Sealing the Deal

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#5 of Extreme Stories

Again this is a very shocking story, read the tags, you might not enjoy it or you might

More mystery and darkness on the farm. Charn returns to help seal the deal. Enjoy or not, your choice.

Again with thanks to Charn, this was a RP we had that I transcribed into story format.

Morning found Aesc slumped over his desk, papers spread out all around except for the clear patch of glass upon which his head rested. He'd spent most of the night trying to reconcile himself to what had happened. The money he'd been paid would allow him to expand, a new advertising campaign. New studs on the farm to help him increase profits but at what cost... Could he really do it, sacrifice someone once a month to the tiger's infernal appetite?

Lifting his head the ram blinked as the door to his study opened and the tiger walked in as if he owned the place. Bleating in surprise Aesc knocked his chair back as he shot to his feet in alarm, his protest at his home being invaded dying unsaid as the tiger shut the door firmly behind him.

"Been busy have we? The tiger purred, walking up to the desk, looking over the papers, "Scrambling to find some new balls to keep yourself off the chopping block?"

Shaking his head Aesc smiled nervously, "Just... working out how best to spend a hundred grand to improve the place." He paused, tugging at the collar of his dungarees and looked at his hands, clenching and unclenching them. "Besides I have some really lovely guys in my own herds to keep you satisfied! I don't want to end up being the one in the milking chamber with my nuts on the line because I run out of big balled livestock. So I need to expand a bit." He squirmed under the gaze of the tiger, all he did was quirk an eye brow and purr gently but the sheep found himself blathering .

Ok so part of me really dopes want end up being alone in the milking shed with you! But I'd not be coming back out, so you know! Survival instinct and all."

Charn's quirked brow dissolved into a malicious grin, tipping the sheep's head back as he moved to loom above him. "You can live vicariously through the unfortunate ends of your stallions, is that it? The evil feline stroked over the ram's cheek, slid his fingers behind the soft floppy ear on his right side and scratched at the tangled fluff. He could smell the musk coming from the sheep, the scent was soft, subtle but clear to his well trained nose. "You're really curious as to what happened to that stallion, aren't you..."

The sheep bleated, trembling as he swallowed, "Ye... yes really... really curious but mmfff I got a choice find out what happened first hand or keep you satisfied with stallions and rams and boars and others with huge balls. I figure that is what you meant when you said you'd be coming here monthly."

Sliding his paw away from the sheep's ears Charn's allowed his fingers to wander down and wrap around his soft throat. He rubbed his finger tips up and down along either side of the sheep's quivering windpipe. "Well... I feed every day you know.... my hunger is insatiable. I just didn't want to burn you out of your live stock in a week... don't want to over prune my bush, now, do I."

The sheep tried to respond, tried to speak but he tightened his paw, giving a soft squeeze before releasing the trembling farmer. "Will anyone miss... Foronar, was that his name? He was quite delicious. I rather hope one of his brothers comes looking for him. He does have brothers I hope?"

Gulping, a paw to his throat, trembling, he could still feel those fingers squeezing, so powerful, a casual twitch of that grip and his windpipe would have been crushed. Fornoth, he was called... Fornoth. I have one of his brothers working here already and he has another one down south." He couldn't look away, blue eyes filled with fear and desire staring at the evil cat who had inserted himself into his life. "I... I have a really nice Bull picked out for your next visit to the farm, he's quite... huge, larger than the horse and I've taken him off the milking rota for a month."

"Mmm hmm, excellent..." Charn growled, patting the sheep between the horns like one would praise a pet. Aesc's nose twitched, a new, sharp, earthy smell was filling his office, something peppery and the echo of thunder seemed to rebound off the oak panels. "Perhaps I'll observe him... And I noticed with your horse, that while his output was high, he was sorely missing in certain nutrients."

Reaching into a pocket he tossed the sheep a small orange bottle. "Have your men take these. You'll note an improvement immediately." He looked at the sheep, smirking at the way he was regarding the bottle as if it was a live viper, "They're just vitamins."

"Ye... yes sir... Mr Charn sir.... I'll... I'll make sure they start taking them. The Bull's name is Roland he... he lives down in the south paddock most of the time." Aesc was trembling again, he couldn't believe he was just going along with this. He should be reaching for the phone, ringing the police and yet something was stopping him. The feline's presence, the unearthly urge to please him was making him feel weak in the knees.

Smiling at the way the sheep was reacting the tiger casually sat himself in the ram's chair, making him stand. All the power in the room was his, "And in the event that I come when you are... not about.... I'd like you to use these to Mark your chosen sacrifice." From the same pocket the drugs came from he produced a bag, looking inside Aesc discovered a collection of blood red 'pouches', with zippers along one side. "That way I will know, should I come early, or whatnot, who it is I am to take with me. You will find a cheque in your mailbox the next morning, at 6:30 AM. Do these terms seem agreeable to you?"

Aesc stared into the bag, biting his lower lip, "Ye... yes sir" fingering one of the pouches he flicked a glance at Charn then stared inside at the blood red material. "I.... I think that is agreeable sir" He trailed off with a soft bleat, forcing himself to ask the question that had been plaguing him. One cloven hoof clopping against the floor as his nerves got the better of him. "And... if... I ever decide to end the agreement?"

Charn's muzzle split into a wide, reassuring grin, "Oh? If you ever decide to end the agreement, simply stop using those pouches." His voice was a deep rumble however and again Aesc's ears twitched as the echo of thunder vibrating the air of his office. The peppery scent was growing stronger and the ram found himself tracing the path of the feline's eyes as they sank down to stare at his own package. Jerking his head back up to the tiger's face he watched as he smacked his lips, pink tongue teasing his fangs. "And that will be that."

Clutching the bag of pouches to his chest Aesc took a half step back, he couldn't stop the bleat that escaped his lips, he was terrified of this. This was all too much, "I... I understand sir..."

Standing up with a languid stretch, rope like orange and black tail dancing from side to side the feline stalked to the door, "Now introduce me to my bull"

Leading the way down the hill, away from the farmhouse Aesc approached the southern paddock. Part of him wanted to run for Roland and tell him to ram the tiger, crush him under hoof but he couldn't. One glance at the tiger's calculating look and he just pointed silently toward the large roan furred bull. He was big, completely naked as he lounged beneath a tree.

Smiling Charn remained silent, glad that they were downwind, just looking the bull over. He smiled at the way the horned beasts large ears twitched unconsciously in response to the low rumble of distant thunder. The tiger nodded a friendly greeting as the bull looked up from his book, lazily waving a hand to the farmer and his feline guest. Leaning on a fence post he rumbled words for Aesc's ears alone.

"If he is the chosen one, better fix him up now."

Aesc nods his head, jumping at that rumbling of thunder, "I... is that thundering noise coming from you sir?" He glanced at Charn but the tiger just smiled and made a get on with it motion with one hand.

"Hey Roland new routine" Aesc said as he approached, pulling a pouch out of he bag along with the orange bottle of pills. "Testing a new diet to help with production, your one of the selected testers so I need you to take one of these once a day and wear this"

Taking the rubbery red pouch the bull unzipped it and spread it out on his fingertips, "Oh, yeah? And where am I supposed to wear this?" He snickered, casually gulping down the pill when Aesc offered one; he took it dry, skilled at taking pills on the farm and relieved at this one wasn't a suppository. He did make the funniest of faces as he gulped it down. "Tastes like ass, man."

Taking the pouch back Aesc shook his head as if it should have been obvious, "Actually Roland" he slid a paw down the bull's stomach, shamelessly feeling over him to cup the familiar weight of his huge nuts. "You were them here." Slowly slipping the red material around the huge pouch he drew the zip up slowly and let go watching as the pouch hugged his balls. The stretchy fabric settled, snugly gripping Roland's heavy sac, squeezing his nuts and making them stand out firmly.

"This is to help you build up the biggest load possible for your next milking. Couple with those new nutrients you'll be churning up a huge load."

Roland stretched his hands above his head, quite comfortable being handled. He even spread his legs, winking at the observing tiger as his dick slipped out of his sheath at the tight fondling.

"Who's this guy? He looks like he wants a taste of ole Roland," he joked softly, squiring as he tried to get used to the new weight between his thighs. "What is that, boss? Feels... nice... kinda... warm." The bull's sheath thickened, his shaft spilling out into the open as he found himself getting warmer by the moment.

"He's a new business partner, he does amazing work...." he grinned and watched the bull's cock, he glanced at the tiger and then turned back, leaning down to lick over the thickening cock, smiling at the hot warm musky taste of bull. "Oooh this is just to mark you out as part of the new programme is all. Everyone takes the pills now but some of you will be taking certain other tests to help us get the mix right to really get your seed nice and potent. Mr Charn here will be visiting us about once a month to help me take results"

Groaning gently, pre-cum already seeping from the tip of his junk Roland placed his paws on the back of the ram's head, encouraging him to carry on sucking. Aesc was groaning, eager to get back to work sucking on the tasty tip of the bull's cock. His cum had a taste he had never experienced before. It tickled the brain, and he could feel heart racing, mouth watering for more as he licked and slurped at the bull's heavy dick..

Watching as the bull's thick prong thickened up all the way Charn smiled as Aesc took his first step down the path to his own damnation. Purring he watched the sheep sensually worshipping the heady cock head in his maw, paws moving to tug and knead the trapped bulls balls.

"Oh, cool boss, so you gonna drain my tubes to get a 'fresh start', izzat it?" The bull's balls were warm in the ram's paw but he didn't care, he just massaged them further, quite aware that he had just been doomed. In a month, they would be gone and the giant stud with them.

Aesc ignored the question at first, sucking in more of that cock, slurping the tip to the back of his throat, really sucking on it, drinking that pre cum as if it were the finest of wine. Cock jutting firmly into his dungarees from the rush of addictive masculine pre-seed he leant back, releasing Roland's cock with a wet smacking of his lips.

"Yeah... gonna drain you dry then let em mmm fill up for a month then the doc will come back... so enjoy this Roland mfff fuck more... after this no more cumming until you are in the milking shed." He slurped harder, really going at it, eager for the rich liquid the bull was feeding him.

Watching as Aesc worked the bull over Charn leant against the fence post; waiting for what he knew was coming. Roland seemed more then content to let the ram do all the work. Thick paws folded behind his head, his hips sometimes twitching to drive that meaty spire deeper into the sheep's gullet. His precum, was completely addictive by this point. His normally potent musk now mixed with something even more enticing that Aesc just could not refuse. The bull was becoming more alluring to Aesc's eyes, he had a paw around his nuts, rolling them back and forth, groaning as Roland hunched. He started to really fuck the sheep's maw with his proud tool... and the precum keeps coming, bolts of it, thick streamers that taste saltier, richer than normal cum.

A voice in his ears caused the sheep to bleat, teeth grazing the bulls' dick, making him bellow in anger and grab hold of the farmer's horns. "That's the vitamins. Like it?" Charn... so close now that Aesc could make out the tiger's peppery scent over the musk of the stud fucking his muzzle, Unable to talk all the sheep could do was nod his head slightly. Eyes closing as the thick salty pre oozes over his tongue Aesc groaned, stroking those balls with one paw, squeezing them as if they had anything to do with the salty, thick, gooey pre-cum he was being fed.

Settling in on his haunches Charn watched as the bull begins to get more into it... hunching up, flexing his powerful body with each thrust. Roland's grip on the ram's horns tightened, fucking that slick mouth eagerly, gliding his dick back and forth over the slime coated tongue that was assaulting it. The bull's nuts contracted in Aesc's grip, twitching with the need to release but the patch kept them stretched and low, the bull grunting in frustration as his body attempts to climax, finding himself unable to spill his seed as promised.

Suddenly the bull pulled the sheep off his cock, still handling him by the horns as Roland loomed onto his big hooves, cock aimed at the sheep lick a very slick javelin. "Sorry Boss, I need a cow. NOW!" Aesc had time to bleat as he was twisted around and bent over a low tree branch... drawing breath to protest all that came out was a powerful bleat as that powerful poker jammed itself into his rump.

The shock of that cock slamming into his rump followed by the bulls powerful gyrating thrusts had the sheep firing his load, spraying seed all over the grass as his need to drink more of the bulls pre-cum was slightly satisfied by the thick slick pre firing into his arse.

"Ahhh Roland... Roland stop... mfff fuck it stop will you oooooooh gods!" he managed to bleat out between gasps before clenching his rump firmly about the invading member.

Snorting at the back of Aesc's neck, his thick cudgel goosing easily into his employer, slimy liquid spurting from the end of his shaft the bull ignored all the sheep's cries to stop.His fat nuts slapped heavily against his captive, they felt so hot, like boulders of magma in a furry sac and they refused to go off driving him wild. Each thrust brought more heat and warmth soaking his guts, making his ass clench, hungry for more. The bull never found his climax however, each spurt of pre as big as one of Aesc's own loads. Finally he pulled out, bellowing in frustration and galloped off through the pasture, searching for someone else to rut, desperate to get his nuts off and spew the burning, boiling load he could feel swinging back and forth between his legs.

Sliding off the branch he was dangling over Aesc whimpered, watching Roland run away. He dragged himself to the fence and fell head first over it, panting heavily as he tried to get back up. Pulling something out of a pocket he stared at the little orange bottle and gulped. Just one pill had done all of that to Roland, the pouch made him unable to cum and bleed off the tension, how was he ever going to handle the farm with everyone running that rampant..

An arm under the ram's shoulders, help guide him back to his fence, the tiger's muzzle split into a very wide grin. With the bull gone, and getting further away.... the air was clearing, that musk blowing away on the wind, hormone levels dropping allowing the sheep to catch his breath at last. Whatever it is, it's very fast acting and somewhat infectious if the amount of times you came is anything to go by.

Aesc's ass moaned in pain with each step, and his nuts ached, he was very glad to have the tiger helping him along. "Here I am. Now, of course... that was both of your First time and his with the vitamins so... reactions can cause feedback. Over time you'll find the men on your farm settle down once the initial fuck fest is over."

"What... what is in those thing sir? Ooooh" The ram felt like he would fall head first onto his horns at any moment and his cock was still rock hard despite his nuts being emptied. Drawing a breath he looked through bleary eyes at the feline. "I... I loved it... sir...."

"I thought you would. And your... Customers... will as well. As for what they are?" he just shrugged, a rolling of his shoulders that spoke volumes about what he'd do if pressed too far. "I'm afraid I can't say. You can thank Fornoth for the recipe, though." His grin was malicious as he watched the sheep's eyes go wide as that little nugget of information sunk in. The ram didn't dare ask for more information, just allowed the tiger to lead him back into his farmhouse, leading him up to the bath.

"I... yes sir, everyone will love it sir... I.... I think I am going to like working with you sir...." he gulps "As long as I get to keep my nuts that is"

Laughing at the mixture of fear and eagerness in the ram's voice he helped ease him into the warm, clean water... helping to soak away the filth and aches from his body. "I believe you'll enjoy it regardless, if that hard cock is any indication. You'll be seeing double the profit from your .. cattle, with those vitamins, yes? So it seems fair that that extra profit would be shared, yes?"

Aesc blushed, groaning at the way the feline flicked his cock tip when he mentioned his still eager hard on. "Yes sir... fifty, fifty at least sir?" he ran a paw over his cock and blushed, "Do... you do this often? I mean, fuck people would notice surely?" He squirms and floats in the water, sighing as he feels the hot water helping to relax his body and leach out the ache in his rump.

"Only one at a time... and if someone notices or starts asking questions, give them my card, I'm happy to ... extrapolate my services for any who need reassuring." His voice dropped to a purr as he rolled the word reassuring off his tongue, sending spikes of fear plunging down the ram's spine. "I wouldn't bother trying to get off right now. Tomorrow, when you give the rest of your cattle those vitamins... you will need all your strength. Invite your neighbour Hooves over to help; he'll enjoy the chance to service such a randy crowd. He's another one of my... "clients."

Aesc stared at the tiger, eyes wide, he knew the exotic Zebra hybrid, the fields on the other side of his woods belonged to his extended herd. Nodding dumbly at the idea of being so forward he ducked his head into the water until only his eyes and the curves of his horns were above water.

"Ye.. yes sir... erm," He squirmed in the water but finally plucked up the courage to ask, "So... when you're done with my farm and no one is left you'll move on? Or... Or is there anything I can do to.... avoid a permanent goodbye like Fornoth?"

Charn quirked his brow in the way that made the sheep's throat seize up. "Why will there be nobody left? Are you saying you will be unable to provide your end of the services?

The idea of failing his end of the bargain had Aesc sitting up with a splash, water slopping over the end of the bathtub. "No! Never... I... I have resources! I can keep this going for... for quite some time" He licks his lips "A lot of my herd are erm... people who want new lives and to fade out of sight..."

The tiger considered the ram; he was just where he needed him, on the verge of panicking, teetering on the edge. Casually he pushed down on the sheep's head, submerging him under the water. His paw stayed in place just keeping Aesc under, ignoring his struggles.

Eyes open in panic all Aesc could see was the orange body looming above him, a burning sensation was just creeping into his lungs when that other orange paw pressed through the surface, to fondle his nuts... stroking them. There was something about the way he caressed them, not a lover, not even like a butcher with his meat, something Hungrier, dark and evil that made the sheep feel faint

The tiger continued playing with those heavy nuts for half a minute, counting silently to himself, letting the sheep squirm and struggle to hold his breath. The right before he thought the sheep would have to suck in a lungful of water as instinct made him breath he took his paws away.

Poised to lunge above the water and suck in a breath Aesc became aware of something left behind, shooting out of the water, gasping his paw flashed to his groin and squeezed his nuts.

A red pouch, just like the one he'd wrapped about Roland's giant nuts, he was wearing one of them himself! Spluttering in disbelief he tried to get it back off

"No! I'm not part of the herd to be eaten! I'm not an option!" Bleating in panic like an animal, his fingers scrabbled around the top of the rubbery pouch, trying to locate the zipper and free his nuts from that aching, crushing embrace.

Charn's voice broke the sheep's bleating cries and his paws tugged the ram's hands away from his groin. Aesc's head came up and he found himself unable to look away, Body trembling in sympathetic vibration as the tiger's voice rumbled in counterpoint to the echoing thunder and vibrated through his horns.

"The zipper is gone, once you are wearing one of these pouches it's sealed, permanently." He released one of hands to let him continue feeling around the pouch. It was true; it felt like it had adhered to the skin of his sac. His fingers could find no give to get under it and pull it away. It had adhered to his sac as if it had always been there.

"Our original deal, Was, if you remember... I will take the one with the biggest balls. As long as you get someone with bigger nuts than you to wear a pouch... you'll be fine." He let go of Aesc's other wrist and brushed his fingers up to gently, almost lovingly cup his chin, thumb brushing over his cheek.

"And one other thing..." His grins spread wider, showing off all his wicked teeth. "As you saw with Roland... the patch will prevent you from ejaculating. You'll cum pre-seed almost as thick as cum but what is in your balls stays in your balls until I say otherwise."

Smooching the ram tenderly between his horns he backed up to the door. "Enjoy your bath, see you in a month." Turning the tiger walked out, leaving the farmer to slump back into the bath, paws stroking over and over that sleek red pouch, feeling his nuts churning, squeezed and squished, trapped inside, forever aware of their burning need to release but denied any hope of finding it, without the tiger's permission. He was in way deeper than anything he'd ever dealt with and he couldn't decide if he wanted to give into the pleasure of the fear. Somehow he'd have to find a balance between the two and pray for something next month.

The New Deal

---------------------------------------------- Again this is a very shocking story, read the tags, you might not enjoy it or you might Not part of my usual repetoire I know don't worry they'll be a new Lurking in the Mud out in may to make up for...

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Hare and the Mask - Tricks and Traps

**\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** The stories in this series, at leasts Chapters 1 to 4 are from a tournament I was participating in run by everyones favourite ball snacking tiger Charn. This isn't something I'd normally have...

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Hare and the Mask - First Day

**\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** The stories in this series, at leasts Chapters 1 to 4 are from a tournament I was participating in run by everyones favourite ball snacking tiger Charn. This isn't something I'd normally have...

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