Axel & Rena Part 16 By: Renatamer

Story by Shalamar Fox on SoFurry

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#16 of Axel & Rena By: RenaTamer

All thanks should be given to Renatamer who has written this series. I wish to share his stories with the world. : )

(Temporary fix for SoFurry doing shit job at

sanitizing things and somehow managing to screw up word document format.)

Axel & Rena part 16

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the digimon

franchise; all characters are copyrights of TOEI and their respective

companies. (Though I wish I owned Renamon.) >_< I do however own Axel Benden, who is a trademark cartoon

character made for my company Generic ink R.

Warning: This story

contains sex and drama... or is that drama and sex... well what ever. If your not

18 or older, don't read this! <^.^> I want to warn all who

read this, that thanks to dyslexia and spelling problems, plus ADD... I must ask

that you all please excuse my spelling and grammar. ** ** I would

like to thank my editor , SaberGatomon, for checking my spelling

and grammar... and redoing my font type ** <^.^>**

By the by, I forgot to give credit to Brian The Dark Lord

last update, the character of Brian, Deathmon, and Dragonmon belong to him. He

kept begging and begging until I finally broke down and put him in. (just

*kidding) <^.^> *

** Axel**

& Rena. Chapter 31

Before Brian could

finish or react, Axel took two quick steps forward and placed his left hand on

Rena's chest. "...Go..." he said in a soft voice, and then he pushed her backwards.

Rena was so surprised by her mate's actions that she didn't try to fight him.

One second she was staring into his loving blue eyes, the next she and Kimmy

were falling into open space.

"Rena!" Kimmy

screamed as she saw the ground coming up to greet them. "Do something!"


the digi-fox blinked as reality took hold. Without thinking Rena pulled herself

and the screaming teen sideways through the dark void, teleporting the two of

them to safety. As the world righted itself, Kimmy found herself lying on soft

grass. She was near a tree line not far from the tracks. In the distance the

train with her uncle and mother aboard turned a bend and was gone.


are they?" she asked Rena as she got up and ran down to the tracks. "Rena?

Where is my mother... why didn't they jump or teleport?"


is fighting." Rena gasped for breath as she tried to stand, her bond with Axel

letting her feel what was happening to her mate.


is what!" the teen cried back at her aunt... then paused, her anger draining

away. "Rena, are you ok?"


be fine." Sighed the digi-fox as she sank back to her knees, her chest heaving.

"I'm just...not used to... taking..."


was about to rush to Rena's side when she heard the flapping of wings. "Just

hold on Rena," Kimmy said as she turned her eyes to the sky. The teen found

herself jumping for joy as Cleo and Dee drifted lightly to the ground, in their

arms was a slightly panicked Leomon, seems the great warrior was afraid of

flying... or was it just heights in general.


will be ok." Dee said after a moment. Kimmy hadn't even said hello when she

came running up to her and the others. The teen was in a fuss over Rena and was

talking so fast that no one but Cleo could understand her. Now everyone was

sitting around the digi-fox, who it seemed, was beginning to feel a lot better.

"Rena just needs some rest, she taxed her powers teleporting the two of you to

safety... other than that, she's fine."


why would that drain her of so much energy?" asked the teen.


not used to taking another person with me through the void." Rena confessed

again. "But not to fret, I'll be ok in about an hour."


Kim," smiled Cleo as she ruffled her lover's hair. "Told you not to worry."


Kimmy giggled in relief.


did any one see Axel or Mary make it off the train?" Leo asked as he took the

first aid box from Dee and placed it back in Kimmy's backpack.


were following the train from the sky until we saw Kimmy" Dee said as she

handed Rena a bottle of water. "So no Leo, we didn't see anything."


at least they are out of danger," sighed Rena.


can you tell?" Leo inquired


our bond," she tilted her head as she looked at the lion-man. "I can feel what

Axel is feeling and sometimes I can close my eyes and see what he is doing...

can't you do that with Mary?"


I haven't tried." Blinked Leo as he watched Rena take a long drink of water.


began Kimmy, her voice shaking slightly as she looked to Rena. "You can really

do all that?"


Kimmy I can." Rena smiled as she handed Dee back the bottle. "And yes, I felt

what happened between you and Black."


Kimmy whispered as her cheeks turned bright red.


was laughter all around and even Kimmy couldn't suppress the smile that tugged

at her lips. 'Well this will definitely make it harder to have a

relationship with Axel,' the teen thought to her self. 'Can't have fun

when the other woman knows everything your doing with her man.'


Leo suddenly shouted, snapping Kimmy from her thoughts. Shocked, 4 pairs of

eyes turned toward the lion-man, only to find that he had risen and rushed out

of the tree line. Quietly the rest of Team 1 peered out from their hiding spot

to find the missing two members of their team. Mary was walking along the

railroad tracks while happily talking to her brother while he lugged along a

*human tightly wrapped in a blue cape. *


one could expect, Leo reached the siblings well before anyone else could. With

a roar of happiness the lion-man scooped his tamer up into a bear hug and spun

her around. "You're safe!" he bellowed as she hugged him back. "Oh gods Mary, I

was so worried."


see why..." Axel scoffed


I am her protector." Leo began, yet before he could say more, Mary had begun to

scratch his ears.


true," Axel noted as Leo began to purr loudly. "But you should know that your

tamer managed to defeat Deathmon here all by herself."


What!?" Leo was about to demand that Axel explain his words, yet Axel had

already began marching his way up to the trees. Turning his attention to the

redhead Leo asked quietly "You did? Did you really defeat him?"


Leo," she nodded "knocked him cold with his own weapon."


girl," Leo smiled proudly. "You're going to make a great warrior someday."


Mary blinked before repeatedly poking her finger into his furry chest. "I'm

(poke) a good warrior (poke) now!(poke-poke)"


within the safety of the woods, Rena was still sitting with her back to a tree,

her eyes boring into her mate as he walked up to join her. "I take it you have

a good reason for pushing your Beta and me off the train like that?" she

snorted as both she and Kimmy crossed their arms in disgust.

'Oops,' Black snickered as he floated past Axel

and over towards Kimmy, 'I think you're in



Axel huffed as he gently laid the unconscious Brian against a tree, "I did."


Kimmy snorted as she rolled her eyes.

'God she's cute when she's angry.' Black

grinned as he moved behind the teen. 'How could

you not want a piece of her?'


I knew Rena could see you two to safety." He said as he raised his hands up

defensively, all the while trying to ignore his darker half.


I guess its ok." Rena sighed, then reached out and grabbed Axel by the belt

buckle with a growl. "But next time, its you who gets pushed out of a moving



ok..." Axel's eyes went wide as Rena's claws came all to close to ripping the

crotch of his pants, and the reproductive system there in...out.


interrupted Dee as she watched Leo and Mary. "Do you think they will do this

each time one of them gets separated from the team?"


not..." Rena said as she let go of Axel's belt before tilting her head up to gaze

at her mate. "Did you have fun fighting this human alone?"


know... I did." Axel replied as he reached down and scratched his mate's ears.


blinked as Rena bowed her head so that Axel could get behind her ears and at

her neck. Hadn't Kimmy said that Rena usually greeted Axel the same way that

Leo was now greeting Mary? "Err.. Rena?" the demon began, "Aren't you going to

tackle Axel to the ground and hug and kiss him too?"


would like to," Rena sighed sadly, "but I don't have the energy just yet."


Dee nodded.


worry Dee..." Axel began as he started to sit down, all the while trying not to

watch Black as he silently drooled over Kimmy and her Angewomon. "I understand

if Rena is tired."


about you do it for me Dee?" Rena said absently.


blinked at the digi-fox, "Really?" Yet upon seeing Rena's mischievous grin, the

demon crouched and sprang at the kneeling human. Axel, caught totally

flat-footed and unprepared for the demon, fell flat on his back. "Hear that

Axel?" Dee asked as she bent over him, her red eyes dancing. "I get to give you

a kiss."


Axel's voice squeaked as the demon settled herself onto his chest.

'Ooh yeah!' Black cheered as his attention was

drawn away from Kimmy.


dear?" asked the fox, who was suddenly busy cleaning her claws while Kimmy

giggled in the background.


you mind helping here?" Axel asked. LadyDevimon was surprisingly heavier then

Rena, and Axel found that he couldn't remove the demon that now had him pinned.

'Axel and LadyDevimon sitting under a tree...

K-I-S-S-I-N-G!' Black

sang happily.


Axel's thoughts rang back at his darker self.


Rena looked up from her claw cleaning and surveyed Axel's predicament... then

with a shrug of indifference she sighed, "What are you waiting for Dee?"

'Give him tongue, Dee!' Black pushed.


further ado, Dee slipped her large hands along Axel 's cheeks to hold him still

and kissed him deeply. By now the rest of the team was watching the display of

affection... or was it consented torture. As for Axel, he was amazed at just how

long Dee's tongue was.


didn't take long after that for Team 1 to decide on a course of action. It

seemed that the decision to leave the train when they did had put then only a

few hours walk outside of Kitsune valley. Quickly they made plans to find a

safe place and rest until tomorrow for Rena was still to weak to travel far.

Yet as luck would have it, Rena knew of a cave not far off, a cave that she

*used as a secret place to get away from her older brother and sister. *


cave's opening was small, barely big enough for Leo to squeeze his shoulders

through as they crawled in on hands and knees. But once inside it opened up

into a huge cavern with room enough for all to find a nice spot to relax. Rena

even showed how there was a natural spring at the back of the cavern filled

with fresh water. Here Team 1 would set up camp and spend today and the next

scouting out their situation.


Rena directing them, Kimmy and Cleo had quickly gotten a fire going and sleeping

bags unrolled while Leo hunted and Mary cooked... this left Axel to do the

scouting. So it was Axel who returned just before dusk with the horrible news.

"I don't know what to say," he shrugged as he looked around at the concerned

faces ringing him. "It was like looking at a concentration camp. The northern

half of the city is behind a tall double fence topped with razor-wire, and

patrolled by several Alomon."


what are we going to do?" Mary asked as she handed him a boll with a generous

amount of stew in it. "We can't turn back now."


give up now," Brian sneered from his corner, he had been awake for a while now

and had been ease dropping on his captures. "And hope that Fuzzywig takes pity

on you and spares your lives."


Kimmy replied with a shake of her head. "We can't let Josh get away with any of



is right," the Angewomon at the teen's side, piped up. "We are here now, and

whether we like it or not, we are committed to stay and fight."


agree," Leo nodded, "this is what we came here for, we have to do our best to

make things right again."


you are all fools," Brian scoffed, "and I hope your deaths will be slow and



guys, I'm not saying we should quit either." Axel was now holding up one hand

to quiet the group. "What I'm saying is that we are going to have to modify our

original plan of attack."


it how?" Dee inquired as she put her empty bowl down off to her side.


as I see it... Rena and I will have to go in alone." Axel waited a moment as the

rest of the team loudly expressed their concerns about this, and yet again he

quieted them with raising his free hand. "This is how it is going to be guys...

sorry but I won't budge on this."


the rest of us came to this fucking world for nothing?" Mary demanded, then

blinked and gave Leo a sheepish look "Sorry honey..."


problem Mary," the lion-man smiled back. "I know what you meant."


your and Kimmy's job was to support Rena and myself on this trip." Axel was

talking in a quiet voice that seemed to catch everyone's attention. "And that's

what you have all done. None of you were ever supposed to go into the valley or

fight Josh, that alone is my job... but now things have changed."


are going into battle aren't we?" this was Kimmy who now spoke up. "You're

going to ask us to risk our lives on some half-baked plan that might not work...



Axel sighed and hung his head. If he was waiting for his sister to explode at

the thought of her daughter risking her life... it wasn't going to happen.


little-bro," Mary said as she looked up at his fire lit form. "What do you need

us to do?"


Axel stood there flabbergasted. In all his life he had never expected this of

Mary. Except for her slight indiscretion that led to the birth of Kimmy, Mary

was always the one to play it safe. She was the older sister who always kept

him in line, and as Leo pointed out, she was a strong willed woman. Yet here

she was waiting for her brother to send her into a life-threatening gambit...


Axel nodded as he slowly stood, his eyes falling onto the handcuffed human in

the corner. "First off we are going to need some inside information on the

strength of Josh's army."


think I'm going to tell you anything?" Brian said in a defiant voice.


truth?" Axel asked as he made his way over to the captive. "Yeah, I was hoping

that you would."


you can go to hell!" Brian huffed.


know, you could be a little more helpful." Axel began, "after all, you were

defeated in battle... at least we didn't delete you."


didn't win our battle..." Brian scoffed as he watched Axel intently, "your sister

interfered. Besides which... I'm human not a digimon, their rules don't apply to



give us that." Mary demanded as she shot Brian a dirty look. "You can either

talk or... or..."


got a point Mary." Axel sighed as he pulled Brian's strange digi-vice out of a

pocket and began to look it over.


he's our best bet at stopping Josh." Kimmy said.


he may be, but I wont force him to talk."


got Axel some strange looks from all in the cave, it was after all Axel who

intimidated LadyDevimon into becoming the team's point man... err, woman. So his

decision to not force Brian to talk was a bit unusual. As for the shackled

human, this was a stroke of luck and couldn't help but relax ever so

*slightly. *


*I'm glad you're being reasonable..." Brian began. *


Axel interrupted as he turned to regard Brian once again, "that also means

you're nothing but dead weight to us. Since you're of no use to me, I'll just

have to give you to someone who can and will find a use for you."


the hell are you talking about?!" Brian demanded, anger ringing in his voice

once again.


Dee?" Axel ignored the human, "Do you remember what you were doing when we

first met?"


yeah." Blinked the confused LadyDevimon. "I was trying to get Leo to be my sex

slave... why?"


dear?" Rena asked, one ear perking up. "What are you doing?"


Asshole," Brian demanded, "What the fuck are you doing?"


Axel let a wicked grin slide over his lips. "I feel so bad that we deprived Dee

of her joy toy. And it just isn't right that she is the only one of us who has

had to sleep alone this entire trip."

"What!?!" For the first time since finding his

digi-vice, Brian, felt the strange sensation of fear mixed with exhilaration.

With mouth agape, he watched as Axel turned and tossed his black digi-vice to

the demon. It flew in silence, arcing gracefully across the cavern before

landing almost gently in Dee's outstretched hands.


cocky and a bit head-strong," Axel smiled to the shocked LadyDevimon. "But I'm

sure you'll have fun breaking him in..."


But I..." Dee began, without another word she was suddenly on her feet and racing

over to Axel.


now, take it easy." Axel chuckled as the demon almost knocked him over.


you, thank you, thank you!" Dee chirped happily as she hugged her master. "This

is the best gift... the only gift that anyone has ever given me."


ok... I'm sure you'll enjoy him to the fullest." Axel nodded as he patted her

shoulder. "Just make sure you take him outside the cave when you go to have

your fun."


Dee blinked as she looked up at the digi-human.


Axel said as he turned and looked as the still gaping Brian. "I don't want his

screams of pain disturbing the others."

"Won't disturb me in the slightest." Mary called.


Barked Brian, "Don't I get a say in this?"


Axel, Mary, and Dee said as one.


again Axel." Dee giggled as she pocketed Brian's digi-vice. With a final hug, she

left Axel and quickly stepped over to examine her new slave. He definitely

wasn't a Leomon, but he really wasn't that bad looking either, and the cape did

make him seem more dashing. "If you just relent now," she smiled, her red eyes

sparkling. "Things well go a lot better for you in the long run."


had fallen, covering the digi-world in a blanket of bright stars while a

magnificent full... earth... rose over the treetops. Angewomon suppressed a shiver

as she walked away from the warmth and safety of the cave and into the woods.

It didn't take her long to find him, ever since his night with Kimmy Axel's

powers had increased dramatically. Luckily Cleo's Angewomon form could both

feel and see the power levels of a digimon... this alone led her to him.


was sitting just outside the tree line of a small glade. He was leaning back,

supported by his arms, and looking up at the twinkling lights far above. He

could sense her presence long before she neared the grassy clearing, nor was it

a surprise as to why she had sought him out. Time was drawing ever short and

Cleo was the last sacrifice needed to fulfill the legend's prophecy...


sighed to himself as he closed his eyes and concentrated on the approaching

angel. It just never feels right when you're forced to have sex for a certain

reason. When there is suddenly pressure thrust upon you to perform, it becomes

more like work than play. Still, he couldn't shake the feeling that it meant

something more to her than to him. This was something she was looking forward



there..." came her soft heavenly voice. "Would you care for a bit of company?"


pull up a tuffet and join me." He said as he shot a glance off to his left,

there Black was lying back in the grass, a large smile plastered on his dark



what?" the angel blinked.

'Oh good one Axel...' Black chuckled as he turned

onto his side to watch. 'I don't think anyone

knows what that is anymore.'


tuffet," Axel clarified, "it's a small patch of soft grass atop a mound or

small hill."


Cleo giggled as she moved closer and bent to sit down, as she did she could

suddenly feel Axel eyeing her backside. "So how's the view?"


err, pretty good." He snapped as he looked away and found himself locking eyes

with Black.

'Oh, so you do have a sex drive that can be started

without Rena.' teased the dark digi-god. 'Or is it because Cleo is one of your Beta's and therefore cleared for

you to have?'


up Black.' Axel sent as Cleo took her place just off his right side.


We all know why I'm here," Cleo began as she reached up and gently removed her

helmet. "But I'm not sure I can do this in front of him... I'm not used to being



Axel n Black demanded as one.


can see your other self, Axel." The angel had turned, her oversized baby blue

eyes looking directly at Black. "Well, in this form I can. I never knew you

could separate yourself like that... must be hard being the only one who can see

or hear him most of the time."

'You can hear me as well?' Black was almost

about to jump for joy, finally he had someone other then Axel to communicate



but its almost a whisper," Cleo nodded, then looked to Axel, "how long has this

been happening?"


week, give or take." Axel said in an almost heart lifting sigh. "Since our

first night on the train. God Cleo, you don't know what its like to have

confirmation that he is really there, and that I haven't gone insane."

'Hey, what's that supposed to mean?' Black

snorted as he sat up. 'We both know we aren't



isn't he?" she giggled as she watched Axel relax far beyond anything she had

seen before tonight.


both Axel and Black said as one.


she said, her soft voice quivering slightly, "its nice to see that the

two of you are getting along... does this mean that you... you don't need me?"

'What, are you nuts?' Black was suddenly on his

feet and standing before the bewildered Angewomon. 'We

need you Cleo, we need you to complete the prophecy and to insure that no one

can use me to destroy Rena... err I mean, this world.'


do you mind?" Axel said aloud, disgust present in his voice. "And you say I

have no tact."

'Err...' Black blinked and shook his head... again

he looked to the angel 'I'm sorry Cleo...'


ok, really." She smiled happily as she reached up to touch Black's muzzle, only

to find that her hand went right through him. "Wow! You're like a ghost... that's

so cool.

'Maybe for you my dear,' Black sighed as he

moved to sit next to her. 'But it's no fun for

*me...' *


it could be worse, Black," the angel smiled "So how did Rena react when you

told her about this?"

'We...' Black blinked as Axel suddenly went dead

quiet. 'We haven't told her yet.'

Axel & Rena. Chap 32

Silence rained for the next few heartbeats and Cleo

feared that she had just blown her chance.


the stars are pretty tonight aren't they?" the angel said, trying her best to

recreate small talk.


nodded Axel, but he was no longer looking up at the sky. Instead he was looking

at her. "Cleo, can I ask you something really stupid?"


she replied, wondering if he was going to ask her about sex, Kimmy, or...


do you see properly when your helmet covers your eyes?" he asked. "I know it's

a dumb question but... well its always bugged me."

'You know... I never gave that any thought.'


just can." Cleo began after a moment of silence. Here she though his question

would be something personal, but not in this way. With a shrug of her wings,

she handed it over. "Here, see for yourself. The helm is enchanted and lets the

wearer see through its metal while protecting their eyes."


Wow!" Axel exclaimed as he held her helm up to his face. "This is so cool


'You amuse way too easily,' Black shook his

head slowly.


usually think so." Cleo giggled at Axel's child like response... then slowly the

angel turned toward the man who she hoped would soon be making love to her.

"Axel... does my Angewomon form please you? I mean, you don't seem to be as...

open, as you are when you're with Rena."

** "Well,**

the thought of how nice your ass was did cross my mind, but I'm just not sure

how I should react toward you." He said all to softly as he lowered her helm,

the amused look on his face quickly vanishing. "And I'm certainly not sure how

you would react if... if I should treated you like I do Rena, or just take you

like he did Kimmy."

** 'Hey!' Black barked in defense, his left hand**

thumping his chest. 'She loved every second of

what I gave her...'


Cleo smiled, like Axel she was trying not to laugh at Black's response.


I can't very well tell you to 'roll over bitch, its mating time!'... You need to

be treated differently," he said as a slight flush came to his cheeks. Cleo's

heart began to race as she realized that she was having an effect on him.

"Look, I know about the pact you and Kimmy made with Rena... and I am grateful

that you're willing to... to..."


what?" she asked, yet already knew what he was trying to get at. Taking the

initiative, mostly because she didn't want Axel to chicken out. Cleo suddenly

spun in place so her back was to her tamer's uncle and flopped backwards... her

head coming to rest in his lap. God the butterflies were going rampant in her



I'm here because I have an intense curiosity as to how sex with you will differ

from being with my Kimmy." She smiled up at his shocked face. "I'm here because

my heart tells me it is time, time to take the last step at being an adult. I'm

here because... because I want you to make me a woman."

'Hmmm...' Black tilted his head as he watched his

other self interact with the Angewomon. Only now, under their current state of

duel awareness, could he see that Cleo did indeed have feelings for Axel. He

could also see that her boldness was a cover for she smelled of a nervous heat.

This was something he hadn't expected.

'Black?' Axel

asked in his mind. 'Are you going to take over here or what?'

'Ummm, look, I know we had a deal here and all...'

Black thought back so that Cleo couldn't hear him, 'but

I don't think I'm the right one. I think Cleo needs to be with you... this time.'

'Are you sure?'

'Axel, look at her...' At Black's words Axel

looked down at the angel who was peering up expectantly at him from his lap. 'Can't you see it in her eyes, can't you feel how she is

trying to open up to you. Axel, she needs someone to be gentle with her... she

needs you.'

'Again, are you sure about this?'

'Yeah, besides its not like I can't help but be apart of

this ' Black was nodding now, a lopsided grin showing. 'But next time we switch off, I'll get Cleo and you can

have Kimmy.' He said as he began to fade and rejoin with Axel's



a deep breath, Axel forced himself to relax as he bent over Cleo. Clearing his

mind, he did his best to open up to... to his Beta. The angel deserved his best,

Rena would expect nothing less from him. With a clear mind and genuine feelings

leading the way... Axel leaned down and kissed an angel.


eyes fluttered closed and she felt her body melt at the touch of his lips to

hers. Confusion and uncertainty and even embarrassment fighting with her sense

of need, but she was determined not to act the part of a child... Even though

that's what she was beginning to feel like. While yes Cleo was not new to the

pleasures of sex, being here in this man's arms was somehow regressing her back

to a time of innocent curiosity.


let out a raged sigh as the kiss ended, deep embarrassment flashed on her

cheeks as she looked up into Axel's kind face. Again she found herself

wondering how sex with him would differ from her nights with Kimmy... "Axel,

should I undress?" she then blinked, realizing how naive she just sounded, but

*it was too late. She smiled sheepishly at Axel's soft chuckle. *


he answered, trying to calm her as he reached out and traced the outline of one

of her breasts. "I suppose..."


Angewomon replied before a shiver danced through her body, embarrassment again

staining her cheeks red.

'Gods...' Black remarked from within Axel's mind.

While Cleo took time to decide on a course of action, Axel's hand continued to

absently moved about her body. 'She's

going to boil over just at your touch.'


a sigh of commitment, and disappointment, the angel pulled away from Axel and

sat up. "Will you help me?" she smiled meekly at him from over her shoulder.

Axel nodded as he reached out and unhooked the white choker of her outfit,

letting it fall from around her neck. Her wings shivered as his hands dropped

lower, working on the armor that supported her large breasts... they jiggled

slightly as the metal cups were pulled away and dropped it to her side.


Axel moved closer to her, she had to shift her wings as she felt him press

against her exposed back, much the way Kimmy would, yet this time it was...

different. Gently Axel moved his hands, brushing the sides of her ripe breasts

as he reached around to unhook the two leather belts that ringed her midriff.

Angewomon tensed when he touched her, but didn't pull away, this was all

happening in slow motion and she was beginning to enjoy the fire that had

erupted deep inside her.


she knew that if Axel hesitated at all, then her fears and uncertainties would

kick in and she would not be able to go through with this. Thank the Sovereign

he didn't stop, he never hesitated, as soon as the belts hit the ground, his

hands moved down and peeled off her costume in one slow continuous action.


there she was, totally naked, for the very first time in front of a man! Not

knowing what to expect, she suddenly turned and dived into his arms, shivering

against him from the embarrassment of being nude. With fear in her eyes, she looked

to him. "I don't know what to do..." she sputtered, not quite knowing what else

to say.


let your instincts guide you..." Axel smiled as he reached down and guided

her lips to his. The kiss was different this time, deeper and more passionate.

She felt electricity shoot through her body, it made her want to pull away and

yet push forward into him at the same time. The sensations he was creating in

her, causing her to swoon.


was never this open to a man before. It was incredibly exciting, flaunting her

nakedness, seeing Axel's eyes roaming slowly over her body, seeing the

admiration and the excitement building in them. Or perhaps it was her own

growing excitement she saw mirrored in his ice blue eyes. What ever it was, she

was on fire like never before. "Well... it's your turn," she said, a nervous

grin crossing her heavenly lips. "Aren't you going to join me?"


nodded slowly before standing, Cleo couldn't help but sit there and gawk, her

eyes transfix as Axel removed his clothes. His flat chest, his rippled stomach,

his strong legs, his... "...Oh my...' she breathed as she got her first close up view

of his human form. Wild thoughts began to race about in her mind as Axel stood

in front of her... the main one being 'That thing can't possibly fit in me.'


she found herself on her knees and only inches away from his tool. Almost

protectively she reached out and cupped a hand around it. This caused Axel to

flinch, startling them both. Yet he didn't pull way from her and to her

amazement, she hadn't let go. "Oh Axel..." she whimpered as she looked up at him.

"I... I'm so confused that I don't know what to do."


do what your body thinks is right." Axel said reassuringly, and then nodded.

"See your body knows..."


Cleo's eyes drifted down... to her amazement she found that her hand was absently

stroking his cock. Her first reaction was to let go, but no, instead she

allowed her hand to move slowly up and down the tool's length. It was almost

mesmerizing, the way her gentle hand moved along its shaft, down to his large

balls and back to the head.


had been right about the size of Axel's cock. It was thicker than one of Cleo's

Gatomon fingers. And there was no way her dainty angel hand could fit around it

fully... it was just too thick. She was so in awe of Axel's size that she didn't

realize that she had just slid her tongue along its underside. Not until she

felt the shaft pulse in her hand and Axel groan in pleasure.


it was the smell of sweat mixed with male heat, maybe it was the mind numbing

fire deep within her body, or maybe it was the moans she coaxed out of Axel...

What ever it was, Cleo found she couldn't help herself as she leaned forward

and planted several kisses along his cock. It was like a magnet, drawing her in

*and refusing to let her go. *


she reached out and with her tongue, drew a wet line from his sack to the crown

of his shaft. Though she was a slave to his tool, it gave Cleo a sense of power

when she felt Axel's legs wobble. Her heart skipped within her bosom for she was

doing it, she was giving a man... she was giving Axel, pleasure. Oh if only Kimmy

*could see what she was doing. *


shit..." Axel moaned as the angel licked and stroked his raging member. He had

almost popped off just now and was trying desperately to hold himself back.

"God Cleo... that feels so good."


with pride, Cleo again placed butterfly kisses along Axel's shaft; she now knew

without a shadow of a doubt that this was it. This was the only cock, the only

man that would ever bring her pleasure. Without thinking, she opened wide and

slipped the head of his cock into her wanton mouth and... suddenly froze.


Rena, Cleo didn't have a long muzzle and or jaw in which to accommodate Axel's

cock. It wasn't that it was too thick to fit into her mouth... it was just to

long. Cleo was suddenly faced with a dilemma. How was she going to

properly give her first blowjob if she couldn't fit the whole thing in her



she didn't need to worry for at that moment Axel suddenly moved, his cock

making a popping noise as it was pulled away. Gently he drew Cleo up from her

knees and began to kiss her. Again she melted into him as their tongues danced

and intertwined. Her breath was a gasp when Axel let the kiss fade and the fire

that had been in her belly, was now threatening to consume her entire body.


that was amazing." Cleo sighed as a shiver shook her spine. Again Axel was

running his hands lightly and expertly over her figure.


nothing..." he whispered while teasing her breasts and nipples. Slowly he bent

and began suckling gently on them, sending spasms of amazing pleasure racing

through the angel.


fuck!" Cleo declared, while Axel nibbled away on her left breast, his free

hands has roamed lightly over the cheeks of her ass and squeezed. Her head was

swimming so much that she didn't feel one of his hands move between their

bodies. Not until it dipped down to tease across the lips of her now incredibly

wet pussy.


Gods!" she gasped as she wrapped her arms about her tamers uncle... about her

Alpha. "Axel... I'm on fire... help me please... I don't know what to do."


indeed she didn't. Axel had seen parts of her that no other man had ever seen,

and now was touching parts of her that no man had ever touched. The way he

brushed his finger along the outer lips of her sex, it was like being touched

by a feather... and it was driving her mad. She couldn't help it as her hips

rocked and ground her sex against the hand now trapped between her belly and



Cleo choked on his name when he suddenly pushed his now slick finger into her

juicy sex. The whole world spun and she had to cling tightly to Axel as she

exploded in an incredible orgasm. Her body shook and bucked as her nectar

flowed out and down the inside of her thighs. Yet Axel kept stroking and

stoking, driving her orgasm higher and higher, bringing groans of pleasure from

deep within her core.


was all too much for Cleo, with one last shutter she collapsed against Axel,

*the world momentarily going dark. *


the angel opened her eyes and found that she was curled up in Axel's lap. He

was once again looking up at the stars while gently running his fingers through

her long golden hair. Feeling her stir, Axel looked down and smiled "You ok?"

he asked, his voice soft and full of love.


better." Cleo smiled back, then blinked and suddenly sat bolt upright.

"Oh-my-god... I must have blacked out."


kinda." He nodded.


she asked as she turned and gave him a stunned look. "Did you... did we?"


sex?" he asked, arching one of his eyebrows.


could only nod.


Axel confirmed, "I thought that you would want to be awake for that."


thank the Sovereign." She breathed in relief. Deep down she was afraid she had

missed it, missed out on knowing what it was like to be properly fucked by a

male. Yet again, she suddenly felt extremely shy and nerves at sitting naked in

front of Axel. She had to find a way to open up, to take control of her self.

"Axel... I'm scared." She finally whimpered. "I don't think I can... I want to, really

I do, but..."


its ok if..." He started, yet she cut him off.


her voice was like steel as she found her conviction. "Fuck me now before I

*change my mind... please!" *


jerked away from her slightly, an agonized expression on his face. She was

begging him to take her, and this brought flashes of Kimmy before his eyes. The

way his niece had at first begged Black not to rape her, and then begged him

not to stop. A feeling of power was rising within him, one he didn't like.

"Cleo, don't beg," his voice was but a whisper. "You don't know what you're

asking, or what that does to me."


don't care!" Angewomon snapped back, Axel was hesitating now and Cleo was

afraid at what that meant. "I want you! I want you to pop my cherry!"


please..." there was pain in his eyes.


you get it Axel?" Angewomon began. "Kim and I love each other dearly, we have

pleasured each other in ways that I can't described. Yet through it all we

agreed to save our virginity for you."


know" Axel blinked.


has to be you, it just has to be!" Cleo was pleading again. "If you only knew

how long I've wanted to feel you inside me..."



Cleo was suddenly beside herself. Axel's voice was so soft yet so demanding

that she couldn't help but be silent. She watched wide-eyed as he put out his

hand to her and found she couldn't help but except it. Wordlessly he pulled her

closer and she followed obediently.


down on your back," Axel's voice was a whisper yet reassuring at the same time.

Without questioning, she did as he commanded. With her wings slightly unfurled

she lay back in the grass and waited to see what he would do next. "Now lie

still and don't move."


confused dominating her soft voice.


I said so." Axel said. "Trust me on this and just do as I ask. You do want

this, don't you?"


could only nod as she watched him moved down towards her legs, her breasts

rising and falling with each ragged breath she took. Her nipples were standing

erect and hardening even more beneath his gaze. She followed his eyes as they

swept down her body to her long shapely legs. Without needing to be told, she

spread her legs.


was like reliving a dream. There she was, lying flat on her back with her legs

spread wide as Axel hovered over her. Slowly he crawled, holding himself up

with his arms until he was directly over her. Then she felt it... her body

shivered all over when his cock finally brushed her silky sex. "This is going

to hurt." His voice drifted to her ears.


know..." Cleo nodded as she quivered below him, closing her eyes in anticipation

of the pain.


himself off her body with one hand, Axel reached down and began rubbing his big

prick up and down the wet lips of her pussy, sending fresh spasms of delight

through her. "Oh Axel..." she moaned as he took aim and guided his now slick cock

into her love tunnel.


gods!" she gasped at the amazing feeling of his huge tool pressing into her.

The head of a man's cock had just slipped between her pussy lips for the first

time and much to her surprise it had brought on an orgasm. Axel, much to his

credit, held completely still just a fraction of an inch inside her love

tunnel, waiting for her to calm down.


Cleo didn't want to wait and began to urge Axel to continue. Slowly he pressed

forward, inch by glorious inch, gently easing into her quivering flesh. "By the

Sovereign... I'm being split apart!" she whimpered happily, basking in the

pleasure of feeling his thick shaft venturing forward through her depths until

*its progress was blocked *


her eyes, she found that Axel had actually been watching in fascination at

where his big cock was slid into her tight sex. And again he was waiting for

her pussy to adjust to his thickness. Slowly his eyes traveled up her figure

until they locked with hers. His question was but a look, to witch she nodded.

"My body is yours, Axel, I give it freely."


reaction was as Rena had predicted and Cleo felt she was ready for it. She

watched his eyes glaze over as something inside him took over. Gently he lay

down atop her, trapping her beneath his weight as he reached up and took hold

of her shoulders. "Thank you Cleo." He mumbled before he covered her lips with

his and kissed her deeply.


felt his hips press forward as she started to fall into the passion of the

kiss... then came the white-hot light of pain. Cleo tried to scream, tried to

pull away, but it was no use. Her hymen had been destroyed and Axel's thick

cock now sat fully imbedded in her pussy, the head of his cock snuggled up

against her cervix.


tears dripped down her cheeks as Axel held her tight in his arms, her sobs

muffled by his kiss. The pain seemed to wash over her, flowing to every point

of her shivering body in less then a heartbeat. Then ever so slowly, it faded,

leaving but a feeling of being full. As if she had just finished eating a good

*meal. *


stayed frozen that way for what felt like an eternity, before slowly becoming

aware once again of Axel's huge cock pulsing inside her. Slowly, almost timidly

she squirmed beneath him, feeling her stretched pussy shift around on his cock.

The pain was gone now and did not return. It also dawned on her that Axel

wasn't kissing her anymore.


Cleo opened her eyes and found Axel starring down at her. He had lifted himself

up on his elbows and was intently watching her face.


ok?" he asked, his voice gentle and warm.


yes." She nodded slowly as she began to relax again.


about that," he sighed as he reached up and whipped her tears away.


ok, I knew it was going to hurt." Angewomon said, her own hands moving absently

over Axel's back. "I just wasn't prepared as to just how much pain there would



it still hurt?"


Cleo shifted beneath Axel, and again she felt his cock twitch deep inside her

pussy. She was amazed how much her sex could stretch without undue discomfort

and how much of his huge cock she was able to take... not all of it mind you. "Oh

wow!" She quivered as a tickle of pleasure started at the lips of her sex and

quickly traveled up her cunt. "I..I think the pain is gone."


good," Axel smiled warmly, "Well, according to the legend, the sacrifice has

been met..."


Cleo blinked as she looked up. "Yeah, so?"


Axel began, "it means that we don't have to go any further. We can stop here and..."


want to stop!?" Cleo demanded, again trying to squirm beneath Axel's body.


really," he chuckled as he reached over and gently tickled the underside of her

left breast. "I just wanted to see if you wanted to."


an ass, Axel Benden." She shot back, but she couldn't hide the mirth in her

voice. "You had better start fucking me or I swear..."