Run Rabbit Run

Story by Hardcover on SoFurry

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_I finally finished this little yarn. I was hesitant to post this story since the artwork I did based on it bombed so badly. Also, this is set in the same 'fur virus' wold that How Jocelyn Got Her Muse On was set in, and I know how you guys all hated that one. I hope that doesn't put you off this one.

The M/M story is about a young guy who finds himself on the run from mobsters who turn him into a rabbit to make to the chase more fun. When he comes across some different gangsters they agree to protect him, at a price. And he soon finds the transformation changed more then just his body.

Please comment if you like this stoy, or at least hit the thanks/favorite button._



By Hardcover

Ten years ago, in the month of November, scientists at a top secret government research facility were working on a project to give ordinary soldiers the enhanced senses and abilities of various animals. The method used was a mutative gene delivered by piggy backing on a harmless virus.

Without realizing it, a low level worker became exposed, and carried the virus to an airport where he was catching a flight to go home for his vacation. And from there it spread all over the world. By the time the scientists realized that the experiment had gotten out, it was too late.

The virus caused anyone affected to take on not only the abilities, but the physical attributes of various animals. Those infected with the virus, about half the world's population, became known as 'Furs'. The various animal attributes they manifested were known as 'totems', most Furs having at least two totems.

Faced with this radical alteration to the species, the human race, as it so often did, simply adapted.

It was an unseasonably warm night in Windy City. The moon, full and robust, shown over the large buildings, bathing the city it's own luminescent glow, lost to those on the ground who had the sickly yellow street lamps to light their way. It was late in the dark hours, the time of night when the seedy underbelly of the city was at home and at its most active. The empty streets were mostly devoid of life, and a warm wind blew through the streets, gently pushing fallen leaves and pages of abandoned newspapers across the concrete that covered the earth below. Somewhere, a saxophone could be heard playing as some late night insomniac decided to get some more hours of practice in. The derelicts slept in alleys or in abandoned buildings, and the only waking movement was from those few whose occupations, both legitimate and otherwise, required them to keep the hours of an owl.

And in the middle of that, nineteen year old Jimmy Jameson ran for his life.

His pulse raced and his heart hammered painfully in his chest. His breaths came in deep agonizing heaves as he tore through the streets, hoping against hope to but his pursuers behind him. He looked for somewhere to hide, some means of escape as he heard the unmistakable barks and howls of Mr. Marcello's pit bull totemed henchmen.

Hiding for Jimmy, wasn't easy. He was a smooth, that is to say, he had not contracted the Fur Virus and as such was a normal human without any totems, but he was also exceptionally tall, towering over most everyone at six foot two. Despite his large size, he was lanky and scrawny, and his nerdy traits were obvious to anyone who saw him. He wore wide round wire frame glasses on a long and plain face. His eyes were simple brown color, wide and slightly bulging. His hair was a wavy mass of blonde on his head, more distinct now because of how disheveled it had become. He had often been uncharitably compared to Napoleon Dynamite; though he was thankful his hair wasn't quite so big. It was actually long, down to his neck, Owen Wilson style.

He was dressed in the same clothes he'd been wearing when he'd been kicked out of his apartment. I plain brown button up short sleeved shirt, and baggy pair of blue jeans with the legs rolled in cuffs, and a pair of tennis shoes.

Jimmy had come to Windy City to make his mark on the world, but things had not gone the way he'd planned. God, how had it gotten so out of control? How had he ended up owing so much money to the kind of people you never wanted to owe money to? Despite his nerd status, Jimmy had come from money, and was kept well supplied by his wealthy father. His education, his apartment, his fun, all of it was paid for by his father. With that kind of money, chicks pretended to be interested in him and guys pretended he was cool. So he'd begun spending like mad, adopting an irresponsible and extravagant life style. Since his new friends liked drugs, he'd bought them, often paying his suppliers later rather then sooner.

The bottom fell out when he'd found out that he wasn't the only one using funds the wrong way: His father had been arrested and indicted on corruption charges, his assets frozen, and just like that Jimmy's money had been cut off. Without his tuition, he'd been kicked out of college. Without his rent, he'd been kicked out of his apartment. And without his money, he now owed drug kingpin Marcello a whole lot of cash.

He ran down another curve in the alley, not sure of where he was going. He had tried to run into a late night convince store, but he'd been forced out by the owner. Apparently, the news was out that Marcello wanted his hide, and he was still in his territory. He knew he had to get out of it if he wanted a chance to survive.

Although Marcello himself, a Cuban immigrant who had beaten and killed his way up the mob ladder, was a smooth, his henchmen almost all had the pit bull totem, as if that was a particular signature. Although the Fur Virus was a controlled substance, rumor had it that some people had isolated compounds of it. There was talk that anyone who worked for Marcello was required to take the pit bull totem. Similar stories, involving different species, could be heard about a lot of the mobsters in Windy City.

He exited the alley and found himself under a small walkway. As he looked around and started running off in a random direction, his blood froze as he heard the sounds of the pit bull's voices.

"There he is!" Shouted one of them, "Get 'em."

Jimmy tried to veer off to the side. As he did so, he heard the muffled popping sound, almost like some kind of air gun. He looked back just in time to see one of the pits pointing a long wide cylindrical gun of some kind, something like a grenade launcher, in his direction. And a large grey ball of some kind was flying at him at a rapid velocity. He tried to dodge it, but the ball hit him hard in the side, and burst.

Tumbling to the ground, burning pain shot through Jimmy's side where he was hit. He banged his knees and elbows agonizingly on the concrete as he fell. From out of the burst ball, a faint gas quickly enveloped him, almost transparent to the point of invisibility. His nostrils were assailed by a strong scent, and the vapors seemed to come towards him as if they were attracted to his body. They flowed around him, coating him, making his hair prickle as they got all over him.

He scrambled to his feet and took off running again.

He heard one of the pits say, "Good shot, that'll make him more fun to chase."

He ducked into another alley and ran ahead at full break, finding energy he never knew he had. He ran through an almost maze like network of alleys, jumping over a few homeless people as he did so. Trying to put as much distance between himself and the pits as he could, he made turn after turn as he fled. Finally, he had to stop to catch his breath for a second, leaning against a graffiti laden wall.

He gripped his knees, his breath heaving as he tried to steady his heart. His body was hot and clammy. He couldn't stay here long; they'd be on his trail soon. That stuff they'd hit him with, he could feel it sticking to his skin and hair, had to be some kind of scent tracker so they could sniff him out. At least, that's what he thought it was. It had to be that, didn't it?

He became aware that his body was getting hotter, not cooling down like it should have. His face flushed and his skin felt warm all over. He unbuttoned his shirt and shook it has his body warmed up. He shook his head, he had no time for this, and he had to escape. He forced himself to move, and found his head was swimming with disorientation. He kept going, exiting the alley and finding himself in front of a large shopping mall.

He sprinted down through the empty parking lot, making for the other side. As he ran he felt his teeth feeling uncomfortable, as if his bite was all wrong. He ignored it and kept going. When he was halfway through the parking lot, he suddenly stumbled, dripping over something and falling face first on the pavement. The last few buttons of his shirt popped off and it fell open.

Wincing, he started pushing himself up and noticed something alarming: He had tripped over the cuffs of his pant legs, which seemed slightly too big all of a sudden. He got up and tried running forward again. He stopped when he felt a tingling on his chest. He looked down and saw to his surprise that he was growing a light brown coat of fur all over the front of his chest. It spread out, crawling over his skin a little at a time.

Fear clutched at him: Could it be true, that the mobsters had some version of the Fur Virus? If that was true, what was happening to him? He resumed his mad flight, his head clouded and a mild euphoria seeping over him. His shirt was huge and cumbersome on him now, and it slipped down his shoulders and his arms. He let it fall off, noting the creeping brown fur coming up his arms as well.

Running was becoming difficult, his feet hurt as if his shoes were now too small, the perplexing opposite of the rest of his clothes. He saw a line of trees across the street and ran in that direction. The side of his head tickled as he felt his ears rise and expand towards the top of his head. Delirious, he fumbled forward, and then tripped on his pants again.

Careening to the ground, he turned and looked back to discover that his pants were ridiculously huge, billowing out around him. It's not the clothes, he realized, it was him: He was shrinking. As he looked back to where they were falling down, letting his now furry butt hand partially out, he saw a large tuft of fur growing at the base of his spine, coming out to form a fluffy partial ball. Waves of pleasurable sensations were running all over him, like being stoned, and Jimmy thought there must have been some kinda dope in the gas as well.

He yelped as his shoes tore apart, his feet expanding and growing larger as his ears continued to rise further and further above his head. He tried to get up but his pants were tangled around his legs making running impossible. Desperate, he kicked them off, losing his underwear in the process.

Now completely naked, he resumed his flight.

Running became difficult as his feet continued to get bigger. So did his ears, for that matter, which were now towering over his head. He knew now that the gas HAD contained the Fur Virus. And he knew now what was happening: He was turning into a rabbit.

He darted across the street, leaping through the grove of trees. He found himself in a large expansive park. Hope sprung up in him, he knew this place: it was Washington Park, the largest park in Windy City. The Washington Zoo was right next to it, and strait ahead was the town of Washington Park.

Outside of Marcello's territory.

He bolted forward, his heart hammering. His ears folded back under their own weight and fell behind his head; growing so long they touched his now furry back. His tail had completely come in and his feet were ridiculously long, and made it harder and harder to run. He tripped over them and had to stop dead and steady himself to keep from falling again. His body continued to shrink and change, and he felt his face push outward, extending into a round blunted snout as fur covered it. His glasses came off and fell to the ground. He was about to scramble around and try to get them when he realized he didn't need them all of a sudden, his vision sharpened and focused.

He took off again, running for the far side of the park, where he knew the Washington Park community center was. He felt no further changes as he ran, and realized his transformation was now complete.

Anyone seeing him now would have been hard pressed to recognize him: No longer the towering giant he had been, he was now just over five foot four, short and covered in a light brown fur all over his body. His face was long and bore the unmistakable shape of the Lepus totem. His front upper teeth were slightly over bitten now, and his ears were long bunny ears falling down behind his hair, their furry shape looking a little like dreadlocks. A wide puffy cotton tail, curving up slightly to a point now decorated his back side. His feet were long and wide at their furry tips, the toes having receded to form a paw. His coat of fur was almost entirely the same light brown color except for the hair on his head which remained blonde, and a patch running from his chin to a v shape on his collar bone, and in his crotch which were the same color.

He had hoped the fur would hide his genitals, since he had no clothes on, but to his dismay, although his testicles were covered with blond fur, his penis was the only part of him that wasn't furry. It was now a deeper shade of pink, and seemed also be the only part of him that hadn't shrunk. It stood out between his legs, as obvious as anything.

He jogged through the bushes, hoping no one saw him as he ran, scared, naked and alone.

And yet, somehow, the feeling of being out here nude and out in the open was turning him on. As he continued through the shadow bathed park, he felt an unmistakable rush of excitement, and felt his penis begin to get a little hard. He tried to shake the feeling off, this was no time for that, and he had a pack of homicidal mobsters on his trail. But the thrill persisted, as well as a nagging sense of horniness. His pace slowed a little, and the nagging tingling sensations ran up and down his body, especially in his crotch. His head didn't feel right and he had trouble thinking of anything else.

Reaching the edge of the park, he slipped through some bushes, and out into the wide court of the community center. The center was a wide plaza flanked by several different large buildings which included the city hall, the city library and other such buildings. Unfortunately, not the police station which was several blocks away. Or considering that he was nude in public, maybe that was fortunate.

He brushed a hand along his downward pointing rabbit ears; he couldn't believe what had happened to him. Those thugs must have thought it was hilarious to turn him into a rabbit fur to chase him, he cringed in humiliation. Well, at least they hadn't infected him with the skunk or sloth totem.

He walked around the courtyard, completely deserted at this time of night. The more he went, the more excited he became by his state of undress. He felt his penis stiffen between his legs, and flushed red with both embarrassment and arousal. He licked his lips as he moved about; trying to remind himself that he was in severe danger. He wondered it they had put something in that gas to make him this way, so it would easier to catch him. He had no idea, but how else to explain the way he felt?

He shook his head, he couldn't do this on his own, he needed some help. He tried to make his way to the police station, walking around the library. He picked up the pace, to avoid being discovered like this. Part of him, however, actually wanted to be.

So engrossed was he, that he didn't notice the four Doberman Pinchers until he was almost on top of them when he came around a corner.

They were all dressed in dark colored suits and had red neckties on and matching carnations in the lapels. They each wore dark fedoras on their heads, some of which had tilted it slightly to the side. All about them there was an air of toughness and threat, and it didn't take much of an imagination to know what line of work these Furs were in. Under their suits, the bulges of muscles could be made out, finely sculpted bodies that even the bulky material of the suits couldn't completely hide. They seemed, if such a thing were possible, to have been made for intimidation.

Much like Jimmy, they didn't notice their visitor at first, they were wrapped up in there conversation.

One was saying, "So I says to him, 'Look, you look like an alright kid, but lemme tell ya' somethin': Ya' sleep with my daughter ya' sleep with the fishes, ya' know what I'm sayin'?"

Another one laughed, "Man, I'll bet that scared the shit out of him the way you do it."

"Damn strait." The first one replied, puffing out his chest.

"But Karl," A third one observed, "Everyone's slept with your daughter."

Karl shrugged, "Yeah, but he don't know that."

They all laughed again, and Jimmy was now trying to back away and head another direction. Even as he did so something inside of him was telling him to go to them, something about the way those powerful Dobermans looked, it was attracting him, and sending extra stimulation through his body. What the hell was he thinking? He backed away, hoping they wouldn't see him.

One of them sniffed the air, picking up his scent. He turned in Jimmy's direction just as he was about to get back around the corner. He frowned, and the elbowed the Doberman next to him. They all turned their attention now on the short naked bunny boy in front of them.

Jimmy shrank back, not sure what to do, clutching his hands in front of his chest. The four Dobermans came over to him, looking him over appraisingly.

"Hey, there, little fella." Karl spoke, "What ya' doin' out here naked for?"

Jimmy stammered, "I . . . I was looking for some help?"

"Oh really?" One of the others grinned, "What can we help yous with?"

Seriously, did these guys practice talking like this?

The four of them had now surrounded Jimmy on all sides. He would have been panicking right now, but the closer they got the more excited he became. This was insane, he wasn't gay, and he'd never been gay. Okay, there was that guy at the Depeche Mode concert, but that didn't count. What the hell had those pit bulls sprayed him with? And what was it doing to his head. He still felt warm all over his body, and his exposed penis crawled with sensations.

Another of the Dobies ran a hand over his hair, "Hey, don't be shy, honey. What's wrong, little fella? We got big teeth, but we don't bite."

Jimmy opened up his mouth, and the whole story poured out, the money, his father, Marcello, all of it. It was like once he said one thing; he had to say it all. He rambled on, spilling the whole story for them.

Through it, Karl was surprisingly attentive. He put one hand under his chin and listened, occasionally nodding his head, but otherwise silently hearing everything Jimmy had to say. He looked at him with those dark black eyes, his long black face with its dark brown fur under snout, his small pointed ears poking through holes in his fedora. Jimmy had expected these guys to start laughing at him, but they simply let him spill his guts.

When he was done, Karl rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "I've been hearin' something 'bout this, some kid who owes Marcello a lotta greenbacks. It ain't a good place ta' be, on Marcello's bad side. Whatchu think, Joe?"

One of the others nodded, "I think he's tellin' da' truth. Not the first time Marcello's Pitts furred somebody t'make the chase more interestin'."

Looking around at the mobsters, Jimmy was at a complete loss: They actually seemed to be concerned about his problem, but they were running their eyes over every inch of his naked body in a way that was both making him uncomfortable and excited.

"I . . . I don't know what to do." He finally said.

Karl leaned over and whispered something in Joe's ear. Joe grinned and nodded to him. With a practiced move, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone, dialing a number and talking into it. He stepped aside and spoke in a low voice; Jimmy couldn't pick up anything he said. Finally, he put the phone away and came back.

Karl said, "You'd better come with us, it ain't safe with Marcello's goons runnin' around looking for ya'. We'll take ya' to the boss, see what he has ta' say. He might be able to help."

"Why would you do that for me?" Jimmy asked, surprised.

"Well, one: Any chance we can get ta' stick it ta' Marcello is one we're gonna take. And two: It just ain't right to refuse a bunny boy in need."

There was a lot of leering chuckling with that one, but having no where else to go, Jimmy followed them. Joe took off his jacket and draped it over Jimmy's shoulders. It was so big on him now that it covered all his naughty bits. They took him along a back way down the street, talking a little bit to him and a lot with each other.

He found that the other two Dobies were named Louie and Vinnie. They took him around a corner and to his surprise; they went to a huge luxury hotel called the Excelsior. The place was one of those huge ritzy establishments, with a casino on the bottom floor and a huge tower filled with opulent rooms. Jimmy had heard of this place often, usually the setting for sordid stories involving celebrities and plenty of illegal activity. He was aware, of course, that in getting help from these guys he might just be trading his debt to one gangster for debt to another. But, as sad as it sounded, he had no other alternative.

"Hey, I've seen this place on Lifestyles Of The Rich And Shameless." Jimmy said jokingly.

Joe replied, "Yeah, we get a lot o' celebs here. Lindsay Lohan's been a total hellcat ever since she turned into a mountain lion. She stayed here last week an' trashed her room. Crazy dame, that one."

His head still swam and he was still inexplicitly horny. He couldn't take his eyes off the four Dobies, and wondered what their lithe and toned bodies must look like under those bulky suits. They took him around the back of the hotel and through a service entrance. It was clear that the staff knew not to question these guys as they came in. They took Jimmy down a long hall and then to a small elevator in the back and got in.

Pressed in between the bodies of his hosts, Jimmy found his arousal increasing. He could feel the warmth of their bodies against his fur, and the slight outlines of their forms next to him. His breathing got deeper and his heart rate quickened. He couldn't believe how much being so close to these magnificent men was turning him on. He had no idea where these feelings were coming from, but tingles of excited pleasure ran all up and down his body. He realized with a start that he was hard. He grimaced, hoping the big coat would hide it well enough. He took a deep breath, not sure what to expect.

The door opened onto a fancy ornate office decorated with a classical approach, wood paneling and hand crafted furniture everywhere. An old dark oak desk sat to one side, and a series of plush chairs sat on the other. The desk was slightly curved and was obviously a receptionist's desk. The chairs were wooden, ornately carved with leather padding, and looked very expensive. There was a set of double doors on the other side across from them, which promptly opened to admit the secretary, who looked up and came over to them right away.

At first, Jimmy thought it was a woman, but when the figure got closer he realized it was a very effeminate man. He was of the cat totem, covered all over with white and caramel colored fur. His green eyes gleamed out at them happily; his hair long and well moussed and looked like this guy was a regular customer at a hair salon. His long tail dropped down behind him almost to the floor.

He was dressed in a black half t-shirt that read 'slut' on the front of it in large cursive pink letters, and a pair of black biker shorts that left little to the imagination. He smiled as they came in, coming over to him moving his hips sexily, his tail swishing behind him seductively. He approached them, gayer then the front row of a prison rodeo, a distinct gleam in his eyes. No matter how hard he tried, Jimmy could stop himself from finding the guy attractive.

"Hi, guys." He purred, "Who's your sexy bunny boy?"

Unconsciously putting a hand to his mouth and giggling, Jimmy blushed at the compliment. It was almost as if he could feel his sexuality changing, his heterosexual libido dying away while this new one came roaring to take its place.

Karl said, "Hi, Jess. He's the reason we're here. We need ta' talk to Don Giamotto for a minute, is he available?"

On hearing the name, Jimmy gasped: He'd heard of the Giamotto family before, a long lasting Italian crime family from back in the prohibition days. The current leader, Tigre Giamotto, the grandson of the founder, was ostensibly a Howard Hughes or Donald Trump type industry tycoon, but everybody just knew he still ran the family business.

"Yeah," Nodded Jess, "He's free now, but he's been in a meeting all day with the leader of the senior citizen's mob, Don Ameche."

Scratching his head, Vinnie said, "I thought dat was tomorrow?"

Jess shook his head, "No, tomorrow's the leader of the mixed martial arts mob, Don Frye."

Quite naturally, Jimmy assumed they were kidding.

Jess lead them all through the doors into an ornate, very old fashioned office, decorated front to back like it hadn't changed one bit since the 1920s. There were long plush antique leather couches along the wall, and a thick grey carpet on the floor. A huge picture window looked out over the city that took up most of the far side of the office. Classical paintings adorned the wood paneled walls, and a full bar like something out of an old western sat on the left side, fronted by leather bar stools.

A plaque hung on one wall that read: "'You can get further with a kind word and a gun then you can with a kind word alone.'--Al Capone".

In front of the window sat a wide antique wooden desk, intricately carved and polished, the only thing modern about it being the computer and phone on the top. Behind it, a suited figure sat with his back to the group. As they approached, he swiveled around in the chair, putting his elbows on the desk, and observed them, placing his chin on his interlocked hands.

It was Don Tigre Giomotto. He turned around and looked them over as the Doberman's brought the timid bunny boy forward. Jimmy swallowed hard, looking at the imposing man in front of him.

Most of that imposing mystique was probably from the fact that Don Giomotto was a Fur, and he was rather obviously possessed of tiger as his primary totem. Dark orange fur laced here and there with puffs of white ran covered his face, the large feline maw jutting out to fit the massive teeth Jimmy knew he had. Black stripes lined the side of his head, and he could see the long thin tail moving abound in back. His hair was white, and he wore it slicked back across the top of his head. His eyes, the yellowish green color of most felines, stared at him intently.

Unlike the rather simple zoot suits his underlings were wearing, Don Giomotto was dressed immaculately in a cleaned and pressed Armani pinstriped suit, with a large red carnation in the lapel. His cufflinks were real diamond and sparkled in the dim light of the office.

He reached into a small box on the desk and brought out a large Cuban cigar. At first, Jimmy thought he'd popped out a pen knife but then realized it was one of Giomotto's claws with which he clipped the edge of the cigar. He lit it with a silver, jewel encrusted lighter, taking a huge puff and expelling the smoke before speaking.

He spoke in a deep, but soft voice, "Good evening gentlemen. Is this the young man that you phoned me about?"

Karl answered, "This is him. We found him on the run from Marcello's men."

Giomotto looked at him, "Come closer, Mr. Jameson, allow me to make your acquaintance."

Timidly, Jimmy stepped forward, "How do you know my name?"

Giomotto chuckled a little, "When Marcello wants someone everyone pretty much knows who it is. The man is as subtle as he is cultured, that is to say not at all. So, tell me, Mr. Jameson, or may I call you Jimmy?"

"Uh . . . sure."

"Jimmy, tell me, how did you come to find yourself in such a sorry state of affairs?"

Jimmy took a deep breath and began to talk. Like he had for Karl, he began to tell the whole story, once more spilling his guts to complete, to say nothing of dangerous, stranger. As with Karl, there was a strange attentiveness to the boss' expression. He nodded from time to time, asking a question here and there, but simply listened as Jimmy unloaded the entire sad story. When he had finished, Giomotto took a deep breath and sat back.

"Well," He observed, "I don't envy your position, that is not a good place to be in. I hope, Jimmy, that you understand that this predicament that you find yourself in is largely of your own making. This is a situation that your choices and your courses of action have placed you in, you do understand that right?"

Looking down at the floor, Jimmy nodded. Giomotto wasn't going to help him. It was strange to have fleeting hope dashed upon the floor.

And then, Giomotto stood up and face the window, "But, as John Milton so eloquently put it, 'Yet I shall temper so Justice with mercy, as may illustrate most them fully satisfy'd, and thee appease.' As it so happens, I might be able to help you out. In point of fact, I don't do this for just about anyone. But your father was a business associate of mine, before his recent fall from grace, and I believe that I owe him and his family some consideration."

He turned back to Jimmy, who looked at him uncertainly. This was the first he'd heard of it. His father had mob ties? He'd never even suspected that. He began to feel like he didn't really know his father.

"I can absorb your debt quite easily." He said, "You would no longer be in the red with a violent thug like Marcello. But I would not do such a thing for free, mind you, I am a business man, and it would indeed be bad business to absorb such a considerable debt for no return. Instead, if I do this for, you will work for me, here in this hotel, until your debt is cleared."

A sinking feeling hit the bit of Jimmy's stomach: What was he getting himself into here? Still, there was very little choice in the matter.

"What would I have to do?" Jimmy asked, hoping it wasn't to kill someone.

Giomotto grinned, unnerving with all those sharp teeth, "The boys have all taken a liking to you, especially since you turned up naked in their midst. My boys work very hard to earn their pay, and as you can imagine their jobs are rather stressful. You will service them with your body, doing whatever is required to help them find . . . release."

Jimmy almost passed out on the floor, he was about to be the fuck toy for a room full of wise guys. He stared at Giomotto with disbelief at first, and then turned around to look at the Dobeys. He realized they had all taken their jackets and hats off, and most of them were undoing their ties.

Jess sat on the edge of one of the couches, his felt dangling over, "Oh . . . do I get to watch? I can't wait to see this."

"In point of fact," Giomotto went on, "They are quite stressed right at this particular moment. If you would be so kind as to service their needs?"

"Uh . . . now?" Jimmy asked intelligently.

Giomotto nodded, "Yes, now. Consider it an audition."

Jimmy felt Karl's hand touch his shoulder and the big Doberman pulled him back a little into the center of the room. Karl turned him around so he was facing him. All four dogs were standing around him. Again, he felt his strange new body yearning for them the closer they got. He looked down and shivered as he could see the bulges of erections in their pants. He could hear Jess purring off to the side. The dogs were grinning and looking down and Jimmy suddenly realized that his pink hard penis was poking out from under the jackets.

Running a hand through his blonde hair, Karl said, "Just relax, kid. We'll make ya' feel real good."

"But . . . but I'm not . . ." He started.

The sentence was cut off as Karl leaned down and kissed his lips. At first, Jimmy tried to pull away, but his body rebelled at the idea, and Karl's lips felt inexplicably good on his. His eyes closed after a second, and he felt himself press against Karl's body harder, his hands reaching up and touching his chest.

Very quickly, the others were around him, each one taking turns kissing his lips. Jimmy found himself kissing them back, accepting their tongues in his mouth. He told himself that he wad doing this to get out of his debt, but deep down inside he knew something: He wanted this. Somehow, in becoming a rabbit, his sexuality had changed. He moved his head from mouth to mouth, feeling their wet wonderful kisses. It was hard to believe such tough guys liked boys, but suddenly Jimmy was glad they did.

One of them opened the jacket. It fell open, revealing his hard stimulated bunny cock. He felt a strange thrill that they could all see it, they could all see how horny he was. Vinnie was standing behind him and he reached around his shoulders and pulled the jacket off, dropping it to the floor. Stripped naked, Jimmy felt a quivering shot of excitement as he was undressed.

On the couch, Jess, had pulled his hard kitty cock out and was masturbating as he watched them with a leer.

Unbuckling his belt, Joe undid his pants and dropped them to his ankles. The guys had begun to caress, Jimmy's body all over, and he found himself moving a little as ecstasy took over. He loved their touches on his fur, and watched in excitement as Joe pulled his penis out of his pants. His testicles were covered in black fur, and a furry sheath covered the bottom of his cock. However, fully erect his dick now extended from the fur. It was large and thick, slightly pointed at the tip and a deep red color. At its base, Jimmy could see the slight swell of the knot, and he shivered again as arousal ran all over him.

Gently taking his hand, Joe placed it on his cock. Jimmy felt tingles run all over him as his hand made contact. He found himself automatically moving his hand up and down along the shaft, feeling its girth under his fingers. He loved it, he realized, the feeling of a penis in his hands. He heard more unzipping and then suddenly his other hand was on Louie's penis. He moved the both up and down, kissing the lips of whoever's face happened to be in front of his at the time.

Karl reached down and ran a finger over Jimmy's hard dick, making him moan a little. He gripped his cock in one furry hand, and began to jerk the young rabbit off, moving his hand up and down.

Nuzzling Jimmy's neck, Karl asked, "Ya' like dat, dollface?"

"Yes." Jimmy mumbled, rolling his head.

He was sinking fast into delirium. He knew he would do whatever they wanted, serve every desire they had. He felt hands pushing down his shoulders and he sank to his knees in front of them. They all had their cocks out waiting for them. His penis throbbed between his legs, and desire crackled in his brain. He was apprehensive, he knew what they wanted, but he had never done such a thing. Not sober at any rate. But lust was overriding his senses; he leaned over and tentatively licked at Karl's cock. His body shivered with tingles and his cock quivered as soon as he made contact. He ran his tongue up and down the shaft, taking the tip in his mouth and letting it slide between his lips. The penis felt good in his mouth, good and right. He began to suck, bobbing up and down on the cock, his hand jerking off two others. He worked Karl's a little bit and moved to another.

Oh god, he was doing it: He had another man's dick in his mouth and he was enjoying it! He couldn't believe he was liking this, not in such a submissive stance down on his knees like this, but it was turning him on as his bunny cock throbbed with passion. He moved from one canine penis to the other, sucking with uncontrollable relish.

"Man, I think he likes dat." Vinnie said.

As Jimmy sucked, he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. Jess had gotten up off the couch and was coming towards them. He had taken off what little clothing he'd been wearing and was now completely naked, his feline penis hard and stiff in front of him. His tail swished as he moved with sexy, cat movements, fluid in their motions.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked.

No one actually said anything, they didn't have to. They just stepped aside a little and let Jess in. He quickly got down on his knees right next to Jimmy and took the first cock he could reach into his mouth. The two gay submissive furs moved from dog cock to dog cock, sucking and bobbing their heads as they slurped on the shafts. When they both pulled a cock out of their mouths at the same time, Jess leaned over and kissed Jimmy on the lips, running his hand over his leg.

Unable to resist, Jimmy found himself kissing Jess back, their lips moving on one another. Jess's hand moved from his leg to his cock, running his padded fingers up and down the shaft of his penis. Jimmy moaned, the hand feeling so good on his cock. He couldn't help himself, he reached down and touched, Jess's dick, feeling the same thrill he got from the rest. They broke the kiss and went back to sucking each cock in turn.

After a time, Karl reached down and brought Jimmy to his feet. He put an arm around him and took him over to one of the couches. Jimmy felt good being close to Karl's warm body, and in a strange way he felt comforted by his presence and the warmth of his body.

"Come over here," Karl said, "Don't worry, you'll like it."

Sitting down on a couch, Karl pulled Jimmy onto his lap. They kissed and made out, their maws moving against each other as they did. Jimmy penis was stiff in his lap, and Karl caressed it lightly, moving his hand on it and making Jimmy squirm a little. Jimmy could feel Karl's hard penis under his body and a rush of desire pulled at him: He wanted that dick, wanted it badly. Karl rolled him over and lay him down on his back on the couch, spreading his legs with his hands and kissing his lips gently.

Jimmy was pornographically exposed in this position. Karl moved his snout down his body and came to Jimmy's hard dick. With a wink, he took Jimmy's penis in his maw and began to suck him, licking him with his wide canine tongue and jerking off the base of it. Jimmy bit his lip as Karl's mouth moved up and down on his penis, rolling his hips a little. The blowjob just felt so good.

He yelped as he felt Karl's finger touch the rim of his ass and then slip inside him. Karl began to finger fuck Jimmy, moving in and out and loosening up his ass. He added a second finger and did the same. He kept that up until he could fit in a third.

Next to them, Jess was already bent over the couch and taking it up the ass from Joe. Jimmy looked at him, seeing the rapt ecstasy on his face as the kitten boy was penetrated, his hears flat against his head. Did it really feel as good as it looked?

Kissing him again, Karl placed his penis against Jimmy's waiting asshole, as if he could tell what Jimmy had been thinking of. Jimmy squirmed in conflicting emotions. Part of him was screaming at him to just get it over with, telling him not to enjoy it. But another part of him wanted it, made him crave it.

"You ready, dollface?" Karl asked him.

Not waiting for an answer, Karl entered him. Jimmy gasped and arched his back, feeling a sharp pain as his butt was stretched out and invaded. The long dog cock pushed deeper and deeper into him, spreading him out and filling him up. He gritted his teeth, but he realized the pain was subsiding and this didn't really feel all that bad. In fact, some part of him was finding it really good.

Beginning to thrust his hips, Karl moved in and out of Jimmy's ass, fucking him deep and slow. A moan escaped his lips as he was sodomized. This was it: There was no going back from this; he'd taken it up the ass. Worse, he was liking it, loving it even. He glanced over at Jess, and saw the naked cat boy moaning and twisting as he was fucked. Jess seemed so unrepentant in his enjoyment, so shamelessly gay it was almost infections. Would he end up like that, Jimmy wondered/ A large part of him wanted to.

He twisted as Karl picked up the pace, moving his penis in and out of Jimmy's virgin rectum. Not so virgin anymore, Jimmy gripped the couch and moaned louder, pleasure surging in him, his stiff cock flopping back and forth against his stomach as he was fucked. His kissed Karl's lips, passion swelling in him. Nothing seemed to matter except the pleasure he got from Karl's penis.

With a wicked gleam in his green eyes, Jess leaned over and licked Jimmy's erect penis. His tongue was rough, but it felt sort of good on it. Taking Jimmy's cock in his mouth, Jess began to blow him, skillfully moving his mouth over the stiff organ as he was being screwed from behind.

On one of the other couches, Vinnie and Louie were busy sixty nining each other. Who'd have thought all these tough gangsters were this gay?

Reaching deep within him, Karl pushed his penis inside the bunny boy, fucking him good and hard. Jimmy twisted and convulsed, his ass feeling fantastic as pleasure rocked his body. His eyes were closed and he moaned with joy as he was fucked, whatever strait thoughts had remained were now extinguished by the delightful feeling of the big cock inside him. The air was filled with moans and slaps, and the sounds of the couches creaking as they moved and the leather crinkling.

"Mmmm, I think ya' like it up da' ass." Karl observed.

"I do! I love it. Fuck my ass!" Jimmy heard himself say.

Loosing it completely and abandoning himself to his new homosexual pleasure, Jimmy wrapped his arms and legs around Karl, pulling his body close to him. No girl had ever felt this good. Probably because women had sex to get something else they wanted. Ah, but boys had sex just to have sex, and that made a world of difference. Jimmy cried out in bliss; there was no going back now. He'd become completely gay and he knew it. He no longer cared; he wanted it to happed, to feel these big strong men inside of him. He thrust his hips back, driving Karl's penis deep into his body, where it belonged.

They fucked and ground against each other until Karl's groans got louder and louder.

"Oh, shish kabob! I'm cumming, I'm gonna cum." He moaned.

Jimmy heard Karl give a loud long moan and then felt the hot splash of his cum as it filled his ass. Jimmy couldn't hold it any longer, he twisted and writhed in delight, pleasure washing over him as he ejaculated in Jess's furred face, his body shuddering with spasms as he ejaculated.

"Ah! Arrrgh! Ahhh!" Jimmy cried.

The orgasm was much more powerful then it had ever been before. He twisted on the couch, Jess sucking every last drop out of his pink cock. Jimmy fell back on the couch, feeling better then he had in a long time.

But it wasn't over yet: Suddenly, hands grabbed him from all sides and he felt himself flipped over on his stomach, his knees on the floor. He knew someone else wanted to be inside him, and he gleefully spread his legs wide, lifting up his butt, his small puffy rabbit tail twitching.

"Oh, lookit 'dat." Louie leered, "He wants it again."

"Of course he does," Jess leaned over and kissed him, "'cause he's a hot little gay bunny boy, aren't you, Jimmy?"

"Oh yeah," Jimmy moaned, "I'm a horny gay bunny boy and I love it."

He heard someone coming up behind him, and he turned his head and looked. To his surprise, he saw Giamotto coming up in back of him, now completely naked, his black striped body in full view. Between his legs, his penis was hard and erect, and boy it was monster, almost the size of a John Holms! Jimmy gasped, but felt his body yearn for the big cock.

"I would say," Giamotto told him, "That it's time for the final part of your audition."

Getting into place, on his knees, the huge antro tiger pushed his giant dick into Jimmy's waiting and willing ass. Jimmy gave a yelp and then a squeal of glee as he was penetrated, finding it no longer hurt at all. The mob boss began to fuck him hard and deep, shoving his cock in and out of Jimmy's deflowered ass. Jimmy moaned and cried out in pleasure, completely gay now and loving it.

"Man, 'dat's a conversion face if ever I saw one." Joe said.

"Oh yeah, you made me totally gay now," Jimmy panted, "And I love it."

Suddenly, someone's dick was shoved into his mouth. He didn't know whose, but he began to gleefully suck it. Hands reached down and caressed his body all over. He found a cock in one of his hands and he jerked it dutifully. He realized he was hard again. Back when he was a smooth he'd never managed an erection again so fast. He twisted his body in the troughs of ecstasy, abandoning himself to his new status as a little gay sex slave.

The world dissolved into a haze of pleasure and delight, and he never looked back.

When he woke up the next morning, he was in one of the smaller rooms in the hotel. He was still naked, but clothes had been stuffed in the closet for him. He showered and shampooed all of his fur, cleaning himself up, and then picked out some clothes and dressed.

Room service showed up with a good breakfast for him, along with a note from Mr. Giamotto telling him the debt to Marcello had been paid, and he would now work it off as a slut for the boys. Jimmy grinned; he knew he'd do his best to please them. After eating, Jimmy left the room and went down to the lobby.

He found them all in a VIP lounge area, along with a whole bunch of new guys he hadn't met, mostly Dobermans and Rottweilers. As he entered, all eyes turned to him, because he was dressed in a cut off t-shirt and tight low riding cut off jean shorts that did nothing to hide the erection he shamelessly displayed in front of him. He entered the room, swaying his hips sexily as I walked.

"There he is!" Karl called, "And how's our favorite gay bunny boy doin'?"

"Much better now that I'm back with you guys." Jimmy winked, brushing back his ears with a flick of his wrist.

Instantly, the guys surrounded him, touching and caressing him, and turning him on. He loved being the center of attention from so many hot gay men, he let his hands wander on their bodies and gleefully kissed them when the wanted it, like the dutiful gay slut that he was.

Jimmy had come to Windy City to make his mark on the world, but things had not gone the way he'd planned. Who'd have ever thought he would become a gangster's moll?