Unnatural Urges

Story by Vex The Latios on SoFurry

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Hey guys! Been a while since i uploaded a story! I wrote this out for practice and don't worry, Still working on Can It Be Real, ITS NOT DEAD YET! >:D Anywho... Long story short, if ya don't like guy on guy then this isn't for you, If you are under 18 then this isn't for you unless your laws are different. Now then! The Character Tamarand isn't my own original creation! He is a sexy dragon from my favorite book series (The Forgotten Realms: The Year of the Rogue Dragons, The Rage, The Right, and The Ruin) All three are great books which i highly recommend! AND Ozark the Song Dragon IS MY OWN CHARACTER/ORIGINAL CREATION! NO STEAL MY SEXY DWAGGY PLEASE! HE MINE! >:3

Kay, Anywhoodles, if you wanna skip to the yiffy sex part, you'll want to start reading 16 text breaks up from the bottom...


Unnatural Urges

A Quick Dragon Yiff

By Vex The Furdragon

Mating season was just around the corner and every season Ozark, one of the few elusive song dragons, felt urges unnatural to a male. This urge confused him greatly therefore he always hid when the time of year came around again. This so spoken urge, was the urge to be mated, as if he were a female. Through out all the ancient lore, legends and writing, he had never heard of a male dragon going into heat. Naturally he thought he was a freak, always hiding his secret from other dragons, and the small folk too. He would not stand for ridicule from the likes of humans, elves, dwarves, Halflings and the such.

As the year rolled around to that greatly confusing time for Ozark he was amidst a flight of metallic dragons; the company of dragons including bronzes, coppers, silvers, a few golds and a single other song dragon.

As the group flew along Ozark started to fly towards the back of the group and even at the very back at times; and when ever they stopped to rest or stopped for the night he would separate from the mass of fellow dragons; often he would find himself sleeping alone in a cave, or off in a small meadow away from camp.

At the same time the female dragons of the group were starting to get antsy, the scents of some were able to be smelled from quite a ways away. This only grinded at Ozark even more because he knew what he must endure while they get to go off and find mates. So Ozark had consigned him self to a life of desolate loneliness, no matter how many friends he had.

However, one night a gold dragon by the name of Taramand noticed that as the flight went on, Ozark distanced himself more and more from the group. As this concerned him, he decided to seek Ozark out, and confront him about his problems.

The night was cold, and the air was stagnant, yet still many dragons found warmth with members of the opposite gender. Ozark on the other hand had confined him self to a cave, so that he may hide until the morning. Its not that people didn't know where he was, he just asked to be left alone, so others kept clear of him in favor of company that they could bed down.

Ozark lay deep in his cave, all alone on this night, with a small fire lit for warmth and light. However, the warmth wasn't what he was focused on at the moment. Currently Ozark was lying on his back with his stiff erection in claw as he pumped it furiously, trying to relieve some of his tensions. His claw moving swiftly up and down his slick tapered shaft. Panting heavily, he gently rubbed the palm of his claw around his head and gently down his ridged shaft before continuing his escapade.

Tamarand heaved a sigh as he sought Ozark out through the camp of dragons he plodded along, sniffing the air and tasting it with his tongue until through all the other scents, strong as they are, he picked up Ozark's scent. He inhaled the scent and altered his course to the right direction, taking him straight to a cave where he could smell Ozark's scent very clearly. Something seemed a little off to Tamarand though and he took another deep whiff and his golden eyes opened wide; for the scent he had smelled was not only Ozark's scent, but it was the scent of his arousal... and it was a much stronger scent than that of an average horny male.

Tamarand called out into the dark cave with his powerful booming voice "Hello??? Ozark?"

There was a hesitation before the replay came back, but it came back just as powerful from the song dragon, albeit sounding out of breath "Yes? Who is it and what do you want?"

"It's Tamarand! Can I talk to you?" From the sound of it he was interrupting something but he had to talk to Ozark.

Once more Ozark hesitated before responded, his voice reverberation off the walls of the cave "Sure I guess... Just... never mind, sure"

Tamarand took the invitation and strode into the cave with every intention of coming out not too long after he entered. But as he walked deeper into the cave, the sounds of scrabbling about and huffing and puffing confirmed his suspicion, He had probably just walked in on Ozark pawing off.

As the small fire came into view, so did Ozark, sitting down on his haunches, patiently awaiting Tamarand. The first thing Tamarand noticed was that Ozark was still slightly hard from his pervious plans and dripping pre in small amounts. As he forced his eyes else where he looked at the Song dragon's lithe form in depth for the first real time. The gentle light blue scales, the color only visible because of the flickering light, his light yet muscular forelegs and his heavier set hind legs, his chest strong but he could tell the song dragon was still quite young, as Tamarand was nearly ΒΌ bigger than Ozark.

At the same time, the young song dragon was looking over the large gold before him. His strong muscular forelegs, his huge strong chest, battle scars adorning his hide, showing his prowess, age and experience, his huge hind legs and his bright gold sheen, seemingly glowing due to the dying fire light.

As Ozark examined Tamarand he couldn't help feel a longing for the strong gold, to fulfill so many of his fantasies with him.

The two dragons, Song sitting and Gold still standing, examined each other for a good long while, keeping the silence for quite some time before Ozark decided to speak up first.

"So..." He began, "What can I help you with Tamarand; it is kind of weird to get a visit from you late into the night."

Tamarand knew this was true, but Ozark always kept away from others in the day and only didn't really move at night. "Well, I was hoping you could answer a few questions for me, and then I could be on my way"

"Okay..." Ozark seemed surprised by this, but decided it would be best to humor him.

Tamarand locked eyes with Ozark and asked him straight up "Why do you keep avoiding the others? My self included, the others are finding it quite strange that you join us for this journey and yet you avoid us by day, and shoo us by night. Have we offended you some how?"

Ozark sighed as he looked down between his fore claws, avoiding Tamarand's gaze. He was mid-thought of deciding between telling the truth of who he was or trying to lie when Tamarand interjected, "well? What do you have to say?"

Ozark swallowed heavily before shifting awkwardly and beginning his answer. "Well... you see... it's not that it.... I'm not trying too... It's not my goal to hurt anybody or offend them. I have not been offended... but if I were to be reckless in such a time as this, I might reveal a something that could be very telling to me..."

Tamarand sat in silence waiting for Ozark to continue, wanting the entire answer, not part of it.

Ozark finally heaved a great sigh and lifted his head to look directly into to Tamarand's. "You really want to know? It's that important to you?"

Tamarand sat patiently waiting to hear what Ozark had to say.

"It's... I... I'm attracted to males, okay? Happy now? Got me to say I'm a freak, a disgusting pervert?"

Tamarand's brow rose to one side, this he had not seen coming but he smiled inside. He slowly started to walk around to the back of Ozark.

With each step he took, Ozark grew more nervous until the point of where chills where running up his spine. Suddenly, he felt Tamarand's warm moist breath on the back of his neck, washing over his body like a natural hot spring and causing him to shiver lightly at the sensation. Tamarand smirked and whispered in his ear, his lips mere inches from Ozark's ear "If I were to call you a freak... a disgusting pervert or anything else like that, I would be condemning my self to hypocrisy..."

These words reverberated in Ozark's head before his eyes widened and he slowly turned around. He was started though to find Tamarand so close to him; Tamarand had positioned him self so that his body was about 6 inches off of Ozark's back with his fore legs between Ozark's fore legs and hind legs.

"S.s.s.oooo.... Y.youu mean to s.s.sayyyy that y.y.ouuuu..." Ozark started to stutter out before Tamarand cut him off, "Yes, I am. I too, and attracted to males"

Tamarand smiled and gently nudged Ozark's side so that he rolled onto his side, exposing him self and all he way in front of Tamarand.

Tamarand's smile turned to a light smirk and he cuddled him self up to Ozark's back.

Through out all this Ozark's head was spinning, sure he had just been fantasizing about this male merely minutes before, but he was unsure of what was to happen. He slowly looked back over his shoulder, feeling the warmth of Tamarand against his back and to his surprise Tamarand leaned his head forwards with his long strong neck and kissed Ozark softly but deeply. At first Ozark started to recoil, but soon he found him self kissing back out of reflex, enjoying his first kiss deeply as Tamarand kissed him passionately.

Suddenly Tamarand broke the kiss and was smiling like a little boy in a candy shop. Ozark couldn't get what he was smiling about until his entire body jumped and he let loose and involuntary moan. Tamarand had just seized Ozark's smaller dragon hood in his claw ad the kiss had gotten Ozark hard once more. Tamarand gently started to stroke his shaft, lingering on the head and rubbing it tantalizingly slow, but to Ozark it was the best thing he had ever felt so far. Already another male's claw felt so much better than one of his own, and at this point he had already given in and was enjoying deeply. Tamarand eventually started to stroke faster, smiling greatly at the reactions it got out of Ozark, moans, grunts, squirming and twitching. At this rate Tamarand knew Ozark wouldn't last long so he rolled Ozark onto his back, making his throbbing pink member bob straight up and down in the air.

Tamarand gently lowered his snout to Ozark's pulsing cock and inhaled its deep strong scent. Ozark shivered as the cool air rushed over his meat then what happened next nearly made him cum right then and there. When Ozark was finally able to see what Tamarand was doing, his muzzle was wrapped tightly around his shaft, bobbing along the length, taking in the entire thing with no problem. Ozark moaned and panted, he knew he wasn't going to last much longer because he could feel his orgasm rapidly approaching. As it got closer and closer his moans and grunts got louder and louder until finally Ozark nearly shouted out "Tamarand! I'm... I'm! I'm about to cuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm" He couldn't help but fall into the throws of the euphoric orgasm as he had never felt something so wonderful in his life. His warm cum gushing like a geyser into Tamarand's awaiting muzzle.

Tamarand murred deeply as the felt the warm sticky substance start flowing into his mouth, there was so much that he almost couldn't keep up with swallowing it all. But finally after about 45 seconds Ozark's huge orgasm started to subside, leaving him barely able to move, with a sore dick from how much it came, and an even great lust and desire for Tamarand.

Luckily he didn't need to ask Tamarand to do what he wanted next to be done, Tamarand him self had gotten extremely hard from sucking off Ozark and was ready for his turn. Tamarand smiled down at Ozark, who returned the smile, and gently lifted his hind legs in the air, letting his weight rest against them to keep them out of the way and lined up his rock hard cock at Ozark's tight virgin entrance. His cockhead pressed against the un-used tight pink hole and started to press in, already slickened by pre that had dribbled out as Tamarand got more and more horny. As he continued to spread Ozark's tight hole, Ozark had to clench his eyes and mouth shut too keep from yelling out in pain, yet no matter how hard he tried to suppress his pain he released a soft whimper and Tamarand looked down at Ozark startled by the quiet sound and even more startled to see the pained face below him, by this time he had gotten about half of his massive cock into Ozark's love passage and to Ozark the pain was excruciating.

"Ozark?! Are you okay?! Do you want me to stop?!" Tamarand quickly asked, wanting to make sure his first time was his absolute most enjoyable.

Ozark shuddered before stuttering out a reply "Y.y.y.yeaaahhhhh.... just gimme a few to get used to this..."

Tamarand nodded and after about 5 minutes of waiting and letting the pain fade Ozark gave him the okay to continue.

As Tamarand began pushing in again the pain came back, but not as badly, and Tamarand was moving much slowly to make sure to hurt Ozark as little as possible. Eventually the entire length of Tamarand's cock was buried deep inside Ozark, hilted within him. Tamarand gave Ozark some time to rest before starting to gently rock his massive hips. As he began his humps the thick warm piece of meat started to pull out and push in at a gently pace to let Ozark get used to the feeling of the humps. However, slowly but surely, Tamarand started to pick up his pace, and as the last bit of pain faded from Ozark's rear it started to become overwhelmed with feeling's of great pleasure, Tamarand's cock being big enough to hit Ozark's prostate on every thrust. The feeling of it was starting to drive him wild and his cock started to re-harden. This only encouraged Tamarand to thrust into him hard and faster, but being careful not to hurt him. Soon Ozark was fully erect once more, the pounding against his prostate sending wave after wave of intense pleasure rippling through his body. Meanwhile Tamarand kept humping away into his warm tight hole, moaning and murring at never having fucked such a tight hole before. To him the feeling was amazing; he had been with plenty of females but this was his first male, and it was what he always wanted. His orgasm started approaching, and it was approaching fast as he started thrusting harder and deeper into Ozark, making him moan and convulse in pleasure.

All of the sudden Tamarand started thrusting wildly into Ozark's tight love hole and bit down on Ozark's shoulder to keep from roaring as his cock erupted with out much of a warning. Thick strand after strand of hot liquid love pouring deep into Ozark, setting off his second orgasm of the night as he came directly on to Tamarand's belly and his own, firing his own thick shots of semen and making a sticky mess of love.

Once both of their orgasms died down Tamarand realized that he was biting into Ozark's shoulder. Ozark on the other hand was so over come with pleasure and the afterglow that he couldn't even feel it. Tamarand quickly released his shoulder, pulled his now going soft dick out and started licking it in apology but by this time Ozark had passed out from the exertion. Tamarand smiled and started the process of licking Ozark and him self clean, and gingerly licking Ozark's shoulder. Once he was satisfied with both of their bodies he lay him self down beside Ozark and pulled the smaller song dragon into his arms. Something was telling him that he would be carrying his smaller counter part for the next few days. He giggled at the idea laid his head down next to Ozark's falling sleep and dreaming of spending his life with sweet and young song dragon...


Can It Be Real? Prologue

Hey, This is my first series that i am going to upload on Sofurry, It features Rein (copyright of fluffyisawolf) in later chapters and Vex (copyright of me) as the main character. Beware, this includes hot man on man action later in the story, if you...

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