Part 7: A Wedding

Story by DarkstartheDragon on SoFurry

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#7 of Through the eyes of the Midnight Blue Dragon

Sir Tim is copyright © Tim

Through the eyes of the Midnight Blue Dragon - Part 7: A Wedding


I was incredibly tired after the arena match. I had collected my twelve hundred gold coins and headed back to the mansion with Bertain, Cynda and Rasani. Rasani was holding my free hand and was resting her head on my shoulder as we walked. It was not too uncomfortable, so I did not ask her to stop.

Once back in the house, Rasani sat down with her parents to discuss our marriage tomorrow. I sat in a chair at the back of the room and stared blankly at a wall. This was all happening too fast. There was so much that I did not understand. I still had to consider the Crusaders' proposal. Did I really want to get involved in a war over power? I did not really want to, but there was a small voice at the back of my head that was urging me on, saying that power is good, power is happiness. I laughed silently at that; if I wanted happiness, then all I had to do was stay with Rasani.

But I could see the fact that I was involved in this war whether I liked it or not. I had brought all this upon myself and there was no way to back out now. I knew that I would have dragons willing to help me as I fought the Black Guardians.

My thoughts drifted towards my battle with Tim earlier that day. There was something about this dragon that both frightened and confused me. He did not seem pure. It was almost as if he was not even a dragon, even though he looked like one. I began to have some doubts about the entire Crusader organization. It all seemed too, well, odd. Why was I wanted by so many groups? Was Stormsun really all that important?

'What do you think, love?' Rasani asked me.

I jumped a foot in the air, startled out of my musings.

'Sorry, what did you say?' I inquired.

'We were discussing the location. I was thinking about getting married either near the location where we discovered you on the beach, or near the lake in the centre of the city.' She said.

'Oh, I, err... either is fine by me. I would probably prefer the lake though.' I replied.

Rasani nodded and turned back to her parents.

Later that evening, after all the discussions had ended, I was sitting alone in the library, when a sudden feel of unexplainable dread came over me and I seemed to hear the echoes of a scream.

'Wait! Darkstar, don't! Leave me, for I shall return one day.' I could have sworn that it was Avyn's voice, except it was slightly deeper and Avyn was safe in the training center. I glanced around the room and shivered, but then shrugged as the dread faded and I thought no more of it.

That night, I tossed and turned in bed, as I was once again caught in the dream. I saw the dragons appear and my face in the pool of water. I fought the dragoness and was thrown through the skies. But this time the dream continued. I saw myself standing in the rain on a dark night, hatred and vengeance burning in my red eyes. I stared up at the sky, searching for something. The wind was howling around me but I paid it little attention to it. The rain was stinging my eyes, but I ignored it. All I knew was revenge, revenge for something that had just happened. I roared into the night and took off into the rain-swept skies.

Suddenly, I was standing on a rocky platform, suspended over a pool of what looked like darkness, yet, it reeked of evil power. Facing me, from the other side of the platform, was a largish dark silver dragon. His eyes glowed orange in the pale light and I knew that he wanted me dead. Suddenly, the dragon leapt at me and I was thrown over the edge of the platform. I fell into the darkness and it felt like something was tearing at my soul.

I awoke with a start. I was completely drenched in sweat and my head was burning. These dreams had to mean something. They were too significant and seemed too real to be random dreams.

I was panting heavily and I tried to calm down. I lay back on the wet bed and sighed. Everything was happening way too fast.

I knew that there was no way I would be getting back to sleep now, so I quickly created a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a note to whomever entered my room in the morning. I placed the note on the pillow, walked over to the window, opened it and took off into the night. I wanted to get away for a few hours to think things over.

The cool wind against my scales had a calming effect on me and I just drifted through the skies. It was peaceful up here at this time of night. I lay on my back in the air and let the wind currents gently move me around.

I closed my eyes and thought about everything that had happened during the last few days. For what seemed like an eternity, I drifted in the morning air, letting the cool wind calm me and wash away all the painful memories.

I flew slowly back to the mansion, feeling strangely peaceful. I landed back inside the window and closed it behind me.

'I wondered when you would get back from your night flight.' Said a familiar voice from the doorway.

I smiled as I felt Rasani's arms on my back and I turned around to face her. I put my own arms around her and pulled her close. She sighed happily and rested her head on my shoulder.

'Today, you become mine.' She whispered in my ear.

We stood like that, arms and wings wrapped around each other, for some time.

Eventually, she worked her way out of my embrace and we went down to the dining room. Bertain and Cynda were already sitting at the table, talking quietly.

Rasani and I walked over and sat opposite them.

'We have planned everything to a satisfactory point. The wedding ceremony shall take place in the afternoon and it should all be over by late evening. Bertain and I have asked the High Priestess to officiate and she has agreed. Looks like you two are in for a lovely afternoon.' Cynda said happily.

Bertain nodded at us in a way of greeting and walked out of the room. I sighed and slumped in my chair.

'Why so glum, love?' Rasani asked me.

'Because I realize that the eight nights that I have been here for have basically been a waste. I have done nothing except cause harm and have only met a few dragons. You have only known me for seven days and yet here we are, about to get married. It is all moving too rapidly for me and I am starting to get a little confused. And then there are the matters of the Black Guardians, the Crusaders and that bastard Stormsun. Just where does he fit into all this?' I replied, growling quietly at myself.

Here I was, a runaway prince, with a dragoness who loved me and a new family that cared for me, yet it all seemed slightly unreal. It was almost as if it wasn't my life that I was living. I shook my head and tried to clear those thoughts from my mind. Of course it was my life, who else's could it be?

The rest of the morning is a haze; I cannot clearly remember what happened, as I was terribly nervous.

Rasani and I were standing before Lya, the High Priestess to the Dragon God. There was a crowd of dragons behind us. It looked as if Bertain had gathered half of the city to witness this marriage.

'We are here today, to witness the union of Rasani Kermani and Prince Darkstar Sarum.' Lya began.

The crowd behind us suddenly started murmuring quickly. I could hear snatches of what they were saying.

'Did she say Darkstar Sarum?'

'The Darkstar Sarum, son of King Bloodshadow?'

'Prince Darkstar?'

'Bloodshadow must be told. I will send word to him after this.'

So much for my secret identity... Now the whole world will know where I am. Bloodshadow will have a fit when he hears about this. I thought to myself.

As Lya began intoning the ancient words of marriage, my mind started wandering. I only heard the occasional sentence.

I ripped my mind out of its reverie and back into reality as Lya began addressing me.

'Do you, Prince Darkstar, consent to take Rasani as your lawful wife, as permitted by the church of the Dragon God?' She asked me.

'I do' I replied, my voice shaking a little with nervousness.

'Do you, Rasani, consent to take Darkstar as your lawful husband, as permitted by the church of the Dragon God?' She asked Rasani.

'With all my heart.' Rasani replied, her voice a lot steadier than mine.

'Then, by the powers vested in me by the supreme church of the Dragon God, I happily pronounce you married. May happiness reign over your marriage for all time or till death do you apart.' Lya bowed and took a couple of steps back.

I faced Rasani, glanced quickly at the crowd, then leant in and kissed her deeply. As we drew away from each other and turned, the crowd of dragons all clapped and cheered and I grinned foolishly.

After the initial ceremony, most of the dragons and dragonesses had gone home, but two dozen or so stayed for the lunch and dances.

I walked over to the large tables to grab a drink and bumped into a black dragon. I took a step back as I realized who it was.

'Tim! What are you doing here?' I asked in a shocked voice. Tim had not been here for the ceremony.

'I just stopped by to congratulate you on your marriage and see if you had an answer for us yet.' He said with a smile on his face.

I stared at him for a second, weighing up the possibilities of joining the Crusaders or staying away from both parties.

I can always leave if they start doing things that I do not like. I thought to myself.

'Ok, Tim, tell them that I accept on the condition that they leave me alone for a couple of days, seeing as I just got married.' I told him. Tim nodded, patted me on the shoulder and walked off.

I hated dancing, but it was a tradition for all who get married in Kiralan to host a dance for friends and family. To me, the dance seemed like a complete failure. I was the only one there who was having trouble dancing, on the account that I had never been taught before. I thought that I could hear someone laughing at my attempts to dance with Rasani, but every time I turned to confront the rude dragon, there was nobody there. I assumed that it was just my nerves breaking and ignored it. The rest of the day passed without much happening. I met members of Rasani's extended family and many of her friends. There was one dragon, Jae, who kept glaring at me and I realized that he must have been after Rasani. I finally got sick of the looks of contempt I was getting from him, so I walked over and faced him.

'You got a problem with me, Jae?' I asked him.

'Yes, actually. How dare you appear from nowhere and marry Rasani. I do not care if you are the prince of some distant country. I was here first, so that makes Rasani mine!' He growled at me.

I laughed at him. 'Just because you were here first, doesn't necessarily mean that she loves you, in fact, it means nothing.'

Jae growled even louder and I could tell that he was working himself up to challenging me. He suddenly pulled off one of the gloves he was wearing and slapped me across the face with it.

'I challenge you duel. Are you manly enough to face me or would you rather run to a safe distance and yap like a bitch at those who are deemed better than you?'

Now that was offensive to me! I was still a prince and I hated being treated like dirt, seeing as I got treated like that all the time with Bloodshadow. I clenched my clawed hands and lashed out with my left fist. The blow caught him on the side of his head and he fell to the floor, dazed.

Rasani dashed over and looked at me.

'What did you hit him for?' She demanded.

'He was incredibly rude and insulting and he has a problem with us being married, probably because I outrank him and that reduced his chances of ever getting you for himself.' I said calmly. I did not think it necessary to tell her about the challenge.

'Oh, Darkstar. We do not hit people like that for nothing. Although I will admit, he always was a pompous idiot who never watched his tongue.' She laughed, before putting on a more sombre expression. 'But I have never loved him, and I have shown him that in many ways over the years, but if he chose to ignore the signs then it is his mistake for ever thinking otherwise.'

Jae, upon hearing this, got to his feet, looked at us with despair in his eyes and ran off, sobbing quietly.

I had the strangest feeling that this was not the last I would see of Jae, and that I had just made another enemy. I sighed, realizing that my list of enemies was starting to heavily outweigh my list of friends.

Later that evening, after all the dances and after everyone had gone home, Rasani and I decided to head off to bed to consummate our marriage.

Rasani lay back on the bed, her head resting on the pillow. I crawled on top of her and began slowly licking and kissing her neck. Rasani shivered with delight as I slowly moved down her body. Soon, most of her body was covered with my saliva. Rasani began to squirm a little as I got closer and closer to the moist, waiting lips of her pussy. Rasani gasped and purred as my tongue began to flick over her clit and attack the walls of her pussy. I happily lapped up the juices in her pussy and hungrily went in deeper in search of more. Her juices had a slightly salty taste to them and I could not get enough. Rasani cried out as she orgasmed, her juices coating my face. I crawled forwards and kissed her passionately, Rasani's tongue wrapping around mine and mine wrapping around hers. Rasani broke the kiss, a long line of saliva still connecting my tongue to hers. She then cleaned my muzzle of her juices, and flipped me over onto my back.

She looked at my hard cock and purred in delight. I gasped with pleasure as Rasani began licking my dragonhood, right from the base to the head. She moved down and started kissing my balls. I growled a little, wanting more, and she happily complied. Rasani placed her muzzle over my cock, looked at me with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, then began to flick the tip of it with her tongue. I growled at her, reached forwards, grabbed her head and shoved my cock into her mouth. Rasani began to furiously suck me and I gasped in pleasure. I began to thrust into her muzzle, my cock reaching the back of her mouth. I roared as my orgasm got closer and gave one final thrust. Rasani purred as my cock began unleashing it's cum down her throat. Some of it dripped out the side of her mouth and ran down her neck.

Rasani moved forwards and kissed me happily. I held the kiss for a minute before drawing back and cleaning her muzzle and neck of my cum. I then rolled over, lay on top of her, and positioned my cock above her waiting pussy. Rasani gasped is I thrust down and I purred as my cock entered the warm orifice. Rasani started bucking up against me as I thrust down, sending waves of pleasure coursing through both our bodies. I began to thrust harder and Rasani squealed as she orgasmed again, her juices lubricating my cock, allowing it to slide in smoother. I grunted and gasped as I began to reach the peak of my own pleasure.

I gave one last, hard thrust into Rasani and growled slightly as her pussy milked my cock for every drop of cum. I slowly drew my cock out of her and a string of cum and pussy juices ran from the head of my cock to her pussy. Rasani reached out with a claw and broke the line, the cum sticking to it. She placed the claw inside her mouth and sucked it clean. I collapsed on the bed next to her, all my energy expended in our love making. Rasani sighed and snuggled up closer to me. I placed my arm around her shoulders and rested my head against hers. We both drifted off to sleep, only to dream of each other and the happiness we shared.