Eudaemon: Part 2

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#2 of Eudaemon

The red sports car pulled up into Comfort Town with all the tact of a natural disaster; the paint seemed to leer, the music blared, and the driver was tapping out the rhythm of the song that was playing on his steering wheel with a wide grin of his face as he leaned back in his leather upholstered monster of a car, gray eyes glancing back and forth along the night streets as he drove slowly along the old roads, his grin widening. Score.

The white-furred - except for the diamond-shaped black ruff of fur on his neck and the tips of his ears - lupine rolled his shoulders in his comfortable suit, his belly restrained and made to look more like the sleek wolf he really was by the triple layering he wore - half-corset... make that manly-stomach-guard... a dress shirt so tight he could tear it if he wanted to... by removing the half-corset... and a not-so-tight but not-too-loose dress jacket overtop. He didn't bother with a tie... ties were for losers, and it didn't matter if he knew how to properly put one on or not. Besides, he had a leather belt with a pure-gold clasp with his initials - LW - engraved upon it that had cost him a good two-fifty, and his pressed pants - tight at the crotch but loose down the legs - were definitely not of the brand that you bought at the local shop-and-save.

The wolf continued to drive along the darkened streets, singing in a baritone voice to his music as one bare paw tapped on the rug of his car, examining the neighborhood - or slums, rather, the word 'neighborhood' brought to mind grass and kids playing ball and bright sunshine, not... ugly, like this was - with all the avid interest of the shark salesman he was. Hell, he was always on the road, wasn't he? That's right, he worked where he wanted, how he wanted. He was a big male, a household name, and the chief marketer for a pharmaceutical company... although on the side he'd been doing some moonlighting as a scout for interested real-estate buyers who were looking for cheap but usable land... and this place all but screamed 'cheap' at the top of its dying lungs.

He snickered to himself as he reached a hand into a pocket, then he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and rose it to his muzzle, biting the end of one gently and pulling the smoke free before he put the pack back in his pocket, then he fished out his lighter - silver plated, once more engraved with his initials - and then used that to light up before letting out a long exhale of wispy smoke, closing his eyes for a few moments before letting them open again to once more pretend to observe the rules of the road, continuing to drive down the street as his music blared from his open windows... then he smiled to himself, face taking on a pleased expression as he caught sight of a bar, snickering quietly at the fact that several of the neon lights had died.

The wolf pulled up to the curb messily, then he rolled up his windows and turned off the car before climbing out with a puff, feeling his stomach give a revolting jiggle against the half-corset he wore and attempt to push the tightly-laced binding off. But then he took a deep breath and relaxed, and the ache faded before he dug in his pocket, brought out a remote and clicked the lock button on the car, then he tucked that away, smoothed out his expression and sauntered around his vehicle to enter the tavern.

He immediately strutted up to the bar and sat, smiling his 'pleased-to-meet-you' smile as he glanced back and forth before his eyes widened a bit and he let out a low whistle as he caught sight of the young waitress who was serving a pair at a table. Well, damn. But ain't she a hot, gorgeous piece? Nice ass...

The wolf's smile became more shark-like, and his eyes went from calculating to leering as he stared at her, sizing her up. She was tiny, especially compared to his formidable six-four - six-seven in these shoes - and he thought a poor girl like her, working at a place like this and wearing clothes that made his pants feel tight already would be more than happy to spend a night with a rich, debonair male like himself... especially once she realized just how sexy he could be. And if she didn't well... he was sure he could come around here again. After all... he moved from town to town, had international contacts and a whopping amount of money - which made the world go 'round and dreams come true, baby - and he did like it when the chicks played hard to get... but didn't he always get, by fair means or by foul.

Sure, there had been the occasional girl who'd told him no, or even more vulgar things like that, after flirting with him or he'd done so many nice things for them, honored them with his very presence... and so he'd been forced to use more persuasive means. He guessed that meant he'd raped them... but hey, he was sure they'd loved it themselves, after all, being his mighty and big lupine self... even if he had drugged them, or held a gun to their heads, but hey, some chicks loved that stuff! He knew there were all kinds of freaky girls who loved that bondage crap... just like his sister.

Yeah, his sister... that had been his first time, and it had been really good. Sure, he'd been scared at first... she'd struggled and stuff... but his Dad had been there, good old Dad who always treated him great, had held down his sis for him... and encouraged him, even, told him what to do and damn had it ever gone well and been good for him... his first conquest.

"Yeah, baby, you are the man, Lone Wulfe." The lupine breathed through his grin, still eying the female Drakkaren before he heard the sound of a door swinging open and shut, and he quickly turned his attention back to behind the counter with a wide, pleasant smile, but his eyes remained calculating... if also somewhat dumb.

Thus, the first thing that Elliot saw when he emerged from the kitchens in his usual wear, carrying a tray of cleaned beer steins, was a politician and a doom-bringer from Apple Villa, all smirks and pleasant looks and dark blue suits that probably cost more than his bar. He didn't bother to hide his distaste as he walked up to the opposite side of the counter, the wolf looking dumbly unaware of the growing malignant presence in the room that was focused on him as people shot random glares at his back. "What can I do for you, jack?"

"The name's Lone Wulfe, not Jack." Lone replied, smiling broadly as he extended a hand out towards the cheetah... then dropped it and felt vaguely perturbed, falling off beat for a moment as he leaned back in the stool when the feline just glared at him with obvious disgust. What? Don't they know what a fuckin' honor this is for them? "Aren't so friendly around here, are we?"

"We don't appreciate rich people from the Apple Villa side of things showing up around here." Elliot answered flatly, his eyes narrowing and making Lone blink and tilt his head, leaning back a bit as he rose his hands... but this only made the earring and three silver rings he wore glint in the moody light of the bar, as if showing off his wealth... which, of course, incited all the more irritation from the people around the bar. "So let me suggest that you leave here, mister. Or we'll go tell the Boss."

Lone blinked rapidly again, then he put his hands against the counter and leaned forwards, immediately attempting a different strategy. "Hey, I don't know anything about these... apple jacks." The wolf said, trying for a joke and giving a winning smile...before quailing under the angry gaze of the cheetah, his head rearing back a bit at the fury he saw there before raising his hands and trying aggressiveness. "Hey, look, pal. I'm not looking for any trouble, and look at me." He stood up, tilting his head up as he crossed his arms and attempted to look tough. "I'm six foot and ten inches, and I work for a security company, ex-cop... you go ahead and get your 'boss' dude, and I'll show him just what a real male can do."

Lone sneered... then he blinked as the cheetah and the other occupants of the bar began to laugh... and laugh loudly. He glared around at them, trying to look imposing, frightening, awe-inspiring... but all they did was laugh at him, and laugh both long and hard as he stood there.

After a few minutes of it, the wolf snarled and brandished his arms, yelling childishly: "What the hell are you all laughing at? Come on, bring this Boss out, lemme see him face to face, I'll beat the shit out of him! Come on!" The wolf stomped his feet, waved his arms, and all to no avail: it only made the patrons of the bar laugh harder as the bartender leaned heavily on the counter, head down as he subsided to perhaps the greatest merriment.

Finally, Lone could only stare, panting and out of breath from his temper-tantrum as he stared at the cheetah, who was finally levering himself back up to a standing position, a bit breathless himself as he grinned widely across at the wolf and tilted his head. "So, you wanna meet the Boss? You think that you, who'd probably be like gum on his shoe... irritating but otherwise a total waste of time, could stand up to the boss? I'll give you five minutes before you piss your pants in fear, mister Lone Wulfe."

The lupine bristled... but the remarkable calmness in the eyes of the cheetah, below his other emotions, told him that he might not be bluffing; this 'boss' could be as bad as he sounded. Yet still... he knew that there were plenty of ways to get around anyone, no matter their size or strength or fortitude... and so instead of backing down as every instinct told him to, the wolf merely raised his muzzle proudly and said in a loud, clear voice: "Bring it on, then. But I tell you now, I won't be the one quivering in fear five minutes in."

"Of course... then why don't you come back here around six tomorrow, asshole?" inquired the cheetah, feigning a polite bow despite the venom of his tone. Lone blinked as he looked back and forth, realizing now that the malevolence was rising from all around the bar and not just the cat as he stepped backwards a bit, hearing chairs being pushed aside for people to stand and the sound of feet stomping down on the floor... and then the wolf revealed his cowardice as he glanced around, then quickly spun around and ran for the door as Elliot yelled behind him: "Don't forget, or we'll tell the boss to go looking for you!"

Zerrex muttered under his breath as he sat at his desk in his private office, sorting through papers and 'job requests' that he had yet to decline or fulfill. Declining them wasn't hard... he just ripped it up, kept the cash and that was that. So far, however, he only had one that he was going to decline... the other three he felt wouldn't be too difficult and they were... they provided a worthy challenge and prey.

Two of them were jobs in Apple Villa... one to take out a rival shop that was leeching business from Comfort Town, and the other was simpler and more fun; take care of a certain political family, although the letter indicated that the buyer was queasy at the idea of killing them... but Zerrex could settle for beating them and a possible rape. The last job, however, was actually in Comfort Town, and it was a plain assassination order. No questions... just go to a one Hans Broderick's apartment on the second floor of Coffee Acres Apartments, break in, and kill him. Preferably between the hours of nine and eleven... it was carefully constructed orders like this that always made Zerrex happy.

The reptile had a strict guideline for being hired, one that could be discovered by asking the right people and former customers; firstly, came the submission. A letter written out and carefully - as well as politely - addressed to Zerrex and allowing him to know all the concerns and reasons for whatever job they requested. Once the letter was completed, they were to give what they thought was a fair payment... by Zerrex's standards. Everyone knew he was expensive... but they also knew that he would accept forms of payment other than cash as well. And that he'd take everything from sex to weaponry to books and old video games; all they needed to do was add a signed note with their idea of payment, and where Zerrex could receive it.

The reptile felt this was fair enough; he was paid up front, and if he declined the job, he usually kept half of the payment for them having wasted his time... or went and fetched a chunk of payment or 'service' and at the same time instructed them that he was not going to accept the deal for whatever reason... although with an increase in the current payment and the appropriate changes, he would go ahead and do the job.

He thought it was a good enough way to run things, and when he did a job, he always made sure the client got their money's worth out of it. When he started a job, he went to whatever lengths it took to fulfill it... and the reptile had no issues with taking any sort of job, so long as the pay was good and the justification done properly. After all, a difficult job only presented a new challenge for him to rise to and then above.

Hence, the only job he'd declined was a childishly-written, too short and too misspelled letter on exactly why Zerrex should kill a certain female's boyfriend; the client in question, the girlfriend in the relationship, added that she would pay him through multiple sexual favors over the course of a week. The reptile planned to at least check it out - it was in the usual fleabag hotel where most went to when they were paying him through 'services,' but they had a special room there for him, which was why the client-in-question was supposed to wait for him in the lobby - but he had the distinct feeling that this could be one of the weird people who belonged in his quasi fan club.

The reptile had realized, and long ago come to accept the fact that, despite his temperament, disposition and job as a ruthless mercenary killer with a past that was frightening enough to make the hardiest marine squeal in terror like a little girl with her doll in a blender - or perhaps partially because of his 'badass' image - he had some underground popularity. There were in fact people who would approach him and attempt conversation, or others who would make job requests just to give him some crappy item when he came around to collect payment for wasting his time, and there had even been people like this who wanted to just get in his pants - and he had to admit, on a shallow level, that was understandable at least. Although his body was scarred and his features unhandsome, he was quite large, very muscular and physically built like a military assault tank. Calling him 'big' was like calling the sun 'hot;' it didn't exactly bring justice to his size.

Of course, the so-called fans were a good way of getting out his frustrations or less-violent urges; they wanted all of him, so they got all of him. More often than not he'd left them in a heap, crying, shocked, severely aching or all of the above... but some of them were particularly persistent and attempted to come back for more. The reptile, however, made a point with most of them that if they continued to abuse his mercenary services for sex, he'd find some way to humiliate them or the next time they came to him in that same manner, he'd make sure to injure them in a variety of ways and turn that consensual event into a rape that no one would bother to do anything about. The latter usually got them to stop going through the application way, at least... but to be fair, the Drakkaren also sometimes added - to the less annoying of his fans - to mail him a letter or come to his house, and if he was in the mood he'd invite them in for... dinner and dessert, as it was.

In any case, Zerrex figured that this one letter was too purposefully screwed up to be anything but serious... and if she really wanted to screw up the relationship between her and her boyfriend, fine. He could watch him take her if she so desired, but whatever else, he did plan to take her up on her offer. It had been a long time since he'd given in to his gentler sexual desires, after all; he could use a little consensual interaction on top of the rapes that he felt would be occurring rather soon.

The reptile mused quietly as he shifted back and forth, then he stood up and stretched in the little space he had, hands closing into tight fists as he pushed his arms out in front of him before opening, spacing his fingers out widely. He tilted his head back and yawned, then dropped it forwards before reaching up to rub his hand through his hair, muttering quietly under his breath, then walking around the desk to head for the doorway.

He paused, then grumbled and turned around, heading back to his oak desk to pick up the three plain envelopes that held the requests he'd decided to accept... then he paused and picked up the fourth, which he'd marked with a small x in pencil on the top corner, before turning and now letting himself back into the main hall, closing the door behind him before he stretched again and let out another mumble. "Must be later than I thought... oh well. I got work to do tomorrow... deal with the breakage in the morning, the beating in the afternoon, head back to the bar and then walk over to what's-his-name's apartment to take care of him. At least I'll be busy... and then I can get a good lay that night."

The reptile snorted with vague amusement at the prospects that lay ahead, then he let himself out into the earthen passageway that led back to his home and began to walk, feeling comfortable - perhaps an odd emotion for one so dark and callous - and ready for bed; a few minutes later, he arrived in his room, tossing his letters on top of the dresser as he reached up and stripped off his shirt, revealing his chiseled, muscular chest and all the scars that accompanied it.

He stretched, making his muscles flex and roll against his taunt hide of scales, then he reached down and pushed off his pants so that he only stood in boxers that seemed a bit too small for the reptile, but not because of his height. He glanced down, smiled a bit - that was one of his favorite parts of himself, he thought, all thirty-plus inches of himself - then he turned off the light and headed to his bed, throwing the pile of blankets down towards the foot of the bed before pulling the two up over his body and settling himself, closing his eyes and then breathing slowly as he rested there.

As always, sleep wasn't exactly what the Drakkaren was looking for - more a period of relaxation and rest than anything else. Although sleep had its restorative qualities, Zerrex found that he could regenerate more than enough energy to take him through the day without it, so long as he had a few scant hours where he could just lay in bed quietly and stop his body from moving around too much. The reptile knew from experience that sleep didn't come well to the damned anyway... and he had always figured that he was far beyond salvation, but it had never bothered him.

His life made him happy; he thought that was what really mattered. He was doing quasi-good, with his justified mercenary work... and he no longer merely killed and raped at will. Well, okay, for the most part, anyway. The reptile had found a sort of peace here in this battered political war-zone of a city, which had now fallen so far into feud and strife that Comfort Town had become his kingdom, his domain, and Apple Villa was merely the enemy nation; Comfort Town needed him, and maybe that was what made Zerrex feel most at home and so... right.

The reptile closed his eyes, and although he was still awake, he let his mind float, wander and sink into dreams; and what dreams did he have, this seemingly-remorseless predator? He killed for pleasure... he raped for power and sexual highs... he dominated for personal amusement... and he tortured for sheer entertainment. Inside of him was his own world, and in this world he was more than just the boss of the town, he was his own ruthless god and he controlled every aspect of his own cruel world with sadistic pleasure and even malicious glee.

The dark world inside the reptile was frightening beyond comparison; the sadism and the sheer variety of torments available was both astonishing and terrifying... but there was another world, too, and this was the secret place deepest in the heart of the Drakkaren, where he went to now, when he felt at home. It was a dream that brought out a sensation of longing and carefully-defined sorrow, so quietly pronounced that it took a few moments to identify it for what it was, instead of just a misplaced feeling of rejection.

In this dream, this vision, Zerrex stands with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face, making his features look younger and more youthful. He's in a park, and it's a bright day, with the sun shining and few clouds roaming the blue sky above. The shadows on the ground are short but deep black against the green grass, grass that rocks and stirs gently in the scant breeze... a breeze that whispers through the trees and makes the green leaves shake as if they speak in a different voice of times long since past.

Cindy is there. She's sitting on a checkered blanket, smiling up at Zerrex, her eyes warm; she's here of her own consent, and the large male hasn't forced her in any way, which makes things seem nicer, somehow. She's wearing a plain blouse, tight-fitting jeans and a bikini top faintly visible beneath the tied-at-the-front, long-sleeved chemise, and her eyes sparkle marvelously as Zerrex walks over and sits on the blanket. When he holds an arm up, she gladly moves to cuddle with him, slipping beneath it and pressing tight against him with a soft giggle as she closes her eyes and relaxes.

There is more and less; sometimes they just sit and cuddle, sometimes Zerrex kisses her and they share gentle, quiet affections, and sometimes they even do more; but when the more part occurs, the reptile always feels quietly in that buried part of him that what he wishes to experience with her isn't anything so brutal as rape or fucking or even plain sex... it's lovemaking, and that's something he's done maybe once or twice in his entire life. It's gentle, and he does everything he can to please her and not himself, and when they climax it occurs in synchronicity and they look into one another's eyes... but in the end it remains just a dream, although one that usually is enough to make the reptile's boxers more than uncomfortable - a feeling he's used to, but it also causes a strange sensation in his stomach and chest that he's not.

Zerrex doesn't understand the idea of love; he doesn't understand the idea of kinship or friendship, even. He knows what it's like to have an ally, and he has been in love before, but it doesn't mean he grasps the concept. Despite his cruelties and his violence, his raw, brutal power and incredible, impossible endurance, he is entirely unconfident when it comes to relationships of any sort, and he knows it. He has no problem with relationships based upon power, animal urges, sex or money... but with Cindy and Elliot, people he has foreign feelings for, he is lost: one he fears he may 'love' and the other treats him differently than everyone else in Comfort Town, tries to talk to him and even console him on a bad day, shows both sympathy and compassion to him: things the reptile used to think of as signs of weakness to be exploited at will.

He still didn't understand it, but he'd stopped thinking of it as weakness at the request of Elliot, after one of their bull sessions in the bar after hours; he'd reserve judgment until he saw what compassion and generosity could do. Altruism was certainly not one of the reptile's strong points, however... but Elliot had merely smiled when he'd said there and given him an ironic: 'I figured.'

But now drowsiness was beginning to take over the reptile, and he rested a bit deeper into his blankets, curling up on his side and yawning into his pillows as his hands slipped beneath his pillows, mumbling quiet nonsense to himself as he rolled his shoulders and shifted a bit to get more comfortable as he put ahead vague plans for the day, which slipped into the back of his mind as mental notes to himself as he began to dream again, this time letting his darker side run wild as he combined past and present with his own glorious imaginings.

A good word for the larger world that encompassed most of the Drakkaren's imaginings was 'Hell,' in the darkest sense of the word. He loved dreaming of the things he could make possible if he tried... of enslavement and total domination... of breaking down this entire city to be rebuilt as his own personal playground; and hell, if he did, he had enough money to bankroll all private operations and to do as he wished with the local economy. But money didn't belong in these visions; money was a cheap form of power, compared to what Zerrex lusted for, which was total domination through brute, raw force and his own physical abilities. Domination through fear and power through strength; he thought that was the greatest vision he could have.

His visions would make the devils quake in their hooves; his world was built upon domination, sadism and lust, all of his original predatory qualities that had been magnified a thousand-fold by the military training he'd gone through and that he'd learned to be more than okay with, to even revel in. In his world, he had his own private harem, all of them naked, chained, leashed and enslaved, broken to do his every bidding. Instead of this home, he had a grand mansion, floors upon floors high and full of every wonder he wished to possess, most notably artwork; one of his few material weaknesses. But the floors above were nowhere near as interesting as the basements below; levels of dungeon, both for imprisonment and for torture of all sorts, and then a rock-cut catacombs that made for all the more fun of hunting and frightening his intended prey as he felt like it, with a hundred dead ends and the only way in and out barred by a massive gate... and below a great, unholy shrine dedicated to the filth and violence of the Drakkaren's darkest lusts, with beaten and bloody victims chained to the walls, freezers of carefully-preserved flesh for the cannibalistic hungers that sometimes would rise, and a great circular pool of fresh, warm blood into which he could wade and rape his virginal victim, her blood running down her legs to add to the hundreds of victims that had already been taken to fill up the great vat.

Oh, he was sick, yes. He knew it; he was twisted in a thousand ways, he was primal, he was vicious, and he was full of dark lusts and sadism. His dreams of pain and torture for his pleasure were limitless; his hungers too, were endless, but these the reptile had worked to control. In truth, he had partaken of almost all of his desires at some point... but now he had carefully worked his way back to more basic forms of sadism and killing. No longer did he cannibalize his victims, as he had sometimes - rarely - in the past... and his rapes, although often brutal, generally left his victims intact in all but the most obvious areas, unless he had an urge to kill or the job demanded that as well.

So it naturally came back to a question of why; as in, exactly why had he lightened up on the sadistic side of his nature when he was far more than capable of fulfilling every urge he had without any repercussions? Why didn't he just take the town over as he wished to do, why did he always have the jobs he took as a mercenary justified instead of just going ahead and doing as he wished?

The answer was the type that only made sense to Zerrex and those who understood Zerrex. It came down to a question of dignity and, in a strange sense, honor. When he was with the military, he was merely doing his job; he loved it, but it came down to the idea that his job was to be as malevolent as possible. He was a soldier, he took orders, and that was that. After he'd left, he'd gone through the useless counseling and management sessions, then been set free to do whatever... and there were the compulsions and urges, but the reptile had always been able to separate right from wrong. He just didn't care to... but now that he was thinking for himself and on his own...

It was just different, that was all it came down to. He wasn't a puppet now, but the puppeteer... and being thus in a position of responsibility, the Drakkaren couldn't just bow to every whim and urge he had, as fun and possibly profitable as it would be. He was going to Hell, yes... but since he wasn't there yet, he might as well tone down his list of sins somewhat. Besides which... he didn't think that so many people would come to him if he started to eat the inhabitants of the town. If there was one thing that was taboo in this society, it was most certainly cannibalism.

This town was at war... and already there was chaos abound. Yet for once, when the reptile got into the action between Apple Villa and Comfort Town... he felt that he was doing the right thing, fighting the good fight instead of just fighting for the sake of war, and it had brought out a new feeling in him. Was it warmth? Happiness? Did it make him feel like was accomplishing his goal in life, that he was doing what he was meant and built to do? The reptile didn't think it was so virtuous and pure as that: it was merely that he was a soldier, and he was egocentric. It wasn't probably for anything so high and mighty as the 'right, just cause,' but maybe... because sometimes Cindy smiled at him when she said that she overheard him telling Elliot that he'd made sure that whoever would never assault another person again, or that he'd fixed the problem with the tolls on the bridges that led from one side of Baskin's Grove to the other. When he stopped to think about it... Cindy looked more happy when he was fixing a problem like a stalled truck or repairing something around the tavern then when he spoke of the other problems he'd eliminated...

And now the reptile finally felt sleep coming towards him, real sleep instead of just his usual false rest, and he let out a soft sigh as he rolled quietly over in bed and curled up a bit tighter under his blankets, feeling strange in the darkness of his room, and more than a little bit lonely... and all he could wish for at that moment was to hold Cindy gently in his arms and fall asleep with the younger female, clutched tight to his powerful chest... and as he finally fell into slumber, the single vision that came to him was that of a virginal young female Drakkaren, petite, glowing with beauty, innocence and grace, pressed to the chest of a strange, demonic lizard, with scars covering his body and hands stained crimson with blood... but his eyes were filled with softness as they gazed down into the eyes of the smaller lizard, and no matter how much blood he felt dripping from his hands, the cursed stuff could not so much as leak onto her scales, no matter how tight he clutched her... and she was smiling, and looking past the ugliness of his features and the darkness in his eyes as her hands reached up to take his face quietly...

Lone mumbled to himself as he sat in his expensive hotel room, in what was apparently the Apple Villa side of town... and from what he saw, this was definitely the classier place. It made him wonder more curiously about the boss of the slums... but then again, the slums were always run by the biggest, meanest asshole on the block, right?

"Right." He muttered again, then he stood up and stretched, belly protruding over the waistband of the jogging pants he'd changed into, his suit carefully laid out for cleaning tomorrow by the hotel maid - except for the half-girdle, which he had tucked away into his briefcase for safekeeping. He sighed as he walked slowly around his expensive suite, glancing back and forth over the massive, plush room that was almost a miniature condominium - huge bedroom with a plush waterbed and massive television that was currently playing the local news, desk with a bible and a business journal, a mini-fridge, and then a bathroom with an enormous tub complete with bubble jets and a double-sink. It was classy... the kind of class that Lone Wulfe deserved.

The wolf stood up, then he walked over to the large-size windows that opened onto the city lights below; his room was easily several stories above most of the other developments in the area, since the wolf had immediately gone for the largest and best-looking hotel possible. Money wasn't a problem, after all, and he did deserve a little comfort like this after all the hell he'd been put through with those arrogant bastards in the shitty little bar he'd just come from. He nodded firmly to himself, muttering as he looked resentfully out over the city, then he stepped back before turning and heading for his bed, plopping down on it as he grabbed the remote for the television and flicked to the movies, then selected some adult entertainment flick and put it on, placing his hands behind his head and watching with mild boredom as it started; in a few minutes, he began to masturbate to the first sex scene with the same kind of boredom, rolling his hand over the curve of his belly and down to gently massage his sheath, feeling a bit of pink flesh poking free as his eyes watched the female on screen fondling and suckling the male's cock, licking his muzzle as he thought of his own former indulgences into oral sex - namely receiving. As he thought about these, he grinned a bit and put himself on the screen, stroking and rolling his testicles in his hand a bit more firmly as he felt himself hardening faster, his slick shaft sliding free of its sheath, the pink flesh hard and erect as he felt it growing firmly outwards until all nine inches of penis were freed, knot bulging out from his sheath as he murred.

He continued to slowly roll his testicles in his hand for a few more moments, but, not having much in the way of patience and with the continued stimulation of watching the oral sex on the television, it wasn't long until Lone's hand slipped up to grasp his shaft and he began to leisurely stroke his nine inches of wolven cock, murring again as he thrusted lightly into his hand and grinned, some of the boredom in his eyes quickly being replaced by desire as he felt low pleasure welling its way up from his crotch, his shaft throbbing in his hand as he moved his hand up and down his fleshy cock.

Then he began to stroke himself with more passion, murring quietly in his throat as his eyes stayed locked on the television, beginning to lightly thrust his hips at the same time as his hand moved up and down his shaft, manipulating himself with increasing speed as he felt a bit of pre already splattering free to slicken his shaft, firming his grip a bit further as he moved his hand up and down, from head to swelling knot, feeling himself throbbing in his hand as he felt the pleasure already rising towards climax - it had been a long time since he'd had time to himself, after all... and he'd been busy enough to not even manage a good lay lately...

The wolf groaned as he let his head roll back, slipping back against the head of the bed so he could slip his other hand under his leg and grasp his furry testicles, feeling his penis give a jolt in his hand at the added manipulation, toes of his paws curling as he squeezed one, continuing to move his hand powerfully up and down his shaft as he brought his head back down to watch the continuing oral sex scene on the television: after a few more pleasurable moments of playing with himself, he felt his orgasm already nearing, and the wolf was careful to get up to his knees as he panted quietly, turning towards the edge of the bed as he brought his hand from behind his leg to the front, squeezing his own knot and making his body jolt as he continued to stroke his throbbing shaft.

His hand worked up and down his slick meat faster and faster as the wolf moaned, tilting his head back as he replayed all his glorious encounters of his past, other hand taking both of his furry balls into his hand and rolling them, kneading them, making himself release another sound of pleasure as he felt his shaft hardening and climax nearing as he moved his hand up and down the nine-inch wolf-cock he was so proud of, thrusting his hips lightly in time to his stroking before he finally felt himself stiffen fully and release, a low whine of pleasure rolling up through his throat as his head fell back and he reached down to grasp his shaft by the thick knot and sheath, thrusting rapidly into the air as his other hand clenched a testicle tightly, almost to the point of pain as his thick fluids burst out from his shaft in a straight line, dribbling down to the floor below in a short line over the carpeting before the wolf slowly halted his thrusts, panting quietly.

He felt himself slowly retracting as he carefully wiped the little bit of his own seed that had dirtied his hands onto the sheet, then he gave a somewhat nostalgic, pleased smile as he lay back on the bed and put his hands behind his head, closing his eyes as he thought with amusement: Maid's gotta earn her pay somehow, right? Hell right. And I bet she'll just lick that wolf-cum right up, be all happy she's got such a fine mess to clean up after.

He snorted, feeling a bit appeased, then he glanced back and forth before leaning back in his bed and planning his day for tomorrow; it would at least prove entertaining, if busy. After all, he had to make sure that he dealt with the boss, or whoever he was... show him who was really in charge here.

Lone, however, knew a good business opportunity when he saw one; from the looks of Baskin's Grove, it was pretty obvious that the town had two sides - the good side, where he was now, and the ugly-ass side, which was apparently ruled by some cheesy slum-lord who was probably all muscle and no brain. Tomorrow, his plans included talking to the mayor of the town - who of course lived in a beautiful estate house he'd passed, right near here - about a business proposal that would renovate the slummy area of town and get rid of some of the undesirables... and to see if he knew anything about this boss character. After all, if he, Lone Wulfe, were mayor, he'd definitely make sure to know everything about the town... but then again, if he were mayor, he'd also have the boss working for him... but he had the distinct impression that the mayor and the boss were at opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of... well, everything.

The wolf sneered a bit, then he brightened as he looked up from his porno, his hands resting on his naked belly as his sneer turned to a grin, a marvelous idea suddenly making its way into his brain. "Well, damn, am I ever good..." he said softly to himself, then he began to work out the fine points of his new plan in his head, settling with greater comfort into his many-pillowed waterbed as he looked at the television with that stupid, self-inflating expression of his features as he went over his new idea in his mind like a precious gemstone, turning it around and around to see it sparkle in all the different angles of the light.

So the mayor and the boss probably hate each other, right? So what if I say I'll get rid of this boss somehow, huh? I bet that'll make me popular in this side of town, and hey, even those other dumb fucks'll eventually recognize the favor I did them and bow to me too! Damn, maybe I could even settle down here, really get made mayor in a couple of years... I think I'd like that, Mayor Lone Wulfe... that sounds like my kinda position. He nodded firmly to himself at this point, tapping his fingers up and down his belly as he continued to stare at the television screen blankly. Damn, but I'm good! And I bet that this boss asshole won't be too hard to get rid of either... hell, tomorrow, I'll start networking and making contacts here in Apple Villa... then go to my talk with the boss, see if I can get on his good side while I do some other research on him and stuff, since I'm sure no one else thought ahead that much... and then once I'm armed with enough blackmail material, I'll just bribe the stupid fuck to leave town or something.

He crossed his arms over his protruding belly with a wide grin, then he paused before adding mentally: And if he doesn't like it... I guess I'll just have to shoot him.

The last thought excited the wolf a bit... the idea of it, anyway. Sure, he'd threatened plenty of people at gunpoint before with his customized, silver-barreled forty-five revolver... and some had even pissed themselves, they'd been so scared, and it had gotten him some real, real nice cocksucking from various females... but he'd never shot it outside of the shooting ranges, and he'd certainly never shot a person before. But he knew he could do it... he was tough enough to, because they didn't get any tougher than Lone Wulfe, master business tycoon and total hard-ass. Why, Hell! He'd give the boss bastard a day or so of playing nice, then he'd offer him all generously the bribe and stuff... but if he was too dumb to take it, then fine! He'd just have to bust out his gun and shoot the asshole right in the head, no problem, no questions asked. And was anyone gonna care? He didn't think the police would do much about it even if he shot him right on the steps of the precinct. Hell, they'd probably even give him a badge and make him an honorary officer. An honorary, upstanding officer.

The wolf laughed to himself as he sat back, then he looked down at his naked crotch as he felt the excitement in him building again and he reached a hand down to toy with himself lightly as he looked up at the screen, once again beginning to drool slightly over the porn movie as he murmured to himself: "Baby... I'm so good, I make myself horny... yeah baby, but doesn't everyone just love me and my ideas... tomorrow, I'll have chicks all over me, I bet..." he paused as he felt himself beginning to rise, his wolven penis once more pushing slowly from its sheath, then grinned again as his hungry eyes roved down to his cock again, feeling pride at the fact he could get hard again in so short a space of time if he wanted to. "I wonder if the mayor has a daughter... 'cause I bet she'd just be drooling over the chance to get introduced to all of this big bad wolf..."

Then the lupine began to masturbate once more as a bit of drool fell from his muzzle, panting quietly to himself as he combined the on-screen fantasy with all those in his head, and finding that the most exciting thing he could think up was holding a gun to the head of a girl as she tried to please him with her mouth... and then pulling the trigger. That gave him a shiver of power like he'd never believed... and he couldn't wait to find out what it might be like to hold his gun on this boss and see exactly what it was like to shoot someone.

He kept that thought in mind as he began to stroke his slightly-sensitive shaft again, bringing his knees up slightly and spreading his legs out as his other hand rolled up and down his body, watching the porno on the television with glazed eyes and more lost in his own thoughts, only processing the moans and grunts of the female on screen and putting them into his own fantasies, adding them to the thought of him standing over some chick with his gun against their head, him all big and powerful, her small and being so easily dominated: he was thrusting all nine inches of his cock down her muzzle, hilting himself with every hard shove, grinning, she was crying but he knew she was loving the strong taste of his big wolf penis, his gun shoved against her head and only adding to the pleasure as she began to stroke his balls...

The wolf murred deeply, then he began to move his hand faster up and down his cock, his other hand massaging up and down over his chest and belly as he began to pant quietly already, finding himself unable to withstand the growing erotic bliss as he stroked his member rapidly, pink flesh twitching a bit as it started to leak pre almost immediately, his hand coating his hot shaft with the slick stuff and the lubrication only making it easier for him to manipulate himself as he began to jerk his hips lightly in time with his thrusts.

He moaned a bit, tilting his head back as images flashed through his mind, eyes closing as he grinned wider at the combination of pleasure and power that was filling him up. His hand stroked furiously over his pink cock, pushing a bit harder than necessary into his fleshy knot every so often to give himself an added jolt as he rocked his hips, thrusting into his rapidly moving hand - he was stroking too quickly now, however, to keep his thrusts up to speed, as his breaths came harder and he squeezed his member firmly.

The wolf's endurance had somewhat increased, however, and although the urge to release was strong, it wasn't so powerful that the lupine could have resisted if he'd want to: but Lone was a wolf without much patience, and so he desired another quick orgasm over drawing out the pleasure, instead once more climbing to his knees and assuming the same position, moaning as he moved his hand rapidly over his member, feeling his body twitching and sweat rolling through his fur as he thrusted into his hand, trying to earn that next orgasm, trying to make himself release again as hard as he could, other hand out and grasping the top of the bed to stop himself from overbalancing as he leaned slowly forwards.

He groaned hungrily as he felt his shaft twitch a bit, and it only encouraged him to stroke faster, harder, moving his hand over the slick penis as he worked his hips, imagining it was the muzzle of some lucky female, imagining that he was holding a gun to her head, was going to pull the trigger the moment he achieved orgasm... and then he arched his back with a groan as he pictured himself shooting and shooting, but before he could picture it, he opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling, mind completely enraptured by the bliss and all his fantasies falling away as he felt himself squirt another burst of seed free, splattering the ground below with little more than a dribble... but it was more than enough for the wolf as he slowed his thrusting into his hand and squeezed his nine inches of shaft gently, panting hard before he grinned as he looked down at his dripping shaft, murmuring quietly: "Yeah... yeah... that's why... that's why I'm the best." He slumped back into a sitting position, legs bent under him as he felt his slightly-sore member retracting into its furry sheath, and then he made a disgusted face as he held up one hand and noticed the gobs of white on the fur.

"Fucking sick..." he muttered, then used the edge of the bed to towel his hand off before dabbing at his sheath and wherever else he might have splattered himself, then he fell back into bed and let his eyes slip closed to the melody of moans and grunts from the porno on the television, a wide grin on his features at the prospects of the future as he sprawled out, naked and feeling accomplished.

Zerrex awoke early in the morning, his emerald eyes opening as he lay in bed silently for a few moments before yawning and sitting up, mumbling quietly under his breath as he ran a hand through his tousled hair. He glanced over at his clock, glowing in the otherwise complete darkness of his room, and made a face at the time. "Six forty three?" he muttered aloud, then he sighed and shrugged before flopping back down onto the bed, closing his eyes and contently resting for a few more minutes, spread eagled on the oversized mattress.

After a short time, however, he started to grow uncomfortable with the idea of just... laying and doing nothing, and he gave a sigh before kicking up and muttering quietly under his breath as he walked over to the wall to flick on the light switch and dig out today's clothes - which, for a change, included a black t-shirt instead of his usual short-sleeved dress shirt, and a pair of plain blue jeans, which he usually hated to wear but today would be forced to, since he'd put off doing the laundry again and was out of his usual clothing.

The reptile slide them on, then uncomfortably bent first one leg then the other, disliking the starchy, stiff feeling of the pants before he muttered and headed towards the bathroom, running his hands through his wild, sleep-crazed hair. "Today is not going to be a good day, I think..."

He rolled his shoulders as he stepped into the bathroom, flicking on the light to reveal the massive tub and oversized but otherwise ordinary toilet and sink, the latter with a large, elongated mirror above it. The reptile looked at himself blearily - he was not a morning person, and it showed as he stared at himself... but he was careful to avoid looking into his own emerald irises. Whenever he did that... well, his reflection seemed to grin and he always twitched back.

Zerrex reached up, rubbing sleep from his eyes before he fumbled for the comb that sat on the counter, then he carefully began to brush his uneven hair out as best he could, trying more to get rid of the random whorls and swirls then to make it look nice. Once finished, he reached up and flicked the front of his hair, and the bangs automatically fell forwards over his eyes as the reptile gave an amused snort. "I'm like a freaking anime character."

With that done, he turned to use the toilet, then flushed and left the bathroom to head for the kitchen; on his way through the living room, however, something caught his eye outside the curtain... and so the reptile immediately ignored it and turned towards the kitchen, keeping his tired expression and trying to hide the new alertness in his eyes and movement as he stretched and faked a yawn, not bothering with the living room lights now but instead turning on those in the kitchen as he wandered over to the fridge and pretended to shuffle through for food before closing it and finally settling upon a cheese bun from the plain plastic bag that sat upon the counter that ran the entire length of the room, but for the archway and the few appliances he had.

The reptile inspected his kitchen as he ate, careful not to look in the direction of the window for now as his eyes roved over the blue-granite countertops, leaning against the island as he examined microwave, refrigerator, industrial-size stove, plain sink and even the light fixtures above, four plain hanging globes that illuminated the room intensely - something he generally disliked but made an exception for when dealing with what he called the culinary room. His toeclaws tapped against the plain tile below as he wandered around the island, free hand tracing over the knobs on the drawers and shelves below the countertop before he finally stopped and reached down to pull open one drawer, looking into it disinterestedly as his other hand continued to guide his food up to his face.

From the drawer, Zerrex produced a plain cookbook, and then he proceeded to act as if reading it... but in reality, he instead leaned forwards a bit to gaze at the device implanted in the bottom of the drawer - a security monitor that automatically turned on once the drawer was opened, and that gave him a full view of the front of his house from the angle of a tree that was across the street. Upon seeing the intruder that was still battening at his windows, however, Zerrex sighed and pushed the drawer closed, now interesting himself in the cookbook as he looked up and said in a loud, clear voice: "I know you're out there, Sarah. Come inside and tell me whatever it is you've got."

The figure outside the window jumped as if jabbed by an cattle prod, then there was a loud, quick shuffling of feet as the figure bustled to the door, then let herself in and quickly - but quietly! - closed the door behind herself; there was then the sound of fumbling with shoes before a loud thwack of something striking the wall, and a disheartened 'Owies...' rose up as Zerrex released another sigh and closed the book, putting it down on the counter. It's really too early for this... why can't she wait until later...

Then the female was quickly trotting through the living room... only to catch the leg of the table as she veered towards the kitchen to quickly and take another fall, once more rapping her head off of a solid object - this time the floor, not the wall. Zerrex merely stared at her as he crossed his arms, gaze mild and feeling vaguely nonplussed at the klutziness of the canine; most other people he'd beat to a pulp or perhaps kill just because of how utterly irritating and useless they were, but Sarah Ginsbury was - unfortunately - a special girl and - even less fortunately - certainly not useless.

Instead of getting up, she put her elbows on the ground and rested her muzzle on her hands as she raised her head, looking up at him with shining eyes. The collie was young, in her early twenties, and fairly short - standing at only around five-three, she was someone who could cling to Zerrex's leg and spend the whole day being carried around like that. Her fur was tawny, a wonderful combination of browns, whites and light gold, and her eyes were chestnut, big and doe-like. She wasn't much in terms of shape... a bit too thick in the middle - not fat, just... thick - with small breasts and fluffy seemingly everywhere, with her large ruff that spilled down her chest and her sweeping tail, but she was cute in the extreme... when she wasn't breaking things or falling over, that was.

Today, she wore a plain halter top and pink pants. Zerrex did not want to know exactly where those pink pants had come from, as he didn't want to know most of the things that Sarah told him. She was from the Apple Villa side of town, and a rich family... meaning she had a lot of tastes that he could afford, unlike the people of Comfort Town, but, like the rest of those in his so-called territory, he also found such richness rather disagreeable and pointless.

Sarah, however, being from the brighter side of town, where the houses were perfect and the people happy and generous - if you were rich and liked to kiss ass - was a rather valuable contact for the Drakkaren... especially with her seemingly-infinite sources of gossip and random knowledge. Not to mention the fact she had both a streak of Amazonian in her that demanded justice for the poor people of Comfort Town... and her and her family, despite its vast richness from the ownership of the local grocery chains, had had many a bitter quarrel with the political zealots of Apple Villa.

In fact, one day it had gotten so bad that the family limo had been bombed... of course, seeing as how things aren't as easily constructed or properly set as on television, all the mad bomber had managed to do was cause an explosion that blew up part of the trunk and sent the ass of the limo bouncing into the air. After this near-escape, Harry Ginsbury had decided to take things into his own hands, with the police sitting on theirs - or rather, Harry suspected that their wrists had been bound and tied behind their backs by the local government through bribes, blackmail and intimidation. It was well known that the mayor had several contacts in the police force... and that his brother was the ever-estimable chief of police.

So father Ginsbury had traveled down to Elliot's bar on a slow night, and sat around waiting for the rumored boss of Comfort Town. Elliot, the bartender, had felt sympathy for Harry... they had gone to school together, been in the same classes for many a year despite their differences in social class, and all Harry had done was been born lucky... but he had acted like any other person, treated everyone as an equal and after the inheritance of the family companies, he'd given a lot to the poor whenever he could... and so the cheetah felt compelled to invite the plain but well-dressed stranger up to the bar, telling him under his breath to take off his expensive cloth overcoat and giving him a few other instructions before talking over old times a bit, until seven finally rolled around and Zerrex had come inside.

The Drakkaren had glanced at the stranger, then headed for his usual seat and taken it, raising a hand and twirling a finger; the gesture that meant 'give me the regular.' Elliot, who'd been working alone for most of the night and let Cindy cook, had rapped on the two-way door, and then Cindy had come out with a bottle of whisky, smiling faintly despite looking a bit under the weather; but Zerrex liked to be served by her. What had taken him longer to figure out, however, was that Cindy enjoyed serving Zerrex... but that was another story.

He had looked at her, then fumbled in his strange way of showing concern: "You don't look so good."

Cindy had shrugged, laughing quietly, then reached down and patted Zerrex on the cheek - the first time she'd done that, but it wouldn't be the last. It had made the reptile blink and draw his head back as she smiled at him, then she'd quietly said she must've caught a cold, but she was feeling better already... and then she'd turned and left as Zerrex stared after her; Harry had observed this, and his shrewd business mind worked fast, processing all the possibilities of the payment he knew that would be required as he sat at the bar, watching the Drakkaren pour himself a drink, stare at the amber liquid in the cup with the ice cubes floating mindlessly in it, then he'd shrugged and grabbed the bottle and drank deep from that instead.

They gave him a few minutes before Elliot nodded to Harry, then leaned in and said quietly that he was going to go and 'have a word with the Boss.' Then he'd headed over and stood politely as Zerrex at first ignored him, favoring instead his bottle before he sighed and turned towards the cheetah.

"I know that this is unusual, Boss, but...Harry's not only from Apple Villa, I know, he's messing up your whole... schedule thing-"

"It's not a schedule. It's an application system." Zerrex said slowly, his voice slightly slurred as he rocked back and forth a bit. He looked up at the cheetah with faint petulance, then he sighed before crossing his arms and immediately losing his feigned drunkenness, becoming calm and with that impartial coldness around him once more. "You know how I work, Elliot. I don't like making exceptions."

The cheetah leaned down, putting his hands on the table in a gesture he'd seemed to have done a hundred times with the reptile and would perhaps do a thousand more, his eyes meeting the lizard's... a feat which the reptile figured earned at least a minute or two for the collie dog sitting at the bar.

So he sighed and nodded, looking mildly resentful as Elliot looked obviously relieved, then he quickly headed back to tend bar as he jerked a thumb over his shoulder at Zerrex, looking at Harry with a bit of a smile.

Harry had gotten up - trembling a bit, since he was only taller than his daughter by a scant few inches, and Zerrex was the biggest damned person he'd ever seen... and from all accounts, using the word 'person' to describe him was pushing the boundaries of what exactly a person was - and then he'd gone over to the private table of the reptile and sat across from him, careful to keep his feet back and in, to avoid making any unnecessary contact with the lizard as he looked at him, then put his hands on the table and laced his fingers together, staring at those instead as he was suddenly back in grade one, peeing his pants while the students laughed and the teacher looked at him in disgust...

He began to speak in a quavering, frightened voice... but Zerrex immediately interrupted him. "Look at me when you talk to me, sheepdog. Or you can just leave right now and take your expensive checkbook with you, pelt."

The collie had looked up immediately in shock, swallowing as he remembered he wasn't dealing with the average henchman or business partner - Zerrex, whatever else, was on a level where he could afford to be rude and speciesist... and where he truly was the boss, even though he was being hired, and, as a client, Harry had to remember to pay great respect to him... so the canine bit his lip, then he forced his eyes to meet the cold emeralds of the reptile as he visualized not a business person, not a meeting, but his father in front of him... and with that image securely in mind, he felt his shakes stopping, as he realized that coldness was definitely akin to how Johannes Ginsbury had often looked upon his son... and he remembered the best way to face up to him was to lay down quietly and take his abuse until opportunity arrived...

"I'm sorry. You're rather intimidating... I just had to get over my initial reaction, that's all." Harry said in a polite but even voice, and although the reptile's features remained the same, the aura of the meeting seemed to change, as Harry continued to speak with the same flattering but calm tone. "I do come from Apple Villa, but right now, I and my family are being threatened by the people of the same place... and I need a bodyguard to protect my wife and family. I'm afraid of what lengths they'll go to get to me, so I was hoping that... if I hired the correct protection, if just for a short period of time... they'll become intimidated and... lay off."

The collie ended a bit lamely, but that was only because the reptile had sat back and now had the faintest amusement dancing in his eyes. For a moment, there was silence as Zerrex considered, then he said softly: "You're from Apple Villa, so your money doesn't interest me, since it really wouldn't cost you anything, would it, Harry Ginsbury?" the dog's eyes widened a bit at the sound of his own name, but the surprise - although theatrical - was also the result of not properly thinking things out. Of course he'd be known by the reptile... everyone in town knew the name of the master of all the local and area-wide grocery stores.

It left the collie in an unfavorable position as he looked at Zerrex quietly, then he glanced down as he narrowed his eyes in hard thought before looking up and deciding to attempt the ploy. "May I... make a phone call to check if your payment is ready, then? I think I know what would do well."

Now Zerrex looked surprised... although the only indication was a strange, raised-eyebrow mimic - one eye slightly closed, the other widened, mimicking the look that usually only belonged to things with... well, eyebrows... perfectly. He paused for a moment to consider telling him it was now or never, but then trashed that idea; his curiosity was roused, and now he wanted to find out exactly what the collie had up his sleeve. "Go ahead, sheepdog."

Harry nodded, then he stepped outside the bar for a moment to use his cell phone as Zerrex lounged in his bench, ignoring Elliot's curious stare; a few minutes later, the canine reentered the bar, crossed, then sat down and looked straight into Zerrex's eyes, saying calmly: "My daughter will spend two weeks with you, of her own free will. She's young and innocent, and if you rape her I'll try to kill you." He paused, then added in a ruthful ironic voice: "And I realize I probably won't succeed. But I'll die trying anyway."

The Drakkaren looked across at the collie, then his mouth twitched upwards in a smile as he gave a quiet laugh. "Good to know that's clear. You have balls; I like that. You're gambling, but you aren't throwing your family away. I like that too. I'll give you until I clear the mess up with you and your political friends, or a week of my time - whatever comes first - and then we'll move your daughter out to spend two weeks with me."

All-in-all, it had taken four and a half days for Zerrex to halt the nastiness in Apple Villa against the Ginsbury family, and he'd only had to kill a few people and beat a few others into the ground to do it - not a bad count at all, considering the fact that there had been over a dozen nasty politicians trying to wangle henchmen into attacking Harry and his kin. Once it was clear that they had been taken under the protection of the Boss of Comfort Town, however... well, they had been eager to agree to a truce after a failed night raid on the Ginsbury mansion.

During the four and some days, Zerrex had lived with the Ginsbury's, traveled with the Ginsbury's, and dined with the Ginsbury's... although always in his own unique way. He'd refused the suit they'd offered and the sunglasses, saying that he wasn't some government goon. He'd refused to act as the private servant for the missus, who was the snobbiest in the family but equally quick to learn not to treat him like a chauffeur or butler, after he tore off the door of the electric cart in a factory when she'd asked him to open it for her. He'd sat at the table being rude and ignoring everyone around him who tried to engage him in conversation whenever they ate together, at breakfast drinking coffee after coffee, at lunch eating whatever gravitated towards him that wasn't too fancily dressed, and at supper nursing a bottle of whisky or expensive wine, then later cooking himself a meal on the grille after everyone had gone to bed while he prowled around the mansion.

On the second night, Sarah had walked quietly downstairs - a miracle in itself, since usually she more fell or rolled at some point - and then stood in the doorway of the massive kitchen while Zerrex studiously cooked two hamburgers on the grille. She'd merely stared with big eyes as Zerrex had cooked, every so often seasoning the meat with a dash of whisky from his mostly-empty bottle before upending it over his muzzle and leaving it sitting on the counter as he flipped the burgers a final time, then taken them off the grille and put them on a plate as he went about getting two buns. He'd then fixed one burger for himself, then glanced over at Sarah - who nearly fell over - and said in his soft but commanding voice: "Come here and eat. You didn't touch dinner much tonight."

"Oh, I.. I really... I mean..." Sarah had stuttered, staring at him with wide eyes, but at a slight narrowing of the reptile's irises she'd quickly bounced over to the table and almost fallen - again. Then she'd sat down, and the reptile had shoved the burger and plate towards her as he carried his own around, dropping bits of condiment on the floor and only showing that he noticed by stepping around the little dribbles as he ate.

The next night, Sarah had come down again, and this time Zerrex had made grilled cheese - on the grille, of course. Sarah had been all but ecstatic... and this time she had fallen over on her way to the table and Zerrex had sighed, walked over, and hefted her easily up with one hand by the back of her frilly nightgown, making her stare with wide eyes at the ease and casualness with which he'd hefted her to her feet.

Needless to say, the beginning of the two weeks of her staying with him had also proved interesting; Sarah had needed several reassurances, for instance, that taking his room was alright... and then she had constantly followed the reptile around the house, to the point where he had been forced to promise her to secrecy and take her into his private quarters - the secret passage had made her squeal with delight and knock a hammer flying off the worktable - where he had been half-tempted to lock her in the cell room after she'd sent all his papers scattering. And this had only been within the first day; that night, however, was also remarkably interesting.

Sarah had lugged three suitcases with her for the two weeks: upon her arrival with her father in the limo, Zerrex had looked at them, then said she was allowed one. The collies had both protested, Sarah indignant in her own odd way, but then she'd quailed after Zerrex had given her a dark look and said he could make it none if she wanted. She'd meekly agreed to take one... and immediately tripped over the suitcase she wanted to bring in.

That night, the Drakkaren had sat with her in her room, then out of sheer vehemence, he'd told her to open up her suitcase and they were going to go through her stuff. Sarah had squealed protests, waving her arms and looking infuriated, but again had been cowed by one of Zerrex's least-evil looks; whatever else, she was more than intimidated by the reptile. So, with her blushing furiously all the while, they had gone through her stuff and sorted it all out into piles of underwear, normal wear, nightwear and ridiculous. Zerrex selected one oversized t-shirt as nightwear and thrown the two nightgowns she'd brought as ridiculous. For once, the collie had agreed and then attempted to hide the rest of her suitcase, which Zerrex immediately took and went through - discovering a swimsuit, a diary and a smattering of cosmetic items.

The Drakkaren had taken all the useless items - including most of the cosmetics - and then thrown them out, ignoring Sarah's protests. He'd then turned to her, told her that these two weeks were going to be lived like a normal - not-rich person, he corrected himself - and that if she wanted anything extra, she'd have to earn it.

She'd snorted, looking infuriated, then she'd pulled up her shirt to reveal her plain bra and asked if that got her anything. Zerrex had merely looked at her mildly, and then she'd flushed furiously before saying that she needed to change into her night clothing. Zerrex had said alright, then stood up and crossed his arms. She'd stared at him, asked him what the hell he was doing, and he'd replied evenly that if she was so eager to show off, then he might as well not leave while she changed.

It had gone back and forth for a while, but eventually the collie had - blushing furiously - changed, facing away from the Drakkaren and keeping her tail low as she took her clothes off, leaving her panties on and then slipping the oversized shirt on to cover her top. She'd then looked flatly at the lizard and called him a meanie-head. Zerrex had looked evenly back and called her a dumb bitch, which had made her gape as he turned and walked out, saying he was going to make popcorn.

At around midnight she'd gone to bed, and Zerrex had sprawled out on the couch to sleep... but an hour later, he'd heard what could only be her creeping around: the random grunts of pain came too often to be any intelligent intruder. So he pretended to lay asleep as she crawled her way to the kitchen - and yes, she was crawling - then he'd gotten to his feet as he heard her rummaging in the fridge. Moving silently, he'd walked up behind her... then clapped one hand over her mouth and grabbed her shoulder with the other, causing her to give a muffled shriek and throw the milk container across the room - thankfully it was just an empty cardboard box that the reptile hadn't bothered to take out of the fridge yet.

Then the reptile had fixed her a drink after calming her down and sitting her at the table while she glared around and panted from her little fright, then he'd sat down with her as he drank from a bottle of whisky, earning looks as she sipped her milk... then blinked when he pushed the bottle towards her. She'd hesitantly taken a sip... and that had been enough to make her a bit tipsy, so he'd immediately taken the bottle away, then picked her up and quietly carried her to bed.

The next night had been somewhat the same... Sarah wandered around, then took a drink of the reptile's scarily-high powered whisky and she was good for the night. The night after, she took a drink... Zerrex carried her to bed... but this time she wrapped her arms around his neck and insisted on sharing a goodnight kiss with him, which he'd reluctantly done. It made for her being rather giggly and embarrassed the next day... although that night, she'd held her arms out to him without the drink of whisky... and this time he not only carried her to bed, he ended up sleeping with her, their bodies clothed, but his hands resting on her breasts and their muzzles side by side.

During the day, she was chaste; but that night, when she came out of her room, she walked out naked, and this time didn't bother with the kitchen but just climbed on top of him on the couch and pushed her muzzle down on his.

So Zerrex had taken her, and how loud she had screamed... but in the morning, despite her bleeding and shivering from the night before, she was looking at him with even more adoration in her eyes as they lay together, naked on the couch... and the reptile let it be that day, ignored his other duties and simply rested with her there for most of the day, naked and together... there had been a few more times throughout the day where they had enjoy each other, but mostly it was just her cuddling to him and talking quietly about her life.

But he thought that first time, when she'd dared to climb atop him like the princess daring to mount the dragon - in more ways than one - and she had pressed her small muzzle against his much-larger one, seeking a deep, not-so-chaste kiss... that had been good. That had been special, in fact, if not so much for him, then all the more for her. He had rolled onto his back and felt her naked body straddle his thick one as best she could, her arms wrapping around his neck as her mouth sought to push deeper against his, the reptile resisting for a moment, surprised by the kiss... but then hungrily pushing back, their tongues wrestling, his thicker one always the winner, always seeking deeper down towards her throat as she intertwined her own around his.

They worked their mouth together as he nude body gently began to bear down on his, her arms wrapped around her neck: she was inexperienced from the trembling of her body and the way she was half-slipping against him, but the erotic rubbing that resulted from her constantly resetting her position against him only made him feel all the more aroused, as one of his strong hands reached up to push against the middle of her back, moving her on top as he lay flat and then wrapped around her waist, securing her against him. She spasmed when he moved his other hand up to grasp her breast, her body stiffening as she bit into the kiss, but then she only gave a quiet moan as he slowly squeezed the firm swell in his large fingers, rolling it slowly in his hand... small, but he felt they were alright. They could both be worse off... and he squeezed again gently, lightly pushing it up by the underswell and making her twitch against him, almost spasm again, her eyes opening as she began to withdraw from the long, hungry kiss.

She felt his hands rolling slowly across his chest, then her fingers began to slowly unbutton his shirt as she sat up, her legs straddling his thick form on the couch as she leaned forwards and stared into his eyes for a few moments, her own full of anxious desire as she already began to breathe a bit harder, her legs fidgeting a bit as he felt her warm crotch bearing down against his firm abdominals, then she pushed back to straddle his waist and groin as she manage to fumble another few buttons open. He watched with interested, entertained eyes as she dropped her gaze to his chest after managing the last few buttons of his shirt and pulling it untucked from his waistband, a small tremble appearing now in her hands as she pulled his shirt open to stare over his powerfully-muscled form.

Zerrex shrugged it down from his shoulders, then he sat up so she could pull it free from his body, sifting in his crotch again as her hands moved up to trace over the blunt rises of muscle against his tight hide of scale, whispering wordlessly to herself as she stared at his chest before bringing her gaze once more up to his emerald eyes, swallowing thickly before she managed to murmur softly: "You're so... so huge... and... I want you to know, want to be sure you know... I am a virgin..."

"I figured as much." Zerrex's hands reached out to massage up and down her sides slowly before they shifted up to her naked breasts, squeezing the warm swells slowly and making her twitch, eyes slipping closed for a moment as she let out a soft breath before they opened again to stare up at him with awe and nervousness, feeling his expert hands gently squeezing and working her bust as he continued to speak in a calm, almost casual tone: "I'll be as gentle as I can. But I am more concerned with myself than you, let's be clear on that. And it will hurt you, but I don't like it when I don't manage to hilt. So this is your last chance to back out."

The collie looked at him, swallowed again... but then she shook her head and whispered quietly: "I understand... I promise not to scream too much, then..."

At this, Zerrex smiled, his eyes half-lidding before he suddenly rolled, hands slipping down her sides to grab her hips firmly as he moved to take the top position, throwing his weight against her to bend her and pin her crotch against his own groin, rolling his hips so she could feel the thick flesh of his firming penis through the cloth as he said softly, entrapping her irises with his own: "Scream all you want. It's all music to my ears, Sarah."

Sarah nodded meekly, trembling as she felt the reptile pull back a bit and get up to his knees, rolling his head on his shoulders as he reached down and undid his fly, then pushed both his pants and his boxers down to reveal the reptile's girthy, still-mostly-flaccid cock, and she gave a half-moan, half-sigh at the sight of it, barely able to believe what she was seeing as her eyes widened before she shook her head, trying to scoot away a bit as Zerrex reached down and grasped his massive, thick obsidian penis in one hand and reached down to pin her with the other, his hand firmly pushing down on her stomach. "Oh... oh no, please... Zerrex, I mean, you're way too big, I didn't know... I didn't think you'd be so huge... you'll hurt me, kill me with that thing-"

"You had your chance to back out." Zerrex responded calmly, but his tone was gentler than what he might usually use, as he guided the head of his still-flaccid shaft against the sealed entrance of her virginal vagina, rolling it slowly up and down against and feeling the warmth there that betrayed the continuing arousal of the canine despite her panicked outburst. "Now we're going all the way. Like it or not."

She struggled a bit, grabbing his wrist and trying to pull his hand away as he slipped a bit closer on his knees, straightening as her legs flailed a bit on either side of him before she stopped resisting and instead closed her eyes tightly, nodding as she grit her teeth before she slumped a bit and then raised her head so she could once more reopen her eyes and gaze at his hardening cock as he stood on his knees between her legs, only able to whimper a bit as his one hand stroked her stomach and the other his cock, bringing it finally to his full thirty-two inch erection. She gaped a bit at the girthy, nearly three feet of black reptile penis, the head rounded and flared and the shaft perhaps as thick as a wine bottle, with veins that bulged like cables along the fleshy length, and then she whimpered as she remembered where it was about to go as he moved his body back a bit, his hand slipping to grasp one of her hips tight enough to cause a small burst of pain as he used that to bend her back a bit and elevate her lower half into the air, her legs instinctively trying to grasp his sides as he moved back a bit. "Oh... God..."

"In a moment, I will be... to you, at least." Zerrex responded softly, as he guided the massive head of his shaft down to the lips of her vagina, making her spasm before he ground himself forwards, the collie whimpering a bit as his hand now moved up from grasping his enormous obsidian member to grasp her other hip as well now, the reptile leaning his thick, powerful body over her and breathing softly for a moment before he grunted and slammed his huge length forwards, pistoning his shaft into her and making her arch her back and scream, eyes going wide as the massive, oversized penis tore its way into her vagina and shattered her virginity like a sledgehammer.

She screamed as Zerrex groaned, closing his eyes and grinning at the feeling of it, the warmth that was both solid and liquid, tight and flowing. Blood from her ripped vagina poured down around his shaft as her legs kicked on either side of him, spasming, her thighs shoved wide, her pelvis feeling like it had cracked... but even in the haze of pain that had ripped into her, she knew it wasn't nearly as bad yet as it was going to become...

And she was right: right now, there was only the thickness of the cock to contend with, the reptile's long shaft only having pierced six or seven inches into her. He paused to roll his hips slowly, grunting as he clutched her hips and shifted position so his body lay more fully over hers, one hand going up to grab the arm of the couch as he revolved his hips, grinding himself against the tight walls of her passage and making her shriek and roll her head from side to side in pain as blood pooled down into the cushions below their joined sexes, and then the reptile suddenly shoved forwards again, letting out another animal grunt as he forced almost half of his huge length into her, and suddenly Sarah found herself not only incredibly stretched, but incredibly full as well... and she moaned, her hips spasming and bucking against him, her vagina pushing back against the massive cock, trying to force the invader out, but it was no use. It only increased the reptile's pleasure, as she reached up her hands to grab his broad shoulders, then she screamed as the painful fullness turned to another horrible ripping sensation.

Zerrex thrusted again, driving in now three quarters of his huge cock before he growled, teeth gritting and eyes opening before he shoved powerfully, feeling himself tearing her passage and that which lay beyond apart, massive member forcing into her until only a few inches remained outside of the collie's passage, and Zerrex stopped for a moment, panting somewhat and letting out a slow groan through his teeth at the feeling of his huge cock buried inside of her as it was, then he slowly began to draw back as Sarah screamed and dug her fingers into his shoulders.

She couldn't make words. The pain was simply too intense for that: she was incoherent, shrieking, horrified of what she'd done, terrified at the blood she felt leaking out of her, staining the fur of her crotch, groin, thighs and tail as she tried to clutch at him with her legs, as she felt him dragging his huge member back along her torn and insanely stretched passage... then she screamed louder, her voice cracking, when he thrusted back in and she felt his firm waist pound against hers, his testicles swinging forwards to mash into her anus, the more-than-grapefruit sized balls, making her legs spasm as he lowered his weight down onto her body a bit more. His hand roved up from her hip now to grab one breast firmly, then give it a hard squeeze, causing another sensation that was this time both pain and pleasure before he pinched the nipple, emitting another of those strange erotic sensations in her chest as he said in a pleased voice: "Yeah... that's what I like..."

He began to thrust, and Sarah screamed with every shove of his monstrous shaft, feeling it tearing deep into her, far past where any normal penis should go as she squeezed her hands into the giant's shoulder and felt her hips instinctively rocking back with every shove the penis; he drew more than half of himself out before shoving deep again, giving small grunts with every hard piston of his cock, his already thick-muscles bulging with power as he worked himself firmly but slowly back and forth.

The reptile grunted as he continued to thrust, then he pulled back before hilting himself firmly, electing another cry of agony from Sarah before he slipped his legs forwards and raised his body up, his knees slipping out in a V beneath her legs as both of his hands reached down to grab her hips, then he began to thrust with a bit more speed, grunting as he looked down at her with a grin of pleasure on his features and desire burning in his eyes, working himself in and out powerfully as the collie's hands, no longer able to grasp his hips, reached out to grab and clench the cloth of the couch, almost tearing it as she shrieked, her head rolling back and forth before her eyes opened and she released a loud moan instead of a scream, her legs clutching around his waist as hard as they could as she managed: "God... G-God..."

Then she dropped her head back and released another cry of pain, but slowly, so slowly, there was a pleasure growing in her crotch that was beginning to not only contend with but drown out the agony that was ripping her to shreds. A heat was expanding in her groin, something different from the feeling of her blood leaking out from her reamed vagina, pulsing in time with the movements of the Drakkaren; but every time, the heat seemed to be shrinking less and growing more, as she let out a half-moan, half-cry, dropping her head to the side and feeling a bit of drool falling from her muzzle as Zerrex continued to rock his hips and pound powerfully in and out.

She felt pain, that was definite... but there was a growing pleasure in her too, despite how widely stretched she'd become... or maybe because of it, and because the reptile was moving powerfully, but in the same rhythm, his testicles making a powerful, smacking beat against her anus, slapping her with surprising force with every thrust... and that was adding to the growing feelings of eroticism and pleasure in her crotch...

But then, as she opened her eyes and managed to tilt her head up, staring at him with her jaw agape and the deepest agony and pleasure she'd ever known warring in her eyes, pleasure and desire managed to gain the top and she moaned loudly, arching her back but keeping her eyes focused on the muscular giant that was shoving his girth in and out of her ravaged vagina, her legs spasming and bucking before clamping onto him as she began to try and rock back against him instead of just bucking her hips, her hands clutching tighter onto the cloth of the couch as she stared at him hungrily. His massive body, the sight of his scales shimmering lightly with sweat, the grin of pleasure on his features and those burning emerald eyes... it was that sight, the glorious vision of the huge reptile taking her that suddenly filled her mind and made the pleasure rise far over the pain. And suddenly, a random, rapid and animal thought skittered through her mind as she moaned loudly, drool falling from her gaping muzzle. Oh God... if only there were mirrors so I could watch his cock fucking me...

She could almost picture it in her mind as she saw his eyes flicker with interest down at her, as she tried to bring her head up again, then arched her back and moaned loudly, as he increased the strength and speed of his thrusts, continuing to try and work back against him as she began to speak in a ragged voice, throat raw from her screams... and at first, all she could manage were incoherent moanings, but as Zerrex leaned forwards over her, bringing his body closer to hers as he continued to thrust powerfully, she finally spoke in a lustful, trembling voice: "Fuck me hard... fuck me hard, Boss... oh... oh God, fuck me hard..."

Zerrex's eyes glinted at this, feeling his own pleasure increase as he stared down into the needy-gaze of the collie, then he clenched his hands into her hips as his grin spread a bit wider before he bent forwards, growling a bit before beginning to thrust quickly and powerfully, working his shaft in and out of her hard enough to jounce her body with every shove, breasts bouncing as her eyes went wide and she cried out loudly, now working in words and small phrases like "Yes, hard! Yes!" along with her moaning and harsh panting. His cock squelched in and out of her tight vagina, blood and now other liquids dribbling down it, the reptile's black flesh stained with her liquids as it shoved hard in and out.

At first, the sudden increase in speed and power had taken the collie by surprise and made her scream, brought the pain back in sharp spikes, but after the initial shock the pleasure had once more rapidly begun to mount, and she felt herself tightening strangely around the reptile, her muscles beginning to contract against him as she moaned hotly, head rolling from side to side, trying desperately to keep her gaze on the reptile as she felt his thick cock pistoning in and out of her before she suddenly gasped and let out a loud cry of pleasure-pain as he twisted and rolled, his claws digging into her hips as she suddenly found herself on top, falling on his chest and feeling that massive length still buried in her, her breasts pressing down into his muscular chest as she felt him slow his thrusts in and out as he spread his legs, then their gazes locked and he grinned at her as he rested down on the couch before ordering in a calm voice that was laced with total domination: "Sit up and start bouncing. Then I'll help out."

The collie nodded quickly, swallowing before sitting up and moaning as she felt him hilted in her, massive shaft rubbing against her passage as he put his hands behind his head, the reptile's tongue rolling out to trace along the outside of his muzzle as his eyes watched her hungrily, as she managed to push her legs forwards so her feet were on either side of the giant on the couch, then she began to move up and down, moaning at the feeling, her legs trembling and threatening to give out at first... but then she began to move faster up and down the huge shaft, working her body up and down as her hands automatically clutched at her jiggling breasts, squeezing her mounds as she felt the pleasure beginning to take over and drive her for more.

She began to work herself faster and faster up and down the great pole of meat, as the lizard teasingly thrusted his huge shaft up and then drew it slowly back, purposefully moving as leisurely and slowly as possible to make the collie moan at the added out-of-rhythm pleasure, as she fell forwards a bit and put her hands on his thick waist, using that to better anchor herself as she began to rock her hips faster up and down the massive cock before Zerrex reached up and seized her waist, making her look up from his chest to meet those hungry emerald eyes, her pleasure making her feel wild and the heat, the clutching of her vagina around that monster cock buried in her, the wetness that was no longer just blood leaking out his shaft... all of that combined to make her feel dazed and like she was dreaming as the reptile whispered: "Get ready for the big finale, now. I think you might even enjoy it."

With that, he grinned wide before he grunted and began to shove himself violently in and out, the rapid thrusts hilting him with every hard shove upwards and causing her breasts to bounce on her chest as she threw her head back and let out a loud cry... but this time, it was pleasure that dominated, as she felt his massive shaft rocketing in and out of her and it was all she could do to keep herself slightly elevated, loud moans and shrieks coming from her muzzle as she felt that heat growing, growing, then suddenly exploding inside of her, erotic bliss rolling through her being as she tilted her head back, gaping at the sky as she released a long, loud cry of ecstasy at the feeling of her muscles clutching and contracting against the immense shaft buried up her vagina and a rush of heat down her vagina, rolling down the thrusting cock of the reptile.

Zerrex murred deep in pleasure at the feeling of her orgasm - it was an erotic sensation that he didn't get very often, except from more experienced consensual partners, for the most part. But apparently Sarah had managed to adjust... and as he continued to rock his obsidian cock in and out of her, he couldn't help his own stiffening in return, the bliss of her waterfall of fluids and nearly-painfully tight passage around his thick, massive cock inciting his own orgasm, especially combined with his powerful pistoning in and out of her.

He groaned, dropping his head back and letting his eyes slip closed as he continued to shove himself in and out without restraint, hearing the sound of her cries and the fleshy squelch of his cock ripping into her vagina over and over again, hilting with every shove upwards and then drawing nearly twenty inches of shaft back before pistoning back in. He was rapidly stiffening up... and then suddenly, he was over the edge, feeling his member become as hard as steel as he worked his massive length even faster with the fury of approaching erotic ecstasy, releasing another loud groan of pleasure that was as bestial as a growling feral tiger.

Sarah let out another cry of bliss, arching her back as she felt the huge cock ripping in and out with even greater force before there was suddenly a thick explosion of heat inside of her, rapidly followed up by another series of bursts as the giant reptile's orgasm hit, and all she could do was shriek in pleasure at the feeling of being filled up by the thick, viscous fluid: it burned, it caused agony as it shot into places it probably shouldn't, as it sank into the ripped walls of her stretched and torn vagina, but it also caused an immediate bliss as she felt it leaking out with blood and her own fluids, the reptile continuing to thrust powerfully. On his end, though, there was nothing but erotic bliss at the feeling of releasing his hot load deep into the collie, and the screams of mixed agony and bliss were nothing but music to his ears as he continued to pound in and out of her before he finally began to slow, and then stop as she collapsed on top of his chest, panting harshly and moaning, her vagina streaming fluids... before it released them in a copious gush as Zerrex - breathing hard himself, but in far better condition than Sarah - pulled himself free, his cock still thick and fully erect, ready for more... but the dog was obviously exhausted, and this one, at least, Zerrex didn't want to kill.

Instead, she lay on him, her body trembling with the aftermath, her vagina releasing their juices and her blood in a slow flow before she rolled over on his muscular body, almost falling off but saved as he wrapped his arms around her waist, then she managed to get her head up enough to see the blood-stained and white-streaked cock of the reptile - not hard, since it was now resting partially on top of her, still hard as it was - then her own torn and still-gaping crotch, which she felt slowly trying to return to normal... but the amount of blood was enough to make her pale before she dropped back against the giant's chest, feeling faint as she whispered: "You got... really... really deep into me. Am... there's a lot of blood... is that... am I in trouble?"

Zerrex smiled slightly at this, leaning up to glance down as he felt himself finally beginning to go flaccid, more through power of will then because he was no longer horny. "No, you're fine. You'd be amazed what a person can survive..." the reptile paused, thinking back to some of his former exploits before he looked down at her worried eyes again. "If the blood flow doesn't stop, then we'll give you some pills to stop it. But it's not being... aggravated any more, so you'll be alright."

"Thank you..." the collie said meekly, then she glanced down at herself before closing her eyes and dropping her head back against the reptile as the pleasure faded... and the pain returned with vengeance in full. "I just want to lay here for now, if that's okay, Boss..."

"Sleep." Zerrex said softly, and he would hold her like that all night... and for most of the next day, after patiently answering her worried questions about if her vagina would be permanently that wide or if she should see a doctor and such. Then, when she awoke, they'd first lain together in silence... and then after she'd confirmed that her bleeding had stopped and seen that her vagina looked mauled but with her lips at least closed, she'd started to talk about her life.