Lyons ( extended 1st chapter )

Story by Reizvoller_Wolf on SoFurry

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Well this is my first yiffy story. Mind you it is long and "story like" so if you just raw hard sex...this isnt the one you want. If you want something to actually read and enjoy some yiffing this is what you want .ermmm it has bondage, rough, forced, homosexual, heterosexual, bi sexual, hermaphrodites, and thats about it for now but this is only the beginning. ENJOY!!!

© 2006 Reizvoller_wolf

Chapter 1- Breaking in

A red wolf walks towards the entrance of the Lyons gym. He stands about 5'10". , red fur, black markings down his back and tail. his blue eyes embedded in his head, his ears slightly off centered as he pushes the doors open slinging his bag over his shoulder. He walks in and looks about craning his neck around, two foxes spared in the ring, a massive lion bench pressed and a sleek Cheetah sprinted on a treadmill. Other than that the gym was unusually empty for a Saturday's afternoon. The wolf thinks nothing of it and heads to the back of the gym where the shooting and archery range were kept. He gets to the shooting line and he puts the bag on the ground. He takes out a one piece wooden bow and a quiver of aluminum arrows. He sighs and takes a deep breath in and releases as he raises the bow and knocks an arrow into it. Holding it so that the string is parallel to his spine, arm held out as far out as possible he begins to draw back the string. Once he is at full draw he squints his left eye as he focuses in on the target downrange, keeping his breathing slow and steady he aligns his weapon to make a clean hit on the target.

*thwung, click* The string whooshes though the air and sends the arrow soaring t the target landing it right in the dead center. Pleased with this and now having a better feel for the setup he shoots off arrows at a quicker pace, each time the aiming time getting shorter and shorter until he is almost chian gunning the arrows from his bow. He reaches down ready for another shot and grabs at an arrow but feels nothing but air, he looks down, "aw dammit."

He sighs as he puts the bow down and heads down range to grab his arrows, standing to the side of the target pulling the arrows though with his right and holding the target steady with his left he plucks out each one. The lion that was lifting weights walks in unnoticed by the red wolf. He smirks then grins looking at the wolf. He picks up the bow and knocks in a rubber tipped arrow and with ease draws back the bow, untrained in how to properly use the bow and arrow he awkwardly stands, his back arching back, arms misaligned and head cocked to the side he launches the arrow hoping that he will hit his target.

The large veins of the flu flu arrow make a *wishing* sound as they fly towards the wolf a little bit slower than the normal arrows but fast enough to be deadly. A large resonating thump is heard down at the end where the targets are as the rubber tipped arrow clinks to the floor, a shallow puncture in the target about 2 inches from the wolf's torso. He jumps back slightly and whips around pointing an arrow angrily from the launching point of the flu flu

"What they hell! Trying to fucking kill me or something!?!?"

The wolf pissed off beyond all words he jams all his arrows in his quiver keeping that one rubber tipped one out holding it to his side as he walks to the lion with a fast pace, his eye twitching in rage as he sneers at the lion. The lion puts the bow down and backs up a little bit smiling

"I'm sorry I didnt mean to, I was jsut curiose, I never used a bow before, really I'm sorry" he lowers his head slightly showing regret for his actions as he looks up slightly with his eyes. Still gritting his teeth he sighs loudly

"Fine, just don't do that again, some one could get hurt." he folds his arms and stands in front of the lion looking up with a scowl on his face

"Yea, I see that now...can I watch you?"

"I'm going to take a shower, I'm done for the day with this, ill be here next Saturday."

"Ill be here" The lion walks out of the range and heads back to the benches. The wolfs packs his stuff back up and heads to the locker room where he puts the bag into a locker, a leather studded strap falls out of the bag and pokes out of the locker door as he shuts it and walks to the shower room.

He sheds his clothing and leaves them on a nearby chair. he goes to a shower stall and turns it on and waits for the water to heat up. In just a few minutes the room is filled with steam, like a sauna as he gets in and stands directly under the shower head looking up letting the hot water run down his body. With a brush and some liquid soap he starts washing off the sweat and smell of his quick workout.

The lion back in the weightlifting area thinks about how the wolf responded to him. His words and whole attitude left a searing mark of disreespect in the lion. Being over 10' tall he was in a state of disbelief of how he was spoken to by the wolf. He drops the weights and and the ground shakes with the poundage hitting the it. Quietly and without notice he makes his way to the locker room, on his way farther back to the shower stalls he sees the piece of leather hanging out of the wolfs locker. With sheer strength he wrenches it open to see what it was. The bag falls out of the locker and the lion empties its contents onto the ground. He puts the archery equipment back into the bag and takes the rest in his arms as he heads for the shower now with a large grin on his face.

Now feeling better as the suds build up on his fur the wolf hums quietly in the stall. His body completely covered in soap and bubbles except for his head he he pours a dollop of soup on the top of his muzzle and with his paws he rubs it all over his head and face closing his eyes. He steps under the water and starts to rinse off, rubbing his body as the soap falls from him as the water runs down his sleek physique.

Seeing where the steam was coming from, the only stall that was in use, the lion approaches slowly holding an object in his hand. He stands right next to the curtain and takes a breath, figuring out where the wolf was in the shower based on the sounds he was making. Once he was sure he tears the curtain down and wraps his huge paw, claws extended, around the wolf's throat holding him up and against the wall of the shower.

The wolf still having some soap in his eyes on instinct grabs onto the wrist of his attacker and he yelps being slammed to the wall. His feet dangle about 1 foot above the ground.

"Should have been nice to me, you shouldn't show anger towards those who are bigger than you."

The lion clasps a leather collar around the wolfs neck making a snug fit and hooking a leash onto a metal loop on the collar. He, still holding the wolf up and off the ground, pulls the wolf from the wall and under the water where the wolf coughs and sputters about, once the lion is sure his face is rinsed off he slams the wolf back to the wall as he grins evilly, wrapping the end of the leash around his other wrist.

"Hello" he says in a grave tone, deeply looking into the eyes of the wolf.

"Get off me!"

The wolf sees who it is and immediately digs his claws into the lions wrist, red tinted water drips runs off the lions arm now. The lion laughs mightily at the wolfs attempt to free himself.


He draws his other paw back with the leash wrapped around it drawing the wolf's head forward as he neck stays in place. He launches his fist forward and with full force lands a punch right beside the wolf's head leaving a dent in the wall. The wolf cringes in fear closing his eyes, then looks beside his own head seeing the crater left by the lions fist

"Do you want me to do that to you?" the lion smugly asked.

The wolf just stares at the lion defensively. He loosens his grip around the lions wrist but still holds onto it

"Okay fine, I'm sorry for 'disrespecting' you, is that what you want?"

The lion chuckles loudly and looks at the wolf smiling

"It's too late for that, i want more now."

Feeling the tension between him and the lion the wolf kicks at the lion in an attempt to get the lion to drop him. Landing the ball of his right foot powerfully on his ribs of the lion. He winces and grabs his side with both paws trying to sooth the pain. The wolf slides down the wall and hits the ground with a thump. He shakes his head and rubs his throat as he stands and darts for the for the gym. The lions eyes follow the wolf steadily as he pulls out a leather bull whip that he found in the wolfs pack. He lashes it out wrapping it around the wolfs ankle then drags him back to the shower stall. The wolfs claws dig into the tiles scratching the polished floors. He yells and kicks his legs trying to free his leg. Once he is under the lions loin he feels his giant paw press down on his back suppressing him to the floor. he squirms and wriggles on the floor "arrrg" he grits his teeth a flails his arms and free leg about trying to free himself.

"Stop moving!"

He tugs hard on the whip around the wolfs ankle, a popping sound is heard in the wolfs hip. The wolf's eyes tightly close as he muffles his own screams of pain, obeying the order he stays still, hoping the lion would leave him alone.

"Good puppy."

The lion pulls up on the leash forcing the wolfs head off the ground bending his upper back painfully. A few pops are heard coming from the wolf as his back is stretched and cracked like one would crack their knuckles. His upper body feels relaxed and loose from the internal tension being released.

"Feel better?"

The lion asks with a little bit of perk in his voice, the wolf just stares down at the floor not responding at all. The lion pulls harder on the leash now threatening to break the wolfs back. He winces in pain then in a blur of motion he flings his hands over his head and grabs under the lions jaw forcing his thumbs upwards hitting sensitive nerves. The lion loosens the pull on the leash and grip on the wolf's back. He clenches his jaws and raises his head away from the wolf's paws. The wolf uses his hands and thrusts his body upwards and slides from under the lion, snapping the leash. He again bolts for the gym with the whip trailing behind him still wrapped around his ankle. As he makes his way to the door, the lion still trying to un-cramp his jaw, the door is flung open and the cheetah enters. Her face is tired and beeds of sweat form on her face. She sees the wolf charging at her nude and sidesteps as he comes toward her.

"Grab him!" the lion bellows at the cheetah.

"Yes sir"

She confirms the order and merely steps on the whip causing the wolf to fall forward with a great amount of force, the side of his head on the ground. His upper body was in the gym, not wanting to draw attention the cheetah drags him in completely and slides him to the lion. The lion pins the wolf down with his foot, pressing down on his chest as the cheetah walks to the door calmly and locks it shut. The wolf lays there limp and almost lifeless, his torso rises and falls slowly.

"Get up!"

The lion slaps the back of the wolfs head, he doesn't respond.

"Cain, hold him down for me"

The lion commands the cheetah, she nods and straddles the center of the wolfs back and puts all her weight down on him making a few popping sounds come from him. The lion goes back to the wolfs bag and searches through it again finding any other bondage items the wolf may have had on him. He grins widely as he finds more things to use on the wolf. He chucks it all in the bag again and heads back for the Cain and the wolf, bag slung over his shoulder. When he returns Cain still positioned on the wolf's back was now holding his head down to the ground.

"He is awake master"

"Good, let him look up"

She nods and releases his head, instantly the wolf arches his back in reverse so he faced the cheetah upside down and bites a her and gets a hold of a piece of her throat.

The lion smirks, "let go of her now" he says softly, pads over to the wolfs ankle and removes the whip.

The wolf holds tight onto her flesh and doesn't let go, he growls deep within his throat. The lion walks to the front of the wolf and takes about 6 steps away staying lined up with the wolf, with the whip in his right right hand at the side of his hip he brings his arm back and under his shoulder

"I said let go".

Again quietly and softly. The wolf clenches down harder and makes the slave wince in pain. "Fine" he flicks his wrist and fore arm up and forward sending the tip of the whip shooting to the wolf lashing him right square int he chest leaving a thin slash on the wolf. The wolf releases and yelps loudly squirming about in pain as a hot burning sensation pierces though him.

"Listen to me and stuff like that wont happen, pull him up Cain"

She takes the leash into her hand and pulls it taught then leans back forcing the wolf to lean up in a similar position as when he was biting her neck. The lion walks back over to the wolf and presses the handle of the whip into the wolfs wound twisting it about slightly opening the small slash up a little bit more, the wolf now in even greater pain shakes and sways his torso about in a futile attempt to make the lion leave the cut alone.

"hehe, I like seeing you squirm like that, you want me to stop?" he presses it in harder and twists more "Pull him up more." she starts to pull up on the leash still leaning back slightly slowly raising the wolf. The lion raises his paw signaling her to stop soon as the wolf was begin bent in an almost 90 degree angle at his hips, his back up right and his legs laying the ground with his hips as the pivoting point, he strains to breathe with the collar pulling on his throat and his body bent and stressed unnaturally putting pressure on his lungs.

"Keep him like that."

She wraps the leash around her wrist making his position stationary.

"Open your mouth wolf"

The lion begins to shed his own clothing, throwing it to the side. The wolf purses his lips and keeps his mouth clenched shut.

"Why do you make things harder"

Still un aroused the lion presses his testicles on the wolfs lips and nose slowly rubbing his own sheath.

"say aaaaa"

The wolf just snorts and rejects the lion .

"I said say aaaaa"

He kicks the wolf in the chest causing his mouth to gape open gasping for air having the wind knocked out of him. In this moment the lion forces a ring into the wolfs mouth keeping his mouth open.

"See not to hard"

The lion at half mast waves his penis near the wolfs mouth. the musky scent enters into the wolfs nostrils and mouth leaving a taste in his mouth that he hated, his jaw muscles bulge as he tries to force his mouth shut, hoping to break the ring or at least bend it down. Seeing this the lion jams his almost full cock into the wolfs mouth pressing in deeply and holding clogging the wolfs throat

"This is what happens when you are a bad pet, Cain, help me move him to that bench"

He pulls out of the wolfs throat. The wolf coughs and shakes his head angrily as he is lifted from the ground, each of his captors taking an arm and dragging him to a near by bench.

"Lay down on your back"

The lion shoves the wolf to the bench sending him stumbling over it and falling on the other side, he pulls the rest of himself over the bench and stands up looking at the two now separated by the bench.


The lion growls again, the cheetah steps over the bench and stands face to face with the wolf

"Do as told, or you will regret it".

Her voice deeply feminine. Strong and commanding but still hushed in tone showing her submissive side. His mouth still being held open by the ring he says nothing but his eyes spoke for him, they stared back at hers angrily, his left eyebrow twitches in fury.

"Master, may i?"

The lion nods and gestures his arm giving her passage to do as she pleases, he sits down curios as to what she will do to the wolf. She smiles sweetly at the wolf and begins to circle him, slowly looking him up and down dragging a claw around his torso as she walks.


She says gently. She removes the ring and pulls it from his mouth, teeth marks show the amount of force he was using to try to break it.

"That must feel better now doesn't it."

She stops in front of him after two revolutions around him, she gently strokes his neck and nibbles on his ears purring softly. Staying on guard the wolf tries to not react but it is noticeable that he starts to relax. Slowly breaking him down she makes her way down from his ear to his cheek then to his neck gently sucking and nibbling on his flesh.

"Do you want to sit?"

She gently pushes him back till he bumps into a wall, she presses down on his shoulders moving him down to the ground.

"Just relax"

She sits on his lap pushing her breasts in his face and thrusting her pelvis into his. He sighs softly and leans back, he almost forgets about what was going on before, his eyes slowly close not in a calm state. While he sat there with his eyes closed she takes her shirt off and ties it around his eyes like a blindfold.

"Is that too tight?"

He shakes his head now and smiles a little bit. She leans back forcing their hips together and presses on his chest rubbing his body with her soft paws.

"Give me your hands"

Almost in a trance like state he raises his paws and holds them in front of her. She pushes them together and holds them with one of her paws and removes her bra with her other. She moves forward putting one of her breasts in to his hands, he starts to gently caress them, not pulling his wrists from her paw. While he was occupied she wraps her sports bra around his wrists binding them together.

"Is that ok?"

She builds his trust making sure he is comfortable.

"Yea thats just fine"

"Can you put them behind your back?"

"You just need to untie me"

She undoes the binding and lets him draw his hands behind himself, she pulls him forward with the leash and and leans up and over him putting her sternum on his snout and reties his hands together again. She wiggles her torso still over him tantalizing his face with her supple breasts.


He smiles and sticks his tongue out slightly licking her. She smiles and lets him play for another minute then sits back down on his lap kissing him deeply and waves the lion over, signaling him to bring along some gear. the lion smirks and heads over to them with straps, cuffs and other pieces of equipment. quietly looking out the corner of her eye she takes out a muzzle, real cuffs, ankle cuffs, a chain, and a syringe with a red fluid in it.. Rubbing the wolfs ears to make him unable to hear them talk. She turns to the lion

"Whats in this?"

She gestures to the the needle.

"Its a sedative, just 10 cc will take down a bull, there is 60 cc in that. It will make him all fucked up."

She giggles and continues to rub the wolfs ears "shh" she tells the lion to be quiet as she removes her paws from his ears and leans her head close to his face and licks the top of hi maw then brings her snout to his ear "relax" she stabs the needle into him and pumps the sedative into the wolfs shoulder, the full 60 cc. He winces and shifts to in the direction opposite of the needle but feels his arm being pumped with fluids as pressure builds in his shoulder. Helplessly he looks about, vision slowly blurs, nerves start to loose feeling, and his movements become sloppy as the serum takes effect on him.

"Good bye for now little Wolfie"

The cheetah waves at him and smiles sweetly as she pushes him back gently against the wall to prop him up so he wouldn't fall onto her. His eyes roll back into his head as his jaw moves slightly as if trying to say something and his head falls back against the wall, his breathing is slow and calm as if he just went to sleep.

"Never leave a male to do a females job" she smirks at the lion "how long will he be out for?"

"well, my naughty lil slave, he will be dead for about another 6 or seven hours, we'll take him home and break him there"

She smiles happily at her masters idea and positions her self beside the wolf ready to heft him over her.

"No, you just carry his bag and stuff"

The lion points to the bench where he left the bag from before and grabs the wolf with one paw by the throat and shoved him under the crook of his arm and carried him out like a large box or package. Cain followed soon after soon as she was sure all of the equipment was cleaned up and she didn't forget anything.

A large brown house sits on the out skirts of town, very cozy looking with a well tended garden in the front yard, a lush green lawn to the side and a neatly paved backyard behind with an ancient oak tree in the in the far most corner. A tall stockade fence surrounds the area giving complete privacy. Inside the house, all the walls are painted a light pink, not a single piece of furniture was out of place, the owners of the home were very clean and liked to keep their dwelling this way.

"pet, put him in the breaking room. "

The lion says very calmly as he heads for the kitchen gesturing to the room towards the opposite end of the house. She does so and drags the wolfs carcass roughly knocking him into a side table and the doorway of the breaking room where she just lifted him up into the air and dropped him onto the solid wood floor. He grunts and his eyes crack open then close back up as he falls back into the intoxicated sleep. She smirks in her pleasure knowing she was causing him enough pain to draw him out of his chemical slumber.

"Cain, what are you doing"

The lion asked with an annoyed parental voice.

"Just getting him comfortable master"

She answers sweetly as she heads out of the breaking room locking the door behind her, the lion knew that was a lie but really didn't care he enjoyed knowing how she enjoyed inflicting pain on all the new slaves.

He hears her enter the kitchen, his back is to her as he calmly sips on a cup of black tea

"He comfortable?"

He asks as he draws the mug to his mouth.


She walks to the side of her master and sits down at his feet looking up at him, still not laying an eye on her he reaches his large paw out and strokes her head lovingly.

"know what, i say wee tease his little mind a bit, get jane for me."

She stands up and nods to confirm the order and heads to a nearby room. Inside the room a vixen lays in the corner with a light green blanket wrapped around her and a white pillow supporting her head. The entire room was a deep black empowering her bright orange fur and her white patches on her underbelly, throat and tip of her tail. It was also camouflaging the chains that lye on the ground that lead to her ankle and in the opposite direction, lead to a hook on the ground.

"Jane get up"

Cain kicks the door open and uses a claw to pick the lock binding the fox's ankle to he chains. Used to this type of treatment the vixen leasurly stretches and laps her jaws slowly getting to her feet

"Master wants to see you"

Cain briskly leaves the room as the fox lumbers out behind hers scratching her own back. The lion still gently sipping his tea points to the ground gesturing them to sit. The vixens bright green eyes never meet his as she kneels down on the ground beside him , the cheetah leaves the room and lounges about in the living room enjoying her free time pleasuring herself.

"I have a nice little Wolfie that would be perfect for you to play with..." he grins evilly still looking into his drink, "i want you to make him trust you", he sips his tea again, "then i want you to break him for me" he looks down at the vixen who was grinning, ideas already forming in her head

"Is that all master?"

"Yes, he is in the breaking room, you may do and use what ever you would like, i may come in later to see what is going on, go now"

She nods and heads to the breaking room and unlocks the door flicking on the light.

"Oh yes, he will most likely be incapacitated, we gave him a shot"

The last word being accented hinting to what it was he was injected with, she understood and looked into the room before entering. He wasn't on the floor where he would have been most likely dropped by Cain and he wasn't on any of the binding tables or beds. She shuts the door behind her and locks the bolt in place

"Anyone in here?"

She asks innocently as if not knowing that he was in the room, somewhere. She makes her way to the wall to the left of where she was standing that held hundreds of objects, whips, chains, ropes, boxes, cuffs and other countless items, knowing exactly what she was going for she reaches into a pile of whips and plucks out a silver whistle, a dog whistle to be exact.

"Please come out, I'm not like Cain or master, I don't like them to be honest and I don't want to see you get hurt, I want to try to set you free"

No reply. She smirks and puts the whistle into her mouth and speaks through her teeth


She gives as a final warning. The foxes lips form around the whistle as she inhales deeply then blows as hard as she can into the instrument sending a subsonic sound through the room, she hears it clearly but is used to it from hearing it so much in the past. In the far corner she hears something fall, then a series of wines and whimpers come from the same spot. Keeping a steady air flow going through the whistle making sure the tone doesn't go out of range she swaggers over to the corner and moves a few boxes out of the way and looks behind a bench to see the wolf squirming about in agony as sound drills into his ears. She drops the whistle out of her mouth and and smiles at the wolf

"Hi there"

She cutely waves at him and grabs him by the scruff of his neck and lefts him up to his feet, still holding his neck in her paw she draws her head closer to his piercing her green eyes into his blue eyes

"I want to set you free"

she says this very clearly calmly and with much conviction. He looks at her curiously, although she was a fox she was still larger than him, standing about 6' 8" , she was well built, toned and firmed muscles but still retained her feminine form.

"If you just co-operate with me I will make sure you will get out of here, I will claim that you escaped"

Still digesting what she was saying he just stares into her eyes trying to figure out if that was her true motive.

"My master expects me to be breaking you but I don't want to hurt another kind person, I cant do it again"

Her ears droop as she loosens her grip on him, her eyes fall to the ground. Starting to feel pity for the vixen he reaches out and gently strokes her cheek with the back of his hand

"Will you really set me free?"

He asks, she nods and looks up at him.

"But master will be coming soon so I need to make it seem like I'm working on you, it's the only way"

She waits for him to hopefully comply with this and go along with the plan

"ok" he says.

"thats great" she lifts him up and off his feet and his torso exceeding her head. he winces from all his weight being focused in the back of his neck but doesn't resist at all, she carrys him to a binding table.

It was a solid brush steel surface shaped in an "X" with an extra extension out of the top for the "boundies" head to rest. She gently lies him down on it and pulls his arms and legs out strapping them down firmly. She then moves to his head and puts her hands on the sides of his skull and starts to gently massage his temples and moves down to the sides of his jaw and begins to massage his neck. He lets out a gentle sigh as he closes his eyes allowing her to melt his stress away

"Why don't you?"

"what?" she stops rubbing his neck and look down at him confused.

"When you let me go why don't you come with me?"

He opens her eyes and looks into her eyes softly. She sighs unhappily and pulls the collar of her shirt down and exposes a collar with a a small metal box.

"Whats that?" he asks inspecting it curiously with hi eyes.

"Well to put it simply, a GPS tracker, he would find me and i would be in trouble. But no matter you will never have to worry about that because you will not be here that long, now just relax, i want you to take a quick nap, that stuff they put in you will cause your heart to seize if you don't naturally sleep afterwards, especially with the amount they put in you"

She palms his eyes closed and resumes gently massaging his upper body lulling him to sleep. Some minutes later the wolf lay there, his head fallen to the side as his mouth hangs open enough for his tongue to droop out drooling slightly. Cain, jane and the master lion sit at the kitchen table talking about some matters.

"So you want me to do something for you?" the lion asks in disbelief, his eyes bore into Jane.

"Yes master, it is to help me do what you asked me to do before" she looks down now second guessing asking him for this favor, she asked him to make a mock collar to try to put on the wolf while she evades it gaining the wolf trust even more.

"Well since you are being a very good , sure I'll help you out"

He sets his mug down and heads to his chamber where he grabbed what she asked for and walked by the kitchen "lets go" he continues walking toward the breaking room. the vixen hustles up behind him and taps him on the shoulder "master?" he stops and looks at her slightly annoyed, she was getting a bit too comfortable with her temporary freedoms. "what now?"

"Anything and everything I do in that room right now I do not mean a word of it or an action of it, master I never would disobey or go against your wishes like I will in the room. I do not mean any of it." she tries as hard as she can to ensure her own safety and position in the house.

"fine" he turns back around hitting her side with his tail stiffly. A thump is heard resinating though her side.

She follows behind him closely and steps in front him him to open the door to let him in. He heads strait for the table that the wolf is still strapped to and peacefully sleeps lightly snoring here and there.

"awww ain't he cute"

The lion says sarcastically as he quietly approaches the table. she giggles and walks at his side.

"GET UP" the lion roars, he slams his fists down on the wolfs thigh painfully rousing him from his nap. He screams out in pain and his body contracts and flexes. As if on cue the vixen steps in front of her master and places her paw gently on one of his hands and the other on his cheek

"master please, he is fragile" he growls and moves to the wolfs head where he slaps the wolfs head to the side and straps his muzzle down to the table

"MASTER!" please don't hurt him"

"shut up, and put this on him" he tosses the phony gps collar to her. She catches it and holds it in her hands and looks at the wolf who's eyes look to her pleading for help.

"We shouldn't use this yet, there is no need."

She lets her hands drop to her side and looks to the lion.

"Why are you protecting him so much slave?" the lion closes in on his fox pet, "do you feel a special attraction to him?" still beside the table he juts his claws out and rests his paw firmly on the wolfs bare stomach.

With a sense of attitude in her voice "no"

"Really?" he jabs a claw into the wolfs abs hard enough to make him wince but not bleed. She begins to lung to help the wolf but stops herself and ignores it

"So you wouldn't mind if i did this now would you?" he drags his claw up the wolfs body to his collar bone leaving a line of white in the parted fur revealing his skin. The wolf squirms and grunts in pain, sucking air in though his teeth trying to stop himself from showing pain, but was failing at it.

"Master i will take care of him, i can break him myself" the lion draws his claws back in and slaps the wolfs chest and heads out of the room, Jane follows him out of the room and shuts the door.

"Master, this is just a question I would like to ask."


"Not that i ever would dare it, what would you do to me if I ever did that?" her ears slumped down

"You would be put down."

She looks at him slightly shocked that he would kill one of his pets like that, then returns to the task at hand "i want to get his sympathy, can you hit your palm and make it seem like you hit me?"

He sighs and pounds his fist into his palm making a a good slapping sound as the limbs met. She lets out a fake yelp and smirks at her master who approved of her great acting. He let out a deep growl

"You never do that again!" he yelled, they were close to cracking up laughing thinking about what the wolf must be thinking right now, she lets out a pathetic whimper and gives the lion a thumbs up and heads into the room holding her stomach slightly hunched over gritting her teeth as if in pain. The wolfs head is turned away from the door and is unable to see who is coming to him. She peels the straps from his face and lets his head free

"See, i want to help you" she still holds her self and smiles weakly. "will he hurt you if he thinks i escaped" she nods sadly and lets a tear fall down her cheek

"But its worth the pain knowing that you will live freely" she thinks in her head after she says that :shit that was so fucking corny:.

"i wont leave then, and besides i like you, i want to be around you. " his red fur changes to a dark shade of pink as he blushes revealing his interest in her. She smiles at him

"Close your eyes and let me show you how much i feel for you" he eagerly listens and waits with a smile running his face. She tip toes over to the wall whee she got the whistle and draws out a simple bull whip, blindfold, and a thin crop with a feather tied to the end of it. She ties the blind fold on him tightly and lightly drags the feather down his stomach, he giggles with pleasure and wriggles around trying to slide the blindfold off his eyes just enough to see what she was doing. The bull whip in her other hand she flicks his nose with it "stay still" it was not hard enough to do any real damage but it got the point across and he stopped trying to sneak a peak.

"now want to know what i think describes you perfectly?"


She giggles cutely and drags the crop around his chest in a circle, "stupid" with that word she lashes his stomach several times with either whip and calls the lion into the room to help her break the wolf . In a mind frame of complete confusion the wolf strains to break free of the cuffs

"I TRUSTED YOU!" he growls.

Still in the doorway "yea and you trusted cain, your an idiot to fall for that trick TWICE"

She degraded him more with those words "You're never leaving here, even if you kill yourself, you will be brought back to live longer"

He freezes and begins to cry and lashes about struggling for freedom. Becoming annoyed she flicks the bull whip into his side

"Stop moving NOW! You better not be like this when master comes"

She warns him as cain and master come down the hall to the breaking room.

"Oh goodies both of you came" the fox claps her hands in joy.

"So what do we have here?" Cain asks.

"Well I bet you already know this but he is feisty, he will be a bit tougher to break" she looks to her master "to tough for me to break myself but i caused as much mental and spiritual pain as i could"

"Thats fine jane, besides I could use some fun right now, a little bit of fresh meat sounds nice right about now."

The wolf tries to ignore their little conversation but wimmpers quietly as tears come to an end from his face.

"SHUT UP I SAID!" Jane raises the whip and flicks it out but the lion grabs it in mid air and waves his finger at her

"no no no. How many times have you done that?"


"Once is enough, now you must use another tactic like this" he pulls his clothing off and walks over to the wolf

"do you like men?" he asks the wolf

"no..." the question seemed out of place to the wolf but a minute later he caught the scent of the lions masculine organ and he pulls his chin to his chest and rolls his head to the side protecting his mouth as he assumed thats where the lion would go for first.

"oh well thats too bad. You have a lover?"

"yes, i want to see her now...please just let me go, I wont tell anyone, I swear, I'll tell you where I live so you can check up on me to see if I am keeping with my promise just please let me go"

He begs and pleads with the lion who as the time signaled both of his slaves to each put on a strap-on and grab two crops each.

"jane was right you do need to shut up" his cock still limp he slaps the wolfs head with it. Feeling absolutely defiled he grimaces and whimpers "please no" he says softly. Knowing the wolfs full attention as on the lion the girls get onto the table and one positions her dildo right next to his ass and waits for the go sign while the other slips under the wolf also positioning her self next to his ass. Cain under the weight of the wolf squirms around getting comfortable and bites down on his shoulder drawing a little bit of blood. He winces and rolls his head to the other side until it is met with a hot and wet object, it has a musky scent to it and he whips his head back but it is grabbed by the lions large paw. He feels the tip of the lions cock press against his sealed lips roughly

"Open" the lion says.

The wolf just stays still hoping to make this into a stale mate.

"Open your mouth now" the lion growls, the wolf doesnt comply "fine" the lion snaps his fingers and both girls plunge into the wolfs virgin ass pressing in the full 12" of each of their strap ons which had a girth of 2.5" each. He screams in pain but it was soon muffled by the lions dick being jammed down his throat. He chokes and gags on the lions 18" length and 3" girth actually stretching his throat like his ass was by the two dildos.

"if you just" he slams his hips down onto the wolfs muzzle "submit, this will stop" he viciously fucks the wolfs throat and smiles at his slaves who just rested in the wolfs anus stretching him out... Painfully... The wolf after a minute of this slaps his palms on the table and the lion pulls out of his throat leaving a line of precum trail from the wolfs lips to the tip of his dick. the wolf gasps for air and coughs several times, after he regains himself he mutters "i give" he pants lightly as he listens to himself in disbelief. The lion waves the grils out of him. They pull out the plastic heads out with a *pop*.Feeling a great amount of relief the wolf sighs

"What was that wolf?" the lion inquires

"i surrender please just stop this"

"surrendering and becomming my whore slave are not the same thing" the lion begins to press his dick back down onto the wolves lips and as he does so the wolf feels the plastic heads start to press up nto his tail hole, not entering but the pressure building about to burst into him. He whips his head to the side

"ahhh! I'll be your slave PLEASE no more!"

The lion still not satisfied he starts massaging his shaft over the head of the wolf

"I dont want to force you into doing anything, do you want to be my slave?"

He leans his body down the wolfs body and tells jane to remove herr srtap on and slide cains off as well. She does so and just tosses them to the ground, on janes strap on a thin harilike strand of blood stains the dildo. "Jane, looks like you hurt the poor boy," he points her strap on, "get an ice stick for him"

He chuckles a bit really not knowing she was hammering him that hard.

"So do you wantto be my slave?" the lion persists. the wolf wimpers and nods his head, his eyes shut tightly. "good" the lion lets his hard moitened shaft fall onto the wolfs face with a splot and lets it rest there for a minute. Jane comes back into the room and holds the wolfs tail down as she slowly and gently pushed the cylinder of ice into the wolfs ass. he winces but relaxes soon after from the numbing freeze the ice gave him. he shivers slightly and sighs a bit waiting to see what would happen next. Cain broke the silence as she snuggled her head into the wolf's

"Im glad we finnally have a male counterpart, its been me and Jane for such a long time" she tries to ease the situation.

He just stares off blankly towards the wall. "you little..." infurated now by his lack of kindness she digs her knuckles into his ribs and bites down hard on his tricepts. The lion and jane just watch them slightly chuckiling at the wolfs mistake and pain. A little stream of blood dripped down her maw and she sucked on his shoulder, he squirmed and yelled trying to break free but the knuckles to his sides nearly paralized him. It felt like he couldnt breathe yet he could and the pain just electrified every nerve in his body as she drilled them into his sides. With her strong left hand she draws back a few inches and punches him once and releases with her mouth, she growls at him

"I was being nice you asshole! I expect the same from you GOT IT!?".

He lied there panting and wimpering, a single tear fell down his face.

"Ok cain get out of there" the lion tugs on her arm and she slides out almost falling to the ground but caught onto the wolfs throat and balanced her self, his neck was bent and turned with a slight pop. He screamed out in agony. Jane leans over him still at the foot of the table and back hands him

"stop your wining and complaining it was only a pop you wimp"

Becoming annoyed with him now she stayed poised ready to strike at any given time.

"Now wolf, here are the rules, you do not talk, you do not stand, you do not do ANYTHING besides breath, blink, and allow your internal organs to do thier jobs. Ask me if you can do what you may want to do, if you follow those rules, you will not be in the line of fire of Jane and Cain at the same time, they get mad when i get mad. can you do that to me?"

The wolf nods his head slightly afraid to speak.

"oh gawd, you stupid wolf. when you are spoken to you can speak back but only to answer what was asked of you"

"i understand"

"you understand...?"

"yes i understand"

"you forgot to say something..."

"i understand completely?"

Cain and Jane stand at the wolfs sides still wieling the crops, they raise their arms and ready to thrash his torso.

"This is your last chance, it is so obviose what you should say after 'i understand' "

"Can we do this master?" Cain looks at the lion who nods at her

"If he doesnt get it right this time, 5 lashes from each crop"

The three of them wait for 45 secconds anticipating the wolf's next move

" you know what you are to say after that yet?"

The wolf was obviosly wracking his brain trying to figure it out, the lion snaps his fingers. Cain and jane commence the percussion ensemble on the wolfs torso, making all sorts of pops, thwacks, clacks, snaps and claps against his body. The noises where almost loud enough to drown out his screams of pain and pleading for them to stop. the lion coughs as if to get the attention back on him and both girls stop with the wolf panting heavily trying to hold back tears.

"do you know what to say now?" the lion asked.

"i dont, im sorry i really am just please tell me and i wont make the mistake again"

"oen lash from each crop any area as you please."

The girls grinned as they carefully inspected the wolf pickingout which areas to strike at.

"Please I'm begging you please tell me I will remember please!" the wolf begs and pleads for his body to stop being used asa drum set.

"Its one very simple word wolf, you know it"

"We found the spots master" they each point to their designated landing zones for their crops. Cains left hand crop, her stronger arm, pointed to his throat while the other is pointed to his wounded tricept. lion could have guessed thats where she would go for, her being a part vampire and all gave it away. On the other hand Jane has one crop pointed at his inner thigh and the other to his scrotum.

"One at a time girls, starting with janes left" the thigh.

She winds up and doesnt smash it into his thigh but merely flicks him with it, he gets an extemely sharp pain raather than the blunt buring pain from a smack, he grits his teeth.

"Please just tell me"

"listen to the girls you will figure it out"

"may i go master?" cain asks

"yes, with your right first" cain winds up and with all her might blows down onto the wolfs tricpt sending him into another world of hurt. He merely yelps and squirms around

"awww that wasnt as funny looking as i wanted..."

She looks dissapointedly at the wolf then at her master.

"Well im sorry my pet, but wolf, do you know the answer now?"

"no" he says quietly, slowly being beaten into submission and numbness, trying to detach himself from his body.

"jane" unlike her first hit she immitates cain's strike on his nut sack actaully sending one into his pelvis and back down. His body flexis in unisin actually moving the steel table an inch or to.

"hehehe, that was funny!" jane claps her hands in approval, the wolf lies there shaking his head back and forth graoming in pain, swearing under his breath. The lions eyes shrink and he briskly appoaches the wolf and snatches a crop from jane and repeatedly pounds the wolfs chest with the heavy rubber handle


"Im sorry im sorry please no dont it hurst im sorry please forgive me!"

These words pour out of the wolfs mouth as his chest is thrashed horribly by the lions brute force. When the lion was through the crop had actaully snapped in two and showed what it was made out of, metal...the wolf gasps for air trying to block the pain from his mind.

"Master, may i please go now?"

"Yes you may"

As she winds up to slam down on the wolfs wind pipe the light bulb in the wolfs head turns on. Her crop starts speeding down towards the wolfs throat "MAST..." he chokes gags and coughs vioelntly as the crop slaps his exposed throat. "oops..."

Cain covers her mouth and chuckles a bit, there wasnt enough time for her to stop as he spoke. The lion and jane laugh quietly. The wolf still hacking away and gagging from the chocking bruise forming on his throat slowly looses concienseness and stops moving, his body strains to breath.

Cain is the first to notice this "oh darn..." she looks at the wolfs dieing carcass on the table "he bruises way to fucking easily..." she scowls at the wolf he lays there defenceles to her remarks.

"jane, rub his neck, cain blow air into his mouth and nose."

They both do as they were told

"When I press down on him Cain you move out of the way" she nods at the lion and they start doing CPR on him. Cain and the lion sustained his life as Jane soothed the buise away. When she was sure it was gone and wouldn't block his airway anymore "he's fine now" they all stop and look at the wolfs head and wait for something to happen. His breathiing is fine and his heartbeat is normal. They wait for 2 minutes before cain backhands him across his face which snaps him back into reality. "aahhhh!..."

Cain quickly clamps his mouth shut with her paws "You...dont speak...dont make a sound"

She lets go of his muzzle and looks down at him then up to her master who started to speak

"So what was the word you were missing from before?"

The wolf lies there thinking for a minute, it was all a haze now in his head.

"what was the word"

The lion asked agravtedly. The wolf struggled to remember the word, it was at the tip of his tongue he knew it but just didnt know what it was.

"Cain. are you hungry?" the lion asked calmly.

"Yea i suppose so, i could eat anytime ya know"

She smiled widely at the fact she just pointed out. "well dig in" the lion gestures to the wolf and folds his arms on his chest, Jane, who had never seen Cain eat before watched curiosly, when ever her master and her sat down to eat Cain would always wait in another room or go outside. Cain smiled evily

"Oh but i cant eat infront of you two" she blushed "i like to eat privately"

She looked down at the ground pushing her own hands down as far as possible and twirling the tip of her toes on the floor

"If you want us to leave we will Cain, take your time and if he remembers the word let me know, i want to hear it myself."

Upon that jane and the lion leave the room, locking the door behind them.

Cain begins to circle the wolf unstrapping him as she does so

"Dont move or else i will make sure you will never stand again" he stays in the X position he was held into by the straps. She moves to his head where she gently removes his blindfold.

"I dont like to feast on a sitting duck, I like a chase. Get up now!" she points to the end of the table and the wolf jumps to his feet and stretches around a bit then focusses in on cain who just happened to still have a crop in her hand that was heading towards his face "ONLY DO AS TOLD" she thwacks him on the cheek, he instictivly grabs his face trying to sooth the pain

"I didnt tell you to do that now did I?"

she smacks him in the stomach, she was now standing in front of him, she like Jane was bigger that he was, about a foot and a half taller and alot more toned, she had a lean streamline body that of a sprint runner as she should be. He grimaces and puts his paws to his side and looks at her.

"I'm going to open that window, then you are going to jump out it; its ok its only the first floor; and then you are going to run home, i do not want you to ever go to lyon's gym ever again, understand?"


He said yes but was still confused on what was going on for real.

She walked to the window and opened it up.

"Go now!"

He sprints for the window and breaks down the street fully nude. It was about 9 pm and the sun had set. Everything was dark, he made it to the bottom of the street and looked at the signs to figure out where he was and how to get home. He heard quick footsteps comming up from behind him closing in fast. He turns around to see the cheetah spring down after him her eyes glowing a bright red. The only thought in his head was :oh shit: before he took off again running as fast as he could heading to where he hoped would lead to his street. Alothough not as fast as before she was still gaining on him, her steps being heard twice as much as his telling him she was doing double the speed or atleast turnover rate. He beggins to instictivly pant, he was a good 20 feet from the chaser. His velocity slowsdown to a dead stop where he props himself up against a tree, his legs burning from exhaustion. The footsteps where heard until WHAM like in a game of hockey she checks him into the tree causing his open body to slide down the rough bark making small cuts and scrapes as he fell down with the wind nocked out of him. She kicks him to the ground and straddles his chest. He starts to push on her to get her off but she merely punches into a nerve on each shoulder stunning it, a sensation like hitting your funnybone pulsated though his arms constantly. She lays down ontop of him and strokes his head and nibbles on his ear gently calming him down. He at first struggles against her love but slowly gives in .His arms still tingly and numb, spread out from him.

"See there, you feel good now dont you?" she asks the wolf knowing the answer already. His weak mind fully seduced yet again for the third time he nods with a grin on his face, "all i want from you is a little bit of blood"

His eyes pop open and he looks at her. She presses his muzzle off to the side as she breaths heavily on his neck moinsteing his fur. Trying to think of something to say he stares off to the side waiting in a way to see what she is going to do, he doesn't want to believe she is going to suck his blood but he knows in the back of his head that it is a cruel fact he will have to face very soon. Rubbing his ears in her fingers of one hand and stroking his cheek with the other she starts to lick his neck nibbling here and there playfully. He gives in but stays tense his muscles chlenched in a tight ball of fear and rage but what she was doing was so calming and soothing. He leans up to the ear she is rubbing and whispers "this feel good?" learning from last time he replies


"good" she says reassuringly "now just relax, your so tense" she softly says to him still rubbing his ear and stroking his cheek. He lets out a sigh and he melts a little bit but she can still feel the vibes comming from him that he was not relaxed. She moves back down to his neck and kisses it softly and continues to lick his throat matting it down with saliva. The hand rubbing his ear had moved down to his chest and massages his pecs. He let out a few small groans of pleasure and he closed his eyes. She presses her forearm acoss his cheek where her hand was stroking and holds him down in place firmly but not painfully. For the time being he didn't seem to mind much. Making sure that his view of her face was blocked by her arm she bears her teeth and her canines lengthen to about an inch. With a swift move she clamps down on his throat sucking on him greedily. He yelps and struggles but finds himself beccoming very light headed from the disruption in his circulation system. She pull off of him for a second.

"If you calm down this will not hurt as bad, I wont kill you I just need some nourishment."

She goes back to feasting on his vital fluid lapping it up and slurping it into her mouth. about two cups of blood later her maw completely covered in blood and gore she lets go of her meal with her mouth and shrinks her teeth back down to size and presses her hand against his throat to stop the bleeding. His breathing is unsteady and stuttered.

"You're a wimp you know that?" she says to him. "I've taken twice as much out of people half the size of you and they just got back up and went along their way."

He doesnt respond but she knows he will be fine, just shocked from the experience. Figuring it would be a while for the wounds to clot and stop bleeding she takes her shirt off and ties it tightly around his neck again suffocating him, he holds his mouth shut and blocks his nose.

"You'll wake up back at your new home." his eyes slowly fade away after a minute or two. She hefted him over her shoulder and brought him back to the house where she litereally chucked him back through the window and helped her self back in. She calls though the door after she closes the window

"Im done master". she hears his footsteps approach as he undoes the lock and pokes his head inside to see the condition of the wolf. He sees the shirt around his neck and the haphazardoes way he layed there all misheveled.

"Good god cain, what did you do to him?"

"I enjoyed him" she smiles perkilly, she sucks the blood from her fingers and wipes off her mouth licking her self clean "and dare i say he tasted the best, i hope he replenishes fast cause i could crave his flavor pretty soon" she grins at her master "would it be ok if i fed off of him master?"

"Yes, just make sure you dont kill him"

"I wont master I wont I promis, thank you master" she replies childishly almost immediatly after this was said the wolf shudders awake grabbing his head with his paws groaning in pain and confusion. He quickly remembers what would happen if he kept up this "bad" behaviour and throws his paws to his side and stops any noise comming from him.

"Very good slave, very good, you learned fast, now that you made one of your partners happy and full, are you hungry?"

The wolf sits and thinks for a bit, after being the meal, his stomache was quiet queasy but being himself he never could pass up food

"Yes I am".

The lion looks at him angrily.

"Master!" he injected at the end, "im sorry, i just feel a little bit light headed thats all master, i didnt mean to forget."

"Its alright you havent been here for more than," he looks at the clock "seven hours, so I can forgive you this time"

"thank you master. may i get up?" the wolf inquires

"Yes, and follow me to the kitchen" the lion leaves the doorway and the wolf hastilly gets up and follows in toe with his new master. Cain gets a rag and cleans up the blood stains left by the wolf on the floor and throws it out. She makes her way to the room jane was brought from today and throws her self on the pile of blankets and pillows happily falling asleep now that she is full and tired.

"Ok lets see, what does a wolf like to eat?" the lion ponders out loud, he chuckles "i never have had a wolf before as a pet so excuse me if im a bit slow with caring for you my pet." he pets the wolfs head firmly but kindly. "welll you're a hunter, i know that much which means you like meat not greens. And you come from forests which leads me to the idea offfff......." he rubs his chin thinking of a target a wolf may attack.

He snaps his fingers "ah that!"

He goes into the freezer and jerks out a frozen hunk of red meat wrapped tightly with plasic. The wolf looks at it curiosly and smells it but the odor is just water right now.

"You go wait in the living room while i make this for you" the lion waves the wolf away "oh wait come back here" the wolf comes back though the door ears cocked to the side inquiring the lion with his eyes.

"You need to be suited up." the wolf looks at himself and looks back at the lion still confused. "come with me" the lion heads into another room in the same hallway as the breaking room, it was a walk in closet full of clothing, everything from beautiful ball gowns to hard core leather bondage out its. "now since you are still new..." the lion pulls out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, both grey and a black leather collar and leash.

"This should be nice and comfy ,now turn around"

He does so and he feels the leather collar press against his throat and get locked up behind his head and then linked with the leash. He hears a key turn as the lion uses a small padlock to permanently fasten the leash to the collar and the collar to its self.

"Now this is for you to hold onto if no one is holding it for you." the lion hands the leash to the wolf over his shoulder "if anyone wants to hold theleash you let them no matter what, ok?"

"yes master"

"ok now go to the living room and wait for me to call you, if cain or jane need you, you will answer to them as you would me."

The wolf nods and walks out to the livingroom somberly as he finally physicallly sees his freedom stripped away from him and become a pet. He lets out a sigh and sits on the couch resting his head on his palm while his elbow leaned on the arm rest of the chair. Jane walks into the room with a spray bottle and she misted down the plants, she sees the wolf on the couch and twists the nozzle of the spray bottle from mist to spray

"hey! Bad! Bad wolf! Get off that, no pets on the furniture!"

she sprays him in the face with the spraybottle. He shields himself with his hands and looks at her in disbelief

"Get down" she gives him a sqiurt in between his eyes. He slides down onto the ground and scowls at her

"Don't give me that look" she sprays him in the face again and sits where he was seconds ago and pets him like a lap dog. she holds out one of hands "give" she says clearly. the wolf looks at her for a seccond his mouth slightly ajar "give now" she flickes her fingers in and out. "oh!" he relizes she wants the leash and he hands it to her. He tries to get comfortable on the floor and curls into a donut shape next to the couch. Without warning she jerks up on the leash

"hey! No sleeping!"

He gags and winces rubbing his throat and wounds, which remarkably have almost completely healed.

"I want you to make me happy, you need to do something for me."

He looks at her kindof annoyed.

She disregards the look "pleasure your self" she says with a kindof happy tone in her voice.

"What?" he asked really not believing what he heard.

"I want you to pleasure yourself in front of me"


"I want to watch, I'm bored right now and I am amused when others pleasure them selves, now get to work, now."

An awkard silence filled the room as the wolf stared into her eyes trying to figure out if he really had to do this. Out of her back pocket the pulls out what resembled a telescopic radio antenae. The only difference was it was black, had tassels at the thin end and ball at the thicker end. She draws it out to full extension, a good foot and a half long.

"I said now wolf..." she taps her shin menacingly as she leans forward rersting her elbows on her knees, she looks right back into his eyes. He draws back slightly and starts to remove his pants

"Must I?" he asks before going any farther. She slaps him across his shoulder

"You will adress me as Ma'am and yes you must pet unless you want to be punished."

The wolf had a decision now, humiliating himself or going for the unkown punsihment. Wanting to keep his pride and dignety he pulls his pants back up in defienance and doesnt have to speak his answer. She looks at him and laughs loudly causing his ears to fall and make him look to the side second guessing his actions. She wrenches the wolf to his feet and pulls his leash to her wrapping it around her wrist as she draws him closer

"Bad choice" he is bent over her and she lets one of her legs fly into his stomach where he doubles over curing into a ball. She yanks on the leash strait up and gets him to his stomach andstands on his back with one of her feet. She hunches down slightly puttign more weight on his back and then taps the ball end of the stick on the back of his head

"You are going to regret being so defiant wolf" she cracks him in the base of his head with the ball knocking him out for several minutes. When he wakes up he is in another room. His genitals are tighhtly wrapped in leather with a few buckles, giving him just enough room to actaully even fit inside it. His body is strapped down to a bed and his arms like on the X table are stretches out, same with his legs.

"You are going to want to release, but you wont be able too cause of this"

She taps on the wolfs balls and slides up his body pushing her breasts in his face. H quickly sees the torturouse danger in this and pulls his face away trying not to think of anything that would get him aroused, she laughed and still on him slowly undressed himself throughing her undergarments onto his face knowing that the scents would surely cause him to want to become errect. He shook his head but the arm strap to the bra and the leg hole in the panties got wrapped around his muzzle

"Wow sucha great idea thank you wolfie" she reaches back and plays with his tightly warpped package, she could feel the pressure building.

"Oh does some one want me to take this off?" she starts to unbuckle one of the straps and teasingly loosens it

"Not gunna happen!" she tightens it even more than it was before, he wimpers and struggles aobut hoping that his pride would find a way out to get to itswanted size.

"Should have just co-operated"

The fox sighs and thrusts her hips into his face making her vaginal lips "kiss" his. He instictivly inhales her scent and sighs it out and finds himself in a world of torment with his dick beign forced to stay in its unaroused state.