Night Visitor

Story by Shiveneve on SoFurry

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A while ago I wrote several stories as part of a daily story challenge. I've been wondering if I should post them at all, since they are decidedly more like lemons than actual stories, but several of my friends have recommended I share them anyway. I will be posting one a week for the next few weeks. As usual, I don't really care about spelling or grammar, please restrict comments to the story itself. This is the fifth story in this upload series.


Kithana cursed reflexively to herself as she stumbled upon the loose stone lining the cavern floor, sending echoes skittering through the stony passageways. She could hardly see a thing in the dark, her lizard eyes dilated as far as they could go and still not penetrating the deep shadows. Not surprising given the complete lack of any light source this far underground, but she couldn't shake the feeling that just possibly there might be some magic involved as well.

She had already been down here for hours searching for that thrice-cursed dragon's hoard. She had a map that should have been reliable considering how much she paid for it, but one false step skirting a rather large pit had cost her both her torch and the spare she carried. Kith knew she should have turned back, but the young thief had been certain she remembered the map well enough to proceed. Though, that certainty quickly began to wane as she wandered aimlessly in the dark.

A flick of her tongue, nervously drawing it over her lips, confirmed no new or at least helpful scents. The air around her remained positively saturated with dragon scent, and though the intensity of the powerful reptilian creature's pheromone-laden musk made her slightly aroused, it didn't help her find the way to his lair, or the way out. Still, if the smell was this heavy, it must be a passage the dragon frequently used, with a bit of careful concentration and stealth she should be able to continue on and find the massive hoard the beast must have collected.

She'd seen him from a distance, a truly huge creature. She probably wasn't any larger than one of his fore-talons, which was why she thought she might just be able to sneak in and out of his lair unobserved. Even now, all was not lost. She slipped her tongue out again, was the dragon scent stronger than last time? She thought maybe it was. Could she be getting close at last? Cautiously she tiptoed forward...

Unfortunately in the pitch black dark of the cave, she managed to miss the abrupt end of her tunnel, stepping out into open air with a shrill screech of surprise! She fell at least half a dozen meters, no dangerous distance for a two-meter tall lizard, and she landed uninjured on her paws. Still the moment she landed, she immediately went completely quiet, going rigid still as she realized that what she felt beneath her was NOT the cold rock of the cave floor.

A single, slit-like crimson beacon shined brightly in the dark, soon joined by another. The pair of flaming emblems fixed upon her, and then narrowed. All of a sudden the room filled with light, and Kith realized that she had found the dragon's lair. Kith had stumbled into a truly massive, domed cavern that stretched out incredibly far in all directions, with the equally impressive creature itself reclining atop his hoard in the center of the room. Her own relatively tiny lizard form had been spared the full impact of a fall to the floor far beneath her entrance by landing on what could only be described as a very hard, very long, very hot dragon cock. That must have been some dream he was having before her arrival.

"Who dares invade my lair!?" The dragon did not seem terribly amused, staring directly at her, his fiery eyes boring into her skull.

Kith gulped, but there was no hiding from her fate here. She tried to stammer out an explanation, but the moment she opened her muzzle she caught the dragon's scent again. This close, it not only seemed enormously potent, but the flavor carried something else as well, something new that made her shiver from nose to tail tip.

Immediately Kith dropped to her belly, hind and forepaws seizing that magnificent dragon shaft as she began to stroke with wild abandon, licking just beneath the thick cock-head and sending shocks of desire through her at the exquisite taste. Kith couldn't resist nature's primal call; here lay a dragon clearly aroused, with a pheromone cocktail unlike any she'd ever experienced before. Male dragon yes, but then there was that something extra. Like mind control, it compelled her to want to service his every sexual need.

Circling her tail half-way around the thick shaft, as far as it could reach, she began to squeeze and massage him with that long, slender appendage. At the same time all four of her paws, front and aft, began to stroke as far as she could reach, using her talons to intensify the sensation since the skin of his cock seemed thick enough that she wouldn't risk hurting him. Straddling his shaft like so, the small lizardess also began to rub her swiftly dampening femslit against the gigantic pillar of flesh, through the tight clothing covering her lithe form. Moaning softly, surprised at the suddenness with which her lust has taken over, and by the fact that the dragon hasn't killed her for being so sexually forward, she rode him like there was no tomorrow. After all, he might come to his senses at any moment and totally crush this insect that had the foolhardy bravery to touch him so intimately.

But the dragon didn't crush her, in fact he seems rather to enjoy her touch, laying back and purring as this erstwhile thief applied the agility and strength necessary for her chosen profession to giving him pleasure. He could sense her arousal as well, and a simple wave of his paw disposed of her clothing, demonstrating the magic for which dragons were so renowned. Taking this as a positive sign, Kith began to stroke harder, faster, the volume of her lewd cries increasing as she worked herself and the dragon toward climax at the same time.

A second surprise interrupted her though, as she felt the dragon's talons closing around her back, squeezing her firmly to his shaft. After a moment's hesitation he gave one or two slow and luxurious strokes, then plucked her from his shaft. She cringed, expecting to be crushed or maybe eaten, but he only carried her to his cocktip. Setting her down astride his cum-slit, the massive dragon sternly commanded her, "Stay, and don't spill a single drop." Slowly he lowered his paw back toward his massive shaft.

Kith went wide-eyed, shaking her muzzle in mute denial, but his gaze foretold a grisly death if she disobeyed. She let a soft whimper part her lips then carefully adjusted the her silken slit to kiss his urethral opening. His pre came first, a several-gallon spurt that made her cry out at the pain and pleasure of having so much sexual fluid stretching her passage. Adding another surprise to the evening's list of unexpected events, she didn't spill a single drop, instead feeling her very womb bloat with his pre-seminal fluids, somehow impossibly taking all he had to offer.

The dragon churred heavily and continued to stroke himself, a slow, building rhythm that somehow pleasured him while keeping his cock-head still enough for Kith to stay balanced on top. She took more and more of his pre, bloating until the tiny lizardess seemed many months pregnant with young, the pleasure only increasing for her as his warm cock filled her with those curiously magic fluids. The sight of the sexy, if momentarily overlarge reptile straddling his shaft only made the dragon more randy, his cock throbbing heavily as he worked nearer to his release.

At last, tossing his muzzle back and crying out in pleasure, the gigantic dragon lowered his free-paw to hold her firmly to his cock. A low rumble, like a tsunami building as it approached the shore, sounded from beneath the tiny lizardess, leaving Kith to moan and whine in fear and eager anticipation of what was about to happen. The cum roiling inside the massive dragon jetted up his tight urethra, spilling against her sex-lips with the force of a fire hose, and then spearing deep inside her, driving her to orgasm in sync with him.

Writhing in pleasure of her own, Kith could only hiss out an open-muzzled and noiseless cry of pure sexual bliss as her breath was stolen by the enormous outpouring of cum inside her. The small reptilian female bloated up like a lizard-green balloon, her breasts and belly expanding with each thick rope of cum spurting inside her. She looked like a marshmallow slowly puffing up with heat, her arms and legs, and even her paws beginning to lose definition as she was filled beyond reason, beyond possibility save for the dragon's magic.

At the apex of the dragon's climax, Kith's own orgasm occupying nearly all her thoughts, she abruptly felt a change coming over her. The dragon's magic coursed through her, the pleasure tapering off as she felt her rounded, tear-drop shaped form began to harden. She tried to cry out in alarm, but her lungs were filled with dragon's seed, thus she could only wait and feel the strange sensation of her body changing into something firm and ovoid.

The dragon grinned as the tiny lizardess quickly changed into a mottled-green dragon egg. Just before Kith's eyes closed for the last time, he lowered her past the base of his cock, letting her see a very obvious second slit. Suddenly the extra spice to his scent made sense. He was no male dragon, not at all; instead /shi/ was quite obviously a hermaphrodite! And by the looks of things, shi wasn't done playing with the little toy shi had acquired.

The dragoness Myrasania purred as shi nestled the green-and-white shell against hir arousal-touched femvent, the scales slowly sliding back and labia parting easily around the smooth ovoid. Kith's consciousness no longer resided in her shell, instead the former lizard had fallen asleep, becoming the yoke within Myra's newest egg. She wouldn't wake up again until it was time to hatch. However the dragoness hirself remained intent on finishing up with the night's various pleasures

Shi steadily worked the egg deeper and deeper, spreading herself as wide as any dragon shaft. Lewd moans echoed through the lair, somehow sounding more feminine stemming as they did from this other aspect of Myra's sexuality. Hir flesh gripped the narrower top of the egg tightly, as if trying to push it back out, while hir paw firmly guided it deeper. The smooth penetration felt positively exquisite, the dragoness unable to remember when shi last had even a male dragon take her this way. Or this deep, shi thought as the egg slipped past hir tight sex-lips, sliding entirely within hir passage with a wet slurp.

Reaching as deep as shi could with a talon, and then even pressing part of hir paw between hir labia, shi drove Kith's egg to the root of hir sex. The thick-shelled teardrop pressed deliciously against hir cervix, causing hir to writhe and hiss in agonizing pleasure. Shi allowed hir frantically clenching sex to press the egg back somewhat, just to have the pleasure of shoving it against the seal to hir womb again. Over and over shi thrust Kith at the resisting barrier, gradually opening the tight sphincter, the egg penetrating slowly into hir egg chamber.

Hindlegs held parted and high in the air, tail lashing about and hir entire body quivering and spasming with micro-orgasms, Myra summoned one last effort to press hir new unborn child through that final gateway, spilling the former lizard-turned-egg into hir very womb. The act was too much for hir though, the final sensation of that smooth ovoid sliding home causing hir entire vagina to clench tightly around hir paw in heavy, thorough orgasm.

Crying hir lust to the empty lair for a second time that night, the dragoness rode out a mind-numbing climax shattering even the amount of pleasure the little lizard gave hir male side. The pleasure triggered a chain reaction in hir shaft as well, driving hir to cum a second time from that impressive dragon cock. Femcum spurted out around hir fist to decorate hir undertail, joined with enough male essence to cast doubt on the capability of any female to truly contain hir climax. The dragoness held hir sexual bliss for what must have been a quarter-hour, only gradually tapering to afterglow when the cum-puddle at hir hips rose a good several inches off the floor.

Spent, and sated, Myrasania closed hir eyes and scooted hirself back atop her hoard. Shi reflected, as she slipped back into dreams, that shi'd never had a thief that was so much fun before. Shi hoped hir daughter would be just as much fun when the new egg finally hatched.

Dragon Potion

A while ago I wrote several stories as part of a daily story challenge. I've been wondering if I should post them at all, since they are decidedly more like lemons than actual stories, but several of my friends have recommended I share them anyway. I...

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Dragon Essence

A while ago I wrote several stories as part of a daily story challenge. I've been wondering if I should post them at all, since they are decidedly more like lemons than actual stories, but several of my friends have recommended I share them anyway. I...

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Apology Accepted

Oh boy... Shameless smut I wrote for Shira as, ironically enough, an apology, all of the characters in the story were created by Shira. That would be: []( There is likely to be a lot...

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