out there if you guys come along."

"No way I'm freaking missing this." Kryptos looked aroud at all of us. We got in a black crew cab truck and went along with twelve other people. They were ten Marshals and two doctors. Now before I have the pleasure of describing to you the death site we called the world outside our little town, I'll describe to you my friends and I.

Death Site Prelude

Prelude: September 24 2011, 10:31 AM Pacific Standard Time: Various people fall into comatose along the coastlines of Australia, the United States, the People's Republic of China, and the United Kingdom. 2:15 PM: Coastal...
