Soul Shattered Chapt. 6: Secrete Releaved

Story by DJ Wolf 92 on SoFurry

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Ugh! Sorry it took me so long to post these next two chapters. Been busy! Well . . . here ya go!


"Christian, can you please tell the class what the different functions of the heart are? Chris? Chris, are you listening?" Mr. Pauler asked, but I was too out of it to be paying attention. Today was Wednesday; I had 2 days left until my flight to Germany's House of Den. 

            I tried to look into the future of the importance of this immediate meeting. But couldn't. It was like looking through a gauzy blanket--you could see through it but it was blurred, distorted.

            "Chris!" Mr. Pauler boomed.

            His voice was so loud I nearly jumped out of my skin. "Yes, Mr. Pauler?"

            He sighed deeply. "Please meet me after class."he said.

            I was nudged by my side. I turned around to see Darren staring at me.

            What was that? He mouthed.

            I dazed off, I replied. I looked away from Darren and started writing the notes on the white board.

            Everybody filed out of the room when class ended. I stayed in my class.

            Mr. Pauler was at his desk shuffling papers around. He waved me forward.

            "Christian," He said. "You seemed very distracted today. Could it be because of the meeting at Germany?" he asked; his voice curious.

            "I'm sorry, Erik," I said.

            He looked at me firmly. "Chris," He warned. "You know the rules. When you're in this school, I'm your teacher. Outside of school I am a Pack member."

            "Yeah, I know," I sighed.

            "Something is bothering you; I can smell it on you." His nostrils flared.

            "It's about the meeting. I want to know what could be so important that they had to pull us from our . . . activities."

            "Come on, Chris," He said, sounding more like a pack member than my teacher. "You know that they only do that because of either a celebration--for example, the Blood Moon celebration--or a discussion of those damned Hunters." His voice turned with disgust and animosity.

            My own stomach churned with discomfort and hatred for those wretched murders.

            "Ok . . . ," I said, changing the subject. "Mr. Pauler, for a Royal Wolf"--a Royal Wolf is what we consider the rich wolves--"why'd you become a teacher?"

            Mr. Pauler starred off into the distance, searching for an answer. "You know . . . I really don't know," he truthfully. "I guess I felt that ruling Russia wasn't my 'calling'; I guess what I really wanted to do was teaching."

            I nodded. "I understand."

           He smiled and then sighed. "Now, for your punishment"--I cringed--"You have detention-"

           "What--!" I interrupted. Erik gave me a hard look that cut my explosion to a dribble that trailed off. 

           Erik continued, "Next Tuesday. This is the third time you've been late for class."

           "Crap!" I muttered under my breath, and then looked at my teacher. He didn't like my use of the word. "Sorry," I sighed, hanging my head, knowing that would cost me another detention.

           Erik gave a little smile. "Chris?" he asked. "Do you know where you're going to next week?"

           I stared at him, confused. And then it hit me: I was going to be at Germany's House of Dens.

           "Thank you," I said.

           He smiled again and then his face turned serious. "Know if this was a different case and we weren't demanded to go to this meeting, you would have served your detention next Tuesday. Remember that." He looked at his watch and then started shoving papers in his bag.

            "I have a meeting to go to and you have lunch. See you tomorrow," he said as he walked out the door. 

            I stood there for a couple of seconds before retrieving my bag.

            As I walked down the halls, I tried again to think of the upcoming meeting, but again it was gauzy.

            The lunch room was nearly empty when I walked in. I spotted Darren and Tristan near the window tables. I whistled them to follow me.

            I walked out of the building and headed for my car. Man it's great to have senior lunch!

            I opened the driver door and stepped in, Darren and Tristan followed after me. The car engine roared to life as I started it. Putting the car in reverse, I drove off the school grounds and on to the barren road.

            "Where do you guys wanna eat?"  I asked.

            "Hmm . . ." murmured Tristan. "How about Subway?"

            "Darren, how's that sound?" I asked.

            There was no reply.


            "Oh, sorry I was just thinking." I looked behind, giving him a questioning look.

            "I was thinking that maybe Tristan and I could go with you to the House of Dens in Germany."

            I shook my head. "I already thought about that, but no humans are permitted in any of the House of Dens-you know for fear that they'd be a Hunter," I said. I shifted my attention from Darren to the road.   


Once we made it to Subway, placing our orders, we drove to my Den--which was relatively close to the school.

            "Hi, Chris," Allen said form the couch.

            I ushered my friends inside. "Hi, Allen," I replied was I walked it.

            Kari was sitting on the other couch, but as so as I walked in, he ambled over, wrapped his arm around my waist, pecking a kiss on my lips, and let me to the couch.

            Tristan and Darren took the couch next to mine. They looked a little nervous to be around my Pack. Which was a little weird 'cause it's not like they haven't been around my Pack before.

            "Why, hello Tristan," Rena said using her "sweet voice".

            "Oh, h-h-hi . . . Rena," he stuttered out.

            Rena draped her arm around Tristan's shoulder, pulling him closer. "Are you sure you're gay? 'Cause if you're not, you could always 'hang out' with me."

            Tristan's eyes darted across the room, searching for an excuse to get away from her.

            I was about to tell her to leave him alone but Luc beat me to it.

            "Yes, he's gay. Now please leave him alone. You're making him nervous," He said. Luc to the rescue!

            He pulled his sister from Tristan. She grinned at him.

            Luc rolled his eyes and then sat down with Tristan. He scooted closer to Luc, their bodies mere inches apart.

                I stared at the two, observing them. I watched as Luc rested his arm on the rest behind Tristan, my friend blushing and scooting an inch away from Luc. But I knew he liked my Pack mate. He may have moved away from Luc--probably to hide the scent of his feelings--but I could sense his feelings for Luc, even if he'd never admit it.

                Luc met my gaze and smiled. I smiled back and then sensed him block his mind from me.

                What's the matter? My Mate asked through his thoughts.

                I don't know . . . I replied. I think Tristan and Luc might like each other.    

                Kari's gaze followed mine. His eyes locked with Luc's, silence messages passed between them--messages they didn't want me to know; they blocked their thoughts from me. Which irritated me--what were they afraid of telling me?

                I desperately wanted know what they were thinking, I know this is silly of me.

                Kari's paw slowly creased my arm, distracting me. His padded fingers brushing down my arm felt good. His paw crept up my arm and slowly down my back, making me shiver pleasantly.

                I tilled my head back and kissed Kari's sweet lips. He brushed his muzzle against my neck, and I started kissing the hollow of his neck, breathing in his scent. The scent lingered in my mouth.

                His fur intertwined with my fingers.

                There were many things I loved about Kari, one of them being his sense of humor. The other is his unadulterated love for me--even though I hated the Twilight novels and shit, Kari truly was my Edward.  

                "I'm your Edward, am I?" My Mate whispered.

                I grinned devilishly at him and then slammed my elbow into his ribcage.

                That invoked a pained yelp. I smiled again.

                 Kari tightened his grip on me and started tickling me. I kept breaking his hold on me but every time he tickled me harder. I was laughing so hard, I felt getting winded, like the air was being knocked out of me. Well . . . that's pretty much was being winded is, but whatever.

                 He finished his tickle torture and rested his muzzle on my shoulder. He whispered, "Have you been wondering what the meeting's been about?"

                 "How'd you guess?" I asked.

                 "Because I know you," he said.

                 "Yeah . . . you do." I smiled.  I slid up from my laying position and started wolfing down my lunch (no pun intended); we only had a more few minutes till next class.

                 When I was finished with my food, I locked my gaze with Luc's, forcing him to look at me. With my mind, I reached into Luc's mind. Look, I'm gonna be straight with you. Do you really like Tristan?

                 Without saying a word, he nodded, and then looked down fondly at Tristan. It was then that I saw Luc really had feeling for Tristan and really cared for him.

                 I smiled at that.

                 Now, was that sohard? I asked teasingly.

                 With you? Hell yeah!He thought back and then winked at me.

                 I rolled my eyes, smiling. By the time my friends finished their food, we were running a little later than we planned. Once Darren took the last bite from his sandwich, I quickly ushered them out and into the car.

                 I sped down the road once everybody had their seatbelts on.

                 "So . . . Tristan . . . you like Luc?" I asked three minutes the drive. My eyes carefully watched both the road and Tristan through the rearview mirror.

                 He looked away and started at his hands. "Yes," he whispered faintly, almost inaudible--well almost inaudible to human ears. For me, I could hear him as clear as if he said it at normal volume. "But isn't that, like, forbidden or something?"

                 I gave a short laugh. "Forbidden? PLEASE! It's quite common. Though you're and Luc's case is a little strange. Wolves don't normally fall in love with humans. Usually, werewolves fall in love with a Pack mate or they fall in love with a human, happens all the time."

                 "Ok," he said, nodding comprehendingly. "Ok, so know that you know I like Luc, there is a question I want to ask you."

                 "Shoot," I said.

                 "I want to ask for your consent to . . . err, date Luc," he said and blushed. "Since you're the Alpha and all."

                 I raised a brow. "Well, Tristan, I'm faltered that you asked for my consent. It shows you have a deep respect for me as an Alpha. And, yes, you have my consent."

                 Tristan smiled at this. "Thank you."

                 "Chris, isn't there some way you could pull some strings to let us go with you to the House of Dens?" Darren asked abruptly, kinda out of the blue.

                 "Darren, there is only one way you could go to House of Dens with me." I stared hard at him. He knew the answer.

                 "Oh, yeah, I don't think I'm quite ready for that," He said.

                 After that there was awkward silence lingering in the air.

                 My car zoomed into the school lot with speeds that surly would've get me a ticket . . . or two. We leapt out of the car and raced to our classes.

                 Once I got in the room, my teacher chastised at me for being late. The rest of my school day was pretty dull. The hours seamed to stretch on forever. Each period was longer then the last. By the time school was over, I was exhausted. The bell rang by the time I was sure I was about to pass out.      

                 Ugh, two more days of this.  

Soul Shattered Chapt. 7: Plane To Germany

The whole Den was a bustle as my Pack was getting ready for the leave. Blurs of fur and paws streaked past me like dark shadows. Everybody was awaiting this trip. We were all excited to be back in Germany, seeing old friends. But for me, I was a...

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Found With You: Chapter 1

Ok, so here is the new version of my previous story, Better Life. This story is completely different from the other one, but with the same basis. Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The late...

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Soul Shattered Chap. 5: Troubled

I walked into an anger-filled house when I got home.         Mom and dad where sitting at the kitchen table, not looking happy. Their arms were crossed over their chest, scowling fiercely at me when I walked in. Their lips set tight against their...

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