Wet Me Down

Story by Eightane on SoFurry

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By Foxy Boy


"Yo Fox, pass me another one will ya?"

Everyone enjoys a little R-and-R, and the Star Fox team is no exception. Fox's home, while a modest two-bedroom in brick, still had its finer points. The huge backyard was top on the list, and more than perfect for barbecues, so they'd chosen to spend a little vacation time doing the obvious.

Fox rose from his chair with a grunt, having just gotten comfortable. The beer cooler was only three feet away, but no closer, should it lose the benefit of shade from the single tree on his property. Even in this region's continental climate, the dog days of summer were inevitable, and fur on his shirtless torso was matted in several places. Both Slippy and their closest ally, Bill Grey, chose to rock skins and shorts as well. Falco and Peppy didn't seem as put off by the heat, and kept to their white muscle tees. Among the five-strong line of seats, Peppy was the only one kicking it with no Labatt Blue in his system.

But most of them were too full of ribs to move with any speed.

Fox made it to the cooler like a snail on Ambien. As revenge for Bill's making him a brew fetcher, he tossed it lightly towards the greyhound with no warning. And, as proof of his experience and reflexes, Bill caught it like a pro-baller, immediately twisting it open to drain an inch or so from the top.

" Still think you could ever get one over on me?"

To Fox, the smirk he affected was a little much. "Well I've gotta do _some_thing to make you pay for this mini-vacation, freeloader."

"Sheesh," Bill's head went back in pretend-exasperation. "It's not enough that you stole half of my leave time? I could've been on Fortuna right now, testing out my new snowboard!"

Fox chuckled as gravity pulled him slowly back down into his lounge. "Well forgive me for saving you a broken limb or two."

"Fox?" Slippy's voice pierced the air like a lava-tipped katana. "Is there any more of that ice water left? I'm starting to feel it out here something fierce."

"Yeah, if you can get it yourself. It's inside."

"Oh." He looked away, then back again. "Uh, where?"

"Tch," Falco leered, arms behind his head in complete and total laziness. "Do you know how to use a faucet, and open a freezer?"

Slippy only scowled, and hopped up to head for the back door.

Bill's laughs followed the door's closing as if on cue. "Dude, how did it feel to be born with two asses?"

"I already know that's a slam, but explain."

"The one in your pants, and the one on your neck."

Falco started his own, ingratiating guffaws. "HAHAHAHAHAbite me. 'Snot my fault he's cold-blooded. Talk to his mama."

"DUH, I can't do that when you're always calling her house for phone sex."

Oldtimer that he was, even Peppy got a kick out of their banter. Bill had never been invited to join Star Fox, and for good reason; in alot of important ways, he and Falco were fire and ice. But maybe, if they ever changed careers, they'd have a future in comedy.

"Well," Bill diverted, "I think I'll go in and get some plain ol' water myself. Summer and a belly full of beer totally don't mix."

At that moment, Peppy chanced to be watching a squirrel, and Falco's eyes were wide shut with sunbathing. So as Bill got up, and followed Slippy's path, no one was the wiser about who locked eyes on his toned caboose... And smiled.

The back door led straight to the kitchen, which doubled as the dining room. As Bill sauntered in, and around the table, Slippy passed him on the other side, already dripping wet from his homemade relief. The hunt for a drinking glass was short, and he gave a random sigh while it sat under the faucet. Once it was full, he raised it to drink, barely taking the first swig before Fox's unmistakeable laugh carried behind him.

"One of these days, Slippy's gonna beat the smug right out of him."

Bill affected the tilt-your-head-back type of laugh. "He'd have to get in line. I swear, man, if he wasn't part of your team..."

"Meh, he's just a bag of hot air with feathers. Most of the time, he's halfway-funny, so I don't complain." Fox started for the refridgerator, discreetly brushing against Bill's fur on the way. "I'm feelin' a major cola jones. Want one?"

"Oh, no thanks, bro. I don't even have room for dessert after all those fall-off-the-bone beauties you whipped up."

The sound of a pop-top preceded the reply. "Can't take credit for that. My dad's recipe, and the only thing he ever cooked for any body."

"I hear that." There came a pronounced silence, while both worked on draining their beverages. "Still not telling them anything?"

A clear smirk from the vigilante hero. "Of course not! Did you suddenly go retarded or something?"

"I'm just saying." Another pause, for another swig. "The only one I'd worry about is Falco, and you could just pull rank if he starts running his mouth."

Fox laughed, while nervously scratching his neck. "He knows better than to smart off about certain things. I only let him get by with the kind of stuff I'd let you say, and that's bad enough."

"If you say so, captain." His smile made an abrupt change. "Heh, I knew that would do it."

"Do what?" Fox asked through half a mouthful.

At this, Bill's eyes went to his best friend, with lips curling slowly into deviance. "Dude, three guesses. And the last two don't count."

He was met by a brief stare, and the cola was promptly put down. Before anything else could be said, however, he knew what to do.

Slowly and carefully, he turned just enough to see out the glass of the back door. It wasn't likely the other three would be moving very much, but all he needed to know was if they were being watched. Confirming they weren't, he glanced back to Bill, still just as deviant in appearance.

"All clear. I'm right behind you."

The only pause, was a final chug from his water, before he tossed the plastic cup towards the sink some yards away. It rang the basin perfectly, making him pump fists in masculine victory. Fox couldn't help but offer a few chuckles.

"K, Let's go."

"You gotta wonder," Slippy mused from his sweat-doused chair in the circle, "Why they spend hours together whenever Bill gets a break from duty. They talk all the time, so it can't just be catching up."

Falco grunted, still slave to the laziness of the day. "You can wonder whatever you want. Try not to blow a circuit up there in the process."

A slieu of devious chuckles echoed from robin's-egg tiles on the bathroom wall. The door was pushed open, and Fox stepped swiftly inside. Following right behind, Bill made sure to close it behind him, and only then did any clothing begin to come off.

Fox, of course, wasn't shy in the least. "Hell yeah. What say we both do this skins? S'been a while since I've laid eyes on you."

"Whatever you want, man; it's your bathtub." Bill reached for the rim of his waistline, smiling over the toned body of his comrade. "Still think I'm in shape?"

The bush-tailed hero only licked his lips, while pulling down his shorts at light speed.

"I'll take that as a major 'yes'." With his fuckbuddy now totally nude, he grinned at the sight of this handsome display. "Not really hard to see why we're still at it so many years out of the Academy."

"Yeah, well there's some things I really don't want to give up. And you didn'thesitate one damn bit."

"Of course." Bill was halfway-aroused by the time Fox made it to the tub, making it all the more dramatic when he shed his own shorts, and the weighty greyhound dick was allowed to spring free. Casually, he approached Fox as the latter lay down in his tub.

And with Bill holding himself one-handedly, standing tall in a masculine pose, both were completely ready.

It started slow; a small spritz of yellow landing on the edge of Fox's stomach. Naturally, the flow began speeding up, and soon it had come to a full-size stream of wizz, coating the furry torso in warmth and wetness.

"Yeah, that gets me so friggin' hot." His hand went straight for the goods, slowly jerking as Bill hosed him down, top to bottom. Katina's finest emptied the fat stream all over, proving just how well a squadron leader could aim. And his friend's lust only grew, along with his cock, in every shift of the golden shower's target.

"You're gettin' me even hotter, playin' with that nice-ass dick. No way this is gonna end after I'm out."

"Ha-h aaa _, _yeah. But right now, you haven't gone above my neck." With eyes lowered sumptuously to Bill's hanging, furry balls, he licked his lips to further drive it home.

The solid greyhound was more than glad to oblige. A slight move of his wrist, and the warm shower hit Fox straight on the forehead, briefly making him wince in reflex before shifting back to drenched ecstacy. His dick, wet from piss and precum, throbbed firmly as he played with it; meanwhile, the only free hand shot to one nipple and gave a few gentle twists.

By now, Bill had emptied most of his supply, and the stream very slowly began shrinking. In order to stay on target, he took a step forward every second, grinning wide as it dove slightly to Fox's half-open jaw. This compelled Fox to groan deeply, and at once the warm saltiness began pouring over his tongue and lips, straight down his throat.

Bill practically panted with arousal. "Dude, you know you wanna drink my piss... Fuckin' a , get all the rest in there."

It was exactly what Fox had been waiting for. With Bill leaning in to offset running low, Every moment saw his uncut meat even closer to a welcoming mouth. When he'd finally reached the last few drips, it was only inches from the gaping fox maw, and shaking it well caused more to land on Fox's chin and cheeks than between his gums.

The arwing master was now beyond all inhibition. " Shit , I need to suck that thing so bad. Give it here, you dirty stud."

"You're one to talk, filthy-ass slut." Bill's mouth curled on one side, but he was still very much in the moment. Wasting no time, he promptly shoved it the last little distance down his old friend's tongue.

Once it could go no further, he felt suction instantly. Howling groans rose from deep in his lungs, and Fox relished the sound of every single one; though not nearly on par with what caused them. Bill's cock was still damp from the outside heat, and sex-driven musk only made it more irresistable. With the skill of an expert crack whore, he bobbed up and down on it like there'd never be another chance; eyes locked shut for the most part, only changing that when his dom's torso gave a few slight thrusts.

"OOOOOoo, yeah." Bill's nuts brushed up against the furry chin. "Fuck, dude."

"Heh, happy to." Fox gave no warning of what came next, the hand on his nipple leaving to settle just under Bill's tail. Smiling as best he could with a mouth full of dick, the closeted vulpine slowly stuck it into Bill's waiting hole.

"You think the Macbeth Loadrunners could make it to another Lylat Bowl?" Slippy's face showed nothing but sincerity. "Like, within the next ten years or so."

Peppy seemed to ponder momentarily. "I really can't say. You know I don't follow sports like I used to. So much has changed."

"Well, I just think they're long overdue for a back-to-back title." Against his better judgement, he had to ask. "What about you, Falco?" "I'll get back to you on that. Like maybe when my ass sprouts a second set of wings."

Slippy gave a long sneer, but nothing else. "At least I'm into sports, and not dollhouses or home ec."

His arrogant teammate imbibed a cocky smile. "I'll be nice to you this time, and say nothing about why you'd come up with those two alternatives out of thin air."

It was the last straw for Peppy; normally patient, he still had his limits. "Falco?"

The avian jerk turned his head to the voice. " 'Sup, old man?"

"Slippy really is deep into sports. You should tell him about your fantasy Wimbledon tournament. You know, how you even tried to sketch the possibilities."

Falco only stared for a moment, then glanced the other way at Slippy holding his side in silent hilarity. " Low , Peppy. Really low."

A kind rabbit smile. "Never forget I have ammo. Unless you want to go inside and see those two yukking it up." Between all of them, only he was aware of what went on behind closed doors, a secret he'd sworn to keep until the grave. Not so much for his leader, as respect for James; and all he left behind.

"Oh, so that's why they left us out here. Chances are, they're just as grating right now as ol' pipsqueak here, so I'll pass."

"Suit yourself, but do it quietly." He looked off to the side, eyes wistfully narrowed. "Which is something I hope they remember as well..."

Bill winced in passionate bliss, pumping harder than ever down Fox's gullet. It was tough to keep his howls at low volume, especially when Fox had two fingers all the way up his splendidly tight asshole.

"OOOOOoooooo OOO _!!! _Dude, your mouth is amazing!!"

"Mmmmmph," was all Fox could say, at least until he abruptly leaned back and popped the rock-hard member out of his mouth. "Yeah, but I have somethin' else you need to explore." At this, he slid the fingers carefully out, raised his knees through the gap between Bill's legs and twisted around, exposing a back view of his even tighter tailhole. "C'mon, grey stud, fill me the fuck up!"

Bill could do nothing less than laugh playfully, lunging forward to kiss Fox on the left ear, before rolling back and under to tickle the perfect rim. It was only this for several moments, tracing canine tip around orange-flanked entrance, as he relished his buddy's look of total pleasure; normal for a man who lived to play the uke. When it could wait no longer, he began the slow penetration, keeping pace until halfway inside. And he caught his dead-favourite sound, Fox yelling out in pure ecstacy, as he practically shoved the rest up his best pal's love-hole.

Now, the real skill and stamina from years as a skyfighter came into play. Ever the quasi-gentleman, he went slow for a short while, until it was clear he'd sufficiently broken Fox in. The deep, familiar tailhole took six and a half inches of throbbing meat over and over, bringing both of them to practically yell with each thrust. In no time, Bill's performance got him just as hot as he'd been in Fox's throat.

"O-O-OOHHHH, Bill!!! MMMM, you're a fucking stallion!!" A long pause, while fox toes curled up in ecstacy. "Sure you haven't... B _e_en practicing?"

"No way, dude. Not up th EE-E Ere on Katina, without you AA-Aand all the shit I can't resist about you!"

By now, Fox's rear was practically dripping with pre, much like the head of his dick. The sensations were too much, and soon he could feel beginnings of the home stretch. This wasn't lost on Bill, but the latter never slowed at all - only cackling a few times at how much his secret sex toy enjoyed it. At long last, a deep roar sounded from Fox's throat, and Bill took the opportunity to wrap one hand around his pulsing member.

He was careful to stay in view of it, so as not to missing a single one of his buddy's long and powerful shots. Fox practically yowled, eyes wide shut, while his cock spurted shot after shot of vulpine cream; and the grey-furred hand working its gun was soon glazed in warm stickiness.

" FFFUUUCK!!! OOOO-O-O YEAH!!!!" To keep quiet would be impossible, with orgasmic waves rolling through Fox's body. Had he glanced down, he would've seen the stretched ropes of cum coating both the tub below and Bill's fingers. Midway through the glorious finish line, thrusts from behind sped up. Obviously, Bill had seen enough to draw him out of pace, into his own race for the climax. As always, Fox gritted his teeth, not just as damage control for the noise he'd already made, but to better cope with Bill's powerful method. It was always this way, once the grey-furred commander knew his fuckbuddy was done; a free ticket to pound away like the porn star he could so easily be.

"Man, you're tight as fuck!! Yeh-he- hea!!" Throbbing canine dick pumped in and out of Fox, as eight grey claws dug gently into his fur. With every thrust, the bushy orange tail of the receiver whipped over Bill's back like a heavenly feather. Much as Fox couldn't help it when his moment came, Bill was at the point of no return. He felt the telltale sign, tingling from deep within; and whipping his head back, rode it out like the rare opportunity it was.

"_I'm gonna shoot!! FUCK, dude, it's comin'!! _"

Split seconds later, it was felt by both. Fox's jaw flew open with a laughing moan, as jets of greyhound seed flooded his tailhole. His moans were only topped by the pitcher, collecting all faculties to focus on the tight ass he'd begun to fill. Shot after shot hit the target, either going deep within or painting Fox's perfect rim. His peak went for twice the time as Fox, and naturally, the latter would never complain; not when Bill saved all of it for him. When his load was all but exhausted, the studly mutt gave a final groan of peace and relief, the only disappointment Fox could ever feel from this; and with his tail still elevated, the grey-furred stallion took it upon himself to dive down and start licking away the epic mess.

Fox's smile could never be wider, feeling a familiar tongue running over his backside. Bill was comprehensive, cleaning everything from Fox's legs to his freshly-invaded hole. A few lingering gasps, from the skyfighter's rimming conclusion, and the deed was done. Fox turned to inspect just how clean Bill had made it out, and both collapsed heavily onto opposite sides of the tub.

"Shit, man." Bill dragged one hand over his brow. "I always forget how fantastic a lay you are. Either you're getting even better, or I just don't have the stamina from our first few years."

"Ah c'mon, you know you haven't slipped at all. So it's gotta be me." He grinned, switching focus from Bill's face to his jizz-covered weapon. "Your lower half is striped like a screwed-up candy cane. I'm pretty sure they'd notice if you stepped out as-is."

The practiced dom glanced down, then back up with a chuckle. "Nah, a few Kleenex'll take care of that. But in your case..."

"-I know, trust me. Sorry to do this to you, but I might need you to explain why I'm in here taking a shower."

"Psh, no problem. I spilled a beer on you, and it soaked well past your clothes. And for that, I apologize."

Fox's grin drew even wider. "I hope your supers on Katina know what kind of genius they have on their hands." Slowly, he rose to his feet, showing off a good while before reaching for the shower controls. Bill, long-familiar with the methods of his best pal, knew exactly how long he had to get out before the water came on.

Minutes later, a sheet of tissue wiped over his legs, and Fox had the curtain half-open to provide an after_show_. Bill's fingers were clean of cum, as he'd eaten all the Fox cum he could seperate; meanwhile, his tail whipped back and forth as he drank in the sight of Fox completely wet. "Thanks, dude. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to come back here."

"Yeah I do. Since the last time you left." A smirk with a deviant wink told Bill he'd better get out of there, before passion got the better of his restraint.

Closing the door, in his mind, was harder than anything his job ever threw at him.

"I'm telling you, I know what the hell I'm talkin' about. General Pepper just doesn't care about falcons."

Peppy did little more than sigh and recline. This was between Slippy and Falco, and God help the man who believed they could see eye to eye.

"Oh, you're using the one instance where he might've overlooked the avians. They're still here, and you're not extinct, so can't you just let bygones be-"

Self-silenced, as Bill walked out the door and down the steps to meet them. Nothing was said while reclaiming his seat, but one set of eyes felt piercing.

"What took you so long? Is there a Playstation 3 hiding somewhere inside?" Falco's head was up, and facing the vaguely-damp ally. "And where's Fox?"

Bill gave a single, unplaceable glance to the bane of the team, and laughed it away. "My retarded ass dropped a can of beer all over his shirt. He's in there cleaning up."

"Tch, I always knew you picked the wrong career."

In the meantime, Slippy giggled, and Peppy tried his best to conceal a wizened smirk.

He was content, among the heroes who defied all explanation.

C'est l'extrémité.

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