Invasion Ch 4 Big Changes Ahead

Story by FluffyPony on SoFurry

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#7 of Invasion

CH4: Big Changes Ahead

As Pahygzes went on to attend an unexpected meeting of his war council, he thought he was ready for anything. The scene that greeted him was a complete circus; yelling officers and one blue roan stallion held upright and restrained by tentacles while begging.

Pahygzes recognized the bound male as one of the senior bio technologists on his ship: the specialized doctor/engineer class. "Tell us who your allies are." One captain growled, his eyes cold. The admiral let this continue on, assuming there was a good reason for all of this.

When they noticed his presence, everyone quickly paid a respectful attention to his authority. "And what is Tollha doing all trussed up like a cock-fouled mare?" Pahygzes finally remarked, noting the sweat on the stallion's body and the fear in his eyes. Truly, the white male had never seen such a pathetic creature in all his life.

"We found him to be a conspirator with the belligerent humans." Senhra spoke, even as the struggling captive continued to fight the ironroot tentacle restraint system built into all ships which could be activated at will or whenever physical violence might occur. Pahygzes stroked his chin while calmly taking this crazy situation in.

Like an efficient servant, the tentacles even had the roan's tail raised out of the way as if he were an obstinate female. "And you have proof of this, I am certain?" He offered, knowing several officers wouldn't just randomly make an accusation for no reason; many horses had already died that way in the brutal primitive period of Ehlosian history when the morpher race had been conquered.

Senhra could only point at a wooden drinking bowl with a clear pill dissolving. "It was their contemptible plot to trick you into drinking that." With all the possibilities bio technologists commanded, it could be anything. Havnor's ancestor from two hundred years ago had won the seat of emperor by his talents as a medical engineer, turning all his rivals into mares for the rest of their lives and keeping them as his trophy harem. Since then, no one dared challenge Havnor or his lineage for the throne for fear of meeting the same fate.

Yes, it could be anything, but Ehlosians did not kill and murder one another for at least a thousand years. The nanites in that water couldn't be anything other than the female transformation cocktail given to the human slaves. "I see." Pahygzes thought for a moment and then gave a thin smile. "Make him drink it. We'll find out what he had planned for me."

Right as he issued the order, a captain and colonel had dumped the water and larger than normal pill on a tray on the tentacle bush's base and watched as several forced his mouth open while he wriggled like a worm to get free. With his jaws stuck apart, a thick tendril filled with the water crawled down his throat into his stomach before depositing the liquid and capsule deep in his body where he couldn't get it out or vomit.

The force-feeding method had proved itself useful for other jobs. Originally a protocol invented for suicidally depressed captives who refused to eat/drink or to help get the pills into unwilling subjects when force by a stallion might cause unacceptable injury. While not meant to be used on a stallion (as such was perceived to be quite degrading), the protocol for force-feeding or "stomach diving" was every bit effective.

Just as Pahygzes suspected, the changes would be far quicker than normal. Nanite lozenges built for humans always had a gradual one-month delay to allow them the mercy and comfort of becoming used to the new form and giving plenty of time to grow accustomed to the anxiety of loss of gender identity. New mares always had a penis and a vagina, keeping the former intact for another month until it shrank and became a clitoris.

Going through the transformation records for various species, humans actually take the longest due to stress and worries that were bad for their hearts and fragile psyche. Turning into a female for most of the men became a serious fear and source of anger. Human creatures were best to work with when given time to acclimatize, as trials on their colonists and outlying explorers had proven. Now, though, everyone present was in for an interesting show as there had been no delay built in that pill. The process would happen fast, and would certainly be painful as bones and muscle changed.

Something like this was a rare show as Havnor's father had banned the use of such nanite programming for the discomfort and level of torture it caused the subject. Prior to that, such capsules had been a nasty revenge by slighted princes and barons. In either case, taking a few minutes or a few months, once the process finished, it was permanent; the DNA locked in the new setting to prevent tampering or damage. Too much of this modification caused voracious cancer and ugly mutations. Too sad for the stallion or human tricked into being a mare, but Ehlosians did not take risks with lives since becoming a peaceful society condemning most violence and unnatural death.

Pahygzes was quite familiar with the process as was the roan stallion in the grey tangle of firm cords. The only question left unanswered would be easy: What to do with a new mare and how best to replace his experience with the ship? Not really issues, considering the enjoyment they'd all derive from such a random demonstration of their own technology at work.

The first of the changes were quite subtle indeed. As they all knew, the nanites did not start with the body, but worked on the mind. While they watched the changing stud, it was easy to notice the sharp and fierce look in his eyes being replaced by the dull single-minded cock-hunger of a mare as the blue roan lowered his listless stare onto each of the other studs' crotches - particularly loving the giant balls filled with seed.

In the next stage, all of his hair shed itself off of body, tail, and head until he looked like a giant black scrotum. Promptly, the nanites put his follicles into overdrive and made him completely black with his tail and mane all shiny in the light like oil. So, this horse not only wanted to steal his gender, but his family's jealously guarded and borderline racist desirable white pelt as well! Comparatively, going from blue roan to pure black wasn't much of a downgrade - if you were a stallion. A black mare, though, was of the lowest rank amongst Ehlosian society, just a step up from captured pet. The fact this traitor was willing to do such an insult to Pahygzes utterly disgusted him. At least in other cases of males getting transformed, they could keep or choose their coloration. Nearly everyone but slutty harem slaves wanted to be black!

As he contemplated that, the next part in the process had taken hold. The proud black stallion's flat chest was the first to go, slowly inflating into globes the size of bowling balls. The new flesh bounced with watery fat thanks to his exaggerated squirming. A couple of officers had taken the opportunity to squeeze those overtly large mammaries good for nothing but boob jobs on a thrusting oiled dick.

The changes sank lower as the stud lost his soda pack abs and wide hips to a chubby belly and hourglass figure. Pahygzes smiled rather amusedly at this new adjustment: fat females were popular in all the wrong ways. Plenty of males were eager to "help" such females lose weight, typically with lots of rough sex that went far beyond normal duties. Now the finale was upon them even as the bound shemale creature was begging and crying for it to stop.

But things had advanced too far to stop now and all of their curiosity had been set ablaze for this poignant moment: When a male becomes a bitch for others. This part in the process was anything but gradual, though admittedly, it became a fun freak show to watch. Firstly, he experienced a reverse puberty as his giant fist-sized testes were sucked back into his body and absorbed. Then the coal-black scrotum melted into his crotch until it was just a freckle. Finally it was the turn of his cock and pretty sheathe. Since he wasn't erect, his cock melted into his body like ice except for the glans, shaped like a light bulb and floating to the top of the opening in his sheathe as the narrow hole widened and the flesh rim grew increasingly plump as it elongated into a sort of oval recess and also melted in his body until becoming a new labia. The glans shrank from a bulb to a ping pong ball and became a shiny black clitoris snuggly bundled in the inner labia lips. Further changes happened inside, such as the forming of the vagina and rerouting of urethra but it was all done and finished otherwise. The only truly male part the transformation lets a stallion or man keep is their prostate, and only so they can better enjoy anal if a whole bunch of studs want to fill her holes.

The newly feminized conspirator panted, tired from the exertion and stess placed on her body from all those changes. Too bad for the mare that her pussy was telling them otherwise, dripping a heavy gush of hormone-smelling fluids all over her thighs from the first and most intense heat period of her life. "Who shall christen this slut?" Senhra declared. For Pahygzes' best friend and aide de camp, the highly decorated colonel had made the approximate assessment of the situation. Whatever information she had on the resistance could wait until one of them had their way with her and gave the others a fun performance to fuck their mares by once they returned to their quarters.

Pahygzes would have been content to watch, but one of the captains remembered he didn't have a viable mare to fuck back at his room and eagerly volunteered the admiral for this privilege of breaking into a new stallion turned virgin. After his trial of enforced celibacy over himself, lust had been an impossible beast to tame. Now though, the seduction was too great; he had to impale something on his cock or risk going insane.

This mare now being unbred and a former fellow competitor made the urge far more immense than it should have been. His loins burned with a yearning blaze of passion to plug this mare's hole and fill her with his warm seed. The first thing he did was undo the flap on his uniform as he felt an erection form. Waiting for the proud tower to rise, he dropped to his knees and buried the end of his pink muzzle in the hot depths of that pristine unused vulva, getting a good taste of her fluids as though a fine and expensive decanter of liquor.

His powerful body shuddered from the erotic power of this oven-like sex engulfing his nose and lips like a fiery caress; drips of her juice all sweet and divine on his tongue. Though he missed his wife - the flavor of mare, and was tempted to turn Jay into one, those were fleeting dreams compared to the trust and companionship he wanted to build with the human. "Because you have made an attempt to harm me, I will do to you what I dare not do to my loving pet." His eyes stared into the horny yet frightened ones of the mare. Tollha knew what was coming and fully dreaded it.

The stallion motioned for someone to adjust the tentacle restraints so that the mare was in the most proper and humiliating position imaginable. She let out a shy squeak as the gray tendrils forced he down on hands and knees like a begging bitch, legs held particularly wide apart in some splits and her tail out of the way so that he wouldn't force it up her pussy and lacerate his cock in the process.

He patted her bottom with a wide grin, amused at how helpless and shy she was now that she would be taking a stallion's cock. "Think of it as an honor." He chuckled out, drying the pre from his erection on purpose to make breeding as rough as possible. Her lube would grease up his pole once he buried himself inside, but it wouldn't save the mare any discomfort when he stuffed his unlubed monster in on the first pound into her chubby puffed out coal-black labia or a sand paper grinding of the mare's clitoris.

She clacked her teeth together anxiously, eyes looking backward until they were nearly white. Pahygzes put his firm hands on her hips to steady himself as he got wobbily to his knees behind, tail raised like a flag as his hard phallus was out and ready without a single drop of pre to ease the entry. "You should be honored. Not every mare has the opportunity to be mounted by the Admiral!" He snickered in a lecherous manner, aware that the newly minted mares seldom felt such gratitude about his choice of partners.

For what it was worth, she might appreciate it another day when the loss of male ego was less of a burden. Until that time, he'd make her enjoy herself for both their sakes. That is, after a little stallion-sized punishment. She should be glad this wasn't the rape stocks where dozens of males would be more than happy to fill and then overfill a welcome hole with cum. Whatever her future boded, she was his toy right now, and Pahygzes was determined to enjoy it since sex would be a rare treat for a while.

True to form, he would savor this pussy as he had the last night he and his wife had bred. Perhaps she had foaled him an heir while he was away on the conquest. A sweet memory is like a disembodied heart; it beats on pleasantly like a pleasant sonata. That was how best he remembered his wife whom he left two years ago: as a precious song.

He licked his lips, enjoying the faint traces of her pussy juice on his muzzle as his cock was deftly pointed at her wide hungry lips like a wobbly spear. His massive body perched above her like a cloud and then without warning, he slammed into her tiny body and drove the long stallionhood into her surprised gasping pussy like a hot drill.

The mare screamed loudly, her body convulsing as she struggled to escape and made pathetic pained neighs while Pahygzes was contentedly buried in her cunny up to his throbbing balls. It took a moment for her fluids to soak his cock, but once he felt the burning intense mare nectar coating his shaft in female lube, he pulled out ever slowly to feel every one of those tight ribs in her tunnel scrape ever teasingly on his wide engorged glans like dozens of tight clasping vulvas at once. A bit of undignified drool escaped his lips, but he had little pride or self-control at this point, pulling all the way out and then pounding hard through her vulva lips again to truly enjoy the primal urges and sensations of the first mount.

Except for the part of the breeding where he was supposed to jab his penis around for her hole like an aimless arrow, the ecstasy of taking his cock all the way out and shoving it all the way back into her sloppy vestibule to the hilt felt indescribably sexy. Even if it delayed consistent pleasure from strokes and thrusting, this strange method was working fantastically as though he were stuffing a whole line of mares with his rod and pulling out before they could milk a single drop from his orbs.

His throbbing cock sank to the velvet wetness deep inside her body as if he were pounding hot slippery clay, the silky muscular insides too inexperienced to hold him at bay and suck the seed from his testes as other mare slaves had already perfected. Still, only given some time, she would learn all the tricks of sex quite well as stallions had scarce interest in mares who couldn't do the job as efficiently as others in the harem.

Sweat had already started to soak his body in drenching torrents like a bath by the time the stallion chose to treat this claim seriously. By that point, her stamina was ebbing away and the black female would pass out. Pahygzes had become a good judge of strength and staying power for mares, so he could easily tell when such a female was on the brink of losing it.

Noticing the sex slave was wavering and quickly coming to the point that she could no longer do the mount, the stallion sped up his plowing, her sloppy sex tightening in encouragement while his bulbous pink nuts pounded against her winking clit like two ostrich eggs in a gauze net. Each of her tight vaginal ribs tug on his scraping cock with every push inside and out. He gave her encouragement as he pushed himself to the limits of his speed.

At some point, there was so much rubbing that he thought her pussy might catch fire, but nothing came of it other than an intense hot wetness like a rainforest in a desert. The mare made constant squirts of urine and special female cum in response to his pounding. Pahygzes felt the drips of her heated essence dribbling around his organ and soaking his thighs in a musky cocktail of their smells.

He responded with a flehman, pinching her attractive shiny hinie in lustful beastly fury. "Beg for my seed, mare. I want to hear how badly you need it." The white stud snickered, snorting a forceful gust of breath into her ears to remind her who was in charge even while her whole bottomless tunnel gripped his endowment like a vice and sucked on it hard enough that it almost became stuck in her fragrant folds.

His cock managed to pull free with a loud sloppy noise before holding the tip at her entrance and waiting with a certain playful cruelty. Given previous experience with other slaves, he knew it wouldn't take long for her to lose all dignity and beg for him to use her and fill that brand new womb with seed (though actual pregnancy was carefully controlled by the bio technologists for fear that all of the mares would grow full with offspring and be unable to do their jobs).

"Please flood me with your milk!" She screeched out, uselessly trying to nudge her pussy at his glans despite the certain steel-like grip of the binding tentacles. Since she asked so nicely, he slid his loins forward and impaled the female on an organ that had been so stimulated that it could go off any second.

She squeezed her buttocks together to make thrusting far more intense than it had to be, the milking on his cock made her jagged labia saw into his shaft while he gave her the breeding rundown. After a bit of this, Pahygzes lost it and he rammed his spear in all the way and filled her with at least a gallon of his cum with his glans inflated like a round plug.

Her belly bulged from the massive load he had divulged in her body, the mare's teeth grinding nervously as she nickered in elation. She had yet to orgasm, but her mind didn't know that; more than contented by the spreading warmth of his fresh sperm deposit within.

Pahygzes pulled out, pink cock covered in a layer of his frosting and her glaze as it went back obediently in its hiding place like a snake genie. The consummation was over, and that left them with some very interesting questions. None would be directed at her, though, as she was already fast asleep from the exertion. "What do we do with her?" Now that the ship had a new mare, she would have to be reconditioned and put someplace new where she wouldn't get into any further trouble.

As it happened, there was conveniently one black-furred captain who had not chosen a mare for himself. Not surprisingly, he pulled a collar out of the front of his loincloth and put it around her neck, the smell of testicle sweat still prominent on the skimpy slut attire. "I'll be more than happy to take her. Not every day you get a stallion turned-mare sex slave." Covis elaborated, giving her butt a good fondling while he smiled.

Pahygzes found himself grinning more out of sardonic amusement than anything else. "So be it. Make sure she's properly educated,." He declared, putting the strap on his uniform back up despite the soaking fluids of sex still covering the cloth. Covis was a total pervert compared to the rest of the stallions; she'd have a very interesting life as his fucktoy mare. Then again, it was his own fault this whole thing had happened. The humans had a helpful euphemism for the irony for which he'd forgotten.

Satisfied all manner of business would be taken care of in the right time, he turned his attention to other affairs which would need his attention: Jay would be out of school by now and waiting to be picked up. It would be embarrassing if he was the last one left on his first day. Besides, the stallion had been wondering about his pet's progress the whole time he'd been in the council meeting fucking that mare, oddly enough.

Kind of ridiculous that sex with a gorgeous mare like that wouldn't distract him for even a brief moment from his pet. He was also somewhat curious to find out what kind of a student Jay would turn out to be and would adjust his personal lesson plan in accordance. If Jay was average, he wouldn't do anything. If he were a slacker, he would have the teacher get on the human's ass with harsher methods. If he were a self-disciplined over-achiever, the horse would make things a little easier. Pretty much, it was all just a matter of carrot and stick procedure that humans respond best to.

Of course, there was nothing average about Jay, so the human was sure to have a few surprises when Pahygzes got there. On his way, one of the captains from the meeting had rushed to catch up with him, an honorable brown and white pinto creature named Skehnbahn. "How do you think yours did?" The painted horse asked, his body foaming with sweat like faint lines of whipped cream. Pahygzes got a good look at those wild almond eyes and shrugged uncertainly.

"Sorry. My what?" He asked, seeking clarification as he faced his white ears forward to the other horse. The admiral waited patiently for this apparently excitable creature to catch his breath.

Skehnbahn wiped sweat off his forelock and flung it at the floor like rain. "Your mare. We're both going to the classroom, are we not? I'm simply curious to ask, maybe make a wager." That last bit confused him. Ehlosians rarely gambled on anything as they didn't see the point of the risk involved. Humans were the complete opposite, making bets on all kinds of ridiculous things that Pahygzes didn't even think were worth the effort.

Apparently, it was a contagious cultural behavior, but he played along. "What kind? I don't see the point. However it goes, it goes." He said simply, that last a quotation from an old sage of the canid world they had conquered several millennia ago.

"I once thought so too, but my mare got me addicted to the practice. It's quite exciting once you get involved. Anyways, I bet my mare did better than yours." The paint remarked proudly, his tail raised like a flag. Pahygzes thought through that, trying to determine if it was worth his time or risk.

Still, he had to ask: what was he putting on the line to be a part of this bet? "The winner gets?" He prompted as they turned the corner and a guard was being distracted at his post by grabbing a passing harem mare and stuffing her crotch in his face to get that heavenly ecstatic hormone heat smell in his lungs. Both the admiral and the captain found this crude and vulgar show of strength quite amusing as they went on their way and ignored the breach of security protocol.

"To break in the loser's mare, these anal empathy classes be damned!" Skehnbahn mused. Now the admiral knew why he objected to such a practice. A stallion ripping into his human in a storm of blind horny impatience was bad enough. At least the nurturing relationship that stud shared with his chosen mate overshadowed the vicious rape in the beginning. In such a proposed bet, there was no redemption; the human would be painfully torn apart by the cock of a stranger they'd never see again. Such an intimate contact could not be cheapened so, for it was a special event shared by both.

Pahygzes snorted as though a fly bothered his nose. In fact, there was a far worse disturbance. "A true Ehlosian does not contemplate such fantasies. To spoil the first union is to destroy one's own pride and the dignity of the mare. We may think of them as slaves to fill with cum when we seek relief, but you degrade their role by objectifying a conquered human as someone to fuck and offer for barter like some cock sleeve." When he finished, the other horse just stared, as if he couldn't handle it. The white stallion didn't expect him to understand since the pinto had made such an offensive offer in the first place.

Pahygzes could only hope that all his points would sink in once the pinto gave them some thought. "So you don't want to make a bet?" The captain asked, dumbfounded. Well, it appeared that the captain wasn't given to much critical thinking outside of managing a ship. Regardless, he made his own intentions clear by refusing such an improper idea. He owed Jay far more than a night of painful sex with someone the human had never met.

He put his subordinate out of his mind as best as he could. When they came upon the door for the class and noticed that no one else had come before, that meant Jay and this other human would be the first picked up for the day. A strange convenience, he supposed, due to attending such a short meeting. Unfortunately, when he came inside, there was a surprise to greet him not even his own mind could envision. "Admiral!" A brown mare pronounced, a puzzled look coming across her face. "What can I do for you?" Pahygzes looked around at the sleeping humans on the floor and was quick to notice that his was not one of those present.

He gave the mare a thoughtful glare. "Where is my pet?" This only confused her further, as she apparently thought everything was normal up until this point.

She had her hands on her hips, tapping a hoof on the floor and biting the bottom of her lip. "One of your assistants got him an hour ago." She said, apparently assuming that was the truth until now. It was probably easy to take a stallion at his word, but the present situation and security breaches had proven even stallions were deceitful and working for someone besides the United Ehlosian Empire.

"I didn't authorize anyone to take my mare." Pahygzes declared, finally realizing there was something funny going on and it went deeper than tainted water and a plot on his masculinity. Whomever these bastards were, they must mean to take his pet hostage and use that disadvantage against him in some future way. This was the exact kind of hijinks that weren't even supposed to happen on his own personal ship!

Jay awoke later to a strange gathering of voices he'd never heard before. Most were undoubtedly horses, but a few were human given the lack of nasal tones and single clear speech instead of a muddled choir. He was quickly able to tell that Pahygzes was not among them, and that ultimately startled him. His owner would never take him anywhere new without first explaining the situation. At least, that was what he was given to tacitly understanding about the horse.

Realizing that he might not be amongst friends, he played dead and listened in on their angry argument. "Your plan has failed! We should have used mine" One stallion declared, giving a disgusted snort. "What good is turning the admiral into a mare, anyway? Someone would have replaced him."

"The plan was the proper course. It was the implementation that was faulty. If we had turned enough commanders into mares, no one would want the damn position - same as Havnor's ancestor did so that his lineage would have unmolested control for centuries. Then without volunteers, we would put up our own figurehead." A mare snarled out, sounding as though she were explaining basic math to idiots.

A human voice became belligerent at that. "Every day our race is further cowed and pacified while you play with your little pills. If we get guns -" And then someone cut him off right there.

"If you got guns, no Ehlosian would fight with you. We are a race of peace that only uses force which is necessary. Most of our violence in the invasion was directed at inanimate objects such as tanks and armored cars. What you propose is something we would never be a part of." There was a lot of nervous shifting by small bodies in response to this statement by a stallion.

"Besides, it would be far too difficult to get ahold of weapons like that. They must be accounted for and destroyed." Listening in, he didn't much like being privy to this kind of talk, but he did have a few ideas as he thought about their problems. That's what he was good at: problem solving.

There was a brief pause and then a mare spoke up. "Your thoughts, Jay?" She prompted. He couldn't believe they knew he was awake! Hoping she was messing with him, he continued to pretend. "No good, Jay. We have excellent hearing; we can tell when your breathing and heart rhythm change." He could only open his eyes and blink in astonishment.

He couldn't be a part of this; Jay had a master he loved and he was happy with this new life. "I don't want to be here. Me and the admiral have a trust." This amused the stallions, annoyed the mares, and pissed off all the humans in their collars or jumpsuits who weren't as satisfied as himself in their new roles.

In all, it didn't matter what he thought of the situation because he was forcibly included. "A convenience to some is a horror to others. Be wary of where you declare your allegience: such matters are tricky." A strange if sharp asessment by a palomino mare.

"Then I will say this: not all weapons are contrived in a factory. Man has been an apt killer far before guns were made." Naturally, what he meant was that a revolt could be supplied out of a forest just like Robin Hood. Bows, arrows, spears, and swords from trees and stones. It's not something taught in school, so it would take some trial and error before they got it right.

Surprisingly, it was the humans who had alot of the questions on the issue; having never played with such things in the woods like he had. It was fortunate he managed to put everyone at ease by allowing the humans their armed revolt, but ensuring the arrows would make shallow wounds while dispersing sleep-nanites. At least, this was a way to satisfy both sides. If a compromise hadn't been found, this could take forever.