Tales of Nine 3

Story by arkangel on SoFurry

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Time alone, I wish

Me and Shimmer returned to the rock I normally slept on "tomorrow your making us a real den" she said already bossing me around. "Cant we use an empty one" I asked being to be lazy. "Not if you ever want to live in a nice place" she countered, but I figured it really meant 'if you want to get lucky'. We curled up on the rock and covered each other with our tails and nuzzling each other with our noses. But just before we fell asleep a distant voice came closer "Angel... Angel help" Cindy was yelling. "I'm sorry, but I promised to look after them, don't wait up" I told Shimmer. Then got up and went to Cindy, she ran under me shaking "there's a monster" she told me voice fully scared. I followed her to the little clearing where the girls slept if not with me. A bush was rustling a lot and that's what scared them, I went up to the bush and had a look to see a Ratattat, it jumped out trying to use Tackle, when it hit me and bounced off "leave us alone or be crispy, they are your choices" I told the rat, he ran off and the girls all scrambled to me all shaking. "There you go your safe" I said in a soft comforting voice. "Angel can we please sleep with you" Mindy asked with big eyes. "Sure you can" I said as I placed my tails around them to comfort them all. I go back to my rock with the girls still a little scared. I lay down on my side near Shimmer and the girls huddled between my leg so I covered them with my tails and we all fell asleep.

In the morning the Poochy girls woke up first and I could fell them all fidgeting around my belly, I didn't feel right about that because of what Shimmer did with me a few nights ago, but once I started thinking about what Shimmer did I begun to grow. I got up right away and went straight for the bushes, unfortunately the Poochy girls followed me "is something wrong" Lindy asked. "Me? I'm fine, I just wanted to get you girls and Shimmer some food before you all woke up" I told them keeping some distance between us. The girls gave me a happy look and ran back to the rock, as I went to catch breakfast. I did mange to catch three Ratattat before Viney found me and to my surprise picked me up "you honestly don't think you need three" he asked me smiling. "hmm let me think... two for the Poochy sisters and one for Shimmer and the scraps if any for me, sounds fair to me" I told him now in a real happy mood. "Oh sorry... off you go" he said putting me down and walking off. I got back to the rock and luckily Shimmer was still asleep and the girls were all being quite and well behaved, I made a fire and started cooking the Ratatta. The girl's mouths were watering at the smell. Shimmer slow awoke sniffing the air, she looks at me steering at the food "what's all this" she said stretching. "Breakfast" I said steering at her, she jumped down "and is it ready?" she asked with a cute little smile. "Almost, these two are, but there for the girls" I said as the Poochy sister's tails begin to wag fast. I passed them there's and they ran off to eat in privet. "your so sweet" Shimmer said smiling to me a blushed slightly at the tip of my nose, but when she kissed me on the check with a little giggle, the blush spread over my entire nose. She then bent down and made me feel nervous, I couldn't' stop thinking of the other night. But then she got up, turned around and walked off, all she did was grab the food and I let out a sigh of disappointment.

Five minutes later Shimmer had eaten most of our meal and gave me the rest, even though it was no where near enough. I got up from eating it and Shimmer walks by my side rubbing herself against me and throwing her tails in my face, I turned around to watch her walk off and she gave me a seductive look to follow, my ears perked up and I started to follow hoping I was getting the right message, but then I herd three voices calling my name "Angel, can you come play with us, please" Cindy asked as all three girls smiled with there teeth showing. Shimmer let out a big sigh "sorry girls he can't, he needs to make us a home" she said like a mother would to her pups. "What's wrong with the rock" Mindy asked. "Well it's not where we normally live and now that I'm here were going to have a proper house" Shimmer explained. The girls just had a disappointed look on there face's as they nodded and ran off. "Good bluff" I said after the girls left and I approached Shimmer. "Who was bluffing" Shimmer said with a plane look on her face. We then went walking through the forest until we found a small clearing with a tree in the middle "this looks like a nice spot" Shimmer said walking around the tree. "Ok then... let's get started" I said as I begun to slowly dig a hole. "We... I'm sorry but it's the males' job to make the den" Shimmer said with a slightly surprised look on her face. "How come" I asked looking at her. Not completely sure if that was true. "It's a deal, you make the den, I don't beat you up" she said running off "I'll be back in a few hours" she called out when she was out of sight. A half an hour later I had dug a big enough hole for me to walk in and out, and I was getting tired but I had to finish, but while I was in the hole some vines came in to join me then pulled me out, I smiled at Viney as he smiled back "what you doing, and why you so happy" he asked me while suspending me in the air. "I'm making a den for me, Shimmer. I'm happy because this is the perfect excuse for a break" I explained. "Oh a little house how cute" ha said with a smile that made his eyes close "what about the Poochy girls" he then asked. When he said that I thought, I did promise to look out for them, and they need other dog like pokemon to be with, to learn the basic skills of survival "well after I'm done I'm going to ask them to join my pack" I said making up my mind there and then. "That's great" Viney said throwing me into the air "I'll help" he then added looking into my half dug den. As I landed on the ground with a thud, I got up and walked by him and started to dig again. I herd his vines come into the den and I sighed. But to my surprise he just pulled out the lose dirt, so I continued to dig again. Three hours later Shimmer returned "you better be done or I'm teaching you how to use flamethrower the painful way" she said with a smile. But all she saw was Viney laying the dirt out softly on the ground to make an even surface. "Where's Angel" Shimmer asked. "Inside sleeping, he explained "digging was tiring" Viney concluded smiling. "He is so lazy" she said with a hint of anger in her voice, she went to the entrance "Angel wake up and come out here" she yelled into the den.

This woke me up abruptly so I went out wondering why I was told off for some strange reason "you're so lazy... I am so angry. All you had to do was dig a hole and you just take a nap" she started to lecture me till I interrupted her. "I've been done for like an hour" I said yawning. She stopped what she was saying "oh... sorry, just Viney made it seem..." she went to say but I interrupted her again. "Its fine he does it to me all the time" I reinsured her. I then led Shimmer inside to show her "this place is a bit big isn't it" she asked after seeing how big the den was. "No not for five of us" I told her. "Five? Do you know something I don't" she asked completely confused. "I was thinking, maybe we should... I don't know... have the three Poochy sisters join our pack" I suggested in a voice sounding like I just thought of it. "Sure we can, it would be great having some pups live with us" Shimmer said with the cutest smile. I walked up to her and kissed passionately, we then begun to hug and kiss some more and went into a darker part of the den, "I love you Angel" she whispered into my ear. "That means you want to mate" I whispered in hers full of hope and only one thing on my mind. "If you need to ask I need to be more obvious" she says back to me. Shimmer walks in front of me and spreads her tails "well come on" she says as I approach but then we herd the Poochy sisters voices along with Vineys, I let out a frustrated sigh "don't worry well do it later tonight I promise" Shimmer says to me with a wink. We walk out the Den and Viney is there with his trade mark smile and the three Poochy girls sitting under him waging there tails "is it... is it really true" Cindy said with her eyes sparkling at me. "Is what true" I said not sure what she was talking about. "Are we really going to join your pack" Lindy said with a grin as big as Viney. "Sure is, want come inside you new home" I said also smiling because they wanted to join the pack, considering what happened to there parents. The girls ran inside with me following them "wow, it's so big" Mindy said with the other girls sniffing and exploring every corner, then Shimmer came in and stood right next to me. "I got Viney to leave, think you can give the girls a task to keep them busy for a while" she whispered to me in a seductive voice. "I'll try" I whispered back, "hay girls, the den isn't quite done yet so can you come back in an hour" I said out loud. "Sure, let's go find some more berry bushes" Cindy said running out of the den with the others following her.

Shimmer came up and kissed me with her tongue slideing deep in my mouth but just as we were getting in the mood again we herd the girls scream. My first reaction was to run out side and I saw the girls standing close to the den shaking, I then saw a Nidoking standing about ten feet from them. I quickly positioned myself in between them and him "out my way, I'm hungry" he said to me growling. "Well then I hope I don't give you heart burn" I responded assuming a defensive stance then exchanged words to Shimmer to get the girls in the den, she did and then stood next to me. "Shimmer go into the den, its safer and if... if I... fail, you will have to protect the girls" I said with a tear forming in my eye, all she did was nod and go into the den. I shouldn't have watched her because when I looked at the Nidoking his tail was hitting me hard. I flew a short distance through the air and landed on my feet, then released my Ember attack, but the Nidoking ran right through it and tried to hit me with his Skull Bash. I dogged using my Agility to get out the way. I ran at top speed and was like a bluer, I stopped sitting on the ground behind him "boy your slow" I said to him trying to use a tone that made me sound like I was expecting a tough fight. "Sit still and you'll see how tough I am" ha said launching a Mega Punch at me, but again I Used Agility and again got out the way easily, but this time I was laying on the ground yawning and trying not to laugh. "Stand still" he then yelled trying to hit me with his Iron Tail, and once more I avoided him with Agility I was sitting with my tongue out and a happy face. "Screw this" he said and slammed his foot on the ground. "Ok..." I said with my head tilted to the side but then the ground shock and pillars of dirt flew up and threw me into the air, it was Earthquake and I didn't see it coming and it hurt... a lot, I screamed in pain as I flew up into the air. The Nidoking jumped into the air and right past me only to land on the ground smiling "heh heh... give it a sec" he said standing there. I landed on the ground barely on my feet, but then a sharp pain in my side appeared and a slash across my side appeared and slowly bled. "It's called Slash, hurts don't it" he said walking up to me, I went to use my Agility but my side screamed in pain and I feel over myself. The Nidoking approached me as I slowly got up using Ember but it barley phased him. I got a Mega Punch right into the face as his rebuttal, I rolled on the ground and tried to get my left ear to raise and eye to open but nether did. The left side of my face was numb and I could barely move. "Now be a good doggy and stay down" he said to me as he walked away. "Stay... stay away from my family" I said trying to stand up. The Nidoking stood still for a moment then turned around and picked me up by the right paw "what did you say" he said holding my close to his face. "I said... you won't hurt my pack... I won't let you" I responded trying to ignore the pain through my body. "I'd love to see you stop me" he said with a smile. "That the good thing about being a Ninetails" I said holding my tails close. "What is" he asked confused. "The good thing is our tails are long" I said using an Iron Tail attack into his crotch. He yelled out and crushed my leg in his hand and I herd a snap, he threw me into a tree with rage from my actions "your not dead yet, so I will beat you up, kill your pack and eat them all" he snarls in a highly aggravated voice and as he stood towering over me. I gulped and believed it was over, until I glimpsed Cindy with a look of pure fear in her face "Cindy use Howl" I yelled as a last resort. The Nidoking turned around and charged her. But Cindy took a deep breath in and let out a howl as loud as she could, but it didn't affect him of course. Shimmer pounced out grabbed the pups tail and pulled her inside. "pfff pathetic and now you'll all have to say good by to your friend here for that" he yelled into the den and approached me, he slowly raised his foot above my head and I closed my eyes.

A few moments later I wounded why I wasn't dead so I opened my eyes and I saw the Nidoking wrapped up in vines, lifted off the ground, and now being slammed into the ground "leave my friends!... leave his family!... LEAVE THIS FOREST ALONE!!!" a voice was screaming, it sounded familiar but to angry to be who I thought it was. I lifted my head slowly and saw Viney without a happy look but a look of anger on his face, it made me fell a little scared of the bayleaf. "And who are you" the Nidoking demanded, struggling in the vines. "I'm the forest guardian and I'm sick ofyou, all you have done is hurt" Viney said with his angered voice. "HA... I'll never stop till I'm the ruler of this place and you are all my servants... if you live" the Nidoking said smiling. "well then you must die" Viney yelled out lifting the Nidoking into the air and then used his Solar Beam, I watched in shock as I saw the shadow of the Nidoking being impacted, forced to not go flying off by those powerful vines, slowly the Nidokings shadow faded away and after Viney's attack ended, I saw only Vineys vines smoldering and some blood. I couldn't believe what I just saw Viney had killed someone. Shimmer ran right to me when the Nidoking was gone "Angel are you all right" she said panicking, I tired to get up but I foolishly placed wait on my broken leg and I fell down screaming, I landed on the slash on my side and a screamed even louder. Shimmer stood over me afraid to touch me because of my injuries. I managed to roll off the wound on my side and calmed down a bit "Shimmer... please take me... to... the den" I sad gasping for air in pain. Shimmer stood there thinking how she could, she looked around and saw that Viney had run off so there goes that plan. Shimmer took a deep breath and picked me up behind my head at the base of my neck like I was a over sized puppy and lifted the front of me off the ground, I tried my hardest not to make a noise or squirm but I did whimper and occasionally jolt in pain. Shimmer did manage to get me onto her back and walked over to the den. Carefully she dropped me on the ground, I quickly passed out whimpering in pain and I barely herd the girls and Shimmer talking.

Author's notes: well I personally think this is the point where the story gets good and in the next chapter were going to fill in some holes on what Angel was doing in the month I skipped in the last chapter.