Cowboy: Part 2

Story by Gemma the cowgirl on SoFurry

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#2 of Cowboy

After, possibly the best moment I've ever had sitting on a toilet, finishing I cleaned myself up. I noticed a weird sensation coming from the bottom of my spine. Quickly dropping my trousers to check what it was, I stood in front of the full length mirror twisting my back to get a better look. I stared for quite some time. There was a small lump at the end of my spine. Same colour as the 4 rashes on my stomach. It itched like hell and I started scratching it; It was an odd sensation, the spot was very very warm, pulsing slightly and very sensitive. I could feel myself getting hard again, the 4 spots started to itch. I had to find a way to stop this, walking over to the sink I drenched a cloth in some cold water and held it on my tummy. Wow! That sent shivers down my spine, it elevated the itchiness for the time being. My hardon had returned again and I started to jack off. This time though I didn't scratch any spots and just sat feeling the cold water over my hot stomach.

I was lost in the moment when I heard a noise at the bathroom door. 'Did I lock it?' I thought to myself. I hoped so.

"Hello? Anyone in?" It was my sister, trying the door handle "I really need to use the loo, let me in! You've been in there for ages now!"

Quickly I pulled up my underwear and pants, dried off my tummy and went to unlock the door.

"All done." I said, avoiding eye contact with my sister. I headed back downstairs to continue watching TV.

Nothing happened the rest of the day, that night though something amazing did. When getting ready for bed I had noticed the 4 rashes had turned into small bumps on my chest. I was worried; this really shouldn't be happening. But, my hormones got the better of me when I started to touch them. Again, they were still sensitive but in a pleasant way. I could grip them with my index and thumb and it felt wonderful. I experimented just standing there, naked from the waist up in my room with my back to the door. It was maybe a good 5 minutes of touching myself when I heard the door open behind me. I froze, I didn't dare turn round and let whoever it was see me in my boxers, with a rather large erection pulling on some weird bumps.

"Are you ok bro?" It was my sister again, she seems to have developed a habit of interrupting me eh?

"Yeah, I'm fine. What're you doing in my room anyway?" Twisting my head round so she couldn't see my front.

"I heard some noises, are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine I swear it." I started walking toward my bed

"You don't sound it, and why're you not facing me?" With a peak of interest in her voice.

"No no no, I'm good. You can shoo off now." I was rather frustrated at this point, I really wanted to jack off but my sister was refusing to let this go.

"Just turn around for me, I just want to make sure my big brother is all healthy and stuff." Getting insistent now.

I had managed to get under the covers now but she was still trying to get a look at me. She came over to the bed and started pulling on the duvet cover. I tried as hard as I could, but our strength was near enough the same and she overwhelmed me due to my weakness from the coma.

The main light was on, thankfully the covers pulled down to just above where my hard on was. All she could see was the 4 bumps.

"Err, what are these" she said going to touch them.

"No don't!" I nearly shouted.

"Why not? They look disgusting. Are they big spots? Eurgh." She was still insistent on touching them.

"Just get out you freak." I angrily replied, trying to slap her hands away.

A second later she'd grab one of my bumps and pulled. I froze for the second time that night, my eyes glazed over and I was in nirvana. My pants got wet, I had thought I'd peed myself but it turns out I had creamed myself. My sister stood then with her hand still on it wondering if she'd found some magical button that made me stop everything.

"George, whats going on?" My sister asked.

I couldn't physically reply, I tried to speak but all that came out was air. Eventually I got my wits back together after she removed her hands from me.

"Don't do that again" I whispered.

"Why not? It shut you up, and those arn't spots. What are they?"

"I don't know, I really don't. They were rashes at first now they're this..." I decided I shouldn't tell her about the one on my back. Sighing I turned over, and faced away from her ashamed.

"Oh ok... right I'm off to bed. G'night!" And without another word she left and turned the light of as she went.

I managed to get to sleep really quickly that night with a pair of boxers covered in cum. I dreamt of cows that night, no idea why.

That concludes part 2: I promised you a cow... just not exactly what you'd normally expect :D