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The clock struck twelve. It was time once again for the hunt. Time to find another slave.

The dragon prepared before departing his dwelling. Entering the local park. Which even at this time had people going about it. But thankfully just the right amount that he could capture anyone he pleased. He was used to deciding which person would be the best for a slave. He could tell from how they walked, how they dressed, he could tell it all. How easy it'd be to break them, how much they would resist him. He deeply enjoyed a challenge. He surveyed the area. Looking for his next victim. Enjoying the fact that no one could tell what he was thinking, no one knew of all the one's he'd converted.

After some time in the park. He spotted his next target. And spotted was right, his chosen target, was a spotted hyena. The dragon chuckled slightly. The hyena seemed young. Maybe 15 or 16. Most likely in a local high school. And what a perfect situation. Based on what the dragon could tell. This child had run away from home. His eyes were wet and he was carrying a backpack with a shirt sleeve hanging out of it. Obviously he got out of the house in a hurry. He wouldn't be missed much.

The dragon walked by the hyena. Faking an accidentally crash. Causing the hyena to fall flat on his ass on the cold side walk. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry," the dragon said out, sounding like he was actually sorry and concerned. He had much practice in this. Reaching out and helping the hyena up to his feet. Looking deeply into the young fur's golden eyes. Almost bringing him into a hypnotic trance.

The hyena flinched and broke the eye contact. Shaking his head to clear it before taking a step back, "G-get away!" Growling at the dragon as if they were in a fistfight. The dragon didn't take a step or move a muscle. Only watching the hyena before deciding to speak again, "Fret not young one. I mean you no harm." Thinking to himself, "For now." Chuckling softly but inaudibly. The dragon already had his hand within his pocket. A firm grip on the rag within. It itself was dripping of chloroform. Just a simple smell of this rag could make someone instantly woozy. Well anyone but the dragon. He was used to the smell. He used it so much he was immune to its effects. Preparing to attack. Quickly looking over the area to confirm no one was around or watching. To his expectations no one was within visible sight. He chuckled slightly and looked over his next victim. Thinking to himself, "This is going to be fun." The hyena had turned around and was about to walk toward the opposite direction of the dragon. The perfect chance was now. The dragon reached out with his right arm, bringing the hyena close to him and holding him there tightly. Using his tail to wrap around the child's legs. His wings closed down around them to make it darker, even harder for the hyena to have a chance at escape. Pulling out the rag from his pocket and holding it tightly to the hyena's nose. It wasn't long before the hyena lost consciousness. Growing limp in the dragon's arm. Returning the rag to his pocket before bringing the hyena into both his arms, carrying him over his shoulder and chuckling.

It wasn't long before he was back at his home. Dropping the hyena's bag onto his table and setting hyena himself nude on the bed. Hands and legs tied up. A shock collar around his neck; just in case. The dragon just drank in the sight of the unconscious teenager. It will be fun cracking him. Making him his little cock slut. His only desire in life now would be to please his master's cock.

After some time the hyena began to come to. A taste of copper in his mouth. A common effective from chloroform. The hyena could remember reading that somewhere and suddenly noticed a draft on him. Looking down to see if he accidentally ripped something from his clothing and gasping as he noticed he was completely naked. And tied up. He struggled to release himself. Wiggling around on the bed and trying but failing to loosen the grip. The dragon chuckling softly and watching the helpless display. "Calm and still little one." Moving closer to the bed and within the hyena's view. Smirking at the child as he stared back at the dragon and yelled out, "L-lemme out of here! Help!" The dragon just growled at the hyena. Grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up. A firm grip around the child's throat. Slightly choking him. The hyena whimpering and trying to breathe. "You scream, you die. Got it bitch?" Dropping the hyena back onto the bed. The poor hyena coughing and taking in air. Whimpering and staring at the dragon with his tail between his legs, "P-please just let me go." Shaking softly. The dragon just loved the scared expression on the young one. Drinking it in and walking over. "You live to do one thing now bitch. And that is sucking my cock." Smirking at the hyena who at the time was staring in horror at the dragon. The dragon simply kept smirking. Slowly removing his clothing. Making a show of it. Slowly taking off his jacket and shirt. Revealing his muscles to the young hyena. He could tell they had an effect on him due to the growing erection between the child's legs. He was obviously getting turned on by this.

The dragon smirked and reached down at the young hyena's cock. Gripping it and rubbing his thumb into the head, "Well well well, what have we here? Is someone getting hard?" Smirking at the hyena who only replied, "N no I'm not! I'm straight!" Groaning at the feeling of the dragon's hand on his cock. Unable to resist letting out a soft moan. "I-I'm n-not gay!" The hyena's worlds become softer and softer. The dragon dragging his hand up and down the shaft slowly. Putting enough pressure around it to make it feel like a hole. Causing the hyena to let out a louder moan. Beginning to hump into the dragon's hand. Forgetting for a moment that he was about to be a rape victim. It wasn't until the hyena was close to an orgasm that the dragon let go. The hyena gasping and whimpering. He was so close to an orgasm yet now he was stuck at his peak. Pre dripping down his stiff cock. Whimpering and staring at the dragon with pleading eyes. The dragon chuckled and stared down at the hyena, "You get off when I do bitch." The dragon finished undressing himself. Smirking as he stood there naked. His ten inch cock bobbing in front of him. Smirking as he could tell the hyena liked. He was just staring at it. This kid was obviously gay. And it was now the dragon's job to make him know it and his new place in life. Between his legs!

The dragon moved the hyena onto his knees in front of him. Smirking and rubbing his thick long cock against his cheek. Slapping it slightly and chuckling, "I bet you want this badly you little slut." The hyena only blushed deeply. Trying his best to resist either biting it or licking at it. He was horny and angry right now he didn't know what to do. So the dragon chose for him. Pushing his cock past the hyena's lips and moaning out at the wet warmth of it. Smirking and giving the command, "Blow me." Waiting to see what the hyena would do.

Before long the hyena was completely giving up. Slowly starting to suck on the thick cock. Surprised at how delicious it tasted. Moaning out at how it felt against his tongue. Hungry for more. Beginning to bob his head along the length. Not believing how thick and huge this thing was. Wondering if he himself could still grow one this big. The dragon quickly snapped him out of his thoughts as he began to face fuck him. Diving down and into his throat and moaning loudly as he erupted. Completely filling his young mouth with his dragon spunk. Panting softly and pulling out. Smirking as he watched the hyena swallow down the cum in his mouth. Laying his now slightly softer cock against his lips before saying, "Lick it clean you slut." The hyena had given up by now. He wanted the cock badly. He just loved the taste of it. Licking desperately at it for all the remnants of his seed.

The dragon smiled at this. The hyena now had a taste for his cock. It wouldn't be long before the dragon woke up and found the hyena waiting for the dragon's approval to blow down his morning wood. But the hyena's training wasn't over with yet. He needed to fully know his place. And know that he was now his master.

The dragon picked up the hyena and dropped him onto his back on the bed. "I'm about to show you something you'll be doing for me." Smirking and grabbing his soft cock, pointing it at the hyena and letting out a golden stream of piss. The hyena gasping and shivering as he was peed on. Thinking to himself, "I'm a toilet for him???" Gasping as he noticed he was getting hard, still thinking, "W-what the hell why am I getting hard???" The dragon smirked as he was the hyena's cock begin to rise. He cut off the golden stream and grabbing his now semi-hard cock. Stroking it softly and moving down. Aligning it with the hyena's tail hole. "You ready for your daddy's huge cock bitch?"

The hyena gasped and shivered, "P-Please don't I-I'm still a virgin." Whimpering out, not wanting to lose his virginity to this rapist. But unfortunately for the hyena. It was all up to the dragon. And the dragon responded simply by forcing his cock into the hyena's ass. Moaning out at the tightness. His cock fully stiffening once it was within the young fur's ass. The hyena after a mere moment was done with resisting. Moaning out loudly as his ass was taken by the enormous dragon. He couldn't believe how amazing this felt. He was suddenly forgetting all about girls. All those thoughts were replaced by guys. "A-Ahhhh f-fuck me harder!" Moaning out loud and preing on his own chest. The dragon picking up the pace and plunging deep into the hyena. Moaning out at the extreme tightness of the child's virgin ass.

It wasn't long before it was time for a climax. The dragon pushing in deep and stabbing at the hyena's prostate. Erupting out his cum into the young fur. Filling his ass with his dragon spunk. The attack of cum against the hyena's prostate cause his own eruption. The dragon panted and slowly pulled out his cock. Panting slightly above the hyena who was already fast asleep. The orgasm bringing him into exhaustion. The dragon only chuckled softly. Pulling his cock out and untying the hyena. Pulling the covers up before departing from the room. Satisfied with his new pet. And couldn't wait for more another training session.