Fabolous21 Vore commission

Story by Liht Tarnussay on SoFurry

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I could feel and hear my heavy pants as I ran as fast as I could through the forest, my red cape flowing about behind me. My tears blew past my cheeks stinging my cheeks in the cold weather. Fear pulsed throughout my entire being as if it was trying to claim me and slow me down. I was scared, too scared to look behind me, to scared to even change a glance backward. My legs screamed though in a painful shriek for me to stop, my heart beat so hard it felt as if it would burst. Yet I couldn't stop, I had to run!

Passing by tree after tree the forest world about me blurred and my clothes became torn against sharp branches that seemed to work with what I ran from. All working to stop me or slow me down, soon I was bleeding out from the many scratches the branches caused. Turning what clothes I had as red as my cape. My eyes blurred as I ran, the tears that didn't fall from my eyes clouded my vision. I was almost running blind through the forest, relying only on my hope that I was heading toward an exit, the hope that kept me going instead of stopping.

I could hear it's breathing, it's paws pounding against the ground felt like they were right behind me but I couldn't look back. I could feel it right on top of me but I couldn't slow down. It was as if this demon was just toying with me but I couldn't stop, I couldn't get caught.

Then in an instant I saw it, the exit! I could feel myself nearing it, the rush of air. The blinding light of the sun, it was all there. Freedom! Yet in an instant I felt his weight on my back and I feel forward, skidding on the ground just inches from the exit. My eyes gazing up and into the large wolf's tiny red blood thirsty eyes, right before I blacked out.

Gasping a young girl sat up quickly from the large canopy bed she slept on, her fiery red hair falling down around her face, hiding a beautiful and yet child like face. With one shaking hand moving to her mouth, her eyes bulging with fearful revulsion, as those eyes burned yet again into her mind and soul. Her body becoming nearly consumed with hysteria, her mind played a different role. Quickly working to calm her wound up systems so that slowly but surely she was able to calm down.

With her breathing normal again she let her hand down from her mouth and her eyes to narrow back to their original half slits. As she looked about the room she was in, a room within the local town's cathedral, she also felt the presence then the hand of a man next to her. This man who's belly bulged outward and his eyes sang with praise to the lord and lust for children. This man lightly placed a hand on the shoulder of the little girl. His voice deep and commanding, perfect for guiding his flock to salvation, "Valerie, are you okay child?"

Looking to the priest Valerie giggled softly and moved just slightly enough so a small leg could swing over and her petite form could rest on top of this older man of the cloth. With a soft smile she spoke with a sultry tone that bellied her young body, "Pastor sir... I'm fine, I am just a little hungry though. Would you happen to have anything on you, or in you, that I might partake of?"

As she spoke this her eyes gazed up into his own, a soft velvety purple glow shone into his eyes and at once his lips stretched into a large grin, "Yes child, I do believe I have something. If you'd scoot down you'll find a wonderful little spout to drink from."

Smiling at the man, Valerie moved down on the man, her mouth opening slowly, tongue moving out slowly to lick down his belly to his groin and to his short yet fat stick. With a small glance up and an approving nod from the pastor, Valerie lowered her lips down to his rod, gently kissing the tip. Massaging the short shaft with her small hands as her lips traveled along the tip, kissing and suckling on it like a lollipop.

All the while she worked on him, he moaned out in happy ecstasy. His hands clenching at the sheets of the bed as his blood rushed to meet her hands and lips, his eyes closing tightly as already he felt the longing to explode, "Valerie my child, soon you'll receive your holy father's blessings!!" In an almost gagging giggle she pushed her head down as far as she could as the priest's eyes rolled into the back of his head while he started to spasm with his release.

If she could, Valerie would have giggled, instead she gulped down that white seed and slowly pulled up off his rod. Yet as her lips left his manhood her eyes lit up and shown like jewels as she stared at the form of that priest. His chest heaving up and down while his eyes slowly slide back down to normalcy. For him, he was done and tired already. But for Valerie, things had only just started.

Crawling backward from the priest Valerie sat up straight and smirked, "Mister pastor... You have had your released and blessed me with your juice. Now I must ask for more." With his chest heaving still he stared at her as she crawled forward on her kneels, her hands touching his chest, and soon she was crawling up on top of him. Leaning down slowly to where their lips were just barely touching, then in an instant his lips were torn off and her hands were encircling his throat.

With his screams cut short, along with his breath. He could do not but thrash about as she swallowed his lips with a satisfied smack of her lips, "Ah! Such tasty lips... The rest will be just as delicious." Those words were the final words he heard as he slipped from consciousness from the lack of air. But with his mind in blackness, she didn't stop.

After a few hours Valerie stepped down from the bed of the priest, crossing the room to grab his white adornment cloth and wipe off her bloody mouth and hands. Taking good care to clean herself she then checked herself in the mirror before nodding, "Perfect, a little princess like myself must always look proper! Even if what I do isn't so proper... Isn't that right pastor?" Yet the priest couldn't answer, his body reduced to bones, everything else, even his brains had been consumed. His once glorious looking bed was now soaked with blood, shit and piss.

Ignoring the fact that he didn't answer her, the little girl walked over to where here clothes were and dressed quickly before slipping out the room to sneak away to the stairs. Yet even though she tried to be stealthy, no man who passed her could pass up looking at her, smelling the musk of a male on her. Yet no man could make a connection with who's and when one of those men check on the priest, not a single one will make the connection that she was the one who had done that to their beloved priest.

Heading downstairs she pulled a small notebook out of her little purse and began to check off the priests name while walking, "Let's see... Later today I have Mr. Williams the store clerk... Heh, such naughty men to want such a little girl, tehe~" Returning the book to it's purse she moved quietly toward the exit, only to stop as a young pregnant girl passed her by. With a single glance at the form of that young child with the bulging belly, Valerie knew what to do. So as she walked out of the church, then moved to a small bench to sit, she opened up her little notebook and crossed out Mr. Williams name while giggling softly.

With a deep sigh a young girl of only 12 years old knelt down in front of the cross of Jesus. Her bulging belly, full with a child, made the exertion difficult yet she still made it so that her prays would be heard. With eyes closed, mouth sealed and her mind opened to accept him, she prayed for the well being of her as yet unborn child.

As she finished the pray she reopened her eyes to find the eyes of others upon her. Being so young and with a child would not be so strange, if she had a wedding band on her finger. But not this young girl, for instead of a wedding band she wore a mark on her hand. This mark was as black as her hair, it was the mark of an adulteress, a mark of shame and an inappropriate mark for a child so young. Yet still, this mark was on her left hand and worse still, her black hair and red eyes marked her even more an outcast in this town of superstitious people.

If not for her being in a church of God, she would have had to face ridicule and stones. Instead, she only had to face whispers and cruel stares, some lustful, as she walked back out of the church. Each step causing others before her to back away and soon she was out of the Church and heading down the steps only to be stopped as a young girl with fiery red hair and eyes that blazed the color of the sun, stepped in front of her.

Looking at the fiery girl, the younger child couldn't help but stare in wide eyed wonder, barely hearing her as she spoke, then with realization that she had spoke asked her to repeat it, "What I said was. 'Hello, my name's Valerie. What's your name?' Get it now?"

Staring at Valerie, the young girl seemed dumbfounded, unable to comprehend why anyone, much less a girl about her age would speak to her. Yet as she stared Valerie just sighed and then walked closer, tapping the young girl's forehead a little as she spoke, "Hello? Anyone home?"

Blinking quickly to the tap the child finally got her senses together enough to sputter out, " I-I'm Sarah, why are you talking to me?"

Smiling Valerie circled Sarah slowly, looking her body up and down before nodding, " I'm talking to you Sarah, because I want to get to know you... And get to know how you became pregnant." She then moved, grabbing and lifting Sarah's left hand to inspect it, "And how you got marked... So I basically want to know your story. Is that too much to ask?"

Snatching her hand away from Valerie Sarah's eyes darted about, glancing at the many people now staring at them. Swallowing and feeling herself cornered she could only close her eyes and nod her head once as she whispered, "I would... L-love to tell you my story... Do you know somewhere private to talk?" With that, Valerie giggled and grabbed her hand. Dragging her away from the throngs of people and toward one of the richest parts of town.

With the girl in tow and her plan ready, Valerie could only smile as she dipped her hand into her pocket. Never missing a beat as the key slid into the lock and turned, opening and pulling Sarah past her and into the place she called home. Smiling gently as could be she lightly pushed her toward the living room before closing and locking the door, "So Sarah dear, tell me your story. But first, sit sit girl! I must know, would you like tea or coffee? I know how things are now-a-days with young girls like us trying so hard to be an adult."

Looking toward Valerie, Sarah slowly spoke, careful with her words, and even more careful with how she sat, "I-I would like some tea, I don't have a taste for coffee but thank you for the offer. As for my story, I was... Well it all started like this..." With that simple sentence Sarah began her story, telling her of the anthro wolf that raped her, the disownment her father cast upon her when he discovered her pregnant not just out of wedlock but with a mongrel creature. During that time in the story, Valerie had found time to make them both tea and return.

Soon Sarah was finishing her story, "A few weeks after I arrived in this town I was picked up by some lawmen taken in front of a judge and because I couldn't show them the father I was branded." Giggling a little she smiled and shook a little drowsiness away that was coming closer, "It was strange though, cause even though they branded me and seemed to hate me, they gave me a home somewhere to live. It's not much, but it's better than nothing." Yawning now Sarah's cup began to tip from her hand as she spoke in a slur, "I-I feel a little... Tir-" And with those final words, and a dark chuckle from Valerie, Sarah's world went dark as the medicine finally took it's complete hold on her.

Groaning Sarah's eyes slowly opened, her body aching as the drug's effect slowly dissipated. Yet as she came to, she found herself in a strange position. With her back stretched out over a curved table, her large belly jutted out along the curve. Straining a bit she found her arms latched to the table above her head and legs latched to the sides of the table, forcing them apart cruelly, her body forced into a cruel and painful position.

As Sarah struggled with her predicament and with trying to remember what happened to cause this, a figure stood just out of her vision. This figure was small, child like in appearance and sported a grin that would put fear in a demon. Enjoying her struggles this figure slowly stepped into her view to reveal herself as Valerie yet she wore no clothing, letting her body be effected by the cold of room, even to the point that her nipples stood erect and hard. Within her hand though she held a scalpel, razor sharp and gleaming in the dark light of the room.

"Welcome to the living Sarah, I hope you enjoyed your rest." Valerie said as a smirk crossed over her lips.

Looking at Valerie and the scalpel Sarah's eyes slowly widened and she started to struggle more. Attempting to speak out only to now feel the gag that prevented her speech and found herself helpless before this child like herself. In an instant things came together for her, and in that same instant a grip of fear grabbed hold of her that despite her predicament she struggled and strained, screaming into the gag while tears filled her eyes.

Watching her vain struggle and scream, Valerie's smirk turned into a grin and quickly into a laugh, taking the utmost pleasure in her newest victim's fear. It was this fear that made her actions even more pleasurable and it could be quickly seen that her slit to begin dripping with juices and yet still all she did was laugh and watch, letting her get out all the fearful anger from her before finally speaking again, "Sarah Sarah, there's no need to be afraid... You won't be in this position for long, I just need to get at something in you."

With that and a chuckle Valerie moved out of her view and toward her lower regions and as she did Sarah started to struggle even more and whimpered loudly into the gag, scared yet not knowing exactly what she meant yet. Soon though she would, for as that child moved over toward where her legs were forced to the sides of that curved table forcing them apart enough for her almost virgin looking flower to be clearly seen. She let the scalpel glide softly along her skin, sending shivers along her body and ceasing the struggles in an instant for fear of causing that knife to penetrate her unscathed and milky white flesh.

As eyes that burned in an ever dark light of fear, Sarah could only watch her heaving chest and budding bosom as the blade of that knife slide down to her childish slit. Her eyes wincing as the blade drew a small circle around her folds, as if drawing a line that would soon be cut through. Then, as smooth and quick as the knife had moved, it stopped and lifted away as Valerie got on her knees and leaned forward. In an instant a shiver of a sudden and surprising pleasure ran up her spine and then down to her vulva as Valerie's tongue slide around in that same circle, drawing up the blood into her mouth and down her throat, "Such a good tasting specimen you are Sarah. So full of life and blood, it will be an honor to dine with you this night."

With those words came a revelation to young Sarah. Valerie was going to do more to her than kill her, and that thought sent her over the edge. For soon she was twisting and thrashing about, screaming into the gag to be freed as tears welled up and spilled over. Through it all though Valerie only amused herself with teasing her even more, biting down on Sarah's folds to pull on the roughly, nearly tearing at it yet stops short while fingers danced along the insides. Her giddiness to what she'll do soon taking full hold of her as she anxiously waited for Sarah's fight to die down enough.

Soon enough her struggles waned and her chest heaved with frustration. Forced to resign herself to the fate dealt she continued tearing and crying, praying to the lord for a salvation that would not come for soon she was again screaming as she felt fingers then two whole hands forcing her inner reaches apart. Inch by agonizing inch she felt them enter and push, forcing their way into depths no male hood could reach and yet still go farther till they pushed up against her cervix.

Further pushing was stopped though by that same cervical wall and much to Valerie's frustrations Sarah had begun to buck against her arms, making her task all the more difficult. Yet she wouldn't be stopped so she balled her small hands into fists, pulled back slowly, and finally slammed in with enough force to slam both her fists at the same time through that wall. In that instant Sarah's bucking stopped and a new round of screaming began as her once tight cervix, not yet ready for child birth, was forced apart for Valerie's arms.

Sarah's eyes filled with tears that fell out, large globules of them onto the ground as her screams continued. It was pain that enveloped her world, a level of pain that dwarfed even the pain she was told she'd feel in child birth. For as she screamed she felt Valerie's hands work around her unborn child. Felt it as what would have been a beautiful daughter was pulled out of self. The pain she felt as that child left her, was pain and fear of what she knew would happen and that fear forced her to stay awake as she watched that monster hold her little girl by the umbilical cord.

"Your child looks splendid dear, see?", Valerie spoke as she walked into the sight of Sarah, letting her tear filled eye gaze upon that lovely looking child. It was as she was shown her child that the baby's eyes finally opened up, revealing a set of beautiful blue eyes that gazed down at her mama and in the moment their eyes met the child's mouth parted and she began to cry a wonderful cry of life. It was a joyous moment, but a short lived one for while the baby cried Valerie had moved her hands to hold the child by the head and at the same time move her head a bit to bite down and tear off the umbilical cord from the baby causing it's cry of life to turn to one of pain.

As the baby cried Valerie took hold of the child's left leg and with a slow deliberation brought up her hand and scraped her nails down the baby's leg causing blood to dribble down her leg. With that she brought the child up and began to sprinkle blood on the chest arms and legs of Sarah, "Sarah, what I'm doing right now is giving you some of your child, since of course you can't hug the cute little thing." With her words causing Sarah to whimper in fear and pain yet do nothing about it Valerie found an unfounded amount of satisfaction in this.

All the while though that the child bled she also cried, barely about to do much more than twitch about, yet her bleeding leg slowed in it's bleeding almost stopping and caused Valerie to let out a slow groan before grabbing the child's leg, "You'll not stop bleeding unless I tell you to you little shit." And with that, she yanked on the child's leg, easily ripping off that leg to cause a sudden gush of blood to land on Sarah's lower body, "There we go! That's what I wanted to see." For all the pain that should have caused the baby though, it seemed to not feel it as it's cried stopped and only it's mouth hung open.

Looking at the child Valerie stared in a little confusion as the little girl stopped everything and hug loose, shaking her caused nothing but blood still pumped from her heart it was a conundrum. Then as what had happened dawned on her she sighed, "Great, your little brat went into shock. Well, I guess this little experience is over with."

Sarah could only blink now then widen her eyes again as Valerie began to tear off her other leg and chomp it down. Doing the same for her arms, yet stopped as she finished her last arm and looked down at her, "Oh dear, how could I forget! You must want some too." So she moved the baby's limb less body to Sarah's mouth, watching the blood dribble down and slide around the gag, coating her lips in red blood and worse yet as some of the blood slid around the gag to enter her mouth, filling it slowly with blood. As much as she wanted to spit it out she couldn't, all she could do was do all in her power not to swallow. Yet sensing what she was doing Valerie grabbed Sarah's nose, closing it and forcing her to suffocate.

It was as if time slowed for Sarah as her throat went against her will and swallowed the blood liquid, filling her mouth with the after taste and wetting her throat with it. If she could have cried anymore she would have as she tasted the life of her child and much to her inner hatred found she liked the taste. Valerie though, only chuckled and let go of her nose as she smiled, "It's tasty, now you know why I do it. Now, let's finish here, shall we?"

As if in queue she brought the body of the little girl up and began to eat her lower self up to her neck. Letting the blood that came fall down onto Sarah's chest. With blood dribbling down all over her as Valerie ate the neck, she tried to again scream yet found nothing coming as the taste of her daughter filled her mouth again. Soon though all was ate and all that was left was the head of Sarah's daughter.

This head she laid down on top of Sarah's chest, resting it among the blood that finely coated Sarah in nearly every possible way. As if in notice to this Valerie let loose a small giggle as she said, "Your child was splendid, splendid and tasty. But, too bad she wasn't bigger. Then maybe I wouldn't need to eat the entree."

If Sarah's eyes could widen anymore they would, yet for everything that had occurred it was too much as as the blood of her child reached her eyes, she seemed to finally snap and lose consciousness. Slipping and slipping down into the abyss of darkness. Yet Valerie did nothing to stop it, only smiling while removing her restraints. Her plan was complete and now she could enjoy this child with all the intent that she wished.

Grabbing Sarah's left arm she dragged her off the curved table and toward the wall where she restrained just her arms, keeping them locked and forced above her head Valerie took pleasure in this new position as it gave her freedom to eat where she liked to start.

Kneeling down she took up Sarah's right leg and gave her toe and experimental nibble, murring with the taste of her blood she delved onto the foot, engulfing half of it in one gulp. Then, with the ease that came from eating over 900 other women she bit down on just the right spots to drag off the flesh and muscles, sucking off the meat and leaving a blood splatter across her face as blood continued to pump out of the torn vessels.

Yet despite what should have been an excruciating amount of pain Sarah would not wake though this was what Valerie had wanted for the first part and soon she was biting off the remained of Sarah's right foot, sucking on the bones to deprive them of marrow while her hands lifted her leg more, giving it the perfect placement to continue her feeding.

It took only a bite through her hamstring to bring Sarah out of her unconscious state and soon she was screaming yet again. Yet this time as Valerie looked at Sarah, her mouth almost drooling with blood and hanging muscular fibers, she would reach up and undo the gag set in her mouth and instantly she got an ear full of curses, "YOU DEMONIC BITCH!! You won't fucking get away with killing my baby! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!" Yet despite her curses and her kicking left leg she could do nothing to stop Valerie as she continued to bite into her leg, tearing off all the muscles connected to the bone, chewing slowly and loudly so Sarah could hear the sound of her muscles consumed. The experience was pure pleasure to her and soon Valerie was almost moaning in delight as she continued her feast.

For all Valerie's pleasure though, Sarah on the other hand was in a hurricane of pain and torment yet within found an approaching calm as blood continued to seep out of her torn blood vessels. This calm approached her quickly and soon she was finding her head swimming and her body relaxing. If Valerie noticed this relaxation, she did nothing to stop it as she dropped the bone to what had once been her right thigh and moved to her left. Chewing through her foot and matting her face with blood, her eyes taking on the gaze of a hungry madgirl as she tore and chewed through Sarah's legs.

As Valerie reached the upper thigh of Sarah's left leg, Sarah who had started to take on a slight giddy giggle to the bites finally stopped giggling and even her breathing slowed. With eyes now glazing over and her heart running out of blood, Sarah's last moments was coming upon her quickly. Yet as they came, she didn't see her past, instead in her mind she saw the potential future of her child.

It was a beautiful future, yet a horrible one. Seeing her child live a life that was better, then soon became worse than her own life. She saw her would be daughter raped and fucked by men early on, fucked by old and fat rich men while she was only ten. She was forced to witness things no mother should see their daughter go through. With that vision and as death worked to claim her, tears came to her eyes and she spoke some final words that were barely a whisper above the sound of her flesh and muscles being torn through and ate, "G-god... Why do you... Allow... This world... To be..." Thus Sarah died while being consumed by a monster girl that barely looked 12 years old.

With Sarah's death Valerie had no need to delay any longer and freed her arms, moving instantly to consume them much as she did her legs. It was only as she finished the last of her arms did Valerie finally stand up and look down at the limbless girl, "Sarah, you're a wonderfully tasty girl and it would be a shame to waste you. But sadly I'm full, so I guess I'll deal with your body right now." So saying she gripped Sarah's body by the hair and proceeded to drag her from the dungeon she resided in and into the furnace that was just adjacent to it.

With every pull scraping Sarah's lower form on the floor, blood left a trail to the furnace, a bloody and shit filled trail that mixed red and brown into a medley of sickening colors. Looking upon this trail as she dragged the body Valerie could only groan in frustration, "It's always when they die that they evacuate... Fucking hell that will be a pain to clean." Still, despite the frustration and the trail, Valerie soon made it in front of the furnace and with a heave and a ho and a strain on her small bodies muscles, she lifted Sarah's body up and into the furnace vent, dumping what was once a poor and sad girl who's life had taken too many turns for the worse, and turning that body into heat to warm Valerie for the cold night to come.

With the body disposed of it only took a few hours of scrubbing for Valerie's dungeon to be clean as a whistle and with her tasks done for the day she was able to walk upstairs and into her study. Sitting down finally in her study Valerie opened up a small little black book that was filled with names and dates and on the last page, on that very last line, she put down Sarah's name and the day she died. Closing that book she let out a slow sigh as a smile crossed her lips, "Over a hundred years and now finally, I've consumed a thousand human souls. It's been a great life since meeting that big bad wolf."

As if on queue a voice rose up around her as if coming from all directions, a voice that she remembers well, "Well well, a thousand lives. It didn't take you long did it?" Standing up quickly she turned and turned around looking for the source of the voice as it laughed an echoing laugh, "Don't bother looking for me. You'll see me in 3... 2... 1."

In that instant a blinding flash came before her eyes and then the next, there was naught but darkness as she screamed, "NOOOOO!!!!"

Screaming I sit up quickly, my hand over my heart as my hair fell across my face. It was scary, too scary, it shouldn't have been real but it felt so real. I shake my head, breathing heavily as if I had just ran for miles. With my eyes closed tightly I could only feel the presence that was behind me, I should be scared of that creature but instead I'm scared of what I saw as I say, "Th-that was... Fake... Right?"

"No, that's a possible future I could give you. As are all the others I showed you. Or, I could let you go after of course having my way with you." The large wolf behind me said while standing on hind legs. Opening my eyes slowly I looked up at the forest canopy, moving some of my red hair out of the way of my eyes while I finally began to breath normally. It took only a short time for me to calm down and soon after I was standing on my small and shaky legs. Turning slowly to face the wolf I could only swallow as I was dwarfed by him, it had been foolish to run from him. Foolish to run when I was only a child.

Clasping my hands together in front of me, as if I was gonna pray, I looked up to the wolf as I said, "Mister wolf, please tell me what must I do now? Why did you show me those things and why do you chase me like you do? I was only on my way home from Grandma's house."

The wolf dropped his head, if only slightly to show he was thinking. It felt almost like an eternity before he looked at me again, his piercing red eyes almost glowing under the forest light, "Because I have chosen you little red riding hood. I have chosen you to be given a gift, one gift out of all I showed you."

I couldn't believe what I heard, a gift? What he had shown me was not what one would call gifts. Yet I was curious, would a gift from him be as, enjoyable, as what I had felt in the dreams? It was something I had to ask, "Mister wolf, would... Would this gift you wish to give me. Would it make me as... As happy as I was in the dreams?"

In an instant of saying it I closed my eyes to pray for my soul, what I had asked was wrong, what I had done in the dreams had been wrong! But I wanted to know, I had to know. His look as he spoke, that look sent shivers down my spine, shivers of expectation and longing, "You will be as happy as you wish to be from your choice. Any choice you make will be final and, in your mind at least, it will be the choice you wanted. Now choose, for my patience wears thin. Your choice will be the name you claim as yours for your new life. Each dream was a different name as each dream was a different person."

It was the snap to attention I needed to make me decide and as my lips curled into a smile I knew what I wanted...

"Mister big bad wolf, I choose for myself the name of... Valerie." It was the choice of my lifetime, a dream of joy and pleasantries, of lust and love I had all of whatever I wanted and contrary to my dreams of the choice, this choice would let me be any form I wanted.

Now as I sit here, writing in my journal I find comfort in remembering that past experience. The choice I made, the wolf was right in that choice. It brought me peace of mind and happiness. I feel no longing for any of the other choices, for this choice is happiness enough for me. It's to that wolf though that I am what I am today, without that wolf's help I'd be but like one of my victims. A helpless girl who was raped by a wolf in the woods.