#406 - Part 1 - Rape Escape

Story by Prince Seren on SoFurry

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The material may contain vore, and another fetish that some may not enjoy,

readers descrasion is adviced...

This is the first part of my new series #406 Part 1 Rape Escape. The story sets off with a man taking in a young wolf as his slave, for there is this concentration camp somewhere in the US that no one knows about. Makoto a young wolf who had been stolen from doing normal highshool stuff was kidnaped into this camp and was forced into slavery by a young male tiger. He has to do all he is told in order to survive, will he escape? Well go on *Shuves slightly* read on!

It was cold and dark, and Makoto did not know where he was. He struggled but knew that it was useless for someone had bounded his hands in tight ropes. He whimpered slightly, his ears against the back of his head as he heard someone enter the room.

"Well, it looks like you got yourself in a fix, don't ya sweety," It was a strong male voice, he seemed to be it least twenty or older, Makoto also took notice that the male most be a tiger for he heard a purring sound behind his voice. "Your my little toy for the night now," The figure bent down and reached for Makoto's neck where there was a collar that was forced on him and a tag that had the number 406. "Number 406 hm?" He smirked softly. "That is your new name for right now slave, got that?" He said rising an eye brow. He then flipped on a light switch to see his new slave.

Makoto was at first blinded, but he was able to see the man. There stood a tiger, fully erect and had a nice muscle bound chest. He wore nothing outside of a pare of shorts that were tented due to the hardening cock that wanted apparently his tailhole.

"Your going to do everything I tell you 406," Said the tiger slowly moving up to him. He grabbed the boy's collar and made him get up and stand on his feet. "Right now I want you to suck my cock, I'm very aroused," He said slowly slipping off his shorts raveling a nice hardened cock that was nice and long. "Suck it little bitch," He demanded harshly.

Makoto whimpered and got on his knees and slowly took hold of the cock. He looked up once at his new master and whined slightly and slowly opened his muzzle and took in the tiger meat and slightly began to suck his cock.

"Ah, that's right little bitch whore, take that nice thick cock inside your mouth and suck it," He said groaning a little at the pleasure of the warm saliva from the wolf wrap around his cock. He arched his back slightly as he closed his eyes and began to feel the back of the wolf's head just slightly as he got pleased by his new little slave. "My name is Ryuki," He said smiling softly.

Makoto did not believe that he was being forced to do this, but if it meant his freedom he had to do it. But for some reason this Ryuki was not saying anything about freeing him, instead he says that his new name was now 406, why did he give people number names? He kept the tiger cock into his warm mouth, bobbing up and down very slowly and made sure that his tongue massaged every inch of the shaft. He took it out of his muzzle and coughed, the taste was so strange and salty he almost gagged.

"Want this nice cock up that ass of yours wolf?" Ryuki asked a grin displaying on his muzzle. He took deep even breaths for he was still very erect from the warm mouth of the wolf. "Get on your fucking stomach little fuck and allow me to lube you with my saliva." He then forcefully pushed the wolf downward considering that the wolf's paws were still bound together and he was not able to make a move by himself, which was the way Ryuki liked it. He slowly forced the wolf's tail up and then bent down and allowed his leathery tongue to slip through the crevasses of dry wolf anus and began to slurp at it. He purred deeply.

Makoto moaned deeply, mistakenly as well for just then a paw came rapping at the back of his head.

"Shut up bitch, I'm the only one who can make sounds here," Ryuki did not want to do this but he took out a nice sized muzzle and strapped it around the wolf's mouth and then locked it with a key. "There ya go my little whore," He said laughing and continuing to lick his tailhole, slipping his tongue all the way till it reached his prostate. He then rose his head to get a breath of air. He took his left paw and slowly began to poke at the wolf's anus. Slowly a finger slid right into it and he made it go in and out, in and out as if it were his own cock, He loved to finger and tease his pray before giving them what they truly deserve. "Beg for me slut," He demanded with a growl.

"Please master, take that nice cock of yours and shove it up my ass," Pleaded Makoto panting deeply and clenching his hole around Ryuki's finger slightly, his voice was muffled by the muzzle so it was hard for the tiger to hear.

Suddenly an idea popped into Ryuki's mind. He slowly pressed in further into the tailhole of number 406, smiling slightly as he saw his anus begin to open wider. "That's a boy, get ready to take my fist," He then pushed his whole hand inside the wolf's ass moaning slightly feeling it go all the way into the small tunnel. He then began to slowly press against the prostate of 406 with his knuckles purring very loudly. He then slowly began to take out his hand, but instead of having it come all the way out, he forcefully pressed it back right inside touching the prostate.

Makoto yelled softly, but in consideration the muzzle was still wrapped around him, so it was more of a muffle then a yell. He panted deeply feeling the arm of the tiger insert his ass, and then leave. He whimpered softly feeling the pain, but then again it was not pain,it was more of pleasure mixed with pain. He hated to admit it, but he was sort of enjoying this. "Fuck my ass master, take that nice thick cock of yours and pound me till I bleed," He manged to say through the muzzle.

Ryuki was now satisfied. He slowly took out his whole arm and allowed the wolf's anus to slowly regain normality after nearly being spread out all the way for a head to be placed inside and consumed. "Alright little wolf, you deserve my cock," Ever so rarely does he fuck a boy this fast, but deep in his mind, he had a little plan for the boy, one that he knew number 406 would not suspect nor attend. He then slowly grabbed a hold of his nice firm cock moaning deeply he slowly slapped it against the gaping tailhole of the wolf that was now normal size. He slowly took a deep breath. "Be prepared bitch,' He muttered slightly and slid his nice thick cock right into the wolf's ass with all the force that he could manage.

Makoto yelped slightly, clenching his teeth slightly as he felt the tiger's thick cock slowly make its way into his raw anus that had once been occupied by a nice arm that was so good. "Oh god," He panted deeply at the cock entering his asshole.

"Yeah, that is a good bitch,' Ryuki said softly panting deeply as his cock slid right into the wolf's cock. His muscles were covered with sweat, and musk filled the air, which was a financial aid towards his hormones that were fully erected and wanted action. His barbs slid in and out of the anus of the wolf, pre leaked out from the tip of his dick like a river of white light. He closed his eyes. "I think I'm going to.." He moaned taking out his cock and then turned the wolf back to his back and then got on top of him and aimed his nice large cock at the mouth of the wolf stroking it fast and hard as he arched his back. A nice fine river of white silk flung itself into the air and right on top of the wolf. A loud roar echoed through the stone walls of the abandon storage unit.

Makoto squinted his eyes a little as the salty sticky white substance of cum flung into his face. He tasted it at the edges of his muzzle for some of it leaked through the cracks of the leather. He panted deeply as he laid there, his tailhole was used, and bleeding slightly, his body rose and fell slightly his eyes closed. He felt the tiger release the muzzle off of him. He looked up at Ryuki.

Ryuki smiled softly and grabbed a hold of the young wolf, he then cracked his jaw open a little wider then it was and began to slowly move the wolf's head towards his mouth. He knew that this was going to be the best part, the wolf was unable to escape, and he was going to become a nice meal for his hungery stomach that has not had anything to eat.

Makoto realized his new fate, he whimpered and tried to get away, but it was useless.

Ryuki took hold of Makoto's muzzle within his own, he took a deep breath before pushing his paw harshly forward making the wolf's muzzle begin to vanish into the insides of his throat. He grunted slightly feeling his throat expand a little to accepted the large pray. He grunted and grabbed hold of the wolf's hips and pressed him in deeper.

Everything had went dark, saliva dripped onto his muzzle and he felt so awkward going down another's throat. He felt the slimy skin, and his body moved downward. It grew darker and darker and the slime of the tiger's body fluids stung at his skin making him yelp once and a while. He saw an opening downwards a bit to where he'll be entering the cavern of the tiger's body.

Ryuki lifted the wolf into the air, 406's head was half way down his throat and he was pushing more of the wolf inside him. Slowly his shoulders approached his muzzle, those were the hardest to get into his mouth, but at last he made it to the point where now he was slowly devouring the wolf's stomach and groin. To feel the muscles of the wolf go into him felt so wonderful, and to feel the struggling of the wolf inside his body felt awesome. He kept pressing the wolf further and further into his mouth, almost till his ass hung out in the air.

Makoto whimpered slightly, feeling that he was almost inside the tiger's body. He saw all the acid juices of the tiger's body working their way at his fur and skin. He closed his eyes and a soft glow of light came around him and protected him from the acids. He felt that he was almost in, the only thing that was now hanging out was his rear. He grunted and kept sliding inside as if there was a strange force pulling him inside.

Ryuki grunted and sucked in more of the wolf, he felt the wolf's tail slide inside so he took his fist and pressed in the rest of the wolf. The ass went in fairly easy and he took one big gulp, and the rest of the body went inside his stomach making him round and fat. He sat there and patted his stomach nicely and calmly as he groaned. "That is a good boy," He said slighlty. He gasped, suddenly a strange sensation came over his own anus, as if he was going to take a crap. He got up and grunted slighlty rising his tail a little as his ass began to expose.

What was happening was, Makoto had so much magic within him he began to go all the way up towards the tiger's ass for a narrow life saving escape. He took deep breaths and pushed himself towards the light that he saw, though it was going to be a tight fit he knew that he was going to come out and be saved, he would then make a run for it even if he was covered in juice, it was far better then being eaten alive again.

Ryuki grunted slightly, his tail rose in the air as he pushed harder as he felt the wolf's head come out. He gridded his teeth and panted deeply for the pain was way to much then he could ever bare. "I'll get you for this you little whore," He said growling slighlty feeling the wolf slip out a little more, now the wolf was out towards his waist.

Makoto felt so strange being half way out of another male's anus. He thought it was impossible for him to even get through. But in consideration the tailhole was gaping mighty big, and he was half way through to freedom. He pushed his feet paws back a little on what little support he had on the tiger's inside, and soon he only had his legs to get out. He felt a little limp but it was far better then being cramped. One last push and his feet slid out of the hole, thankfully he had no scat on him or anything. He got up and looked around for some sort of water source, there was a bathroom, he ran towards it and washed his face and his body as fast as he could.

Ryuki was in pain, no more like agony. The wolf had forced himself out of his body, and through his ass. He growled slightly slowly getting up. His paw reached for a red button and pressed it as then the whole room turned a tent of blood red and a siren began to set, he smirked knowing that security would be coming after his little slave to punish him for doing this.

Makoto yelped slightly and turned off the water, seeing that the tiger was still very weak he took this as an advantage. He grabbed a set of keys that laid by a near table for he knew that near the exit there was a gate. He then rushed out the shack and darted off on all fours towards the gates holding the keys in his jaw. His tail lashed back and forth as his paws touched the soil's of the earth. He saw the gate nearing, his hopes were up high, but then suddenly iron bars came right on top of him, stopping him in his tracks.