Within The Lab: Birth of a New Era

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#10 of The Lab

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Dr. Ann McNickle was spending another enjoyable night in her office alone. Many people would feel that it was no way to live their lives, but they weren't the good doctor. Some of the best times of her work career had been spent in the office after all of the interns had left for the evening and she could do her work in peace. It was no wonder she was looking at her computer with a slight smile on her face as she pecked out letters in what looked like a file on wallaby reproduction and cross species breeding programs. It looked very much on the level, all of the weights and hormone levels were noted, drug amounts and reactions, personal observations about the fertilization.

There was only one part that seemed off. A great deal of the notes spoke of artificially inseminating the test subject at a certain time with harvested sperm. The amounts and devices used were all correct, but what was off was in a cage near her a wallaby was huddled in a corner as a large nile crocodile slipped away from her and from in her. The cock left a trail of cum dribbling out as the large beast swung it's head about and let out a low vocalization in his throat. It was the noise that made the doctor look up to see the mating complete and a smile cross her lips. That smile wasn't one of pleasure in a job well done, but it was slightly sinful and wicked.

"Ahh what a good girl you are, you pleasured him swiftly!" She praised the wallaby before she turned a switch on that sent red light pouring from the door between the enclosures.

The large crocodile reacted to the flood of heat by turning towards it and starting the slow waddling walk that lead him through the opening and into the next room. The wallaby was left alone bruised and obviously mated by the other species, but it was the eyes that made the picture odd. They glared at the doctor with outraged accusation as the door closed firmly. The wallaby had once been her colleague who had proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that she couldn't be trusted. Edward had been worthless human being that had mistreated animals with a callous cruelty that had appalled her when she found out about it. She'd arranged to have her own punishment handed out instead of the laws justice.

In her mind jail time that might only last a handful of years was too good for someone who obviously didn't care about the sanctity of life. The only thing that could be done was to make sure it never happened again. This was her way of doing things. She considered the huddled form for a moment before her lips twitched in an almost smile. She was able to get to that part of the cage by slowly edging around and watching those angry eyes stare at her. Just close enough that she could sink the syringe into the furred haunch filled with a cocktail of drugs she herself had designed. But most importantly it had the added bonus of carrying a mild sedative. It wouldn't do have Edward struggling while she set things up.


Edward curled herself up against the very back of the cage with her breathing coming in short little gasps. It had only been a small while since the crocodile had taken her, she could still feel the sticky ropes of seed leaking down against her inner thighs from her abused sex. Her timing was off from her shock and trauma, she hadn't even been able to get out of the way when Ann's hand had injected her with god knows what. Her world was strangely surreal as she blinked under the lights that glared down in her cage. Her body hurt and felt bruised after the rough treatment she had received, but it seemed that Ann had other ideas in mind for her. Instead of letting her recover she heard the cage door opening and the sound of foot steps coming nearer and nearer. She opened up one eye to see her former boss crouched down near her.

"Poor thing, I did warn you didn't I." A hand moved down to glide against her side and she squirmed a little bit uncomfortably at the touch. "What your feeling is the result of the drug I gave you. It's helping to make sure things speed up."

Edward opened up his mouth to make a plea to be let go, to be helped, to be changed back, but all that came out was a soft mewling cry. It sounded as pitiful as a babies whimper. The hand slid down and she felt it rubbing against her stomach and massaging where she could feel her flesh growing swollen and sore feeling. It was as if it was on fire and she shrank away from the touch just as the fingers slipped back away. She felt sick to her stomach. She wanted to throw up, but all she could do was curl further forward against her stomach before hands started to reach under her body. She could feel them shifting her weight as she was lifted into the air.

"I'm sure every animal you tested on felt this way. They just wanted it to end." Dr. McNickle's voice was almost soothing, but the words were not. "But the tests aren't done yet. We're going to test the theory of multiple fathers to one litter or should I say clutch?"

The wallaby widened her eyes and tried to struggle only to feel the arms closing down more tightly around her, forcing her to hold still. Multiple father's? What could she want to do now? She opened her eyes to see them passing out of the room and into a clear white one that hurt her eyes. Everything was freshly scrubbed down and dimly she remembered that it was once supposed to be an operating room, but it had never been completed. She writhed and gave another kick of her powerful legs only to feel herself dropped onto the floor with a sudden thud that jarred her and made her clamp her teeth together with whimper. Her entire lower body ached! The fall also had the humiliating experience of jarring more of the croc's cum from her body so that the pearly drops rolled down from her splayed passage and to the white floor.


Ann looked at the huddled brown animal on the floor as the drug kept her somewhat more manageable than normal. That suited her just fine since she had to work up close and personal with the former human. She maneuvered the form upwards so that it was balanced on her hind legs and forced them to spread apart until they found the duel set of restraints that had been installed onto the floor. The clear plastic rubber bands rose up and the only color was found in the bright silver buckles one at each end of them. She ended up in the compromising position of half straddling Edward while she situated the feet to slide forward right underneath the loosely buckled straps.

They ran right over the top of her feet and she pressed Yuung forward until she was half toppled forward and weakly trying to put her forepaws down to keep herself from falling all the way over. She tightened the straps over the feet to the point that the ridge of the toes would keep her from being able to pull them back and free herself. Not that the wallaby could really move backwards with any sort of ease. As the second leg was settled in she felt the muscles tense and squirm while the hind legs were forced to spread wide apart in an awkward crouching motion. She could hear something splatter against the ground and she leaned to one side to look down beneath the heavy rise of the tail before laughing to herself.

"My my, getting rid of your lovers deposit so soon? Don't worry, by morning you're going to be more then showing what he's left behind." She patted the broad haunch and felt the furred skin twitch as it tried to flinch away from her.

There was something about Edward's fear of her, the humiliating state of her that made her want to press the boundaries even more. There was an erotic edge to it that kept her focused on more than just the scientific aspects of what was going on. She watched the eyes flash and show a ring of white, the breath that was coming out in shallow pants and all she could think was how she would watch this video again and again. What had started once as a simple slight desire to punish had started to turn into something deeper and more sordid then she could have possibly imagined. It was only now in the heat of the moment that she could admit to herself just what she was enjoying.

The doctor moved her hand down to grip the scruff of the wallaby's neck before forcing it downwards to push closer to the tiled floor. There was a struggle, but the drug kept her mostly pliant as she pulled the clear collar up to affix around the softly furred brown neck. The chain that was attached to it was only two links so that the wallaby was forced to lean forward with her haunches straight in the air with the base of her tail raised slightly to try and balance to awkward position. She moved her hand upwards to run against the long ears and then trailed all the way towards the spine. The position, while awkward, certainly had its merits. She could see plainly the abused folds the crocodile had used so brutally and the slight bulge in her stomach as the eggs were starting to grow an accelerated rate. She'd gotten things set up none too soon!


"Now you stay here, I'm going to set up the cameras and then we'll bring in your new friend." Ann's voice left with laughter and Edward tried to push forward before dropping into a relaxed state again.

The drug was slowly wearing off, but that just made her feel her stomach even more. It hurt and cramped as she could feel it starting to plump up. Her body felt too hot and itchy in the fur that she had grown. Everything felt wrong, so very wrong. It wasn't just that she'd been turned into this animal, it was that her body was having things happen to it that left her feeling a strange mix of arousal and pain both. She opened her eyes to the glare of the bright white room and felt some of the drug fading away as her eyes were able to focus on the environment she was in. Her first impression was the sterile scent of it. It stung her nostrils and made her wrinkle her nose backwards in disgust.

She knew that this was being filmed, all of this. Ann had said as much at the very start and it left her angry and humiliated. Even if no one knew who she was, the very idea that others might be able to see what was happening to her revolted her. It was bad enough that it had happened to her at all! To have it embedded in a video that might be passed around the internet sickened her. Would she return to human form only to be forced to relive what had happened to her time and again? She wanted to scream out her frustration, but the best she could manage was a panting groan as everything on her body started to feel too hot and uncomfortable. Her fur and skin seemed to cling too closely to her!

"I'm sure you're curious about just what I've injected you with." Ann's voice came out crackly and slightly strange. A speaker system? "I've had strange results with it so far, so I'm sure you realize the importance of testing it on an animal first. Sadly there's no animal I was willing to risk for these tests."

Fear rolled through the former doctor in a wave at those words. Strange results? Risky? What was she trying to say? Was she going to end up dead or worse? She knew intimately what some trial drugs could do to a person if they were untested and had seen first hand what happened to animals when they were tested upon. How could she even bring herself to do this to her? It was disgusting, no it was worse than disgusting! It was deplorable! The very idea that she was about to be used like a worthless test animal with no thought given to how she'd be able to cope with what was happening made a rush of anger flood her and she struggled harder against the restraints. Her claws dug into the tile and then scratched over them in an attempt to find purchase.

"We're going to allow you another partner to see if you can carry the young of two different species." Edward froze at that and almost screamed to herself. No no no, not again, she didn't want this to happen all over again! "In the interest of science we're going to try something that is a bit more closer to yourself in species."

For a heart stopping moment Edward was positive she meant another human. What human would willingly do this to another? That intern of hers always made her suspicious, perhaps he was waiting to mount an animal. The world was full of sick people like that and it didn't come as a surprise to her that it was running rampant around here after seeing how the doctor acted! She tried to twist her head about when she heard something opening. Her eyes darted all over the room frantically trying to find the source of it before she realized that she was staring right at the small door that was lifting up. Small door? To her shock a heavily built grey kangaroo came out slowly with his upper body down before hopping forward and rearing onto his haunches.


Ann settled back to watch the show behind the anonymity of the two way mirror that lead to the small room that held most of her computer equipment. The room she had placed Edward had the luxury of built in cameras that she could move easily with a twist of her fingers so that they followed the movement of the heavily built mare. She'd had to take him out of their current breeding program due to his harsh treatment of the females. In fact she had been about to send him back to the wildlife rescue she had gotten him from as a lost cause, but tonight she was happy she hadn't. The 'roo had some impressive genes that she had wanted to have a chance at seeing passed on.

Unlike the other males of his kind, he was heavier built them then. He had more powerful haunches and a muscular build that made him dangerous to even others of his own kind. Most importantly however he seemed immune to quite a few common diseases. She'd been amazed to find out that he had survived two virile infections at the rescue and when he'd arrived here his blood work had proved that he was completely immune. True she could make a vaccine from his blood, but he wouldn't live forever. His young however could pass on their genes and hopefully in the future there would be more of his kind to help prevent sickness from spreading.

"Smile for your new friend Jack, Edward. He was going to be sent back, but I decided it would be a shame to send him back without fathering at least one joey with a nice female." Ann moved the mouse to start to arrow the cameras into better shots.

The big roo stood up on his powerful haunches and looked around the white room with a bit of nervousness. He obviously wasn't used to being in a room that was so barren, at least not when there was a handler or two present and ready to make sure he behaved himself. She centered one camera on the struggling form of the wallaby that was lewdly positioned so that her haunches were straight up in the air with only her tail able to cover her sex. She knew what was under that tail. The croc's cock had made them stretch and gape open by the very end of it. They were reddened and abused, but she didn't think that Jack would find a problem with that all. Especially not when she was presenting for him. She licked her lips and leaned forward as the large kangaroo's head turned and spotted the bright brown wallaby in the room.


Edward stared at the kangaroo in something like horror as she tried to leap forward. The sedative had worn away rapidly leaving her almost alarmingly alert. Especially when faced with the male that had entered the room. She knew all about the animal. It was common knowledge around the lab that the beast was one of the harder to handle and more vicious when compared to the calmer beasts. She'd even seen him once when placed with a female having to be restrained and pulled away as he'd pinned her into a corner so that she had starting squealing and kicking to get away. It was all she could do was to simply freeze while her breath rose and fell rapidly. She wanted out of here!

The first hint that he had come closer to her was in the feel of a set of paws that touched against the tip of her tail. She jerked her head to one side to try and see what was going on and found herself staring directly at the gleam of a mirror. No, it wasn't just a mirror, she knew what that was. It was a two way mirror. It was designed with the idea that others could observe various experiments in progress or record them so that they could be used as teaching aids in the future. The mirror however provided her with an unimpeded view of the muzzle that was lowered and pushing right against the base of her tail. The nose was twitching lightly while one paw pushed against the thickness at the medial point.

For the first time she became aware of her own scent. She couldn't quite identify it at first, but then again she'd never had any experience with what it was. It was slightly musky to the tongue and made her wrinkle her nose backwards delicately. The earthy scent didn't go away while she was forced to breath in steady draws of it as it was joined with another scent. The kangaroo was far larger then herself, the burly male pushed at her tail with his muzzle a few times before he moved his hands up to rub its way towards the very base of her tail and gave it a sudden squeeze and pull. The movement startled her as the chains shifted and she tensed her muscles up.

The male gave another tug against her tail until she felt it jerking right against the base of her tail until she felt a sharp pain that made her let out a sharp cry. In the mirror she could see him rearing back on his haunches exposing himself slightly as his claws dug in against the thick muscle at the base of her tail. She jerked forward again only to feel the claws digging in hard enough to bruise her. They dug hard enough down that she could feel welts starting to form just under the surface and she jerked forward. The attempt to free herself failed as the collar and restraints against her toes dug in and the large male forced her tail upwards into an arc.

He forced it upwards until it was curling itself right over her haunches and she let out a sharp noise almost like a bleat as it strained the muscles almost to the point that they were about to tear. She pinned her ears flat against her head as the position of her tail was held as she watched his head force down under her. There was a moment of heat before a slimy tongue extended itself out to push outwards and drag wetly along the softness of her tender sex. It was hot and wet as it slid it's way along the edges of her outer folds and she tensed her stomach upwards while another roll of the tongue forced her walls to stretch open just that much wider inside of her.

She wanted to close her eyes and forget about the sight of the male behind her, but she wasn't able too. The disgusting tongue curled itself deeper inside of her so that her so that she could feel it forcing her already sore passage open. It was long enough that it seemed to find each curve and crevice of her form. When she struggled to get away from it the claws just clamped down that much harder and shoved her tail until she was afraid it might break. Her back arched upwards to try to relieve the pressure as she watched in horror as the red curved cock started to slip free. It was roughly in the shape of an S as it pushed itself into the light and she felt her eyes bulge a little.

"Don't worry, Edward, I'm sure that you'll find him a much more suitable fit then your former lover." Ann's voice came over the speaker and the next words just sent her tumbling into a new wave of terror. "As you can see, our volunteer is being introduced into a kangaroo. In this segment of our live show I'll take suggestions from the viewers on what they would like to see our little darling accomplish next."

Live? Viewers? She suspected, but was Ann actually showing people this right now? What sort of sick freaks would be watching this sort of thing? She redoubled her efforts against the restraints while her haunches tensed up under her and she tried to lunge herself forward. The tongue pushed itself so deep inside of her she could feel it writhing its way right around the edges of her cervix. It was as if it were threatening to push right through it!! Panic washed over her, even as her body responded to the stimulation with unwilling pleasure. It made her body tremble and she rose up on her haunches as she felt something building inside of her. It was almost as if she were about to reach that edge of orgasm as a male.

Oh god, no no no. She wasn't going to orgasm around an animal's tongue, yet there was that sensation. She finally had to close her eyes from the sight of the kangaroo eating her out and the squirming his tongue into her gaping passage. Not even that stopped the sounds of lewd slurping that kept coming from her haunches as it pushed in and then drew back before shoving in again. It wasn't just the crocodile's cum either, she could feel her own wetness starting to leak down along the very edges of her haunches. She writhed and tried to stop herself from what was coming, her tail twitched with an effort to drop back down to cover herself. Anything to stop this shame from being caught on camera.

Her wishes were granted, but not the way that she expected them to be. The tongue suddenly slipped free of her and there was just a second of nothingness before the weight slammed into her. The restraints on her feet and neck creaked as they threatened to give way and to her terror a set of paws wrapped right under her chest and pulled her as high up as they could. Her body was forced up against the kangaroo's while she bleated out a sound of fear and protest. Her body shuddered and she tried to tear herself free just as she felt the slimy cock bumping and pushing around between her hind legs. The tip of it moved up a few times before she felt it aiming straight towards her aroused sex. She gaped her jaws open in protest just as a voice came over the loudspeaker.

"As you'll see, Jack has the female where he wants her. Sadly he's so rough we never had a female for him to take pleasure in, but she seems to be enjoying it so far." Ann's voice was a purr, an aroused purr. Oh god she was getting off on this as well!

There was a sudden stab of burning paint as the cock tip found her opening and suddenly jerked forward. The inches sank into her body until they were strained open so wide she thought that she was about to rip apart. Her shriek rang around the white lab as the powerful male used his hind legs to drive himself forward burrow each inch of the wriggling cock inside of her. The tip hesitated right against her cervix before it punched through with a gut wrenching pain that made her eyes start to water. She could see in the glass that he was even using his tail to power his way forward. The stroke was designed to rip into her tight tunnel no matter what stood in his way.

There was a squelching noise as he reached the start of his sheath and ground himself up against her while the slightly curled tip of his cock rubbed inside of her womb before he yanked backwards again. The sudden absence made her scrabble her front paws against the ground before the next thrust rocked her hips up higher in the air. The cock splattered out hot gouts of precum that she was forced to take into her only to have it forced back out. Riding right on the edge of the pleasure of his tongue she found herself trembling and her eyes clenched down. It was a horrifying mixture of pleasure and pain both. They warred against each other was the thrusts forward brutally stabbed into her womb that already felt swollen and tender before yanking free.

The male's head pressed in against her shoulder and he moved his muzzle so that he could scruff the nape of her neck while he started to let out little grunting noises in his throat. He seemed more than happy with the results of having the female all to himself. In fact she could feel the claws digging into her thick plush fur so that she was left with large furrows running through it and welts beneath it. The sheath bumped and pushed up against her so that the stiff bristled fur was constantly being rubbed and scrubbed over her outer lips with each movement adding injury to insult. Her breath caught in her throat before she let out another loud cry or protest as the shaft slammed in.

Edward wanted to turn away and stare at anything else. Something to take her mind off of what was happening to her and take her away from the hell it had turned into. Yet she couldn't stop watching as the large male slammed into her body. Each time his hips moved she braced for the pain that followed in the form of a stabbing cock inside of her. Her walls were gaping open side wide she was left breathless and panting. Her body tensing itself up while she could feel internal muscles being bruised and her cervix being partially torn by the constant thrusts inside of her that tore into her vulnerable womb. Her own wetness and thick globs of precum were being forced out around the reddened girth as she let out cry after cry.


Ann watched the proceedings leaning forward over the edge of the control panel and her breathing coming in soft shallow pants. She couldn't help it, the sight of the wallaby screaming out as the far larger male took her just flat did it for her. Her legs were pressed tightly together, though she could feel her panties starting to grow damp as the large kangaroo drove himself into the wallaby so deep she saw his sheath pushing right up against her swollen sex. There was no way he should have been able to drive that far into her, no way she should be able to take that much, but she was and the doctor could see the eyes bulge in reaction before the shriek rang out.

That was only the start, the thrusts started to come in faster and harder waves. They were designed to brutally take the female and she could only imagine that he was able to penetrate her cervix from this position. A position that Edward was obviously suffering from as the claws scraped against he tiled floors and the sounds kept erupting out of her. Even with the drugs she'd been given to enhance fertility, it wouldn't offer the wallaby any sort of relief from what was happening. She wanted Yuung to feel each stab, each moment of pain and fear. It was almost cleansing in some ways to see her experiencing it. It was just a small hint of what her subjects must have felt, but it was oh so rewarding to have it happen to her.

The doctor glanced down towards the screen again and gave a slight grin at the number of responses from the chat room. She flipped on the cameras' remotes on so that she could control it and zoomed in on the sight of the reddened and abused sex. It showed without a doubt the thickness of the cock as it plunged in and the wetness that was being forced out around it. It was almost cloudy looking as it matted down the fur along the inner thighs and ended up darkening in some spots. She turned up the sound so the sharp lewd grunts and squeals that came out of the pinned wallaby so that the paying viewers would get their money's worth. That was what mattered after all.

"My my, I see our wallaby is getting rather aroused with her new partner. That doesn't seem to be all of his pre, now does it." She spoke into the microphone to see the wide eyed wallaby glance towards her with rage on her features before the next thrust sent her to bleating out again.


Edward wanted to punch Ann as hard as she possibly could for what she was doing, for what she was saying. Normally she would have never wanted to punch a girl, but the lewd comments just forced her situation that much more into perspective. The kangaroo gave brutal short thrusts that rocked through her entire body forcing her hips to raise upwards before pulling back. The slender opening of her cervix was tugged backwards and then forced back in again. She had to grit his teeth to brace herself while her breathing started to come in great gasping pants. Her muscles stood out against the softness of her body while the brutal assault picked up a faster tempo.

The claws dug in right against the curve of her belly and chest until she could feel the welts tearing slightly under them. It wasn't until the kangaroo gave a thrust hard enough that she watched his haunches lift up into the air that she realized he was reaching his peak. Her shriek rang out into the room just as the cock pierced through her womb a final time and her entire body was jolted so hard against the restraints that she could feel the skin bruising. The cock started to strain open wider inside of her until she could feel the swelling almost tear her cervix even more before the first hot wash of cum erupt right out of the tip.

The jets splattered out over and over again, it hit up against her until she could feel it hitting the other side of her womb. She writhed and twisted as the weight shoved harder down against her as if trying to make sure she was kept pinned in place under him. His jaws clenched against the back of her neck right to the point of drawing blood. Everything hurt, but her muscles did what they were designed to do. They started to pull and massage as they suckled out hot thick wads of seed into her womb and letting to sperm rush into her. As she was moved and her cheek was shoved against the side of the floor she felt the first tear of many roll down her long muzzle. She closed her eyes and wished with all her heart she could close out the sound of lewd grunts coming from the animal above her.


It was far later in the evening that Edwards battered body was moved back to her original cage away from the kangaroo that was very eager to have a go at her again. She almost limped the entire way back while her breath came in great gasping pants and she slumped down into the soft straw that before had looked so crude. She thought she was being given a reprieve when Ann started to turn the lights out for the evening. The only light left was the one just above her cage and the blinking red lights of a few cameras in the upper corners. That was fine by her. She just wanted to sleep. She just wanted to pass out for a while and forget what was happening. She did at least for a while. Her sleep was at least restful until the first spasm rocked along her stomach.

The drug had kicked in finally as she woke up to a stabbing pain that echoed all along her stomach and she gaped her jaws open before she sobbed out a muted cry. The cramps echoed through her as she tried to stand up only to find her stomach had grown swollen and stretched taut while she had been left asleep on the hay. In her panic she had gotten up to her legs and stumbled forward a few inches before being forced to stop as another gut wrenching pain ran through her and she fell forward onto all fours. Something wasn't right! Something was wrong! She squeezed her eyes shut and let out a helpless bleat as the pain constricted right along the swell of her stomach all the way to her loins until she felt something shift inside of her.

The former doctor looked down and realized that the shifting wasn't happenstance. She could feel something inside of her body. Even at that thought her body clenched down and she fell to her side as she felt another rippling pain rock through her. Her walls rippled and she kicked with her hind legs as the first leathery orb shifted itself inside of her belly and pushed against her abused and aching cervix. She arched backwards into the hay while she tried to keep herself braced. She couldn't think about anything, not about the wrongness of the situation she was in. All she could think was the pressure that was building inside of her. It was all consuming as she kicked against the hay harder and her muscles pushed down tightly around the egg and forced it past the widen ring of her cervix. It had finally started.

The rippling of her muscles pulled around the egg much as she had around the cocks that she had been forced to take earlier in the evening. Instead of trying to draw something in, it was forcing it outwards. It rolled along her passage and strained the muscles open until she was forced to clamp down tightly and feel the texture of the leathery orb as it passed along her body. It stroked along her passage and started to make her tremble as she gave another push and felt the muscles contract and then push it outwards right towards her straining outer lips. The folds parted as the first slash of white shell started to become visible crowned from her body. She could feel it thin down a little as her muscles gripped harder around it.

It wasn't hard the way that she would expect an egg to be, it was strangely soft, but even for that it made her body ache. After a day of being taken by two different males this was an added torture as she could feel another egg being shifted inside of her. The more she pushed down around the roundness of the egg the further it started to push out from her. She lifted her hind leg up a little bit higher just before a final push forced the egg from her body and she felt the weight of it pass from her and fall onto the cushioning off the straw under her. She almost sobbed out in relief, but she could already feel the next egg being pushed passed her abused cervix and she tried not to choke out another sob. How many could be in her swollen belly? How many were there? A chill crept up her spine as she remembered the kangaroo. Would she be giving birth as well as laying? How had her life come this?!

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