
The clock struck twelve. It was time once again for the hunt. Time to find another slave. The dragon prepared before departing his dwelling. Entering the local park. Which even at this time had people going about it. But thankfully just the right...

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Puppy Love - Chapter 4

**CHAPTER 4 First Date** I had to get a hold of myself. So he said he loved me. It doesn't mean he wanted to date me right? Wrong! My empty day was filled with a trip to the movies on my first date with Jack. I was so surprised when he...

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Puppy Love - Chapter 3

**CHAPTER 3 Oh Jack** I groaned and stretched in my bed. Looking around and sitting up. I guess Jack must've carried me in. Looking over the side of my bed and seeing he wasn't there. Sighing to myself and groaning as I fell back onto the bed...

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Puppy Love - Chapter 2

**CHAPTER 2 The Eventful Day** The next morning was a little awkward for me. I couldn't help but stare at Jack as he changed into his school uniform. If it wasn't for the fact that I knew I'd be late for the bus I would've completely watched him...

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Puppy Love - Chapter 1

**CHAPTER 1 The Beginning** We've been friends since the beginning. Both raised in the same neighborhood. Both went to the same schools, did the same things even. We're the best of friends. There was nothing you could ever do to separate us. My...

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