Pokemorph Virus: Vaporeon

Story by twopaperbags on SoFurry

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#8 of Pokemorph Virus

He followed her out, his tail waving gently in the rain as it seemed to have lessened a bit, while still raining. He grimaced a little, but joined her at her side with a smile.

She looked up at the sky in mild surprised that the rain had become more gentle, but she wasn't about to complain. She let the door close and poke him, grinning childishly.

"Tag, you're it." She called and dashed towards the village, glancing over to see if he would join in or if she was acting like her shoe size and not her age.

He smiled a little as she tagged him and ran off, then got onto all fours and bounded after her as she ran away from him. He would tag her back, once he caught her, despite them running into the village where some pokemorphs were still out, others gone somewhere.

She smiled as she saw him chase after her, and then smirked as she thought of an idea. She focused and then turned invisible, vanishing as she entered the village. She stood off to the side, sitting on a box and still smirking, even if no one could see it. Let's see him try and find her now.

He stopped, then blinked and looked around. He sniffed the air a little, remembering the smell of her scent would help him get to her even if she was invisible, and even though it was weakened after their fun in the hut. He sniffed closer to the box, then right over it for her.

As his hand touched her knee, she reappeared again and hopped off, pouncing on him and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. "Cheater." She accused jokingly, knowing he had found her using her scent from the way he was sniffing when he had approached the box. He smiled as she appeared, letting her jump on him as he put an arm around her, kissing her back.

"All's fair in love and war, they say," he smiled.

"And tag is neither, silly." She smiled back, before turning her attention to the village. "Come on, let's take a look around." She finally said, floating until she was around his height and slipped her hand into his before leading him further into the village, her eyes looking at all the different sorts of pokemorphs, though now there were less than before.

His furry fingers laced between hers as they walked, getting some greetings from the other pokemorphs in the area. Some of them stopped and looked at them as they passed, noticing they were new, but didn't approach them. She smiled and waved to the other pokemorphs who greeted them. At least they were all pretty friendly. After observing the many different types, she suddenly felt extremely mischievous.

"So what sort of chaos shall we wreck now?" She asked him with a mischievous smile. Not that they had wrecked any before, unless their entrance had disturbed some of the more peaceful pokemorphs, but she felt like stirring up a bit of trouble.

"What did you have in mind?" he asked, tilting his head a little. He wasn't sure what they would do, really, but he like the idea. "Actually, I didn't really have anything in mind; just feel like mixing up some trouble." She grinned, rubbing the back of her head a bit embarrassed that she hadn't thought of a plan before hand. Just swinging on an impulse, as she usually did.

He laughed a little, patting her head as if to say 'it's alright'. "We'll find something to mess with later on, if you wants," he chuckled. "Let's look around for something to mess with, then." She nodded and smiled. "Alright." She agreed eagerly and started the search, hunting around for something or someone that might cause trouble, or would help them cause trouble.

He looked around, not leaving her side as they wandered around the village, looking for someone. He stopped as he noticed some stone thing nearby, wandering over.

"Huh," he said as he poked his head in. "they have a well, it seems." he said to her with a small laugh. It seemed like a strange idea. She smirked as they found something they could use to play a prank.

"Eeeexcelent." She said in a mock evil voice and even threw in a Mwhahaha! For the hell of it. "Now... what to evilly do to this well..." She said, thinking of what they could do to the water supply, keeping in mind this was their water supply as well. She hummed slightly before deciding to take a trip down into it, floating into the well.

"Ello!" Her echo bounced up to greet him as she grinned up at him, hovering above the dark waters.

"hi." something said below her, the water shifting slightly under her and looking up. "Your not wearing pants, you know," the voice added, but whatever it was had slipped under water again. "Ahhhhh!" She shrieked in surprise, hands instantly going to her skirt, pushing it between her legs to cover up anything that could be seen from below. 'I hate skirts, I hate skirts, and I bloody hate skirts!' She repeated in her mind as she moved over against the rounded wall, looking down into the water. "Who said that?" She demanded, blushing madly. Whoever it was, better be a girl.

"Just a concerned citizen, checking the water," the voice laughed, and it echoed around the well. A blue face poked out of the water, with frills around it. "Might not want to use this water, though. It seems someone's tainted it, if you know what I mean."

She blinked as the face surfaced. A ... Vaporeon? She sighed slightly and slumped till her feet just touched the surface of the water.

"Gave me a bloody heart attack..." She muttered before laughing at the news that someone had tainted it. "Looks like someone beat us to the punch." She called up to Mike.

The Vaporeon moved up a little, and broke the water completely, displaying it- her, actually- to the shuppet-morph in the well. She had a womanly figure and her skin was blue, with a fish-like tail above her rump.

"I wonder who could have tainted it, though," she said with a small giggle, as if admitting to it.

Kat grinned and shook her head. "Ah, I see," She said, "Well then, I wonder if you would like to help us stir up some other sort of mischief, since you've already covered the water?" She questioned, seeing how the Vaporeon would know more about the layout of the village and what sort of trouble they could cause.

She smiled, and then nodded. "Alright, I'll help you guys out," she said, then put a hand up to Kat above her. "But first, help me out of here," she said with a smile. Her hand was webbed, incidentally, and her nails seemed sharp.

She smiled and grabbed hold of the hand, before pulling her out of the water and wrapping her arms around her so she had a good grip. "Up we go then." She said before floating up and out of the well. "Guess what, I found a friend." She said to Mike as she put the Vaporeon morph back down on solid ground.

"A Vaporeon, huh," he smiled a little, crossing his arms and looking her over.

"Ah, an absol..." she seemed to brighten up a bit when she saw him. "you two traveling together?" she asked, looking from her to him.

Michael nodded, and then she went on. "Ah, that's nice. I hope you'll enjoy my company." she winked a little to Kat, and then put out a hand. "Kairi," she introduced herself. "Name's Kat," She introduced herself with a small nod, placing her hand into Kairi's and shaking before she withdrew her hand and leaned against the wall of the well. "And he's Michael." She introduced him as well.

"Ah, wonderful." she clapped a little, making a small wet noise as she did. "Well, you guys looking for some trouble, right?" she asked, smiling again. "I can suggest a few things. Knock down some supplies, change a few signs around, pee in the well... well, I did most of that already," she said, rubbing her chin.

"Hmm..." Kat thought through the choices they had been just given, trying to come up with any ideas of her own, but found nothing in her head. Ah well, she would think of something as they went along. "Got any supplies that are easily tampered with?" She asked curiously finally forming some semblance of a plan.

"Ah, but of course!" she laughed. "Let's see... what did you have in mind? Perishables, building supplies?" she asked, blowing a little bubble from her mouth as she thought. It floated over and landed above mike's nose, which he went cross eyed to look at, before it popped.

She couldn't help a small laugh when he had gone cross-eyed. Then she recalled that she was supposed to be answering Kairi, not watching Mike. "Ah right, um... I was actually planning to add a little something to the food, but..." She trailed off, thinking of what they might be able to do with building supplies. "The building supplies'll work, I think." She suggested.

"Ah, no no no," she waved a finger, smiling still. "We'll go with your idea, it sounds a bit more interesting!" she laughed, and then turned to lead them to where the food was. "Follow me, then!" she called to them as she started off. Mike blinked, looking to Kat.

"She seems a bit lively." he said with a smile.

"Just a tad," She grinned, watching Kairi run off to lead them to where the food might be. That girl was extremely hyper, but it was hard not to smile. She got off the wall of the well and floated again. "Alright, forward we go then." She declared before taking Mike's hand and dragging him along towards where the food was supposedly.

They had run off to the far right of the village, where a small hut was built. it was marked on the side with 'food storage'. Kairi had stopped next to it, waiting for them. "Good, your here." she said, standing up again as they got close enough. "Here's the food storage." she pointed. "The doors unlocked, luckily. You can get in."

"Alright, thanks." She said before opening the door and stepping inside the cool, dark room. Her eyes were well adjusted though, so she could see most everything. She browsed through the boxes, seeing what might be here or there. "So, now the question is, should we add something nasty to the food, or should we give it a bit of a kick?" She asked the opinion of the group, smiling mischievously. Either way would be fun and could go several different ways. Though... The thought that if they made the food severely spicy came to mind. Then the villagers would need a drink desperately and most would be off to find water, specifically the well water. There they would find the other surprise, courtesy of Kairi. Of course, it all depended on what they thought.

"Hmm, maybe something nasty," Kairi suggested.

"I think we should add a little surprise," Mike said with a smile.

"Your choice, Kat," Kairi said cheerfully.

She paused and thought for a few moments. "Hmmm.... I got it." She snapped with a sudden idea on how to tie all the ideas together. She dug through the boxes until she found the box with hot sauce reserved for the fire pokemon. Uncorking the bottles, she mixed in a few pinches of sugar which dissolved quickly. And now for the test. She put a small drop onto the floor and watched it intently until a small ant came along, drawn by what it knew was sugar. It lightly tasted her concoction, and hurried of to tell the others of its kind this odd, slightly sweet, but burning mix it had found. Now it was Kat's turn. She dipped her finger in the mix and licked it off, tasting to see if there was too much sugar. Not being one who can tolerate too much spice, she instantly withdrew, blinking as she tried to ignore the fire in her mouth.

"Okay, I think this'll work. It'll gather ants and other bugs that'll burry into the food and make a nice little surprise for people, and they'll go looking for some water afterwards and find that the well isn't as clean as they might expect it to be." She explained her plan, and then paused to receive any feedback or other ideas on how to contaminate the food.

He nodded a little, smiling slightly. Kairi clapped her hands and laughed, though. "That's a great idea!" she said, taking some of the solution for herself and taking a small sip. She thought a moment, and then it began to burn. Luckily, she was a water pokemorph, so her body took care of itself. She gave a small sigh. "Those fire pokemon sure are resistant..."

Kat grinned, happy at the approval of her plot. She chuckled slightly at her reaction to the hot sauce. "I know, I'm pretty sure they just blended and mashed a whole bunch of pepper seeds." She said. That stuff was hot. But now to the plan. She mixed two more bottles of the stuff and handed them to Kairi and Mike. "To mischief!" She gave a small, mock toast, before starting to put it in whatever sort of food she could find.

He just laughed as he took the bottle, finding a few crates and pouring it into the food inside. It seeped into most of the things he poured it on, making it so it didn't look like anything happened. Kairi, meanwhile, had chugged some of the liquid, and began blowing small bubbles out around the room, which landed in the food and splattered onto it.

Kat simply poured the stuff on anything and everything she could find, minus the rice which would make everything all too obvious if she splashed the red liquid on that. Pretty soon she found that the bottle refused to contribute to the cause any more, now its contents on most of the food on her side of the storage.

"All done here!" She declared, sitting on an empty crate while she waited for the other two to finish.

"I'm done," mike called, tossing an empty bottle into the middle of the room, Kairi popped her head out of a nearby crate, tossing her own bottle aside as well. "We did a good job overall," she nodded.

Kat nodded as well in agreement. "Now, let's get out of here before somebody finds us." She said as she watched a few more ants scurry over the food and then hopped off the crate. She headed out the door and held it open for them to get out as well.

They both exited the storage room, scampering away from their intricate trap. Kairi poked her head out of a bush, and then gave a bubbly laugh. "Well, looks like no one saw us," she giggled.

"Good work, ladies," Mike smirked.

"Thank you, thank you." Kat grinned, giving a little mock bow at Mike's praise, though she couldn't exactly bow in the bushes. "I think we all did a pretty good job." She said, leaning back against a tree. Now all that they needed to do was wait until either one or a whole group of people wanted lunch or a snack of some sort and then... She couldn't help a small chuckle as she played out the scene in her head.

Behind her, Kairi was giggling in the bushes a little, shifting a bit. "ohhh, I can't just leave it at one prank like this, it's too good... we should do something worse next time," she giggled again, plotting. "Something nasty, something intricate..." she thought, then had an idea. "ohh, but that wouldn't be nice..." she muttered, laughing a little.

"What sort of thing did you have in mind?" Kat asked with a smile. She couldn't simply say something like that and not expect her to ask what the Vaporeon had been planning. Really, it would be the smarter thing to simply leave it as it was, without getting into any more trouble, but Kairi was right. It would be a sin to leave this the way it was.

"Alright, every other day, the village has a little ceremony thing out in the forest." she explained, pondering a little. "Since the virus is new and all, all the females are really... well," she shrugged, figuring they knew what she meant, and went on. "Well, tomorrow they're planning another big... ah... 'Intimate gathering', and it might be fun to mess with, eh? But how is the question," she sighed a little.

She blushed slightly, knowing what she meant and a few small images worming their way into her head, but she blocked them off. It was true, that was the perfect opportunity for a prank, if they could just think of a good one. "Hm..." She thought as she looked up into the leafy green of the trees that seemed much darker now because of the rain. "I got nothing." She sighed. "Any ideas, Mike?" She asked him.

"I don't know how those things would be done, but I'll think of something." he said with a shake of his head. Kairi was also thinking. "Maybe get a bunch of Bees to interrupt while things are getting hot and heavy out in the clearing, or something. Or redirect a few kids that way to cause problems. Although some of them actually participate..." she trailed off, blushing slightly.

Kat blinked a couple of times as she thought through each scenario. "Nu-uh, no corrupting of minors, please and thank you," She shook her head to clear her mind of any scarring mental images the idea had produced. However, she did like the idea of the bees. "Maybe we could steal some honey from some Beedrill, run like crazy, toss it into the center of the activities and watch what happens when you cross a village with some angry Beedrill?" She suggested, following what Kairi had said.

"Hm." Mike nodded a little, but the thought of getting attacked by Beedrill while trying to... er... yeah, was a bit of a downer, he figured. It would work, though. Kairi though about it again, then blinked. "I don't even know if Beedrill are native here..." she said, rubbing her neck a little.

"So much for that idea." She sighed, remembering that they weren't unless they felt like going all the way to the safari zone to try and hunt for a hive and she didn't think the prank was really worth running all that far. She sighed. So far, they had nothing. Seemed like there wasn't going to be a follow-up prank after all.

"hmmmm." Kairi thought, pacing a little. "Maybe... no... hmmm..." she thought again, then sighed. "I used most of my good ideas already..."

Kat sighed again softly and looked at her hand, just fading it in and out of sight partially to learn a little control over it and partially to help her think. Perhaps... No, that would just be plain stupid. "What can we do that'll interrupt them in some funny way, but so they wouldn't know it was us...?" She wondered allowed. She might be able to sneak around the place, seeing how her scent would be covered up with all the other smells, but the question was how could they use that for a prank?

"ooooh, you could mess around with people, if you wanted," Kairi giggled. "Make them do some crazy things, as long as you stay hidden," she nodded with a smile. Mike just laughed, nodding as well. "But what would we do while you mess with people?" he asked.

She grinned at the thought of messing around with the people and seeing their faces, but she couldn't leave them out of it either. "Hmm, I dunno..." She said, pondering. Ah well, it was a good idea, but not quite what they were looking for. Suddenly she thought of something. "Hey, how many people are going to be at this thing again?" She asked curiously, seeing if her semi-plan would work out or not.

"Thirty or forty pokemorphs, if everyone shows up," Kairi blinked. "Why?" she asked, sitting down cross-legged, with her tail up between her legs. She or mike didn't have any idea what she was planning.

"Well, I was thinking that if everyone's gone, that leaves almost no one watching over anything in the village, which then gives us almost a limitless amount of things to tamper with a mess around with." She suggested. Houses, supply buildings, almost anything would be available for pranking. They didn't have to focus on the people themselves, unless they wanted to.

"Ahhh..." Mike nodded, laughing a little. "Sounds like we would have something to do if you mess with the people, then. You keep them occupied, we can mess with stuff back here." he chuckled. "Sounds like a good plan!" Kairi laughed.

She grinned, glad she had thought up something good. "Alright, how long do you guys think you'll need, or will you just give me a signal of sorts when I should stop messing around with them?" She asked with a small chuckle, delighted with the idea of how this was going to turn out.

"Oh, we'll be fine. Mess as long as you want," Mike chuckled, crossing his arms. "You should give us a warning, though, when you're finished messing with them. Then we can pack our work in." he nodded. Kairi nodded as well, and then groaned as her stomach gurgled. "I should have taken some food before we added to it," she sighed.

"Don't worry; we have some normal food back in the hut, if you want some of mine." She said, remembering the lunch bags Alex had made for her and Mike. She didn't know when all this would start, so she didn't see the harm in getting a quick lunch before putting the prank into the action. "It's over thata way... I think..." She said, pointing vaguely in one direction, very bad with directions herself.

"Alright, thanks!" Kairi said cheerfully, hopping up from where she was on the ground, stretching a little. "You guys are good, you know," she giggled as they started walking towards the hut.

"Thanks." She said with a sheepish grin, opening the door to the hut to let them both in and then hurrying in herself. "Now let's see what we got..." She muttered as she picked up her paper brown bag and examined its contents.

"A sandwich with some sort of meat, I think ham. Carrots. Apples and grapes. Water. And - Oh mi god!" She gasped as she came to the last bit of food and immediately snatched it from the bottom. "Pudding!" She cried happily, snuggling the little closed cup of chocolate pudding. Looks like Kairi was getting none of that...

Mike blinked as she got so excited over some pudding in her bag. he looked over to Kairi, who also looked like she wanted some. he went over to his bag and dug through a moment, then found his own pudding and a spoon, tossing it over to Kairi, who caught it with glee.

Kat then remembered that there were people other than her in the room and set the pudding down like a normal person would. "Heheh, sorry about that." She apologized for her fondness of pudding before opening the little container. She was about to dig in when she realized Mike now didn't have any. 'Hmm...' she thought as she weighed which was more important in her mind. 'Pudding...Mike...pudding...Mike...Ah whatever.' She decided. "Do you want to share with me?" She asked him.

He laughed lightly. "You'll need to give me your spoon, then," he said with a small smile to her a Kairi ate her pudding while watching them, looking from one to the other like a puppy might.

She shrugged. "You don't need a spoon to enjoy pudding." She said as she opened the cup of pudding and skimmed the surface with her finger to gather some and licked it off to demonstrate her point, but she just smiled and leaned over to hand him the cup as well as her spoon. Besides, she didn't mind sharing a spoon with him.

He lit up slightly, taking the pudding cup and swirling his own finger over it, licking the chocolate off his fur with a smirk. "Touché," Kairi laughed.

Kat laughed as well. "Fine, I'll eat with the spoon then." She said and playfully stuck her tongue out and put the spoon in the pudding, taking a spoonful of the pudding and eating it, though she left the spoon in her mouth so he wouldn't be able to use it. "Mmph." She mumbled past the spoon with her own triumphant smirk.

He gave a small sigh, then popped the spoon out of her mouth and took another spoonful for himself, leaving it in his own mouth this time. "Mmph." he replied, smirking a little.

"Hey, that was my spoon." She fake pouted, unable to hide the grin on her face though as she did so. She momentarily forgot about Kairi and gave him a small kiss on the corner of his mouth, getting a small bit of pudding that she had spotted. At the same time, she managed to get the spoon back as well. "Mine." She said with a small smile and lightly tapped his nose with the spoon before withdrawing and getting another spoonful of pudding and eating that.

He laughed slightly, letting her go with the spoon. Kairi giggled a little from the couch, finishing her own pudding. "You two sure are close, huh," she smiled, leaning forward a little. He nodded, smiling slightly still. "How close?" she whispered.

Kat grinned triumphantly, having won the spoon war, but then Kairi's question reminded her of her small display of affection. Not to mention the question itself made her blush slightly.

"I'd say we're very close." She said with a soft smile to Mike as she looked to him for his own answer. Although they had only been together for a few days, if this wasn't love, then it was the closest thing she had felt to it.

Mike looked over to her, smiling a little. "Really close," he said as he stood at her side, putting an arm around Kat's waist slightly with a smirk.

Kairi giggled a little. "Well well..." she smiled, her eyes wandering from one to the other, then she leaned back and laughed. "Your a lucky guy, then." she laughed.

"Heh, I think I'm the lucky one actually." She laughed as well, slightly rubbing her head against his arm affectionately with a smile. But then remembered Kairi and quit it. "Anymore pudding?" She asked him, a little left that she wasn't going to eat.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," he laughed a little, waving a hand. he was about to go on, when he stopped a moment and glanced down at Kairi, who looked back up and smiled slightly. he seemed to think a moment, then shook his head slightly and leaned against Kat again, kissing her forehead a little. She leaned up and returned the kiss to his cheek, before taking the almost empty pudding cup and slipping out of his grasp. "Farewell, sweet food of the gods." She said in a playfully dramatic voice and dropped it back into the paper bag, so it would be easier to throw away once they had finished the whole meal.

"So dramatic," Mike laughed a little, waiting for her to return to him with a smile. Kairi shifted in the couch a little, so she was lying back. Her Vaporeon tail hung over the couches arm rest, swaying gently as she closed her eyes a moment to keep herself together. Kat just grinned and went back over to the two, sitting down next to Mike again and leaning against him slightly. She looked over to Kairi, curious to why she had just laid on her back, but said nothing.

"So when shall our magnificent plan begin?" She asked curiously, trying to remember if Kairi had already said when their prank would start or not.

He put an arm around her, kissing her a little. Kairi looked up as she thought, and then nodded. "Tomorrow afternoon, I'd say," she nodded again. "It begins early... of course, I usually show up for this kind of thing," she said with a small giggle.

Kat laughed a little as well, though she blushed a little at the meaning behind it, but hid the blush by giving Mike's neck a small kiss. "Do you have anyone special you meet over there?" She asked out of curiosity. She didn't mean to pry or anything if that was what it sounded like, she was just curious.

She blushed, but smiled. "A few I enjoy, yeah. A bit of everything, you know. You two've got potential, though, to join the ranks," she giggled again, rolling off the couch and sitting on the floor, smiling up to them.

Kat blushed deeply at that, but smiled. "I'll take that as a compliment." She said with a grin, content to just lean against him right now as she looked down at Kairi who seemed to have suddenly switched from the couch to the floor to her.

She smiled, blushing still as she looked up at them from the floor. "It was," she smiled. Mike couldn't help but give a slight sniff as Kairi shifted on the floor, so she was sitting with her tail behind her.

"I... ah... should probably go," she said, her face red.

Kat looked a little puzzled for a moment or two, not quite getting the reason why, since she couldn't smell anything. But then she heard Mike sniff a little and then the reason why dawned on her. "Ah... I'm sorry." She apologized, being the one to blame for starting all this by giving Mike a small kiss and she didn't want Kairi to go so soon, but whether she went or stayed was her own choice.

"Not your fault, it's mine," she said, standing. "I'm three huts down, I'll stop by when I calm down a bit, I suppose," she said, holding her tail in one hand and shifting a bit. "Ohhh, I hate heat cycles..." she growled a little. A heat cycle... That didn't sound all too fun. Kat wished she could help out her new friend but seeing how that was a male's job, there was really nothing she could do about it. 'Well, that's not necessarily true...' A little perverted thought wormed its way into her head, but she kicked it back out. "Hope you feel better." She said with a soft sigh.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll try to get 'better' before the big show tomorrow." she said, bowing her head slightly to them, as he hands twitched a little as if waiting to get to her. "Going to be a one girl job, though..." she sighed as she headed for the door, her face flushed purple. Her hand hovered over the handle a moment and she tried to close her eyes and calm her down, without much success. Kat watched and mentally sighed. It seemed she was going to go with her more perverted instincts today.

"Hold on for a second."