Chapter 4 - The Grandmaster of Sarthas

Story by Ceberune on SoFurry

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#15 of The Grandmaster of Sarthas

Chapter 4

After traveling for a couple of more hours after the fight with the patrol, the wolf finally stopped the carriage. He got out of the driver's seat and began setting camp. Much to the ongoing annoyance of the nosy Usagi sitting in the carriage with the dead silent and slowly calming Kitsune. Once camp was set, the wolf began to make his first meal for two days. The scent of food immediately changed mental gears in the Usagi. The young rabbit had two known weaknesses, which the wolf could easily exploit. The first was her great enjoyment of making males have mind-blowing orgasms. Her second was a love of food. The wolf grinned as she concentrated entirely on the meal he was making and not on the questions that had been rolling around in her mind mere moments before.

The again clothed Kitsune sat on ceremony as the rabbit ate her meal, waiting for permission to speak, eat, or perform her function. The wolf looks confused at her, wondering why she was not eating before he heard a giggle from Bianca. "Wondering why your new toy is not eating?" She asked. The wolf sighed. In those first five years of school in the East, Bianca had been a constant thorn in his side. Her first weakness had her ambushing him in the showers constantly, until he finally saw the pattern of behavior in the four females in his class.

These days, she had been a good friend, sending letters to the wolf as he had undergone training, and having made sure his father's last letter had reached him in Kokori as soon as she could. But now she had reverted to the tease she had been back in school, and if his training had been from any other school, he may not have been able to keep his patience with her. Instead of firing back at the rabbit with some snide remark as he would have back in the waning days of school, he simply answered "Yes."

Bianca, taken aback by the evenhanded answer from the wolf, hesitated a moment. "Well, if you had read the papers I assume were furnished to you by your father, you would know that you are now the proud owner of one of the most high quality pleasure slaves in the world." She said. The wolf stopped a moment, blinking as he took in the information, playing the day over in his mind and putting together the clues that would have led to such a conclusion had he been paying attention to them instead of concentrating on his continued survival. Bianca smirked as the wolf realized his mistake before commenting. "It seems you have come full circle now Ceberune. From slave to slave master, how ironic is your life." She said dramatically.

The wolf knew that tone and her demeanor. In school such gestures were meant to get a rise out of him, and often did. Now however he simply sighed and turned his gaze to the fox, who continued to stare humbly at the ground instead of the meal. The wolf sighed again as he stood and walked over to the slave, sitting down next to her. Watching her carefully, he reached out to get a better inspection of the female he had only had cursory glances of over the past ten hours.

She recoiled at the touch reflexively; cursing at herself for it just after before she calmed herself and submitted to his touch. She kept her eyes averted from his as much as possible, per her training as the wolf looked her over closely before he spoke directly to her for the first time since their meeting at his estate. "What is your name my lady?" he asked respectfully. Despite her best training, the warmth and charisma in his voice demanded nothing more than pure truth as she answered.

"My name is Nadia Vulprosa master." She said. Bianca quickly stifled a giggle as she saw the wolf grimace at the title being applied to him. He continued the inspection, checking more for possible injuries she may have taken during the fight, than in noticing her obvious beauty.

"And what is it you do best Nadia?" he asked. The fox continued to look down humbly at the ground and was beginning to notice that the wolf wasn't looking for sex just yet as he looked her over and checked a few places that were far from the typical erogenous zones.

"I have been trained in the basics of household management, as well as basic and advanced ways of pleasuring both males and females in several different fashions master." She said, straightening proudly despite herself. For the first time she noticed arousal in the male as she witnessed a twitch beneath his loincloth. Bianca noticed it too as smiled hungrily at the thought of some fun tonight as the wolf continued to meet this female.

"You do not appear to be hurt by the earlier scuffle we had. Is there any pain or bruising that you suffered while I was involved in combat?" He asked concerned. The fox blinked at the concern in his voice, keeping her eyes on the ground as she answered.

"I am unharmed master." She stated shakily, having a feeling what might be coming next, to her surprise the wolf grabbed her by the chin and brought her eyes instinctively to his as he looked at her closely.

"Now Nadia, I know this will be difficult for you, but whenever you speak to me, or to anyone who travels with me, regardless of their station or rank, I expect you to look them in the eyes when you answer their question or address them." He says, holding her gaze.

She very nearly panicked at this contact, her eyes desperately wish to avert from his single piercing blue orb. She became lost in his gaze, holding it until he addressed her again. "Do you understand Nadia?" he asked. She nodded wordlessly, lost in the depth of his gaze. What she saw in his eye was a soul of boundless depth. Kindness, compassion, warmth shimmered across the surface of his gaze as he released her chin. Despite her training she continued to keep her eyes locked to his as he continued speaking.

"A few ground rules if you wish to serve as an assistant Nadia." He said as he broke the gaze and reached for her untouched plate. "The first is, eat whenever you are served. I take great pride in the preparation of meals, and as Bianca can attest, I do not react well when someone refuses to eat what I have prepared for them." He says, offering her the meal directly. She accepted, sending her eyes earthward again in humility reflexively. "Oops...looks like someone has already forgotten that rule." He said as she immediately snapped her eyes back to the wolf.

He was smiling ruefully, which made her blush with embarrassment at being corrected. He nodded. "Secondly, Any question asked of you from anyone traveling with me, is to be answered without hesitation. I am sure that once I am done laying the ground rules here, and you finish your meal, that Bianca will want to interrogate you." He said with another rueful smile, the rabbit took teasing affront at this.

"I do NOT torture my interviewees wolf." She said indignantly. He chuckled.

"Tell that to Bomani. The first time you asked him a complex question, you distracted him quite well with a bare chest rubbing up and down his aroused maleness." He said with a smirk.

She raised a digit to debunk his accusation then stopped a moment in thought and smiled in memory of the incident. "I did do that didn't I?" she said and giggled. The wolf smiled and returned his attention to the barely eating fox.

"Thirdly, any one who travels with me who does not treat you with at least a basic form of respect shall be severely beaten." He said, eliciting another giggle from the bunny and a gasp of surprise from the fox. "Do not be surprised either of you. How often did I get into fights in school because a pheonix made the mistake of treating me no better than a slave?" he asked.

Bianca smirked. "57 times exactly: suffering 307 contusions, only 3 of which were serious enough for Bomani to have to treat you, 5 slashing wounds from swords, all of those flesh wounds, 35 superficial abrasions from talons and hard contact with various pieces of furniture, and a broken pinky caused by punching Kinmareo in the arm hard enough to knock him off his hooves and five feet to the right." She recited proudly.

The wolf chuckled. "It figures you kept statistics of me while I was in school Bianca." He said. "It was something to pass the time." She said with a shrug.

All the while Nadia looked at the wolf wide eyed. Ceberune then returned his gaze to Nadia. "Now, in order to deal with the final rule, and pardon me for being rude and having not introduced myself when we first met, but here goes. Nadia Vulprosa, I am Grand Master Ceberune Onyxclaw." He said, taking one of her paws and placing the gentlest of kisses along the back of it. Her body shivered at the contact, her nipples becoming erect and showing through her thin blouse. Despite his best efforts, the show of arousal at the contact, brought more movement from the wolf's loincloth as he continued. "Now that you know my name and full title, I wish you to call me by my first name, and not 'master'. I would explain why as I am sure you have several questions for me. However, I find myself worn out by the stresses of the day and am in need of rest." He says, standing. She nodded her head in submission, committing his orders to memory.

"Oh, and one more thing. Never hesitate to ask questions whenever you have one. Foolish and ignorant servants serve a purpose in life, but they do not serve me for long." He said before walking off to his tent. Lost for the moment, the fox almost stood and began to follow him, but remembered her meal and returned to eating it as Bianca smiled at the patience of both master and slave.

"Well Nadia, now that I have a captive audience, so to speak, I have some questions I wish to ask you." The bunny said taking out her quill and opening her book.

"Am I not to service my ma..." she stuttered a moment, trying her best to overcome training and obey the orders just given to her. "Am I not to service Ceberune?" She finished as the rabbit looked up from the page she was reading at the moment and smiled.

"The wolf has never been particularly aggressive sexually. Even when one of us females went into heat in school, the wolf was often the only one who would manage to suffer through an entire class with a raging erection without a complaint. Your best chance of "servicing" your new boss would be to pounce on him outright. For the moment however, I suggest concentrating on my questions and on questions I know you will want to be asking me later on." She said.

The fox sighed. Masters in the past that were like this were often the most violent when they were not pleased when they wished to be. They expected the slave to know the signals of arousal and when to react to them. For some reason, however, this master seemed very different. He held no lust in his demeanor for her and nothing more than kindness and compassion had been leveled to her so far. Absorbed in her own world of thought at the moment she almost missed the first line of questions from Bianca.