FoxHole - Damnation and Salvation Pt 1

Story by Marcwolf on SoFurry

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This is part one. Hope you enjoy

I looked up into the dimming light and pondered my fate. The prognosis was not good. I was out of ammo, the five Blessed cartridges were long gone. I was seperated from my comrades in the last shelling. I had no supplies, and the thin fabric of my uniform was soaked in the freezing rain. I doubted if I would last the night however if I did not then it would be a blessing in a way. If the Furs decided to eat my corpse then I would not know about it but I had been told that they liked their meat live and dripping with blood.

Furs.. How long had the war been going I do not know.. Decades maybe longer - however questions like those were forbidden. The Furs existed, have always existed and it our sacred duty to drive the demons back to their hell.

Three days ago I stood with my comardes, issued rifles that jammed, given 5 cartridges Blessed by the Bishop himself and instructed to go forth with Faith. Faith dictated everything.. If you were Faithful enough then your bullets would strike true, the shells would miss you, the skies would withhold their rain, and you would return safely. If none of those happened then it was just your lapse of Faith.

Shivering I cursed the rain, my waterproof cloak was with our Packer - the fellow who carries the pack of supplies for us. It was not to make things easier for us but more if he was killed then another one of us would carry the pack. But the pack with its cloaks, rations etc was always rescued to save on supplies. If he could carry our rifles then he would as well. Human flesh was the cheapest commodity they had so why worry about loosing That.

Another flash and bang from somewhere and I huddled lower into the trench, gripping the tin emblem that represented our Faith, and stamped with my ID number. As I sat I saw a red dot alight on my leg and then travel up to my chest - hovering over my heart. A voice, deep and gravelly issued from the darkness "Stand with you arms outstretched and put down you weapon"

Oh Shit I thought - the Furs have found me. Seeing no hope but a quick end I stood and dropped my useless rifle calling back "I was out of ammo anyway"

A few moments later a larger form slid over the edge and stood - expertly patted me down and removing my knief. Then it stepping back "Ok, you can put your arms down now" the voice spoke again.

Hopefully - trying for some non-existant pity I asked "Please - kill me fore you start to eat me"

The form before me, clad in some fitting material that shed the water effortlessly and blended into the background tilted it's head and gave a laugh. Then reaching up it gripped the fabric infront of it's face and pulled down. The visage that was reveiled was canid in looks but the features finer.. Red fur covered the face and white fur ran under its chin to be hidden in the rest of it's clothing.

It.. no He from the voice gave something that looked like a grin "Eat you.. Is that what the Fathers are telling you what we do.. " he shook his head "No boy.. I'm not going to eat you - besides there would not be much meat on you anyway"

Boy.. He had that right, barely 17 was I, and the few times I had seen my naked form the bones showed on my sides. Even with the better rations that we fighters got I was still always hungry. The Fathers ate better but they said it was to give them the energy to pray for us.. And one NEVER questioned the Fathers.

"What are you doing way out here" he asked "Your lines are about 500 meters back that way"

I tried a little bravado "I'm part of an advanced squad and my colleeges have you in their sights right now Demon"

He gave a chuckled "I've been watching you for the past 15 minutes lad, and you and I are the only living things around here.. Sorry fellow but your caught and there is no chance of rescue."

With that he grabbed my arm and slipped a bracelet over my wrist where it tightened "It's a tracker so don't do anything too stupid Ok, or try and remove it - last human that tried that we are still trying to find the pieces"

So I stood, shivering in the freezing rain, future bleak and unknown. If only I had more Faith!!

The Fur, my captor pulled the fabric over his face again "Ok Lad, its too far to get you back to our side so we'll have to camp here for the night. I saw a burrow a few meters back so that's where we are going. You walk ahead of me so I can see you and I'll tell you where to stop.. Ok - no running off otherwise you'll go POP"

The vision of that was enough to stop me. Images of me suddenly being disjointed and dismembered flashed through my imagination.. so I trudged through the cold and mud in the direction that he pointed me in.

After a short while he called for me to stop and turn to my left. I could not see anything in the gloom but his eyesight was much better. Crouching down under his instructions I crawled forward and found a hole large enough to me to move into, and the scrabbling of his feet behind me told me that he was following.

"Ok Lad.. Just wait there" he commanded whilst making slight clinking and russling noises in the darkness, and then there was light. A dim glow from a small square that was enough to see my surroundings.

Dry at least, there was enough room for me to stand and maybe take 4 paces from one side to another. By now my captor had removed his face mask and helmet revealing pointed ears that twitched. He had also opened the front of his uniform to reveal a fluffy expanse of white fur.

"Oh - I'm Chandra by the way, Chaplain of the 534rd division." "I'm Tom" I replied, now feeling a little more hopeful. Generally one in war one does not get on first name basis with the enemy esp when he can kill you instantly.

Chandra now busied himself in his pack - pulling out some blankets and tins. Handing one of the tins to me he said "Eat.. you need it. Sorry it's not warm"

Eat.. I had not eaten for two days and I was starving. Ripping open the can I grabbed the colored slabs within and forced them between my chattering teeth. Flavors, oh Gods the flavors, even in my haste to eat I could taste something wonderful, and when it hit my growling stomach I could feel a warmth spreading out there. Chandra watched and grinned "Slow down boy.. I don't want you choaking on me before we get to the base."

The base.. Now visions of torture and pain fed my imagination "What. What will happen to me there"

Chandra tilted his head "Nothing for you to be afraid of lad. You've been told a few.. falsehoods about our people and we'd like to set the record straight as it were"

"Have others prisoners been there"

"Oh yes, quite a few but we don't think of them as prisoners, just visitors, and you can then go home afterwards"

"Why have I never met any of your 'visitors'?"

He gave a chuff at that "Because after they've seen our home they prefer to stay. Oh there are some who want to return and tell of what they have seen and we let them. But once they have returned we never hear of them again. Nor do we hear from any of our people that you capture either"

I closed my eyes at a dark memory.. As new recuits at 16 we were taken to a cleansing cerimony done by the Fathers. Four Furs had been questioned by the Fathers and found to be Evil. To cleanse them they were tied up to stakes - as best as they could with the broken mangled limbs - and then kindling was lit underneath them. The inhuman screams and crys of agony still echoed in my ears, and the sight of furry pelts flashing into blue flame that engulfed the writhing forms still haunted my dreams. The other recruits cheered and I had to go along as well lest I would be found to be 'lacking in Faith'

"Tom?" a voice brought me back to the present.

"Sorry - I.. was remembering.. something bad.."

Chandra's voice softened "You can talk to me about it if you want.. It's not my duty to judge.. Only to provide help to the needy"

"I.. I saw a Cleansing and.."

Chandra intrupped me "It's ok Tom. I know what happens. I'm sorry you had to see that."

I nodded and sighed, still shivering in the cold.

Chandra flattened out the blankets over what I guessed was a tarp, and then moved the pack to one end as a pillow. Stripping off the black coverall in front of me (Do they have NO shame) he slid - still clad in his undergarments into his bed.

Looking up at me he said "Tom - you have nowhere to run to at the moment and I can see that you are freezing. Get out of those cloths and get in here where it is warm otherwise I will find you dead of cold in the morning."

To lie in bed, with another, and a male at that.. And to reveal my nakedness to stranger - all was taboo, totally forbidden by the Faith..

"I.. I cannot.. I cannot strip in front of you, nor lie with you.. Flesh against Flesh"

Chandra sighed "Well suit yourself. I promise I won't look, and technically it's fur against flesh and I am sure your Faith did not cover that eventuality", and with that he reach over and turned off the light.

I stood shivering, confused, and with trembling hands I removed my shirt, my boots and socks, and my pants. But as I reached for my underwear I hear a voice "You can leave those on"

"I though you would not look"

"I said I would not look, but I can still see!"

See - it was pitch black and he could still see.

Shaking I knelt and found the blanket lifted for me, and then the feel of warm fur as I ventured in more. Finally I lay on my side with Chandra behind me.. however he moved closer and put an arm around me and draped something warm and furry over my legs. I realised it was his tail.

Exhausted by all that had happened I surrendered to quickly to sleep.

I crouched beneath the bushes with my cousin George. "Look - I'll show you and you can then show me" he said kneeling up and opening his.. his pants and undergarments. Revealing his.. Oh Gods..

"Ok - now lets see yours.." he said and so I closed my eyes and did the same - feeling the cool breeze on my maleness..

"Can you make yours go Hard " he asked showing me his maleness swelling and bobbing, the foreskin stretching and sliding back to show a purple head

I shook my head nervously "It's simple" he said and I felt his hand on my.. oh.. Oh.. I felt myself throb and pulse and he held me.. Stroking it.. the feelings "That's it " he laughed "Feels good does'nt it"

I nodded , panting with the unexpected feelings that got better and better "I think your going to spurt in a moment" he laughed Spurt.. what did he mean by that Oh Yess. I've Spurted..

Opening my eyes I watched as my maleness throbbed and jetted white pee over the damp leaves.

"Now - do that to mine" George said and put my hand on his.. Trembling I moved my hand back and forth over it, enjoying the forbidden warmth, the naughtyness, the thrill of knowing if we were caught then we would be whipped. George moan and shuddered "I'm close.. I'm going to.." and with a muffled cry his maleness pulsed in my grip, mingling his white pee with mine on the forrest floor. George grinned with his 13 year old knowledge of forbidden things "There is something else I can show you.. Lie on you back"

I lay back in my 12 year old innocence and watched as Goerge again gripped me and stroked me to hardness, then he grinned and put his mouth over my.. My... I gasped at the sudden warmth and feelings. My body thrust itself into his mouth, my hands held his head as he moaned happily.. It was better that before, much much better, I felt my body tense as I..

Awoke, my maleness hard and rubbing on my damp underwear. No.. NO.. I forgot my sincture to stop these dreams and feelings. But my body betrayed me and with a muffled gasp I felt my seed spurting into my underwear and the immoral flush of sex wash over me.

"Never" the Fathers said "Never forget your sincture as your young mind is a breeding ground of sin and falsehoods. Wear it so that when your evil side starts to arise the barbs will dig in and awaken you so you can pray the evil away"

My sincture was I the top pocket of my shirt and in my confusion I had forgotten it.. Or did I just ignore it.. Memories of George come back, the sinful evil games that he played, and not only with me. At least he would not tempt others after the Fathers had found out. His maleness removed and the demons excised from his brain he was a simple servent of the Faith, only capable of the most menial tasks.

Fortunately I was just whipped and given the sincture to wear for life as my punishment. Though as my body grew the sincture was never replaced so even the slighted twitch of evil would awaken me. But.. But why did I long so much to turn back time and play with George again, why did I look at my comrades and wonder if they also hid, and moaned, and spurted in the darkness - and would they moan and spurt with me..

I was pulled again from my thoughs by a voice "Restless sleep?"

It was Chandra - still warm and still holding me. I stuttered "err.. Yes, bad dreams"

He sniffed and asked "Do you want to talk about it."

Talk, I don't know, of all of the people I knew in the world Chandra was the furthest from my Faith. Could he understand the sinfullness of my thoughts, the damdnation of my feelings. The tortures that awaited me in the depths of Hell where all men are bound. Only with Faith can you hope to stay in the upper levels - and not be cast deep into and eternity of Horrors unimaginable.

Again I was pulled from my thoughts by a warm arm squeezing gently. "Tom - you ok?"

Moving I felt my shrivelled maleness stirr in the dampness of my seed, my shame. Throwing caution to the wind I turned and faced Chandra - feeling the warm breeze of his breath on my face.

"Chandra.. Can you tell me of your Faith"

He was silent for a moment "Well, Faith covers such a large area - is there a particular thing you want to talk about?"

"Does.. your Faith allow a man to love a woman?"

"Of course, love is the greatest gift of all. Though are you talking about love - or about Sex."

I clenched my teeth and inhaled.. Sex - the sin that made man little more than a rutting animal. But Chandra continued "For my people Sex is a gift from our Gods. The Gods made our bodys, and would not have made parts that were so enjoyable to experience for no reason. Of course one must be careful when with a female of one's own kind lest unwanted cubs are sired. But there are always loving families looking for cubs to adopt."

"You.. you have Sex with others not of your own kind?"

"Of Course - we are all God's children and it bond's us together. Male to Female, Male to Male, or Female to Female"

"So.. if a male Wolf and a male Lion were too" I stumbled over the forbiddeness of the concept.

"Yes - if both of them wanted to love each other then there is no reason why they should not"

My thoughts whirls.. I had visions of embraces that I longed for but never dared, Evils that had tormented me all of my life but here.. this.. Fur.. talked with no Shame as it if was as simple as..

I closed my eyes and bowed my head - whispering "What about a... male human.. and a male Fox"

There was silence and then "Any human and Fox - or are we talking about someone in particular"

I gulped, frightened of the concept, the hope, the possibilities , letting one word slips from my lips "You...."

Warm breath tickled my scalp as he nuzzled tenderly "Tom.. I wish I could, but I am already mated, and I am for females - not males. But... I promise.. that you WILL find someone to love and be loved in return. Now sleep my friend - we have a walk when we wake up if you want to make your dreams possible"

And so I slept - held by the first male I had ever asked, the first male who cared about me, and maybe the first friend I ever had.

Part 2 will be coming soon.