Lori Pathen 1 - The Ambassador

Story by DarkCoyote on SoFurry

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#1 of Lori Pathen

Lord Grion sat in the basement level of the Golden Griffon at his favorite table in the corner. Spread before him was a series of papers taken from a diplomatic pouch, along with a report from Kroth on the elven ranger caught sneaking through the back country.

Grion's brow furrowed as he read the report. Kroth was thorough as always and the report was not exactly a surprise. Grion had been expecting something like this would occur based on his own observations of the elven court. "Darus is an ass", he muttered to no one in particular as he sipped his goblet of mead.

He picked up the parchments in his taloned hands and folded them neatly, inserting them into the document compartment of his harness. The documents disappeared neatly into storage in inter-dimensional space.

Grion stood up from the table and growled as he stretched his griffonoid body. He flexed his wings and some vertebrae in his back popped satisfyingly. He decided he would go for a flight later just to finish stretching his body out. He longed for the feel of the sun gleaming off his golden fur with the wind streaming through his feathers.

Grion padded over to the bar where his ogre magi Captain of the Guard waited. "Summon our guest of honor to join us. We have much to discuss." Grion couldn't help but grin showing just a hint of fang.

Seeing Lord Grion's expression Garth couldn't help but smile around his large tusks. He brought his clenched fist to his chest in salute, "At once my lord." He spun on his heels and strode to the stairs. His chain armor rustling as he moved.

Grion set his now empty goblet on the bar. He looked over at his half-brother who was busily checking his inventory. As usual Draco was all business, the draconoid's red scales glistening in the lamp light as he moved. "Brother, you have any of the Barbarian Elf special ale in stock?"

Draco waved a clawed hand as he bent to pull a small keg from a cupboard, "Of course. Hasn't been much demand since the caravan trade stopped coming through, it's hard for new volunteers to get here after all."

It always amazed Draco how many elves, humans, and other so called "civilized races" wanted to drop everything and go primitive. The barbarian elves had a reputation for being amazing warriors and even more amazing partiers. Both reputations had ample basis in fact. They used to get a few hundred every year, most worked as caravan guards to get here, then came downstairs to the resident portion of the bar to order the special drink. To Draco's knowledge none had ever tried to go back to their former lives, of course that was Heya's domain. Draco's concern was the bar and the city itself.

Draco triumphantly lifted a fresh untapped pony keg to the bar, "This enough for you?"

"That should suffice for myself and our guest", Grion's leonine tail waved lazily behind him.

"I see. Is that your final choice for him?" Draco moved to refill Grion's goblet but he waved off the refill.

"No. Not sure. It's going depend on him. It needs to be something to send the appropriate message to Darus." Grion idly scratched his crotch fur before turning and heading to the nearest table so his half-brother could have a good view of the show.

Other bar patrons silently changed seating locations to get a better view. Grion noted this with approval, if this provides entertainment to the other patrons, so much the better. Unlike most kingdoms Lori Pathen was very open about state secrets. There really was no incentive that could be given to the monster races or the barbarian elves to make them talk, and spies were easily detected.

A sudden clanking of chains announced the arrival of the kingdom's guest, escorted by Garth and two orc guards. All were neat and clean, including the guest as he had been held in the master merchant's suite upstairs for the last two days. Even laundry service had been provided.

Time for the act to begin, "Garth! This man is our guest! He's a diplomat! Remove those chains at once!" Grion stood, his tail thrashing in mock outrage.

"You heard the lord's orders, release the prisoner", Garth barked with just the right hint of authority. The orc guards immediately released the ambassador, quickly removing his chains.

Grion nodded satisfied. "Captain, you can dismiss your company. I'm sure there will be no issues. We are all civilized creatures of good will after all."

"At once my lord. Company dismissed!" The orc guards returned to their stations outside the bar while Garth himself walked over to Draco and quietly ordered an ale. He seated himself on one of the large stools to enjoy the show and be close by if needed.

Grion strode over to the elf. He wore leather armor over a green tunic with buckskin breeches and supple leather boots. His long blonde hair was freshly quaffed. Like many elves he was quite a striking specimen, he definitely cleaned up well given the mud-caked description from Kroth's report of his capture.

"Lori Pathen greets you ambassador Adonu, though I must say your appearance and method of arrival is most unconventional." Grion smiled as he took the elf's hand into his talon. He towered over him by almost 2 feet. The elf smelled pleasantly of lavender which caused a slight stirring in the griffonoid's loins he had to concentrate to suppress.

"On behalf of his highness King Darus I greet you Lord Grion. Is Lord Chaotic available? My instructions are to speak to him." Despite his outward appearance, the elven ranger was nervous. Much rode on the success of his mission and a meeting with Lord Grion was not part of the plan.

Grion laughed and motioned for the ranger to sit at his table. "No, I'm afraid Lord Chaotic is not available. The fact is he is rather annoyed at your presence, and so am I. I am the ruler of this kingdom, not my father. He transferred power to myself and my brothers naming me overall ruler of the kingdom. He has retired and is happily engaging in magical research and teaching at our renowned university of magic."

Adonu grimaced as Lord Grion stood and began pacing like a caged lion as he continued his rant. His tail thrashed as his long golden mane trailing behind him. "Your so called civilized races cannot conceive of a ruler who steps down voluntarily and cedes power to his heirs. Your innate lust for power is so great sons kill fathers, nephews kill uncles. There is hardly a ruler out there who has not committed some form of fratricide or patricide! Your own ruler Darus is a fine example, and you know it! Every citizen of your kingdom knows it! And your people have the arrogance to call us monsters!"

Grion paused long enough to remove the growl from his voice. The elven ranger had turned white.

"My apologies Adonu, I am a beast and sometimes it gets the better of me. I'm sure you did not travel here of your own accord." Grion pulled his chair out and sat backwards, his legs straddling the seat so his wings would not be cramped. "Brother, the best ale and two tankards please"

A smiling Draco delivered the small keg and two large tankards. He poured his brother and the ambassador full tankards, then left, his claws scratching the wooden plank floor. His brother was on a roll and any comment from him would only be a distraction.

Grion reached for his tankard taking a long drink. He was pleased to see Adonu reach for his and down it quickly. Grion quickly refilled Adonu's tankard like a good host. Doubtless the ranger was trying to settle his nerves. Grion was immune to the magic of the drink, but it would take two to three tankards for Adonu to really feel the effects. To Grion the drink was just a normal ale. Barbarian elf blood already flowed in his veins, if even further modified.

"Tell me my friend, what hold does Darus have on you? You are no ambassador in the normal sense, and a ranger of your caliber would certainly know better than to come here uninvited. We very publicly closed our borders to outsiders six months ago." Grion's tone was friendly, and a little concerned. Adonu was known to him, and was certainly no friend of the royals having critized both publicly.

Adonu decided his mission was obviously blown at this point, and the magical alcohol was starting to affect him. "My wife Kithra is a guest of the king. If I do not return with an agreement to permit trade she will be executed. My instructions were to seek out Lord Chaotic as it was felt that you were nothing but a usurper."

"I see. In your position I would have done the same." Grion refilled both tankards. "My friend, what if I told you that I can free your wife?"

"You can? Why would you do that?" Adonu's face was flushing. He was starting to tug at the collar of his tunic.

"Rest assured I can, and I will. It will be done tonight for multiple reasons. Firstly, your king needs a lesson and this seems like the quickest way to deliver it. Secondly, I want you to work for me. Unlike your current king, I pay my ambassadors well and place my full power behind keeping them and their families safe. I can also promise something they can't or won't grant. I will make you one with the sky and the forest."

"Sure, but what do you mean?" At that moment Adonu let forth a mighty burp and a silly grin slid over his face. The time for the first change was here.

"My friend, it's time you took your cloths and armor off. I don't want you to suffer pain during your transformation." Grion quickly moved behind Adonu and started unstrapping his armor. Adonu was too busy laughing to resist.

"Why you gonna make me naked?" Adonu was giggling uncontrollably.

"There is no need for silly modesty in this kingdom." Grion quickly pulled Adonu's armor over his head. He could see the elf's muscles already starting to bulge and flex across his frame. Grion swore in high elvish and quickly cast a disrobing spell. The remainder of Adonu's clothing vanished in a flash of light leaving him naked and laughing even as his skin and muscles crawled all over his body.

Adonu's laughter grew louder as the air hit his naked skin. "Me feel dumb", he announced to the crowd of monstrous onlookers. "It feel good to be naked and dumb." Much laughter ensued from the bar, even from Lord Grion.

Adonu's feet and hands grew to comic proportions as the rest of his body swelled with new muscle. His body quickly caught up as his legs and arms lengthened and chest broadened. His waist didn't expand, but his abs became defined beyond belief, his new eight pack clearly visible. His ears lengthened and stood out taller from his head even as his height increased. "Me feel good....strong", Adonu uttered in a deeper voice. His already long hair lengthened and cascaded down his back tickling his ass. At the same time a thin coat of body hair sprouted across his chest and shoulders forming a treasure trail to his groin. Last to respond was his sexual equipment which grew to match his new height and lend some. It's hardening length bobbed in the air. As an elf he had been average, as a barbarian elf, he had taken enough special ale to ensure a large endowment.

Grion grinned looking at the newest, if temporary member of the barbarian elf race. His cock was stirring and he did nothing to hide it as it slid slightly from it's sheath. "Adonu, you look amazing. Don't worry, the dumbness is only temporary, it will wear off."

"Me feel great", Adonu stood looking Lord Grion in the eye. They were now almost the same height. The barbarian elf noticed the scent of the griffon for the first time. His pheromones started affecting Adonu in his intoxicated state. A hand reached out and stroked Grion's partially unsheathed cock.

Grion moaned, but stepped back quickly. "No my friend, you are mated, intoxicated, and horny because of the magic. Maybe sometime we'll have some fun, but not here and now." Grion stood back and quickly composed himself even as his cock said he wanted more. He cast another spell of transformation on Adonu to complete him.

Instantly Adonu was consumed with itching all over his body as his fur and feathers grew in. The magic from the ale returned him to fits of laughter in response to the stimulation as his whole body became tawny in color. Even his face was covered in short fur as his teeth lengthened into fangs. Vicious claws erupted from his hands as they turned into talons, while his feet became digi-grade and feline. Retractable claws replaced his toenails as they fell out of his reshaping paws A long leonine tail grew from his ass as large wings ripped from his back and filled out, his flight feathers growing in long and beautiful.

Adonu let loose a loud roar as his transformation completed. Grion caught Adonu as he collapsed to the floor, exhausted and unconscious. "Take him to one of the guest caves and bring him fresh meat. He'll need it when he wakes." Garth quickly leapt to his feet and cast a teleport spell on himself and Adonu. They disappeared in a shower of sparks.

Grion left the bar and stepped out into the bright sunshine. Once his eyes adjusted he leapt skyward and headed for his mountain cave. His cock was out of it's sheath and now very hard. The air rushing by only made his need for release worse. He let out a roaring cry which was quickly answered by one of his female consorts. They met in mid-air.

Grion put the thoughts of the pending rescue out of his mind and focused on his bestial needs. "Plenty of time to be civilized later", he told himself. Lord Grion roared his passion to the world as he plunged into his mate for the afternoon.....