A Wolfs Heart, Part Two: Whispers Of Evil

Story by SilentGod on SoFurry

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#2 of A Wolfs Heart

Authors Note: If you aren't a legal age or viewing a story that contains sexual actions is against the law where you live, or it is against you're morals then PLEASE do not read this story! It is meant for people who do like the idea of Yiff.

This is my very first story for Yiffstar, short and sweet and it is going to become a series. The next part will be much longer so fear not! I hope you like it as much I enjoyed writing it. Feel free to leave constructive criticism. If you liked the story please comment so. Thanks and happy yiffing!

This is the second part of the series. This is where the storie deepens, with a touch of sex. Enjoy. Please leave me any comments! I want to improve my writing?

A Wolf's Heart Part Two:

Whispers Of Evil

I woke up as the sun rose into the sky, casting shadows across the valley and awakening the birds as they chirped and sung contently. Ice was curled up next to me, her soft breezing matching the whispers of the wind almost exactly. I rised silently, looking at the cubs who were fast asleep beside there mother. I smiled happily, I was a very fortunate wolf.

The quietness of the area was a bit frightening to me. Usually there would be the taunts coming from Lep, the silent reassuring words from Quickpaw or even the melting affection towards the cups from Dianna and Malfa. It was quieter then I was used to, like a songbird without its song.

It was beginning to get very cold outside. Snowflakes glittered brilliantly as they fell from the heaven above me, landing softly on the cold ground beneath my paws. I yawned for the first time in many days, a sense of duty coming over me.

I took one more look at the cave and I trudged into the forest, my plans were to find at least one of the beta wolfs. I desperately needed there company, they were my family as much as my friends.

I saw plenty of game as I crept through the thick snow covered bushes but I ignored them. It was a lucky day for many of them, they would be spared from my menacing teeth. I was on a mission, not a buffet run. I continued to walk through the bushes, thinking to myself silently the whole way of what there fate could be.

What if they've been captured or killed by a Smoke Wolf Tribe? I shook my head, I didn't want to imagine the situation if that indeed was the scenario. Smoke Wolves were the Forest Wolves greatest enemies, many wars and battles were fought between the two species and to this day there is still a hatred more fiery then a volcanoes rage. I muffled these depressing thoughts and concentrated on the hunt before me.

I stopped to relieve myself on a frozen tree when I heard it. Immediately my whole body stiffened as I strained to hear what the sound was coming from. I crouched down low into a nearby fern that was bigger then a boulder and I went into hunting mode. Quieter then a egg stealer, I stepped forward carefully so I could see into the clearing ahead of me.

In front of me was Clearstone Pond, one of the famous ponds for lovers and gentle who learned the true beauty of nature. The usual calm surrounding was filled with dozens of...coyotes? I shook my head for a minute to see if I was dreaming but no, there were at least a dozen coyotes circling around another creature.

What in the Wolf Lords name is this? Coyotes in the forest! There hasn't been any coyotes in the forest since the Great Battle!

Immediately I knew something was terribly wrong here. Coyotes didn't belong here- the habitat wasn't fit for them. The only reason they would come into the forest was for perhaps business, and by the looks of there angry faces it seems they are carrying through it now.

I crept a bit closer so I could hear what they were saying. I listened intently as one of the coyotes barked a order and the rest of them stopped circling. I could now see who was trapped in the middle. It was a beautiful white vixen, her eyes we're wide with fright as she shriveled and cowered before the coyotes hungry eyes.

"Where is the she wolf you were with earlier?" questioned the leader coyote, his eyes glittering angrily at the beautiful vixen.

"I don't know! She has run off somewhere!" she cried desperately. The leader snarled at her and stepped forward.

Could she be talking about one of the Beta Females? I wondered to myself secretly. Even if not, I was not going to allow these outlander scum terrify and kill my sister of the woods. I crouched down low and begin to concentrate, my eyes settling on the leaders neck. It was now when I went into hunting mode...killing mode...

Kill them...rip his throat...tear out there guts...

The thoughts bubbled in me like the gases of a swamp and I bolted through the bushes, howling viciously as my paws tore through the ground like the slashes of a bear, my eyes locked on the leader and I sprang at him like a doe fleeing a cougar.

The leader had turned around when he heard the howl and his look of annoyance and anger was soon filled with fear as he stumbled to run. The other coyotes also started shaking with fear, a few bolting away through the trees.

I rammed full force into the side of the leaders stomach, knocking him violently to the ground. I couldn't hear anything around me as the monster in my slashed and bit at the creature bellow me. The leader kicked me at the neck and I fell off him.

The leader snarled and leaped at me, I rolled over and slashed at his stomach as he leapt. He roared in pain and fell to the ground, blood pooling out around the large gash. He thrashed and squirmed around in his blood while I stood up a bit dazed, looking around me and noticed that all the other coyotes had fled in pure terror.

Useful soldiers they are. I thought to myself and I looked over at the vixen, who was looking at me with a half afraid and half amazed look. I smiled at her and approached the squirming leader, who was losing strength fast as most of his blood was gushing out of the gash I had created. I looked down angrily into his dark, fearful eyes and with one paw I pinned his neck to the ground and with the other I held above my head ready to strike the fool down.

"Who are you, coyote to walk into my forest and terrorize a creature of this forest?" I said coldly, looking down at the weak creature underneath me.

"You will know in time, mutt! You will know when your brothers and sisters hang from the trees or lie dead in the fields, while your cubs roast over fires fueled by your own forests!" he snarled angrily.

I slashed at his stomach angrily and he cried out in pain. "Stop it you filthy maggot!" he cried in terror.

"Tell me who sent you or I will rip out your heart" I snarled dangerously at him, my eyes showing him no lie in my statement.

"You will never know mutt" he replied coldly and before I even had to tear out his corrupted heart, the dark light from his eyes faded and his body went limp. I walked away from the body disgusted. The vixen was standing in front of me, her grass green eyes sparkled with gratitude and admiration.

"Thank you brave hero! You saved my life from those foul creatures, I don't know what to say" she barked excitedly. I smiled and nuzzled her comfortingly.

"There is something strange amiss. Those creatures do not belong here" I said to her, looking into her eyes. I saw something strange there...


"Do not worry about that right now" she whispered gently, then she tackled me the ground. Before I could react she licked my face slowly and whispered again. "I owe you something."

I gasped as I felt her soft paw touch my balls gently. What was she doing? I could not mate with this vixen...

I couldn't fight back these thoughts for long as her hands worked softly over my sheath and my balls, sending me into a heaven of pleasure. Her paws rubbed my balls gently, making me gasp again as my member begin to emerge from my sheath. She growled playfully and begin to caress it as well until it became rock hard. I gasped as she started to roll it around her paws, playing with it mischievously.

I could do nothing but lay back and I was jolted out of my thoughts when a cool, slick wetness touched the head of member. I looked down and saw that the vixens mouth was near my member, her tongue flicking around my shaft and head lightly. I gasped as I felt a soft yet wet swipe roll across my shaft. She was licking my member!

This is the best pleasure I have had in a while. I thought guiltily to myself as her licks increased. I moaned even louder when her warm and cold muzzle engulfed my leaking member, precum seeping out of my head. She begin to play with it in her mouth.


I howled loudly as I erupted my seed into her warm muzzle. She gulped down my hot love seed, her tongue still playing with my member. After a while we both fell back, exhausted.

"My name is Whisper" she giggled silently as I layed beside her.

"Whisper...you didn't need to do that. As beautiful as you are, I have a wife and I could not leave her."

"I know you have a wife" she said quietly.

"You do?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, I'm Dianna's friend."

My eyes popped open and I sat up. This meant...

They are looking for my pack!