A very CLOSE friendship

Story by Thrillseeker on SoFurry

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Daichi dusted off his clothes and sighed. What a day. This young wolf just got worked to death and that useless dragon, Taiga, was nowhere to be found. Like always. Where does that dragon disappear to?

Daichi has been working with his father's car shop for a while even though he's at a pretty young age. And ever since Taiga started working there too, the two have become closer than ever. A little... too close. Taiga has been giving weird signs to him for a while and it's starting to creep Daichi out. Even still, it will take more than that to break their friendship.

Daichi wiped his forehead as he studied his father's motorcycle. It was his father's birthday soon and Daichi wanted to pull out his old motorcycle as a gift. Daichi missed how he and his father used to ride around on his and to have the wind blowing through their fur. Even watched him pull a wheelie on it once an a while just for the fun of it. Oh those were the times.

Finally thinking that he was finished for the day, Daichi walked up to the sink and cleaned his paws. Then he perked his ears high and looked behind him. Banging? Daichi flipped one of the switches to turn the main lights off, then traced the only light that was still on in the whole room. And it led to... Taiga's office?

Daichi slowly walked up to the door and put his ear to it. He could still hear banging... and... moaning? Daichi wanted to just turn around and forget it, then he heard the banging stop and he froze in place. After a while or so longer, Daichi quickly jumped back when Taiga opened the door.

"Uh... what were you... doing in there?" Daichi stuttered.

"N-Nothing." Taiga lied. It could be seen easily since he was blushing like crazy.

"Oh come on!"

".... Um... Daichi... how long have we known each other?"

"Why would you ask that? It's been like a good nine years man. Like... ever since elementary school."

"And you still don't know that much about me."

".... What do you mean?"

"W-W-Well... uh... hmm...."

"You can tell me? Did I ever miss something?"

Taiga looked up at the wolf and shuddered slightly. Daichi pinned back his ears out of confusion. But when he noticed that something sticky was on Taiga's claw, it didn't take much longer to put the pieces of this puzzle together. When Daichi grabbed the door, Taiga quickly gasped and jumped back as he tripped over a bucket that was right behind him.

"Taiga! Are you okay?!" Daichi yelled as he reached for the dragon.

"I-I-I'm f-f-fine." Taiga murmured.

"Let me help you up."

Taiga reached out and grabbed Daichi's paw before helping his own self up. But when he looked into Daichi's eyes, he blushed brightly and stepped back.

"What the hell? When have you ever done that before?" Daichi asked.

".... Um... r-r-remember... b-back when... we were i-in the s-showers a week ago." Taiga said quietly, stumbling over most of his words.

"Yeah? What about it?"

"W-Well... remember when it... when it looked like... like I was in... in a daze?"

"Yeah? I had to shake you to death."

".... I wasn't in a daze. I was... thinking...."

"About what?"

".... About... us."

Daichi perked his ears and blushed when he heard those last two words. Taiga... liked him. As in... liked liked him. Taiga rubbed the back of his head and chuckled nervously as he looked away.

"S-Sorry." Taiga whimpered.

Daichi thought about it for a while, then walked up to him and licked his cheek. Taiga jumped back again with widened eyes.

"Shocked you didn't I?" Daichi chuckled.

"Eh... a-a little." Taiga replied.

"We're friends right? So if there is something that you want to share, then you can share it."

Taiga blushed brightly, then slowly walked up to him and rubbed the back of Daichi's head. Daichi followed suit and smiled. Taiga, though being still pretty nervous, leaned in and kissed his lips. Daichi returned the favor and rubbed his tongue against his. Daichi could still tell that Taiga was still as nervous as ever.

"Anything that I can do to let you calm your nerves?" Daichi smirked.

Taiga rubbed his ears and tilted them back slightly, "W-Well... u-u-um...."

Daichi raised a brow, then chuckled and sat on top of Taiga's desk.

"B-But why are you l-letting me d-d-do this? Your straight." Taiga explained.

"Your point? If it will make you start acting like your old self then I guess I can break the rules just this once." Daichi chuckled.

"R-Really? A-Are you s-s-sure about this? I mean... since you're doing this for me... I mean...."

"I told you. I don't mind this time. I want you to act like your old self again. Now stop being nervous and come over here."

Taiga smiled and nodded as he walked over to the bushy brown wolf. Now less nervous than before, he leaned up and kissed Daichi's neck teasingly. Daichi let out a slight whimper as he put his paw on the back of Taiga's neck. Panting, he continued to encourage Taiga's teasing by scratching at Taiga's bright-silver scales. Daichi closed his eyes and blushed even brighter.

"H-How much experience d-d-do you have?" Daichi panted.

"A little. From... watching the girls do it at school." Taiga admitted with a blush.

"You always were known to study a little too hard. Now I'm glad that you do."


Daichi grabbed Taiga's jacket and pulled him close, "What else have you been studying?"

Taiga smiled then grabbed at Daichi's shirt. Letting the still nervous dragon take full control, Daichi watched as Taiga slowly slipped off the excited wolf's shirt while kissing him lower and lower. Taiga then pressed his claw against Daichi's chest and pushed him back a little as he worked his fangs on his pants.

Daichi chuckled with amazement as Taiga pulled his belt off and unzipped his pants with his fangs. Daichi, at first, was about to pull them back up just to tease the horny dragon, but then was pressed down onto the desk.

"Calm down Taiga. That hurt." Daichi growled.

"S-Sorry Daichi. I got carried away." Taiga chuckled nervously.

Daichi rolled his eyes. Then the wolf blushed as Taiga slowly slipped off his briefs to show his prize. Taiga licked his lips with anticipation, then kissed Daichi's cock teasingly. Daichi moaned quietly as he laid back as much as he could, digging his claws into the desk. He couldn't believe how good Taiga was.

Taiga, after kissing and licking it for a while, wrapped his long pointed tongue around his partner's cock, brushing the tip with the tip of his tongue. Daichi let his eyes roll to the back of his head as Taiga seemed to entertain him further. Taiga rubbed his cock with both his free claw and his tongue, then wrapped his lips around the wolf's maleness and sucked hard. Daichi yowled softly as he tightened his grip on the desk. Then he yipped and lifted his leg slightly when he felt his balls get squeezed and blushed with embarrassment soon after.

Taiga chuckled a little before getting back to work, sucking harder and faster with each passing second, just to receive that delicious nectar. Daichi moaned and panted even louder as he clenched his teeth and closed his eyes from the dragon's work. Then, with a smirk, Taiga used his free claw and slid it slowly into Daichi's tailhole. Daichi yowled as his tail and legs gave a twitch. Taiga was using every method in the book, and it was working.

Daichi couldn't hold it back much longer as Taiga licked his tip with expert perfection. Daichi finally closed his eyes tightly and howled at the top of his lungs as he climaxed in the dragon's muzzle. Taiga slurped it down quickly, then licked the rest off Daichi's member.

"How was that Daichi?" Taiga smiled.

"G-G-Great...." Daichi panted as his tail swayed weakly.

"Um... D-D-Daichi? Can I... ask you something else?"


"Um... c-c-could I... err... I could just... u-um...."

Daichi chuckled and slowly sat up. Then he nuzzled Taiga's cheek and kissed it as well. Then he slid off Taiga's jacket and pressed his paw against Taiga's naked chest.

"Do whatever you want." Daichi chuckled.

Taiga blushed and looked down, "W-Well... w-w-we c-c-could... hmm...."

"I already know what you're going to say."

Taiga smiled nervously and blushed as Daichi got off the desk. Then Daichi watched as Taiga took off his pants to reveal his own maleness, and surprisingly, in some part of Daichi's mind, he liked its size.

"Nice package there Taiga." Daichi chuckled.

"T-Thanks." Taiga smiled.

"Still nervous huh? Guess I don't have a choice in the matter then."

Smiling, he walked up to him and rubbed Taiga's dick with a sigh. He couldn't believe that he was going through with this. But he was sure that he didn't want Taiga acting like the way he's been acting. Once Daichi was sure that Taiga was rock-hard, he walked back to the desk and bent over it with his tail raised high in the air and his legs spread out a little. Daichi's intoxicating scent alone was beckoning Taiga to come over and take him.

Taiga whiffed the smell and savored it before getting behind him and rubbing his cock across Daichi's ass. Daichi braced himself as he was already about to claw into the desk from the wait. Then with a wide smirk, Taiga plunged in. Daichi made a ear-splitting howl as he clawed even bigger marks into Taiga's desk. Taiga waited while Daichi caught his breath and relaxed before doing anything else.

When Daichi lifted his head from the desk and looked back at Taiga, he nodded lustfully and smiled. Taiga smiled back and nodded back as he slid his cock in and out of the wolf slowly. Daichi looked back at the desk and closed his eyes tightly as he moaned from each movement. And to think... that this big beast was soon going to be slamming into him like a fighting bull ramming a bright-red fence.

As Taiga increased his pace, Daichi was suddenly thinking of ending this. So... why was he enjoying this so much if he wanted it to stop? Maybe he was enjoying this way more than he wanted to admit. All he knew is... he wanted more. He looked at Taiga in the corner of his eye and mouthed the word, Deeper.

Taiga noticed it and nodded as he hastened his thrusts. Then, almost without thinking, he accidentally threw all his power into his thrust, making his cock go in as deep as it could. Daichi gasped as loud as he could as he practically buried his claws into the desk that was keeping him from flying forward or onto the ground.

"W-What are y-you d-d-doing?!" Daichi yelled.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry. I lost c-control." Taiga gulped.

".... N-Never mind. I-I just need to get used to it."

"Used to it? Y-You mean?"

Daichi nodded and smiled as he swayed his tail weakly. Taiga chuckled slightly at how hard Daichi was willing and trying to make him happy again. With a wide toothy grin, Taiga continued his work at a faster and harder pace. Daichi closed his eyes tightly from Taiga slamming his member in and out at an increasing rate. And surprisingly, to Daichi at least, he didn't want this to ever end even though he knew that it would soon.

Taiga growled happily as his cock started to throb inside the wolf. With his large wings spread out wide, Taiga roared at the top of his lungs as his hot sticky cum poured into the wolf's bowels. Daichi winced slightly from that last harsh thrust, but the weird yet warming feeling of cum flowing inside him made it feel slightly better. Taiga chuckled slightly as drips of cum slipped out and drooled down Daichi's furry leg.

"Did you... enjoy that...." Taiga panted as he lashed his tail back and forth slowly.

"Simply... perfect." Daichi chuckled weakly as he caught his breath.

Taiga smiled and kissed the back of Daichi's neck, then slithered his tongue into Daichi's ear. Daichi whimpered from the feeling and was suddenly into a trance as Taiga continued to tease the wolf. Taiga slid his claws across Daichi's cock and enjoyed the slight jump that Daichi gave off.

"S-Stop it." Daichi chuckled as he pulled his claws out of the desk.

"I can't help it. Your just too sexy to leave alone." Taiga laughed as he licked Daichi's ears.

Daichi smiled, finally accepting that every second was paradise to him and he wanted it to last forever. Then Daichi gasped softly as Taiga slid his cock out of Daichi's tail-hole. Daichi laid himself on the desk again and panted as another thought climbed into his perverted head.

Laying on his back, he gave a playful growl to Taiga and smirked widely. Taiga nodded and gave another toothy grin as he grabbed Daichi's wrists and pinned him down. Daichi made a mischievous whimper and licked Taiga's cheek as he stared into Taiga's sharp blue eyes with his own yellow ones. In the back of Daichi's head though, he was still regretting this. But the only reason that it felt so good was because Daichi and Taiga have been such close friends for so long.

Finally putting that thought at ease, Daichi leaned up and kissed his friend right on the lips. Then he yipped when something poked his ass and could only guess what was going to happen next. Taiga smirked and spread his wings out wide.

"And just what are you doing?" Daichi asked.

"I just don't want you to go." Taiga replied.

".... Fine cutie. Go on ahead."

Taiga smiled and leaned further over the wolf, spreading his wings over the wolf as if to shield him from the outside world. Daichi froze in place and blushed so brightly that he looked like an apple. Taiga chuckled and licked his cheek.

"Y-You do know w-what to do r-right?" Daichi asked nervously.

"Err... w-well... I've... seen what to do." Taiga admitted with embarrassment.

"I... see...."

Taiga chuckled slightly then gulped and went for it. Lifting up Daichi's legs so they were resting on Taiga's shoulder, he got on his knees and licked Daichi's cock slowly. Daichi panted loudly and gasped as the dragon slowly slid his claw into the wolf's tailhole. Clenching his fangs, he growled happily as Taiga's claw teased him further. Then with a smirk, Taiga stood to his feet and grabbed Daichi's legs as he slowly forced his cock into his tailhole.

Daichi yowled loudly and cringed. This position hurt him a little more than the last one because of his body structure compared to Taiga. But he wasn't about to squeal and complain about it.... It was slowly starting to feel good.

Taiga placed his claws down on the table and on both sides of Daichi's head.

"Y-You ready pal?" Taiga asked.

"You already have it in me." Daichi whimpered. "But I won't submit to you."

Taiga smirked, "Wanna bet on that?"

"Fine. I submit and I'll be your bitch for a week."

"And if you won't, then I'll be your bitch for a week."

"Fine. It's agreed."

Taiga nodded and slowly moved his waist, sliding more of his cock into the wolf. Daichi whimpered loudly and buried his claws into the desk so he doesn't slide up from Taiga's future thrusts. And in good timing too. Taiga's thrusts were increasing, slowly but surely. Daichi wasn't sure how much more he could take from the big lizard.

Clawing at the table, Taiga growled loudly as he increased his thrusts, feeling his fat balls hitting both Daichi and the table. Listening to Daichi's moaning only increased his lust to mate with the wolf. But he wanted to hold back... for just a little while longer. Just... until....

"Alright! Alright! I submit!" Daichi snarled as he moaned his loudest.

Taiga smiled in triumph and growled as well. He was closing in on his climax, but wanted to hold it for just a while longer. Daichi finally dug his claws out and wrapped them around Taiga's neck. They both stared into each other's eyes as they faded into their own little world. But it soon came to a grinding halt as Taiga roared into Daichi's ears and made a wave of cum into the wolf's tailhole. Drip after drip slipped out of Daichi's ass and made a small puddle on the table's edge.

Daichi cringed from the roar, but quickly relaxed as warm cum slowly poured into him. Making a wide smile, Daichi licked Taiga's lips and swayed his tail weakly. After a long held kiss from the two, Taiga slowly slipped his member out of the wolf's ass and let what was still there drip onto the floor. Daichi felt like he was about to faint after all that, but groaned softly and twitched his ears. It was going to be a while before he could move probably again.

"S-Sorry Daichi." Taiga murmured.

"... It... was... fun." Daichi panted as he chuckled weakly.



Taiga smiled and blushed as he rubbed Daichi's cock again. Daichi flinched slightly, wondering what he was doing. Then Daichi moaned quietly as he felt himself close to climax already.

"I could tell that you were holding back." Taiga said with a wide smirk. "But it's time to let it out."

Daichi exhaled a few quick breaths before feeling his dick get bigger. Noticing how close Daichi was, Taiga reared his head over him and sucked at the tip of his cock teasingly. Daichi howled at the top of his lungs, then finally shot a string of cum in the dragon's mouth.

Daichi laid there for a while with his eyes closed, then he looked up at Taiga who still had his claws, and his lips, around his cock.

"You can let go now." Daichi chuckled.

Taiga looked up at him and blushed brightly, then finally let go of him and smiled slightly.

"Did you have fun?" Daichi laughed softly.

".... Thanks." Taiga murmured.

"Whatever. Anything for a friend right?"


"Now... where are my clothes?"

Taiga just then remembered they were close to the door. As they walked inside, Taiga's eyes widened as he looked up at the window. Another dragon was staring him right in the eye.

"Oh... crap...." Taiga murmured.

"What? What's wrong?" Daichi said while looking under the desk.

".... My father's here."

"What?!" Daichi yelped as he banged his head on the table.

Taiga made a groan of defeat as he opened the door slightly. There was no doubt that it was his father, they looked exactly alike aside from his father having darker scales.

"So I guessed right." He chuckled.

"Look... dad... please don't tell mom." Taiga begged.

"I won't. I won't."

"Cause I didn't... wait... what?"

"I kind of guessed that this would happen. Just didn't know that it was going to be this soon."


"Now put your clothes on already. You both need a bath."

Daichi and Taiga looked at each other, then smiled and chuckled. As they put on their clothes, Taiga took one last look at Daichi's package and blushed madly. He was never going to forget this day. Not ever.

As they slowly walked up to his father's car, Taiga looked up at the sky and wondered to himself, "What will happen if Kira and Alexander finds out?"