My knight in Shinning Armour ch6

Story by Sindal on SoFurry

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#6 of My knight in shining armor

Disclaimer: Ya know the drill; this story contains gay sexual activity and is not suitable for peoples under 18. If you find this offensive or don't like it, please leave before you get into trouble for being tati.

My knight in Shinning Armour

Chapter 6:A new friend

The rest of that Saturday and Sunday whooshed by. Sam and Jeff had relentlessly attack Alex and David with questions about the two of them, like how far had to two gotten. Alex simply remained tight lipped and David followed the example. They hung out with Daren too and Alex found he wasn't such a bad guy once you get to know him, becoming intertwined with his friends' link.

The Sunday none of his friends, including David, could spent time with him all being busy for some reason. David said he was really sorry but his parents wanted him to help them with something that would last the day. Alex just smiled and hugged David when he told him this, saying that is was ok. So he spend the day doing things he normally did when he didn't have someone to hang with. Read, do things on the computer, take a little run and even spent some time with his dad.

One thing he did that he really enjoyed was drawing. He didn't draw often but now he had a subject to draw about, David. He drawings were not bad but no exactly perfect either. Alex drew his fantasies with the bat and himself and he was rather impressed with himself after he drew 5 sketches that he never though he would colour for detain but defiantly was good enough to show what has happening on them. Alex giggled after drawing them and since it was late he went to sleep, what he had drawn floating into his dreams.

On Monday he had woken up particularly chirpy and early to take a long shower. As he did he thought things through for the day, letting the water douse and clean his fur as he rubbed soap, conditioner and shampoo into his fur. He was almost certain that the two blabbermouths and/or Daren had just about spread the news about his boyfriend, even though he had asked them not to, it was just the way Sam and Jeff were, never able to keep a secret for long. If they didn't he would be surprised but glad.

He got out, drying himself off and wrapping a towel around his waist, and walked back into his room. Alex gasped and flushed...there was David lying on his bed devoid of any clothing besides his boxers...and he was studying the drawings Alex had drawn.

"Hey, what are you doing here...and why aren't you fully dressed?" Alex mumbled out with a grin. He couldn't help being happy to see him again. He wondered how he even got into his room without him noticing...he must have taken that shower a little too long.

David looked up from the drawings and smiled "Just though I'd surprise you in a way that you like to see me...these are pretty good you know" waving them up.

Alex walked over to sit on the bed's edge, the blush still very much visible, not facing David "They're not so great"

David grinned and leaned over Alex's back, whispering into his ear "They're perfect...and I can't wait to do them to you..." talking in a very sexy and seductive yet soft voice, giving him a very commanding tone, and licking behind the mouse's ears.

Alex winced, it was just too much for him to handle, getting an almost instant erection. He twisted around, grabbed his mate and pulling him into a deep and passionate kiss in a forceful manner.

David blinks at the sudden reaction but chirrs into the kiss and after a little while he slowly lets go "And it looks like you can't either"

Alex shakes his head "I can't...I really and truly can't..." He felt a bit like a slut saying this, but it didn't affect his action.

David smiles and fiddles with the towel on Alex "Ok, but we have to make this one a quicky else we're gona be late for school" pulling the towel off the mouse and groping his ass, tracing a finger around the tailbase and reconnecting the muzzle lock.

Alex chirrs, being driven by lust alone, and attacks the silken fabric covering what he really wanted to see. He pulls it down, setting his lover's meat free from its cloth prison, standing full at attention, as his tongue played around in David's mouth. David murrrs in response and grinds the two bodies together, making both of them murrr loader in each other's muzzles, and moving his finger to rub over the crack of Alex's ass. Alex lets go of the kiss and lets out a loud moan.

David grins and whispers into the mouse's ear "Get on your paws and knees" still taking in that commanding voice. Alex obeyed without hesitation or second though. David licks his lip and leans his muzzle over to Alex's butt, starting to gently lap in between the butt checks and directly over the ring. Alex continues to moan from pleasure and gasps as David sticks his tongue a little inside his hole, the tip probing the insides. This was one of the things of the things Alex had drawn

Alex moans out "...Stop teasing naughty bat"

David smiles and leans over his mate's back, resting his own upper torso on it and wrapping his arms around him, leaving his cock tip just about a centimetre behind Alex's back entrance, licking at the ears again he whispers "As you wish my love..."

David slowly slides his shaft inside, the saliva from the rimming acting as a kind of lube, getting it all and then stopping for Alex to adjust. Alex moans out and leans his head back, muttering "C'mon batsy, fuck me"

David didn't need to be told twice. He pulled out and thrust back in over and over while moving one of his paws to grab the mouse's shafting, slowly sliding it over the length. Alex goes on moaning and started rocking his body accordingly to the pumping, making it seem like it's going deeper inside him. David really didn't want to end the moment rapidly but if he didn't they would be late for school, so he started doing a calculation while he increased his pumping and rubbing and even gave the balls a light squeeze. Alex yips but resumes his moaning "Oh gods David!"

David smiled hearing this and finished his calculation, each of his thrusts now target and hit the sweet spot inside Alex as he pounds it against his ass. Alex moans in ecstasy and starts to leak pre on his bed covers, tears of pleasure running down to his cheeks and feels a large pressure in his balls. David has a similar feeling and thrusts a final time, moaning out "Alex!" as he squirted a large amount of his cum inside the mouse, so much it starting to leak outside the hole. Alex squeals and crosses over to the place of no return, spraying David's paw and his bed sheets with his seed.

Both of them are panting heavily and David slowly pulls out of Alex, muttering out exhausted "Damn that was a good one"

Alex sighs happily and looks back with a smile "You sure know how to please a guy don't cha?"

David smirks "I aim to please for my loved one"

Alex giggles and tries to sit up properly, struggling a bit. David supports him "We really should clean up a bit and head for school now hun..."

Alex nods slowly and gets off the bed, licking the cum off his paw and dusting his fur off, heading for his closet to find something to wear and putting it on. He looked back at David, who had pretty much done the same and was now fixing his hair.

Alex smiled "Ready to go?"

David smiles back "As ever" and as they walked out he gave a playful smack on Alex's rump, making him jump "Too bad that has cute ass of yours as to get covered though..."

At school, Daren was waiting for them at the entrance "Hey guys!" he shouted to them and waving

Alex blinked, such an action was not really necessary "Hello Daren"

David smiled like he normally would "Hey dude"

The three of them started walking down the hallway inside. Daren spoke "Have I thanked you for letting me be your friend?"

Alex nods "Yes, you have" Daren had crossed over from enemy to friend in a matter of days and Alex stilled wondered what on Earth had suddenly decided to change this face.

Daren went on "Well thanks again, most people wouldn't have after being bullied for..." he paused to count how long it was " almost fours years and a few months"

Daren smiled "That's my mousy, so kind and forgiving..."

Alex blushed and remembered something "Um Daren...Did you tell anyone and Davy?"

Daren shakes his head "You said I mustn't so I didn't"

Alex looked around, people were giving him and David looks "Then there are only two furs left that must have told..." a bit of annoyance in his voice.

David reached over and held the mouse's paw "It also means I can do this and furs will know why" he seemed to be happy with people knowing the fact.

Daren smirked "Well anyway, I think" then froze staring at something.

The other two furs eyed the bull with curiosity and exchanged looks before Alex asked "Daren...are you in there?"

Daren did nothing, perfectly motionless. David followed his eye line and looked puzzled, muttering to Alex "He's staring at that dude over there" pointing where Daren's eyes were fixed. Alex looked over and found that David was pointing at a kangaroo fetching something from his locker. He looked like a jockey too and must have been on the soccer team with Daren. Daren apparently was blushing.

David smiled broadly and whispered something into Alex's ear, making the mouse smiled just as broadly and giggle "Oh..."

Alex snapped his fingers in front of Daren's face " to Daren, anybody home?"

Daren shook his head, coming out of his zone out, blinking confused "Huh?"

Alex giggled more "I guess we'll see you around Daren" padding off with Daren behind him waving.

Daren blinked again but then shrugged and headed for his classes.

The school day was pretty boring and dull, same old classes with the same old teachers that shoved -knowledge- down your throats. Through one of the classes David had used his tail to play at Alex's leg, making him giggle and brightening Alex's day a bit .At lunch Alex had confronted the two dogs on breaking their promises. They just smiled and shrugged "Well, technically you didn't make us promise not to say, you just told us not to" making Alex shake his head and roll his eyes. They did not see Daren for the remainder of that day.

At the end Alex and David, to Sam and Jeff's surprise, were whispering things to each other with giggles.

Sam blurted out "You too are hiding something from us again aren't you?"

David smiles "Maybe, maybe not"

Jeff whined, "C'mon, tell us, you know how we hate being left out"

Alex grins, "Should we tell them?"

David thinks for a moment then answers, "Why not, lets just make sure no one else can hear it"

They all walked outside and out of range from any furs to hear, Sam looked excited "SO...what's the deal then?"

Alex snickers "Daren is gay..."

The jaws of both the dogs fall open "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!"

David shakes his head "Nope, the problem is that we think he doesn't know it yet"

Sam blinks "Huh?"

Alex answers "Daren has a crush on a kangaroo on his soccer team, but we don't think he's accepted that fact yet"

Jeff head tilts "How do you guys know?"

David answers now "This morning when he even got a glimpse of that guy he zoned out" he paused "He also had a very specific look on face...a look that I know"

Sam blinks again "Huh?"

David sighs "It's the same longing puppy dog stare I got from Alex when I met him, blush and all"

Alex flushes "Did I really stare at you like that?"

David smiles "Yes you did hun"

Jeff thinks, sucking a finger "So, Daren is gay and has the hots for another guy but doesn't want to accept it?"

Alex shakes his head "Well, he might accept it but we both doubt it"

There was a long pause, until Sam exclaimed "Hey, how bout we help our new friend eh?"

Alex blinks "How?"

Jeff smiles "Easy, get the two hooked up!"

David shakes his head "Bad idea, that dude might take it wrong way, in other words he might not be gay"

Sam and Jeff start taking together "Well, we're gonna try anyway" and walking off into the distance

Alex watches the two images fade out of view then turns to face David "Hmmm...maybe we really should help Daren, otherwise he's never going to get over it"

David smiles "There you go again, caring more about other people than yourself...and you're probably right"

Alex smiles "Lets see if we can get that bull a first date with a male..."

David grins grimly "Having a male for a lover is much more fun than a femme"

Alex raises an eyebrow "How would you know?"

David licks his mate's nose "Because girls are snobby, complain a lot, shop too much, are too loud and are basically a pain in the ass...not like you, you're sweet like candy..."

Alex blinks and blushes, giving the bat a hug "Thank you hun, but don't you think that stereotyping?"

David shrugs "I might be, but you're still fact" he grasps the mouse's paw and starts skipping to the car singing "My boy lollipop, you make my heart go giddy up, you are as sweet as candy, you're my sugar dandy, whoa oh my boy lollipop, never ever leave me, because it would greave me, my heart to me so..."

Alex giggles and skips with the bat as he sings the rest of the song, feeling so gleeful and happy that he was with David. He loved him, and nothing was ever going to change that.

When they got in the car David pulled Alex on his lap "We don't have to leave just yet"

Alex giggled and shook his head "Not really..."

David smiles and looks around, checking if anyone could see, then kissed his beloved fully. Alex murrrrs and kisses back, wrapping his arms around the bat. They had a little make out scene in the car before David stopped them with a grin "Save the rest for later hun"

Alex smiles as he gets of David's lap and they drive off, looking forward to the 'later' part.

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