How I Fell in Love

Story by Sorin on SoFurry

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*Warning: * This story contains scenes of sexual activities. If you are underage, do not read. I take no responsibility for the viewing of this content.

Legal: This story is my own property and may not be used in part or in whole without my written permission.

Author's Note: After writing a few stories of the more extreme nature, I thought it would be nice to step back and write a more traditional adult story. Hope you all enjoy it.

How I Fell in Love

For as long as I can remember, I've always had trouble with ladies. I think I've had one big crush, and that was in high school. Thrice I missed my chance because she suddenly started dating one of my close friends.

The second time I actually tried something, it went fairly well for a few days before we had a few awkward moments. That girl won't even speak to me now.

So, with such bad luck, I decided to stay out of the dating scene for a while. Besides, I wasn't much of a looker. A slightly obese squirrel wasn't a person ladies fell over. But for the most part, I was ok with being single. The occasional masturbation kept my sexual urges in check.

Once I graduated from college, things started to change. Perhaps it was that I finally realized how quickly my time was passing. Some of my closer friends had girlfriends, fiancés, one was even married already. It might have been simple jealousy, but I started looking a little harder for someone I could call my own.

But as I've already said, a squirrel of my figure usually doesn't do so well on the dating scene. None of the girls that caught my eye for beauty were remotely interested in me. Even a few that would probably score lower on the looks scale didn't want me.

Maybe it was personality that was causing so many problems. My spare time included videogames, reading, and the occasional game of paintball and my profession was one of higher mathematics. I was quite the introspective person, and that seemed to turn female after female away.

I was starting to feel hopeless when the most random thing happened. It was a Sunday in the summer. In my little hometown, I was walking to the store when a door opened just in front of me and a body stepped out. I quickly shuffled to get out of the way, but couldn't fast enough. Our shoulders bumped into each other.

I quickly slowed and turned slightly. "Sorry 'bout that," I managed to say before my voice caught in my throat.

Standing there was a fellow squirrel. Her face was nicely angular, with a small nose and surprisingly fine cheeks. Her brown eyes gazed into mine for a moment before I almost reflexively started to scan the rest of her body. Her figure was lean and fine, with only a slightly hint of an hourglass hidden under an off-white dress. She seemed to have small breasts, but that only seemed to make her cuter. (I never was into large-breasted women.) Behind her stood a large fluffy tail. I took all of it in with a single glance before returning my eyes to her face. "Sorry..."

She giggled with a bright smile. My heart melted. "It's alright," she said. Her voice was high pitched and sweet. "I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm Sam." She held out a slim paw towards me.

I don't know why she decided to introduce herself to a complete stranger. But at the time, I wasn't questioning much, so I took it and clutched gently. "Lucas." My eyes didn't want to leave hers. I completely forgot about what I was supposed to be doing. My world vanished to be replaced by this one woman of beauty. If I ever wondered what love-at-first-sight was like, this was it.

Her paw held mine for a few seconds before she gave another bright smile. "Well, I should be going. Bye."

"Can I buy you dinner?"

She stopped and turned back to me, her face now slightly confused. "Excuse me? I... don't even know you."

"I'd like to get to know you," I said without thinking. I smiled a goofy grin.

To my utter surprise, she smiled back. "Alright. Meet me at Garcia's at six?"

"I'll be there."

She turned and continued walking. This time I let her go.

The moment she left my view, my mind finally caught up with my body and my heart throbbed in terror. I repeatedly asked myself if I had actually just done that. But I had. And I was glad I had.

I went through the rest of the day almost in a daze. I didn't know why I was so stupefied over this woman I had just met. I started seeing her in everything.

The hour of our meeting came quickly. Garcia's was a modest Greek restaurant on the south side of town, so I dressed accordingly with nice pants and a button-down shirt. I also made sure to get there well in advance so I'd be waiting for her.

She walked up at six on the dot. Once again, I found myself ogling over her. She had swapped the dress for a slightly more casual skirt and tank top. The top hugged her sides a little more and I could clearly tell now that she kept her body well. I welcomed her with a smile and held the door for her.

I can't remember exactly what we talked about that first date. What I do remember is that we both clicked perfectly. We didn't have many of the same interests, but we each listened while the other talked and there seemed to be something beyond simple likes and dislikes. I couldn't explain it. She didn't even care that I had a slightly larger build.

She also had the strangely uncanny ability to pull me out. For the first time in a while, I found myself talking openly, which I normally didn't do with anyone besides close friends because of my highly introspective nature.

Immediately, we both agreed that we would have to meet again. I decided to go one step further and invited her to a dance club in the next town. That was a date that I remember very well.

I picked her up at her small house before we drove over. The skirt she wore this time really hugged her curves, and she caught me staring for a moment. Secretly, I think she was flattered by it.

The club was loud and hopping by the time we arrived at 11 o'clock. It was a fairly small club, so there wasn't a line, but it was still full on the inside with dancers and drinkers. The packed bodies only meant that I had to stay closer to her.

When we hit the dance floor, she turned to face me and pressed herself close. Our stomachs met each other and she started to bob and rock against me in time with the music. With her suddenly so close, I couldn't help but get a little excited. I started moving too, sometimes moving with her, occasionally changing so that we would slide together. I was sure that we even touched some more sensitive areas a few times, but I'm not sure she noticed.

We danced for hours. Occasionally we would step apart for a wider dance, but we would always end up together again, dancing body to body. Whenever she turned and pressed her back to me, I would lean down and smell her neck. Her scent was intoxicating. Her fur was soft and fine running through my fingers.

She leaned back and slide her muzzle along the side of mine. "After this, why don't we head back to my place?"

I should have wondered at it, but I was too into the moment. "I'd love to." I gave her a light nuzzle and kissed her cheek.

The dancing continued without our agreement taking much space in my thoughts. We were too lost in the moment of dancing together. I would gaze into her eyes and she would gaze back. Words were spoken without us having to say them. I was in love.

We left the club sweaty, tired, and somehow giddy. There hadn't been a sip of alcohol between us, but we walked out laughing in each other's arms.

It wasn't until we were back and her house walking to the front door that I started to become a little nervous. I had an idea of what she was expecting, but I felt too embarrassed about it to actually ask if that's what she wanted. If I were wrong, what would she think?

Thankfully, she answered my own questions. As she stepped up to the door, she turned and pulled me against her. Her lips touched mine for several seconds before she pulled away. "Lucas, I've had a great past few days."

"So have I," I said back with a smile.

"Would you... like to stay over?" She smiled, and I think I saw a slightly hint of red in her cheeks.

Her cheeks weren't nearly as red as mine, though. "I... I don't know. Honestly, Sam, I've never..."

She cut me off by placing a slender finger to my lips. "That doesn't matter," she said. "You're what matters."

Her lips pressed to mine again. This time, in my moment of curiosity, I pushed back. Tingling spread through my cheeks. I pressed harder into the touch, even slipping my tongue through her teeth.

We folded together, two beings passionately learning each other. Between tracing our hands along each other and kissing madly, we somehow managed to navigate to her bedroom. I fell back onto it, nearly pulling her with me, but she caught herself and leaned over me. Her hands started to work at removing my pants. She must have had some level of experience since I was soon exposed.

Once again, I became slightly nervous. She was the first woman to see my personal region. "Are you sure about this, Sam?"

She gave a nod. "Just relax." Her words were like magic; I obeyed.

Her tongue touched me first by tracing a single long lick from my base to my tip. I thought I'd built up some level of sexual endurance through masturbating, but that touch sent shivers up my spine. "Oh, wow."

She smiled and started licking faster. Her tongue would touch at my base just outside of my sheath, travel up to my tip, and kiss my head lightly before going back down again. And all I could do was lie there and enjoy it. When she finally took me into her mouth, I groaned as the pleasure spiked. "Sam..."

Her mouth pulled away suddenly. "Alright. I think you're ready." She picked something up from a table and tore it open. Her fingers pushed a thin condom down my length.

Now I knew she was serious. But caught in the excitement of my first time, I wasn't willing to say no. I pulled her up over me and kissed her lightly. I wanted to say something, but it seemed that words wouldn't do justice at that moment. So I simple gave her a light nod.

The feeling that came over my cock simply magical. In one motion, she had pushed my full 9 inches into her sex. Her walls gripped at my length and I could feel the heat of her body through the thin film of latex. The only thing I didn't feel was her wetness, which I could feel leaking out onto my crotch. But I figured that was a small loss.

She began to pull up, sliding off of me until my head remained in her, and then threw herself back down. I hissed in pleasure as I became engulfed again by her hot folds. "Oh, you're good at this."

"Thanks." She went again and again, building up a rhythm. My cock screamed from the pleasure each time she forced her hips next to mine. She seemed to be enjoying it too judging from the moans and whines coming from her throat.

It didn't take me any time at all to reach my peak. I gripped at her hips, helping with her motions and encouraging her to go faster. The pressure built at my base and I pushed myself up as hard as I could. I held her against me as my cock exploded. It all shot back along my cock, trapped by the condom.

As I panted, she looked down with slightly sad eyes. "Is that all?"

"Not a chance," I said with a grin. For the moment, my cock was shrinking, but I knew it wouldn't be long before I could go again. So I pulled her off of me and instantly replaced my cock with two digging fingers.

She gasped and moaned again. "Yeah, you like that?" I asked. I hoped I was doing alright, since the only thing I knew about doing this was what I'd seen in porn videos. It seemed simple enough.

Now I could properly feel the wetness of her tunnel. It slicked up the fur on my fingers and caused her entrance to squelch every time I pushed all the way in. It felt strange to have my fingers suckled by the convulsing tunnel, but I was enjoying her responses way too much to stop.

She finally screamed and her tunnel closed around my fingers. After that, she relaxed against me. "I thought you were a virgin?"

"I am. I guess some things come naturally to me." I felt my cock start to get at least decently hard, so I figured it was time for round two. I turned her over and leaned to the side so that I was spooning her with my cock touching her entrance.

I pushed in again. The cum that was stuck inside the condom with my cock squished inside of her tunnel and gave me some illusion that I was actually in full contact with her walls.

We both grunted and moaned as we went full into round two. I would spend a minute or so pounding her and then I would stop to grind her for a few minutes to rest and keep my pleasure at a longer-lasting level.

In full control, we went much longer, but I was in too much of a high to know exactly how long. The next thing beside the pleasure that I remember was her panting faster and saying "I'm gonna cum!"

I picked up my pace, humping her as fast as I could go. I started to feel the pressure heralding my own orgasm as well. She beat me to it and moaned. The sudden constriction on my member made me gasp and groan. With a shudder, I fired my second load.

This time, we both lay still when we came down. I had no interest in pulling out of her and she seemed just as content to have me. We snuggled, quickly and quietly consenting to sleep, together in more ways than just physically.

That night stayed with us for the rest of our lives. Each time we make love, we fight to make it as glorious as that first time. Sometimes we succeed.

Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't been a fool that first day we met. I would probably still be living without a wife. But the point is, we met. And we fell in love.

Author's Note: So, did you like it? If you did, or if you didn't, let me know in the comments below. Thanks for reading!