What Comes in your Dreams

Story by Eintar Kasai on SoFurry

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What Comes of your Dreams (part 3)

By: Eintar Kasai

Last of the Ancient Guardians

As he drifted into the memories, all he could think of was Kynna and how he was going to recover from the shock of being transformed. While becoming a Seraphim wasn't a bad thing, it was very strange, and somewhat hazardous to his mental capacities of his former existance. While Danzi wasn't one of the brightest people, he understood fate and what brought it about. One motto he had learned from a friend, was "Worry naught of the past, present, or future...worry of what can come of them, and how you shall accept the changes."As this was the sayings of a very wise person, he trusted the words with almost all possible ability. As he knew this, it didn't suprise him when the first memory he faced, was that of his wise friend. "Danzi, you must learn to accept the changes as that, changes. If you try to force them back to which they were, you will more likely destroy yourself than fix your problem."

"I shall try," was all that Danzi could ever reply, as he was still very young at the time. Returning to a more recent memory, he realized that he was actually reliving it, more then remembering it.

"Run you little pest! If I ever catch you in this house again, I'll skin your hide and use it as gag for you, and then make you sit in the cold frost of the night!" As this was his last memory of his father, it was very painful to hear him reply with such anger and hatred....

"Old man, You couldn't touch me since I was seven, what makes you honestly think I would let you live if you touched me again. I will return, one last time, before your end if possible, to remind you of this fact, and to prove I wasn't a failure as you were." Realizing now, that this was his last meeting with his father, for he soon grew very sick and died, that he should have been easier on him.

Leaving this memory and continuing on, Danzi guessed what this was to do. These memories were to test him, and see if he was deserving of a Seraphims love. Mentally and physically accepting this fact, Danzi prepared to face his past, not realizing it was also Kynna's he would experience.

His next memory proved this fact, as he found himself in the tower he was in before. Wondering if he was free or still in memory, he rushed to the mirrored waters. Looking into them, however, he found he was staring into the eyes of Kynna. Imediately reaccessing the information presented, the thought of shared memories occurred. Following this thought, he searched around until he found a book. Thinking he had seen the book before, he opened it and stared at the front page. Instead of the Seraphim's picture, he was staring at his own!

As he read the first page, he realized that this was how Kynna had learned of him. Judgeing that she had been waiting for the book to rewrite itself, he wandered over to the window, only to find himself flying though the skies. As the ground loomed closer to him, the thought of panicking never occurred to him. As he neared the ground, he felt Kynna's wings spread and catch a very powerful draft of upraising air, and again was high above the ground, stareing at the unknowing citizens he had known since he had fled from his home.

As Danzi drifted towards his apartment, he noticed that this must have been the time he had almost glimpsed her. As he looked into the window however, he saw his sleeping form, and an old book of his. Remembering when this had happened, he fought back tears he had long since shed and forgotten. Continueing to watch, a phone rang, and his form awoke. As it rose to answer, Kynna's form shifted to where neither he nor she could be seen. Listening, he heard a faint voice, his own, repeating "It's not possible," over and over until the memory passed.

Hoping that was his last memory, he again had to suffer the experiences of his past. This one, however, was of his early youth after leaving his father. The scene he beheld, was that of his first day, trying to form a solitary life, only to fail miserably, and instead getting jumped by the neighborhood ruffians.

"Little Pussy's gotta learn that he doesn't belong here!" was a very memorable statement made by their leader, and as it was in his present form, the child was a wolf. Barely able to stand at this point, all Danzi could have done was to drag himself towards the nearest building, and hope that the residents would help. What he had decided to do, however, was a very grave mistake, that had earned him the friendship of the bartender Kaiden. He stood, gathering what was left of his strength, and charged the leader. Realizing he was no match after it was too late, he hit the young wolf squarely enough, but was forced back when a knife came across his chest.

Losing blood heavily, he sputtered, "You think that you have won because I am unable to continue? You have no honor you coward! You choose to fight those who are unused to anything around them." At this point Kaiden had left from his bar to put the trash into the dumpster. Finding the crowd of youths around a semi-concious stranger, he quickly rushed over and scattered them. Finding Danzi close to death, Kaiden had taken him to the hospital, and payed for his medical needs. Realizing that Kaiden had taken care of him, without knowing who he was, made Kaiden and Danzi very close friends for the years to come.

Awakening from the continual pain and agony of forgotten memories, Danzi looked up into the searching eyes of Kynna. "Are you well enough to move Danzi?"

Finding himself still on the floor, after several misfortunate attacks, he allowed Kynna to help him to the bed. "I'm well, but very tired...I don't know what just happened, but it was very real, and very painful."

"What you just experienced, Danzi, was partly my fault as I hadn't realized so much had gone through your life. If I can help in any way, please ask me and I will do my best " said Kynna with deep sorrow in her voice.

While Danzi was thinking her offer over, he realized that she had again focused on him, creating the sparkle in her eyes. "Why is it Kynna, that when you stare at me, you have a sparkle in your eyes?"

Imediately turning her attention to her surroundings, Danzi watched a tear drop form in her right eye. "I am sorry that you are to see me cry, but do not worry, they are tears of dispair and joy at the same time. I have lived countless years alone, as no one has yet made it through the transformation completely, except you. I am in dispair because you are forced from your life, by my hands and want of company, but I am joyful that you are not blinded by hatered or misrey."

Finding it withen himself, Danzi slid over towards Kynna, and held her close to him. Feeling hot tears drop from her eyes, to land on his chest and form a mess of wet fur, Danzi understood her feelings. As he tried to comfort her, he found her becoming more and more open towards him. "Danzi, I'm tired of being alone... I want you to be here with me, but it would be selfish to force you to stay."

"I have no intentions of leaving you Kynna, I have seen and understand your feelings. While I may not learn anything new of them, I accept them and return them with a very strong passion."

Staring up at Danzi, Kynna's eyes started to water again, and she started to cry again. While these tears weren't of sorrow or of joy, they were tears nontheless. Feeling a surge of emotions rise from Kynna, Danzi was only half prepared for what came. As Kynna slowly raised herself to where she could kiss him, a single tear fell on her breast, which caused her to shudder in anticipation. As she and Danzi finally kissed, all tears stopped flowing, and all Kynna felt was happiness.

Taking her body softly into his arms, Danzi slowly pulled her on top of him. Feeling more love then, than he had ever felt before, he pulled her close, and helped her take off what little she wore. As he did this with her, he felt himself start to become aroused. Sensing this, Kynna turned, and gently stroked his sheath with a silken paw. As he became more aroused, his sheath throbbed, waiting for more.

As Kynna prepared herslef for what she was about to do mentally, she remembered her first glimpse of Danzi, and knew that this was what she dreamed for. Taking him softly between her paw, she slowly slipped his now erect penus into her. As she took him however, she was alarmed as to how it felt. Purring and groaning, she slid the last of him inside her. Danzi, realizing this was also her first time, was very patient, yet also wished for it to continue. As they both settled themselves from this experience, Kynna started to raise and fall upon him. Feeling imense pleasure, both could not help purring extensively. Wishing this could last, Kynna started to force herself to go slower. While this teased her immensly, she knew that this would prolong the knot and allow more time together with Danzi.

As Danzi had never felt this way before, he was unable to understand the experience completely. All he knew was that he, and Kynna were both together, and didn't wish for the pleasure to end. As Danzi's knot slowly forced its way past his sheath, and into Kynna, a surge of pleasure exploded throughout Danzi's entire body. While Kynna was also feeling immense pleasure from this, she knew it would soon end, and fought to make it last. Realizing this was impossible, as she herself started to explode with pleasure, she decided to enter her orgasm with Danzi, making it continual pleasure on both ends.

As the orgasm slowed, Danzi started to believe he would never feel this much pleasure again. Understanding his feelings, Kynna quitely spoke. "Don't worry, my love, this is just the start of what is yet to be."

Slowly allowing his knot to withdraw from Kynna, Danzi kissed her, and held her close. Knowing she was right, and that his life had changed for the better, he understood much more then he had originally percieved. While you may not ever know the meanings, some of the most important things you learn are what comes of your dreams. They can lead to a better life, with a new love, or take you down a path you cannot return.

The only thing he could ever remember after that moment of his past, was that dreams created what he was, and kept him with Kynna. As long as he was to be with Kynna, he was never to feel alone, as they had many things to share with each other.

While this may never be understood, the book that kept these records was found in a pile of rubble near Danzi's old apartment. Along with it, was the emblem Danzi had bought from Kaiden, and a letter saying that all of his past was made better by the kindness Kaiden had shown to him. When these were brought to Kaiden, however, All he did was break down crying, and continued to mutter, "Atleast you found what you needed to go on.." Realizing this was the worst possible time to be near Kaiden, the young fox that had found the belongings found herself looking up towards the sky. Staring down at her, was a pair of Seraphims, both smiling, and then they disappeared. Thinking she had imagined it, she continued on to her home, not knowing that they were who they were.
