The Winged One - Chapter 4: The end of the Beginning

Story by Helka on SoFurry

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#4 of The Winged One

Griffin said yes. The look in the boy's eyes, his mate's eyes, was as how he had remembered. They had not been able to do anything that night but the warm breath against his fur was enough for Helka to get completely absorbed in his new found feelings. Helka had kept waking up from the pain and now he was waiting for Griffin to return. He had said he was going to get some bandages and some sort of magic healing cream for him, he left at sunrise as always and knowing he would come back Helka didn't go out to hunt.

The sound of the clumsy rustling of bushes distracted him from his rumbling belly and he purred as he saw the ginger hair of Griffin. The bushes rustled again and Helka spread his wings, trying not to wince in pain, and fly into the tree above him. He looked down rather confused to see his mate's eyes sparkling as he grabbed his gut in laughter. "Helka meet my sister, Florence." A smaller girl came into view; she had red hair in curls down to her waist and the same freckles as her brother. She smiled up at him, showing excitement and curiously. "She has always known about you but has been too sick to come till now. Don't worry, you can trust her and she will help me with your wounds."

"Pleased to meet you Helka." Her voice sounded cheerful yet weary from coughing. Felling sorry for the girl and desiding that she wouldn't do any harm he flew back down to land silently at their feet. Under Griffin's instructions he lay on his side and sat still as the two of them picked at his old wound. He winced as they teamed up to tare the old infected scab from him and pored some sort of jell on him. When he tried to protest he was immediately silenced by Griffin, using various tactics.

Eventually they let him up, his side and wing lathered it the foul smelling gunk and tapped over with a brown stretchy cloth that looked out of place on his black fur and feathers. Griffin stood up and rested his head on Helka's chest fur. Both males turned to look at Florence, she was standing there as an awkward child looking for answers in the dirt. Looking up at Helka Griffin whispered, "I'll be back, wait for me my mate." Helka nodded and kissed his lover goodbye. Grabbing her hand Griffin made his way noisily through the bushes.

Helka rolled his eyes thinking about why he was even there in the first place, a wanted winged one. He knew his odds were good at avoiding the HumanClan because of their slowness and clumsiness. He did wish, however, that he could grab the cub, Kit was her name, and train her in the ways of the CatClan keeping her safe. If her family taught her to fight then she might escape on her own but Helka knew that this was probably only his wishful thinking.

The sun was setting, it took Helka by surprise that he managed to sit in the tree thinking for so long but he was brought to by that very familiar rustle in the bushes. "How are your wounds Helka?" Griffin's voice reached him before he saw his the Ginger HumanClan boy, his mate. It was still a strange thought to Helka that he had a mate but it felt more right than anything he had done. When he healed he vowed to show Griffin CatClan, he missed his home dearly now but knew he was in no shape to travel.

"They are fine. Actually, feeling a lot better since you and your sister were here this morning." He dropped down on the soft ground in front of Griffin, took him in his arms and flew up over the trees. He was sure he had a good grip but Griffin was still clinging to his shoulder for dear life. "See, I can't feel it at all. Well besides that brown stuff that is making me itch like crazy."

"That means it is healing Helka." He smiled and bit softly on Helka's neck making him murr lightly, "Why don't you say we get out of the air and celebrate your health." Spreading his wings and stroking the air slower he managed a nice decent right back to the base of what had become their favorite tree. Griffin stared at him, petting his chest as Helka leaned into it and kissed him, letting his tongue explore the inside of his mouth. Griffin's tongue was soft and moist against his own rough one and he still found the feeling erotic.

Griffin was the one to tare his lips away from his mate's and slide a hand down to Helka's sheath. Murring loudly he managed a struggle with removing Griffin's shirt as the barbed tip of his member began to emerge. Helka quickly threw his mate's shirt into the tree where it would be out of his way. Helka had to lean against the trunk of the tree for support as Griffin suddenly grabbed his furry balls. His length was almost fully emerged as Griffin brought his mouth to suckle the side. Griffin would never completely deep throat him he knew because the barbs he had would not be kind to his HumanClan throat. All eight inches were out and hard from his sheath as Griffin continued to lick the length of his member and Helka gripped his head with one paw, holding on to the branch above him for support with the other.

It felt different now that he knew that this was his mate, he and Griffin had been together like this for a long time but now he felt more complete about it. Looking down with glazed over green eyes he saw that Griffin was slipping off his pants and boxers. Pleasure overwhelmed him as Griffin softly applied pressure with his teeth at the base of Helka's shaft. The pressure faded and as Helka fought for breath he saw Griffin standing up with his hand on his own hard member.

Helka grabbed Griffin forcefully and heard his mate moan as their penises rubbed against each other. Helka held him in powerful arms, wrapping his wings protectfully around his pail furless form and kissed him again with the force, yet tenderness, of a lover. Griffin's smooth form felt now familiar under Helka's own worn pads and he could feel every shiver that his mate experienced as they sent vibrations through his own whiskers.

Griffin pulled himself away once more and grabbed the pants that he had left on the forest floor, rustled through his pockets and threw the bottle of lube he kept there at him. Griffin walked slowly back, teasing Helka as his form shined with the reflection of the moon just as the moon shown from the sun, he looked at perfect harmony with his surroundings. He fell gracefully into Helka's waiting arms and kissed his lover again. Helka took some lube in his paw and reached around to massage it into Griffin's tail hole while Griffin starting applying it to Helka's throbbing member.

Grabbing Griffin's shoulder he spun him around so that he was propped steadily against the tree. They have done this many times before, however the look in Griffin's eyes this night made Helka want him more than ever as he let the tip of his penis tease the entrance, Griffin whimpered and Helka knew that he felt the same.

Helka leaned forward so that his black fur shivered at the touch of the smooth pail skin beneath him. "I really do love you Griffin." It was all Helka whispered as he bit down on Griffin's shoulder and thrust his length into the warm inviting tail hole.

Griffin screamed out in complete pleasure as he thrust himself back to encompass all of Helka inside of him, and then griped the bark hard as Helka began to pull out again. Helka could feel every fur on his body on end and his own barbs tingle with satisfaction. One paw steadying himself against the he took the other to squeeze Griffin's member as he thrust into his warm body once again.

The two of them developed a steady rhythm until Helka knew that he was going to come. Wrapping his arms around his mate he thrust in as hard as he could, letting out a yowl as he let his hot seed burry deeper into his mate. He pulled out and turned Griffin around, kissing him as though he never wanted to let go.

The glazed over look in his mate's eyes told him how close he was to coming as well so for the first time Helka dropped to his knees and licked tenderly at his mate. This was accompanied by Griffin leaning against the tree in a gasp for air. He imagined that his rough tongue was not expected but he licked the tip and started to suck, fitting more and more into his mouth. Griffin looked as his knees were about to buckle and he knew that his mate was very close. Taking as much as he could without gagging he let a purr rumble deep in his chest so his throat vibrated with the sound. That is what pushed Griffin over the edge himself, the seed swarmed Helka's throat and he swallowed amazed at how good his mate tasted. The only thing holding Griffin up was his grip on the branches and soon he and Helka let them self fall to the ground once more, tight in each others arms.

They simply lie there, gasping for breath and enjoying the bliss that surrounded them.

Helka shot up, ears perked and all his senses alert. "What's wrong?" Griffin was still in a fog from their night and his weak HumanClan ears couldn't pick up the sound but Helka knew that he heard something and shot up to his feet, growling. "Come on Helka, come back here." Griffin was starting to develop a nervous edge to his voice as he glanced around.

The bushes started to rustle from all directions and soon a circle of HumanClan men that were covered in black, swards at the ready were standing around them. "Crap we're surrounded!" Helka's hiss was barely audible and Griffin's exposed vulnerable body stood out like a white ghost in the shadows. Making a run for Griffin he thought that he could grab the boy and fly away from here but three of the men blacked his way. He knew he had to fight them.

It was relatively easy to judge where the swards would be based on the slow motions of the HumanClan and he soon disarmed the first one, biting the back of his neck to leave him paralyzed on the ground. However more of them swarmed in from behind him. Blood was covering his wings by the time he threw another HumanClan member into the trees and still more were hacking at his wings as though that was the only part that mattered, destroy the wings and you have destroyed the winged one. This wasn't true of course but it seemed to be the mentality of these members of HumanClan.

A badly aimed gunshot went right by Helka and he knew he had to get to that gun, he could deal with the swards however a gun would prove much more dangerous. Following the smell of gunpowder he jumped from the branches onto his back and sliced his claws against the enemy's face, leaving him on the ground in pain, and Helka threw the gun into the bushes.

Staying in the branches he was proud of himself and thought he was going to win for sure. That was until he heard the same gun go off again.

He heard a recognized scream and turned to see he beloved mate's eyes slowly loose the life they had in them as a hole in his chest spilled crimson across his moon-kissed skin. He could feel the tears starting to form in his eyes and anger boiling up inside of him. Turning to attack who had did this he simply stared ahead at a face he recognized.


She pointed the gun at him but he dived for his mate's lifeless body. Holding it close to him he spread his wings and took off into the sky. A man dug a sward deep into his wing causing it to split and for Helka to almost loose his balance. But he kept going, using branches to help him stay in the air he headed for CatClan borders. He would burry his mate there, away from the monsters that his mate would call kin.


I own this story and all the charictors in it.

Ok so this is the end of The Winged One, please comment and tell me what you think about it.

The Winged One - Chapter 3: Finding Truth

Helka could feel Griffin breathing on his fur. The two of them lay at their favorite spot, under the trees in the clearing where they first met. Helka had his wing wrapped around his HumanClan friend in order to provide some warmth that his furless...

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A Yule Night

Looking through the window at the snowy evening Denver started his tea. He was a small arctic fox and lived with his mate and cub. His mate was a red fox named Herald and their cub was an adopted red fox and the name they gave her was Karma. Denver...

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The Winged One- Chapter 2: Inside Your Head

"Well someone didn't travel far from home." Helka had fallen asleep beneath the shelter of a few close nit trees. He woke up now to a familiar sent above him and silver hair falling into his face. He got up and stretched out before turning over to see...

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