A Walk in the Park

Story by wolfbane on SoFurry

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Uploading this story for the first time on SF

Wrote this up today as a one shot short story.

Warnings for Age Regression and cuddling

Note: I think my favorite part about this story was being berated by a friend who kept telling me that I needed to write something for him, spending all evening working on that writing only to be told that I'm selfish.

I know it's not very good, berate me all you want :)

A Walk in the Park

By Wolfbane (formerly Omnirok)

Christopher rolled onto his side and slammed his hand down hard on the snooze button, silencing the buzzing for the fourth time this morning. He spread out on the king sized bed and reached longingly for Kit, an older fox he was lucky to call his boyfriend, only to find that his love was no longer sleeping there. He didn't have to worry though, waking up alone was a normal occurrence since he moved into the fox's apartment. Chris pulled his lover's pillow close and allowed Kit's lingering aroma to fill his nostrils, pulling him further from the dream he was quickly forgetting.

"I did it!" Came a yell from downstairs that sent a giggle from Chris's lips. During the night Kit had a tendency of understanding complex scientific discoveries that always boggled the young roo's mind. Recently he had been working so hard on something that he refused to talk about, but every night he would come to bed upset that nothing was working. The longer the experiment lasted, the harder it was for Chris to keep Kit's spirits up.

Chris pulled on a pair of pants and walked down to the basement, where Kit had set up a makeshift laboratory. Lining the walls were vials and beakers of bubbling liquids of all different colors. Standing with his back to the door, Kit was writing what looked like the end of a long equation with one hand while mixing two liquids into a flask with the other.

"By mixing nitrous oxide with phosphoric acid and heating to a temperature of 290 degrees Fahrenheit should cause the mixture to stabilize." Kit mumbled to himself in the way that Chris had come to love. Chris slipped on a lab coat and a pair of safety goggles. Walking up to the fox, he waited until it looked like the experiment was finished before he slipped his arms under Kit's. He leaned his head onto his lover's shoulder and the two got lost in a long hug.

"What did you make this time? Find the cure for cancer? Create a potion that will make someone fall madly in love with you?" Chris teased.

"Why would I need a love potion? I already have you." Kit replied, pulling the beaker off of the heating plate and placing it down on a cooling station. Kit turned around and pulled Chris into a tight embrace that ended with a minty morning kiss.

"I think I found the formula for something that will change the world. I could get a Nobel Prize for discovering this. It's revolutionary. I can't believe I was the one who figured it out." Somewhere along the way Kit had stopped directing the conversation toward the roo, and instead was just speaking what was on his mind.

"Okay, but what does it do?" The anticipation filled him with feelings of anxiousness mixed with curiosity and topped with a bit of nerves.

"I can't explain it, you wouldn't understand. I'll have to show you instead." Kit didn't notice as the kangaroo's mood dropped. He wasn't too much younger than the fox and even though he didn't understand some of the complicated concepts of chemistry didn't necessarily mean that he wouldn't understand it if it were explained. He loved the fox with every ounce of his being, but he did wish that Kit wouldn't constantly treat him as though he were a naïve kid.

"Only a sip should do the trick." Kit picked up the flask and took a small sip. At first Chris couldn't tell if anything was happening and the complacent look on the foxes face made him wonder if his boyfriend had failed again at making whatever it was he had been working on.

"Can you see the effect?" Kit asked excitedly. Not knowing what he should be looking for, Chris was just happy knowing that whatever it was hadn't caused Kit to drop to the floor in pain. Then he looked a little closer and noticed that something had changed about him. There was something about his appearance that was just slightly off from normal but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

A few more minutes passed before Chris figured out just what was wrong with his boyfriend. Chris's eyes widened and he reached out to touch Kit's cheek, realizing that some of the more recent worry lines had begun to fade.

"What's happening?" Chris couldn't bring himself to say much more than those two huge words.

"I should be getting younger. Based on how much of the formula I drank, I should lose approximately three years without losing any of the knowledge I gained during those three years." Kit smiled wide, the changes didn't seem like much but even the little that had changed made the fox look much healthier than he had over the past couple of weeks.

"Three years... that would make us both 22." Chris was awestruck and very much in disbelief. He would have laughed at the absurdity of it all if the results weren't clear and supporting the hypothesis. The changes started to speed up a bit as Kit's body reacted to the liquid. Chris laughed as Kit's stomach growled. It sounded to him like Kit was getting his appetite back.

"Strange, I still feel a tingling in my hands. The effects should have worn off by now." The fox held up his hand and walked over to a mirror. The two had first met three years prior when a mutual friend introduced them. Chris remembered the day well and the fox in front of him looked exactly the same as he was back then. He remained that way for little more than a couple seconds before the changes continued. Soon Kit shot down to just before his 20's looking as though he had just stepped out of high school and was ready for college. Both grew increasingly worried when it didn't show any signs of stopping.

"How young are you going to get? Can we reverse it?" He wasn't sure if he wanted to know the answers but at the same time couldn't stand not knowing. He tried unsuccessfully to hide the worry he felt building inside.

"Hold on, let me check over the calculations." Kit stared intently at the formulas as another year or two shed away. For the first time there was a noticeable change in his boyfriend's height.

"Aha!" Kit yelled and his smile helped calm the butterflies fluttering in Chris's stomach. Unfortunately that smile faded quickly soon after.

"Oh no." Kit let out a sight.

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot to take the residual variable into account. How can I explain it? You know how when you have money in a bank account it will gain interest over time? The residual variable acts sort of like that. I didn't account for it because it was so small it shouldn't have mattered."

"What's the problem then?" Kit shuddered as he lost a few more inches. He looked no older than fifteen at this point. Chris couldn't help but whimper as he realized that his boyfriend was now too young for him to date.

"The problem is that I was off by a factor of ten, which in itself wouldn't be too bad either. The reason it is a problem is because just like a bank, I'm gaining interest on top of the interest. It's exponential regression." He shrugged off the adult lab coat and blushed when he remembered that he hadn't been wearing anything underneath. He didn't realize until that moment that he had a raging hardon. He wasn't turned on by what was happening, but it was possible that this would be a side effect of the formula.

Amid all of this, Chris couldn't help but stare and smile at his nude boyfriend. All while they had been together Kit had always been larger than him, topping off at seven and a half inches. He must have had a growth spurt sometime during his teens because the erection he sported now couldn't be any longer than four inches and was visibly getting smaller. Chris shook out of his gaze long enough to ask again when the regression would stop.

"By my new calculations, I shouldn't get any younger than... three." His voice cracking as the last word came out and his balls pulled back up into his prepubescent body. Chris pulled Kit over to him, hugging him tight. As strange as it was to see his boyfriend shrinking in front of him, it was even worse feeling it happen and knowing there was nothing he could do to stop it.

"I love you and I swear I'll fix this. Even at three I will still retain my knowledge." Kit sniffled burying his head in Chris's chest as he tears began to fall.

"I love you too and I promise I will take care of you until you can change back, and longer if you can't." Chris wiped away tears from Kit's eyes and picked the kit up as he continued to shrink. It wasn't until Kit fell below the age of 6 that the regression looked as though it was starting to slow down. Chris remained hopeful that it would stop sooner but just as expected the regression didn't stop until Kit was no bigger than a three year old kit. Chris held the young fox as though he would a real three year old.

"We need to get some clothes on you hon. I must admit, you make such a cute wittle baby." Chris broke the tension and pointed down at the three year olds naked midsection which miraculously still sported a very prominent 2 inch erection. "It even looks like you're having a good time." Chris spoke with the inflections a parent might use on their baby.

"Stop that, I might look like a baby, but I don't have the mind of one. And I'm pretty sure that's just a side effect, it should go down soon. If it doesn't I might need your help."

"I'm sorry, It's hard to speak to you like an adult when you look like that. And what do you mean you might need my help?"

"At three years old, I can't very well spend a lot of time with an erection, it's not healthy." Chris brought Kit upstairs and laid him down on the couch, both of them keeping a watchful eye on the Kit's penis. Luckily the erection subsided once Kit had unknowingly fallen asleep.

Chris did some calculations of his own and had a feeling that Kit's three year old body was going to need at least a couple of hours sleep to recuperate from everything that had happened during the day. He took this time to run out to a local store and pick up children's clothing as well as training pants and diapers just in case. He didn't know when Kit had been potty trained and wasn't about to take any chances.

He arrived back home to find that Kit was still sleeping like a baby on the couch. He was about to open up the training pants and dress the boy when he realized this could be the perfect opportunity to take revenge on him for treating him like a child all the time. He put the training pants in an unreachable drawer and pulled out the diapers instead. He slipped them on, being careful not to wake him up and pinned the sides.

"Aww, you look so cute." He whispered staring down at the little angel before him. Part of him really wanted his boyfriend back, but another part of him wanted to take care of this kid as though it were his own son. Would it be absolutely horrible to leave him as a three year old? The formula was still there, he could always take it once the fox grew back up and they would be the same age again. He felt a little bad for making the decision for his boyfriend, but he would just have to deal with it. Just then the kit began to stir, he stretched and slowly opened his eyes.

"I think I know how to reverse it, can you take me downstairs?" Kit asked groggily before seeing the diaper he was wrapped in. He blushed as Chris picked him up and walked away from the door leading to the lab.

"I have a better idea, why don't we go for a walk in the park." Chris grinned, knowing and loving just how much being seen in public would embarrass the fox.