Wrong Bride, Right Groom - The Father, the Friend, and the Horny Roommate

Story by Cyan Spirt on SoFurry

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#13 of Wrong Bride, Right Groom

Hey there everyone, I know it's been a long while since I posted something on my story series, and for that, I apologize. I've just been dealing with some rather overbearing and overwhelming issues in my personal life that have...well...basicly sapped not only my desire to write as I used to, but my will to continue doing much of anything at all these past few months. I've spent alot of time just staring blankly at the screen, hoping something other then my own tormenting thoughts would come to mind so that I could continue on with the series....and as you can see, those times that something else did show up were scarce. If you have any fears that I won't finish the series, allow me to put them to rest by saying directly, I will continue to write the adventures of Maxi, Jason, and everyone else for as long as I can....it might just take me a while longer then expected.

*sighs* I'm sure you've heard it before from other writers about personal things and what not....becuase I know I'm far from the first to have to deal with such things. and to tell the truth, i'm not really sure why I feel compelled to explain myself to a...forgive my bluntness...for the most part, groups of random strangers that chances are I'll never meet....but it seems I do, so please forgive my indulgence. Maybe it's becuase you all are random...that becasue the odds that I'll ever meet any of you are slim to none....that that ananimity creates this sort of safty barrier where I know that I can say such things. But for whatever reason, I do find it easier to write this out on a place where it's public...and yet at the same time it's sorta not.

Anyways, now that 've finished deconstructing my own mind for no other purpose then to put to rest my idea-laden mind, it seems I should finally get to it huh? So to make a VERY long and rather convaluted story short....I lost someone very close to me...someone who, since I had met them, had been both my guiding light and my pillar of support....and who was the last person I ever thought I'd have to live my life without. Somone who showed me that love isn't just this fictional concept we authors write about....that it doesn't only exists in dreams, and stories, and hopes...but that it can be achieved in the physical realm. I lost the one person who....no matter where I was going to go in life, they were stead-fast determined to stick by my side and never let me travel the world alone.........



I lost my mate

Now, not lost as in "I lost them...oh where could they be?" or "I lost them to another person" or even, "we broke it off because we just didn't click"....no. I lost them...because they died. They died and left me with such a gaping wound that writing...as with just about everything else....seemed to just loose any purpose or motivation; not to mention, a burden that no matter what I'm told, will still be carried around with me because of the type of hopeless romantic that I am. But all of that was over four months ago...and yet still it plagues me like one of those reoccuring nightmares that makes you fearfull of going to sleep, it makes you scared of the demons inside your own head, of what damage your imagenation can do to your phyche when left unchecked and unchained.

Nonetheless...I'm still going to write...I'm still going to create. Because in creating something new that wasn't there before...I can avoid focusing on something that was there before, but isn't here now, and will never be again.

Whoa.....I didn't really mean to ramble that much to you dear readers of mine....I guess it just felt good to get some things off my chest to an audience where i know that awkward moments won't happen, where I can hide behind the viel of the internet to speak my mind though somoene else, and yet still let it be me. Still...I'm done now for the moment...so let's get down to the writing mumbo-jumbo.

This story contains graphic scenes of my imagenation doing sexual things to itself and then being transcribed into words by my hands before being sent to all of your computers via the internet. all characters are copywrited to me...but that doesn't mean I'm a stickler about them, if you want to use one...or have an idea about something...or simply feel like sening me a random note, I can be reached at [email protected], the comments tag below, or those little messages from the forums.

So, now that that's all over and done with...please enjoy the newest chapter to my series, and I'll see about getting to work on the next chapter as well as a provocative mini-series I've recently come up with.

Sincerly your writing wolf,

Cyan Spirt.


This story is dedication to the one person who, for the first time in my life, made me speechless

This story is dedicated to my mate....may we be reunited in the end.


Stricken with fear, Maxi latched onto the body before him, pulling himself tightly to Jason's back with a terrified mew as he glanced around the pitch black room for a sign of what was to come. "What's going on?" he asked, the hair on the scruff of his neck standing straight up, his breaths getting faster as the tense seconds passed.

"I...I don't know," the canine responded, making a small mental prayer that the darkness hid his face, etched with pain, from the innocent cat behind him. The absence of illumination concealed his treachery, though his betrayal for the sake of his own family and culture was just beginning to come to light; "Just...stay close," he said softly as both males waited for the lights to flicker on.

Their curiosity was finally answered, the sources of the rhythmic breathing and gun cocking revealed to them in a bright flash of light that had both teens covering their eyes to avoid seeing spots for the first seconds. As soon as they managed to see clearly, the pair was greeted with a blue gray room with large pillars placed in rows down the main walkway on which they stood; not to mention, a minimum of twenty heavily armed canine troopers wielding weapons ranging from pistols and magnums up to include shotguns and assault rifles. The barrels of the surrounding guns all pointing in their general direction, but Maxi got a sickening feeling that most were aimed at his forehead. The guards were dressed from nose to tail in heavy black body armor, the riveted light steel panels layered like a turtle's shell, forming overlaps across their chest and arms; the look topped off with heavy metal helmets and visors of black bulletproof plastic that both shielded and hid their faces. "You did very well, Operative," that same deep voice from before said, its origin somewhere behind the wall of troopers.

The feline glared around the room, his ears pinned back while he tried to locate the source of the voice, but sound reverberated too much in the cluttered entranceway. "What's he talking about? Who is he referring to?" Maxi questioned, his arms still tightly locked around the dog while his face remained buried into the base of the canine's neck. The lion then took several deep inhales of Jason's musk; fearing that this might be the last time he could take in his scent before lead bullets ripped them to shreds. Though that didn't stop his eyes from wondering as he recognized something familiar about the soldiers, or rather the symbol embossed on their amour, a large silver paw print with black pads.

"I...I don't know that either," the canine replied, having certainly not expected such a gathering when they made their entrance into the compound. But all he could do to comfort the cat without calling a treason hearing, was reach back and give a soft reassuring squeeze to the lion's right thigh as he waited for the voice's source to appear. "Yeah, show yourself!" he said in a tense voice as he played the part of a worried lover, much to his surprise, better then he expected.

"You can drop the act now HeartBreaker..." the stern voice said as two rows of armored canines slowly split, like a sea dividing, and revealed their host. Maxi watched in hushed silence as to his surprise, instead of a military general that he had assumed was their leader, a rather respectable older gentleman strutted out instead; he held no obvious weapon, though what he did wield was not only the respect and fear of his subordinates, but the power that came with it. His face was long and narrow, time having taken its toll as stress lines rippled along his features, and black circles hung under his piercing hazel eyes that struck the lion at his core. The male's pelt was a rich umber color, much the same hue and length as Jason's, or so it appeared. His head fur showing large streaks of white and gray running from front to back, making him look aged with knowledge and character. The feline continued to watch, noting his species was of the fabled Great Dane lineage; the canine standing there dressed in a light beige, three button suit with a white frilled undershirt and thin red tie tied in a Half-Windsor knot just under the buttoned collar, his arm lifting as he made a 'come hither' motion to Jason.

The lion stood there motionless, suddenly getting the feeling that he was left out of the loop on some very important information that might explain as to why Jason seemed calm...almost sad at the proceedings. "Act?...What is he referring to Jason?" the feline squeaked, turning the dog around to face him as he saw the dog struggling to keep small rivers of tears from dripping down his cheeks. "Jason please, tell me this is all a mistake..." he said in a hauntingly shallow voice, his fingers curling into a white knuckled grip on the male's sweater.

Dropping his head to avoid the piercing stare he got from those golden eyes, the canine whimpered a soft "I'm sorry..." before he slowly took a step backwards away from the feline. Turning around to face his boss, he offered a respectful bow before taking a few steps in his direction, "Yes Sir. As requested Sir, I have acquired the Cordero's youngest son and delivered him into your possession as stated in Operation Annulment...Sir."

"You have done quite well for yourself Agent," the elder canine said as a sinister smile crossed over his muzzle; tilting his head to the side, he peered around Jason look the feline up and down, letting a small chuckle leave his lips. "Did I say Agent?" he asked himself, taking a step forward to place a paw on the smaller dog's shoulder and squeezing it, "I meant to say...son."

"Son?" Maxi shouted in surprise, feeling as though he could see the troopers' grins through their opaque helmets; "So that's all this was, a-a mission? Is that all I am to you Jason...a fucking objective?" he screamed in a fit of rage as he attempted to take a step towards the pair. But the boy was stopped as a tight arm wrapped itself around his neck, the pressure of a gun barrel placed against the side of his temple. The hammer was cocked back with a loud click, the cat already feeling the drips of sweat pour off of his forehead, his eyes full of quelled fire.

Gasping, Jason took in the sight for a brief second before turning, "You said that you wouldn't hurt him, Father. That if I brought him in safely, no harm would come to him...That was our deal Dad!"

The Director glared down at his son before glancing up at the enforcer and waving him off with a sigh and flick of his wrist, "There, done. Now can we get this show on ro-"

"W...W-Wait!" the cat stuttered, struggling to regain his breathing after having his windpipe nearly crushed by the brute's massive forearm; paws going to clutch his neck, he gasped for a complete lungful of air before he finally managed to stand up straight, taking several steps towards Jason. The canine backed up till he was wedged between one of the pillars, and the advancing lion with a freshly rekindled hatred of him; those golden paws gripping onto either side of the dog's torso, their eyes meeting once again as pain overtook the rage in the feline's face. "Tell 'em what you told me just minutes before on the walk here. I don't care who you are, just repeat what you said," the cat pleaded; like a kitten, the lion mewed pitifully and rested his head on the boy's chest, "please, tell them the truth...tell them you love me."

Jason just stared down at the yellow feline clinging to him like a damp rag, the dane's fingers going to grip the golden paws, and with nothing said, he attempted to pry them off of him. He could hear small whimpers as he watched through Maxi's eyes, the lion's heart breaking at seeing the one person he thought he could trust, betray him. His own eyes filling with silent tears as he slid the cat's arms to his side, defeat registering in those golden eyes.

"You and you," the director said, pointing at two guards from the perimeter, "Escort our captive to his new quarters while preparations for phase two are made. The rest of you are relieved of your posts for the for a job well done." His comment received with applause from the mob, the two selected troopers eagerly holstering their weapons and moving to intercept the cat; the other canines all slapping paws and making plans to meet later at a neighborhood bar.

The two faceless guards grabbed Maxi, one on each arm, and effortlessly pulled him from Jason, the cat's head hanging low as tears dripped down his cheek. They easily dragged away the lion's flaccid form, his legs sliding along the tiled floor as he was hoisted up by the brutes. As they moved away, one of them spoke to the other, "Hey David, I can't wait till we get a shot at his tight tail. You don't think HB took him already?" His large muscular paw reaching down to give the feline's rear a rather harsh grope and squeeze; "You know I'm not a fan of sloppy seconds!" The two guards then burst out laughing as well as other agents in ear-shot, though Jason just watched the lion barely react, his body remaining limp as a wet noodle.

Soon, only Jason, his father, and a few meandering agents who had came around at the first sign of something big, remained in the hallway. "What's going to happen to him now, Dad?" he asked with a skittish tone as he looked up to the imposing canine that towered over him.

"That's none of your concern," he replied harshly as he raised his paw and backhanded his own offspring across the right side of the face, sending him stumbling a few steps backwards before he regained his balance. "You know you are to refer to me as your Director at all times, agent!" he shouted; none of the other wondering agents giving a second glance, the father-son screaming matches having become common place around the compound. "I only told the news to him that I sired you because it would sever the bonds between you instantly," he explain matter-of-factly.

Wiping the spit from the side of his muzzle, Jason just looked down at the floor and nodded; "Yes sir..." his dreams of actually having got through to the nurturing part of his father shattered in an instant. Slowly he made his way back towards the well-dressed leader of the entire P.O.O.D.L.E. academy and resistance organization.

Sighing angrily, the older dog reached into his breast pocket and tossed a small handkerchief at his kin while his eyes were occupied at following the passage taken by the lion and his captors. "But, if you feel like you must know...He will be kept in an isolated cell in the prison ward till he softens his resolve," the dane then started walking while he talked, to which Jason quickly kept up step behind him; "After receiving such a mental blow as realizing his lover was just smoke and mirrors, and whose only purpose was to betray him...he's going to be in no state to disclose the information that we seek from him. A couple days in the hole should counter that, however."

By the time his father had finished his speech, they had arrived at the entrance to the executive elevator, the Director pushing the small down arrow as the two danes waited for the summoned elevator. Jason had remained quiet the entire walk, the realization of his actions truly dawning on him, "What sort of things are you going to ask him? I have learned a lot myself, maybe I can be there when you question him...Heck, I could be the one to do it!" he said with a soft smile, his tail wagging at maybe getting to see the lion another time. The dog couldn't quite grasp why he wanted to be next to the feline, it was just something about Maxi that made him question weither some of his answers weren't derived from his heart rather then his training.

"Classified insider knowledge, and we have a specially trained feline inquisitionist who has been trained in...information retrieval tactics," he said with a dark snicker, though the ding of the elevator broke their concentration, the pair turning to see the flashy doors open into a leather upholstered interior. Jason knew that those 'tactics' his father had called them, was just a fancy way to say torture, but kept the correction to himself. "And as for you..." the leader continued, "You are not allowed anywhere near his cell...or the entire level for that matter. Your specialties are in seduction, not interrogation. Keep to what you know best, HeartBreaker."

The Director's voice was cold and sharp like always, the boy having heard it since he was a pup, and yet still he could not get used to the blunt icy chill that climbed his spine whenever his father gave him an order. Jason wondered if the other agents got that feeling as well; or maybe it was just the last strings of hope, that maybe his father would be more like a dad to him then a boss, snapping and repairing at every word. "And what should I do now?" he asked softly, hoping his desire to work might get on his father's better side as he tried to move into the elevator.

The larger canine stopped him with an outstretched paw against his chest as he got into the elevator car alone, "Go to the medical bay and get yourself looked over. You are being taken off the duty roster for the time being while you recuperate from your experience. We can't have any weakness in our defenses if we plan on carrying out our mission as planned." And with that, Jason stepped back and watched the door close, about to turn away before claws slipped and halted the elevator for a brief second as the voice rang out again; "You didn't actually sleep with that filthy, mangy, stray did you?" he asked coldly, face hidden from his son's view.

"No..." Jason said softly, his hopes about being asked to join his dad quickly dashed; he watched the door slowly close before turning away and heading back down the passage with paws in his pockets as he tried to figure out what to do next. There was no way he was going to the Med-ward as his dad suggested, he knew that much...especially after the outbreak of 'accidental' brainwashing and mind altering on a returning party of agents from a highly secretive mission. But that certainly didn't leave him with much else, the dinning hall would be too crowded with gawkers, suck-ups who thought they could get to his father through him, and furrs who just wanted to hear his stories; not to mention, he wasn't very hungry after seeing how miserable and destroyed Maxi had been as they shuffled him away to his cell. That saddened face etched into his memories so clearly that even when he closed his eyes, he could see the lion's golden orbs coming to grips with his situation.

As he pondered his situation while walking along the nearly empty corridors of the training section where they had entered into, he accidentally bumped shoulders with a fellow agent. Looking up, the first thing he noticed was the wide arc of a large swaying red tail accompanied by the slim hips of it's owner, a girlish giggle following as he followed up the furr's frame to se the face of a female fox staring back at him. She cocked her head at an angle, a wide brimming smile on her face as her long amber locks toppled over her shoulders and spilled over her breasts like water down a stream; "Something bothering you Jase? You seem a bit distracted hon," she asked with a southern twang, reaching out to gently pat the dog's cheek with her soft black paws.

"Just the usual stuff, RB..." he muttered halfheartedly as he used a paw to push back his hair from falling over his eyes and took a second look at the vixen in front of him. She was dressed in a large white lab coat that dropped from her shoulders all the way to the floor, the last inch of her high-heel shoes peaking out from under the hem, black just as she liked them. The fox's complexion was soft, delicate much like the chemicals she handled from being a lab technician in the research and development department of P.O.O.D.L.E.; her face was round, yet sleek, the soft red fur giving way to a white pelt that started from just under her lower lip and traveled till it was hidden by the coat's collar.

The vulpine smiled as she leaned against the wall, snapping her delicate fingers while she adjusted the red rimmed glasses which were perfectly camouflaged against her fur; "Rb, atomic symbol for element number 37, Rubidium. Atomic weight, 85 grams per mole. Group 1. Row 5. And the best known fact..." she said with a smile, "explosive when it comes in contact with water." The female required no text or periodic table to recount her facts, "that is...unless you were talking about me, in which case the name's Agent RB or Rebecca...bub!" as she playfully punched the dane in the arm.

Jason just shrugged as he placed his back against the opposite wall, crossed his arms over his chest, and planted the sole of one foot firmly against the wall; "You certainly do know your stuff, guess that's to be expected from the youngest furr ever accepted into the R&D department here. But you do have to admit, that element certainly does fit your personality...explosive if mishandled."

"Aww, you know me too well," she retorted, moving from her spot to saunter over to his side and take a spot next to him, leaning against his closest shoulder. "But the same can be said that I know you just as well, and it's fairly obvious to anyone that something's on your mind. Now I've seen you when your dad knots-up your britches...But this is something else." The fox leaning in as she pressed her lips gently to side of the canine's cheek and kissed him, "don't think you can hide anything from mama," the vixen teased.

"I wouldn't even dream of trying," Jason responded, a soft smile making it's way onto his face as he turned and looked at his closest friend; "You know, flirting with a fellow agent is considered improper...You could be court-marshaled," he pointed out, pushing his nose against hers.

Rebecca smirked and licked his nose, "And you know very well that I could turn this entire place into a mountain of rubble with the right chemicals if they tried anything. That's what they get for giving me access to their complete structural blueprints." Both looked at each other, messed up grins on their faces before they busted out into a fit of giggles which ended in a tight hug in the center of the hallway. As they pulled away, she gently places her fingers on the side of his face, "But seriously, what's gotten into you? You look like cattle having just seen the meat factory."

The dane turned his head away from the fingers, the soft touch reminding him of Maxi as he just wanted to try and push the feline from his mind for the moment. "It's a long story...How about I tell you over food once I feel hungry enough to eat?" he offered, getting a small nod and hug in return, "I think I just want to take a nap first."

She nodded and stole a glance down the hallway she was coming from before offering him a hardy pat on the back, "I think that's for the best...Besides, I know a certain husky that's been a complete spazz since you left for the last trek of your 'oh so' secret mission." The fox's voice was a soft tease, twirling her fingers in the air as she gently thumped his tail when it came within her grasp.

"I.V." he said with a half-hearted laugh, thinking back to his roommate, who probably at this time was laying face down on the top bunk in their quarters as he tried best not to worry about Jason. The canine just nodded slowly, "well, my dad did say to get medical attention...luckily I ended up rooming with a medlab technician," the dane managing to force a tiny smile, "I'm sure he has some supplies stored somewhere."

"You can't say two words to that boy before he some how relates it back to you...that Ivy has really taken a fancy to you Jase," she added, gently prodding him in the ribs as she stole another look behind him. Letting out a small sigh, she wiped her brow before gently reaching around and hugging him from behind, "ever thought of giving him, you know...a chance with the famous and widely renowned Casanova, HB?" Rebecca teased, her lips brushing against his sensitive ears.

The curly pelted canine nodded slowly, "Granted, I have thought about it, and it isn't that I don't think things would work out being mates and all, but..." as he let his words trail off, memories floating back to a mental image of Maximillion Cordero; the last fleeting moments of happiness they had together back in that tent, their soft playful gropes, those innocent kisses, he had to tap his noggin several times with his paw before he shook loose from his day dream. "Well...I wouldn't want him to suffer should I loose my life in the line of duty," he said, a rather blatant lie to cover his tracks.

The vulpine eyed her friend up and down, the lie as obvious as if he had pasted it to his forehead, but she only smiled and let it slide. "So, I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow morning then?" she asked softly, her paws gently rubbing his sides, having covertly slipped under his sweater.

"How about late-night dinning instead?...I have a feeling I'm won't be able to nap very long due to either hunger...or a certain roommate," he said, glancing down the hallway half expecting to see Agent I.V. sprint around the corner any moment. His ears picked up a small mumble of acceptance, "You know, I'm not used to seeing you down around this part of the facility. This late at night you are usually in your lab or off playing...pran-" Jason left his word hanging as he turned to see Rebecca take a few steps backwards.

Seeing him notice her actions, the fox just rolled her eyes. "Pshh...I have no idea what you are talking about Jase," she said with a sinister smile, the excited twinge in the tip of her tail giving her away. slowly he took a step closer, peering into her eyes with a knowing grin on his face, "Honestly...I've always taken 11 p.m. walks through the novice training center when I'm stressed," she responded, flipping her bangs while she peered around him again.

Just then, a sudden explosion echoed through the halls in the direction she had come from; both furs turning to see smoke billow out of the far hallway along with a number of screaming males who ran for cover behind various fixtures in the adjacent small lobby. "Someone set the sinks ablaze, and nuked all the toilets and urinals!" one wolf screamed as he dove for cover behind a potted plant. Soon enough, Jason could see a small flood of water gush around the corner as several more males of various canine variants came slowly scuttling from the passage, most either covered with soot and ash or drenched up to their wastes in dirty bath water.

"Rebecca, you didn't!" the canine screamed as he tried to hold back a laugh while watching one small jackal come around the corner with the toilet paper still hanging off his tail. Staring over at the vixen that had already scurried a good couple of feet down the hallway, he scrunched up his muzzle and gave an accusing look.

The fox just turned, shot him a knowing smile, and winked, "I don't know what you are talking about. My my, will you look at what happened down there?...I'm sure they won't be calling anyone else 'sweet cheeks' for a while," she teased, shifting her glasses up the length of her muzzle. "You know the drill..." the vulpine mouthed, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Yeah yeah...I didn't see you," he said with a flick of his wrist, closing his eyes to brush particles of porcelain from his hair; "So, we still on for late-night?" the dog asked, looking up again just in time to see the tip of her puffy tail vanish behind the far corner. "Typical RB..." he muttered under his breath as he continued walking forward and turned down a side passage right as another small tsunami came around the bend and washed away his footprints.

Walking down one vacant hallway after another, since most active agents were either eating dinner, on the numerous training courses, or out on missions, Jason was heading off to see if he couldn't get an hour or so of sleep before going out for a quick meal with his small circle of true friends. Besides, it was taco/nacho night and he wasn't about to miss that for anything. Making his way to an elevator, he was soon on his way to the dormitories a few floors below. Now being the son of the Director, most thought that he would have the best of the best, not so, he had been stuffed in the cramp, windowless, scarcely furnished, cell of a room along with his roommate just like everyone else. Once the doors opened, Jason started walking down a few rows of stereotypical college-looking dorm housing before finally arriving at his room at the end of a dimply lit passage.

The canine barely had time to form a fist so he could knock on the door before it swung open, and he was plowed into the floor by what he took to be a football running back. "Hey there I.V.," he gasped out, gently rubbing the boy's head between his ears while watching that tail of his wag at rocketing speeds. Though in all honestly, the dane was rather surprised that he even got that close to his room before he was tackled; since most of the time, his roommate would be there to hug him as soon as he stepped off the elevator.

The husky just whined and buried his face into Jason's chest as he clutched his roommate firmly, looking up into that brown, kind face, he could feel his heart melt as his tongue licked over the dog's complexion. "I was so worried about you HB, I was so scared..." he whimpered while he hugged him even tighter, "I got no news, no progress reports, I was afraid something had happened." The pair laid like that, strewn across the carpeted floor with the hysterical I.V. resting atop HB, for several long minutes.

Jason just smiled, gently hushing the heavier dog as he nuzzled the top of his head and gave an affectionate lick to the tip of one ear; "Shush...it's okay, I'm back, see?" laughing as he received a small nibble to the side of his neck. "So, wanna let me up so we can get inside our room?" he offered, watching his roommate quickly rise to his feet before pulling him up as well and back into another tight embrace.

Looking down at the smaller, 'eager to please', and rather adorable husky, he couldn't understand why he didn't already have someone by his side. He found the boy, while not his type, to be pretty damn cute; Ivy even got a few stares from other agents, guys and girls alike. His piercing blue eyes which always lit up whenever Jason stepped into the room; his nose, wet and black, like a stone made smooth by a tumbling stream or ocean; his pert ears that swiveled to hear more of his voice then the world around him, all seemed to keep the years from showing on the 17 year old. The canine's pelt was a random assortment of black and white patches of fluff, his face a prime example; for there were large black ridges around his eyes, those leading up to his two tone ears, one white and the other black, while solid black fur trailed down his spine towards his curly tuff of a tail. His muzzle and underbelly, on the other hand, were pure white as newly fallen snow or freshly poured milk, and from personal knowledge, he knew the color extended all the way down to the dog's rather impressive sheath and right under his tail. I.V. was currently wearing no shirt, only a pair of crimson red silk pajama bottoms that extended well past his footpaws and dragged on the floor behind him as he walked; his tail poking out from the back and curled up like a small furry serpent with a death-grip on his rear. "Sure thing HB," he said cheerfully, giving Jason one last squeeze before bounding back, opening the door, and hopping inside as he waited for his idol to follow.

A soft chuckle left his muzzle as he played along and slowly made his way inside, gently closing the wood-paneled steel door behind him. "Seems like this place hasn't chanced much since I left Con-" but was cut off abruptly as he was tackled against the door in another vice like hug that threatened to squeeze the very air out of him. Keeping a happy spirit about it all, Jason just rubbed I.V.'s head till eventually he loosened his arms like always. The dane always preferred to wait out the husky's enthusiasm rather then combat it.

"Oh-my-god you're here! You're really back here...back here and everything!" the husky shouted as he reburied his face into the male's sweater, feeling a few wet tears make their way down his cheeks as his sensitive ears picked up the sound of Jason's heartbeat through his clothes. "I still can't believe you got back here HB...And in one piece too. I can't tell you how worried I was that I'd never see you again," he whined, his fingers curling around and pulling himself tighter against his roommate.

"We are out of the ever vigilant ears of my father the security crew; you can drop the formalities Connor," he said as he ruffled the furr's black and white mohawk that started just between his eyes and trailed down to a rat-tail at the nape of his neck. "And didn't we just go through this five seconds ago on the other side of this door?" watching as the boy's cheeks flush red as he backed off softly before leaning up to place a soft kiss on his curly brown cheek.

"What ever your say Jason," Connor said happily, unable to take his eyes off of his hero, "So, there anything I can do to help you readjust?" he asked, his tail wagging even faster at the prospect of helping out the stud before him.

Jason slowly nodded, walking over and taking a seat on the bottom bunk of their stacked beds. "Yeah, my father wanted me to go to the Med-ward for a look over, but I prefer to come to you for my medical treatment as always...Got any spare supplies laying around that you'd be willing to part with for an old friend?" a soft smile passing over his muzzle as he flashed his pearly whites and watched the husky instantly fluster.

"I'll give you a full body exam!" Connor announced, spinning 180 degrees to lunge head first into the back of his closet in search for his secret stash of medical necessities he had siphoned from his employer. The dane on the other hand, took a much needed break from the attention to survey their shared room. It was cozy...or at least that's they described it to fresh recruits, he would have used the word "cramped" himself. Their walls were a soft eggshell color which was offset by the dark oak furniture spread sparingly around the perimeter, this included their bunk beds on which he was sitting, a desk, chair, and side table for each of them, and a pair of matching closets on the far wall. Currently the hunter green carpet was covered in the husky's discarded clothing, snack wrappers, and lab outfit which was unceremoniously tossed in his hamper.

Jason eventually started to concentrate on that wiggling red silk clothed rear of his current roommate and number one idolizer in his unofficial fan club, one Mr. Connor Croft. He could recall the first time he had seen the husky; it was a back when he had just completed his own final exam and was finally added to the roster of active agents. He was then allowed to be present while the other applicants go through their initiation ceremony to become agents themselves, though being new himself, he was barred from joining in. Instead, he watched through plate glass windows as new recruits, all males from the recent graduating class, were led into a room one-by-one and told to strip down to bare fur. They were then dominated by the higher level agents in their prospective fields, this done as a throw-back to the days of pack leadership where an alpha would forcefully take his omega in order to prove his superiority. Luckily for Jason, there had only been two other active agents on the roster in his field before he came along; so his ceremony was far shorter and easier, considering that some recruits had upwards of twelve elder agents, though his tailhole had still pained him for about a week afterwards nonetheless.

Still, he had watched with a mix of fascination and disgust as they took advantage of the poor naive husky; till finally, after each of the elders had proved himself dominant, they had released Connor from his cell. So, like a wet dog just coming out of a downpour, he stood on the mat naked, shaking, and alone. No one came over to check on him...well, no one other Jason that is. Feeling sorry for the poor boy, as well as a bit curious, he made his way over, introduced himself, and then preceded to take him out to dinner with him. Little did he know that such a simple gesture would make such an impact on the young husky; to have him worshiping every step he took. But that's how things worked out. And this year, when it ended up that Connor was assigned as his roommate; well, up to that point, he hadn't really thought of him as anything more then another admirer of his talents, both in and out of the sheets.

The dane awoke from his daydream as a roll of bandages hit him in the shoulder. Looking up, he saw Connor haul out a large red toolbox from the cabinet and slowly edge his way across the cluttered floor towards the bedside; "You're aware that I'm a living being, and not some engine in need of a tune-up, right?" he joked.

"And you're aware that if I carried a giant medical bag out of the Med-ward with me, that I'd get caught instantly?," the husky responded with a soft chuckle. "Though now that you mention it, I wouldn't mind checking your dipstick..." he smirked as he pried the lid open with a rusty shriek; "Perhaps I might even give you a lube-job ..." he whispered under his breath. Taking a break from his work, Connor made his way to a small mini-fridge tucked under his desk and removed a small plastic bag full of clear liquid. After shoving a straw in and beginning to drink, he glanced up to see and odd look on his roommate's face, "What? I get thirsty often..." the canine mumbled.

"Don't you ever get tired of drinking those things?" Jason asked with a casual smirk, leaning back against the bed frame with eyes half closed till he felt something climb onto the bed. Reaching out blindly, he managed to gently rub the husky between the ears, hearing soft murrs escape the black and white muzzle.

The husky thought for a moment, straw lazily shoved to the side of his muzzle while he spoke, "Naw...not really. I kinda can't get enough of them," the boy admitted with a grin. "Though now the Med-ward does restrict my supply to only when they are overstocked...But I thought this was reason enough to break one out and celebrate," Connor said with a shrug before he resumed drinking.

"It's no surprise that you're addicted, considering..." the dog responded, still massaging the husky's ears as he couldn't help but crack a smile. He didn't need to see to know that the other canine was probably bright red and still sipping away, but that's to be expected ever since the event that inspired not only his legend, but his name as well. It had been young Connor's first week at his new position as a lab tech in the academy's medical division; and after being overworked for several days straight with little to no sleep, he had managed to crawl into a supply closest to take a much needed rest for a few minutes. Well, as the husky tells it, those couple of minutes turned into hours, till he awoke only to find himself locked in. He figured it just for the night, though it turned out to be for the extended weekend over Christmas break. So with nothing to live on, and the fear of starvation foremost in his mind, he managed to shatter the lock on a medical cabinet with a fire extinguisher and broke into the large stock of intravenous bags of fluid meant for sick or otherwise ill patients; drinking them like your single, bachelor uncle might down the spiked eggnog after having talked with his mother.

Suffice to say, he was found Monday morning surrounded by a pile of drained I.V. bags, his bloated form curled up in the far corner sleeping rather peacefully. So after an extended stay in the lavatory, he got a fairly stern talking too from the higher-ups on his conduct, and how he would taking on a few extra shifts to pay for the medical supplies he used during his weekend stay, in what is now jokingly referred to as 'Club Med'. The event happened over three years ago, and while now, the only time it's ever brought up is at the faculty pot-luck dinner, its effects live on. As a result of his massive ingestion of I.V. fluids, he ended up developing a sort of drug addiction to them, and now drinks them on a bi-weekly basis; the other effect was getting himself his official name in the community, "Agent I.V." in honor of his achievements, though most just call him "Ivy" in everyday conversation.

The quick back-story floated though the dane's mind before he was jostled by a soft prod to his side. "You have to get undressed if I'm gonna to take a look at you're condition," Connor stated factually as a reddish tint darkened his complexion, already having mentally disrobed his roommate a long time ago. After throwing out the empty drink, the husky began rifling through his container as he waited for his current patient to get ready, "Just holler when you're naked!" he joked.

It was then, that the curly brown canine recalled all of his wounds from his mission, suddenly wondering if he could manage to back out of the unofficial exam. But looking into Connor's vibrant blue eyes as he waited with baited breath for his idol to strip, he knew he could trust the husky with the unpleasant truths. So with a tired and worrisome sigh he slipped his fingers under his sweater, and with a single upward heave, removed both shirts and tossed them before turning back to face the gaping stare of his roommate. "It...isn't as bad as it looks..." he mumbled under his breath in defense, trying to hide his shaved pink and ash burned chest from those same piercing blue eyes.

"What are you talking about? Let me see!" Connor hollered, slapping Jason's paws away so he could get a good look at his friend's condition; hesitantly running his fingers over the warm, bare skin while doing his best to suppress the urge to kill whoever had damaged his hero like this. Pressing his smooth, cold nose the flesh, his eyes closed as he gently licked the soft skin, to which he was rewarded with a soft moan from Jason. The boy took a deep breath, sat back, and switched into medical-mode as he examined his patient; "The good news is, that the shaving just looks purely cosmetic. It should grow back normally. Though those burns across your body will require some treatment," he began to rummage through his supplies again as he spoke, "What the hell happened to you Jason?"

Leaning against the bedpost, having gotten the hardest part over with, Jason just sighed and looked away, "I was...captured," he admitted in a bare whisper. He could almost hear the resulting sonic boom of Connor's head turning so fast to glance his way, instantly feeling those worried eyes looking him over, "Don't worry, I'm alive and here aren't I?"

"Oh my! You poor puppy you," the husky said, taking the seat between Jason and the bedpost, as he wrapped his arms around the shifting canine and pulled him into a tight hug. Those soft fingers worming their way through the curly fur on his back; Jason wanted to protest, but the feeling of such a sincere hug was too much, and he reluctantly began to sniffle a bit. His friend just patted him on the head, kissed him on the cheek, and smiled as he whipped away one of his own tears. "Don't you worry, I'm gonna get you all patched up," Connor said with a grin, licking the pink chest once again before picking up his supplies.

Even after all his training, the canine couldn't suppress the genuine blush that crept over his complexion as he felt a bit better after the hug, "Thanks Connor, I really owe yo-" but his words were stopped by a finger pressing against his lips to shush him. Taking the hint, the dog smiled softly and watched the husky drench a small white cloth with a few splashes from a bottle of clear liquid, "What's that?" he asked curiously.

"Don't you trust me?" the husky retorted with a knowing smile; winking gently, he just laughed, "It's antiseptic to clean your skin of dirt, natural oils, and grime so that I can properly bandage you...But take a deep breath since this stuff usually stings, something to hold and squeeze might be a good idea to."

Jason nodded at the instructions, the idea of pain making him wince as he readied himself and searched for something easily accessible to squeeze. He ended up reaching out to take Connor's free paw in his, giving it a gentle squeeze as he pulled the arm tightly against him. "I'm ready," he said softly, smiling as he looked into those soft eyes and nodded.

If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't treat his friend if he was unconscious, the husky would have fainted as soon as the other dog took a hold of him; "Alright, this is gonna hurt though" Connor warned, gently putting the damp rag against the canine's bare skin and moving it around as he waited for the chemical reaction to began. Almost instantaneously Jason let out a painful hiss, closed his eyes tightly, and firmly squeezed his paw as the medicine began to do its job.

"Is it supposed to feel like a burning river of gas on my belly?" the dane croaked, whimpering as the cloth made its way over his tender nipples, sending a ripple of pain across his body. Soon enough, tremors started traveling up his spine that resulted in spastic twitches of his arms while gripping the husky's paw even tighter. "It stings..." he cried between clenched teeth, squeezing his eyes so tight he could feel small tears well up and drip down the sides of his face.

"I know..." Connor said as he forced himself to continue with the procedure, dripping the fluid to just above the rim of jeans and over the rest of the supple pink skin before figuring it was clean enough. "It's over now Jason," he said; though watching those tears fall triggered something inside of him, as without thinking he thrust forwards and locked lips with his roommate. Pressing himself firmly against the quivering canine, closing his eyes as he felt his own momentum carry over. Soon he was lying atop the brown dog as they made out on the mattress, absentmindedly intertwining their fingers while their spare paws made sure they weren't crushing each other. Having reacted on instinct alone, the ramifications hadn't truly dawned on him till he let his muzzle become slack, and it was easily invaded by Jason's slippery tongue that probed into the depths of his maw.

Jason had been taken completely by surprise, one moment shivering in pain from the antiseptic, the next being surrounded by a warm furry body pressed against his; he hadn't even realized he was falling over till the springs of the mattress pressed against him, his muzzle still locked with his roommate's. His free paw brushing through the black and white Mohawk as he felt the additional pressure on his body of another laying on him. "Hey Connie..." he said soothingly, slipping his tongue from the other's lips as he gently kissed his round black nose, "Thanks buddy."

The husky turned a soft pink as he felt their lips slide apart, turning to rest his head against the furless chest as took in the sound of a reverberating heartbeat; "I don't know what came over me..." he admitted with a soft sigh, "But when I saw you crying...I just wanted to comfort you." And with that he tilted his eyes upwards so he could easily kiss the tender neck, the brown fur so curly that he couldn't feel the crisscrossing scars underneath it.

"Some things just can't be rationalized..." Jason responded with a soft grunt, feeling his roommate adjust his position atop him as the husky's knees, one jabbing into his cut up shins while the other pushed into his pierced sheath, made their positions known. "You're kinda...crushing me," the brown dog said with a smirk, pushing his muzzle against the other canine's forehead to nudge him in the right direction.

Connor flushed again as he slowly sat up, gently pulling his companion with him, "Time I get started on bandaging your burns" he said, running his fingers through his Mohawk. His next step was to remove several more roles of gauze from the toolbox before beginning to wrap Jason's midsection like a mummy; his paws carefully moving around and around the dog's chest, employing Jason's help for those hard to reach spots before finally tucking the end of the strip into one of the prior layers. "There we go, just try not to aggravate your wounds," he said with a smile, running his paws over the rough material.

"Oh man, thanks a lot Connor," the male replied with a smile as he rose from the bed before he felt two paws resting on the waist of his kaki clam-diggers. "It certainly does feel a lot bett--WAH! What the hell are you doing?" the dane gasped as the husky yanked down his kaki clam-diggers in one swift motion, revealing his yellow thong and self-bandaged legs that were covered in splotches of blood from reopened cuts.

The black and white canine released the pair of pants instantly as he saw the filthy rags that covered Jason's legs, "I was just trying to finish my examination," he squeaked. Leaning over to take a careful look, Connor brushed his fingers over the hastily applied bandages, allowing his medical experience to act as guidance for his decision; "Well, I think removing what's there just to exchange the bandages would be a mistake," the male said with a knowledgeable grunt. "Might end up aggravating the injuries more then heal them...what ever they may be," he said, watching the dog kick his pants off.

The brown dog let out a sigh of relief, the horrors of the Cordero's tally mark system would be kept under wraps for the time being, pun intended. "Thanks..." he mumbled with a half-hearted smile, "Besides, I if had to go through that antiseptic thing again...I think I would passed out this time. So what happens now?" he asked, tilted his head to the side as he saw a small blush come over his roommate's cheeks.

"Well..." the husky started, looking rather flustered as he tried to articulate his thoughts while the object of his desire was staring him right in the face, "I can't give you a passing medical grade until I see all of you, and that requires you stripping down to bare fur..." he rambled through at top speeds. His face only growing redder as he slid closer to Jason, fingers trembling as he touched those curly brown thighs; now it wasn't as though he'd never seen Jason naked, heck they've fooled around on numerous occasions, yet something about these past injuries told him to expect the worse.

Jason just nodded, not exactly wanting to display his new piercing, but seeing as he had no choice, he reluctantly leaned back so his elbows supported him while he spread his legs and gave his roommate a good eyeful of the bulging yellow banana hammock between his thighs. "So long as I don't have to go to the Med-ward after this..." he grunted under his breath, watching Connor slide off the bed and kneel between his legs, his warm paws already nudging the fabric ever lower.

"Geez, you're acting as if I've never seen your 'twig and berries' before," the husky said with a grin as he leaned over and kissed the canine's bandaged knee before getting on with the task at hand. The brown dog wanted to say something, but he was too late as just then Connor revealed that large, silver dollar sized, glistening, metallic ring that punctured the outer lip of the dog's brown furry sheath. The agent waited for his roommate to shriek in horror or start bawling, but neither happened; instead there was the sound of laughter, "Did you do this for me? You know, a bow would've been nicer, but the joke's cute nonetheless."

The dane just blinked, the husky had thought it was a simple trick, an illusion...just to get a rouse out of him; his response was a solemn one "It isn't a joke Connor...I assure you." It seemed to take a few long seconds for it to sink into his roommate's brain before hesitant fingers reached out to give a light yank on the ring, half expecting a clip-on to slide right off, though the surprise was evident when the solid metal fixture remained imbedded in his flesh.

"Oh H.B. how horrible," the dog said, slipping back into professional lingo as he finished sliding the thong from the other's legs and tossed it aside, leaving his companion bare as the day he was born. "How could those awful cats do this to you?" he whimpered, gently nuzzling the canine's crotch with his cold nose, "If I ever see that fucking tramp of an ally stray you brought in, I'm gonna do back what they did to you ten-fold, I promise!"

Jason winced internally, not wanting to let such a thing befall Maxi, "There's no need for such things," he said, gently scratching the dog between his ears. "But what I would like to know, is if there's a way you can remove this thing for me. As nice as it is, I'd rather leave jewelry to the girls," he joked, trying to lighten the mood and get the husky's thoughts away from revenge.

"Hmm? Oh sure...I can take care of it easily," the other boy said, rising from his seat to once again go to his closet as he tossed out a random assortment of junk. A moment later, the curly tail started wagging at full force as Connor pulled out a pair of blue, rubber gripped, handheld bolt cutters, "These should be enough to do the job."

"Just where the hell did you get those from?" Jason asked with an inquisitive tone, his paws protectively rubbing his sheath as he eyed the sharp and potentially dangerous tool before him.

The husky just laughed, "Where'd you think I got the toolbox from? It's rather rare to see an empty toolbox for sale these days," a smile on his lips. "Besides..." he continued as he rifled through his closest, "I took up wielding while you were gone, so it was between that or..." as he held up an acetylene torch, a small burst of white-hot flames shooting from the tip, "...this."

"I think you made the right choice!" his roommate responded quickly, instinctually covering his sheath with his paws till he watched the husky burst into laughter, slipping the torch back into its case.

"My thoughts exactly," Connor replied, taking his seat in front of Jason again, his paws pushing the dane's away as his soft fingers gently took hold of the furry brown sheath. He could already feel the slight stirrings of arousal in the soft covering, his own canine cock making the fabric of his pajamas feel a bit constricting the more he fondled his roommate. "You ready Jason?" he asked softly, flexing the bolt cutters as he singled out the large ring and slipping one blade through alongside the lips of the sheath.

"Will this hurt?" Jason questioned, eyeing the rather sharp instrument so close to his private parts, he couldn't help but be a bit squeamish.

The husky shrugged, "It shouldn't," though he couldn't help but be a bit worried himself as he took precautions to make sure that only the piercing was going to be cut off. "Well, here we go, a one...a two...a three, and..." and with that, he gripped down tightly, both boys closing their eyes till the sound of the metal ring hitting the carpeted floor told them of their success.

"I'm free!" Jason shouted, his fingers eagerly moving over his unburdened sheath so his warm pads could gently massage the previously encumbered area, slipping a claw through the hole that was left by the ring. Jason could feel the raw skin, but the pleasure of being able to touch himself again was so overwhelming that he couldn't help but release several moans before realizing he was still in the company of another. "Sorry..." he said with a wide grin, his cheeks blushing a warm rose color as started to close his legs, but was stopped by another set of paws.

"There's no need to apologize Jason, after what you've probably been through...you disserve some self-satisfaction. In fact..." a smile slowly curling its way around his muzzle, a grin that sent shivers traveling down the brown canine's spine. While keeping the other's legs spread, Connor slipped a paw between and took over the job of rubbing the exposed sheath, loving the feel of the soft brown curls sliding between his pads as he pawed the other male off. His multicolored ears picked up the sound of stifled groans as he gently massaged the exposed inner thigh, "Think of it as the final step in your examination."

"Well, I'm not gonna argue with my doctor..." Jason gasped, his breaths ragged from constant panting. Soon he was whining as the foreign paws gently played with his sheath and concealed member inside, his own arms being used as supports so that he could lean back and still see the husky at work between his legs. The rubbings began getting firmer as they closed in around his sac, the husky's muzzle shifted closer as well; the dane could feel whiskers tickling his thigh before a cold nose pushed into his pelt to take a deep whiff of his scent.

The other canine's musk easily overwhelmed Connor's senses, his own sheath now rock hard in his pajamas as his face buried itself in his roommate's crotch, whose now rigid brown sheath slowly allowed the pink tip of his doggiecock to escape and further assault his psyche. "Finally I'm getting somewhere..." he mumbled under his breath while kissing along the dane's inner thigh; lips gently suctioning on the tender area till he was dragging his muzzle along the stiff shaft, his tongue gently coaxing the rigid flesh from its cavern of fur.

All of Jason's whimpering spoke to his ability as a seasoned and exceptional cocksucker; the husky's slippery mouth muscle dragging along the furry covering till at long last he tasted the first beads of pre that oozed forth from the exposed head. It was then that Jason felt the first hot, moist breaths tickling his uncovered glands, the slick saliva trickling down his throbbing doghood, and he could do nothing but gently push his hips towards the source of this pleasure. His actions were not made in vain, for a few seconds later, a very determined muzzle began suckling the bright red tip of his member.

The tips of the husky's fangs glided over each inch that passed over his lips and entered his muzzle, his rough tongue lapping at the invading member as he pressed his mouth up against the ridge of Jason's sheath. Connor couldn't help but wag his tail as he felt the dane's cock pressing against the entrance to his gullet, and with some skillful maneuvering, he felt the first few inches slide down to be massaged by his throat. His ears picked up the sudden bark of the other dog as he deep throated his member, the large red knot already starting to form as he continually pushed his puckered lips against the pulsating mass. Soon the brown canine was humping the muzzle before him, moaning loudly as he felt his entire cock sink in and out of the moist cavern his roommate offered him.

"You...alright?" Jason managed to mutter between his moans, realizing that his thrusts might've been more then what the husky had bargained for; his answer came in the form of an increased in pace of the muzzle on his cock. The dane's eyes fixated on his glistening crimson rod slipping effortlessly in and out of Connor's maw, his black and white paws pressed firmly against the brown thighs to massage the tender area while he worked. The small beads of saliva that did escape the tightly sealed lips made his ebony sheath glisten like silver stars against a darkened sky. Soon, his large tongue lolled from his mouth, his whines turning into small yips as his toes and fingers curled and he readied himself for release.

Though it was not going to be so simple, as the other dog easily noticed the signs of Jason's sexual peak and effortlessly slipped off just in time to avoid pushing him over the edge. "Still one last place to check..." he heaved between breaths heavy with lust, his soft tongue licking the taste of the dane's pre from his lips, greedily savoring the tangy drink. He didn't give Jason much time to mull over his words however; for he quickly pushed the other boy down till the large brown form was laying flat on his back, staring at the underside of the bunk above him. Connor's red silk pajamas tented, his doggiecock leaking onto the fabric since being commando underneath as always, at the thought of his next course of action to fulfill Jason's rather obvious needs.

"EEP!" Jason squeaked as he was shoved over. He didn't have time to react to the next move either as he felt Connor's paws gently grip his bandaged calves, and with a simple motion, had his lower half suspended in air. This position gave him a front row seat to his own throbbing doghood, which dribbled pre onto his new bandages; while Connor on the other hand, got a perfect view of his supple rear, tail, and puckered rosebud of a tailhole. "I'm not injured there," he exclaimed, "Just what are you looking for?" he demanded of the other dog as he attempted to rock back and forth in order to escape, though this position didn't allow him enough leverage to do so.

The husky sat up, his muzzle peering between the raised legs, a goofy smile plastered on his face; "Just making sure I give a thorough examination is all," he said with a wink before looking back at Jason's exposed backside. He pressed his wet nose against the underside of the brown sac which held the seed he longed to taste, hearing the resulting moan as Jason threw his head back in pleasure from the tremors which sped along the canine's spine. Soon, his nostrils were entranced with the thick musk of the dane, the sweaty matted fur made his own sheath jump as he pressed still closer to the source; till finally, he extended his tongue once again and gave a long continues lap up and down the furry pouch, feeling the swelling orbs hidden just under the skin.

Connor savored the heat of the canine's crotch, the thick aroma wetting his appetite even more as he continued to lick the sac he was now massaging in his maw. The sounds of heavy moaning and deep breathing filling his ears as he suckled on Jason's balls, pulling them into his muzzle so he could get easier access. The entire time, the husky was dragging his fingers up and down the inside of Jason's brown thighs; using his claws like small rakes, he made lines in the curly pelt while he lovingly caressed the soft brown sack with his tongue. Being just tall enough that his eyes could peer over to see the throbbing member only inches away, he watched small dribbles of pre making their way down the shimmering shaft, the flesh wet and slippery with his spittle.

"What a randy little pup you are!" Jason shouted through clenched teeth as he gave up trying to escape his position for the moment, the overwhelming pleasure simply hooking his desire too intimately. He could see his own knot swell even larger, the head of his cock spurting jets of pre along his chest while he bucked his hips at the touch of the husky's teeth gently nibbling on the underside of his sac. The dog barked loudly, his body on the verge of going over, but still his roommate toyed with him; that slippery muscle leaving his orbs for the moment and creating a trail of saliva down between his legs, along the crack of his ass. A sudden thought passed through his mind as he felt a hot, moist breath brush against the base of his spine, his exposed rosebud tensing as he tried to cover himself using his tail.

But his attempts at coverage were perceived as mere teasing by the other canine, the warm pads gently pushing his bushy tail out of the way before he felt a face buried in his rear. The husky's lips gently suckling on his firm cheeks, his muzzle nipping at the sensitive flesh while his paws kept busy, one arm holding the dane's legs aloft, the other restraining the furry tail. "Are you embarrassed Jason?" his roommate teased as he inhaled the male's musk deep into his lungs, his attention drawn to a second scent. So in order to isolate the foreign species, he pushed his nose up against the puckered tailhole and took a second sniff; ignoring his raging hard-on he had due to the maneuver, he managed to control himself as he peered up between the dane's spread legs. "Why do you smell like a bear?" Connor asked, his paw releasing the other's tail as he spoke.

The brown dog's face turned bright red, his tail instantly lifting to cover the crack of his ass while he tried to develop a logical explanation other then the truth. "I umm..." he began, eyes casing the room as his mind worked feverously, "Well, you see...I couldn't complete my mission unnoticed smelling like I do. So R&D created a synthetic chemical scent that mimicked that of a bear, thus allowing me to go in undetected." A wide grin crept over his lips as he watched the husky nod in agreement, still getting a rush from lying right to someone's face.

"Oh, guess I must've missed that meeting..." Connor said with a shrug, eyeing the glorious twin mounds of brown furred flesh staring back at him; reaching out with one paw, he once again pushed Jason's legs apart so his other paw could reach between and give the neglected sheath a hard squeeze. A deep guttural moan erupted from the dane as he felt the dog tremble at his touch. He then took the opportunity to go back to licking his way across the sweaty pelt of his roommate; "Well then...let me get you back to smelling like yourself again," the husky offered, his slick tongue making a beeline for the exposed tailhole.

"No don't!" Jason screamed out, fearful that the canine might pick up the taste of the hotel curator's cum still stuffed in his tailhole, and somehow derive the truth from that. He could see the surprise on Connor's face, and was quick to come up with another explanation, "The formula is still untested actually, they said it isn't safe for consumption, and I wouldn't want you getting sick...Hope you don't mind restricting yourself?"

The black and white canine scrunched up his face, "I think I can resist the temptation," he retorted, though in truth he would have much rather continued. But giving in to reason, he slowly lowered the brown legs till the pads were pressed against the carpet; his fingers returning to the furry thighs, easily spreading them once again. "It's just as well...I'd rather continue giving you an oral exam," he said with a naughty grin, scooting between the open legs so he could bury his face in the soft connecting skin between sheath and furry sac.

"Yes doctor..." Jason replied, throwing his head back and moaning loud enough his neighbors would be covering their heads with a pillow or cranking up the volume on their I-Pods. Allowing himself a mental sigh of relief at having explained away everything so that there would be no further questioning, he was now able to fully give in to the lustful practices being done on him. Soon enough, he was tossing and turning on the mattress, the husky's talented muzzle playing all sorts of games with his sensitive flesh. "Oh god...I'm so close!" the male wailed, feeling his throbbing member once again inhaled into the moist cavern of the canine's muzzle, another jolt of pleasure rippling over his form as he laid there in pure bliss.

The slippery dexterous muscle swirled around his leaking tip, dragging across his slit several times each pass to make sure that it had collected all of his pre. It was then that the head of his cock passed back into the husky's throat, those rhythmic contractions of his throat walls sending even stronger chills up Jason's body. The dane was sure he was going to blow his seed down his roommate's gullet any second, his voice a constant high-pitched whine as his doghood was feverously devoured into the suckling orifice the other canine offered him. Connor looked up from his position, giving a long lick from the base to tip of the cock before pulling off and leaving a small web of saliva that still connected him to the sheath; "I really want you to see this," the husky said with a wink, gripping the dane's wrists and pulling him to a seated position, making sure he was stable before diving back on to his thick shaft.

From his new vantage point, Jason watched his slick crimson flesh slip in and out of the black and white muzzle which yearned to drink down his cum, and he couldn't help but become even more aroused by the sight. "Good boy..." he cooed through clenched teeth, a deep sigh escaping his lips as he griped the husky boy by his ears, giving gentle tugs and rubs while he drove his cock ever harder into the confines of his constricting throat. This caused Connor to murr loudly as he eagerly sucked on the stiff rod in his maw, those vibrations being sent straight to Jason like lightning through a metal pole.

The kneeling dog couldn't wag his tail fast enough to express the proper level of joy, his ears being one of those sweet spots that drove him crazy, and with his sheath already dripping pre inside his pajamas, he couldn't help but rub his crotch against the side of the bed. Swirling his tongue around the dripping head captured in his mouth, he savored every drop of pre he managed to swallow till he'd be greeted with his hard-earned meal of dane-seed. His fingers grasped the curly brown thighs to steady himself as he covertly lowered a paw and began to roll the dog's orbs in his soft pads for additional stimulation.

Jason simply couldn't hold out much longer; the past couple of days' experiences made up of torture, rape, lies, emotional baggage, death, and pain made him very willing to forgo his stamina in favor of bliss. Now normally, the dane, if he put his mind to it and stuck to his guns, could easily make this session last almost double the time, but felt that both Connor and himself had worked hard enough as it was. So as soon as he felt one of the husky's claws pressing against that soft, pleasurable patch of fur just behind his sac, Jason knew that that was the last straw. With just the tip of his pink cock being draped in spit by the soft pink tongue of his roommate, he gave a rather firm squeeze on the soft canine ears as he threw his head back and howled to the moon outside.

Even with the ear tug, Connor wasn't fully prepared for what was to follow, his eyes going wide in shock and awe at the sheer volume of sweet seed that filled his muzzle to the brim. The husky coughed mid gasp as he felt the long awaited liquid rush down the back of his throat, the thick fluid coating his gullet and maw in Jason's scent. The flood of cum came too fast for him to swallow all of it, and soon it started to bubble from under his lips and drip down his pelt, giving it a rather glossy shine as the sticky beads made their way over his furry chest. Thinking that he had finally gotten his entire meal from the dane, the dog slowly let the still quivering doggy-cock slide from his lips and into the cool air; "You really needed to release that blockage..." he said, panting slightly, the bulge in his pajamas still just as obvious.

A deep hiss left the brown muzzle as the sudden gales wrapped around his wet member, the soft chills causing another salty bead to develop on its head. Jason finally opened his eyes lazily, having shut them tightly while he released his seed, and readjusted himself before peering over at the canine still kneeling between his legs. Taking his still stiff cock in paw, his warm pads brushing up and down the slippery red flesh as he moaned softly; "I think there's still some left..." he grunted, pushing his hips foreword and arching his back as he let the final few ropes of cum spray from the tip.

"Jason!" Connor wailed, closing his eyes just in time to feel the first arc of sticky canine seed splash across his muzzle, a small 'eep' escaping his lips as he continued to sit there. The next wave of cum drizzled down over his forehead and eyelids, the feeling of the liquid drip over his face made him giggle as it seeped into his pelt. The husky couldn't help but think what a bitch this was going to be to clean from his fur, but that thought took a back seat as he opened his eyes to look into the grinning face of his roommate sitting above him. "All...empty?" he gasped, his tail still going at mach three as he couldn't resist licking the lines of seed which had trickled over his muzzle, getting a small taste from a droplet that had landed on his cold nose.

The other boy took a few deep breaths, filling his lungs to the brim with oxygen as he felt the lust slowly leave him much like air escapes a punctured tire. Looking down at the husky still kneeling below him, he reached down and dragged a finger along the underside of the black muzzle, feeling his sticky seed clinging to the fur. His fellow canine quickly getting the idea as he slowly rose up till they were looking into each other's eyes, "Yeah, I think I'm all tapped out..." Jason said before smiling and pressing his lips firmly against Connor's. As he pushed into the kiss, teeth coming to gently nibble on the husky's upper lip, he got a taste of his own tangy seed that still remained on those lips.

Even after all that had transpired, the husky still stiffened at the kiss before he finally managed to get his bearings and slowly settle into the embrace. Reaching up, he gently massaged behind the dane's ears as he pushed forewords against Jason's form, eagerly slipping his tongue between the brown lips. Soft moans were passed between their throats, eager growls of pleasure while they forced their intertwining muzzles ever closer. Though Conner only realized it when it was too late that he had leaned over to far, and with a small misstep, had fumbled right into the sheets, accidentally pulling Jason along with him for the ride. Sitting up as fast as he could, he managed to free his face from the covers as he turned bright red, "I'm so sorry Jason..." he mumbled, getting up to leave, "I'm sure you want to get some sleep anyways."

"Connor..." the dane said, reaching out and grasping the husky's wrist before he managed to stand up again, and with out any resistance, he pulled the canine back against him, front to back. He could feel the curly tail pressed against his receding sheath as he leaned over and gently nibbled on the black ear, "Please stay..." he whispered before returning to his biting. His arms gently encasing the husky before him as he gently ran his claws through the soft chest fur and dipping down to gently run across the rather large bulge in the silk pajamas.

The husky muffled a deep moan as he felt the warm pads of another caress his dripping doghood, but still he turned and brushed the fingers away as he sat there staring into Jason's face. "I'll stay," Connor said as he gave a gentle peck to the dane's cheek, "But tonight was all about you...Besides, you look like you could use a bit of a nap," as he gently pushed the larger dog till he was laying on his back.

A soft chuckle left the brown muzzle, "It isn't every day someone turns down a chance with me..." he joked. Though he offered no resistance to the push, reaching back to fluff up his pillow before he placed his head against it, he gently beckoned the other male closer as he lifted up the covers and offered the spot to his roommate. With lazy eyes, he watched the other male slowly settle in next to him; gently, he reached behind the husky's head and nudged him closer, giving a small kiss to the forehead where he could still pick up a whiff of his seed.

The black and white canine slowly tucked his head into the crook of Jason's arm, pulled the blankets over them, and settled in for the night; looking up one last time as he mouthed a small "thank you" to Jason even though he already had his eyes closed. His still present erection pressing against his belly, Connor gently brushed a few fingers over the swollen tip, letting a muffled groan escape him, before deciding that he would wait and instead tried to get whatever amount of sleep he could.

Jason waited till he was sure that Conner had fallen into a rather deep sleep before he opened his eyes and stared vacantly up at the bottom of the bunk above them. He tried to quell the questions rising in him like a violent storm, taking several large breaths while he turned to watch the husky's chest rise and fall with each calm inhale. He couldn't help but replace the canine with the lion, easily imagining the flowing gold mane and twitching yellow whiskers as he slept next to him. Shaking his head softly, he heard the soft wanton moans of the dog stirring from his rest; so with a heavy heart he rolled over and wrapped his arms, pulling his roommate close against him as he settled into a troubled slumber filled with thoughts of Maximillion Cordero.


Well, that's the end of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it, and wasn't put off by my rambling.

Coments, critiques, votes, questions, and just good ole' fashioned shout-outs are all welcome to be posted.