Hare and the Mask - First Day

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#2 of Extreme Stories


The stories in this series, at leasts Chapters 1 to 4 are from a tournament I was participating in run by everyones favourite ball snacking tiger Charn. This isn't something I'd normally have written before entering this tournament but I was encouraged to enter and managed to hold my own for three rounds.

Sadly I lost in Round 4 of the tournament, but I wanted to post these up for people to enjoy should they wish to read them. I have some plans in the works to continue the story to bring it to a conclusion in my own manner. But for now enjoy.


Kill Stealing?

Standing on the docks Horatio watched the competitors starting to split up and move away. They were a very mixed bunch from all occupations. It was interesting to just watch for now, observing them all as they hurried away from the bridge. Some of them were eyeing each other up, grinning and joking. Others were busy getting out of sight, losing themselves amongst the streets of the small town. Vanishing into buildings or ducking down side streets. No one seemed inclined to try anything here there were too many people around. A few were hanging around like him, checking out the competition, seeing who else was on the island and from their facial expressions he could determine quite a bit about them. Some were nervous or even scared others cocky and assured of their eventual victory. Nodding from time to time the sun bear watched everyone departing, making silent notes in his head as to how each person was acting. The sun-bear himself was quite tall with black fur and a heavy-set ursine body. His robes were black embroidered with the universal symbol of peace with cloth of gold vestments over the top. A stiff white collar clung to the fur about his neck completing the outfit, the whole ensemble marking him out as a priest. They were all sinners, all would face judgement; set free from the shackles of sin so they might live out their lives in peace. However, he had to hunt out those most steeped in sin first, bring them into the light of the lord by banishing lust from their lives. They would be reborn, baptised through pain and embraced by his church.

The sound of shouting down near the bridge caught his attention. Security guards and menacing looking turrets, ready to open fire on anyone who tried to cross, blocked the path back to the mainland. He had these sinners trapped now and none would escape justice. A large canine was shouting at the guards operating the defences, raging even. The words he was using had no place coming from any man. With a well-built physique and a uniform, he looked quite the sight. Navy blue trousers and shirt covered his body, heavy black boots kept his paws safe and a pair of handcuffs hung from his belt. A peaked cap atop his head completed the look. Gathering his robes Horatio walked over. On closer inspection, he appeared to be some sort of German shepherd and he did not sound happy. The turrets on the bridge were tracking him mercilessly and the guards were not responding to his anger. It was somewhat alarming how one of the turrets moved to point toward him, as he got nearer. Stopping a few feet back, he called out to the dog not wishing to risk getting any closer in case he did something stupid.

"You seem distraught my son, such rage is not healthy."

Spinning around the young man raised a fist as if to pummel the bear. He paused when he saw the white collar and vestments; the warm, smiling black muzzle was also somewhat off putting. He glared at the priest and leant forward, "Fuck off; I don't want to be here, I didn't agree to be here but if I am here." His eyes slid past the bear and he grinned at a group of rough looking men nearby. "I am going to make those fuckers pay."

Horatio watched the dog walk off in pursuit as the group of roughnecks scattered at the sight of the approaching guard. He sighed, there was so much sin in this world and for a small moment, he thought the dog might actually have been innocent. Putting the incident from his mind, he resumed his analysis of the other competitors; most of them had disappeared from sight by now. Here on this small island he was determined to bring peace to these wayward, needy sinners. Glancing around his eyes fell upon a pristine white figure. Curled black horns, soft well-groomed white fleece and a snappy outfit, pinstripe trousers, a matching jacket allowed to hang open and show off his bare chest and stomach beneath. Gold glittered on his fingers and he appeared to be admiring his looks in a small hand-held mirror. Bristling at the vanity oozing off the sheep Horatio began to walk towards him, he had chosen his first sinner; he would help him to repent. The sheep clicked his compact mirror shut, tucked it away, with a brief warm smile for the bear he turned his back on him, and set off into the town. The bear smiled, said a soft prayer of thanks to the lord for this opportunity and started to trail after him.


Eugene had slipped away from the crowd of competitors near the bridge as soon as he got to the island. He had moved on to the docks and then hopped the railing and landed on the beach. He was sheltering in the lee of the docks out of sight for now whilst he planned what to do. Standing at just over five foot, he was short for a guy, skinny too in a long legged kind of way. Covered in dark sandy brown fur for the most part he had a lighter patch of white and blonde fur across his neck and chest. Short, sleek fur that lay flat against his body showing of to some degree that he had wiry hardened muscles from life in the army and an awful lot of running.

With his bare bunny feet dug into the sand and his ears pricked up listening for anyone approaching he checked his gear. He adjusted his camo-jacket zipping it up over the beige vest he was wearing. Next he double-checked his grooming kit was snug in one of the large pockets of his trousers. He had gone for standard army fatigues for clothing, dog tags tucked into his vest and the smooth plastic case that contained all the equipment he figured he would need for this mission.

A shadow fell over him; a figure was leaning on the railing above, Eugene's breath caught in his throat as he watched them. He had not heard them approach and his hazel eyes lifted to meet green cat's eyes, they seemed to reflect the light, glowing for a moment, two points of emerald flame in an otherwise shadowed face.

"Hello there..." the voice was smooth and soft and broke the spell as the figure shifted out of the shadow. Eugene could feel those eyes roving over his body, noting the clothing and cataloguing everything. Pushing away from the wall Eugene bent his knees, muscled tense and ready to react if they tried anything. When the cat vaulted over the rail, the hare jumped out of reach. The feline landed in the soft sand he paused to examine the hare in more detail.

"Interesting breed...I don't think I've met someone like you before," he smiled holding out a paw in greeting, "Always a pleasure to meet new people."

Eugene did not move and he could imagine the voice of his old drill sergeant shouting at him about trusting the enemy. It was after all what this enigmatic feline was, an enemy combatant, everyone on this island was. The cat had rich black fur and was snug against the cold in a comfortable looking leather jacket. He had a welcoming smile and a devilish alluring thrum to his voice, a sub harmonic purr that his large ears were picking up. Soft, smooth, and unwaveringly erotic in its own way, it thrummed with every syllable giving them a rich timbre and majesty that slid through the ears and pushed buttons in the hindbrain of those who heard it.

"Korean Hare if you must know." Eugene responded; his own voice quite brash and firm, there was no harm in admitting what species he was, "And we're not here to make friends. I'm here to win for the pride of the army."

"The US army I note.... A Korean hare in the US army... immigrant family are we. Doing your bit to serve your country, that's good of you." The cat kept talking, his smooth and slick voice emulated perfect with that purr, the cadence of his words pleasing on the ears. "No need to be hostile we can work together, work as a team to take down the others and in the end well we can work something out." A winning smile, long black tail slinking from side to side, "What do you say?"

Eugene frowned at the cat, he made some good points, there would be more chance of victory but he when you got right down to it did not trust this cat. He could hear that purr, that dark, decadent thrum that empowered his voice with suave sophisticated delight. Looking over the strangers shoulder, he leaned closer and smiled, short muzzle wrinkling as he gave them his answer.

"Watch out for the cat." His leg came up, knee driving into the black feline's groin. He did not stop to enjoy his small victory but kicked off and started to race down the beach away from the docks and the large almost feral looking cheetah he had seen coming down the steps from the docks. He had quite liked the way the startled, strangled gasp from the cat had cut off that incessant sub harmonic purring, smiling he put on an extra burst of speed, kicking up small puffs of sand as his feet dug into the beach. He glanced back once to see the larger feline investigating the downed black cat before it gave chase. Cursing his luck Eugene put his head down and raced ahead, he could outrun a stupid cat any day. He was a private in the US army, he was better then all of these worthless civilians. Pair by pair he would introduce them all to his razor and leave them less, he smiled at the thought of the enjoyable work ahead. Racing away down the beach he swerved to his left and headed for the trees, intending to lose the cat following him and circle back to the town to scout out his first enemy combatant and take them down.


David glanced back over his shoulder and frowned, there was definitely someone following him. Looking around he ducked through an arch and made his way swiftly down the arcade beyond to the next street. The white ram moved as slowly as he dared, trying not to let his hooves clop loudly on the cobblestones and give his position away.

He stopped at the end of the arcade, looked left, right and checked behind then ducked through the open door of a coffee shop and darted into the backroom after carefully pushing the door shut. Smiling he started to open cupboards and draws to see if there were any interesting items he could use. He had just opened a large tin of coffee and was eyeing up the hot water boiler when he heard the outer door open. Shoving the tin back into the cupboard, he pulled open the door and looked out into the main shop. The bear he had seen on the shore was just closing the door, it had to be the same guy, no one else was wearing those outlandish clothes. For a second David hesitated then shut the door and was out the backdoor in a flash. He was not going to get in a one on one fight with a bear his size. Maybe it was just chance that he had gone into the same coffee shop as he did but he was not sticking around for a conversation.

Scrambling over a wall, he landed in an alleyway running between a row of shops and several back gardens. A moment to think and then he was off, running half way down the alley and hopping a wall onto a neat law. Along the side of the house, across the next street and down a small cul-de-sac into a quiet residential neighbourhood, pausing to rest on a bench in the small tree lined square in the centre.

David felt quite good, it was this sort of thrill he had been missing, the stage shows and concerts had gotten boring. He felt alive, he felt good, he was smart, he was handsome. Outwitting all these tough men and their macho behaviour would be no trouble. A noise at the end of the street made him sit up, alert and wary just in case, what he saw made him gape in shock. Gently righting a dustbin he must have knocked over was the bear! White and gold robes glittering in the morning sun, a stern expression on his muzzle. He paused when he saw the ram and made a "come-hither" gesture. Shaking himself out of his stupefied reverie he leapt up and ran, it was uncanny, how was he following him! There was no way he could have guessed which alleys or gardens he had gone through, it was impossible. Breathing labouring he clopped down an alley heedless of the sound now as he tried to put distance between himself and the ursine priest.


The town was quiet and somewhat on the spooky side of things with no one in the streets. The background hum of cars and people talking that usually hung around a living town was absent. Birds still chirped in the trees and a fountain in the town square was running. Eugene was lying flat on the roof of a hardware store; he'd managed to lose the feral cheetah in the woods and had spent the last hour exploring the town. Breaking into the back of the shop had been easy enough and he had taken all the cable ties he could find. The zip-lock strips of plastic made handy cuffs in a pinch and were easier to carry then rope. He had picked up a water canteen, some lightweight foodstuffs, lighting fluid, a rather nice Zippo lighter, scentless soap and a torch. The items now secreted throughout his pockets. The only thing he'd not been able to find so far was anything to camouflage the colour of his fur. Still it was quite a good haul and enough to be going on with for now. All he had to do was pick his first victim without ending up on the receiving end himself.

A sound from the street below made him freeze, he felt his ears twitch but thankfully, the sweatband wrapped about his head held them back. It was impossible to over-come all his instincts and his ears pricking up when something interesting sounded nearby was the most annoying habit. It had gotten him shouted at enough times back at boot camp. Cautiously peering over the side of the building at the street below, he watched as a white ram in a rather flash and expensive looking suit hurried past. He paused at an opening into an alley and looked behind warily; he had a somewhat haunted look on his face. When it seemed like no one was following him he relaxed and turned as if to make use of the alley but something he saw made him hurry off in the other direction. He passed into the alley between the hardware store Eugene was lying on top off and the next building and crouched behind a crate, hiding.

Watching this with interest the hare held still as a figure stepped out of the alley and looked up and down the street. It was a bear with rich black fur, but what made him such a sight were his expensive looking robes. As he watched the ursine figure move into the centre of the street, raised his head and started to scent the air.

Eugene frowned and took a sniff himself and grinned, he could smell some very fancy cologne, incredibly expensive and sickeningly sweet. The ram was an idiot, wearing a distinctive smelling after-shave at a contest like this. The bear must have had his scent but if Eugene was smart and fast he could snatch the sheep away from the priest.

The bear had paused; Eugene could see him snuffling back and forth in the street trying to follow the scent. It must have been very faint out on the street mixed with all the other scents of the town. It would take the bear a few minutes to follow the cologne mingled in with all those other smells. This gave Eugene some time to act. Carefully sliding across the roof, he moved out of sight of the street and lowered himself over the edge, dropping down behind the ram. Sheep boy was tense, ready to run for it, nervously watching the street for any sign of pursuit. He certainly wasn't ready for someone to drop in behind him. This caused him to react slowly, which was all the opening Eugene needed. One arm snaked over his head and dug in against the sheep's windpipe whilst he drove a knee into his back, forcing him down. Pulling back against the ram's throat was easy, the sheep was a weakling and from his clothing, the army hare surmised he was a pampered rich boy. No wonder he had been so easily spooked by the bear. The kid scrabbled at his arm with both hands ineffectively; muzzle opening and closing as he tried to draw breath but the hare's arm was immobile.

Gently he lowered the kid to the ground as he lost consciousness. A properly trained soldier would have been able to break out of that hold easily it had been very sloppy. Still it had worked, now he had to get him out of sight and disguise his scent before the bear saw him. Smiling he revelled in the thrill of poaching another contestant's prey, hefting the ram up over his shoulders he quickly moved down the alley and out of sight behind the hardware store. Eyes roving over his options he dismissed taking him inside the shop, it was too obvious that someone had broken in. He had to get somewhere quickly, before his new friend woke up or the big priest locked onto the ram's stink and followed. Looking around in the loading yard his eyes fell on a manhole cover and he grinned. Dumping the ram, he levered the cover off then lowered his prey down the hole by his feet taking his time to lower him onto stone walkway at the bottom of the ladder and not drop him into the fetid water running down the channel. Less than a minute later, he had the cover back in place and was down on the stone beside the white ram. It was a matter of moments to tie his arms and legs together with the plastic zip-lock cable ties and the sleeves of the sheep's own jacket ripped off and used as an impromptu gag. Then it was just a matter of taking his time to drag the ram along through the tunnel, picking which direction to go in at each intersection at random and he took extra care to drag the ram through the stinking water. There was no way the bear was going to find them now and any time his captive started to stir it was easy to send him back into oblivion. His first hunt was over, now it was time for his fun.


Slowly David became aware of sound; it was fuzzy at first but slowly came into focus as his mind crawled out of the pit of unconsciousness he had fallen into. Running water, a cascade of water continuously hitting something that is what he was hearing. Smiling he stirred, one of his people must be preparing him a bath. The way his head was throbbing it must have been a hell of an after-gig party the night before. Slowly opening his eyes he emitted a soft bleat in distaste at the painful way light sliced into his brain, he tried to raise an arm to shield his eyes but something was holding it in place. Frowning he tugged on all his limbs and found them similarly tied down. It was about then that memory slammed home, the contest, being hunted, someone landing behind him and choking him! He tired to scream, eyes snapping open all the way as adrenaline shot through his body, over-riding the lethargy that had been gripping him. He could remember his assailant's arm about his throat and then vague memories of water rushing past and a hazy vision in the gloom before a foot was pushed down against his windpipe again.

Screaming was impossible he discovered whoever had tied him down had taken the liberty of gagging him as well and it was foul. Tugging at his bonds he started to thrash as he took in the room. It was some sort of bedroom so it had to be inside one of the empty houses in the town. He was spread-eagled on the bed, tied down at wrists, ankles, elbows and knees. His head was propped up so his view of the room was clear and he did not like what he could see.

Someone had covered over the windows, blocking them from the inside so they wouldn't show any light but what drew his attention was the cut-throat razor someone had propped up on the dressing table on the far wall. He was staring right at it when he looked straight ahead, the gleaming, glistening silver blade reflecting the light, glistening with oil and all the natural menace of something well cared for and very sharp. David started to thrash back and forth, squirming and wriggling, trying to tug his limbs free but the bonds were too tight. The sound of the running water cutting off made him freeze, head turning he stared at the door that seemed to lead into a mist shrouded room. It was some sort of en-suite and he could hear someone moving about in there. Paws on tiled flooring, the wet thump of a towel being casually discarded, then a figure appeared in the doorway, paused to examine the white ram and walked casually toward the bed.

It was a hare, sandy fur with a white/blonde under-belly, lanky in that understated muscular way runners had. Bright brown eyes and a towel wrapped about his waist. He let it drop and casually, revealing a nice thick sheath and a pair of very heavy balls. He would have been more pleasing to look if he hadn't tied David down, probably with the intent to slice off his own large sheep nuts. He started to pull a beige vest over his head, unaware at the moment that David was awake. Screwing his eyes shut David tried to slow his breathing, if he had more time to think he could maybe work his way free or something. Especially if they thought he was asleep still and went into another room. A warm paw suddenly gripping his sheath and squeezing it ruined the plan as it made his eyes snap open and gasp in surprise.

"Ah you are awake good," the hare smiled, paw teasing his sheath back and forth, working over him slowly. "Such a nice set you have, shame I have to take them off but orders are orders and I was told to win."

A muffled protest from David just made the hare laugh as he knelt at the end of the bed, paw still stroking up and down over his plump sheath. Whimpering he watched as his thick black cock started to slide out of his sheath. It felt good, his captive knew what he was doing but he couldn't get the fact that when he finished doing whatever it was he was doing he'd be a ball-less nobody! His captor took a can of shaving foam off the dresser and sprayed a generous measure into his paw. He then started to massage it into his balls over his cock. It felt rather nice, slippery and smooth, slick and it tingled slightly causing him to squirm, moaning in delight around his gag at the slippery feeling of that paw on his cock.

The hare had him squirming back and forth, gasping and moaning, whimpering in need as he played with his thick black meat. His other paw was massaging his balls now, rubbing over them, teasing them, squeezing and kneading them. "That's it... good sheep, livestock who can't be put out to stud get one last orgasm and then I operate."

Shaking his head David moaned in fear and lust, he could feel the familiar tightness in his loins; he was getting close to cumming. Squirming back and forth he tugged on his arms, trying desperately to pull free, to stop this. His horns were knocking against the headboard as he desperately tried to hold off but the treacherous hair slide that paw down off his balls and sunk a foam slicked finger inside his arse. Eyes bulging David screamed around his gag, another finger spread his rump wider and his head slammed into the headboard hard enough to crack it. Head ringing, dazed he bucked his hips, arse clenching around those fingers as he coated his stomach in a sticky layer of thick gooey sheep cum. With a final twitch of his cock he sank back down against the bed, cum pooling over his stomach, limbs aching where he had pulled against his restraints.

Blinking his eyes to try and clear his vision David watched as the hare picked up his razor and held it up for the sheep to see. "You should be thanking me really; I rescued you from that bear. He looked the sort to give you a sermon. I'll at least give you a helpful hint." Leaning down the hare slid his razor along the underside of the ram's balls, gently shaving the fleece off his balls, the curly white fluff shorn off easily by the sharp blade. "Next time, you enter a contest full of predators don't wear fancy aftershave."

Shaking his head the sheep went limp, groaning as he felt that razor passing over his balls, meticulously shaving his sac, it felt sort of calming, he was a sheep he was used to having to shear his fur down but he'd never had a stranger doing it in such an intimate place before. The foam made it slick and smooth and the blade was a constant reminder that any moment now it would start slicing! The soft scrape of blade against skin as it took off his fur was agonizing, especially the way the hare was being so meticulous about it. By the time his captor was finished the sheep was hard again from the constant manhandling and the thrill of fear racing up and down his spine at his helpless situation.

The hare wiped his razor clean with a cloth then fished out a lighter, smiling he started to run the flame up and down the length of the silver blade. The hare gave the sheep a rather predatory smile and then tugged his sac taught. Shaking his head David tried to implore him not to do this with his eyes but he just slide his hand down, the razor blade glinted and flashed and then the world dissolved into white pain!

Screaming around his gag, eyes wide and bulging he felt that sharp blade slicing through the skin of his shorn sac, it nicked effortlessly through the first tube inside and carried straight through to slice the second neatly. The hot blade slid out the far side of the nut-sac and the hare gathered it up and held it up before the sheep's eyes. "Thank you for playing. I am sure someone will pick you up... sooner or later." Smiling he set about cleaning up and finished getting dressed. He was so very methodical about it, a satisfied smile on his face as he swung on his jacket, pocketed his case of grooming gear and with that ball sac held firmly in one hand smiled at the semi-comatose sheep tied to the bed.

"Thanks for the sac; I am going to go... put these to good use downstairs. You sleep it off now and bask in the glory that you got bested by the better man... oh sorry, you're not a man anymore." Laughing he shut the door behind him leaving David to the agony and the violent, horrifying sense of something being missing, a lack of weight between his thighs.


Eugene slipped into the kitchen, shut the door behind him and smiled, setting the hefty sac of sheep balls down on the counter he flipped on the light and checked the heavy blankets he'd nailed over the windows and door earlier. Hopefully no one would notice that this house was in use.

A frying pan on the hob, a neat measure of sesame seed oil, garlic and onions raided from the supplies left behind when the residents evacuated and everything was ready. He poured the contents of his prize into the frying pan and inhaled the heavy scent of male musk, sheep and the lovely hint of sesame and garlic. He fried them off for a few minutes, spooned them out on a bed of lettuce and sat down at the table. Spoon held in one paw he unzipped his trousers, eased out his raging hard on and started to stroke himself off, savouring the flavour, inhaling the scent of his meal as he worked on his thick bunny meat.

Scooping up the first of his prizes he slipped the warm orb into his maw, murmuring in delight at the crispy texture, rolling it back and forth on his tongue before he set it between his powerful buck teeth and bit down. The flesh cracked and crunched and a warm silky liquid poured over his tongue. Moaning in pleasure he leant back chewing at the crispy treat before gulping it down. Quickly he scooped up the second testicle, slipped it into his maw and rolled it around with his tongue, savouring the taste. His paw was a blur over his hard dick by now, slick pre-cum coating it and then he chomped down again, teeth meeting in the middle, the sphere in his mouth cracking open, spilling its load all over his tongue as he moaned and fired, thick sticky bunny cum soaking his paw as he rocked back and forth as he rode out the wave of his orgasm. Panting he pulled his paw up to his maw and started to suck it clean, enjoying the taste of his cum as a finishing accompaniment to his meal. Satisfied with his days work and the delightful meal he had arranged for himself, Sarge would be happy when he told him about this. Settling back he closed his eyes, intending to get a well earned nap before he set out to hunt for his next victim.

~ fin


Well that is the end of my round one entry, Eugene has begun on his path down a long slippery slope into darkness and strange happenings.

An Unusual Job - Part 1

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